DX425 bulletin issue nr. 478

S DX@WW $425WW478A
425 DX News #478 [1/6]
  1 July 2000                      No 478                       $425WW478A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3DA       - Look for Frosty, K5LBU and his  daughter Elizabeth, KA2UCA to  be
            active on  all  bands  as 3DA0CF  and  3DA0EW  from  Piggs  Peak,
            Swaziland   on    5-7    July.    Suggested    frequencies    are
            1840-1850,3850-3875, 7050-7075 (listening above 7225), 14195  (up
            5-10) and 14225-14260 +/- QRM, 18115  (up 5-10), 21295 (up  5-10)
            or 21350-21400  +/-  QRM,  24935  (up  5-10),  28490  (up  5-10),
            50110-50125 kHz. QSL  via K5LBU  (Charles F.  Frost, 3311  Hilton
            Head Ct., Missouri City, Texas 77459, USA). [TNX KL5BU]
4W        - Antonio, 4W6GH (CT1EGH) plans to  operate (pending approval  from
            the UN) possibly as 4W0AI from Atauro Island (OC-???), East Timor
            between 7 and 10 July. [TNX CT1END]
5B        - Spyros  Stavrinides,  5B4MF  (Secretary  of  CARS)  reports  that
            amateur radio operators from Cyprus have been granted  permission
            to use the special prefix 5B40  (Five Bravo Four Zero) between  1
            July and 30  November to celebrate  the 40th  anniversary of  the
            Republic of Cyprus. [TNX G4UZN]
8P        - Mario, K2ZD (8P9JM) and Jim, K4BI will operate from Bardados from
            1 through 9 July. It will be  a 50 Mhz operation with two  radios
            from the northern part of the island favouring the Europe, Africa
            and the  USA. Operation  on other  bands will  depend on  50  Mhz
            openings. A breakable beacon will be operating on 50090 kHz. [TNX
A5        - Look for Sam, JA6NL (V63KU) to be signing A52NL on 40, 20, 15 and
            10 metres SSB from Paro, Bhutan until 5 July. QSL direct to JA6NL
            (Sam Beppu, Nisshin-Cho 2-5-710, Kawasaki-City, 210-0024, Japan).
            [TNX QRZ-DX]
C2 & T30  - The Daily DX  reports that Jack,  VK2GJH has  cancelled his  July
            trip to Tarawa  and Nauru [425DXN  477]. Jack is  now planning  a
            two-week operation on 6 metres as C21JH in late December.
CT        - Look for CQ1CA  to be  active on  1-2 July  from Almourol  Castle
            reference (C-135  for  DCFP).  The rules  for  the  DCFP  are  at
            http://>www.qsl.net/gpdx [TNX CT1END]
CY9       - Duane, WV2B reports that the land  use license for the 6-10  July
            DXpedition to  St. Paul  Island (NA-094)  [425DXN 477]  has  been
            received and the trip will proceed as scheduled unless weather is
            a problem. One of the operators (Henry, KE1AC) has a new call and
            will be signing KT1J/CY9 on SSB.
FH        - Christian, FH/TU5AX will  go QRT on  HF bands from  Mayotte on  6
            July. He  will be  active again  between 16  and 28  August on  6
            metres only.  He  expects to  participate  in the  Clipperton  DX
            Club's activity from Bhutan in early  September [425DXN 471]  and
            then a new assignment should take him to a central Africa country
            for 18 months. QSL via F5OGL. [TNX F5OGL]
FO        - Mike, KM9D  (XR0ZY) is  now active  as  FO0MOT from  the  Gambier
            Islands (OC-063), French Polynesia. QSL via OM2SA. [TNX The Daily
FP        - Look for TO0DX to be activated  on satellite and 6-40 metres  CW,
            SSB and SSTV between 14 and  19 July from  Ile aux Marins,  Saint
            Pierre et  Miquelon (NA-032).  QSL via  the K1WY  DX  Association
            (P.O. Box  2644, Hartford,  CT 06146-2644,  USA or  P.O. Box  90,
            Eeklo 9900, Belgium). [TNX KT1J]
GM        - Rafal, SP6TPM will be active as MM/SP6TPM/m from EU-009 (Orkney),
            EU-010 (Outer Hebrides) and EU-008 (Inner Hebrides) between 3 and
            10 July. [TNX SP6TPM]
HL        - Korea DX Club members HL1IWD, HL3ENE,  DS2AGH and DS1BHE will  be
            active (SSB and CW) as DS0DX/4 from Wi Island (AS-???) between  7
            and 9 July. The island counts for the newly created  Cholla-Bukto
            Province group, which has been split  from AS-060. QSL via  HL1XP
            either direct or through the bureau. [TNX HL1IWD]
I         - Pino, I2MWZ will be active from Padre Vecchio Rock (IIA SP-017).
IS0       - Tony, IN3YGW will be active (on  80-6 metres from WWL JN41QF)  as
            IM0/IN3YGW from Maddalena Island (EU-141, IIA SS-001)  between 29
            June and 21 July.  QSL via IN3DEI (Claudio Daddario, P.O. Box 55,
            39100 Bolzano - BZ, Italy) or via home call. [TNX IN3DEI]
S DX@WW $425WW478B
425 DX News #478 [2/6]
  1 July 2000                      No 478                       $425WW478B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

            IS0YUJ,  IWOUFJ  and  IWOUMS  will  operate  from  Ponte   Romano
            Lighthouse (WAIL SA-010) on the  island of Sant'Antioco  (EU-024,
            IIA CA-014) between 30 June and 2 July. [TNX IS0YUJ]
J7        - George, K5KG will be active (on 10-80 metres CW and SSB) as J75KG
            from Dominica (NA-101)  between 1/2 and  11 July,  IARU HF  World
            Championship included. Skeds  may be arranged  through Art,  N2AU
            (n2au@lightlink.com). QSL via N2AU.
JA        - Taka, JJ8XNA operates from Okushiri Island  in the newly  created
            Hokkaido's Coastal  Islands IOTA  group  (AS-147) that  has  been
            split from AS-078. QSL to Takaaki Oguro, Okushiri, Okushiri  gun,
            Hokkaido 043-1401, Japan. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA        - Operators from Marico Radio Club (JI2ZJS)  and Shizuoka DX  Radio
            Association will be active as 8J2OOO from Shizuoka between 3  and
            9 July, IARU HF World Championship included. QSL via JARL bureau.
            [TNX JE2HCJ]
JW        - The JW7M operation  from Svalbard  [425DXN 471]  is confirmed  to
            take place between 6  and 13 July.  The operators (namely  LA7IL,
            LA3OHA, IK2XDE,  IK2JYT,  KF6XA, KG0VL,  OE3GEA,  S57FYL,  S57AC,
            SM3EQY, SM3JGG and SP5DRH) might also sign home call/JW and  will
            be active  on all  bands SSB  (1850,  3750, 7050,  14250,  18150,
            21250, 24950, 28450,  50150 kHz),  CW (1825,  3525, 7025,  10125,
            14025, 18075, 21025, 24925, 28025, 50100 kHz) and RTTY. Look  for
            JW7M to participate  in the IARU  HF World  Championship. A  side
            trip to Kong Karls Land (EU-063)  is possible. QSL JW7M via  LA7M
            either direct  (LA7M, Modum  Group of  NRRL,  P.O. Box  48,  3341
            Aamot, Norway)  or  through the  bureau.  The web  page  for  the
            DXpedition is at http://www.dxpedition.org [TNX IK2XDE]
JY        - Peter, JY9NE will be moving back to the United States in  August.
            His radio equipment will be packed  on 23 July for shipping,  and
            he intends to be QRV on 20 or 17 meters SSB every day from  02.30
            UTC to 03.30 UTC until  then. Peter plans  to participate in  the
            IARU contest on  8 and 9  July. QSL cards  should continue to  be
            sent via the ARRL bureau to his home call (N3FNE). [TNX JY9NE]
KL        - Tom, W6IXP and  Barry, K6ST will  operate from two  new ones  for
            IOTA in early July.  They will use  KL7/W6IXP from Stuart  Island
            (Nome County South group) between approximately 17 hours  (local)
            on 6 July  through 11 hours  (local) on the  8th, while  KL7/K6ST
            will be  aired  from Chamisso  Island  (Northwest  Arctic  County
            group) between 15 hours (local) on 10 July and 18 hours local  on
            the 11th. Primary frequency will be 14.260, with some activity on
            21.260, 28.460, or 50.110 as schedules  allow. QSL via N6AWD  for
            both. John, WD8MGQ  (wd8mgq@tir.com) will be  the pilot  station:
            "if anyone feels that their part  of the world only has a  narrow
            opening on either 15 or 20", he says, "please advise me via email
            now, so i can let Tom and  Barry know ahead of time". [TNX  W6IXP
            and WD8MGQ]
ON        - Koen, ON4CCP reports special station OS2VCM will be activated  on
            all bands and modes on 3-9  July to celebrate the  "international
            friendship between a  Belgian and a  French radio-club". QSL  via
S5        - The 53 teams competing in the  3rd World Radio Team  Championship
            (WRTC2000, see "News from the Web" below for the coverage of  the
            event), which will take place in Bled (Slovenia) during the  IARU
            HF World Championship (8-9 July), will use the following  special
            S511E     S521H     S531R     S541F     S561C     S571W     S581I
            S512T     S522R     S532N     S542B     S562P     S572L     S582A
            S513A     S523W     S533G     S543C     S563X     S573O     S583D
            S514U     S524G     S534J     S544Z     S564Q     S574V     S584M
            S516M     S526O     S536P     S546Q     S566Z     S576K     S586U
            S517W     S527K     S537L     S547B     S567F     S577V     S587N
            S518N     S528D     S538F     S548X     S568Y     S578R     S588S
            S519I     S529A     S539D     S549L
            Several  certificates  and   other  prizes   are  available   for
            contacting  these  stations.  For  further  information  on   the
            WRTC2000 please visit http://wrtc2000.bit.si/ [TNX S56A]
SM        - Joerg, DF6JC will be on Gotland Island (EU-020) between 8 and  22
            July. He plans to operate on 10-40 metres as SI1SSA (QSL via  the
            SM bureau). A "detour" on  his way to/from  Gotland to the  newly
            created Ostergotland/Sodermanland  Group  (EU-177)  is  currently
            under consideration. [TNX DF6JC]
SV        - Antonis, SV1ENG will operate (CW only on 30 metres and above)  as
            SV1ENG/1 from his  QTH at Kalamos  (some 40  kilometres north  of
            Athens) during the  summer. He also  plans to spend  a couple  of
            weekends on  Evvoia/Euboea Island  (not  IOTA, according  to  the
            newly published Directory 2000). 
            [TNX SV1ENG]
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425 DX News #478 [3/6]
  1 July 2000                      No 478                       $425WW478C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

TA        - Rafal, SP6TPM will be active as  TA1/SP6TPM/p from Saros  Islands
            (EU-???) between 24 and 26 July. [TNX SP6TPM]
UA        - Vladivostok  Amateur  Radio   Club  (varc@irex.vl.ru)   operators
            RU0LAX, RW0LEC, RW0LBK,  UA0LCZ and UA0LMO  will be signing  home
            call/p from Furugel'ma  Island (AS-066) between  25 and 31  July.
            Look for them on 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 and 2 metres CW and SSB. They
            will participate in the IOTA Contest as RK0LWW/p. QSL via  UA0LMO
            either direct (Yuri Pechenko, P.O.  Box 23, Vladivostok,  690041,
            Russia) or through the bureau. [TNX UA0LMO]
V2 & VP2M - Dave, G3TBK has been licensed as V29TBK since 6 June and will  be
            working in  the Caribbean  until early  October. He  is based  on
            Antigua (NA-100), but he will be spending some time operating  as
            VP2MDC from Montserrat (NA-103) over the next four or five weeks.
            Once Dave's work is complete on  Antigua and Montserrat his  work
            schedule requires him to relocate to other islands. [TNX G0GDU]
W         - The WC6DX expedition to San Miguel  Island (NA-144) [425DXN  475]
            has been rescheduled for 21-24 July. The new dates eliminate  the
            problem with US Field Day and also allows Will 24 hours extra  on
            the island. [TNX WC6D]
YB        - Special event  station  7A32AR will  be  activated on  all  bands
            between 7  and  9  July during  the  Amateur  Radio  Festival  in
            Jakarta, Indonesia.  Contacts  will  be  confirmed  automatically
            through the bureau, the QSL manager  for direct cards is  YB0FMT.
            [TNX HA7VK/YB0AVK]
YB        - Members from club station  YB3ZES (yb3zes@orari.org) in  Surabaya
            will be active as 8A3B from Bawean Island (OC-197) between 21 and
            23 July. Look for them on  10, 15, 20, 40 and  80 metres SSB,  CW
            and RTTY. They will also try  PSK31 and SSTV. QSL direct to  P.O.
            Box 4025, Surabaya 60401, Indonesia. [TNX YB3MIG]
YO        - Rafal, SP6TPM will  be active as  YO/SP6TPM/p from Sacalinu  Mare
            Island (EU-???) between 20 and 22 July. [TNX SP6TPM]

                      <<< MOST NEEDED DXCC ENTITIES >>>
                              <<< PART 2/2 >>>

The following survey  is taken from  the newly published  ARRL DXCC  Yearbook
1998  and  includes the other  50 of the top 100 entities needed by DXers who
participate in the DXCC  programme.  Part  1/2 (positions from  1 to 50)  was
published in 425 DX News #476. [TNX The Daily DX]

Rank Prefix Entity                  Rank Prefix Entity
------------------                  ------------------
51   FO/C   Clipperton I.           76   ST     Sudan
52   KH5    Palmyra,  Jarvis Is.    77   YI     Iraq
53   ZD9    Tristan Da Cunha        78   KH4    Midway I.
54   VK9/X  Christmas I.            79   TY     Benin
55   TI9    Cocos I.                80   JD1/M  Minami Torishima
56   3V     Tunisia                 81   3W     Vietnam
57   VK9/C  Cocos-Keeling I.        82   KH9    Wake I.
58   OK     Czech Republic          83   D6     Comoros
59   VP8/O  South Orkney Is.        84   CY0    Sable I.
60   3B9    Rodriguez I.            85   KH7K   Kure I.
61   5R8    Madagascar              86   KP5    Desecheo Island
62   ZK3    Tokelau Is.             87   T2     Tuvalu
63   TT     Chad                    88   T8     Palau
64   T5     Somalia                 89   JX     Jan Mayen
65   S0     Western Sahara          90   A6     United Arab Emirates
66   R1M    M-V I.                  91   ZC4    U K Bases on Cyprus
67   XU     Cambodia                92   5X     Uganda
68   3C     Equatorial Guinea       93   VP8    South Shetlands
69   OM     Slovak Republic         94   9N     Nepal
70   KP1    Navassa                 95   8Q     Maldive Is.
71   3D2R   Rotuma                  96   CY9    St. Paul Island
72   ET     Ethiopia                97   FW     Wallis & Futuna Islands
73   CE0Z   Juan Fernandez I.       98   3X     Guinea
74   YK     Syria                   99   XF4    Revilla Gigedo
75   ZK1/N  North Cook Is.         100   JD1/O  Ogasawara

S DX@WW $425WW478D
425 DX News #478 [4/6]
  1 July 2000                      No 478                       $425WW478D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

IOTA ACTIVITY MONTH (JULY) ---> Contacts  made with the following IOTA island
groups in July will  score  three points  towards  the RSGB  IOTA  Millennium
Programme (IOTA 2000):
AF-003        AF-060        EU-013        EU-093        EU-122
AF-004        AF-065        EU-018        EU-094        EU-123
AF-005        AF-068        EU-021        EU-099        EU-124
AF-014        AF-069        EU-022        EU-103        EU-134
AF-020        AF-078        EU-032        EU-105        EU-142
AF-022        AN-009        EU-039        EU-106        EU-143
AF-029        AN-016        EU-040        EU-107        EU-145
AF-030        EU-064        EU-048        EU-108        EU-150
AF-036        EU-003        EU-059        EU-109        EU-152
AF-037        EU-005        EU-065        EU-111        EU-156
AF-042        EU-006        EU-068        EU-112        EU-157
AF-045        EU-007        EU-071        EU-114        EU-159
AF-046        EU-008        EU-074        EU-115        EU-167
AF-047        EU-009        EU-077        EU-116        EU-168
AF-050        EU-010        EU-080        EU-118        NA-151
AF-051        EU-011        EU-081        EU-120        SA-010
AF-056        EU-012        EU-092        EU-121        SA-014
The CDXC web pages (http://www.cdxc.org.uk) contain the full IOTA 2000 rules,
island listings, the SM6DEC record system  and an FAQ  page which is  updated
regularly. These web  pages also contain  conversion tables  between the  new
IOTAs arising as a result of the  publication of the IOTA Directory 2000  and
the old IOTAs that qualify for the IOTA 2000 Programme.

M2000A ---> Bob, BRS-32525 reports he did not give the full address for N6MQQ
[425DXN 477]. The  correct address is  Debra Taylor, 801  Via  Manzanas,  San
Lorenzo, CA 94580, USA. Debra is the  distributor of the NTSC version of  the
M2000A video.

QSL SM4DDS/5 ---> Kjell, SM4DDS/5  operated from Aspoja  Island in the  newly
created Sodermanland/Ostergotland County group (EU-177/prov), which has  been
split from EU-084. Kjell lives in Thailand and direct cards should be sent to
Kjell Bonerfalt, P.O.Box 140, Chiang Mai 50 000, Thailand, while bureau cards
are OK via the Swedish bureau. [TNX RA6AR and Islands On The Web]

QSL VIA CT1GFK ---> Toze, CT1GFK reports he is the QSL manager for CQ1A (CQWW
SSB 1996, May  1997, CQWPX CW  1999), CQ1C  (IOTA Contest  1996, 1997,  1998,
1999) and CT1A (ARRL 10 Meters Contest 1999). He is * not *  the QSL  manager
for CT1A (June 2000) and CS0RCL.

QSL VIA DJ0FX:  Logs for past  operations (since  1959) by  Walter are  still
open: 5W1DE,  A35XX, CR9AC,  DJ0FX/CT3, DJ0FX/CU2,  FG0VG/FS7, FH0VG,  FM0VG,
OE6BVG/V2A, OE6BVG/W6, T2BRW, ZK1BR,  ZK2XX, ZK2WB. Note  that two years  ago
A35XX and  ZK2XX were  re-issued to  another  operator.QSL to  DJ0FX  (Walter
Brenner, P.O. Box 1105, D-83402 Ainring, Germany). [TNX QRZ-DX]

RI1P ---> "The station signing RI1P  at various times earlier this month  and
claiming to  be on  EU-102 was  unlicensed. The  Russian licensing  authority
states that it has not issued  that call for use this  year and Nick,  UA9KM,
the team leader of the 1999 operation, knows nothing about it". [TNX G3KMA]

SEANET 2000 ---> If you plan to attend the SEANET 2000 Convention, to be held
at the Montien Hotel, Pattaya,  Thailand on 17-19  November, you should  send
the Registration and Reservation Form as soon as possible. An e-mail  version
of the form is available from Ray Gerrard, HS0/G3NOM (g3nom@ibm.net). General
information about the SEANET Convention can  be found at  www.seanet2000.com,
where up-dates will be posted. [TNX HS0/G3NOM]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALLBOOK:     Bill, NG3K reports a "callsign searchable" version of the  2000
              Czech   Amateur    Radio   Call    Book   is    available    at

WRTC 2000:    The National Contest Journal will provide extensive coverage of
              the World Radiosport Team Championship  2000. Starting 3  July,
              visit http://www.ncjweb.com for daily reports, entertaining and
              informative stories, digital photographs etc. [TNX K7BV]

S DX@WW $425WW478E
425 DX News #478 [5/6]
  1 July 2000                      No 478                       $425WW478E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3A/OH2BH    OH2BH       ED4TCC      EA4CTF      N2ATT/KH0   JA3AER
3A2DX       pirate      ED8GCR      EA8AKN      N4BQW/KH5   K4TSJ
3A2K        3A2ARM      EJ7NET      EI6FR       OD5NJ/EA8   EA5BYP
3C2JJ       F2XX        EJ9HQ/p     EI9HQ       OD5PN       LX1NO
3V8ST       DL1BDF      EL2DT       IK0PHY      OD5VT       YO3FRI
3W2EZD      XW2A        EM3QMD      UR5QRB      OS2VCM      ON4CCP
3W2KYU      JH8KYU      EM5UIA      UT8LL       OY3QN       OZ1ACB
3W5FM       UA0FM       EO225E      UT1EJ       P43W        I2MQP
3Z0EMC      SP6ECA      EO225EA     UT1EJ       PA/DH2ID/m  DH2ID
3Z0I        SP6ZDA      EO225EJ     UT1EJ       PA/K1WY/p   K1WY
3Z0MM       SP3JHY      EO225EL     UT1EJ       PJ2MI       W2CQ
3Z6IEQ      SP6IEQ      ER2000L     ER1LW       PT7AA/PR8   PT7AA
4K5CW       4J9RI       ER6A        ER1LW       PT7BZ/PR8   PT7BZ
4L4MM       ON4CFI      ES1QX/8     ES1QX       PY2KC       W3HC
4L7AA       4Z5CU       ES2J        ES1AX       RD0C        UA0CA
4S7BRG      HB9BRM      EW6GB/p     IK2QPR      RD4M        UA4LU
4W6GH       CT1EGH      EX8M        EX8F        S21YI       7M4PTD
5H1/PA3GIO  PA3GIO      EX8MLE      IK2QPR      SM7CRW      W3HNK
5H3/PA3GIO  PA3GIO      EX8NP       IK2QPR      SN0CEV      SP9PLR
5I3A        A47RS       EX8W        EX8F        SN0EMK      SP9PLR
5I3B        A47RS       EX8W        UA3AGS      SP9UON/1    DJ0MCZ
5R8FL       F5TBA       FG/DL9YBY/p DL9YBY      ST0P        5B4YY
5X1GS       WB2YQH      FH/TU5AX    F5OGL       SU1CS       9K2CS
5X1Z        SM6CAS      FK8HZ       F6DLN       SV0IE       DL2YAG
6Y5MM       W4YCZ       FO0AKI      JH0SPE      SV0LR       HB9LDR
9A16D       9A5ST       FR5VZ       F8VZ        SV8/DL6NBR  DL6NBR
9A900Z      9A2DM       HF0POL      SP3WVL      SV8/G3SWH   G3SWH
9G1MR       IK3HHX      HI3/W4DT    K1IED       SV9/K7BV    KU9C
9H3AAB      DL9NDS      HL0ZX/3     HL0ZX       TA0/IZ7ATN  IK0CKJ
9N1AC   N3ME (ex KC3AJ) HL20OO      HL5AP       TF8SM       N5FTR
9N7RB       W4FOA       HS0/VU2HBZ  VU2HBZ      TM2K        F5AUI
9V1GA       JA4BJO      HS0AC       HS0/G3NOM   TT8JLB      F5BAR
A35RK       W7TSQ       HS4BPQ      E21EIC      TX8JNN      JA1EOD
A52JS     M0BJI bureau  IH9/OK1FUA  OK1MG       TZ6JA       JA3EMU
A52JS     VK9NS direct  IH9/OL5Y    OK1MG       UE1NIB      UA4HUR
A52NL       JA6NL       IR0MM       I0YKN       UE1NIK      UA4HUR
A61AO       N1DG        J27JUIN     F5IPW       UE1WPI      RA1WZ
AI5P/CY9    AI5P        J28EW       F6LDY       UN1/AB8CK   UA3AGW
AP2JZB      K2EWB       JT1Y        I0SNY       V29TBK      G3TBK
AX3LB       VK3LB       JT4Y        I0SNY       V63KR       K8AA
AX4CQ       VK4CQ       JU1Y        I0SNY       V73UB       K1ZUT
AX4EJ       VK4EJ       JW0HP       OH6LRL      VI50BDX     VK4XY
AX4SJ       VK4SJ       JW4LN       LA4LN       VP2EREM     WB2REM
BV0DX       UA9CIY      JW5RIA      LA5RIA      VP5/K4JPD   K4MZW
CE0X/LU7BQ  pirate      JY9NE       N3FNE       VQ9VK       N1TO
CE0Z/LU7FOM LU7FOM      JY9NX       JH7FQK      VU2LE       K6JG
CM2TK       F6FNU       KB5GL/4     IT9ZGY      VY0O        VE3DO
CM6YI       W3HNK       KH0/AF4IN   JA6AGA      VY0TA       VE2BQB
CN2DX       HB9HLM      KH0/AH6PW   JN1HOW      WA4RX/CY9   N2AU
CO2WL       EA3ELM      KH0/JA3APU  JA3APU      WP2Z        KU9C
CU3/CT1EEB  CT1EEB      KH0/JA3HD   JA3HD       WV2B/CY9    N2AU
CU3/CT1ZW   CT1ZW       KH0N        JA6CNL      XT2PT       N5DRV
CU3DJ       N4JB        KH4/W4JKC   W4JKC       XU7ABE      JA0SC
D2BF        EA8EE       KH6ND/KH5   K4TSJ       XU7ABF      XW2A
D3SAF       I3LLH       KP2/AG8L    NN6C        YI1AK       AD5W
DL/K7BV     KU9C        KT1J/CY9    K1WY DXA    YI9OM       OM6TX
DN1VA       DJ9VA       L50JS       LU7JX       YJ8WR       VK6JR
E20HHK      E21EIC      LA/DH7MW    DH7MW       Z34A        Z31ET
E20REX      E21EIC      LA/SM3TLG   SM3TLG      Z34M        Z31FK
E29DX       HS0GBI      LU/JS1CTC   JS1CTC      ZD7DP       W1ZT
EA9CD       EA9AZ       MD/N0KV/p   M0CQS       ZS0M        ZS6MG

S DX@WW $425WW478F
425 DX News #478 [6/6]
  1 July 2000                      No 478                       $425WW478F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

3A2ARM  A.R.M., P.O. Box 2, MC 98001, Monaco Cedex
4W6MM   Thorvaldur Stefansson, P. O. Box 3699, Darwin, NT 0801, Australia
DL6NBR  Wolfgang Faust, Steinruckenstrasse 15, D-63741 Aschaffenburg, Germany
RU3DX   Eugene Pletnyov, P. O. Box 33, 109240 Moscow, Russia
5B4YY   Jeff Hambleton, 1 Psaron, Chloraka 8220, Paphos, Cyprus
9M6GY   Godfrey K. L. Yin, P. O. Box A-15, 89357 Inanam, Kota Kinabalu,
9M6JY   Stella Mijol, P. O. Box A-15, 89357 Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
A47RS   P.O. Box 981, Muscat 113, Sultanate of Oman
AH8DX   Craig Maxey, P.O. Box 2064, St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles
BD5QE   Qiu Bang Sen, P. O. Box 519, Fuzhou 350012, China
BD8SP   Yufeng Qian, #2 Dianchi Road Post Office, Kunming, Yunnan 650238,
BG2OC   Li Xiao An, 53 Jiguang Lu, Longshan, Qu Liao Yuan, Jilin 136200,
BG7LR   155 Heng Fu Lu, Guangzhou 510095, China
BG8TE   Wang, P. O. Box 2, Dian Chi Road Post Office, Kunming 650238, China
BV4QW   Calvin Lin, P. O. Box 922, Taichung, Taiwan
BY4CJP  The Golden Apple Amateur Radio Station of Shanghai Jian Ping High
        School, P. O. Box 134-001, Shanghai 200134, China
C31SG   Santiago Guillen Sanchez, P. O. Box 1035, Andorra la Vella, Andorra
CQ9S    Madeira Team, P.O Box 19, 9001-901 Funchal, Ilha da Madeira. Portugal
DL1CW   Arno Polinsky, Hans-Sachs-Str 8, D-70825 Korntal, Germany
DL5EBE  Dominik Weiel, Johannes-Meyer-Str 13, D-49808 Lingen, Germany
DU3SV   Carlito S. Virtudazo, 296 Cadena de Amor St., Saluysoy, Meycauayan,
        Bulacan 3020, Philippines
DX4RIG  Roland Pajarillo, 442 Burgos St, Labo, Carmarines Norte, 4406,
ER1LW   Wiacheslav Lysy, P.O. Box 112, Chisinau, MD 2012, Moldova
EX2X    Petrenko Sergey, Bayalinova 8, Bishkek, 720011 Kyrgyzstan
EX8F    Vladimir Ya Sudakov, P.O. Box 2, Kara-Balta 722030, Kyrgyzstan
F2XX    Jean-Claude Jupin, Chemin Gelos, F-64990 Lahonce, France
HA0HW   Laszlo Szabo, P.O. Box 24, Puspokladany, H-4151 Hungary
HL4RBR  Yoon Wang-Hyun, P. O. Box 272, Kwangju 501-600, Korea
I0SNY   Nicola Sanna (Str. Gualtarella 8/M, 06132 S. Sisto - PG, Italy
I0YKN   Nuccio Meoli, Via della stazione snc, 04010 Cori - LT, Italy
I1QOD   Alberto Frattini, Via S. Domenico 69, 17027 Pietra Ligure - SV, Italy
IK1TTD  P.O. Box 32, 18011 Arma di Taggia - IM, Italy
IK2QPR  Paolo Fava, Via Bertani 8, 46100 Mantova - MN, Italy
IK8YFU  Alessandro Pochi', Via Cavour 8, 89024 Polistena - RC, Italy
IS0JMA  Roberto Alaimo, P.O. Box 41, 07026 Olbia - SS, Italy
IT9ZGY  Pietro Marino, Via Cagliari 12, 90133 Palermo - PA, Italy
IZ0CKJ  Alessio Roma, P.O. Box 22, 03023 Ceccano - FR, Italy
IZ6BUV  Leonardo Carnesale, Via Peligna 23/7, 66010 Gessopalena - CH, Italy
IZ8CCW  P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy
AA1ON   Martin Bayes, 106 Hayden Rowe St., Hopkinton, MA 01748, USA
J68AK   Kirk Swallow, 2495 Tiverton Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45231, USA
J68AO   Joyce Swallow, 2495 Tiverton Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45231, USA
J68ID   Kirk Swallow, 2495 Tiverton Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45231, USA
JA0SC   Hirotada Yoshiike, 722-1 Shiba Matsushiro-Cyo, Nagano-City 381-1214,
JA1EOD  Akira Iizuka, P.O. Box 8, Okegawa, Saitama 363-8691 Japan
JA7YCE  Morioka  Club, 3-34-14 Mitake  Morioka-city, Iwate  020-0122, Japan
JG3PLH  Takumi Kondoh, 1-23 Shinke-cho, Sakai City, Osaka 599-8232, Japan
JP6JKK  Akira Sano,  5-12 Tkamatsu  Hanamaki-city, Iwate 025-0014, Japan
JT1BG   S. Baatar, P.O. Box 158, Ulaanbaatar-13, Mongolia, via Japan
JT1CO   Ch. Chadraawal, P.O. Box 905, Ulaanbaatar-23, Mongolia, via Japan
K1IED   Larry F.Skilton, 72 Brook Street, South Windsor, CT 06074, USA
KD8JN   Randall L. Phelps, 1226 Delverne Ave SW, Canton, OH 44710-1306, USA
KU9C    Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054, USA
OX3VC   Rolf Eriksen, P.O. Box 34, DK-3930 Kangilinnguit, Greenland
PA3AXU  G.A.M.C. Dijkers, Dokter P.A. Cornethof 3, 6669 AZ Dodewaard, The
PA3GIO  Bert vd Berg, Parklaan  38, NL-3931 KK  Woudenberg, The Netherlands
RK1PWA  Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, 164744 Amderma, Arkhangelskaja, Russia
RU1ZC   Valentin Mykitenko, Akademgorodok 2 1, 184340 Loparskaya, Russia
SP3WVL  Tomasz Lipinski, Ul.I Paderewskiego 24m 1, 69-100 Slubice, Poland
SV/WN7S Dick Kwiatkowski, American Embassy, Box 47, PSC 108, APO AE 09842,
UY0MF   George V. Sobolevsky, P. O. Box 135, Lugansk 348042, Ukraine
SV1CQN  Kostas Karakostas, Anapafseos 4, GR-301 00 Agrinio, Greece
SV1DPI  Kostas Stamatis, P. O. Box 66, GR-301 00 Agrinio, Greece
SV2CXI  Vitsiotis Kostas, 89 Papafi Str., GR-544 53 Thessaloniki, Greece
UA0CA   P.O. Box 1119, Khabarovsk, 680000, Russia
UE0XZZ  Alexander Novikov, P.O. Box 51, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683049,
UT1EJ   Yuri Arkhipov, P.O. Box 101, Krivoy Rog, 50071 Ukraine
UT7UA   Roman Bratchyk, P.O. Box B-19, Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
VE3DO   P.O. Box 146, Toronto, ON, Canada M6H 4E1
VK4EJ   Bernie McIvor, 30 Brennan Parade, Strathpine 4500, Australia
VR2IP   Ho Fung Lo, G. P. O. Box 541, Hong Kong, China
WC6DX   Will  Costello,  P.O.  Box  1332,  Monterey,  CA  93942-1332,  USA
XQ5BIB  Emilio Troncoso Schmidt, P.O. Box 2545, Conception, Chile
XW2A    P.O. Box 2659, Vientiane, Laos
YB0AI   P. O. Box 7004, Jakarta 12070, Indonesia
YC0SHD  Suhendra, P. O. Box 2226, Jakarta 10022, Indonesia
ZS6MG   Vladimir Karamitrov, P.O. Box 1788, Bramley 2018, South Africa

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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