DX425 bulletin issue nr. 477

S DX@WW $425WW477A
425 DX News #477 [1/5]
  24 June 2000                     No 477                BID: $425WW477A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3A       - The Association des  Radio-Amateurs de  Monaco (ARM)  will host  a
           special activity between 28 June and  10 July, combining  resident
           Monaco amateurs (3A2AH, 3A2CR, 3A2HB, 3A2LF, 3A2MG and 3A2MW)  and
           invited operators (N4GN,  OH1RY, OH2BC, OH2BH,  OH2TA and  OH9MM).
           The highlight of this activity will be the special call sign  3A2K
           participating in the IARU HF World Championship (8-9 July) in  the
           HQ category, activating several stations on several bands, SSB and
           CW, at the same time. Furthermore, the first ever Monaco  activity
           on 6 metres will be carried out between 1 and 10 July, based on  a
           special authorization for  frequencies in  the range  50.2 -  51.2
           MHz. QSL 3A2K via 3A2ARM  (ARM, B.P. 2,  MC 98001, Monaco  Cedex).
           [TNX N4GN]
4W       - Dennis/K7BV, Made/YB9BV  and Dick/N6FF  will be  active from  East
           Timor in early October. They plan to concentrate on the low  bands
           and "to make 4W available on 40, 80 and 160 for over a week".  QSL
           via KU9C (Steve  Wheatley, P.O.  Box 5953,  Parsippany, NJ  07054,
           USA).     For      further      information      please      visit
           http://www.qth.com/k7bv/ [TNX K7BV]
9A       - The IOTA  reference number  EU-170 has  been issued  to the  newly
           created "Dalmatia North"  group. It  has been  split from  EU-136,
           which in  its turn  has been  renamed (the  new name  is  "Kvarner
           Group"). We have read conflicting information about the 22-25 June
           activity by 9A5V, 9A5KV and 9A3VM [425DXN 476] - please note  that
           the announced QTHs will count as follows:
           Misjak                = EU-136 (IOCA CI-066)
           Zecevo                = EU-136 (IOCA CI-147)
           Veliki i Mali Sikavac = EU-136 (IOCA CI-136
           Pag                   = EU-170 (IOCA CI-082)
           Vir                   = EU-170 (IOCA CI-141)
9A       - 9A1CZZ reports  that  special calls  9A900Z  (QSL via  9A2DM)  and
           9A900BP (Krk Island, EU-136) will be aired on all bands and  modes
           through the end of the year.
C2 & T30 - The Daily  DX reports  that "there  is a  good possibility"  Jack,
           VK2GJH will be operating (mainly on 6 metres) as C21JH from  Nauru
           and T30JH from Tarawa, West Kiribati  "during the first two  weeks
           of July". QSL via VK2GJH.
CU       - Orlando/CU3AD,   Lionel/CU3EJ,   Julio   (CU3/CT1ZW)   and    Jose
           (CU3/CT1EEB) have been  active since 19  June from  the island  of
           Terceira. Previously  EU-003, Terceira  now counts  for the  newly
           created "Central group" (EU-175) in the Azores.
CY9      - Hopefully, the final permission to visit  St. Paul Island  [425DXN
           461] will be quickly forthcoming.The planned  dates are 6-10  July
           (weather permitting)  and  callsigns will  be  AI5P/CY9  (QSL  via
           AI5P), KE1AC/CY9 (QSL via K1WY DX Association), WA4RX/CY9 (QSL via
           N2AU) and  WV2B/CY9  (QSL via  N2AU).  Suggested  frequencies  are
           50115,   28495/28030,   24945/24895,   21295/21030,   18145/18075,
           14195/14030, 10130 and 7185/7170/7030 kHz (no 160 and 80 planned).
           Additional        information        is        available        on
           http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pines/7651/DXpedition.html [TNX
EO       - Special event  calls EO225E,  EO225EA,  EO225EJ, EO225EL  will  be
           aired on  all  bands  until  27  August  to  celebrate  the  225th
           anniversary of the town of Krivoy  Rog. An award is available  for
           three contacts with  these stations (details  from Yuri, UT1EJ  at
           arym@alba.dp.ua). QSL for all stations  via UT1EJ (Yuri  Arkhipov,
           P.O. Box 101, Krivoy Rog, 50071 Ukraine). [TNX UT1EJ]
ES       - Look for ES2J to be active (on 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 and 80 metres CW
           and SSB) from Mohni Island  (EU-149) from until  25 June. QSL  via
           bureau or according to the operator's instructions. [TNX ES1AKM]
EU       - EU6DA, EW6BN, EW6CM and EW6GB will be active (on 15 and 20  metres
           SSB) from Rubanovski II Island (not  IOTA, WD2 for the West  Dvina
           River Award) on 24 and 25  June. QSL via  IK2QPR (Paolo Fava,  Via
           Bertani 8, 46100 Mantova - MN, Italy). [TNX IK2QPR]
F        - Gianpaolo, IK1TTD will  be active (on  10, 15, 20  and 40  metres)
           from Porquerolles Island (EU-070, DIFM ME-010) on 24-26 June.  QSL
           via IK1TTD (Gianpi, P.O.Box 32, 18011 Arma di Taggia - IM, Italy).
           [TNX IK1TTD]
F        - Gaby, F5PSI and Laurent, F5PSG plan to operate /p from the  island
           of Cezambre (EU-157) on 14-15 July. [TNX Les Nouvelles DX]
FO       - Hiro, JK1FNN and YL operator Mie, 7L1MKM will be active as  FO0YAM
           and FO0YAA   from  Manihi (OC-131),    French Polynesia  on  13-18
           August. Look for them on 30-10 metres, SSB and CW. QSL via JK1FNN,
           preferably through the bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
S DX@WW $425WW477B
425 DX News #477 [2/5]
  24 June 2000                     No 477                BID: $425WW477B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

I        - Leonardo, IZ6BUV will be active from the lighthouse at Punta Penna
           (WAIL AB-001) on 24 June. QSL  via IZ6BUV either direct  (Leonardo
           Carnesale, Via Peligna  23/7, 66010  Gessopalena -  CH, Italy)  or
           through the bureau. [TNX IK1NLZ]
I        - Calabria DX Team  operators plan to  be active  from Scogli  Galea
           (not IOTA, IIA VV-02) on either  25 June or 2  July. QSL via  home
           call through the  bureau or direct  to IK8YFU (Alessandro  Pochi',
           Via Cavour 8, 89024 Polistena - RC, Italy).  [TNX Crazy DX Group]
I        - Look for IR0MM to operate from  the monastery at Grottaferrata  in
           Roma province between 30 June  and 2 July.  QSL via I0YKN  (Nuccio
           Meoli, Via  della stazione  snc, 04010  Cori  - LT,  Italy).  [TNX
IS0      - Roberto, IS0JMA and others plan  to operate /IM0  on 24 June.  The
           island being activated has  not been given  as the final  decision
           depends on weather conditions. [TNX IS0JMA]
IS0      - Sauro, IK5EKB  will  be  active  (on all  bands  SSB  and  CW)  as
           IS0/IK5EKB from Sardinia (EU-024) between 29 June and 15 July. QSL
           via home call. [TNX IK5EKB]
JA       - 7N1GMK/6 is expected to operate (on  6-80 metres SSB and CW)  from
           Yoron Island (AS-023) from  now until 18  August. QSL via  7N1GMK.
           [TNX JI6KVR]
JA       - Masa, JA6GXK will be active during  his spare time from  Me-shima,
           Danjo Islands (AS-056) as follows: from 30 June to 11 July [425DXN
           465], from 22 August to 1  September, from 12 to 22 September  and
           from 13 to 24 October. Look for  him on or around 14260 and  21260
           kHz. QSL via bureau. [TNX JA3MZB]
KH4      - Tom, W4JKC will operate as KH4/W4JKC from Midway Island between  1
           and 8 July. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
KH5      - Mike Gibson,  KH6ND has  returned to  Hawaii from  Palmyra  Atoll,
           where he found time to make  several thousand CW QSO's,  primarily
           on 20 metres, many with European stations. Chuck Brady, N4BQW  has
           returned for  a  short stint,  replacing  Mike.  It  is  presently
           unclear  whether  Chuck  will  have  much  time  to  operate,  and
           projections for the rest of the summer are presently unclear. [TNX
           NI6T & N4XP]
KH0      - ODXCG (Osaka DX Lovers Group) members Aki Matsumoto/JH3EQP and Tai
           Matsuo/JE3EJC will be active (on 6-80 metres SSB and CW,  possibly
           SSTV and PSK31 as well)  from Saipan (OC-086)  on 20-22 July.  QSL
           via home call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX JR3TVH]
KH0      - Yoshi, JE2EHP  will be  active as  K1HP/KH0 from  Saipan  (OC-086)
           between 8 and  12 August. Look  for him  on 40-6  metres. QSL  via
           JE2EHP. [TNX JE2EHP]
LA       - Tom, LA4LN will be active as  JW4LN between 28  June and 11  July.
           Look for him during his evening hours on 20, 30 and 40 metres  CW.
           He will operate from Svalbard (EU-026) on 28 June-3 July and again
           on 8-11 July, while on 4-7 July he will be active from Bear Island
           (EU-027). QSL direct to LA4LN. [TNX QRZ-DX]
PY       - Eli, PT7BZ and Tino, PT7AA are  active as PT7BZ/PR8 and  PT7AA/PR8
           from Canarias  Island  (SA-072)  and  possibly  as  PT7BZ/PS8  and
           PT7AA/PS8 from Grande de Santa Isabel (SA-025) until 25 June.  QSL
           via home calls either direct or through the bureau. [TNX PS7AB]
PY       - Jayme Lira, PP5LL reports that an activity from the newly  created
           Santa Catarina State  South group  (SA-???) is  scheduled to  take
           place between  1 and  7 August.  The calls  will be  PYI0TA  (Papa
           Yankee India Zero Tango Alfa - "0T" normally denotes Trindade, but
           not in this case )  on SSB and  PV5L on CW.  QSL via PP5LL  either
           direct or through the bureau. PP5LL  also reports that all of  his
           "previous projects have been cancelled" in order to concentrate on
           the organization of this IOTA DXpedition.
S2       - Craig, AH8DX will be operating as  either S21ZW or S21/AH8DX  from
           Bangladesh for  a  few  days  starting on  5  July.  He  plans  to
           participate in  the IARU  Contest. QSL  to Craig  Maxey, P.O.  Box
           2064, St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles. [TNX JA0KSB and QRZ-DX]
SP       - Special event station 3Z0EMC will be active (on all HF bands, WARC
           included, CW  and SSB)  between 24  and 30  June during  the  15th
           Symposium on Electromagnetic  Compatibility at Wroclaw  University
           of Technology  (http://www.emc.wroc.pl/).  QSL  via  SP6ECA.  [TNX
ST0      - Jeff, G4KIB/5B4YY/KF9BI is  now active as  ST0P (Sugar Tango  Zero
           Papa) from Khartoum, Sudan until August. His newly issued  licence
           is for 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres and he expects to operate at 15-18
           UTC and 1-4 UTC. QSL  via 5B4YY either  direct (Jeff Hambleton,  1
           Psaron, Chloraka 8220, Paphos, Cyprus) or through the bureau. [TNX
           The Daily DX]
SV9      - Dennis, K7BV  will  operate  (on 10-160  metres  CW  and  SSB)  as
           SV9/K7BV from Crete (EU-015) between 29  June and 3 July.  Further
           details are available at  http://www.qth.com/k7bv/. QSL via  KU9C.
           [TNX K7BV]
TA       - Look for Simon, TA0/IZ7ATN to be active from Gokceada Island until
           4 UTC on 25 June. QSL via IZ0CKJ (Alessio Roma, P.O. Box 22, 03023
           Ceccano - FR,  Italy). Previously AS-099,  this island now  counts
           for the newly created "Turkey group" (EU-???), which includes  the
           islands located in European Turkey.
S DX@WW $425WW477C
425 DX News #477 [3/5]
  24 June 2000                     No 477                BID: $425WW477C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

TR       - Ken. G3OCA  and Les,  G4CWD  will be  active  (on HF  bands,  WARC
           included, mainly SSB with some CW) as TR0A/P from Mandji Island in
           the Ogooue-Maritime Province IOTA group (AF-???) between 22 and 26
           September. QSL via G3OCA either direct (Ken Frankcom, 1 Chesterton
           Road, Spondon,  Derby  DE21 7EN,  England)  or  through  the  RSGB
           bureau. The  QSL manager  for Russia  only  will be  UA4SKW.  [TNX
UA       - Look for RA1TC/1, UA1TAN/1 and UA1TBK/1 to be active (on all bands
           CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK-31) from EU-147 between 29 June and 2 July. QSL
           via home calls. [TNX UA1TAN]
UA       - The Daily DX reports  that Alexander, UA0QBA  will soon be  active
           from Kotelny Island (AS-028) on CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK-31 and SSTV. He
           is expected to stay on the island until the summer of 2001.
UR       - Victor/UT8LL, Igor/UR5LCV,  Geo/UY5XE  and possibly  a  couple  of
           other operators are going to be active as EM5UIA (Ukrainan Islands
           on the Air) from  the three newly  created unnumbered IOTA  groups
           allocated to Ukraine as follows:
           EU-???   Respublika Krym - Black Sea Coast               2-4 July
           EU-???   Mykolayivs'ka/Khersons'ka Oblast-Black Sea Cst  5-7 July
           EU-???   Odes'ka Oblast - Black Sea Coast               8-10 July
           Look for them from the Lebyazh'i  Islands starting on 2 July,  the
           dates for  the  operations  from the  other  two  groups  "may  be
           adjusted hopping  from  island  to  island".  There  will  be  two
           operating sites, one  for 20/15/10 metres  SSB and  the other  for
           40/20/15/10 metres plus WARC bands CW/SSB. QSL cards will be  sent
           automatically  through  the  bureau,  because,  Victor  says,  "we
           appreciate pile ups on the air and  not on the table". If you  are
           in "urgent need",  direct cards should  be sent  to UT8LL  (Victor
           Russinov, P.O.Box 44, Kharkov, Ukraine). [TNX UT8LL]
VE       - Ivan, VE3DO plans  to be again  active as VY0O  from Grass  Island
           (NA-173), Nunavut between 27-28 June and 11 July. QSL direct  only
           to VE3DO (P.O.  Box 146, Toronto,  ON, Canada M6H  4E1). [TNX  The
           Daily DX]
VP2E     - Jim, WB2REM  will  be active  (on  10-160 metres)  as  VP2EREM  (a
           four-letter suffix) from Anguilla (NA-022) on  1-12 July. QSL  via
           WB2REM. [TNX The Daily DX]
VP2M     - Florida DXPedition  Group (FDXPG)  members Bill,  W4WX and  Larry,
           W1LR  will  be  signing  VP2MHX   and  VP2MHS  respectively   from
           Montserrat (NA-103) between 18 and 24 July. Bill will  concentrate
           on RTTY while Larry will  operate SSB. QSL  via home calls  either
           direct or through the bureau.
W        - Jay, AE4MK reports that he will be on vacation and operating  from
           Sunset Beach  (USI NC-012S)  on 25-30  June. Look  for him  on  or
           around 14.260, 21.260 and 28.460 MHz. QSL via AE4MK either  direct
           or through  the  bureau. Please  note  that Sunset  Beach  is  not
           currently listed as a NA-112 counter in the new IOTA Directory.
W        - Look for  KD8JN/4  to be  active  (try   28.460,  24.950,  21.260,
           18.128,  14.260,  7.260,  3.785  +/-  QRM)  from  Hatteras  Island
           (NA-067, USI NC-005S, Dare County) between  1 and 8 July. QSL  via
           KD8JN either  direct (Randall  L. Phelps,  1226 Delverne  Ave  SW,
           Canton, OH 44710-1306, USA) or through the bureau. [TNX KD8JN]
W        - The Old Barney  ARC will  participate in  the National  Lighthouse
           Weekend from  the the  Barnegat Lighthouse  on Long  Beach  Island
           (NA-111, USI NJ-001S) on 5-6 August,  from 13.00 UTC to 23.00  UTC
           each day. Look for N2OB  to opeare on  7265, 14265, 21365,  28465.
           QSL via N2OB  (P.O. Box  345, Tuckerton,  NJ 08087,  USA). Send  a
           "9x12" SASE with  appropriate postage  if you  want a  certificate
           with your QSL. [TNX N2OO]
XU       - Look for Hirotada, JA0SC to be active (mainly on 10 and 15  metres
           SSTV) as XU7ABE from Cambodia between 29 June and 2 July. QSL  via
           JA0SC   either   direct   (Hirotada   Yoshiike,   722-1   Shiba   
           Matsushiro-Cyo,  Nagano-City  381-1214,  Japan)  or  through   the
           bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
ZS       - Vlad, ZS6MG has been authorized to operate as ZS0M till the end of
           the year to celebrate his 25  years of amateur radio activity.  He
           plans to air  the special call  in major contests  and during  the
           weekends around 14 UTC on 10 or 15  MHz CW and SSB. QSL via  ZS6MG
           either direct (Vladimir Karamitrov, P.O.  Box 1788, Bramley  2018,
           South Africa) or through the bureau. [TNX ZS6MG]

RSGB IOTA CONTEST ---> The following stations are expected to participate  in
this year's event (29-30 July) [see also 425DXN 471, 474, 475]:
EU-031  IC8OZM, IK8HCG, IK8UND, IZ8ANA and IZ8CCW as IC8OZM (SSB and CW) from
        Procida Island. [TNX IZ8ANA]
EU-057  DH7NO, DL2SWW, DL2RTK, DL2VFR and possibly  DL2RUM from club  station
        DL0KWH from Ruden Island. [TNX The Daily DX]
EU-123  A team  from the  Otley ARS  as MM8Y  from Bute  Island. Outside  the
        contest they will operate as GM3XNO/p. QSL via M0ARK. [TNX G0SNV]
EU-158  Simon/IZ7ATN, Alessio/IZ0CKJ and others as SV/IZOCKJ from Proti. [TNX
NA-083  Stan, N2US as  N2US/p (single  operator, 12  hour) from  Chincoteague
        Island. QSL via home call either  direct or through the bureau.  [TNX
NA-139  Doug/W3CF, Tim/N9NU and Matt/KB9UWU from Assateague Island  (NA-139).
        [TNX The Daily DX]
OC-142  Bill, VK4FW and possibly a couple  of other operatos as VK4YN/p  from
        Fraser Island.  QSL to  P.O. Box  929, Gympie  4570, Australia.  [TNX
SA-047  PY5GVC from Mel Island. QSL direct or through the bureau. [TNX PS7AB]

Look also the announced operation lists maintained by
Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/iota2000.html and 
Ric, DL2VFR at http://www.iota-post.de

S DX@WW $425WW477D
425 DX News #477 [4/5]
  24 June 2000                     No 477                BID: $425WW477D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

IOTA 2000 & NEW GROUPS --->  The following comes from Neville Cheadle,  G3NUG
(Chairman,  Chiltern  DX  Club):  "The  new  IOTA  Directory  2000  shows  an
additional 58 island groups. Many  of these have  been split from  previously
activated groups.  From  the viewpoint  of  the IOTA  2000  Programme  it  is
possible that the same island group could  be claimed under both its old  and
new number. In order to avoid any  confusion the IOTA 2000 Programme will  be
based on the 1998/99 and previous  IOTA Directories. The only new IOTAs  that
will be added into the IOTA  2000 Programme will be those  that arise when  a
previously  unactivated  group  shown  in  the  1998/99  and  previous   IOTA
Directories is  activated.  We will  attempt  to maintain  a  cross-reference
between the  new IOTA  groups  and the  old  ones on  the  CDXC web  pages  -
www.cdxc.org.uk". The Chiltern  DX Club manages  the IOTA  2000 Programme  on
behalf of the RSGB IOTA Committee.

this year's event (from 00.01 UTC on 19  August until 23.59 UTC on the  20th)
is  continually  updated  at  www.waterw.com/~weidner/LH-day-table.htm   [TNX
GM4SUC, gm4suc@compuserve.com]

M2000A ---> The special Millennium station at Greenwich logged 47,752 QSOs in
202 DXCC entities between 31 Decmber  1999 and 29 February 2000. Owen,  G4DFI
has now  replied to  all 3,000  direct QSL  cards and  has started  answering
e-mail, bureau and SWL cards. Anyone who worked/heard M2000A during its first
24 hours of operation (from 11 UTC on 31 December 1999 to 11 UTC on 1 January
2000) or who worked/heard us on 5 bands qualifies for special awards (details
at    http://www.qsl.net/m2000a    or     e-mail    Clare,    RS102891     at
clarejoan@hotmail.com). A  50 minute  video of  the  M2000A activity  is  now
available (orders and  enquiries to G3SXE,  Paul Lethbridge,  24 Furze  Road,
High Salvington, Worthing, BN13 3BH, England, e-mail g3sxe@yahoo.com); for an
NTSC version please contact N6MQQ (Debra  Taylor, Via Manzanas, San  Lorenzo,
CA 94580, USA; e-mail n6mqq@pacbell.net). [TNX BRS-32525]

QSL  A52JS  (BUREAU)  --->  Jim  Smith,  VK9NS  announces  he  has  now  made
arrangements for  dealing with  bureau requests  for A52JS  QSOs. Bureau  QSL
cards should be sent to M0BJI  through the RSGB QSL  Bureau, which will  hold
the cards  until a  reasonable quantity  have arrived  -  then they  will  be
forwarded for attention.  Jim expects  to be  QSLing for  A52JS direct  cards
shortly after I get back home in early July. [TNX VK9NS and W3UR]

QSL VIA I0SNY ---> Nicola Sanna (Str.  Gualtarella 8/M, 06132 S. Sisto -  PG,
Italy) is the QSL manager for  the three calls  recently used from  Mongolia:
JT1Y (from Ulaanbaatar), JT4Y (on SSB  from Gobi Desert) and JU1Y (from  Gobi
Desert during the CQWW WPX CW Contest) for a total of some 14,000 QSOs. 

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

SOFTWARE:    The Golist  is  now  the  North  American  distributor  for  the
             software programs  written  by  Fabrizio  Sartoni,  IK4VYX.  "DX
             TELNET" is  a  Windows  based  software  package  that  performs
             multiple connections to Internet/RF DX  clusters, DX chat  lines
             and automatic  refresh  on  OH22AQ's  DXSUMMIT  web  page,  with
             powerful DX-spot filters, alerts, spot voice spell, external log
             link capability and  very powerful online  search features.  "DX
             HUNTER" is a DOS based tool  that runs well  in a Windows's  DOS
             shell and  can  be  linked  to  DXTelnet  in  order  to  perform
             band/mode based alerts on incoming new ones. These programs  can
             be  downloaded   and   ordered  from   the   Golist   web   site
             (http://www.itis.net/golist), free  lifetime upgrades  for  both
             programs are available. [TNX K1XN]

QSL received via direct: 3D2QB, 3Z1DXC, 4S7DA, 4W6/VK2QF, 4W6MM, 5A1A, 5Z4WI,
7X4AN, 8Q7LA, 9M6BG, A41LZ, A52A, BI3H (AS-134), A61AJ, A71EZ, BI3H (AS-134),
BO0K (AS-102),  BO0M  (AS-113), BV9A  (AS-103),  CN8WW,  CN8YR,  CU3EJ,  CU8F
(EU-089), D2BB,  DQ0KBM,  DX4RIG  (OC-202),  EK6TA,  EW4MM,  EX2M,  FH/TU5AX,
OD5NJ, OH1MM/OJ0, OX2K, P3A, PJ5/K7NAA, RI1P  (EU-102), SU1SK, SU9ZZ,  T88JU,
VU2JN, XR0ZY, XV5JY (AS-132), XZ0A (AS-144),  ZC4CM, ZK1MGS (OC-159),  ZK2ZL,
ZM7ZB, ZS31ER (AF-085).

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S DX@WW $425WW477E
425 DX News #477 [5/5]
  24 June 2000                     No 477                BID: $425WW477E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

01/01-31/12      IOTA 2000 (http://www.cdxc.org.uk)                     ***
01/06-30/06      SWL Multi-Mode Contest                                 460
till  July       3D2RW: Fiji * by ZL1AMO                                474
till  November   3W6LC: Vietnam * by VK6LC                              472
till  31/07      3Z0MM: special event station (Poland)                  469
till  31/12      3Z: special prefix (Poland)                            454
till  18/08      7N1GMK/6: Yoron Island (AS-023)                        477
till  25/06      9A: Croatian Islands * by 9A5V, 9A5KV, 9A3VM, 9A2AA    477
till  31/12      9AY2K: special Millennium station                      451
till  July       A45ZN: Oman                                            467
till  02/11      AX: special prefix (Olympic Games)                     475
till  26/06      EJ7NET: Aran Islands (EU-006)                          473
till  27/08      EO225E, EO225EA, EO225EJ, EO225EL: special calls       477
till  25/06      ES2J: Mohni Island (EU-149)                            477
till  20/08      FH/TU5AX: Mayotte (AF-027) * by 6W1QV                  458
till  31/12      HB2: special Y2K prefix (Switzerland)                  453
till  31/12      HF70PZK: special event station (Poland)                453
till  29/06      ID9/IZ4CCO: Vulcano Island (EU-017)                    476
till  31/12      II0CV: special call                                    451
till  24/12      II0: special jubilee prefix                            452
till  31/12      IU0PAW: Jubilee Year special station                   468
till  ??         JX7DFA: Jan Mayen (EU-022) * by LA7DFA                 465
till  25/06      PT7BZ/PR8, PT7AA/PR8 (SA-072); /PS8 (SA-025)           477
till  31/12      SI75A & SIxSSA: SSA 75th anniversary stations (Sweden) 445
till  06/07      SM0DTK/1: Gotland Island (EU-020)                      476
till  August     ST0P: Sudan * by 5B4YY                                 477
till  25/06      TA0/IZ7ATN: Gokceada Island (EU-???)                   477
till  July       TT8JLB: Chad * by F5BAR                                467
till  30/06      UE1NIB & UE1NIB/p: Onega Lake islands (not IOTA)       476
till  December   VK0MM: Macquarie Island                                469
till  Sep        VK8PW/8: Arnhem Land (plus OC-229)                     469
till  31/07      VR2K: special Millennium call (Hong Kong)              449
till  31/12      ZS0M: South Africa * by ZS6MG                          477
23/06-25/06      JI3EQW/JR6, JA3MCA/JR6, JA0KNM/JR6: (AS-024)           476
23/06-25/06      WC6DX: San Miguel Island (NA-144)                      475
24/06-30/06      3Z0EMC: special event station (Poland)                 477
24/06-25/06      EU6DA,EW6BN,EW6CM,EW6GB: Rubanovski II Isl (not IOTA)  477
24/06-26/06      F: Porquerolles Island (EU-070) * by IK1TTD            477
24/06            I: Punta Penna Lighthouse (WAIL AB-001) * by IZ6BUV    477
24/06-25/06      UE1WPI: Kamenca Island (not IOTA)                      476
25/06-01/07      5H1/PA3GIO: Pemba Island (AF-063)                      461
25/06-30/06      AE4MK: Sunset Beach (USI NC-012S)                      477
25/06            I: Scogli Galea (IIA VV-02)                            477
25/06            I: Cirella Isl. (EU-144) * by IZ8CCW, IZ8BGY, IZ8BRI   476
26/06-01/08      NL7QT: Wrangell Island (not IOTA)                      476
27/06            LA9VDA/p: EU-061                                       475
27/06-11/07      VY0O: Grass Island (NA-173)                            477
28/06-10/07      3A2K: Monaco                                           477
28/06-03/07      JW4LN: Svalbard (EU-026) * by LA4LN                    477
29/06-15/07      IS0/IK5EKB: Sardinia (EU-024)                          477
29/06-02/07      RA1TC/1, UA1TAN/1 and UA1TBK/1: EU-147                 477
29/06-03/07      SV9/K7BV: Crete (EU-015)                               477
29/06-05/07      TX8JNN: New Caledonia * by JAs                         473
29/06-02/07      XU7ABE: Cambodia * by JA0SC                            477
30/06-02/07      IR0MM: monastery at Grottaferrata                      477
30/06-11/07      JA6GXK: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056)                     465
30/06-12/07      V63KP, V63KR, V63KQ, V63X * by Ws                      475
01/07-10/07      3A: first activity on 6 metres                         477
01/07-10/07      5I3A and 5I3B: Yambe Island (AF-???) * by A4s          469
01/07-30/07      EF1ONS: Ons Island (EU-080) * by EC1BXI                474
01/07-08/07      KD8JN/4: Hatteras Island (NA-067)                      477
01/07-08/07      KH4/W4JKC: Midway Island                               477
01/07-12/07      VP2EREM: Anguilla (NA-022) * WB2REM                    477
02/07-20/07      4X/W5WP: Israel                                        475
02/07-04/07      EM5UIA: Respublika Krym group (EU-???)                 477
03/07-22/07      7P8AA: Lesotho * by DLs                                475
03/07-14/07      CQ9S: Selgavens Islands (AF-047) * by CT3s             474
03/07-11/07      KL: St. Lawrence Island (NA-040) * by DL1YMK           459
03/07-07/07      ZK1AXU: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Is * by PA3AXU  465
04/07-07/07      JW4LN: Bear Island (EU-027) * by LA4LN                 477
04/07-05/07      OH5/JR3QHQ/p: Kaunissaari Island (EU-140)              475
05/07-08/07      3DA0CF and 3DA0EW: Swaziland                           475
05/07-07/07      EM5UIA: Mykolayivs'ka/Khersons'ka Oblast gr (EU-???)   477
from  05/07      S21ZW or S21/AH8DX: Bangladesh                         477
06/07-10/07      WV2B/CY9, AI5P/CY9, KE1AC/CY9, WA4RX/CY9: St. Paul Isl 477
06/07-13/07      JW7M: Svalbard                                         471
08/07-10/07      EM5UIA: Odes'ka Oblast group (EU-???)                  477
08/07-21/07      IA5/IZ4DIW: Giglio Island (EU-028)                     475
08/07-11/07      JW4LN: Svalbard (EU-026) * by LA4LN                    477
08/07-15/07      ZK1AXU: Penrhyn (OC-082), North Cook Is * by PA3AXU    465
09/07-17/07      UA4FWD/0: Begichev Island (AS-???)                     469
10/07-15/07      ZK1: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook * by KM6HB         475
14/07-15/07      F5PSI/p and F5PSG/p: Cezambre Island (EU-157)          477
15/07-15/08      VD1VIK: special event station (Newfoundland)           471
15/07-20/07      ZK1AXU: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Is * by PA3AXU  465
15/07-17/07      ZK1: Aitutaki (OC-083), South Cook * by KM6HB          475
