DX425 bulletin issue nr. 476

S DX@WW $425WW476A
425 DX News #476 [1/5]
  17 June 2000                     No 476                        $425WW476A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

9A     - Look for 9A/HA5KFV, 9A/HA5KKW, 9A/HA5FA, 9A/HA5CYE and 9A/HA7WFG  to
         operate (2-80 metres CW, SSB and  SSTV) from Krk Island (EU-136)  on
         17-24 June. [TNX HA7WFG]
9A     - Frane/9A5V, Fredi/9A5KV, Matko/9A3VM and possibly Tom/9A2AA plan  to
         operate from the following Croatian islands between 22 and 25  June:
         Misjak (EU-136, CI-066 for the Islands Of Croatia Award), Pag  (IOCA
         CI-082), Veliki  i Mali  Sikavac (EU-136,  IOCA CI-136),  Vir  (IOCA
         CI-141)  and  Zecevo  (EU-136,  IOCA  CI-147).  Please  note   that,
         according to the newly published IOTA Directory 2000, the islands of
         Pag and Vir  will count  for the  new ***  currently unnumbered  ***
         "Dalmatia North" group. QSL via home calls. [TNX 9A3ZG]
9M2    - Keith, 9M2/GM4YXI now plans to operate (on 10, 12, 15 and 20  metres
         SSB and CW)  from Tioman Island  (AS-046) between  17 or  18 and  25
         June. QSL via GM4YXI (Keith Kerr, East Loanhead, Auchnagatt,  Ellon,
         Aberdeenshire AB41 8YH, Scotland). [TNX The Daily DX]
EA     - EA-DX reports that the EA1GA/p operation from Isla de Noro  (EU-077,
         DIE O-053), originally scheduled on 8-9 July [425DXN 473], will  now
         take place on 16-18 June, DIE  Contest included. QSL via EA1GA.  The
         web page is at http://www.geocities.com/ea1ga_es [TNX EA5OL]
I      - Special event station II1ARI will be active (on all bands, 6  metres
         included) on 17-18 June during the  annual amateur radio meeting  at
         Superga  (Torino).  QSL  via  I1JQJ  (contacts  will  be   confirmed
         automatically through the bureau).
I      - IZ2DPX will  be active  (on  HF and  6  metres) as  IA5/IZ2DPX  from
         Capraia Island (EU-028, IIA LI-020) between 18 and 24 June. He  also
         plans to operate from  the lighthouse at  Punta del Ferraione  (WAIL
         TO-004). QSL via home call. [TNX Crazy DX Group]
I      - Giuseppe, IZ4CCO will be signing ID9/IZ4CCO  (on 10-80 metres)  from
         the island of Vulcano (EU-017, IIA ME-018) on 19-29 June. [TNX Crazy
         DX Group]
I      - Mediterraneo DX  Team members  IZ8CCW, IZ8BGY  and possibily  IZ8BRI
         plan to operate from Cirella Island (EU-144, IIA CS-001) on 25 June.
         QSL via  IZ8CCW (P.O.  Box 360,  87100 Cosenza  - CS,  Italy).  [TNX
IS0    - Look for Mario, IS0LYN/IM0 to operate from Stella Maris (EU-024, IIA
         SS-127) during the weekend.
JA     - Zen, JA7DLE will  be active (on  10, 15, 20,  40 and  80 metres,  CW
         only) as JP6JKK and JA7YCE/6 from Amami Island (AS-023) between  now
         and 24 June. He will participate  in the All Asia CW Contest  (17-18
         June). QSL preferably through  the JARL bureau  or direct to  JP6JKK
         (Akira Sano, 5-12 Tkamatsu Hanamaki-city, Iwate 025-0014, Japan)  or
         JA7YCE (Morioka Club, 3-34-14  Mitake Morioka-city, Iwate  020-0122,
         Japan). [TNX JG7LQU]
JA     - Look for JI3EQW/JR6, JA3MCA/JR6 and JA0KNM/JR6  to operate (on  20-6
         metres SSB and CW) from Taketomi-jima (AS-024) between 12 UTC on  23
         June and 23 UTC on the 25th. QSL via home calls. [TNX JA1ELY]
KH0    - Look for  JA6AGA  and  JA6CNL  to  be  signing  KH0/AF4IN  and  KH0N
         respectively from the Northern Marianas (OC-086)  between 16 and  20
         June. They plan  to operate on  all bands  mostly CW.  QSL via  home
         calls or  to the  Northern  Kyushu DX  Club  (P.O. Box  11,  Yawata,
         805-8691 Japan). [TNX The Daily DX]
KH5    - Mike, KH6ND is now active  from Palmyra Atoll  as KH6ND/KH5. He  has
         replaced Dave,  WB4JTT, who  has returned  to Hawaii.  Mike will  be
         active until  approximately  21 June,  mostly  on CW,  and  will  be
         looking for Europe. QSL to K4TSJ. [TNX NI6T & N4XP]
KL     - The OPDX  Bulletin reports that Don, NL7QT will be active  as a  QRP
         station (mostly  on 40 metres) from Wrangell Island between  26 June
         and 1 August.  QSL via the  bureau. Please note  that, according  to
         the new IOTA Directory, Wrangell does NOT count for NA-041.
LA     - Hans,  SM3TLG  will  be  active  (CW  and  SSB)  as  LA/SM3TLG  from
         Helligvaer Island  (EU-062) on  17-20 June.  An operation  from  the
         Lofoten Islands (EU-076) is possible on  21-23 June. QSL via  SM3TLG
         either direct or through the bureau. [TNX SM3TLG]
PJ7    - Andy, WA6WXD will be active as PJ7/WA6WXD from Sint Maarten (NA-105)
         between 17 and 24 June.  Look for him  on 10, 15,  17 and 20  metres
         SSB. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
PY     - EA-DX reports that PVI0TA (Papa Victor India Zero Tango Alpha)  will
         be aired from Mel Island (SA-047) on 22-25 June. [TNX EA5OL]
PY0_spp- Randy, WX5L reports  that Karl (PS7KM)  and Tino's  (PT7AA) trip  to
         St.Peter and Paul  Archipelago might  take place  during the  second
         week of July.  Final word from  their transportation will  be on  23
         June. KYFC. [TNX VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES]
SM     - Martin SM0DTK will be active from Gotland Island (EU-020) between 17
         June and 6  July. Skeds are  welcome at sm0dtk@hem.passagen.se  [TNX
TA     - Simon, IZ7ATN will be active (mainly  on 15, 20  and 40 metres,  SSB
         only) from Bozcaada Island (AS-099) for a couple of days between  20
         and 25 June.
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425 DX News #476 [2/5]
  17 June 2000                     No 476                        $425WW476B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

UA     - UA1NDX, RN1NP, RK4HM, UA4HUR, UA6LP and  UR3IFD will be active  from
         several islands (not IOTA) located in  Onega Lake between 23 and  30
         June. They plan to use UE1NIB from Bolshoy Klimetskiy (RR 20-02) and
         UE1NIB/p or UE1NIB/a from nearby islands  such as Kizhi (RR  20-01),
         Sujsar (RR 20-03), Ivanovskie  (RR 20-04), P.  Guby (RR 20-05).  QSL
         via UA4HUR. [TNX UR3IFD]
UA     - Look for UE1WPI to be active from Kamenca Island in Pskov Lake  (not
         IOTA, new one for the Russian Robinson Award) on 24-25 June. QSL via
         RA1WZ either direct or through the  bureau. [TNX RA1WZ]
VE     - Andre, GM3VLB planned to operate as VE7/GM3VLB from Campbell  Island
         (NA-061) until 15 June in  the morning (local  time) and from  Denny
         Island (NA-061) until 16 June in the morning (local time). His  next
         plans include Vancouver Island (NA-036) on  16 June, Malcolm  Island
         (NA-091) on the 17th and  Quadra Island (NA-091)  on the 18th.  [TNX
VE     - Peter, VE7QRZ is active from Salt Spring Island (NA-075) between now
         and 18 June. [TNX VE7QRZ and Islands On The Web]
VU_ant - Victor, R1AND  is expected  to operate  from Indian  Antarctic  base
         Maitri on  21-22 June.  He plans  to operate  on CW  (14010,  18090,
         21010, 24910 and 28010 kHz) and SSB (14160, 18140, 21250, 24950  and
         28450 kHz). A web page with  log search for  Victor is available  at
         http://www.qsl.net/ru3uj/r1and.htm [TNX RU3UJ]
W      - Special event call K1D will be  aired (on 28380, 21380, 14280,  7230
         kHz) between 17  and 26 June  to celebrate Kid's  Day (17 June)  and
         Amateur Radio Awareness  week. The operators  will be Peter  (W1DAD)
         and Jeanne (W1MOM)  Schipelliti, 7 Dearborn  Ridge Rd, Atkinson,  NH
         03811, USA. [TNX W1DAD]

                      <<< MOST NEEDED DXCC ENTITIES >>>
                              <<< PART 1/2 >>>

The following survey  is taken from  the newly published  ARRL DXCC  Yearbook
1999 and includes the top 50 entities needed by DXers who participate in  the
DXCC programme. It reflects the positions as they were prior to the  addition
of E4 (Palestine) to the DXCC List. Part 2/2 (positions from 51 to 100)  will
be published in 425 DX News # 478. Last year's survey can be found in  425DXN
 414 and 416. [TNX The Daily DX]

Rank Prefix Entity                  Rank Prefix Entity
------------------                  ------------------
1    P5     North Korea             26   ZL8    Kermadec I.
2    BS7H   Scarborough Reef        27   YA     Afghanistan
3    BV9P   Pratas I.               28   ZS8    Prince Edward & Marion Is.
4    A5     Bhutan                  29   PY0S   St Peter And Paul Rocks
5    VU4    Andaman & Nicobar I.    30   3D2C   Conway Reef
6    7O     Yemen                   31   5A     Libya
7    E3     Eritrea                 32   FT5W   Crozet I.
8    3Y     Bouvet I.               33   TN     Congo
9    FR/T   Tromelin I.             34   CE0X   San Felix I.
10   VU7    Lakshadweep Is.         35   T33    Banaba
11   VK0/M  Macquarie I.            36   FT5Z   Amsterdam & St Paul I.
12   FR/G   Glorioso I.             37   VK9M   Mellish Reef
13   VP8/S  South Sandwich Is.      38   T31    Central Kiribati
14   3C0    Annobon                 39   XW     Laos
15   ZL9    Auckland & Campbell I.  40   YV0    Aves I.
16   KH5K   Kingman Reef            41   PY0T   Trindade & Martin Vaz Is.
17   FR/J   Juan De Nova, Europa    42   Z3     Macedonia
18   SV/A   Mount Athos             43   FT5X   Kerguelen I.
19   VP8/G  South Georgia           44   1S     Spratly Is.
20   XZ     Myanmar                 45   KH1    Baker Howland Island
21   HK0/M  Malpelo I.              46   T9     Bosnia-Herzegovina
22   VK0/H  Heard I.                47   VK9/W  Willis I.
23   3Y     Peter I                 48   EP     Iran
24   3B7    Agalega & St Brandon    49   1A0    SMOM
25   9U     Burundi                 50   S2     Bangladesh

                       >>> NEW 15 METER DXCC AWARD <<<

DXCC is pleased  to announce  the addition  of a  15 meter  single band  DXCC
award. Beginning  June 1,  2000,  DXCC printouts  have  been set  to  reflect
credits on 15 meters. The start date for the new 15 meter DXCC award will  be
July 1, 2000.  15 Meter DXCC  certificates will  be dated  but not  numbered.
Deleted entities do not count towards this award.
Those who  have an  active 5  Band DXCC  which was  processed prior  to  DXCC
computerization and do not have 100  entities in the computer (on 15  meters)
will be  allowed  to  submit  enough  credits  on  that  band  to  bring  the
computerized record to the first 100  needed for this award  with no per  QSO
fee.  Simply include postage and the award fee. The award fee is $10.  Please
note your 5 Band DXCC award number and original issue date on the application
form in the block specified.
If you do not know  what credits you  have on 15  meters, you should  contact
DXCC for an updated report,  prior to submitting  further credits. This  will
help both you and DXCC in that it will avoid duplicates and additional costs,
since QSL costs over the limits noted in DXCC Rule #15 are $0.15 per QSO.  If
you have  web access  and can  handle ADOBE  (.pdf)  files, contact  DXCC  at
dxcc@arrl.org for a  copy of  your record.  If you  do not  have web  access,
please send a note to DXCC along with $1.50 for postage or an SASE with $1.50
in postage. If you have not submitted  since the later portion of 1991,  your
records are not in the computer, and  an SASE with valid postage is  required
for a hard copy.
Please contact DXCC for any comments  and/or questions relating to these  new
awards at dxcc@arrl.org [TNX Bill Moore, NC1L]
S DX@WW $425WW476C
425 DX News #476 [3/5]
  17 June 2000                     No 476                        $425WW476C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

ALL ASIAN DX CONTEST (CW) ---> It will  take place on 17-18 June. Some  rules
have changed,  so  if you  want  to participate  in  the event  please  check

DIE CONTEST ---> The sixth edition will take  place between 6 UTC and 12  UTC
on 18 June. Stations outside Spain shall work different DIE references;  they
will score 2 points on 40-80 metres and 1 point on 10, 15 and 20 metres.  For
further   information   please    visit   the   web    site   for   DIE    at
http://members.es.tripod.de/die [TNX EA5OL]

5H3US QRT  ---> Dave  Heil, K8MN/5H3US  left Tanzania  on  16 June.  His  QSL
manager (Ken, WA8JOC) reports it might take several weeks before he  receives
the final logs. "I will  process the cards  that I have  logs for", he  says,
"but strongly recommend that any QSLs  for QSOs after 17  May 2000 should  be
held back for awhile". Until further notice, WA8JOC is still the QSL  manager
for all  of  Dave's operations  (K8MN/OH2,  K8MN/OH0,  J52US,  9L1US,  A22MN,

BOX 88 ---> "One  of the most  important recent events  in our amateur  radio
life", W4KM has translated from a February 2000 issue of the Russian  Patriot
Magazine, "is the return to a single  QSL bureau for Russia, attached to  the
Central Radio Club. The SRR (Union of Radioamateurs of Russia) Presidium  has
confirmed a set of rules for the QSL bureau,  which now has the status of  an
executive organ of the SRR and is a structural subdivision of the CRC.".  The
address is P.O. Box 88, Moscow,  123459, Russia. Please note that  "packages,
wrappers, and letters arriving from abroad  and not indicating an  individual
recipient are opened; enclosed money and IRCs are removed and credited to the
CRC account. Envelopes showing the callsign of the addressee are not  subject
to being opened." [TNX The Daily DX]

OY/DL2SWW & OY/DL2VFR ---> Ric, DL2VFR reports that over 8,000 QSOs (90%  CW,
with 150 contacts on 6 metres) were made during the recent activity from  the
Faroes. Cards  will be  ready in  a couple  of  weeks. More  information  and
log-search will be available soon at http://www.qsl.net/dl2vfr

QSL 8S7M ---> QSL manager Mats Freden,  SM7DXQ reports to be waiting for  the
cards from the printer.  Please be patient  and do not  sed dupes. This  call
will be aired from time to time through the end of the year.

QSL ZL8RI & ZL9CI ---> As  from 25 April 2000 all direct  QSL cards for  both
ZL8RI (May 1996) and ZL9CI (January 1999) should be addressed to Ken  Holdom,
Kermadec DX Association, P.O. Box 7,  Clyde, Central Otago, New Zealand.  Due
to the  New Zealand  postal system  rules, any  reply to  cards sent  to  any
previous address cannot be guaranteed. [TNX ZL4HU/ZL2HU)]

QSL VIA KG6AR --->  Chris, KG6AR now  KG6AR/4, is the  QSL manager for  EN5J,
EO55JM, EM3J,  UU2JZ, FO8DX  (1997 only),  ZF2JI. His  new address  is  Chris
Williams, 220 Woods Landing Ln., Callaway, VA 24067, USA. [TNX KG6AR]

QSL VIA OK1MG ---> Martin, OK1FUA/OL5Y  reports the new  QSL manager for  his
IH9/OL5Y and IH9/OK1FUA operations from Pantelleria is OK1MG.

SEANET   CONTEST    --->   The    Radio   Amateur    Society   of    Thailand
(http://www.qsl.net/RAST)  invites   all   radio   amateurs   world-wide   to
participate in the  SEANET 2000 Contest,  which is associated  with the  28th
Annual SEANET  Convention in  Thailand (17-19  November). The  format of  the
contest has been revised this year  and it will be a  single 24 hour  contest
incorporating  CW,  Voice  (SSB  or  FM)  and  digital  modes  (RTTY,  AMTOR,
PACTOR-I/II, CLOVER, PSK31  etc.). The contest  will start  at 12  UTC on  19
August and finish at 12 UTC  on the 20th. Full rules  are available from  Ray
Gerrard,   HSO/G3NOM   (g3nom@ibm.net).   The   SEANET   web   site   is   at
http://www.seanet2000.com [TNX HSO/G3NOM]

VIETNAM (NEW  PREFIX NUMBERS)  ---> Rolf,  SM5MX reports  that amateur  radio
district numbers in Vietnam have changed.  For instance, Ho Chi Minh City  is
now district 2 and Hanoi is district 9. Rolf, XV7SW, and Torsten, XV7TH  have
just renewed their licences and on 13 June were informed that they are  XV9SW
and XV9TH from  now on. "No  map of the  new districts was  available at  the
Vietnamese PTT", Rolf says "which also reported that the district figure  No.
1 is not in use at present".

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

F5NOD:        The new URL for Gil's web pages (which include the  forthcoming
              DXpedition to Tromelin) is http://f5nod.waika9.com/
QSL ROUTES:   QSL routes for the CQ WW  WPX CW Contest 2000 are available  at
              http://www.arrakis.es/~ea5eyj [TNX EA5EYJ]
XR0ZY:        Pictures from the April  2000 XR0ZY operation  can be found  at
              http://www.om5tx.miesto.sk [TNX OM2SA]
S DX@WW $425WW476D
425 DX News #476 [4/5]
  17 June 2000                     No 476                        $425WW476D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8GL       3B8CF       ED3PMT      bureau      RM9RA       RW9QA
3C2JJ       F2XX        ED5MUC      EA5VM       RM9RM       RW9QA
3D2RW       ZL1AMO      ED7URX      EA7ATR      RM9RO       RW9QA
3D2ZC       AA1ON       EJ7NET      EI6FR       RM9RX       RW9QA
3V8ST       DL1BDF      EM70DXG     UT1WA       RM9RX/9     RW9QA
3W2LC       VK6LC       EO225EA     UT2EA       RM9RZ       RW9QA
3W7CW       SP5AUC      EO55FI      UX3FW       RN9RZ       RW9QA
3Z0I        SP6ZSA      EO6F        UX0FF       RW9QA       RW9QA
3Z0KAG      SP9KAG      EP2MKO      RU6FZ       RW9QA       W3HNK
4J4K        TA2ZV       EP3SP       IZ8BRI      RW9RN       RW9QA
4K1F        UT5UGR      EZ7ST       pirate      S500S       S59L
4L4KW       KE1HZ       FG/F5SNY    F5SNY       S5A         S59L
4O0A        YU1SRS      FG5FR       F6FNU       SD5DS       SM5BDY
4O8/9X0A    RW3AH       FH/TU5AX    F5OGL       SN0EMK      SP9PLR
4S7SW       ON6TZ       FM5GU       KU9C        SV8/I2YYO   IK2MYX
4W6GH       CT1EGH      FO0CLA      F6CTL       SV9/DL8YRM  DL8YRM
4W6SP       9A2AA       FO0DER      3D2AG       SV9/G3NYY   G3NYY
5H1/PA3GIO  PA3GIO      FR5FD       N6TR        SV9/G4FRE   WW2R
5H3/PA3GIO  PA3GIO      FR5ZQ/G     FR5ZQ       SV9/G4VXE   G3SWH
5K9AQ       HK3PXA      FT5XN       F6IHY       SV9/G7FRE   N2NQI
5N3CPR      SP5CPR      FW/G4DZC    AA1ON       T7AA        IZ8CKT
5N9EAM/8    IK7JTF      FY5FU       F5PAC       T88VB       JM1VBW
5V7MN       DF8AN       FY5HY       F6IHY       T94CQ       VK4DX
5X1P        G3MRC       GB2BYL      M0BYL       T99T        9A2AA
7X2CR       IS0LYN      HB0/DA1WA   DJ0LC       TJ1GD       SP9CLQ
8J7WGC   JARL bureau    HB0/DL4MP   DL4MP       TJ1MG       I2OMK
8J9AAA      JA9XTJ      HG100R 1995 HA1KSA      TJ1PD       N5DRV
8M2000   JARL bureau    HG1G 1996   HA1KSA      TK/DL2SBY   DL2SBY
9A10C       9A7K        HG1H 1996   HA1KSA      TK/DL4FF    DL4FF
9A900Z      9A2DM       HG1P 1996   HA1KSA      TP2000CE    F6FQK
9H3AAB      DL9NDS      HG1S        HA1KSA      TR8CA       F6CBC
9H3AY       G3SDG       HG73DX      HA1KSA      TT8JLB      F5BAR
9J2BO       W6ORD       HGM1H 1996  HA1KSA      TZ6VV       KB0VV
9K2SS       KB2MS       HS0/G4DZC   AA1ON       UA9QA       RW9QA
9K2ZM       9K2RA       HS0/OH4MFA  OH4MFA      UA9QGB      RW9QA
9M2/GM4YXI  GM4YXI      HS4BPQ      E21EIC      UA9RH       RW9QA
9M2F        JI1ETU      IL7/IK4GLV  IK4GLV      UA9RQ       RW9QA
9M6AAC      N2OO        IL7/IK4JPR  IK4JPR      UN7PCZ      DL8KAC
9M6QQ       DF5UG       IL7/IK4RUX  IK4RUX      UO8I        RK3BY
9M8QQ       DF5UG       IU0FM       I0YKN       V29TBK      G3TBK
9N7YT       JJ2NYT      J28/F5LDY   F5LDY       V31MD       KB6NAN
9X/RV6LNA   RV6LNA      J28EW       F5LDY       V44KJ       WB2TSL
9Y4/DL2RVS  DL2YY       J3/AA1ON    AA1ON       V85QQ       DF5UG
A35RK       W7TSQ       J73DLR      DL2YY       VI150SYD    VK2PS
A61AT       IT9ZGY      JT0TJ       HA1KSA      VI2AUS      VK2PS
AP2JZB      K2EWB       JT1FCY      I1QOD       VI2PS       VK2PS
AX2000      VK2PS       JT1FCZ      I1ZB        VI2TAS      VK2PS
AX2ITU      VK2PS       JT4Y        I0SNY       VI8NSW      VK2PS
AX2PS       VK2PS       JW3YJA      LA3YJA      VK2DIK      VK2PS
AX8AM       VK8AM       JW5DW       LA Buro     VK2RSY      VK2PS
BT0QGL      K6EXO       JY9NE       N3FNE       VK2WI       VK2PS
BV3/DJ3KR   DJ3KR       JY9NX       JH7FQK      VP2EY       HB9SL
BV9G        BV8BC       KH0/JA3EYO  JA3EYO      VP8DBN      G7BSP
BX5AA       BV5GQ       KH6ND/KH5   K4TSJ       VQ9QM       W4QM
CN2DX       HB9HLM      MC0CDX      G4JVG       W3WKP/VP9   W3WKP
CO6XN       HK6DOS      MD/N0KV     M0CQS       W5RRR  direct or KG5U
CO8ZZ       DK1WI       MD/N0KV     N0KV        XT2PT       N5DRV
CT3BX       HB9CRV      MJ/F5TJP/p  F5TJP       XU7AAR      XW2A
CU8/DL8AAV  DL8AAV      MM0BQI/p    MM0BQI      XU7AAS      SP5AUC
CW6V        W3HNK       NH6D/KH4    N6FF        XU7ABF      XW2A
CX5X        W3HNK       OH0HAC      DL9FAZ      XV9SW       SM3CXS
CX6VM       W3HNK       OH0RB       OH3RB       YA9KA       pirate
D3SAF       I3LLH       OY/DL2SWW   DL2SWW      YI9CW       SP5AUC
D700EVM     HL5FXP      OY/DL2VFR   DL2VFR      YJ8UU       ZL2HE
E20HHK      E21EIC      OY3QN       OZ1ACB      Z34A        Z31ET
E20REX      E21EIC      OZ1RDP      DL9BCP      Z34M        Z31FK
E41/OK1DTP  OK1TD       PV500A      PT2TF       ZA/N5NW     KB4KC
EA8/EH5CPU  EA8EE       PY2KC       W3HC        ZB2JS/m     G4SOK
ED2VAC      EA2CHT      R1AND       DL5EBE      ZF2RP       K8RLP
ED2VDB      EA2URV      RI1P        RN1ZZ       ZS10JUN     ZS6AMX
S DX@WW $425WW476E
425 DX News #476 [5/5]
  17 June 2000                     No 476                        $425WW476E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

4W6MM      Thorvaldur Stefanson, P.O. Box 3699, Darwin, NT 0801 Australia
5X4C       Fr. Sebastiano Bianchi, P.O.Box 43, Lira, Uganda
8P6FI      Morris E. Sobers, P. O. Box 3045, Holetown, Barbados
9V1JA      Naoshi Oinuma, 43 Jurong East Avenue 1, # 18-02, Singapore
           609778, Singapore
AA1ON      Martin Bayes, 106 Hayden Rowe St, Hopkinton, MA 01748, USA
CS1GDX     P.O.Box 56, 2736-901 Cacem, Portugal
CX1JJ      P.O. Box 68164, 50000 Salto, Uruguay
CX1JK      P.O. Box 68164, 50000 Salto, Uruguay
CX3JE      P.O. Box 68164, 50000 Salto, Uruguay
DF5UG      Hans Ehlers, P.O. Box DF5UG, D-88671 Markdorf, Germany
E21EIC     Champ C. Muangamphun, P.O. Box 1090, Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903,
ET3DP      Dennis Panther, P. O. Box 1014, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
F2XX       Jean-Claude Jupin, Chemin Gelos, F-64990 Lahonce, France
F5BAR      Jean Luc Bouchet, Le Clos des Vignes, 31 Rue des Vendages,
           F-83220 Le Pradet, France
F6IHY      Helios Nacenta, 7 place de Peyrepertuse, 31270 Frouzins, France
FK8HZ      Maurice Bunel, B. P. 9 WE, F-98820 Lifou, France
FR5ZQ      Henri Namtameco, Rampe de Saint-Francois, 5052 tour de la
           Chaumiere, 97400 Saint-Denis, France
FW5ZL      Guy Petit de la Rhodiere, B.P. 2, Mata-Utu, Uvea 98600, France
HA1KSA     MTTOSZ Gyor Varosi Radioklub, P.O. Box 79, H-9002 Gyor, Hungary
HB9AMO     Pierre Petry, 3 Hutins des Bois, 1225 Chene-Bourg, Switzerland
HK0VGJ     Abel, P.O. Box 852, San Andres Island, Colombia
HK3PXA     Roberto Rey, P.O. Box 101939, Bogota, Colombia
IK2SNG     Antonio Caranti, Via Dante 15, 27010 Bornasco - PV, Italy
IK4RQJ     Augusto Baldoni, Via Notari 109, 41100 Modena - MO, Italy
IK4VET     Andrea Amati, Via Parigi 39/B, 41012 Carpi - MO, Italy
IK4XCL     Roberto Bellotti, Via Graziosi 6, 41100 Modena - MO, Italy
IK8YFU     Alessandro Pochi', Via Cavour 8, 89024 Polistena - RC, Italy
IZ0CKJ     Alessio Roma, Casella Postale 22, I-03023 Ceccano - FR, Italy
JI3DST     Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-Cho Abeno-Ku, Osaka-City, Osaka
           545-0021, Japan
JJ2NYT     Tsuyoshi Nakanishi, 1013 Oyama, Yokkaaichi, Mie 512-1102, Japan
KB0VV      Larry Erwin, 3850 Willomet Dr, Fort Worth, TX 76133, USA
KG5U       Dale L Martin, 12610 Barbizon Drive, Houston, TX 77089-6506, USA
MM0BQI     Jim Martin, 3 Lismore Avenue, Edinburgh, EH8 7DW Scotland
NH0H       Timothy F. Hayes, Dept. 72, P. O. Box 10001, Saipan, MP 96950, USA
OE8CIQ     Christian Irrasch, Nikolaistr. 16, A-9330 Althofen, Austria
OK1TD      Jiri Lunak, U Sporky 185, 470 01 Ceska Lipa, Chech Republic
PA3GIO     Bert vd Berg, Parklaan 38, NL-3931 KK Woudenberg, The Netherlands
PT2TF      Therezinha Felix Cardoso, SHIN QI 14, Conj 05, Casa 23, 71530-050
           Brasilia - DF, Brazil
PY0FZ      c/o CWJF, P.O.Box 410, 36001-970 Juiz de Fora - MG, Brazil
RK3BY      P.O. Box 59, Moscow, 125438, Russia
RK3PWJ     P.O. Box 1, Efremov 301840, Russia
RN1/UZ3PWJ P.O. Box 1, Efremov 301840, Russia
RP3POT     P.O. Box 1, Efremov 301840, Russia
RV3ACA     Elen V. Boychenko, P.O. Box 13, Moscow, 127521, Russia
RW1AI      Mike Fokin, P.O. Box 2, St.Petersburg, 195009 Russia
RW3AH      P.O. Box 899, Moscow, 127018, Russia
RW9QA      Vlad Kondratenko, P.O.Box 1, Kurgan-38, 640038, Russia
RZ3EM      Andy A. Novikov, P.O. Box 98, Orel, 302002, Russia
SP5AUC     Tom Rogowski, P.O. Box 11, 02-800 Warszawa, Poland
UA1AKE     Constantin Semyonov, P.O. Box 800, St.Petersburg, 199155, Russia
UK8LA      Karim, P.O. Box 13, Bukhara 705000, Uzbekistan
UT5UGR     Dimitry Stashuk, P.O. Box 115, Kiev-147, 02147, Ukraine
UX0FF      Nikolay Lavreka, P.O. Box 3, Izmail 68600, Ukraine
UX3FW      Yurij Kucherenko, P.O. Box 60, Izmail 68600, Ukraine
UX3MR      Eugene D. Phinikopulo, P.O.Box 39, Lugansk-17, 91017 Ukraine
VK2PS      Stephen Pall, P.O.Box 3093, Dural, NSW 2158, Australia
VK4DX      Mike M. Sivcevic, 2/9 Pear Street, Greenslopes 4120, Australia
W3HNK      Joseph Arcure Jr., P.O. Box 73, Edgemont, PA 19028, USA
W5RRR      NASA Johnson Space Center, Attn: AW7/JSCARC, 2101 NASA Road 1,
           Houston, TX 77058-2101, USA
XX9AU      Cheang Vai Ip, A. Vendia Ouvidor Arriaga, Box 601B, 2-H-3 Andar
           B., Macao
YC9LQA     L.C. Salean, J L Niaga # 71, Larantuka, Flores Island, 86216
YI1RS      P.O.Box 55072, Baghdad, Iraq
YU1SRS     Savez Radio Amatera Srbije, P.O. Box 48, 11001 Beograd,
ZA/9A4NA   Zeljko Curkovic, c/o UNHCR Tirana, Vaso Pasha 11/I, Tirana,
ZA/OK1JR   Stan Matejicek, c/o Czech Embassy, Rruga Skanderberg 10, Tirana,
ZA1BE      P.O. Box 7464, Tirana, Albania

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