S DX@WW $425WW475A 425 DX News #475 [1/5] 10 June 2000 No 475 $425WW475A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3DA - Frosty K5LBU and his daughter will be going to Swaziland early next month. They expect to arrive on 5 or 6 July and to operate as 3DA0CF and 3DA0EW with two rigs on 10, 15, 20, 40, 80, 160 and 6 metres SSB only. They will be there for two nights and three days. [TNX W9DX] 4X - Dave, will be operating as 4X/W5WP from the QTH of 4X6RD on 2-20 July. Initial operation will be on 10, 15 and 20 metres; if a G5RV can be installed operation will be expanded to include the WARC band and 40/80 metres. Modes will be SSB, CW and possibly PSK31. Participation in the IARU contest is planned as well as an activity from Akhziv Island (AS-100). QSL via W5WP. [TNX W5WP] 7P - Joerg/DF6VI, Dieter/DJ9ON, Mark/DL1IAN, Tom/DL1QW, Hans/DL1YFF and Tom/DL4OCM will be active as 7P8AA from Lesotho between 3-4 and 22 July. They will operate with three stations on 6-160 metres SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via DL7VRO either direct (Fritz Bergner, Sterndamm 199, D-12487 Berlin) or through the bureau. The website for the DXpedition is at http://www.qsl.net/7p8aa, logs will be available after the DXpedition at http://dx.qsl.net/logs/index.html [TNX DL1YFF] C6 - Joe/W8GEX, Ron/WA8LOW, Mike/N9NS and Mike/K9AJ will be active as C6AJR with two stations (CW and SSB on 6-40 metres) from the Berry Islands (NA-054), Bahamas between 28 and 31 July. They will use C6DX during the IOTA Contest. QSL to W8GEX. [TNX The Daily DX] CT - Look for CS1GDX/p to be active on 10 June 2000 during the Portugal Day Contest from Alcoutim-Santa Justa Castle (C-007 for DCFP). QSL direct to P.O. Box 56, 2736-901 Cacem, Portugal or through the bureau. The rules for the DCFP are at http://>www.qsl.net/gpdx [TNX CT1END] EA - ED1ISA will be active during the DIE Contest (18 June) from Isla de Alba de Tormes (DIE SA-014, not IOTA). [TNX EA1LF] EA8 - Operators from Grupo DX Gran Canaria will be active as ED8GCR from Roque de Gando (AF-004, DIE S-022) on 18 June during the DIE Contest. QSL via EA8AKN or through the bureau. [TNX EA8AKN] HC - Otto, UA4WAE expects to operate on all bands as HC4WW for twelve months starting around 20 June. [TNX G3LZK] I - Luca, IZ4DIW will operate as IA5/IZ4DIW from Giglio Island (EU-028, IIA GR-002) between 8 and 21 July. [TNX Crazy DX group] IS0 - Nello, IK2DUW and Valery, RA6YR will be active from Sardinia between 11 and 24 June and are likely to operate from one or more IIA islands in Cagliari province. [TNX IK2DUW] JA - Look for Take, JI3DST/1 to be active (on 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres SSB) from Hachijo Island (AS-043) between 7 UTC on 17 June and 00.00 UTC on the 20th. QSL via JI3DST either direct (Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-Cho Abeno-Ku, Osaka-City, Osaka 545-0021, Japan) or preferably through the bureau. [TNX JI6KVR and VE3LDT] JA - Look for JM1PXG/6 to be active (on 20-10 metres CW) from Daito Islands (AS-047) on 29-31 July. QSL via JM1PXG. [TNX JI6KVR] JY - Amir, 4X6TT is active as JY8TT from Amman, Jordan until 11 June. He plans to concentrate on 18.145 and 24.945 MHz. QSL via home call. [TNX 4X6TT] JY - Pete, JY9NE reports that for the month of June he will be operating mainly on 17 or 20 metres from 02.30 UTC to about 03.30 UTC everyday. QSL via N3FNE. (By the way, please note that Pete is not the QSL manager for JY4NE, OD/JY4NE, JY9NX and E44A). [TNX JY9NE] KH5K - A multi-national team of 13 operators (namely AA7A, DJ9ZB, K3VN, K4UEE, KH7U, N4BQW, N4XP, NH6UY, NI6T, OH2BU, OK1KT, RA3AUU and WB4JTT) has been formed for the October DXpedition to Kingman Reef [425DXN 470]. At least four stations are expected to operate on 6-160 metres. Klaus Wagner, DL1XX will be the pilot for Europe and Don Greenbaum, N1DG the Webmaster. QSL via K4TSJ. Contributions of any size to defray the costs of this DXpedition can be sen to N4XP (Tom Harrell, 2011 New High Schoals Road, Watkinsville, GA 30677, USA). [TNX NI6T] LA - Look for Trond, LA9VDA to be active as LA9VDA/p from Spjaeroy, Hvaler Is (EU-061) on 13, 20 and 27 June. [TNX LA9VDA] /EX S DX@WW $425WW475B 425 DX News #475 [2/5] 10 June 2000 No 475 $425WW475B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== OH - Look for Toru, JR3QHQ to be active (on 10-20 metres SSB and CW) as OH5/JR3QHQ/p from Kaunissaari Island (EU-140) on 4 and 5 July. QSL via JR3QHQ either direct (Toru Tanaka, 3-6-14 Jonan Ikeda-City Osaka 563-0025, Japan) or preferably through the bureau. [TNX JI3DST] OZ - Guenter, DL5CX will be active (mainly on CW) as OZ/DL5CX/p from EU-030 between 11 and 17 June. Look for him mostly during his morning and evening hours. [TNX DL5CX] UA - Alex, RU0LL will be joined by RW0LZ, RZ4HF, RW0LV and UA0CAL for the 24 July-2 August R0L operation from Putyatina Island (AS-066) [425DXN 474]. They plan to concentrate on RTTY and CW. QSL via IK2DUW. [TNX IK2DUW] V6 - KG8CO, K8AQM and K8AA will be active as V63KP, V63KR, and V63KQ respectively from 30 June through 12 July using CW, SSB, RTTY, and PSK. They will participate in the IARU HF World Championship (8-9 July) as V63X (Multi-Single). QSL via K8AA. [TNX K8AA] VE/OX - On 12 June Tony, VA3MER (tony@wright-photo.com) will be sailing from Sydney, Nova Scotia to Greenland, Baffin Island and the Labrador coast. "I cannot predict where I will be at any particular date and where it will be convenient to operate from ashore", he says. "I will however try to remain at a location for a couple of days to give time for making contacts". His position will be updated daily on http://www.wright-photo.com [TNX VA3MER and Islands On The Web] VK - Australian amateur radio operators are allowed to use the optional AX prefix to celebrate the Sydney Olympic and Paralympic Games between 15 June and 2 November. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] VK - A large group of VK2s (including VK2EO, VK2NP, VK2RD, VK2PB, VK2ZL, VK2ARY, VK2JW and VK2XN) will be active (on SSB, CW and PSK) as VI2BI from Broughton Island (OC-212) between 6 and 15 October. QSL via VK2EO either direct (Geoff McGrorey-Clark, P.O. Box 76, Medowie, NSW, 2318 Australia) or through the bureau. [TNX VK2EO] VK9_coc - Wal, VK6KZ and Don, VK6HK will be active as VK9CZ and VK9CK from Cocos/Keeling (OC-003) between 21 October and 4 November. Two stations will be in operation with main concentration on 6 metres SSB and CW (conditions permitting). HF operation (40-10 metres) if 50 MHz conditions allow. [TNX VK6HK and VK4FW] VK9_nor - A multi-national team of YL operators from seven countries will be active (SSB and CW) as AX9YL from Norfolk Island (OC-005) between 5 and 12 October. QSL via the VK3 Bureau or direct to VK3DYL (Gwen Tilson, 3 Gould Crt, Mt Waverley, Victoria, 3149, Australia). [TNX VK3DYL] VP5 - Carlo, I4ALU will be active (on all HF bands CW only) as VP5/I4ALU from Jody's (VP5JM) QTH on Providenciales (NA-002) between 14 and 28 August. QSL via I4ALU (Carlo Amorati, Via Battistelli 10, 40122 Bologna - BO, Italy). [TNX I4ALU] W - Will, WC6DX will be active from San Miguel Island (NA-144, USI CA-14S) on 23-25 June. As this will be Field Day weekend in USA and Canada, he will operate mainly on WARC bands, but will QSY to traditional bands on request if there is a clear frequency. QSL via WC6DX either direct to his new address (Will Costello, P.O. Box 1332, Monterey, CA 93942-1332, USA) or through the bureau. Multiple cards from different operators in the same envelope are OK to keep postage down. [TNX WC6DX] XE - Jack, F6BUM will be active as XE3/F6BUM from Mujeres Island (NA-045) between 30 August and 8 September. QSL via home call. [TNX F6BUM] YL - Eric, SM1TDE will be active as YL/SM0TDE from Liepaja (KO06MM), Latvia between 17 and 22 July. He will operate on 160-2 metres and concentrate on WARC bands and CW. Eric has received a special permission to operate on 6 metres (he might also operate as SM1TDE/MM from square KO07 during the voyage to and from Liepaja). QSL via SM1TDE, preferably through the bureau. [TNX SM1TDE] ZA - Marty Watt, N5NW will be operating (primarily SSB on 15-20 metres and possibly 2 metres for Europe) as ZA/N5NW from Tirana Albania on 10-17 June.QSL direct to KB4KA; all others will be answered via the bureau. [TNX KB4KA] ZK1_sc - Mark, KM6HB will be active (on 10-40 metres with an emphasis on RTTY) from the South Cook Islands between 10 and 17 July. He will operate (callsign to be issued upon arrival) first from Rarotonga (OC-013) on 10-15 July and then from Aitutaki (OC-083).QSL via home call. [TNX KM6HB] /EX S DX@WW $425WW475C 425 DX News #475 [3/5] 10 June 2000 No 475 $425WW475C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH >>> 2000 IOTA LISTINGS <<< The following are the first 30 positions (rank/call/score) in the 2000 IOTA Honour Roll (by courtesy of the Radio Society of Great Britain). The full listings are now available at http://www.rsgbiota.org and include the Honour Roll, the Annual Listing, the SWL Listing and the Club Station Listing. 1 F9RM 930 7 G3AAE 904 11 I8KNT 903 18 IK1AIG 891 24 IT9GAI 881 2 I1ZL 920 7 ON6HE 904 14 I8XTX 902 20 DL8NU 890 24 ON4AAC 881 3 I1SNW 912 7 VE3XN 904 15 ON5KL 900 20 F2BS 890 24 W4BAA 881 4 9A2AA 910 7 W9DC 904 16 I8ACB 899 22 G3GIQ 885 28 ON7EM 880 5 EA4MY 906 11 GM3ITN 903 17 IK1JJB 897 22 K9PPY 885 29 OH2QQ 879 6 I2YDX 905 11 I1HYW 903 18 I2MWZ 891 24 F6AJA 881 30 VE6VK 878 HC & HC8 DX AWARDS ---> Rick, NE8Z reports two new DX awards are available to licenced amateurs and SWLs to recognize all past, present and future DX operations from Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. The certificates and award rules can be viewed http://www.octavia.com/qsl/awards.htm PIRATE ---> Someone signing XQ0X was active (20 metres SSB and 10 metres CW) on 4 June. The Daily DX reports that Mickey, CE3ESS (the QSL manager for the genuine XQ0X) says it was a pirate. RRC CHECKPOINTS ---> The following three new checkpoints have been appointed for card checking for all of the awards sponsored by the Russian Robinson Club (http://rrc.sc.ru/eng/eng.htm): Joel Sutterlin, F5PAC (f5pac@wanadoo.fr, for French speaking countries), Russell Aubrey Wilson, VE6VK (ve6vk@rac.ca, for Canada), Alex Goldenberg, 4Z5KJ (alex_4z5kj@mail.aquanet.co.il, for Middle East countries). [TNX RZ3EM] QSL 3C2JJ ---> Didier, F5OGL reports there have been some "problems" with the cards sent to TR8XX in Gabon. If you are still waiting for your QSL, it is advisable to use TR8XX/F2XX's address in France ("not fast but safer"): Jean-Claude Jupin, Chemin Gelos, F-64990 Lahonce, France. QSL CX1JJ ---> Mariana, CX1JJ reports a new change in the QSL route for CX1JK, CX3JE and herself [425DXN 471]. Cards should now be sent direct only to the following address: P.O. Box 68164, 50000 Salto, Uruguay. QSL A61AT ---> The new QSL manager as of 1 June 2000 is IT9ZGY. QSL EO55FI ---> Nikolay, UX0FF has realized he gave a wrong POB number (62 instead of 60) for this special event station. Please note that the correct QSL route is via UX3FW, Yurij Kucherenko, P.O. Box 60, Izmail 68600, Ukraine. QSL W5RRR ---> "The Johnson Space Center ARC is active and makes many DX contacts", Dale, KG5U reports. "Because of costs of using the QSL bureaux, the club has long only accepted direct QSL'ing to the space center or to KG5U". The addresses are NASA Johnson Space Center, Attn: AW7/JSCARC, 2101 NASA Road 1, Houston, TX 77058-2101, USA (for W5RRR) and Dale L Martin, 12610 Barbizon Drive, Houston, TX 77089-6506, USA (for KG5U). QSL NOT VIA F6AJA ---> Please note that Jean-Michel, F6AJA is not the QSL manager for the recent (April 2000) FK8KAB/p operation. The logs Jean-Michel has are for the 4-8 October 1993 operation from the Chesterfields (OC-176). Cards for of FK8KAB/p should be sent to ARANC, P.O. Box 3956, 98846 Noumea Cedex, Nouvelle Caledonie. QSL UN0LL ---> QSL manager Ron St.Laurent, ND5S reports he has not heard from Vlad, UN0LL since 23 January, when Vlad was reported to be quite sick and in the hospital. If you have a current e-mail address for Vlad, please contact Ron at nd5s@ix.netcom.com QSL VIA F6BUM ---> Jack, F6BUM (jacques.mainguy@libertysurf.fr) has started processing the cards for his FM/F6BUM operation. He is trying to find a sponsor for the NA-045 cards (see XE above). QSL VIA IK4RQJ ---> Augusto reports he has processed all of the direct requests received for his 7-9 April operation from Scanno di Piallazza (EU-155, IIA FE-001) and Mezzanino (IIA FE-004). Bureau cards will be sent within a couple of weeks. /EX S DX@WW $425WW475D 425 DX News #475 [4/5] 10 June 2000 No 475 $425WW475D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== QSL VIA IK7XIV ---> Roberto reports his old computer and backup disks are gone due to a virus. He is busily retyping some 30,000 QSOs (including IK7XIV, IQ7A, IL7/, IJ7/, SV8/IK7XIV) from good old paper logs into his new PC, but bureau cards processing has been considerably slowed down. Please be patient. QSL VIA SP5AUC ---> Tom, SP5AUC is now back home for a two-month holiday. The problems at the post office [425DXN 467] are being sorted out, so those who need a card for YI9CW, 3W7CW or XU7AAS can send their direct only request (Tom is not a member of PZK does not receives cards from the bureau) to Tom Rogowski, P.O. Box 11, 02-800 Warszawa, Poland. [TNX SP5EWY] QSL VIA VK4NM/VK4DX ---> Please note that Mike, VK4NM has recently changed his callsign and is signing VK4DX now (http://www.qsl.net/vk4dx). Mike is the QSL manager for T94CQ and the only valid address is Mike M. Sivcevic, 2/9 Pear Street, Greenslopes 4120, Australia or via the VK4 QSL bureau. [TNX VK4DX] SOUTH SHETLANDS ---> For those who asked: Marek, LU1ZI/HF0POL on 7 June was active from Argentinian Antarctic base Teniente Jubany on King George Island, South Shetalnds (AN-010). QSL via SP3WVL. VK (80 METRES) ---> The Australian Communications Authority has announced that the band 3776 to 3800 kHz will be reallocated to the Amateur Service as of 1 January 2004. The current VK band on 80 metres is only 6 kHz wide (3794-3800 kHz). [TNX VK4DX] WRC ---> The Russian Robinson Club sponsors the "World Robinson Cup" (WRC, e-mail wrc_rrc@mail.ru) for contacting stations operating from islands between 1 May and 30 September 2000. The national island programmes considered by WRC are RRA (Russia), DIB (Brazil), C.Is.A (Canada), IOCA (Croatia), DIFM (France), IOSA (Scotland), DIE (Spain), IIA (Italy), SPIA (Poland), UIA (Ukraine), USI (USA), the Danish Islands and the German Islands Awards. Full information is available at http://rrc.sc.ru/eng/eng.htm [TNX RZ3EM] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS (BQ9): The BQ9P 2000 logs are available for searching via e-mail. Send an e-mail message to bq9p-log@n4gn.com with ONLY the call sign you wish to search in the Subject line, and NOTHING else on that line. You will receive an e-mail shortly with a response to your query. If the e-mail you receive does not correspond to your log, feel free to e-mail Steve, KU9C at ku9c@arrl.net, or follow the instructions in the email response, which will be forwarded to him. [TNX KU9C] LOGS (PY0F): The PY0F/PY2ZDX logs are available for searching via e-mail. Send an e-mail message to log.f6kpo@eudil.fr with your call in the Subject line and PY2ZDX-0Fin the body of the message. [TNX F6AJA] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 3A/VA3EU,3B8/KD6WW, 3B9R, 3C0R, 3W2GAX/p (AS-128), 3XY2D, 4W/N5KO, 4W/W3UR, 4W6EB, 4W6/VK2QF, 4X4MY, 4Z1JS, 5A1A (3/99 and 4/99), 5X4C, 5Z4WI (AF-067), 6D2X, 6Y3A, 7X4AN, 8Q7TB, 9G5XO, 9J2DR, 9J2FR, 9M2TO, 9M6BG, 9N7RB, 9V1RG, A52A, BD7NQ, BI3H, CE0Y/G0KBO, CE0Y/UA6AF, CE0Z, EA8BH, EA9AZ, EK6TA, EP2MKO, EZ8AQ, F5KSE/P (DCF 31001), FO0AAA, FO0EEN (OC-152), FO0HWU (OC-152), FO0SOU (OC-027 & OC-067), FT5XN, FW5ZL, GB5RO, GM3VLB/P (EU-111), H40MS, HC1HC, HD8Z, HF0POL, HR1LW, IK4RQJ/4 (EU-155; IIA FE-001), IK8WEJ/8 (EU-144), IL7/IZ0CKJ (EU-050; IIA FG-004, 008), J28MD, J28NH, JA6LCJ/6 (AS-036), NP2/K7BV, P29VMS (OC-231), P49MR, PP5UU (SA-027), PY1NEZ/PP1 (SA-067), R1/HF0POL, RI1P (EU-102), S79BL, T2DX, T30CW, T30Y, T31K, T31T, T32BO, T33CW, T33Y, T92000, TE8CH, TM5CRO (EU-070), TX0DX, V47AX, V47C, V47CA, V47CC, V47CX, V47GS, V47OV, V73CW, V73XP, V8AAP, VE7EDZ (NA-061), VK7FLI (OC-195), VK9CN, VK9CP, VK9XT, VK9XU, VU2LE, XF4LWY, XQ5BIB/8 (SA-032), XR0ZY, XW2A, YB0CEF, YB3OSE, YC5XIP (OC-107), YC8TXW, YC8XNE (OC-076), ZB2ZDK, ZK3CW (OC-048), ZM7ZB, ZS31ER (AF-085), QSL received via WF5E QSL Service: 3C5DX, 3D2DK, 3W6DXI, 4U1UN, 6V1C, 6W1QV/P, 7Q7RM, 6Y2A, 8R1ZB, A45XR, A61AJ, AH8LG, BA4TB, BD7NQ, BT2HC, BV7FC, C56SW, CE0AA, CE0ZIS, CO8LY, E30GA, F5KDC/P, FK8GM, FK8VHN, FO0AWI, FO0XUU, FP/N9PD, FR5ZQ/T, FT5ZG, H44NC, HK0F, HS0/IK4MRH, JT1X, N2HNQ/6Y5, PJ2MI, T20FW, TF7RX, TF8GX, TL5A, TN7A, TR8CA, UA0FDX, V26MM, V31JZ, VK3AJJ/P, VP9/N1RCT, W2FXA/VP9, XUX0 (AS-133), XZ1N, ZD7DP, ZK3RW, ZX0Z (SA-067; DIB 068), ZY8R (SA-070; DIB 025). ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW475E 425 DX News #475 [5/5] 10 June 2000 No 475 $425WW475E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF 01/01-31/12 IOTA 2000 (http://www.cdxc.org.uk) *** 01/06-30/06 SWL Multi-Mode Contest 460 till November 3W2LC: Vietnam * by VK6LC 472 till 31/07 3Z0MM: special event station (Poland) 469 till 31/12 3Z: special prefix (Poland) 454 till 14/06 9A10C and 9A7K/p: Palagruza Island (EU-090) * by 9As 469 till 31/12 9AY2K: special Millennium station 451 till July A45ZN: Oman 467 till 12/06 FG/F5SNY: NA-102 and/or NA-114 473 till August FH/TU5AX: Mayotte (AF-027) * by 6W1QV 458 till 15/06 FR5ZQ/G: Glorioso (AF-011) 472 till 31/12 HB2: special Y2K prefix (Switzerland) 453 till 31/12 HF70PZK: special event station (Poland) 453 till 31/12 II0CV: special call 451 till 24/12 II0: special jubilee prefix 452 till 12/06 IR3BZ: special event station 474 till 31/12 IU0PAW: Jubilee Year special station 468 till ?? JX7DFA: Jan Mayen (EU-022) * by LA7DFA 465 till 11/06 JY8TT: Jordan * by 4X6TT 475 till 28/05 LA8LA: Hitra Island (EU-036) 472 till 11/06 MJ/F5TJP/p: Les Minquiers Plateau (EU-099) 469 till 11/06 OH0RB: Aland Islands (EU-002) * by OH1s 474 till May RA0LOM/p: Shikotan (AS-062) 468 till 31/12 SI75A & SIxSSA: SSA 75th anniversary stations (Sweden) 445 till 16/06 SV9/G3NYY,SV9/G4VXE,SV9/G4FRE,SV9/G7FRE: Crete EU-015 473 till 10/06 TK/DL2SBY: Corsica 473 till 11/06 TP2000CE: Council of Europe 474 till July TT8JLB: Chad * by F5BAR 467 till December VK0MM: Macquarie Island 469 till Sep VK8PW/8: Arnhem Land (plus OC-229) 469 till 31/07 VR2K: special Millennium call (Hong Kong) 449 01/06-31/08 ES8SC: special "Summer Capital Award" call 473 04/06-15/08 BT0QGL: special call (K2 North Ridge Expedition) 473 06/06-13/06 LZ/TA3J and LZ/TA3YJ 474 09/06-12/06 ES1QD: Muhu Island (EU-034) 473 10/06-11/06 9M2/GM4YXI: Pulau Ketam (AS-074) or AS-097 473 10/06 CS1GDX/p: Portuguese Castle 475 10/06-12/06 V85QQ: Pulau Muara Besar (OC-184) * by DF5UG 474 10/06-18/06 W4YO: Harbor Island (NA-110) 474 10/06-17/06 ZA/N5NW: Albania 475 10/06-11/06 2nd WLH Convention (France) 473 11/06 IK8YFU, IK8YVG, IZ8BAD: Scogli Formuculi (IIA VV-007) 474 11/06-24/06 IS0: Sardinia * by IK2DUW and RA6YR 475 11/06 IZ8CCW and IZ8BGY: Scogli Coreca (IIA CS-004) 474 11/06-17/06 OZ/DL5CX/p: EU-030 475 11/06-19/06 XV7SW: Vietnam * by SM5MX 471 13/06 LA9VDA/p: EU-061 475 14/06-21/06 SV8/G3SWH: Mykonos Island (EU-067) 473 15/06-02/11 AX: special prefix (Olympic Games) 475 16/06-18/06 MM0BQI/p: Summer Isles (EU-092) 469 17/06-18/06 (?) 9M2/GM4YXI: Pulau Ketam (AS-074) or AS-097 473 17/06-20/06 JI3DST/1: Hachijo Island (AS-043) 475 18/06-24/06 5H3/PA3GIO: Mafia Island (AF-054) 461 18/06 ED1ISA: DIE SA-014 475 18/06 ED8GCR: AF-004, DIE S-022 475 18/06 D.I.E. Contest *** 20/06 LA9VDA/p: EU-061 475 22/06-26/06 EJ7NET: Aran Islands (EU-006) 473 22/06-24/06 HAMFEST (Friedrichshafen, Germany) *** 23/06-25/06 WC6DX: San Miguel Island (NA-144) 475 25/06-01/07 5H1/PA3GIO: Pemba Island (AF-063) 461 27/06 LA9VDA/p: EU-061 475 29/06-05/07 TX8JNN: New Caledonia * by JAs 473 30/06-11/07 JA6GXK: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056) 465 30/06-12/07 V63KP, V63KR, V63KQ, V63X * by Ws 475 June 3D2RW: Fiji * by ZL1AMO 474 01/07-10/07 5I3A and 5I3B: Yambe Island (AF-???) * by A4s 469 01/07-30/07 EF1ONS: Ons Island (EU-080) * by EC1BXI 474 02/07-20/07 4X/W5WP: Israel 475 03/07-22/07 7P8AA: Lesotho * by DLs 475 03/07-14/07 CQ9S: Selgavens Islands (AF-047) * by CT3s 474 03/07-11/07 KL: St. Lawrence Island (NA-040) * by DL1YMK 459 03/07-07/07 ZK1AXU: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Is * by PA3AXU 465 04/07-05/07 OH5/JR3QHQ/p: Kaunissaari Island (EU-140) 475 05/07-08/07 3DA0CF and 3DA0EW: Swaziland 475 06/07-10/07 CY9: St. Paul Island (NA-094) * by WV2B, AI5P, KE1AC 461 06/07-13/07 JW7M: Svalbard 471 08/07-09/07 EA1GA/p: Isla de Noro (EU-077) 473 08/07-21/07 IA5/IZ4DIW: Giglio Island (EU-028) 475 08/07-15/07 ZK1AXU: Penrhyn (OC-082), North Cook Is * by PA3AXU 465 09/07-17/07 UA4FWD/0: Begichev Island (AS-???) 469 10/07-15/07 ZK1: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks * by KM6HB 475 15/07-15/08 VD1VIK: special event station (Newfoundland) 471 15/07-20/07 ZK1AXU: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Is * by PA3AXU 465 15/07-17/07 ZK1: Aitutaki (OC-083), South Cooks * by KM6HB 475 /EX