DX425 bulletin issue nr. 474

S DX@WW $425WW474A
425 DX News #474 [1/5]
  3 June 2000                      No 474                       $425WW474A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3D2    - The Daily DX reports that Ron, ZL1AMO is leaving for Fiji on 3  June
         and expects to operate as 3D2RW  "for a few weeks".  He hopes to  be
         active "from a few IOTA's while out and about" QSL via ZL1AMO.
9M8    - Hans, DF5UG  is currently  in S  E Asia  on  vacation and  plans  to
         operate (on or  around 14260, 21260,  28460 kHz and  maybe 7040  kHz
         conditions permitting)  as 9M8QQ  from Pulau  Setang (OC-165)  until
         around 4 UTC on 5 June. QSL via home call. [TNX 9V1RH]
CT3    - Madeira Team members CT3BD, CT3BM, CT3DL,  CT3IA and CT3HK, will  be
         active as CQ9S from the Selgavens Islands (AF-047) between 3  and 14
         July.   Check   http://www.hammad-online.com/~cteam/index.html   for
         further information.[TNX CT3IA]
DL     - Look for DL7VRO, DL7UTM, DL7UBA, DL7IQ, DL7IO and others to  operate
         as DF0RR/p  or DF0RR/EU98  (CW) from  Poel Island  (EU-098) until  5
         June. QSL via bureau. They will also be training students and  using
         the call DN1JC.  [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
EA     - Jorge, EC1BXI will be working on  Ons Island (EU-080)  from 1 to  30
         July and will  operate on 10,  15, 40 and  80 metres  SSB as  EF1ONS
         (QRP) during his spare  time, hopefully during  the IOTA Contest  as
         well. Visiting amateurs will  be able to  operate as ED1ONS  (please
         contact  Jorge  at  ec1bxi@olemail.com).   QSL  via  EC1BXI   (Jorge
         Fernandez Devesa, P.O.  Box 54, 36980  O Grove, Pontevedra,  Spain).
         [TNX EC1BXI]
F      - The Council of Europe Radio Club (TP2CE) will sign TP2000CE on  SSB,
         CW and RTTY between 9 and 11 June. QSL to F6FQK. [TNX F6FQK]
I      - Alfredo, IK7JWX and  other operators from  Salento DX  Team will  be
         active from Isola Grande (EU-091, IIA  LE-002) on 3-4 June. QSL  via
         home calls.
I      - Alberto, IK4HPU  plans  to operate  from  La Guardiola  Island  (IIA
         SP-020, not IOTA) on the first or second weekend of June. [TNX Crazy
         DX Group]
I      - Special event station IR3BZ will be active on all  bands  and  modes
         from Bolzano between 9 and 12 June. QSL via IN3DEI. [TNX IN3DEI]
I      - Calabria DX Team members Alex/IK8YFU, Max/IK8YVG and Domenico/IZ8BAD
         plan to operate from Scogli Formuculi  (IIA VV-007, not IOTA) on  11
         June. QSL via  bureau or direct  to IK8YFU  (Alessandro Pochi',  Via
         Cavour 8, 89024 Polistena - RC, Italy). [TNX IK8YFU]
I      - Meditearraneo DX Team members IZ8CCW and IZ8BGY will operate (on 40,
         20 and  6 metres  SSB and  CW on  request) from  Scogli Coreca  (IIA
         CS-004, not IOTA) on 11 June.  For skeds on  6 metres please  e-mail
         iz8ccw@tin.it. QSL via home calls. [TNX IZ8CCW]
JA     - Members from the Morioaka Club (JA7YCE)  will operate (on all  bands
         SSB and CW) special event stations 8J7WGC and 8J7WGC/7 until 10 June
         during the World Geothermal Congress  2000 - WGC  2000. QSL via  the
         JARL Bureau.  [TNX JG7LQU]
LZ     - Berkin, TA3J and his wife Nilay Mine, TA3YJ report they will operate
         as LZ/TA3J and  LZ/TA3YJ from Bulgaria  on 6-13 June.  QSL via  home
         calls either direct or through the bureau.
OH0    - Look for Kari (OH1HD/OH3RB), Juha (OH1KAG/OH9MM) and Marko  (OH1MYA)
         to be active as OH0RB from the Aland Islands (EU-002) between 9  and
         11 June. They will operate CW,  SSB and RTTY on 160-10 metres,  with
         an emphasis on RTYY and WARC bands. QSL via OH3RB. [TNX OH1KAG]
PA     - Bill, ON5JE plans to be active  as PA/ON5JE from  Schouwen-Duiveland
         (EU-146) until 4 June. [TNX ON5JE]
PJ     - Bill, K5YG will be active as PJ4/K5YG from Bonaire (SA-006)  between
         4 and 9 June. Look or him mostly on 10 and 20 metres RTTY and PSK31.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
UA     - Roma, RV3MA  plans  to  operate as  RV3MA/p  an  island  in  Rybinsk
         Reservoir (not IOTA, new one for the Russian Robinson Award) on  2-4
         June. QSL  via  RV3ACA (Elen  V.  Boychenko, P.O.  Box  13,  Moscow,
         Russia, 127521). [TNX RV3ACA]
V8     - Hans, DF5UG plans to operate (on  or around 14260, 21260, 28460  kHz
         and maybe 7040 kHz conditions permitting) as V85QQ from Pulau  Muara
         Besar (OC-184) between  around 5 UTC  on 10 June  and 4  UTC on  the
         12th. QSL via home call. [TNX 9V1RH]
VE     - Look for Terry, VE7TLL/p to operate from Kaien Island (NA-061,  CISA
         BC005) until 5 June. QSL via home call. [TNX VE7TLL]
W      - Ed, W4YO will be active (10,  15 and 20  metres) from Harbor  Island
         (NA-110, USI SC009S) between 10 and 18 June. [TNX W4YO]
S DX@WW $425WW474B
425 DX News #474 [2/5]
  3 June 2000                      No 474                       $425WW474B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

RSGB IOTA CONTEST ---> The following stations are expected to participate  in
this year's event (29-30 July) [see also 425DXN 471]:
EU-001  Bob,  I2WIJ  (http://www.qsl.net/i2wij/)  as  J45W  from  Kos  Island
        (Single Operator 24H CW). He will be  there from 19 July to 2  August
        and outside the contest he  will concentrate on  WARC bands and  SSB.
        QSL via home call. [TNX I2WIJ]
EU-008  Nine GM operators as GM5V from Gigha Island. Outside the contest they
        will operate  (SSB,  CW,  RTTY,  PSK31)  as  GM5VG/p.  QSL  for  both
        callisgns via GM3UTQ. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
EU-021  Ed, G3SQX (http://www.G3SQX.net) as TF/G3SQX from Iceland. He will be
        active (CW only  on as many  bands as possible)  from 28  July and  6
        August. QSL via home call. [TNX G3SQX]
EU-038  Operators from club stations ON4NOK and  PI4KAR as PA6TEX from  Texel
        Island. QSL  via ON4ALW  either direct  or through  the bureau.  [TNX
EU-068  "Due to unforeseen circumstances" the Belgian  team from Sein  Island
        [425DXN 469] will now  be using F/G0MEU/p  during the contest,  while
        F/ON4ON/p (SSB) and F/ON7PQ/p (CW) will be aired outside the contest.
        QSL for the three calls are  via ON4ON either  direct or through  the
        bureau. The team will arrive to the island on 26 July and leave on  1
        August. The  DXpedition  site is  at  http://www.qsl.net/on6ck.  [TNX
EU-073  ARI Taranto members from San Pietro Island in the Cheradis,  possibly
        as IJ7ET. QSL via IK7AFM. Further details are expected in due course.
        [TNX I7XUW]
EU-096  Timo/OH1MDR, Pasi/OH1MM and Timo/OH1NOA as OH9A from Sandstrom  Reef.
        The web pages for the 1996-1999 operations from Sandstrom Reef are at
        http://www.saunalahti.fi/~oh1mdr/iota.html.  QSL  via  OH1NOA  either
        direct (Timo  Klimoff, Yrjonkatu  4 a  15,  28100 Pori,  Finland)  or
        through the bureau. [TNX OH1NOA]
AS-041  Takeshi, JI3DST as JI3DST/4  from Oki Archipelago.  He will be  there
        from 8 UTC on 29 July until 2 UTC on the 31st. QSL via JI3DST  either
        direct or preferably through the bureau. [TNX JI3DST]
AS-066  Alex, RU0LL as R0L from Putyatina Island. He is expected to be  there
        between 24 July and 2 August. QSL direct to IK2DUW. [TNX IK2DUW]
NA-031  Mark, AA1AC as AA1AC/p from Aquidneck Island. QSL via home call. [TNX

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

3W2GAX/P (AS-128) ---> Please note that  if 3W2GAX operated from Ho Chi  Minh
City (13 March  and 26-30 March  2000), 3W2GAX/p was  active from either  the
mainland and AS-128: contacts made on  17-20 March 2000  were from Nha  Trang
City, while the operation from Phu  Quoc (AS-128) took  place on 21-24  March
only.   QSL   via   JA7GAX.   [TNX   W4DKS   and   Islands   On   The    Web,

A52JS ---> Jim Smith, VK9NS has left Bhutan after some 20,300 QSOs and is now
visiting his son in England. Jim  says he can "personally assist" and  "guide
to a successful conclusion" any  DX group interested  in visiting Bhutan  for
amateur  radio  purposes  (while   in  England  Jim   can  be  contacted   at
stuart@medina.demon.co.uk, head the e-mail "Jim, Bhutan"). [TNX VK9NS]

HOLYLAND AWARD ---> Amir Bazak, 4X6TT  has been very active as 4X6TT/m  while
operating from  rare  grid  squares  for  the  Holyland  Award.  For  further
information please  check Amir's  web  pages at  http://www.qsl.net/4x6tt  or
e-mail him (4x6tt@qsl.net).
S DX@WW $425WW474C
425 DX News #474 [3/5]
  3 June 2000                      No 474                       $425WW474C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

IREF --->  Since  its creation  one  year ago  the  Island  Radio  Expedition
Foundation, Inc. (IREF) has sponsored 9 DXpeditions to new (eg. (BI7Y/AS-143,
BI4L/AS-146, 9G5MD/AF-084)  or  rare (eg.  5Z4WI/AF-067,  3V8BT/AF-073)  IOTA
groups. IREF is also the US  distributor of the book "DXpeditioning -  Behind
the Scenes" [425DXN 472]. The Foundation relies on contributions from members
on  at  least   an  annual   basis;  full   information  can   be  found   at

KOSOVO --->  Andy, RW3AH  is in  Pristina (Kosovo)  and  has been  active  as
4O8/9X0A. He is using a V-dipole for 20  metres and can be found ususally  on
3-5 UTC and  16-23 UTC on  or around 14.195  KHz SSB and  14.007 CW. Andy  is
expected to be  in Kossovo until  next year. Anyone  wishing to donate  "R7",
"R8" or "AV-640"  antennas for  4O8/9X0A are  invited to  e-mail Andy,  UA3AA
(ua3aa@qsl.ru). Cards should be sent to  RW3AH (P.O. Box 899, Moscow  127018,
Russia) and will be verified by Toivo, RA3AR.  [TNX UA3AA]

PROJECT MILLECOM ---> The UK Radiocommunications Agency has granted  military
radio stations special permit to run amateur  radio contacts on 80 40 and  20
metres to  celebrate the  millennium. The  Air Cadets,  Sea Cadets  and  Army
Cadets will be signing M2000Y/their military call (e.g.  M2000Y/MRO02)  until
31 December 2000. Further information on the Project Millecom can be found at
http://www.rsgb.org/millecom/index.htm  or   http://www.millecom.fsnet.co.uk/

QSL FT5XN & FY5HY ---> Peter,  F2NH reports that Helios,  F6IHY is back  home
and cards  can be  sent to  Helios Nacenta,  7 place  de Peyrepertuse,  31270
Frouzins, France. If you have  problems in getting  your cards, Peter  offers
his help (please e-mail him at f2nh@wanadoo.fr)

QSL PY0FZ --->  Fred, PY7ZZ reports  "some problems"  with his  mail and  has
established an  "alternative route"  for PY0FZ.  The new  route is  via  CWJF
(cwjf@mail.powerline.com.br, http;//www.powerline.com.br/cwjf): P.O.Box  410,
36001-970 Juiz de Fora - MG, Brazil. 

QSL CO2WL  ---> Lluis  Olive, EA3ELM  has some  100  requests waiting  to  be
processed, but he has not received any log from Lazaro, CO2WL for six months.
Please be patient.

QSL FO0HWU ---> Denise has started  processing the requests (some 1000  cards
received so  far) for  her operation  as FO0HWU  (OC-152). For  any  question
please contact, F6IRA  (f6ira@enfrance.com), who  will QSP  your messages  to
Denise. [TNX F6IRA]

QSL R1AND/R1ANP  ---> Mike  Fokin, RW1AI  (ex UA1AFM)  has just  returned  to
Russia from Antarctica, where he logged  some 31,000 QSOs operating as  R1AND
from Novolazarevskaya base  (3 May 1999  - 24 December  1999) and R1ANP  from
Progress base (3 January 2000 - 14  March 2000). Direct cards will be  mailed
first and  buro  cards  will  be  processed  later.  Logs  are  available  at
http://www.qsl.net/ua1ake/logs/ [TNX UA1AKE]

QSL VIA  HA1KSA  ---> Tibi,  HA1DAE  reports that  his  Radio  Club  (HA1KSA,
mttosz.vrk@mail.matav.hu) is the  QSL manager for  HG1H (1996), HG1G  (1996),
HG1S, HG1P (1996), HG100R (1995), HG73DX,  HGM1H (IARU HF Chanpionship  1996)
and JT0TJ. Cards should be sent direct only to MTTOSZ Gyor Varosi  Radioklub,
P.O. Box 79, H-9002 Gyor, Hungary ("bureu cards will be replied if we find  a
sponsor - very sorry!").

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

A61AJ:     Updated     logs      for     A61AJ      are     available      at
           http://www.dailydx.com/a61aj_search.html [TNX W3UR]
GB0HI:     Logs for the  recent GB0HI operation  from Hilbre Island  (EU-120)
           are available at http://www.qsl.net/g0wre [TNX G0WRE]
S DX@WW $425WW474D
425 DX News #474 [4/5]
  3 June 2000                      No 474                       $425WW474D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2QB       SM3CER      ER6A        ER1LW       RH1C        RV1AQ
3V8BB wpxcw YT1AD       EX1F        EX8F        RH1F        RV1AC
3W6LC       VK6LC       EX7MD       EX8F        RH1H        RV1CC
3W7CW       SP5AUC      EX8M        EX8F        RH1J        RA1ACJ
3Z0KLS      SP2PHA      EX8MCA      EX8F        RM0M        UA0MF
3Z1DTG      SP1DTG      EX8MCO      EX8F        RQ0J        RZ0JWA
3Z1MHV      SP1MHV      EX8MKF      EX8F        RW9C        UA9CGA
4J4K        TA2ZV       EX8MMS      EX8F        RZ1OA/p     RZ1OA
4L1W        LY2MM       EX8W        EX8F        S05SB       EA1BPC
4L26MAY     4L1DA       EY8/ON6TT   ON5NT       S500S       S59L
4N7N        YU7WW       F5XX/p      F5XX        SI3SSA      SM3WMV
4S7BRG      HB9BRM      F8KTR/p     F8KTR       SI9AM       SM3WHU
4S7VK       DJ9ZB       FH/TU5AX    F5OGL       SO1VOX      DL7VOX
4S7YSG      JA2BDR      FK8HC       VK4FW       SU9ZZ       OM3TZZ
4W/JA1BK    JM1KNQ      FO0CLA      F6CTL       SV/OK1YM    OKDXF
4W6GH       CT1EGH      FP5BZ       F5TJP       SV5/DL3DRN  DL3DRN
5B4/RS3A    UA4RC       FY/F5KEE    F8BXI       SV8/DL6UCW  DL6UCW
5B4/RW9UP   RW9UP       G0EVV/p     G0EVV       SV8/GM3YOR  GM3YOR
5B4/UA4RC   UA4RC       GB0HI       G0WRE       SV8/I2YYO   IK2MYX
5B4AGD      YU1FW       GM5VG/P     GM3UTQ      SV9/OZ6B    OZ6B
5H3US       WA8JOC      H40MY       JA0IXW      SW1OF       SV1DKL
5R8FU       SM0DJZ      HC8N        AA5BT       T88SH       K7USJ
6Y8A        WA4WTG      HG0NAR      HA0NAR      T95DXT      IZ8DBJ
8M2000      JARL bureau HS0AC       G3NOM       TA3DD       KB2MS
8Q7NG       DL1NG       HV0A        IK0FVC      TE1W        TI5KD
9A10C       9A7K        IB0/IK0GDG  IK0GDG      TE6U        TI5KD
9A16D       9A5ST       II0IKE      IK0IKE      TF3IRA      TF3GB
9A7K/p      9A7K        II1R        I1NVU       TI5N        TI5KD
9A9JH       DL89JH      IQ3JAC      IK3GES      TJ1MG       I2OMK
9G1MR       IK3HHX      IR4RCR      I4GAS       TK/DL2SBY   DL2SBY
9M2/G3LIV   G3LIV       IV3KTY/p    IV3KTY      TT8JA       F5RWE
9M2/GM4YXI  GM4YXI      J28/F5LDY   F5LDY       TT8JLB      F5BAR
9N1AA       N4AA        J28NH       F5IPW       TU2DP       K4MQL
9V1BG       JL1MWI      J45KLN      SM0CMH      UA0FZ       IK2DUW (others)
9V1GA       JA4BJO      J73DLR      DL2YY       UA0FZ       W3HNK (USA)
A41KL       N7RO        JT4Y        I0SNY       UA1OLM/p    RZ1OA
A47/N5JEH   N5JEH       JU1O        HA0W        UA9FAR      W7YS
A52JS       VK9NS       JU4Y        I0SNY       UE0LEZ      UA0MF
A61AO       N1DG        JW5LJA      LA5LJA      UE0LMF      UA0MF
A61AP       IK7JTF      JW7FJA      LA7FJA      UE9OWD      UA9OW
A61AQ       N1DG        JW8LGA      LA8LGA      UN2O        IK2QPR
AH0BB       JR1VUF      JY9NX       JH7FQK      UP9L        US7IID
AM5DWS      EA5DWS      KH0/JA1XGI  JA1XGI      UV5Q        UX7QQ
AN1FBU      EA1FBU      KH0/N3WW    JF2WXS      UW7Q        UR7QM
AN6IB       EA6IB       KH5/N4BQW   K4TSJ       UX0FF       EO6F
BD4DW       BA4DW       KH5K/N4BQW  K4TSJ       UZ2H        UT5HA
BV0FDX/9    BV6HJ       KL1SLE      NU4N        V25A        N3OC
BV4VE       BV5KR       KL7FH       NU4N        V26O        N5NJ
BV9G        BV8BC       KL9A        NU4N        V26OC       N3OC
BW2000      JH1RIW      L62E        LW2EU       V63CP       JH1BLP
BY1DX       OH2BH       LA/OZ6B     OZ6B        V63CV       JP1WDM
C6AKA       DL7VOG      LP1F        LU5FC       V73GT       WF5T
CN8NK       EA5XX       LP2F        LU2FT       VK8AN/P     VK4AAR
CO6XN       HK6DOS      LX0SAR      DL5VU       VK9WI       VK4APG
CO8LY       EA7ADH      LX9UN       LX1NJ       VP5/K2DO    K2DO
CO8TW       EA3FQV      LZ1VP/AM    LZ1PJ       VP5/N2GA    N2GA
CO8ZZ       DK1WI       M7W         G3CSR       VP8DBN      G7BSP
CP6XE       IK6SNR      MC0CDX      G4JVG       VQ9NL       W4NML
CU3DJ       N4JB        MU0ASP      F5SHQ       VU3GTF      VU2VIT
CW72PDD     CX1UU       N3WW/KH0    JF2WXS      VU3VLH      OK1MM
D2BF        EA8EE       NH6D/KH4    N6FF        W5AA/TI8    W5AA
E4/OK1FHI   OK1FHI      OD5/OK1MU   OKDXF       WL7KY       NU4N
E4/OK2BZM   OK2BZM      OD5PN       LX1NO       XX9TKW      OH2KW
E41/OK1DTP  OK1TD       OX2K        OZ1ACB      YB0JWA      W3HNK
EA3BT/EA5   EA3BT       OY/DG2TM    DG2TM       YB3OSE      W7TSQ
EA6/GW0VSW  GW0VSW      OY/DL2SWW   DL2SWW      YI1AK       AD5W
EA6/OZ6B    OZ6B        OY/DL2VFR   DL2VFR      YI9OM       OM6TX
EA7/OZ6B    OZ6B        OZ1RDP      DL9BCP      YM3D        TA3D
EA8/EH5CPU  EA8EE       P49V        AI6V        Z34A        Z31ET
ED3ECD      EA3URE      PX2W        PY2YU       ZB2/LA3SG   LA3SG
ED9PSF      EA9CE       PY2KC       W3HC        ZB2FX       G3RFX
EK3GM       IK2QPR      R1AND       DL5EBE      ZB2JS/M     G4SOK
EK6RF       KZ5RO       R1FJV       UA3AGS      ZF2MU       K4BI
EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      R2/LY4AA    N6FF        ZF2RP       K8RLP
EL2DT       IK0PHY      RA0LOM/0    UA0MF       ZF2TR       W5ASP
EM1KY       UT7UA       RD4M        UA4LU       ZL4IR       W8WC
EM70DXG     UT1WA       RH1A        RU1AE       ZL6QH       ZL2WB
EO6F        UX0FF       RH1B        RZ1AWO      ZX5J        VE3HO
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425 DX News #474 [5/5]
  3 June 2000                      No 474                       $425WW474E
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                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

4D1X     P.O. Box 2879, QCCPO 1168, Quezon City, Philippines
4K9C     Boris, P.O. Box 315, Moscow 103062, Russia
4L1DA    David Devdariani, Shartava st.7, 380122 Tbilisi, Georgia
9A7K     Kresimir Juratovic, P.O. Box 88, HR-48000 Koprivnica, Croatia
9M8J     EAGA-BIMP Scout Jamboree Jota Station, P.O. Box 1660, 93734 Kuching,
         Sarawak, Malaysia
9V1JA    Naoshi Oinuma, 43 Jurong East Avenue 1, # 18-02, Singapore 609778,
BA4DW    David Y. J. Zhou, P.O. Box 040-088, Shanghai, 200040, People's
         Republic of China
BI4L     P.O.Box 538, Nanjing 210005, People's Republic of China
EA5DWS   Salva Moreno, P.O. Box 134, 03820 Cocentaina, Alicante, Spain
EP3PTT   Mohamed, P.O.Box 19575-333, 15875 Tehran, Iran
ER1LW    P.O. Box 112, Chisinau, MD-2012 Moldova
ES1QD    Vello Priimann, P.O. Box 3739, Tallinn 10508, Estonia
EX8F     P.O. Box 2, Kara-Balta 5, Kyrgyzstan 722030
F5XX     Bernard Vignolles, Les Planetes, Route de Campans, 81 100 Castres,
F8BXI    Philippe Serrano, 6 rue du Dauphine, 91300 Massy, France
G4JVG    Steve Telenius-Lowe, 27 Hertford Road, Stevenage, Herts SG2 8RZ,
         England, UK
HA0W     Laszlo Szabo, P.O. Box 24, Puspokladany, H-4151 Hungary
HS0GBI   Cherdchai Yiwlek, 56-31 Moo 10, Kookat, Lumlukka, Patum Thani 12130,
I1NVU    Claudio Di Pietro, Via G. Galilei 424/10, 18038 Sanremo - IM, Italy
IS0JMA   Roberto Alaimo, P.O. Box 41, 07026 Olbia - SS, Italy
JA1XGI   Haru Uchida, 2-30-11, Shintomi, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-0043, Japan
KE2UN    John Kiernan, 110 Cabrini Blvd., New York, NY 10033-3401, USA
LU5FC    Jesus Rubio, San Juan 2694, Rosario 2000, Santa Fe, Argentina
LZ1PJ    P.O. Box 15, 1324 Sofia, Bulgaria
OZ6B     Ben Pedersen, Loeget Dam 3, DK-7100 Vejle, Denmark
PY2YU    Hamilton Oliveira Martins, Rua Rui Coelho de Oliveira Filho 131, Jd.
         Panorama, 18030-020 Sorocaba - SP, Brazil
RA1ACJ   Slava Osipov, P.O. Box 1, St.Petersburg, 198261 Russia
RQ0J     P.O. Box 1, Blagoveschensk, 675000 Russia
RU1AE    Dmitriy Rajskiy, P.O. Box 417, St.Petersburg, 191011 Russia
RV1AC    Alex Pastchenko, P.O. Box 104, St.Petersburg, 192241 Russia
RV1AQ    Nick Sashenin, P.O. Box 80, St.Petersburg, 193231 Russia
RV1CC    Vladimir Sidorov, P.O.Box 7, St.Petersburg, 191011 Russia
RZ1AWO   Club station, Gor. SYUT, ul. 6th Sovetskaja 3, St.Petersburg, 193130
RZ1OA    Vlad Sadakov, P.O. Box 48, Arkhangelsk 163040, Russia
TA3J     Berkin Aydogmus, P.O. Box 987, 35214 Izmir, Turkey
TA3YJ    Nilay Mine Aydogmus, P.O. Box 876 35214 Izmir, Turkey
TI5KD    Carlos W. Diez, P.O.Box 195, Belen 4005, Heredia, Costa Rica
UA0MF    Mike Filippov, P.O. Box 20, Vladivostok 690021, Russia
UA4RC    P.O. Box 252, Almetyevsk 423452, Russia
UA9CGA   Serge V. Stikhin, P.O. Box 1035, Ekaterinburg 620063, Russia
UE0XZZ   Alexander Novitkov, P.O. Box 51, Petroppavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683049
UR7QM    Valery Smiyan, P.O. Box 30, Melitopol-11, 72311, Ukraine
US7IID   Toly, P.O. Box 14, Kramatorsk, 84322, Ukraine
UT1WA    P.O. Box 5951, Lviv 79054, Ukraine
UX0FF    Nikolay Lavreka, P.O. Box 3, Izmail 68600, Ukraine
UX7QQ    Sergey Golovin, P.O. Box 1212, Zaporozhye, 69076 Ukraine
XW2A     Hiroo Yonezuka, P.O. Box 2659, Vientiane, Laos
YB0ZEE   P.O. Box 5275, JKTF 11052, Jakarta, Indonesia

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