DX425 bulletin issue nr. 473

S DX@WW $425WW473A
425 DX News #473 [1/5]
 27 May 2000                       No 473                   BID: $425WW473A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3B6    - Preparations  for  the  8-25/26  October  3B6RF  all-band   all-mode
         DXpedition  to   Agalega  (AF-001)   [425DXN  469]   continue.   The
         multi-national team now includes seventeen operators (namely HB9AFI,
         HB9JAX, HB9JBI, 4X4DK,  3B8CF, DL3KUD, F6HMJ,  G3KHZ and K5VT)  plus
         other two  operators, one  from the  US and  one from  Japan, to  be
         announced. Special attention will be  given to the  US on 80  metres
         (TX 3800, RX 3805-3820 kHz SSB) and 40 metres (TX 7100, RX 7150-7170
         kHz SSB) during the grayline window. On-line logs will be  available
         on the DXpedition's web site (http://www.agalega2000.ch), where full
         information on the operation is available. [TNX HB9FMU]
4W     - Ross, 4W6UN has invited a  DXer (not identified  so far) to  operate
         from his station in September for a couple of weeks. You are invited
         to send your band/modes needs to Ken, VK3AKK  (vk3akk@primus.com.au)
         in order to help Ross and  his guest to  plan the actual  operation.
         [TNX QRZ-DX]
9M2    - Keith, GM4YXI  is  going  to  be  active  as  9M2/GM4YXI  from  West
         Malaysian islands during  the weekends between  3 and  18 June.  The
         first operation is  scheduled to take  place from  Pulau Babi  Besar
         (AS-046) on 3-4 June,  with other possible  activities on 10-11  and
         17-18 June from Pulau Ketam (AS-074)  and/or AS-097. Operation  will
         be on 20, 15, 12 and 10 metres CW/SSB only. For more information and
         news updates, please visit http://www.gm7v.com. [TNX GM4YXI]
BY     - Fred Ziel, WF6Z  is one of  the climbers  of the  American K2  North
         Ridge Expedition. He plans to operate  with the special call  BT0QGL
         from the base camp in Xingiang  Province, China after 4 June and  as
         late as 15 August. QSL via K6EXO. [TNX The Daily DX]
CO     - Special event station CO0CNR will be  active on 40-6 metres  between
         00.00 UTC on 3 June until 16 UTC  on the 4th during the first  Cuban
         National  Radioamateur   Convention  at   Ganuza  (grid   EL92).   A
         certificate will be issued to those  who contact CO0CNR on at  least
         three bands. [TNX CO2OJ]
E4     - Look for Radek, E41/OK1FHI and Zdenek, E41/OK2BZM to be active  from
         Palestine until  30  May.  They  operate  from  the  QTH  of  David,
         E41/OK1DTP and  will participate  in the  CQ WW  WPX CW  Contest  as
         E41/OK1DTP (Multi-Single).
E4     - Miro, S51GL is planning  an operation from  Palestine in autumn.  He
         will be active from the E44DX club station and plans to  concentrate
         on the digital  modes (and  "to motivate  the students  at the  Gaza
         college to do the same")  and on 6,  12, 17 and  30 metres. Miro  is
         looking for support for this operation, as one of his objectives  is
         to "to upgrade E44DX radio club with an HF yagi antenna and a  small
         linear amplifier (second-hand equipment is also more then welcome)".
         If you are able to help, please contact Miro at s51gl@hotmail.com or
         visit his home page at http://www.qsl.net/s51gl/ [TNX S51GL]
EA     - Look for EA1GA/p to be active from Isla de Noro (EU-077) on 8-9 July
         and from Isla Erbosa (EU-077) on  12-15 August. QSL via EA1GA.  [TNX
EI     - The WestNet/Saltee Dog DX Group will  be active as EJ7NET from  Inis
         Meain, Aran Islands (EU-006) between 22 and 26 June. QSL via  EI6FR.
         [TNX EI6FR]
EM     - Operators from  club station  UR4WWE will  operate as  EM70DXG  from
         Mount Hoverla  (Carpathians) on  2-4 June.  The special  call is  to
         celebrate the 70th anniversary of the first DXpedition organized  by
         L.K.K. (Lviv Shortwave Amateur Club ) in 1930. QSL via UT1WA  either
         direct (P.O. Box 5951, Lviv 79054,  Ukraine) or through the  bureau.
         [TNX UT1WL]
ES     - Special call ES8SC will be aired  between 1 June  and 31 August  for
         the "Summer Capital Award" (http://www.ppnet.ee/sc_award.htm).  [TNX
ES     - Vello, ES1QD plans to be  active from Muhu  Island (EU-034) on  9-12
         June. QSL via home call. [TNX JI6KVR]
FG     - The DX  News Letter  reports that  Thierry,  F5SNY will  operate  as
         FG/F5SNY from Guadeloupe (NA-102) or Les Saintes (NA-114) between 30
         May and 12 June.
FK     - Japan News Network DX Group members JA1APD, JA1EOD, JA1WVY,  JP1JFG,
         7K2FUE, JA3NEP,  JA4ZA,  JA7EU and  JE7RJZ  will operate  (on  160-6
         metres CW,  SSB, RTTY  and  PSK31 plus  AO-10)  as TX8JNN  from  New
         Caledonia between 29 June and 5 July. QSL via JA1EOD (Akira  Iizuka,
         P.O. Box  8,  Okegawa, Saitama  363-8691  Japan).  [TNX  JA1EOD  and
S DX@WW $425WW473B
425 DX News #473 [2/5]
 27 May 2000                       No 473                   BID: $425WW473B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

FY     - FY/F5KEE is expected to be the call to be used during  the 27  May-4
         June operation from the Salut Islands (SA-020) [425DXN 471]. QSL via
         F8BXI  (Philippe Serrano,  6 rue du Dauphine,  Massy 91300, France).
         Logs will be available at http://f8bxi.free.fr after the operation.
G      - Marconi centenary station GB100IOW will be  active from The  Needles
         Park on the  Isle of Wight  (EU-120) on 27-28  May to celebrate  the
         successful conclusion of  Marconi's experiments  to create  wireless
         transmissions on the Needles. [TNX G7RER]
KH4    - The Daily DX reports that Bill, NH6D has moved permanently to Midway
         Island and is expected to be there "for a long time". QSL via N6FF.
KH5    - Chuck Brady, N4BQW was expected  to leave Palmyra  on 25 May,  after
         two weeks  as N4BQW/KH5  and one  day as  N4BQW/KH5K. Dave  Johnson,
         WB4JTT has arrived  on Palmyra and  will remain there  for at  least
         another week. Amateur radio operation is a secondary mission at this
         stage, but  Dave is  expected  to be  active  on the  higher  bands,
         primarily on CW, with some lowband activity. Current operations  are
         still barefoot, but some antenna improvements should enable Dave  to
         reach a larger  audience when he  has time to  operate. The  Kingman
         Reef/Palmyra DX Group  anticipate having  at least  one operator  on
         Palmyra through much of the summer.  QSL all KR/PDXG operations  via
         K4TSJ. [TNX NI6T and N4XP]
KL     - The KL7AK operation from the Kudiakof Islands (NA-???) [425DXN  471]
         is now scheduled to start on the UTC evening of 4 August until early
         in the morning UTC on the 9th. Rick, KL7AK says they will be  mostly
         on 20 metres SBB (CW on request)  as this "is the optimum band  here
         in Alaska. We normally have propagation  up to 20 hours a day".  QSL
         via N6AWD.
OZ     - Look for OZ1RDP to be operated  by a German Scout Group from  Roemoe
         Island (EU-125, NS-001 for the Danis  Islands Award) between 30  May
         and 5 June. QSL via DL9BCP. [TNX OZ2ZB]
PY     - A group of Brazilian YL operators will operate (SSB, CW and RTTY) as
         PR5YL from  Mel  Island  (SA-047)  between  10  and  14  August.  If
         interested in joining the  team, please contact  Jay Lira, PP5LL  at
         pp5ll@labre.net. QSL via PP5LL. [TNX PP5LL]
SM     - Martin, SM0DTK will operate as SM0DTK/1 from Gotland Island (EU-020)
         between 27 May and 3 June. [TNX SM0DTK]
SM     - Look for Hasse, SM3JBE/2 and  Hans, SM3TLG/2 to  be active (SSB  and
         CW) from  from Holmon  Island (EU-135)  on 1-3  June. QSL  via  home
         calls. [TNX SM3TLG]
SV     - Phil, G3SWH will be active  (on 10-40 metres  CW only) as  SV8/G3SWH
         from the island of Mykonos (EU-067) between 14 and 21 June. It  will
         be a holiday operation, with a  couple of hours in the mornings  and
         the same in the late afternoon/early evenings (local time). QSL  via
         G3SWH either direct or via the RSGB bureau. [TNX G3SWH]
SV9    - Look for  Walt SV9/G3NYY  (QSL via  G3NYY), Tim  SV9/G4VXE (QSL  via
         G3SWH), Dave SV9/G4FRE (QSL via WW2R) and YL operator Meg  SV9/G7FRE
         (QSL via N2NQI) to be active (on 160-6 metres, WARC bands  included,
         PSK31, RTTY, SSTV, Heil and CW, with some SSB on 6 metres only) from
         Crete (EU-015) between 9 and 16 June. [TNX WW2R]
TK     - Kazik, DL2SBY will be active (mostly on 160 metres and WARC, SSB and
         CW) as TK/DL2SBY from Corsica between  27 May and  10 June. QSL  via
         home call. [TNX DL2SBY]
W      - Philip, K4EP will operate from Hatteras  Island (NA-067) between  28
         May and 2 June. QSL via home call. [TNX K4EP]

CQ WW WPX CW CONTEST ---> The following have announced their participation in
this year's event:
- Hrane, YT1AD as 3V8BB. QSL for this activity via YT1AD.
- DU1COO, DU1EGA, DU1JXP, DU1MHX, DU1EV and YL operators DU1MHZ and DU1UWF as
  4D1X (Multi-Single). QSL route TBA.
- Jun, JH4RHF and Pekka, OH2TA from 4U1VIC as Multi-Single.
- Salva, EA5DWS as AM5DWS. QSL via  EA5DWS either direct (Salva Moreno,  P.O.
  Box 134, 03820 Cocentaina, Alicante, Spain) or through the bureau.
- Alfredo, EA1FBU as AN1FBU. QSL via home call.
- Eduardo, CO8LY (SOAB low power). QSL via EA7ADH.
- Juan, CO8TW (SOAB low power). QSL via EA3FQV.
- Raul, CO8ZZ on 80 meteres (single operator low power). QSL via DK1WI.
- Nikolay, UX0FF  as EO6F  (single band  on 80  metres).  QSL via  home  call
  (Nikolay Lavreka, P.O. Box 3, Izmail 68600, Ukraine).
- Slawa, ER1LW  as ER6A.  QSL  via ER1LW  (P.O.  Box 112,  Chisinau,  MD-2012
- Laurent, FM5BH (http://www.fm5bh.cjb.net) on 10 metres.
- Jacques, F6BEE as FY5KE (SOAB).
- RAST club station HS0AC (operated by HS1CKC, HS0GBI, HS6NDK, E20GMY, E21EIC
  and others). QSL via G3NOM.
- HS4BPQ/9 and E20HHK. QSL via E21EIC.
- I1HJT, I1NVU, IK1CLP,  IK1LWL and IK1QBT  as II1R  (Multi-Single). QSL  via
  I1NVU either  direct  (Claudio Di  Pietro,  Via G.  Galilei  424/10,  18038
  Sanremo - IM, Italy) or through the bureau.
- I0SNY, I1QOD and I1ZB as JU4Y from Gobi's desert. QSL via I0SNY.
- Martin, LW9EUJ as L99D on all bands.
- Jesus, LU5FC as LP1F. QSL via  LU5FC (Jesus Rubio,  San Juan 2694,  Rosario
  2000, Santa Fe, Argentina).
- OD5/OK1MU on all bands. QSL via OK DX Foundation.
- Hamilton, PY2YU  as PX2W  (SOAB low  power). QSL  via PY2YU  either  direct
  (Hamilton Oliveira  Martins, Rua  Rui Coelho  de  Oliveira Filho  131,  Jd.
  Panorama, 18030-020 Sorocaba - SP, Brazil) or through the bureau. 
- Serge, RA0JJ as  RQ0J. QSL via  RZ0JWA or  to P.O.  Box 1,  Blagoveschensk,
  675000 Russia.
- SV/OK1YM on either 40 or 10 metres. QSL via OK DX Foundation.
- George, N2GA and  Diane, K2DO as  VP5GA (Multi-Single) from  Providenciales
- Arto, OH2KW as XX9TKW. QSL via home call.
[TNX The  Daily DX,  CO8TW, DU1COO,  E21EIC,  EA1FBU, EA5DWS,  ER1LW,  F6AJA,
S DX@WW $425WW473C
425 DX News #473 [3/5]
 27 May 2000                       No 473                   BID: $425WW473C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

IOTA ACTIVITY MONTH (JUNE) ---> Contacts  made with the following IOTA island
groups in June will  score  three points  towards  the RSGB  IOTA  Millennium
Programme (IOTA 2000):
AF-010     EU-002     EU-038     EU-062     EU-098     EU-139
AF-018     EU-004     EU-041     EU-063     EU-100     EU-140
AF-019     EU-014     EU-042     EU-067     EU-101     EU-141
AF-023     EU-015     EU-043     EU-069     EU-104     EU-144
AF-039     EU-016     EU-044     EU-070     EU-110     EU-146
AF-043     EU-017     EU-045     EU-072     EU-113     EU-148
AF-044     EU-020     EU-046     EU-073     EU-117     EU-149
AF-055     EU-023     EU-047     EU-075     EU-125     EU-151
AF-064     EU-024     EU-049     EU-076     EU-126     EU-154
AF-070     EU-025     EU-050     EU-078     EU-127     EU-155
AF-073     EU-026     EU-051     EU-079     EU-128     EU-158
AF-076     EU-027     EU-052     EU-083     EU-129     EU-163
AF-077     EU-028     EU-053     EU-084     EU-130     EU-164
AF-079     EU-029     EU-054     EU-087     EU-131     EU-165
AF-082     EU-030     EU-055     EU-088     EU-132     EU-166
AF-083     EU-031     EU-056     EU-090     EU-133     EU-169
AN-002     EU-033     EU-057     EU-091     EU-135
AS-098     EU-034     EU-058     EU-095     EU-136
AS-099     EU-036     EU-060     EU-096     EU-137
EU-001     EU-037     EU-061     EU-097     EU-138
For full details please visit http://www.425dxn.org/iota/iota2000

DIFO --->  Gil, F5NOD  (f5nod@easynet.fr) reports  three new  DIFO  reference
numbers have been issued to the following islands in the Chesterfields  (IOTA
OC-176): FK-080 to Ilots du Mouillage (TX0DX QTH), FK-081 to Ilot du Passage,
FK-082 to Ile Longue.  The DIFO island  list is available  on Gil's web  site

N5VT/NA-089 ---> The  IOTA Manager advises  stations who had  a contact  with
N5VT/NA-089 not to send QSLs as the QSOs were  not made from a QTH valid  for
IOTA and do not count for the programme. [TNX G3KMA]

N4BQW/KH5K ---> Chuck's  unexpected operation (just  over 24  hours on  17-18
May) from Kingman  Reef took place  on short  notice and  under poor  weather
conditions. More  trips might  take place  in the  upcoming months  prior  to
October but  it will  depend on  available transportation.  Please note  that
N4BQW/KH5K did NOT operate  on either CW  and 15 metres.  QSL to K4TSJ.  [TNX

QSL CE0Z --->  Direct cards for  the January  2000 CE0Z  operation from  Juan
Fernandez have  been processed  since March.  Requests for  bureau cards  are
encouraged and  welcome  at http://www.qsl.net/ce6tbn/ce0z.htm.  QSL  manager
CE6TBN (Marco  A. Quijada,  P.O. Box  1234, Temuco,  Chile) reports  the  new
(cheaper!) postal rates from Chile to America  and the rest of the world  are
US$ 0.4 and US$ 0.5 respectively.

QSL KH0AS ---> Mike, KH0AS has shut down and is leaving Saipan after thirteen
years on the island. He and his family are moving to England where he expects
to reactivate his  M0ALW call this  autumn. Jim, WB4UBD  holds copies of  his
logs starting from September  1997. Confirmations of  contacts prior to  that
date will have to wait until Mike settles in. [TNX WB4UBD]

QSL VIA UA0MF  ---> Mike, UA0MF  reports he  can confirm  contacts made  with
RA0LOM/0, RM0M, UE0LEZ and UE0LMF. Cards  should be sent direct only to  Mike
Filippov, P.O. Box 20, Vladivostok 690021, Russia (please note that Box 29 is
ong and cards sent there might be lost).
S DX@WW $425WW473D
425 DX News #473 [4/5]
 27 May 2000                       No 473                   BID: $425WW473D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

TROMELIN  2000   --->  The   web  site   for  the   1-16  August   DXpedition
(http://perso.easynet.fr/~f6jjx/menu.htm) has been  updated with  propagation
predictions from Tromelin to other areas  of the world. Financial support  is
still needed to meet the high  costs of this DXpedition,  which might be  the
last one for years as the weather  station on this natural reserve island  is
going to be automatised and landing  permissions are unlikely to be  granted.
Donations can be  made to  account number  022 9  62086 L  (CIC Lyonnaise  de
Banque), or via the treasurer F5PXT (Eric Blanchard, 2 Rue Bichat , Allee 32,
69002 Lyon, France) or, for US residents, through the NCDXF (send your checks
to W6OSP: Bruce Butler, 4220 Chardonnay Ct., Napa, CA 94558). [TNX F5NOD  and

WLH  (1)   --->  Phil,   F5OGG  (PMAILLAR@bouyguestelecom.fr)   reports   the
current/forthcoming operations will count towards the World Lighthouses Award
as follows: FY/F5KEE = LH 0911 [425DXN  471], F5XX/p = LH 0500 [425DXN  467],
9A10C and 9A7K/p = LH 0057 [425DXN 469].

WLH (2) ---> The second annual WLH Convention will take place at Albi, France
on 10-11 June. For further information please e-mail wlh-award@worldonline.fr
or f6hks@worldonline.fr [TNX F5OGG]
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

VK9WI:       The operation went QRT on 22 May at 6.20 UTC. Check the on  line
             log at http://www.qsl.net/vk9wi regularly  as the final  version
             is not yet available.
QSL ROUTES:  Paul, ON6DP (on6dp@worldonline.be) reports the updated  versions
             of  #QSLMGR.EXE  (QSL.TXT)  and  #QSLFUL.EXE  (QSL.FUL)  for  DX
             Cluster are now available at http://www.qsl.net/on6dp. The DBase
             contains 54,786 QSL routes.
WAIS:        WAIS (Worked  All Italian  Squares) Manager  Pier Luigi  Anzini,
             IK2UVR reports the new  version of the  software for this  award
             can be downloaded from  http://www.malpensa.it/radio/index.html,
             http://www.qsl.net/ik0qob/software.htm and www.qsl.net/ik2uvr/

QSL received  via  direct:   3A/VA3EU,  3B9FR, 3C0R,  3D2TC,  3V8ST,  3W6DXI,
3XY1B0, 3XY2D, 4L3Y, 4S7DA, 4S7GF, 4S7WN, 4W/W3UR, 4X0A (AS-100),  5B4/UA9MA,
5H3US, 5R8GJ, 6D2X, 6Y5MM, 7X2LZ, 7X4AN, 8J1RL (AN-015), 8Q7QQ, 9E1C,  9M2AX,
9M6BG, 9U5D, A22RM,  A52A,AX0LD, BA1CO, BI3H  (AS-134), CE0Y/G0KBO  (SA-001),
(OC-033), FO0DEH (OC-114), FO0EEN, FO5QG,  GJ3YHU, GM3VLB/P (EU-008,  EU-111,
EU-118 and EU-123), HF0POL, HL4HLD (AS-026), J79WW, JE6EMW (AS-023), JI3DST/6
(AS-037), JT1BH, JT1DA, K5PP/P (NA-120), KH5/DF6FK, KH6XT, KH8/N5OLS,  L44D/D
(SA-021), LU7VCH/D  (SA-021),  MJ/K3PLV,  NP2/K7BV,  P3A,  R1ANZ,R1FJV,  RS0F
(AS-018), S79AG, SV2ASP/A,  SV5/G4OBK, T31K, T31T,  T32BO,T33VU, T77C,  TE8CH
(NA-116), TI2PZ, TO0DX, TR8IG, TR8NOR, TX0DX, UK9AA, UP6F, VK8AN/6  (OC-154),
VK8PW/8  (OC-229),  VK9CN,  VK9XS,  VP2V/W4RM,  VQ9GB,  VQ9QM,  VR2BG,   VY0O
(NA-173), XF4LWY (NA-030), XT2DR, XU7AAY, XW2A, XZ0A (AS-144), XZ1ZV,  YI9OM,
Z33Z, ZA0IS  (EU-169), ZB2FK,  ZC4ATC, ZC4CM,  ZD7WRG, ZK3CW,  ZK3DX,  ZL8RS,
ZM7ZB, ZS31ER (AF-085), ZV0SB, ZX0F.

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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S DX@WW $425WW473E
425 DX News #473 [5/5]
 27 May 2000                       No 473                   BID: $425WW473E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

01/01-31/12      IOTA 2000 (http://www.cdxc.org.uk)                     ***
till  November   3W2LC: Vietnam * by VK6LC                              472
till  31/07      3Z0MM: special event station (Poland)                  469
till  31/12      3Z: special prefix (Poland)                            454
till  30/05      6Y: Jamaica * by K2KW and K6XX (6Y8A)                  471
till  31/12      9AY2K: special Millennium station                      451
till  30/05      9M2/G3LIV: Pangkor Island (AS-072)                     471
till  July       A45ZN: Oman                                            467
till  29/05      C6AKA: Berry Islands (NA-054) * by DL7VOG              471
till  30/05      E41: Palestine * by OK1FHI and OK2BZM                  473
till  29/05      F5XX/p: Fort Brescou (EU-148) * by Fs                  467
till  August     FH/TU5AX: Mayotte (AF-027) * by 6W1QV                  458
till  15/06      FR5ZQ/G: Glorioso (AF-011)                             472
till  31/12      HB2: special Y2K prefix (Switzerland)                  453
till  31/12      HF70PZK: special event station (Poland)                453
till  31/12      II0CV: special call                                    451
till  24/12      II0: special jubilee prefix                            452
till  31/12      IU0PAW: Jubilee Year special station                   468
till  30/05      J430: special event station (Greece)                   469
till  06/06      JT1Y & JT4Y: Momgolia * by I0SNY, I1QOD and I1ZB       473
till  ??         JX7DFA: Jan Mayen (EU-022) * by LA7DFA                 465
till  28/05      LA8LA: Hitra Island (EU-036)                           472
till  May        RA0LOM/p: Shikotan (AS-062)                            468
till  31/12      SI75A & SIxSSA: SSA 75th anniversary stations (Sweden) 445
till  31/05      SV8/DL6UCW: Alonissos (EU-072)                         472
till  04/06      SV*/GM3YOR: Zakinthos (EU-052)                         471
till  30/05      SW1OF: special evet station (Greece)                   470
till  02/06      TA1ITU: special event station                          471
till  July       TT8JLB: Chad * by F5BAR                                467
till  31/05      V26OC and V26O: Antigua (NA-100) * by N3OC and N5NJ    472
till  December   VK0MM: Macquarie Island                                469
till  Sep        VK8PW/8: Arnhem Land (plus OC-229)                     469
till  31/07      VR2K: special Millennium call (Hong Kong)              449
till  May        ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT                443
26/05-29/05      G0WAB/p, G0WRE/p, G0VBD/p, G0VAX/p: Hilbre (EU-120)    472
27/05-04/06      FY/F5KEE: Salut Islands (SA-020) * by Fs               473
27/05-28/05      GB100IOW: Isle of Wight (EU-120)                       473
27/05-28/05      IR4RCR: lighthouse (WAIL ER-002)                       472
27/05-29/05      JI3DST/4: Oki Archipelago (AS-041)                     471
27/05-28/05      MC0CDX: St Tudwal's Islands (EU-106) * by Gs           469
27/05-03/06      SM0DTK/1: Gotland Island (EU-020)                      473
27/05-10/06      TK/DL2SBY: Corsica                                     473
27/05-28/05      CQ WW WPX Contest (CW)                                 ***
28/05-02/06      K4EP: Hatteras Island (NA-067)                         473
29/05-08/06      OY/DL2SWW, DL2VFR, DG2TM: Faeroe Islands (EU-018)      469
30/05-12/06      FG/F5SNY: NA-102 and/or NA-114                         473
30/05-06/06      JA6GXK: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056)                     465
30/05-05/06      OZ1RDP: Roemoe Island (EU-125)                         473
31/05-04/06      KH0/JA1XGI: Saipan, Northern Marianas (OC-086)         469
May-Oct          SV5: Dodecanese (EU-001) * by IK2WZD                   469
01/06-05/06      BV9G and BV0FDX/9: Green Island, Taiwan                471
01/06-31/08      ES8SC: special "Summer Capital Award" call             473
01/06-05/06      IL7/IK4GLV, IK4THF, IK4JPR, IK4RUX: Tremiti (EU-050)   469
01/06-03/06      SM3JBE/2 and SM3TLG/2: Holmon Island (EU-135)          473
01/06-30/06      SWL Multi-Mode Contest                                 460
02/06-04/06      EM70DXG: special station                               473
02/06-04/06      ID9: Lipari (EU-017) * by IT9HLN,IT9NGN,IT9FCC,IT9UHF  471
03/06-04/06      9M2/GM4YXI: Pulau Babi Besar (AS-046)                  473
03/06-04/06      CO0CNR: special event station                          473
04/06-15/08      BT0QGL: special call (K2 North Ridge Expedition)       473
07/06-14/06      9A10C and 9A7K/p: Palagruza Island (EU-090) * by 9As   469
09/06-12/06      ES1QD: Muhu Island (EU-034)                            473
09/06-11/06      MJ/F5TJP/p: Les Minquiers Plateau (EU-099)             469
09/06-16/06      SV9/G3NYY,SV9/G4VXE,SV9/G4FRE,SV9/G7FRE: Crete EU-015  473
10/06-11/06 (?)  9M2/GM4YXI: Pulau Ketam (AS-074) or AS-097             473
10/06-11/06      2nd WLH Convention (France)                            473
11/06-19/06      XV7SW: Vietnam * by SM5MX                              471
14/06-21/06      SV8/G3SWH: Mykonos Island (EU-067)                     473
16/06-18/06      MM0BQI/p: Summer Isles (EU-092)                        469
17/06-18/06 (?)  9M2/GM4YXI: Pulau Ketam (AS-074) or AS-097             473
18/06            D.I.E. Contest                                         ***
18/06-24/06      5H3/PA3GIO: Mafia Island (AF-054)                      461
22/06-26/06      EJ7NET: Aran Islands (EU-006)                          473
22/06-24/06      HAMFEST (Friedrichshafen, Germany)                     ***
25/06-01/07      5H1/PA3GIO: Pemba Island (AF-063)                      461
29/06-05/07      TX8JNN: New Caledonia * by JAs                         473
30/06-11/07      JA6GXK: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056)                     465
01/07-10/07      5I3A and 5I3B: Yambe Island (AF-???) * by A4s          469
03/07-11/07      KL: St. Lawrence Island (NA-040) * by DL1YMK           459
03/07-07/07      ZK1AXU: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Is * by PA3AXU  465
06/07-10/07      CY9:  St. Paul Island (NA-094) * by WV2B, AI5P, KE1AC  461
06/07-13/07      JW7M: Svalbard                                         471
08/07-09/07      EA1GA/p: Isla de Noro (EU-077)                         473
08/07-15/07      ZK1AXU: Penrhyn (OC-082), North Cook Is * by PA3AXU    465
09/07-17/07      UA4FWD/0: Begichev Island (AS-???)                     469