DX425 bulletin issue nr. 472

S DX@WW $425WW472A
425 DX News #472 [1/4]
  20 May 2000                      No 472                       $425WW472A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3W      - Mal, VK6LC is going back to Vietnam for a six-month work assignment
          until around November. He will operate as 3W2LC from his  apartment
          in Vung Tau. QSL via VK6LC. [TNX VK6LC]
F       - Look for F5FQR/p to be  active from Chateau  de Moncel (DFCF  54001
          for the French Castles Award) on  20 May (6-14 UTC). QSL via  bureu
          to F5TXA  or  direct  to F-16915  (Wilfried  Buttazzi,  24  Rue  C.
          Cavalier, 54580 Auboue, France). [TNX F-16915]
FR/G    - Henri, FR5ZQ has been signing FR5ZQ/G from Glorioso since last week
          [425DXN 471] and The Daily DX  reports he is  expected to be  there
          until 15 June. QSL via home call.
G       - Terry, G0WAB  has joined  G0WRE, G0VBD,  G0VAX  for the  26-29  May
          operation from Hilbre Island (EU-120) [425DXN  459]. Look for  them
          signing home call/p on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres SSB and CW. QSL
          via home calls. [TNX G0WRE]
I       - Look for IR0MM to be active  on all bands  from Fossanova Abbey  in
          Latina province  on 19-21  May. QSL  via I0YKN  (Nuccio Meoli,  Via
          della stazione snc, 04010 Cori - LT, Italy). [TNX I0YKN]
I       - Look for  IV3KTY/p  to  operate  (weather  permitting)  during  the
          weekend from  the island  of Santa  Maria di  Barbana (EU-130,  IIA
          GO-013) and/or Panera  (GO-017, not IOTA)  and La Schiusa  (EU-130,
          GO-002). Activity is expected on 40,  20 and 17 metres SSB and  CW.
          Bureau        cards        can        be        requested        at
          http://www.infis.univ.ts.it/~iv3kty [TNX IV3KTY]
I       - ARI Rimini  operators  will be  active  as IR4RCR  from  the  local
          lighthouse (WAIL  ER-002) on  27-28  May. For  further  information
          visit http://www.i4ftu.it/er-002.htm. QSL  via I4GAS either  direct
          or through the bureau. [TNX I4GAS]
KH5K    - Chuck, N4BQW was unexpectedly  active from Kingman  Reef. He is now
          expected to remain on Palmyra until  26 May. QSL via K4TSJ.
LA      - Arne, LA8LA plans to be active (on all bands mostly CW) from  Hitra
          Island (EU-036) between  21 and 28  May. QSL via  LA8LA (Arne  Lie,
          P.O. Box 73, Buvika, N-7351, Norway). [TNX The Daily DX]
SP      - The 18-21  May  SP5PB/1  operation  from the  lighthouse  Niechorze
          [425DXN 471] has been cancelled. [TNX SP5PB]
SU	- IK8UHA reports the SU9DX IOTA operation from Giftun Island (AF-???)
          [425DXN 463] has  been  postponed.  The  new date will be announced
          later this year.   
SV      - After his activity form the island  of Skopelos (EU-072),  Steffen,
          DL6UCW now operates (CW only) from Alonissos (EU-072) until 31 May.
          QSL to DL6UCW via the DARC bureau. [TNX DX News Letter]
V2      - Brian, N3OC  (V26OC)  and Bob,  N5NJ  (V26O) will  be  active  from
          Antigua (NA-100) between 24  and 31 May.  They will participate  in
          the CQ WW WPX CW Contest as V26OC (Multi-Single). Before and  after
          the contest they will concentrate on 6, 12, 17, 30 and 160  metres.
          QSL V26OC via N3OC, QSL V26O via N5NJ. [TNX The Daily DX]
VK9_wil - Peter, VK4APG, one  of the VK9WI  Willis Island  team members,  has
          broken his leg whilst trying to get off the catamaran and has  been
          evacuated. The  remaining  members are  working  hard  to  try  and
          satisfy everybody's needs, but some operations (ie. AO-10) may have
          to be  cancelled, as  as the  highest priority  is  to give  a  new
          country to  people on  at least  one band.  The DXpedition  is  now
          expected to go  QRT around 1  UTC on 22  May, with  barefoot/simple
          aerial operations  from around  6 UTC  on the  21st till  the  last
          minute. For updates, details, log serach and pictures please  visit
S DX@WW $425WW472B
425 DX News #472 [2/4]
  20 May 2000                      No 472                       $425WW472B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

                  >>> DXPEDITIONING - BEHIND THE SCENES <<<

Edited by  Neville  Cheadle (G3NUG)  and  Steve Telenius-Lowe  (G4JVG),  this
182+XXXIV-page book has been written by members of the 1998 9M0C Spratly team
(65,500 QSOs in  12 days). It  is not  a story  of the  DXpedition but  draws
heavily on the experiences at 9M0C and on many other DXpeditions in order  to
offer an extensive coverage of virtually  all aspects of a major  expedition,
from  early  planning  through  QSLing.  Full  information  is  available  at
http://www.nevada.co.uk/book-DX.html (where the book can be ordered). All the
surpluses from sales of this book will  flow to a new organisation (the  Five
Star DXers Association) and will be used as  part of the funding for a  major
DXpedition probably to the Central Pacific in March 2001.

CWJF CONTEST ---> The Manchester Mineira CW Contest will take place on  20-21
May; further information  available at http://www.powerline.com.br/cwjf  [TNX

EX BUREAU ---> Nikolaj Bubnov, EX8MF (ex UM8MFO) reports the new address  for
the Amateur Radio  Union of Kyrgyzstan  (ARUK) QSL bureau  is: P.O. Box  745,
Bishkek,    Kyrgyzstan    720017.     For    further    information     visit

IIA ---> The new versions of the software for the IIA (v2.5) and ILIA  (v1.1)
awards  can  be  downloaded  from  the  web  site  of  the  Crazy  DX   Group

this year's event (from 00.01 UTC on 19  August until 23.59 UTC on the  20th)
is  continually  updated  at  www.waterw.com/~weidner/LH-day-table.htm   [TNX
GM4SUC, gm4suc@compuserve.com]

QSL A35MQ ---> Please note that  cards for the recent A35MQ operation  should
be sent to  DL8NBE. Do not  send them  to either  IV3DHD or  IV3UHL (who  was
active with that call back in 1993).

QSL EA5DWS/P ---> He was active  from Tabarca Island  (EU-093, DIE E-006)  on
20-23 April. Cards should go via EA5DWS either direct (Salva Moreno, P.O. Box
134, 03820 Cocentaina, Alicante, Spain) or through the bureau. [TNX EA5DWS]

QSL HS0ZBS --->  Do not send  your cards to  Kurt's (HB9AMZ)  old address  in
Switzerland or through the Swiss bureau,  as he lives in Thailand. Send  your
cards direct  to  Kurt Brauer,  P.O.  Box 75,  Phanom-Sarakham,  Chachoengsao
24120, Thailand or through the HS bureau.

QSL EU-066 --->  Cards for RZ1OA/p  and UA1OLM/p (EU-066)  should be sent  to
RZ1OA, whose CBA is wrong. The correct address is Vlad Sadakov, P.O. Box  48,
Arkhangelsk 163040, Russia. [TNX RZ1OA]

SDX ---> SDX  V9.62 is a  comprehensive logger intended  for the majority  of
DXpedition and special event operations, with a typical capacity of at  least
10,000 QSOs. It supports SSB and  CW operation on all 9  HF bands and  offers
real-time prefix checking, dupe checking and  beam headings. SDX is  freeware
and unrestricted and may  be downloaded from  http://www.ei5di.com/sd/sdx.zip
(192  kb).  For  further   information  you  can   contact  Paul,  EI5DI   at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

A-DX-W:    Asia DX Window is Web Cluster showing DX spots passed by  amateurs
           located in Asia. The authors are Eugene, RA0FF and Sen, JA3QGI and
           the URL is http://dx.bgtelecom.ru [TNX RA0FF]

S DX@WW $425WW472C
425 DX News #472 [3/4]
  20 May 2000                      No 472                       $425WW472C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

3B8CF    Jacky Mandary, 6 Shastri Road, Candos, Quatre Bornes, Mauritius
4J4K     P.O.Box 89, 370000 Baku, Azerbaijan
4K7Z     P.O.Box 18, 370000 Baku, Azerbaijan
4W6MM    Thorvaldur Stefansson, P.O. Box 3699, Darwin, NT 0801, Australia
A41LZ    Murtadha Ahmed Sultan, P. O. Box 2837, Ruwi, Muscat 112, Oman
AX3ITU   Eastern and Mountain District Radio Club (EMDRC), P.O. Box 87, 
         Mitcham Victoria, Australia 3132
AX3ITU   VK3 Bureau, 40G Victory Boulevard, Ashburton Victoria, Australia 
BV8BC    Bill Chen, Box 222, Taitung 950 Taiwan
C91DC    FROM OUTSIDE USA: Brian Carney, c/o US Embassy, P.O. Box 783,
         Maputo, Mozambique
C91DC    FROM USA: Brian Carney, DOS/PC - Maputo, 2201 C St., Washington DC
         20521-2330, USA
CT1EGH   Antonio Alberto Lopes Pereira, R Guerra Junqueiro, 25-A, Vale de
         Milha, Corroios 2855, Portugal
CX2ABC   P.O. Box 950, 11000 Montevideo, Uruguay
DL2MEH   Manfred Wolf, Lattenweiler 58, D-88131 Lindau, Germany
DL4OCM   Thomas Steinmann, P. O. Box 1117, D-37162 Uslar, Germany
DL5EBE   Dominik Weiel, Johannes-Meyer-Str. 13, D-49808 Lingen, Germany
ET3DP    FROM OUTSIDE USA: Dennis Panther (AID), P.O. Box 1014, Addis Ababa,
ET3DP    FROM USA: Dennis Panther, Dept. of State, 2030 Addis Ababa PL,
         Washington, DC 20521
F5OGL    Didier Senmartin, DASC, BP 19, 35998 Rennes Armees, France
F5XX     Bernard Vignolles, Les Planetes, Route de Campans, 81 100 Castres,
FR5ZQ    Henri Namtameco, Rampe de Saint-Francois, 5052 Tour de la Chaumiere,
         F-97400 Saint Denis, France
FW5ZL    Guy Petit de la Rhodiere, B. P. 2, F-98600 Mata-Utu, France
G3SXW    Roger Western, 7 Field Close, Chessington, Surrey KT9 2QD, England
G3TXF    Nigel Cawthorne, Falcons, St. George's Avenue, Weybridge, Surrey
         KT13 0BS, England, UK
GM4CHX   James Kyle,7 Fassaich, Gairloch, Wester Ross IV21 2BD, UK
HA0HW    Laszlo Szabo, P.O. Box 24, Puspokladany, H-4151 Hungary
I0SNY    Nicola Sanna, Str. Gualtarella 8/M, 06132 S. Sisto - PG, Italy
I2JSB    Giorgio Savini, P.O. Box 55, 20089 Rozzano - MI, Italy
JA9VJ    Hajime Mouri, 10-28-1402 Takakura, Nagoya 456-0015, Japan
JE4UOP   Emi Yamamoto, 1132-5 Asakura Otsu, Kochi City, Kochi 780-8066, Japan
JG5CIP   Shigeko Suzuki, 87-3 Kitabun, Kozaki, Ichiba 771-1622, Japan
LU5FC    Jesus Rubio, San Juan 2694, Rosario 2000 - Santa Fe, Argentina
LU7FOM   Victor R. Goldin, Pasaje Machado 5878, 2000 Rosario, Santa Fe,
LY2BCR   Ed Vaisman, P.O.Box 70, Klaipeda, LT-5800 Lithuania
LY3BE    Eugene Vaisman, P.O.Box 70, Klaipeda, LT-5800 Lithuania
LY3TA    Klaipeda Radio Club, P.O.Box 70, Klaipeda, LT-5800 Lithuania
OH1EH    Ari Korhonen, Kreetalank. 9 As 1, FIN-29200 Harjavalta, Finland
RA1QQ    P.O.Box 24, Cherepovets 162627, Russia
RK3YZA   P.O. Box 1, Zhukovka 242700, Russia
RV6AB    V. Babenko, P. O. Box 33, Armavir 352900, Russia
RW3DU    Andrew V. Berlynsky, 9-j Gvardejskoy Divizii str. 57-29, Istra
         143500 Russia
RW3DY    Nickolaj L. Evgraphov, 9-j Gvardejskoy Divizii str. 42-25, Istra
         143500, Russia
SM0DJZ   Jan Hallenberg, Siriusgatan 106, SE-195 55 Mersta, Sweden
SV1UN    Bill Sarafopoulos, Palia Geotrisi 1, Avlon 19011, Greece
TI5KD    Carlos William Diez, Box 195, Belen Heredia 4005, Costa Rica
UA1CKC   P.O. Box 70, Kingisepp 188450, Russia
UR4NWG   P.O. Box 9, Tulchyn, Vinnytska Obl, 23600 Ukraine
UR6IM    P.O. Box 91, Konstantinovka-14, 85114, Donetskaya obl, Ukraine
UT1HT    George Ignatov, P.O. Box 87, Kremenchug-21, 39621 Ukraine
UT8NA    Dmytro Pavlik, 16 Gogol St, Tymanivka, Tulchynsky, Vinnytska, 23644
UX3FW    Yurij Kucherenko, P.O. Box 62, Izmail 68600, Ukraine
UY5QZ    Valentin Dolinny, P.O. Box 4900, Zaporozhye, 69076 Ukraine
VK4AAR   Alan Roocroft, P.O. Box 421, Gatton 4343, Australia
VK4APG   P.J. Garden, 58 Minerva Court, Eatons Hill, Brisbane, Australia
VK9NS    P.O. Box 90, Norfolk Island, NI 2899, Australia
VP2MAE   Eustace Chambers, P.O. Box 340, Montserrat, West Indies
W0GJ     Glenn Johnson, 14164 Irvine Ave NW, Bemidji, MN 56601 USA
W4YCZ    Jack Main, 172 W. Ocean Ave., Norfolk, VA 23503, USA
YZ1GD    Dejan Grozdanovic, Milana Toplice 14, 16000 Leskovac, Yugoslavia
ZL8RI    Ken Holdom, Kermadec DX Association, P.O. Box 7, Clyde, Central
         Otago, New Zealand
ZL9CI    Ken Holdom, Kermadec DX Association, P.O. Box 7, Clyde, Central
         Otago, New Zealand

S DX@WW $425WW472D
425 DX News #472 [4/4]
  20 May 2000                      No 472                       $425WW472D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3A2MG       F9JS        E21CJN      W3PP        R1AP        UA1CKC
3B8GL       3B8CF       EK6LF       KZ5RO       R1FJV       UA3AG
3V8BB       I5JHW       EM1KY       UT7UA       RA0LOM/0    UA0MF
3W2LC       VK6LC       EO55F       UR5FEO      RH1H        RV1CC
3W6SAN      IK1JTP      EO55FI      UX3FW       RK21Z       UA1ZJW
3W7CW       SP5AUC      EO55G       UR6GWB      RP0W/P      RA0WA
3W7TK       OK1HWB      EO55HK      UT1HT       RP3DGS      RK3FV
3XY2D       VE2DPS      EO55IG      UR7IA       RP3DVS cw   RW3DY
4K55C       4K9C        EO55IX      UR6IM       RP3DVS ssb  RW3DU
4K55V       4J9RI       EO55M       UX2MM       RP3QWK      N2UCK
4K9W        DL6KVA      EO55U       UT2UB       RP3WKM      RA3WA
4S7BRG      HB9BRM      EO55UK      UT4UO       RP3XMV      UA3XAC
4S7UB       KJ6UB       EO55ZN      UY0ZG       RP3YPD      RK3YZA
4W6GH       CT1EGH      EO5JS       UT5JAC      RP3ZOR      RK3ZZM
4X4BL       WA2KNC      EO5NT       UR4NWG      RP4FAM      UA4FLA
4X6TT       N2AU        EP2AC       RV6AB       RP6AAK      UA6CW
4Z1GY       N4XY        EU4WAA      RU4WE       RP6Y        RA6AX
5H3US       WA8JOC      EZ3A        EZ8CW       RP9JTF      K0XQ
5N3NDP      IK5JAN      EZ8CQ direct I2JSB      S05SB       EA1BPC
5R8ET       K1WY        F5XX/p      F5XX        S21YJ       SM4AIO
5R8FU       SM0DJZ      F6KHS/P     F5SOI       SV8/DL6UCW  DL6UCW
6Y5MM       W4YCZ       F6KOP/p     F6KOP       SV8/PA3HGP  PA3HGP
8J1ITU      bureau      FH/TU5AX    F5OGL       SV9/K7BV    KU9C
8J1RL       JG3PLH      FR/F5JJW    F5JJW       SW1OF       SV1DKL
8M2000      JARL        FR5ZQ/G     FR5ZQ       T88ME       7N1RTO
8S7A        W3HNK       FS/G4MFW    ZS1FJ       T88SH       7J1AIL
8S7IPA      OZ5IPA      FW/G3SXW    G3SXW       T88SH       K7USJ
9G1AA       PA3ERA      FW/G3TXF    G3TXF       T88YK       JN1WTK
9J2FR       IK2RZQ      FY5FU       F5PAC       T99M        DL2JRM
9M2/JA4DPL  JA4DPL      GC0STH/P    G4DIY       TA1ITU      bureau
9N1VJ       JA9VJ       GD0KRL      G0KRL       TE6U        TI5KD
9N7IP       JG5CIP      GS3EEO/P    G3OCA       TK/F5MOG/p  F5MOG
9N7RB       W4FOA       GU0VJG      G0VJG       TK/IV3UHL   IV3UHL
9N7RN       IK4ZGY      H40MY       JA0IXW      TT8JA       F5RWE
A45WA       G3ZYE       HF0POL      SP3WVL      TT8JLB      F5BAR
A45XM       A47RS       HI3/YT1CS   YZ1GD       UA9JMB      RA9JR
A52A        W0GJ        I7JRP/7     I7JRP       UE1RRC      RA1QQ
A52JS       VK9NS       IQ5LDV      I5NZR       UE3GAA      RW3GF
A61AD       N1DG        IR0CE       IK0YQJ      UK8OM       IK2QPR
A61AJ       W3UR        J28/F5LDY   F5LDY       UN2O        IK2QPR
AP2ARS      ON5NT       J43O        SV3AQR      UN8GF       IZ8CCW
AX2ITU      VK2PS       JT1FCX      K4ZLE       UP55A       DL8KAC
AX2OOO      VK2PS       JT1Y        I0SNY       UP55T       UN6T
AX3ITU      VK3ER       JU1O        HA0HW       UV7D        UT7DX
AX4ITU      bureau      JU1Y        I0SNY       UZ5Q        UY5QZ
BA7QT       W3HNK       JW5LJA      LA5LJA      V47JAJ      G0WLY
BI4L        BY4RSA      JW5NM       LA5NM       VK8AN/6     VK4AAR
CE0Y/LX1NO  LX1NO       JW7FJA      LA7FJA      VK9NYR      WB4CYR
CE0Y/LX2LX  LX1NO       JW8LGA      LA8LGA      VK9WI       VK4APG
CE0Z/LU7FOM LU7FOM      KC4AAA      K1IED       VK9WI       VK4APG
CN8NK       EA5XX       KH4/K5PZ    K5PZ        VQ9NL       W4NML
CO2JD       AD4Z        KP2A        W3HNK       VU3VLH      OK1MM
CO6YP/HH    CM6LK       L99D        LU7DW       XX9TEP      K8EP
CO8XI       F6FNU       LP1F        LU5FC       YB0AZ       W7TSQ
CQ7Q        DJ0MW       LY7Z        LY2TA       YB0ZZ       YB0FMT
CS5M        DJ0MW       N4BQW/KH5   K4TSJ       YI1SERA     WA3HUP
CT1/DJ0MW/p DJ0MW       N4BQW/KH5K  K4TSJ       YI9OM       OM6TX
CU3DJ       N4JB        OH0Z        OH1EH       YK0RJ       YK1AO
CV7V        CX4ACR      OJ0/OH1MM   OH1MM       YN9HAU      HR1RMG
CV9AM       CX2ABC      OJ0RJ       OH0RJ       Z32ZM direct I2JSB 
CX1JJ       CX2AM       OJ0VR       OH1VR       Z33Z        Z31RB
CX1JK       CX2AM       PJ4/HB9BCK  HB9BCK      Z34A        Z31ET
CX3JE       CX2AM       PY0F/PY2ZDX F6AJA       ZF2MU       K4BI
DJ0FX/p     DJ0FX       R1AND       DL5EBE      ZL4IR       W8WC
DL4VCG/HC8  DL4VCG      R1ANF       RK1PWA      ZL6QH       ZL2WB
DQ0KBM      DL1BFE      R1ANZ       RU1ZC       ZW1EN       PT2HF

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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