S DX@WW $425WW469A 425 DX News #469 [1/8] 29 April 2000 No 469 BID: $425WW469A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ + DL1SCQ, SILENT KEY + It is most unusual to open the bulletin with a SK, but your Editors simply felt they had to express their deep sorrow on the untimely death of a dear friend, Anne Dattenberg, DL1SCQ and their warmest sympathy to her surviving husband, Wolfgang, DL2SCQ. A keen island chaser herself, Anne formed with Wolf an extraordinary couple of activators who gave so many people the pleasure of working plenty of IOTA groups in Europe, Oceania and the Caribbean. Anne was only 47 and passed away on 22 April. She will be dearly missed by the IOTA community all over the world. <<< BHUTAN (1) >>> You are already aware that A52JS is not a pirate, but the genuine Jim Smith, VK9NS, who is currently operating from Bhutan using his brand new callsign He started on 27 April at 12.16 UTC on 20 metres CW with RW0JR and later at 12.52 UTC on 20 metres SSB with VU2DVP. The second happy news is that Yonten, A51TY has been back on the air since 27 April at 12.01 UTC. He made his first CW (with RW0JR) and SSB (with VK9NL) QSOs on 20 metres. "It will now take me a full day to get properly organised", Jim says, "but should be up and running at my new location ready for the weekend". QSL A52JS direct to VK9NS (P.O. Box 90, Norfolk Island, NI 2899, Australia); arrangements for the handling of bureau cards in the UK will be announced later. [TNX A52JS] <<< BHUTAN (2) >>> The multi-national DXpedition to Bhutan [425DXN 468] is expected to start operations on 3 May until the 12th. Seven stations will be operational on CW (1826.5, 3501, 7004, 10104 (& 10125), 14024, 18074, 21024, 24894 and 28024 kHz), SSB (3795, 7057, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24945 and 28475 kHz) and RTTY (14080, 21080 and 28080 kHz). The pilots will be Doug Caron, N1IUN (n1iun@aol.com, for East Coast North America and South America), Garry Shapiro, NI6T (ni6t@intuitive.com, for Central/West Coast North America), Klaus Wagner, DL1XX (dl1xx@gmx.de, for Europe, Africa and Middle East), Toshi Kusano, JA1ELY (ja1ely@bb.mbn.or.jp, for Japan, Asia, Australia and New Zealand). It is worth paying regular visits to the DXpedition's web site (http://www.qsl.net/bhutan2000) as you will be able to find the latest operating news from the team, online logs updated on a daily basis and much more, including the A5 Forum where to voice your opinions about the operation (the team will be monitoring this forum from Bhutan to gain feedback into how they are doing). QSL via W0GJ (Glenn Johnson, 14164 Irvine Ave NW, Bemidji, MN 56601, USA). 3B6 - Preparations for the 3B6RF all-band all-mode DXpedition to Agalega (AF-001) [425DXN 459] continue. The licence and the required landing permission have been confirmed by the relevant authorities in Mauritius. The team will not fly to Agalega as originally planned due to the limited loading capacity of the aircraft. The voyage from Mauritius to Agalega will take two days and therefore the operation is now expected to start on 8 October for 16 days. The team will leave the island on 25 or 26 October. Sponsors and donors can contact Joe Meier, HB9AJW (100450.540@compuserve.com). QSL cards will be available either direct and through the bureau. For full information on the DXpedition please visit http://www.agalega2000.ch [TNX HB9FMU, phil.loretz@bluewin.ch] 3DA - Andre, ZS6WPX will operate (160-10 metres) as 3DA0WPX from Swaziland between 28 April and 2 May. QSL direct only via ZS6WPX (P.O. Box 2845, Middelburg 1050, South Africa). [TNX ZS6WPX] 4W - Pero, 9A4SP has been active as 4W6SP from East Timor since 21 April (the first contacts was with JI3QAD at 06.20 UTC on 15 metres SSB). QSL via 9A2AA (Tomislav Dugec, P.O.Box 255, 21000 Split, Croatia). The first logs have already arrived and cards will be printed very soon. Pero has also been issued the call YB9ASP to be used from West Timor (QSL via 9A2AA). [TNX 9A2TW] 5H - Nasser Al Rawahi, A41KG reports the planned IOTA activity from the Tanga Region Group (AF-???) [425DXN 463] will now take place between 1 and 10 July from the island of Yambe. Twelve operators from the Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society will be active as 5I3A and 5I3B on all bands SSB, CW and digital modes. QSL via A47RS (P.O. Box 981, Muscat 113, Sultanate of Oman). /EX S DX@WW $425WW469B 425 DX News #469 [2/8] 29 April 2000 No 469 BID: $425WW469B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== 6Y - Curt, KE3C will be active (on 10-80 metres CW) as KE3C/6Y5 from Jamaica (NA-097) between 8 and 13 May. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX] 7O - The 7O1YGF crew was expected to leave Yemen on 1 May [425DXN 467], however the operation had to close down earlier than planned and the four operators returned home on 27 April. In a press release they state that "after 10 days of activity we have been kindly asked by the authorities to terminate our radio transmission. The reason for that is that until now no agreement on the final status of this unique special activity could be reached". It appears there were some misunderstandings, however "the activity 7O1YGF is for the time being still in the process of approval" and a "written confirmation" is expected "in due time". The operation logged some 35000 QSOs on 6-40 metres CW, SSB and RTTY. 9A - Kresimir, 9A7K and some other 5-7 operators from Croatia IOTA Hunters Group and ARC Koprivnica will operate from Palagruza Island (EU-090, CI-084, WLH-057) between 7 and 14 June. Look for 9A10C (Nine Alpha Ten Charlie) and 9A7K/p to be active on all HF bands plus 2 and 6 metres. QSL via 9A7K (Kresimir Juratovic, P.O. Box 88, HR-48000 Koprivnica, Croatia). [TNX 9A7K] BY - Ken/BA1AJ, Alan/BA1DU, Guo/BA1GYS, Chen BA1HAM, Ban/BA1MK, Chen/BA1MT, Wu/BG1CE and other operators from The Beijing DX Club will be active as BI3H from Shijiutuo Island (AS-134) between 1 and 4 May. They plan to operate CW and SSB on the ususal IOTA frequencies from 40 to 10 metres with two stations, one beam and one linear amplifier. They will concentrate on North America between 23-2 UTC and 11-14 UTC. QSL via W3HC. Comments should be sent to ba1du@arrl.net [TNX BA1DU] BY - The BI4L IOTA operation from Changdao, Miaodao Archipelago (AS-???) [425DXN 468] is now scheduled to take place between 1 and 5 May. The operators will be Jin/BA4TA, Dragon/BA4RX, Deal/BA4TB, Yee/BA4RE, Wang/BA4RD, Win/BD4RS and Michael/BD5RV. The web page for the operation is at http://www.7388.org/, where you can inform the team about your needed modes/bands. The logs will be available during the operation. QSL via BY4RSA (P.O.Box 538, Nanjing, China). [TNX BD5RV] CT - Marq/CT1BWW, Mario/DJ0MW and Yuki/JA9QX will operate as CT6C from Alcoutim Castle (1 May), as CS5M from Castro Marim Castle (3-4 May) and as CQ7Q from the lighthouse at Vila Real S. Antonio (5-6 May). QSL for all of the operations via bureau. [TNX mmarques@fduarte.pt] EA8 - Look for ED8GCF to be active (on SSB as well as CW and RTTY) from the lighthouse at Punta Melenara (D-2807.5) between 7 and 17 UTC on 30 April. QSL via EA8AKN or through the bureau. [TNX EA8AKN] EO - The following special event stations celebrating the end of WWII will be active from Ukraine on 5-14 May: EO55NWW (mostly on 80, 40 and 20 metres SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK) with QSL direct P.O. Box 8100, Vinnitsa, 21050 Ukraine or via the bureau to UR4NWW; EO55ZN with QSL via UY0ZG (Nick Gubenko, P.O. Box 309, Nikolaev-34, 54034 Ukraine). [TNX UR5NX and UY2ZZ] F - Look for F1UHM, F4AJQ, F4BUX, F4TTR, F5FG, F5RPQ, F8ATS, F8BGV and F9IE to be signing F6KOP/p from Brehat Island (EU-074) between 5 and 10 May. They will operate on 160-6 metres CW and SSB. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]] F - The Belgian operators who will be active from Sein Island (EU-068) in July [425DXN 465] have applied for the calls TM4CK and TM4ON (the latter to be used during the IOTA Contest). They now plan to start operations on 27-28 July and to leave the island on 1 August. Further information is expected in due course. Sponsors can contact Bill Abrahams, ON9CGB (bill.abrahams@worldonline.be). The expedition site is at http://www.qsl.net/on6ck [TNX ON9CGB] FO0 - Alain, F2HE/FO0CLA is active from Tatakoto (OC-066, DIFO OC-086), French Polynesia until around mid-May [425DXN 468]. QSL via F6CTL. [TNX F6AJA] FR/T - The Lyon DX Gang all-band all-mode DXpedition to Tromelin (AF-031) [425DXN 458] is now scheduled to take place between 1 and 16 August (the first station might be active on 31 July in the evening). The operators will be F5PXT, F5PYI, F6JJX and F5NOD. Further information is expected in due course. The web site at is http://perso.easynet.fr/~f6jjx/ [TNX F5NOD] FW - Nigel, G3TXF and Roger, G3SXW will be active as FW/G3TXF and FW/G3SXW from Wallis Island (OC-054) between 11 and 23 May. Operation will be CW only, from 80 to 10 metres, transmitting on frequencies ending in '3' and listening 1-3 KHz up. QSL via home calls either direct or through the RSGB bureau. The addresses are: Nigel Cawthorne, Falcons, St. George's Avenue, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0BS, England, UK (G3TXF) and Roger Western, 7 Field Close, Chessington,Surrey, KT9 2QD, England, UK (G3SXW). E-mail requests for bureau reply are welcome at g3txf@compuserve.com or g3sxw@compuserve.com respectively. [TNX G3SXW] GJ - Ronan, F5TJP will be active (on 10-80 metres, WARC bands included) as MJ/F5TJP/p from Ile Maitresse, Les Minquiers Plateau (EU-099) on 9-11 June. The QSL route will be announced by the operator. [TNX F5TJP]. /EX S DX@WW $425WW469C 425 DX News #469 [3/8] 29 April 2000 No 469 BID: $425WW469C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== GM - Jim, MM0BQI will be active (on 10-80 metres, WARC excluded, mostly SSB with some CW) as MM0BQI/p from the Summer Isles (EU-092, IOSA SC-10) between 12 UTC on 16 June and 16 UTC on the 18th. QSL via MM0BQI either direct (Jim Martin, 3 Lismore Avenue, Edinburgh, EH8 7DW Scotland) or through the bureau. [TNX MM0BQI] GW - Steve/G4JVG, Paul/G0WAT and Andrew/G0HSD will be active as MC0CDX from St Tudwal's Islands (IOTA EU-106) from mid-morning UTC on 27 May until mid-evening UTC on the 28th. They will operate two stations, including one high-power and with a beam antenna, on 80-10 metres, mainly SSB with some CW, especially on the WARC bands. QSL via G4JVG either direct (Steve Telenius-Lowe, 27 Hertford Road, Stevenage, Herts SG2 8RZ, England) or through the bureau. HB0 - Look for DF5UL, DL1GGT, DL1SAN, DL2MEH, DL5EBT and DL6SAQ to be signing HB0/home call from Liechtenstein between 28 April and 1 May. They will operate on all HF bands (CW and SSB) with two stations, while other two stations will be on 6 metres and 10 GHz. QSL via home calls. [TNX DL1GGT] I - IK2DUV and others plan to operate from San Giulio Island (ILIA PIE-001, not IOTA) on 29 April. [TNX IK2DUV] I - IV3HAX and IV3SKB have cancelled their 29-30 April operation from the island of Martignano [425DXN 462]. The logs for their recent activity are available at http://www.qsl.net/iv3hax and http://www.qsl.net/iv3skb [TNX IV3HAX] I - ARI Pisa members will operate (on all modes and bands) special station IY5PIS from Coltano during the International Marconi Day. QSL via IK5QPZ. [TNX IK5ZTT] I - Special station II1AIR is currently active from Sanremo during the meeting of AIR (Associazione Italiana Radioascolto). QSL via bureau. I - Marco, IV3KTY lives on the island of Grado (EU-130, IIA GO-001) and starting from 30 April he will operate (SSB and CW) as IV3KTY/p from several other islands, such as La Schiusa (EU-130, GO-002), Santa Maria di Barbana (EU-130, GO-013), Volpera (not IOTA, GO-014) and Panera (not IOTA, GO-017). QSL via bureau. [TNX IV3KTY] I - Operators from ARI Barletta will be active as I7JRP/7 from the local lighthouse (WAIL PU-011) on 13 and 14 May. QSL via I7JRP either direct or through the bureau. [TNX IK7WUJ] I - ARI Carpi members IK4GLV (Franco), IK4THF (Glauco),IK4JPR (Sergio) and IK4RUX (Vanni) will be active (SSB and CW) as IL7/home call from San Domino Island (EU-050, IIA FG-001) between 1 and 5 June. They also plan to operate from a couple of other IIA islands in the same IOTA group. QSL via home calls. [TNX IK4RUX] JW - Leif, LA2PA and Oystein, LA7QI will be active as JW2PA and JW7QI respectively from Svalbard between 1 and 8 May. Propagation permitting, they will concentrate on 10 and 12 meters SSB and CW. QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau. [TNX LA2PA] JW - Another activity from Svalbard (EU-026) will take place between 19 and 25 May. The operators will be JW5LJA (QSL via LA5LJA), JW7FJA (QSL via LA7FJA) and JW8LGA (QSL via LA8LGA) and they plan to operate CW and SSB on the HF bands plus 6 metres. [TNX LA7FJA] KH0 - Hiro, JK1FNN and YL operator Mie, 7L1MKM will be active (on 40-15 metres) as KH0/JK1FNN and KH0/7L1MKM from Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands (OC-086) on 3-5 May. They will participate in the "Children Day" Contest organized by Japan UNICEF Amateur Radio Club (http://www.juhc.org/en/). QSLs via JK1FNN. [TNX JK1FNN] KH0 - Haru Uchida, JA1XGI will be active as KH0/JA1XGI from Saipan, Northern Marianas (OC-086) between 31 May and 4 June. He will pay special attention to Europe on 6 metres. QSL via home call (Haru Uchida, 2-30-11, Shintomi, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-0043, Japan). [TNX JA1XGI] OY - Frank/DL2SWW, Ric/DL2VFR and YL operator Gabi/DG2TM will be active as OY/home call from the Faeroe Islands (EU-018) between 29 May and 8 June. They plan to operate on 160-2 metres (WARC bands and 6 metres included) mostly on CW with some SSB and RTTY. Skeds may be arranged before 26 May by e-mail (dl2vfr@online.de). QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau. Logs will be available at http://www.qsl.net/dl2vfr after the operation. [TNX DL2VFR] PY - The Associacao Brasileira de Radio expedicionarios and the Gremio de Radioamadores da Escola Naval will operate SSB and CW (on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres) from the island of Villegaignon (DIB 29, not IOTA) on 5-7 May. The call has not been given, but the QSL manager will be PT2HF. [TNX PT2HF] SM - Ben, OZ5AAH will operate as 8S7IPA from Markaryd, Sweden on 5-8 May. He will participate in the US-police (http://www.iparc.com) contest. QSL direct only via OZ5AAH (Preben Jakobsen, 9 Knoldager, 2670 Greve, Denmark). [TNX OZ5AAH] /EX S DX@WW $425WW469D 425 DX News #469 [4/8] 29 April 2000 No 469 BID: $425WW469D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== SP - Zbig, SP6CZ and Andy, SP6ECA will be active as SP6CZ/1 and SP6ECA/1 from Wolin Island (EU-132) from the late afternoon on 29 April until 3 May. They will try to operate from the lighthouse "Kikut" located on the island. [TNX SP6ECA] SP - Special event station 3Z0MM will be active from 1 May and 31 July 2000. QSL via SP3KFH (direct) or SP3BGL (bureau). [TNX SP3GTS] SV - Look for special event station J430 to be active (on 10-160 metres SSB) between 5 and 30 May to celebrate the lighting of the Olympic flame in ancient Olympia, Greece. QSL via SV3AQR. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] SV5 - Ermanno, IK2WZD will be active (on SSB, RTTY and HELL) from the islands of Lipsi, Agathonissi, Arki, Marati, Leros and Patmos in the Dodecanese (EU-001) from May to October. [TNX IK2WZD] T8 - T88YT is the call issued to the fourth operator of the 28 April-3 May activity form Palau [425DXN 468]. QSL via JI1PLF. [TNX JM1LJS] TI - Hannes, DL3NM reports he will be signing (CW and RTTY only) TI/DL3NM between 30 April and 17 May. UA - Special calls RP3RST, RP3RTG, RP3RTK and RP3RZK will be aired by Michurinsk Contest Group on 5-9 and 13-14 May to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the end of WWII. Direct QSLs to RN3RQ (Jack Yatskiv, P.O.Box 30, Michurinsk 393740, Russia); e-mail requests for bureau cards are welcome at mcg@pub.tmb.ru. A free of charge award is available for making 10 (Europe) or 5 (DX) QSOs with these stations. For further details e-mail RN3RQ. [TNX RN3RQ] UA - The OPDX Bulletin reports that Roman, RV3MA will be active from Ushakova Island (AS-???) starting "around 7 May". He will use the call RV3MA/0 "or possibly another" and will operate CW and SSB on the usual IOTA frequencies. QSL via RV3ACA (Elen V. Boychenko, P.O. Box 13, 127521 Moscow, Russia). UA - Operators from the Vladivostok Amateur Radio Club (varc@irex.vl.ru) plan to be active as RK0LWW from the Submarine Memorial Museum "C-56" on 8-10 May. Look for them on CW (14018, 21018, 28018 kHz) and SSB (14180, 21280, 28580 kHz). QSL via UA0LMO (Yuri Pechenko, P.O. Box 23, Vladivostok, 690041 Russia). [TNX UA0LMO] UA - Valery, RA4FKC (fkc@sura.ru) reports the latest news on the planned IOTA activity from Begichev (AS-???) and Petra (AS-063) islands [425DXN 459]. The operators (RV3MA, RW3RN, RW4CMU, RZ6LY, UA4FRV and UA4FUG) expect to be active (on 160-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY) as UA4FWD/0 from Begichev between 9 and 17 July and from Petra between 20 and 26 July. QSL via UA4FRV. V3 - Baldur, DJ6SI is active as V31OM. QSL via DJ6SI. VE - The North Shore Amateur Radio Club of Oshawa, Ontario will be operating special event station VC3CX from Camp X, Intrepid Park in Whitby on 6-8 May in celebration of the 55th anniversary of the end of WWII. QSL via VE3TIG (Fred Bengel, 679 Aruba Crescent, Oshawa, Ontario L1J 6B7, Canada). For further information please visit http://www.geocities.com/campx_radio [TNX VE3LKS] VK - Peter, VK8PW will be operating again (on 10-20 metres SSB) as VK8PW/8 from Myra Camp in Arnhem Land, a special Trust Territory in VK8 land, starting around 16 May to early September. Time and transportation permitting, there might also be some activity from South Goulburn Island (OC-229) using the same call sign. The stay on the island will however be less than 24 hours at a time and on a very short notice. QSL via VK8PW either direct (Peter Wollenberg, P.O. Box 2142, Darwin, NT 0801, Australia) or through the bureau. [TNX VK8PW] VK0_mac - As 425DXN is distributed also on the PacketCluster network for those who have no access to the Internet, here is Alan's (VK0MM) operating schedule for the next days: 30/04 Europe 14003 kHz +5/10kHz 03.30 UTC - 05.30 UTC 01/05 Europe 14003 kHz +5/10kHz 06.00 UTC - late 02/05 JA/Asia 14003 kHz +5/10kHz 09.30 UTC - 11.30 UTC 04/05 JA/Asia 10103 kHz +5/10kHz 09.30 UTC - 11.30 UTC 05/05 USA/VE 10103 kHz +5/10kHz 09.30 UTC - 11.30 UTC The QSL route will be announced when Alan returns to Australia at the end of the year. XX9 - Ed Sawyer, K8EP will be active (on 10-40 metres CW and SSB) as XX9TEP from Macau on 4-8 May. QSL via home call. [TNX K8EP] ZC4 - Colin, GM0RLZ will be signing GM0RLZ/ZC4 for the next 3-4 weeks. He is working as a radiographer and will be on air most days after 12 UTC, mostly on SSB with some slow CW on 10-80 metres as well as 6 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX MM0BSM] ARI INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST ---> The following stations have announced they will participate in this year's event (see below for additional information): * 3V8BB operated by Giovanni, I5JHW. * 8S7IPA operated by Ben, OZ5AAH. QSL direct only to OZ5AAH (see SM above). * CV7V (operated by CX4ACQ, CX4ACR and CX8CT) on 10-80 metres CW and SSB. QSL via CX4ACR (bureau only). [TNX CX4ACR] * II1H operated by Alfeo, I1HJT. QSL via home call. /EX S DX@WW $425WW469E 425 DX News #469 [5/8] 29 April 2000 No 469 BID: $425WW469E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH ARI INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST ---> Open to either licenced amateurs and SWLs, this year it will be held between 20 UTC on 6 May and 20 UTC on the 7th. For further information please contact the Contest Manager (Paolo Cortese, I2UIY) at i2uiy@contesting.com or visit http://www.kkn.net/~i2uiy/ IOTA ACTIVITY MONTH (MAY) ---> Contacts made with the following IOTA island groups in May will score three points towards the RSGB IOTA Millennium Programme (IOTA 2000). An asterisk (*) marks regularly activated groups: AF-001 AF-034 AF-075 AS-115 AF-007 AF-035 AF-080 AS-118 AF-008 AF-038 AF-081 AS-119 AF-009 AF-040 AN-015 * AS-120 AF-011 AF-049 * AS-002 * AS-123 AF-012 AF-052 AS-004 * AS-124 AF-013 * AF-053 AS-009 EU-019 * AF-015 AF-054 AS-010 EU-035 AF-016 * AF-057 AS-014 EU-066 AF-021 AF-059 AS-016 EU-082 AF-024 * AF-061 AS-021 EU-085 AF-025 AF-062 AS-034 EU-102 AF-026 AF-063 AS-035 EU-119 AF-027 AF-066 AS-088 EU-147 AF-028 AF-067 AS-100 EU-153 AF-031 AF-071 AS-108 EU-160 AF-032 * AF-072 AS-111 EU-161 AF-033 AF-074 AS-112 EU-162 For full details please visit http://www.425dxn.org/iota/iota2000 CHESTERFIELD ---> During the recent International DX Convention in Visalia Eric, FK8GM reported to The Daily DX Editor (Bernie, W3UR) that "FK8VHY/p was indeed active from Loop Island (OC-176) in the Chesterfield Islands for about 12 hours on April 6, 2000. This operation should count for the newest DXCC Entity". EU-094 ---> The 22-24 April F6KOH/p operation from Fort Cigogne (EU-094) [425DXN 467] was cancelled due to the bad weather. No mention has been made of any reschedule. [TNX F5JPG] ITALIAN ISLANDS TROPHY ---> Sponsored by the Crazy DX Group and open to both licenced amateurs and SWLs, it is for working/activating IIA IIA (Italian Islands Award) and ILIA (Italian Lake Islands Award) islands between 1 June and 30 September 2000. For further information e-mail crazydxgroup@libero.it or crazy@grisnet.it. The web site for the Crazy DX Group is at http://www.grisnet.it/crazy NOT THE QSL MANAGER ---> Please note that Steve, G4JVG is NOT the QSL manager for the following stations: * P29DX - the call has been reissued [425DXN 455]; Steve held it several years ago and can confirm QSOs made with P29DX as well as P20A between 1991 and 1994 only. Cards for the new P29DX should be sent to the operator (Elmer R. Ribeyro, Sopas Adventist Hospital, P.O. Box 112, Wabag, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea) or to his QSL manager, EA4CEN. * P20X - Steve was one of the operators of P20X in the multi-single section of the 1993 CQ WPX Contest (the QSL Manager then was Kyle Harris, P29KH, but Steve does not know who the QSL Manager for later operations is). * VP2E - Steve operated as VP2E/G4JVG in 1990 and can still confirm QSOs made with that callsign, but he never operated as G4JVG. QSL 4Z3M ---> All contacts with 4Z3M in the Holyland Contest 2000 (15-16 April) will be confirmed automatically through the bureau. [TNX NH7T/DF2CK] QSL DU1ODX ---> Ed, DU1ODX reports that effective April 2000 NH0E is no longer his QSL manager. Cards should be sent either direct (Ed Salcedo, P.O. Box SM 284, Manila 1016, Philippines) or through the bureau. QSL UA0FCD/p ---> Eugene, RA0FF reports that SP7LZD is no longer the QSL manager for the 26-30 July 1999 operation by UA0FCD/p from Iturup Island (AS-025, log search at http://www.qsl.net/ra0ff/). Alex will confirm all of the QSOs through the bureau. He is expected to operate from Shikotan Island (AS-062) in June-July, further information (including the QSL route) is expected in due course. /EX S DX@WW $425WW469F 425 DX News #469 [6/8] 29 April 2000 No 469 BID: $425WW469F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH QSL YB0DPO ---> Dudy is again active on all bands, WARC included, after being QRT since 1989. He reports his new address is: Dudy Wijaya, Jalan Seni Budaya 4/31 RT 008/05, Jakarta 11460 Indonesia (do not use POB 4485 any longer!). QSL ZL8RI & ZL9CI ---> As from 25 April 2000 all direct QSL cards for both ZL8RI and ZL9CI should be addressed to Ken Holdom, Kermadec DX Association, P.O. Box 7, Clyde, Central Otago, New Zealand. Due to the New Zealand Postal system rules, any reply to cards sent to any previous address cannot be guaranteed. [TNX ZL4HU/ZL2HU)] QSL VIA IZ8CCW ---> Antonio reports that effective 25 April 2000 he is the QSL manager for UN8GF and UN8GU. QSL to P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy. QSL VIA ON6DP ---> Paul reports he is the QSL manager (direct only as neither call is served by the bureau) for ON5DXL and OT0X. QSL to Paul Delmelle, Grand Route 58, B-4122 Neupre, Belgium. Paul also reports he will close the logs for OQ50USA on 31 December 2000. Paul's new QSLMGR Database with 54450 QSL routes is at http://www.qsl.net/on6dp or http://www.dd3kf.de QSL VIA ON7SS ---> The QSL manager for the following stations is ON7SS (not ON7ZM): OT4H, OT5H, OT6H, OT7H, OT8H, OT9H, OT0H. QSL VIA RN3RQ ---> Jack reports he has logs and cards for the following stations: R3R (1990-91), RN3R (1995-98), RR3R (1992-93), RU3R (1994), RX3ARM (1991-92), UE3RCG, UE3RID, UE3ROM, RA3RGD, RK3RWR, RV3RV, RW3RQ, UA3RJ, UA3RV, UK1PGO (Franz Josef Land 1981-84, logs to be closed in November 2000), UZ3RV (before 1994). QSL to Jack Yatskiv, P.O. Box 30, Michurinsk 393740, Russia. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 3A2MG, 3C0R, 3D2IO, 3D2IO/R, 3W2LC, 3W6US, 3XY7A, 4L1BR, 4X4FC, 5U7X, 7P8AL, 9H1NH, 9M6OO, 9M8R, A41LZ, AX0LD, BA4DW, BV9A, C56JHF, E44DX, EP2FM, EP2MKO, EP3HR, EY8MM, FK8GN, FM5GU, FO0DEH, FS/W2QM, HF0POL, HH2/JH1NGE, HS0ZBS, HV0A, IK7JWX/7 (EU-091; IIA BR-006), IK7JWX/7 (EU-091; IIA BR-008), J28NH, J3/K4LTA, J73CCM, JD1AMA, JL1KFR/JD1, JT1CO, JT1KAA, JU1T, KH5/DF6FK, PY0FF, RW2F, S21ZE, ST2SA, T31K, T31T (OC-043), T48RAC, T97M, TA2DS/0 (AS-099), TA3DD, TG9/IK2NCJ, TG9NX, TK/F6HMQ, TT8YH, UL7LZ, V47BY, V47KP, V85OO, XE1M, XF4MX, XU7AAP, XU7AAY, XW2A, XZ0A, Z21KD, ZB2JO, ZD8Z, ZK2VF, ZM4IR/4 (OC-203), ZX0F. QSL received via WF5E QSL Service: 3C5DX, 3D2DK, 3W6DXI, 4U1UN, 6V1C, 6W1QV/P, 7Q7RM, 6Y2A, 8R1ZB, A45XR, A61AJ, AH8LG, BA4TB, BD7NQ, BT2HC, BV7FC, C56SW, CE0AA, CE0ZIS, CO8LY, E30GA, F5KDC/P, FK8GM, FK8VHN, FO0AWI, FO0XUU, FP/N9PD, FR5ZQ/T, FT5ZG, H44NC, HK0F, HS0/IK4MRH, JT1X, N2HNQ/6Y5, PJ2MI, T20FW, TF7RX, TF8GX, TL5A, TN7A, TR8CA, UA0FDX, V26MM, V31JZ, VK3AJJ/P, VP9/N1RCT, W2FXA/VP9, XUX0 (AS-133), XZ1N, ZD7DP, ZK3RW, ZX0Z (SA-067; DIB 068), ZY8R (SA-070; DIB 025). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS (4W): The logs for Jose, 4W6EB are now available at http://www.qsl.net/4w6eb. Several cards have been received for contacts made on 40 metres CW, but Jose never operated CW on that band. [TNX CT1YRV] LOGS (CE0): The logs for the February-March operation by Vlad, G0KBO and Victor, UA6AF from Easter Island are available at http://rrc.sc.ru/ce0y.htm LOGS (FK): The log for FK8HC/p's 22-23 April activity from Ile Verte (DIFO FK-077) is available at http://perso.easynet.fr/~f5nod/fk8hc.html [TNX F5NOD] QSL ROUTES: A list of QSL routes for stations active during the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest is available at http://www.arrakis.es/~ea5eyj/ [TNX EA5RYJ] ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW469G 425 DX News #469 [7/8] 29 April 2000 No 469 BID: $425WW469G =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF 01/01-31/12 IOTA 2000 (http://www.cdxc.org.uk) *** till 01/05 3A/SP3FYM and 3A/SP9PT: Monaco 468 till 02/05 3DA0WPX: Swaziland * by ZS6WPX 469 till 31/12 3Z: special prefix (Poland) 454 till May 4S7BRG: Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by HB9BRM 460 till ?? 4W6SP: East Timor * by 9A4SP 469 till 07/05 6K2000WFK: special event station (Korea) 459 till 31/12 9AY2K: special Millennium station 451 till 09/05 9N7WU and 9N7EK: Nepal * by JAs 468 till July A45ZN: Oman 467 till ?? A52JS: Bhutan * by VK9NS 469 till 30/04 EMORSE: special event call 468 till 30/04 EM10UCC: special event station (Ukraine) 466 till August FH/TU5AX: Mayotte (AF-027) * by 6W1QV 458 till 04/05 FM/F6BUM: Martinique (NA-107) 468 till 15/05 FO0CLA: Tatakoto (OC-066), French Polynesia 469 till 01/05 HB0/DF5UL, DL1GGT, DL1SAN, DL2MEH, DL5EBT and DL6SAQ 469 till 31/12 HB2: special Y2K prefix (Switzerland) 453 till ?? HF0POL: South Shetlands (AN-010) * by SP3GVX 441 till 31/12 HF70PZK: special event station (Poland) 453 till 01/05 IA5/IK8IOP: Giglio Island (EU-028) 467 till 30/04 IC8/IN3XUG: Ischia (EU-031) 467 till 31/12 II0CV: special call 451 till 24/12 II0: special jubilee prefix 452 till 30/04 IR0MA: special station 463 till 31/12 IU0PAW: Jubilee Year special station 468 till 10/05 JA6GXK: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056) 465 till 07/05 JH1HUK/6: Kita-Daito-Jima (AS-047) 467 till 02/05 JI3DST/6: Kami Koshiki Shima (AS-037) 467 till ?? JX7DFA: Jan Mayen (EU-022) * by LA7DFA 465 till 01/05 PA6TXL: Texel Island (EU-038) * by ONs 461 till 30/04 PP500A: special call * by PY2KQ 466 till 30/04 PS500BR: special call * by PS7AB 465 till 30/04 PV500A: special call * by PT2TF 466 till 30/04 PW500A: special call * by PT2BW 465 till 30/04 PY500A: special call * by PT2ADM 466 till 30/04 PY500B: special call * by PP1CZ 466 till May RA0LOM/p: Shikotan (AS-062) 468 till 14/05 RH1A,RH1B,RH1C,RH1F,RH1H,RH1J: special event stations 468 till 05/05 RZ1OA/A and UA1OLM/A: Solovetskiye Islands (EU-066) 468 till 31/12 SI75A & SIxSSA: SSA 75th anniversary stations (Sweden) 445 till 04/05 SV5/G3CWI: Rhodes (EU-001) 467 till 30/04 SV5/SM0DJZ: Dodecanese (EU-001) 467 till 03/05 T88MT, T88YH, T88LJ, T88YT: Palau (OC-009) * by JAs 469 till July TT8JLB: Chad * by F5BAR 467 till 30/04 UA1PAC/p and UA1PAO/p: Vaygach Island (EU-086) 468 till ?? V31OM: Belize * by DJ6SI 469 till Dec VK0MM: Macquarie Island 469 till 01/05 VK9LEH: Lord Howe Island (OC-004) * by VK2INI/AA4EH 466 till 30/04 WF1N and W1DIG: Pot Island (NA-136) 467 till 05/05 XW2A: Laos * by JA2EZD 459 till 03/05 ZD8Z: Ascension Island (AF-003) 468 till May ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT 443 till 30/04 ZV4D: special event call * by PY4AUN 454 22/04-04/05 3B8/SP6TPM: Mauritius Island (AF-049) 468 24/04-16/05 W2SF: Florida Keys (NA-062) 467 from 25/04 UA0KCI: Ayon Island (AS-038) 468 28/04-06/05 IC8/DL2VFR: Ischia Island (EU-031) 467 29/04-01/05 FK8VHY/p: Tiga Island (OC-033) 468 29/04 I: S.Giulio Isl. (ILIA PIE-001) * by IK2DUV and others 469 29/04 IY4IMD (International Marconi Day) 468 29/04 IY5PIS (International Marconi Day) 469 29/04 LT5H: Argentina 468 29/04 OE1M/2000 and OE1M (International Marconi Day) 468 29/04-03/05 SP6CZ/1 and SP6ECA/1: Wolin Island (EU-132) 469 29/04 W1AA/IMD (International Marconi Day) 468 29/04-30-04 Helvetia Contest *** 29/04 International Marconi Day 468 30/04 ED8GCF: Punta Melenara (lighthouse) 469 from 30/04 IV3KTY/p: several EU-130 islands 469 30/04 IK7VJX,IZ7CFF,IK7XIV,IK7YUA: Lighthouse (WAIL PU-005) 468 30/04-17/05 TI/DL3NM: Costa Rica 469 30/04-03/05 V63BJ and V63BD: Yap (OC-012) * by JAs 468 /EX S DX@WW $425WW469H 425 DX News #469 [8/8] 29 April 2000 No 469 BID: $425WW469H =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== 01/05-31/07 3Z0MM: special event station (Poland) 469 01/05 CT6C: Alcoutim Castle * by CT1BWW, DJ0MW, JA9QX 469 01/05-04/05 BI3H: Shijiutuo Island (AS-134) * by BYs 469 01/05-05/05 BI4L: Miaodao Archipelago (AS-???) * by BYs 469 01/05-08/05 JW2PA and JW7QI: Svalbard * by LA2PA and LA7QI 469 01/05-31/07 VR2K: special Millennium call (Hong Kong) 449 01/05-05/05 XV5JY, XV5TK, XV5VE: Cat Ba (AS-132) * by JAs 468 02/05-09/05 9N7SZ, 9N7VJ, 9N7IP, 9N7YT: Nepal * by JAs 468 02/05-03/05 JA4PXE/JA6 and JI3DST/JA6: Uji Shima (AS-067) 467 03/05-12/05 A5: Bhutan 469 03/05-04/05 CS5M: Castro Marim Castle * by CT1BWW, DJ0MW, JA9QX 469 03/05-05/05 KH0/JK1FNN and KH0/7L1MKM: Saipan (OC-086) 469 04/05 JA4PXE/JA6 and JI3DST/JA6: Naga Shima (AS-012) 467 04/05-08/05 XX9TEP: Macau * by K8EP 469 05/05-06/05 CQ7Q: Vila Real S. Antonio (lighthouse) 469 05/05-07/05 PY: Villegaignon Island (DIB 29) 469 05/05-08/05 8S7IPA: Sweden * by OZ5AAH 469 05/05-10/05 F6KOP/p: Brehat Island (EU-074) * by Fs 469 05/05-14/05 EO55NWW: special event station (Ukraine) 469 05/05-14/05 EO55ZN: special event station (Ukraine) 469 05/05-14/05 RP3RST, RP3RTG, RP3RTK, RP3RZK: special calls 469 05/05-30/05 J430: special event station (Greece) 469 05/05-06/05 JA4PXE/JA6: Ojima (AS-056) 467 06/05-07/05 3V8BB (ARI Contest) 469 06/05-07/05 CV7V (ARI Contest) 469 06/05-13/05 F6HMQ/p and F5BLN/p: Oleron island (EU-032) 465 06/05-07/05 II1H (ARI Contest) 469 06/05-08/05 VC3CX: special event station (Ontario) 469 06/05-07-05 ARI International DX Contest 2000 469 06/05-07/05 Danish DX Group: DX Meeting 467 from 07/05 (?) RV3MA/0: Ushakova Island (AS-???) 469 07/05-15/05 Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) * by PY2ZDX 467 08/05-13/05 KE3C/6Y5: Jamaica (NA-097) 469 08/05-20/05 KH6/OE1AZS: Hawaii (OC-019) 465 10/05-31/05 SV8/DL6UCW: EU-072 467 11/05-23/05 FW/G3TXF and FW/G3SXW: Wallis Island (OC-054) 469 13/05-14/05 I7JRP/7: Barletta (lighthouse, WAIL PU-011) 469 13/05-14/05 IV3VBM/IV3: Sant'Andrea Island (EU-130) 467 13/05-14-05 Volta RTTY DX Contest *** 16/05-Sep VK8PW/8: Arnhem Land (plus OC-229) 469 19/05-25/05 JW5LJA, JW7FJA, JW8LGA: SValbard * by LAs 469 20/05-21/05 Baltic Contest *** 20/05 European Sprint Spring CW Contest *** 22/05-27/05 SU9DX or 6V0TA: Giftun Island (AF-???) * by Is 463 23/05-06/06 JT1Y & JU1Y: Momgolia * by I0SNY and others 465 25/05-29/05 F5XX/p: Fort Brescou (EU-148) * by Fs 467 26/05-29/05 G0WRE/p, G0VBD/p, G0VAX/p: Hilbre Island (EU-120) 459 27/05-28/05 MC0CDX: St Tudwal's Islands (EU-106) * by Gs 469 27/05-28/05 CQ WW WPX Contest (CW) *** 29/05-08/06 OY/DL2SWW, DL2VFR, DG2TM: Faeroe Islands (EU-018) 469 30/05-06/06 JA6GXK: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056) 465 31/05-04/06 KH0/JA1XGI: Saipan, Northern Marianas (OC-086) 469 May-Oct SV5: Dodecanese (EU-001) * by IK2WZD 469 May UA: Ushakova (AS-???) and Uedineniya (AS-057) islands 450 May VK9WI: Willis Island (OC-007) * VK4s 465 May GM0RLZ/ZC4 469 01/06-30/06 SWL Multi-Mode Contest 460 01/06-05/06 IL7/IK4GLV, IK4THF, IK4JPR, IK4RUX: Tremiti (EU-050) 469 07/06-14/06 9A10C and 9A7K/p: Palagruza Island (EU-090) * by 9As 469 09/06-11/06 MJ/F5TJP/p: Les Minquiers Plateau (EU-099) 469 16/06-18/06 MM0BQI/p: Summer Isles (EU-092) 469 18/06-24/06 5H3/PA3GIO: Mafia Island (AF-054) 461 22/06-24/06 HAMFEST (Friedrichshafen, Germany) *** 25/06-01/07 5H1/PA3GIO: Pemba Island (AF-063) 461 30/06-11/07 JA6GXK: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056) 465 01/07-10/07 5I3A and 5I3B: Yambe Island (AF-???) * by A4s 469 03/07-11/07 KL: St. Lawrence Island (NA-040) * by DL1YMK 459 03/07-07/07 ZK1AXU: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Is * by PA3AXU 465 06/07-10/07 CY9: St. Paul Island (NA-094) * by WV2B, AI5P, KE1AC 461 08/07-15/07 ZK1AXU: Penrhyn (OC-082), North Cook Is * by PA3AXU 465 09/07-17/07 UA4FWD/0: Begichev Island (AS-???) 469 15/07-20/07 ZK1AXU: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Is * by PA3AXU 465 20/07-26/07 UA4FWD/0: Petra Island (AS-063) 469 21/07-31/07 UF1P (EU-086), RF1P (EU-102), UA1QV/1 (EU-085) 459 27/07-01/08 TM4CK and TM4ON: Sein Island (EU-068) * by ONs 469 28/07-30/07 Pacific Northwest DX Convention (DX2000), Vancouver 450 29/07-30/07 RSGB-IOTA Contest *** 01/08-16/08 FR/T: Tromelin Island (AF-031) * by Lyon DX Gang 469 11/08-23/08 V26WP, V26EA, V26ET, V26FM: Antigua (NA-100) * by PAs 465 16/08-01/09 VK9CQ: Cocos/Keeling (OC-003) * by PA3GIO 465 19/08-20/08 International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend 455 23/08-04/09 8P: Barbados (NA-021) * by PA3EWP, PA4EA, PA5ET, PA7FM 465 02/09-13/09 VK9XV: Christmas Island (OC-002) * by PA3GIO 465 30/09-01/10 Clipperton DX Club Convention 461 30/09-01/10 XVI Italian HF-DX Convention (Bologna) 466 01/10-31/12 SY2A: Mount Athos * by SV2ASP/A 459 03/10/05/10 KI6T/p: Catalina Island (NA-066) 463 08/10-24/10 3B6RF: Agalega (AF-001) 469 13/10-15/10 >>> Windsor: RSGB IOTA CONVENTION 2000 <<< *** 13/10-18/10 10th ARDF World Championships 461 15/11-30/11 TS7N: Kerkennah Is (AF-073) * by DLs 463 17/11-19/11 SEANET Convention Pattaya, Thailand *** 01/12-03/12 ARRL 160 Meter Contest *** 09/12-10/12 ARRL 10 Meter Contest *** /EX