DX425 bulletin issue nr. 468

S DX@WW $425WW468A
425 DX News #468 [1/5]
  22 April 2000                    No 468                       $425WW468A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3A     - SP DX Club  members Henryk, SP3FYM  and Woytek,  SP9PT will  operate
         3A/ from Monaco between 26 April and 1 May. Look  for them on  40-10
         metres SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via home calls. [TNX I2MOV]
3B8    - Rafal, SP6TPM  will  be signing  3B8/SP6TPM  from  Mauritius  Island
         (AF-049) between 22 April and 4  May. Look for  him on 10-80  metres
         SSB only. [TNX SP6TPM]
7P     - Deon, ZS5DCF  and Leon,  ZS5LS will  be  signing 7P8/  from  Lesotho
         between 23 and  27 April.  QSL direct  to P.O.  Box 401219,  Redhill
         4071, South Africa or through the SARL bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
8R     - Esmond, 8R1AK expects to operate from SA-068 on 22-24 April. QSL via
         home call (Esmond  L. Jones,  P.O. Box  10868, Georgetown,  Guyana).
         [TNX The Daily DX]
9A     - Nicola, IK3JLS reports  he will be  active (on or  around 14.015  or
         21.015 kHz)  as 9A/IK3JLS  from Porec,  Croatia  between 22  and  24
         April. QSL via IK3JLS.
9A     - Dusan, S52DG and Rok, S52ND  will operate (on  10-40 metres SSB  and
         CW) as 9A/S52DG/p  and 9A/S52ND/p from  Krk Island (EU-136,  CI-046)
         between 24 and 27 April. QSL via S52DG either direct (Dusan Mohoric,
         Ojstri Vrh 12, 4228 Zelezniki, Slovenia) or through the bureau. [TNX
9N     - Two groups of Japanese amateurs are  going to operate (10-80  metres
         SSB, CW and RTTY) from Nepal.  Look for 9N7WU  (QSL via JA8MWU)  and
         9N7EK (QSL via  JR8FEK) between 23  April and 9  May, and for  9N7SZ
         (QSL via JA9LSZ), 9N7VJ (QSL via JA9VJ), 9N7IP (QSL via JG5CIP)  and
         9N7YT (QSL via JJ2NYT) between 2 and 9 May. [TNX JA1ELY]
A5     - The multi-national  team  operation  from  Bhutan  [425DXN  465]  is
         confirmed to take place on 1-12 May (callsign TBA). The team will be
         able to use 100 watts only  on the following suggested  frequencies:
         1826.5, 3504, 7004,  10104, 14024,  18074, 21024,  24894, 28024  kHz
         (CW); 3795,  7095,  14195, 18145,  21295,  24945, 28475  kHz  (SSB);
         14080, 21080,  28080 kHz  (RTTY). The  pilots will  be Klaus,  DL1XX
         (dl1xx@gmx.de) for  Europe Toshi,  JA1ELY (ja1ely@bb.mbn.or.jp)  for
         Japan Doug, N1IUN (dcaron@adelphia.net) for East Coast North America
         and Garry, NI6T  (ni6t@best.com) for West  Coast North America.  QSL
         via W0GJ (Glenn Johnson, 14164 Irvine, Bemidji, MN 56601, USA).  The
         web   site   for   the   DXpedition   is   under   construction   at
         http://www.goldtel.net/A5 [TNX The Daily DX]
         It is worth quoting Jim's (VK9NS) comment: "Amateur Radio in  Bhutan
         has occupied a mere 10 years of my personal amateur radio and  DXing
         thoughts and I am proud to  have been a tiny apart  of it all.  That
         the  Amateur  Radio   Service  is   an  accepted   part  of   Bhutan
         Telecommunications, a  dream  come true.  There  is  a  saying  that
         everything comes to those who wait, how true that is". [TNX VK9NS]
BY     - Operators from the Jiangsu DX Club (jsdxc@qsl.net) plan to be active
         as BI4L from Changdao, Miaodao Archipelago (AS-???) on 1-3 May. Look
         for them on  160-6 metres CW,  SSB and  RTTY. QSL  via BY4RSA.  [TNX
CT     - Look for Dani,  EA4ATI and Cesar,  EC4DIQ to be  active as  EA4ATI/p
         from the island  of Monte  Agudo (EU-080)  on 21-23  April. QSL  via
         EA4ATI either direct or through the bureau. [TNX EA4ATI]
EM     - Special event call EMORSE will be  aired on all bands CW only  until
         30 April to celebrate the 209th  anniversary of the birth of  Samuel
         Morse.   The    call    belongs   to    the    Morse    Club    UCWC
         (http://morse.cjb.net). QSL via  DJ0MAQ (Czeslaw Grycz,  Sigmaringer
         Str. 33, 10713 Berlin, Germany). [TNX UZ8RR]
FK     - Look for  Dany,  FK8VHY to  be  signing FK8VHY/p  from  Tiga  Island
         (OC-033, DIFO FK-024) between 29 April and 1 May. [TNX F6AJA and Les
         Nouvelles DX]
FM     - Jack, F6BUM  will be  active as  FM/F6BUM from  Martinique  (NA-107)
         between 27 April and 4 May. [TNX F6BUM]
FO     - Jean-Michel, F6AJA  reports  that  Alain,  FO0CLA  was  expected  to
         operate from  Takapoto (OC-131),  French  Polynesia starting  on  18
         April for around  one month. However  on 21  April several  European
         stations spotted him on 17 metres as still on OC-066.
GI     - Look for  GI0GDF/p and  GI0PGC/p to  operate  on 10-80  metres  from
         Rathlin Island (EU-122) between 22 and 24 April. QSL via home calls.
         [TNX GI0TJJ and Islands On The Web]
I      - Special    Millennium    and    Jubilee    Year    station    IU0PAW
         (http://www.qsl.net/iu0paw) is  active until  31 December.  QSL  via
         IK0SHF. [TNX IK0SHF]
S DX@WW $425WW468B
425 DX News #468 [2/5]
  22 April 2000                    No 468                       $425WW468B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

I      - ARI Casalecchio  di  Reno  will  participate  in  the  International
         Marconi Day (29 April, see  below) as IY4IMD.  QSL via IW4EEG.  [TNX
I      - Piero/IK7VJX and  Daniele/IZ7CFF  (and possibly  Roberto/IK7XIV  and
         Michele/IK7YUA as  well) should  be active  as homecall/p  from  the
         lighthouse at  Punta Palascia  (WAIL PU-005)  on 30  April. QSL  via
         homecall. [TNX IZ7CFF]
LU     - Cachafaz DX Team members will be active (on 10-80 metres SSB, plus 2
         metres and 70  centimetres FM) as  LT5H from the  Hill Los  Linderos
         (2760 metres a.s.l., WWL FF78MA) for  24 hours starting on 29  April
         at 15 UTC. QSL  via LU2HF (Nestor  Didonato, P. O.  Box 14, 5151  La
         Calera, Cordoba, Argentina). [TNX LU2HF]
OE     - Radio Austria Internation will air special International Marcony Day
         (see below)  calls  OE1M/2000 (SSB)  and  OE1M  (CW).  Please  visit
         http://roi.orf.at for further  information and  for the  "Ask For  A
         QSO" option. [TNX K1VV]
T8     - Look for Misao/T88MT (QSL via JJ1DWB), Hiro/T88YH (QSL via  7N1KAE),
         Hide/T88LJ (QSL  via JH8DEH)  and Yo/T88??  (QSL via  JI1PLF) to  be
         active on 80-6  metres SSB  and CW  from Palau  (OC-009) between  28
         April and 3 May. Addresses listed below. [TNX JM1LJS/T88LJ].
UA     - Vlad, RZ1OA and Dima, UA1OLM will be active as RZ1OA/A and  UA1OLM/A
         from the Solovetskiye Islands (EU-066) between  28 April and 5  May.
         QSL via  RZ1OA  (Vlad Sadakov,  P.O.  Box 48,  Arkhangelsk,  163040,
         Russia). [TNX RZ1OA]
UA     - Alex, RA0LOM/p is on Shikotan (AS-062)  for business until May.  QSL
         via home call (Alexander Morozov, P.O. Box 76, Partizansk-14, 692880
         Russia). [TNX JE1DXC]
UA     - Alan, UA1PAC and Serge, UA1PAO plan to be active (with two  stations
         on 10-80 metres CW and  SSB) as UA1PAC/p  and UA1PAO/p from  Vaygach
         Island (EU-086) between 20 and 30 April. [TNX UA1PAC and IK1PML]
UA     - Special event stations RH1A, RH1B, RH1C, RH1F, RH1H and RH1J will be
         active from Saint-Petersburg, Russia between 24 April and 14 May for
         the Hockey World  Championship. QSL  routes are  listed below.  [TNX
UA     - UA0KCI plans to  operate from Ayon  island (AS-038)  starting on  or
         around 25 April. [TNX The Daily DX]
V6     - JA3DAU (V63BJ) and JA3HRV (V63BD) will be active (on 40-6 metres SSB
         and CW) from Yap (OC-012),  Micronesia between 30  April and 3  May.
         QSL via home calls. [TNX JA1ELY]
W      - During the International Marconi day (see  below) the Marconi  Radio
         Club, W1AA/IMD (Massachusetts,  http://personal.tmlp.com/k1vv/w1aa/)
         will represent  the  Marconi  Transatlantic  Station  where  Marconi
         completed his first spark gap radio transmission between the  United
         States and Europe on 18 January 1903. [TNX K1VV]
XV     - JA1JQY, JA1KJW, JA3MCA and JA8VE will  operate (SSB and CW on  10-40
         metres, 30 metres excluded) from Cat Ba (AS-132), Vietnam between  1
         and 5 May  in their morning.  They will  be signing  XV5JY (QSL  via
         JA1KJW), XV5TK  (QSL via  JA3MCA and  XV5VE  (QSL via  JA8VE).  [TNX
ZD8    - Jim, N6TJ is  expected to  be active  again as  ZD8Z from  Ascension
         Island (AF-003) between 25 April and 3 May. QSL via VE3HO. [TNX  The
         Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

4W6EB ---> Jose,  CT1EEB started operating  as 4W6EB  from East  Timor on  27
March. So far he has logged  9422 QSOs (163 on  40, 1862 on  17, 3701 on  15,
1334 on 12 and 2362 on  10 metres) with 122 DXCC  entities located in  Europe
(4304), Asia (3311), North America (1323 QSOs), Oceania (308), South  America
(141) and Africa (68). He operates in his spare time with 100 watts, homemade
antennas for 15 and 10 metres,  inverted V dipoles for  40, 17 and  12metres,
battery and charger. QSL via  CT1EEB either direct  (Jose Emanuel Ribeiro  de
Sa, P.O.  Box 79,  P-3860 Estarreja,  Portugal) or  through the  REP  bureau.
Homepage and log search under  construction at http://www.qsl.net/4w6eb  [TNX

BHUTAN ---> Charles Harpole, K4VUD visited  Bhutan twice (1998 and 1999)  and
is now looking for amateur radio licenced United States citizens who may wish
to join a tour group to Bhutan for  the purpose of operating legal ham  radio
from that  country  in early  July  (no connection  with  the  announced  May
operation). If interested, please e-mail k4vud@hotmail.com

S DX@WW $425WW468C
425 DX News #468 [3/5]
  22 April 2000                    No 468                       $425WW468C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

E29DX ---> The operation  from Koh Nu  (AS-145) finished at  00.15 UTC on  16
April after some 12500 QSOs (6000  CW, 4600 SSB, 600  RTTY). QSL via  HS0GBI,
whose address, according to the latest information coming from HS0/G3NOM,  is
56-31 Moo 10, Kookat, Lumlukka,  Patum Thani, 12130,  Thailand. Cards can  be
sent via the RAST bureau as well. [TNX HS0/G3NOM]

INTERNATIONAL MARCONI  DAY --->  This year  it will  take place  on 29  April
(00.00-24.00 UTC). Over 40 International Marconi  Day special event  stations
will be  participating world  wide. They  will represent  historic  Guglielmo
Marconi transmitting and receiving stations  and will commemorate  milestones
in the  development  of  worldwide  wireless  communications.  The  event  is
sposored by the  Cornish Radio Amateur  Club. For the  list of  participating
stations        &        award        information        please         visit

N7NG SUCCEEDS K5FUV ---> Wayne Mills,  N7NG, will join the  ARRL HQ staff  as
Membership Services Manager, effective May 2. He succeeds Bill Kennamer, K5NX
(ex-K5FUV), who retired in March [425DXN 461]. First licensed in 1953 at  age
10, he has served as chairman of  the ARRL DX Advisory Committee since  March
1997. He also served on  the DXCC 2000  Committee. He is  best known for  his
operating on DXpeditions over the past  15 years - XZ1A (1995), BV9P  (1995),
BS7H (1997), H40AA (1998) and the most recent TX0DX just to name a few.

QSL 4W6MM ---> Cards for Thor can now be sent to Thorvaldur Stefansson,  P.O.
Box 3699,  Darwin,  NT 0801,  Australia.  Cards  without  sufficient  postage
(please note that Thor does not like IRCs) + SAE will be replied through  the
bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]

QSL AX0LD ---> Cesar, PY2YP is sorry  to report that some problems have  been
detected at the Central Post Office.  The full list  of requests received  so
far is  available at  http://www.qsl.net/cwsp/search.html. If  you sent  your
card to POB  1807, Sao Paulo  and cannot find  your call in  the list  above,
please send another card to PY2YP:  Cesar Augusto C. Rodrigues, Al Min  Rocha
Azevedo, 495 AP 121, Sao Paulo 01410-001, Brazil.

QSL EX0Y ---> DL4YFF is not the QSL manager for this station. Cards should be
sent direct to P.O. Box 2185, Bishkek 720021, Kyrgyzstan. [TNX EX8MF]

QSL HC8N  ---> QSL  manager AA5BT  (Derek Wills,  4002  Amy Cir,  Austin,  TX
78759,USA) is almost caught up to January 2000 with the direct QSLs for HC8N.
11,000 blank cards have just arrived  from the printer  and Derek will  begin
responding shortly to  direct QSLs  received for  QSOs made  in February  and
March 2000. [TNX N5KO]

QSL VIA DL5EBE ---> Please note that as of 1 April [425DXN 465] Dominik's new
address is: Dominik Weiel, Johannes-Meyer-Str. 13, D-49808 Lingen, Germany.

QSL VIA  F5OGL  --->  Didier  is the  QSL  manager  for  FH/TU5AX,  currently
operating from Mayotte, and for the following past operations:
3W8GL      1994         S92AA      1991-92      TM5FER     1994
6W1AE      1996-98      S92PI      1995         TR0D       1990/92
6W1RE      1996-98      TJ/FE1OGL  1991         TR31GL     1991
FO4ED      1981         TL8DS      07/1979      TR8GL      1990/92
HS0/F5OGL  1994         TM0TRS     1995         TT8GL      1979
QSL either  direct (Didier  A.  Senmartin, DASC,  P.O  Box 19,  35998  Rennes
Armees, France) or through the REF bureau. [TNX F5OGL]

QSL VIA  G4ZVJ --->  G4ZVJ (Andy  Chadwick, 5  Thorpe Chase,  Ripon, HG4  1UA
England, UK) can  confirm contacts made  with him during  the following  past
operations: 9G5VJ, ET3AA (CW activity on *** 1-7 March 2000 only ***), S21VJ,
XU7AAV, XW2A (CW  activity on ***  23-28 February  2000 only  ***). [TNX  The
Daily DX]

QSL VIA VK4FW ---> Bill  reports he would  like to close  the logs for  VK9LD
(Lord Howe, November 1992),  VK9MM (Mellish Reef,  September 1993) and  VK9XO
(Christmas Island, December 1993). If you still need a card, please send  for
it now. The address is Bill Horner, P.O. Box 929, Gympie, 4570, Australia

QSL VIA VK9NS ---> Jim Smith, VK9NS reports he will be off Norfolk Island for
the next couple of months  and will be  travelling fairly extensively  during
this period. "For the next couple of  months my usual FAST return QSL  policy
will be impossible", he  says, "but of  course on my  return to Norfolk  will
deal with any backlog of QSL cards quite quickly."

RUSSIAN ISLANDS ---> Nick Smerdov, RA1QQ is planning to operate from  several
Russian IOTA groups (EU-119, EU-066 and  EU-147, or EU-162)  in July. If  you
want to join Nick, please contact him at ra1qq@cscenter.ru [TNX NT2X]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS (3V8):    The logs for the  recent 3V8BT operation  from AF-073 are  now
               available at http://www.425dxn.org/dxped/3v8bt. The  operation
               logged 10282 QSOs  (882 CW,  9069 SSB,  331 RTTY)  on 40  (956
               QSOs), 20  (3469), 15  (3087) and  10 metres  (2770). QSL  via
LOGS (E4):     The   log    for    E41/OK1DTP    is    now    available    at
OKDXA:         The web site for the  Oklahoma DX Association  has moved to  a
               new URL: http://www.qsl.net/okdxa/ [TNX N5PA]
QSL REFLECTOR: To subscribe to the QSL  Reflector go to  http://www.qth.net/,
               choose DX-QSL, type  your e-mail address  in the  box and  hit
TARL:          The web  site  for  the  Tajik  Amateur  Radio  League  is  at
               http://www.qsl.net/tarl  [TNX OPDX Bulletin]

S DX@WW $425WW468D
425 DX News #468 [4/5]
  22 April 2000                    No 468                       $425WW468D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8MM       DL6UAA      ED5MU       EA5VM       PT2ZDR      F8LPX
3D2RK       W7TSQ       EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      PT500A      PT7AZ
3D2SQ       W7TSQ       EM10UCC     UY5ZZ       PT500DF     PR7SD
3DA0/ZS6HAM ZS6KTT      EM1KGG      UT7UA       PT500I      PP5VB
3DA0/ZS6WPX ZS6KTT      EM1KY       UT7UA       PT500PS     PY7OJ
3V8ST       DL1BDF      ET3BT       K1WY        PT500Z      PY1NEZ
3W6DK       NO0DK       EW3LB       W3HNK       PU5OO       PY1MVR
3XY1B0      F5XX        EX3A        EZ8CW       PW500A      PT2BW
3Z0MM       SP3KFH      EY8TM       F6FNU       PW500B      PP5IZ
3Z3LPR      SP3LPR      EZ8CQ       I2JSB       PW5C        PP5WB
3Z9XCN      SP9XCN      F6KOH/p     F6IUI       PY500B      PP1CZ
4K9W        DL6KVA      FK8FU       NA5U        R1ANA       RU1ZC
4L0CR       IK7JTF      FK8GJ       F6CXJ       R1AND       DL5EBE
4L1UN       IK7JTF      FO0CLA      F6CTL       R1ANF       RK1PWA
4L4AJ       IK7JTF      FO0HWU      F6HWU       R1ANJ       RU1ZC
4L4MM       ON4CFI      FO0TOH      JA1OEM      R1ANP       NT2X
4N1DX       K1WY        FR5DC       F5PED       R1ANZ       RU1ZC
4N1YL       K1WY        GB5RO       GM4DZX      R3K         RV3DR
4S7NZG      W9DXA       GD3LSF      K1WY        RH1A        RU1AE
4S7OF       K0JN        GI0PCU      K1WY        RH1B        RZ1AWO
4W/JJ1JJJ   pirate      GI3MUS      K1WY        RH1C        RV1AQ
4W/N5KO     OH2BN       GI6YM       K1WY        RH1F        RV1AC
4W/VK2QF    VK2QF       GM0RLZ/ZC4  GM0RLZ      RH1H        RV1CC
4W/W3UR     OH2BN       GM3VLB/p    GM3VLB      RH1J        RA1ACJ
4W6/VK2QF   VK2QF       GM4PMK      G4PMK       RM0M        UA0MF
4W6EB       CT1EEB      GU3SQX      G3SQX       RU0AK       K1WY
4W6GH       CT1EGH      GX6UT       G6UT        S05R        EA2JG
4W6UN       VK3OT       H44PT       G8BCG       S0EJ        EA2GJ
4X/DF2CK/m  DF2CK       HB0CZS      K1WY        S21J        K1WY
4X0T        4Z5FI       HC8/PA3GIO  PA3GIO      S21YJ       SM4AIO
5A21PA      K1WY        HC8K        HC5K        S52Z        S52ZZZ
5A30        K1WY        HF0POL      SP3WVL      S79QK       HB9CQK
5B4/YL2RR   YL2RR       HH2SJR      EA5DLC      SI75A       SM0BYD
5H9IR       ZS6EZ       HI3/YT1CS   YZ1GD       SV5/SM0DJZ  SM0DJZ
5N0W        OK1KN       HK3TAS      HK3SGP      SV9/OH4FR   DJ8FR
5N39EAM     IK7JTF      HL20OO      HL5AP       SY1D        SV1DNW
5N99EAM     IK7JTF      HS0/OK1CZ   OK1CZ       T88CL       JA8CCL
5N9EAM      IK7JTF      HV0A        IK0FVC      T88JU       JA1RJU
5N9EAM/8    IK7JTF      HZ1CCA      IK7JTF      T99NN       DL5NAV
5N9RGP      IK7JTF      HZ1RT(till 3/99) IK7JTF T99RM       DL2JRM
5N9RGP/8    IK7JTF      IK4VET/4    IK4VET      TF7GX       K1WY
5R8ET       K1WY        IK7JWX/p    IK7JWX      TF7RX       K1WY
5R8GN       FA1AWH      IR0MA       I0MWI       TF8GX       K1WY
5V7MN       DF8AN       IR0MM       I0YKN       TF8RX       K1WY
5X1GS       WB2YQH      IR9ME       IT9DTU      TG9NX       N4FKZ
5Z4IC       MW0AIE      IV3SKB/p    IV3SKB      TK7I        F5JYD
6V6U        K3IPK       J28NH/p     F5IPW       TR8CA       F6CBC
7O1II       DJ3XD       J3/AA1ON    AA1ON       TR8DR       F8LPX
7O1YGF      DK9KX       J45T        SV5TH       TT8AM       IK7JTF
7Q7TB       G3TBK       JT1FCR      GM4DMA      TT8JLB      F5BAR
7X2TLT      7X2ARA      JW7QIA      LA7QID      TU2WL       IN3ASW
8J1RL       JG3PLH      JY8TT       N2AU        TX0DX       OH2BN
8P6ET       WA4JUK      KC4AAA      K1IED       UA0ACG      K1WY
8Q7LA       OM3LA       KG4VL       N5VL        UA0AOZ      K1WY
9A3FT/p     9A3FT       KH0/JE1SYN  JE1SYN      UA0CW       W3HNK
9E1C        IV3OWC      KH0/JL1WPQ  JL1WPQ      UA0DC       K1WY
9G1MR       IK3HHX      KH8/N5OLS   N5JA        UA0IA/0     US7IIA
9G5MD       G3OCA       KW1JY       K1WY        UA0QMU      UA4RC
9J2DR       F8LPX       KW1WY       K1WY        UA0ZBK      K1WY
9K2AI       IK7JTF      L41DAF      LW7EOT      UE1ZNF      UA1ZJW
9K2AI/p     IK7JTF      L41ECZ      LU4ECZ      UE4CFA      RK4CR
9K9A        IK7JTF      L41FNH      LU1FNH      V21CW       N4GM 
9M2TO       JA0DMV      L41HK       LU3HAT      V31MD       KB6NAN
9N7RB       W4FOA       L42NI       LU2NI       V31OM       DJ6SI
9V1GA       JA4BJO      L42ODR      LU2ODR      V31RU       N4MO
9Y4/DL2RVS  DL2YY       L43HIP      LU3HIP      V63NL       KD6WW
A35MQ       DL8NBE      L45ER       LU5ER       V73NN       KD6WW
A35RK       W7TSQ       L45FT       LU5FT       V8IAN       VE6VK
A61AJ       W3UR        L46FGZ      LU6FGZ      VK0ERZ      VK2FUN
A61AP       IK7JTF      L46HI       LU3HAT      VK1TX       K1WY
A71/9K2AI   IK7JTF      L46KK       K7LU        VK8AN/6     VK4AAR
AH6JN/4     K4AMI       L47DIR      LU4AA       VK9LEH      AA4EH
AH6PW/KH0   JN1HOW      L47DW       LU7DW       VK9LEH      VK2INI
AN1FBU      EA1FBU      L47EC       LU7EC       VP6BR       OH2BR
AP2KSD      IK7JTF      L47EE       LU7EE       VP8DBL      G3WOS
AP2MAM      IK7JTF      L55DX       LW5DX       WH7P/KH0    JP1IOF
AP50KSD     IK7JTF      L56EQG      LW6EQG      XR0ZY       OM2SA
AX1TX       K1WY        L59DAH      LW9DAH      XT/F5JRY    F5JRY
AX2000      VK2PS       LU1ZA       LU2CN       YB0AZ       W7TSQ
AY0N/X      LU2NI       LX/DF6VI    DL7VRO      YB3ASQ      W7TSQ
AY1ARU      LU4AA       LZ0A        LZ1KDP      YB3ASQ/9    W7TSQ
BQ9P        KU9C        LZ90SO      LZ2VP       YB3OSE      W7TSQ
BV4FH       K1WY        MM0BPP/p    MM0BPP      YB9BON      W7TSQ
BV4VE       BV4KR       N0EP/KH2    JA2EKP      YC5XIP/5    I1WFF
BV5BG       IK7JTF      OD5NA       IK3ZAW      YI9OM       OM6TX
CE0CR       OH2BOZ      OD5PI       IK7JTF      YO6AVB      K1WY
CN8NK       EA5XX       OH0EA       OH2KMG      YS1DRF      F8LPX
CN8SN       IK7JTF      OL5TEN      OK1JN       Z33Z        Z31RB
CN8VK       IK7JTF      ON4CAT      K1WY        Z36A        DJ0LZ
CO8TW       EA3FQV      ON9CAT      K1WY        ZD7VC       K1WY
CQ5BWW      CT1BWW      OX3LG       OZ1ACB      ZK2XO       DL8NBE
CQ5S        CT1REP      P29CC       K1WY        ZL3KIM      K1WY
CU1/DL6NBR  DL6NBR      P49MR       VE3MR       ZL4IR       W8WC
CU8/DF5WA   DF5WA       PJ9/HB9BCK  HB9BCK      ZS31ER      ZS1FJ
CU8F        CT1EFL      PP1500RR    PP1RR       ZV1IR       PY1AA
D2BB        W3HNK       PP500A      PY2KQ       ZV500A      PY1MA
DL8DZL/p    DL8DZL      PQ500B      PY2KTT      ZW1MB       PY1AA
DU1/DL2GAC  DL2GAC      PQ500BA     PS7ZZ       ZW500BR     PR7AYE
DU2/DL2GAC  DL2GAC      PR500W      PY1NEW      ZW500T      PS7ZZ
DX4RIG      DU1KGJ      PS500BR     PS7AB       ZW8CI       PS8DX
E21CJN      W3PP        PS5B        PP5WB       ZX3D        PY3BZA
E4/XE1CI    XE1CI       PT0F        W0RTT       ZY500BR     PR7QI
ED2FSP      EA2CAR      PT1Z        PY1NEZ      ZZ500BR     PR7AR
S DX@WW $425WW468E
425 DX News #468 [5/5]
  22 April 2000                    No 468                       $425WW468E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

7N1KAE  Hiroyuki Yamada, 2-9-209 Chigusasai, Inage-Ku, Chiba-City 263-0013,
3B8CF   Jacky Mandary, 6 Shastri Road, Candos, Quatre Bornes, Mauritius
3D2TC   Craig Thompson, P O Box 273, Suva, Fiji Islands, South Pacific
3D2TC   Craig Thompson, P.O. Box 273, Suva, Fiji Islands, South Pacific
AA4EH   Ed Hula, 1776 Peachtree Street, Suite 410-N, Atlanta, Georgia 30309,
BD7YC   Dick Hisan, Box 59, 16 Datung Avenue, 570102 Haukou, Hainan, People's
        Republic of China
CA8VOW  Luis Calisto, P.O. Box 889, Punta Arenas, Chile
CT1EEB  Jose de Sa, P.O. Box 79, 3860 Estarreja, Portugal
CT1EGH  Antonio Alberto Lopes Pereira, R Guerra Junqueiro, 25-A, Vale de
        Milha, Corroios 2855, Portugal
DJ3XD   August Unterwallney, Am Kummerberg 30, 30900 Wedemark 2, Germany
DK9XX   Hans Hannappel, Eschenbruchstr. 1, 51069 Cologne, Germany
DL5EBE  Dominik Weiel, Johannes-Meyer-Str. 13, D-49808 Lingen, Germany
EA5KW   Jose Maria Martinez Juan, Poeta Zorrilla 52-1-IZQ, 03600 Elda, Spain
F5KAC   P.O. Box 5, F-45270 Ladon, France
F8LPX   Richard Dandine, 10 rue de Chuignes, 80340 Foucaucourt-en-Santerre,
FK8KAB  A.R.A.N.C., P.O. Box 3956, 98846 Noumea Cedex, Nouvelle Caledonie
G3OCA   Ken Frankcom, 1 Chesterton Road, Spondon, Derby DE21 7EN, England
HS0ZBS  Kurt Brauer, P.O. Box 75, Phanom-Sarakham, Chachoengsao, Thailand
I0MWI   Stefano Cipriani, Via Taranto  60, 00055 Ladispoli - RM, Italy
I0YKN   Nuccio Meoli, Via della stazione snc, 04010 Cori - LT, Italy
IK4RQJ  Augusto Baldoni, Via G. Notari 109, 41100 Modena - MO, Italy
IK4VET  Andrea Amati, Via Parigi 39/B, 41012 Carpi - MO, Italy
IV3HAX  Mauro Lizzi, P.O. Box 1, 33034 Fagagna - UD, Italy
JE6EMW  Shigefumi Kiyoshi, 150 Sesui, Setouchi-cho, Oshima-gun, Kagoshima
        894-1521, Japan
JF1SSM  Ichiro Okamura, Utsukushigaoka 4-7-14, Aoba-ku, Yokohama 225-0002,
JG3PLH  Takumi Kondoh, 1-23 Shinke-cho, Sakai City, Osaka 599-8232, Japan
JH8DEH  Akira Miyata, 4-28-5 Minami, Nishi 23 Jyou, Obihiro 080-2473, Japan
JI1PLF  Suehiro Osada, 8-4-14-803 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka-city, Tokyo 181-0013,
JJ1DWB  Misao Tanzawa, 5-5-30 Cyuou kofu, Yamanashi 400-0032, Japan
K1IED   Larry F.Skilton, 72 Brook Street, South Windsor, CT-06074, USA
K1WY    The K1WY DX Association, P.O. Box 2644, Hartford, CT 06146-2644, USA
K1WY    The K1WY DX Association, P.O. Box 90, Eeklo 9900, Belgium
KU9C    Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054-6953, USA
LA8LA   Arne Lie, P.O. Box 73, Buvika, N-7351, Norway
LU2CN   S.A.R.A.-LU2CN, Malabia 3029, Buenos Aires 1425, Argentina
LU4AA   P.O. Box 97, 1000 Buenos Aires, Argentina
LU7EE   Arnoldo Jorge Corda, Calle 8 N. 3465 entre 500 y 501, 1897 Manuel B.
        Gonnet, Argentina
LZ1KDP  Radio Club, P.O.Box 812, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
NT2X    Edward Kritsky, P.O.Box 715, NY-11230 Brooklyn, USA
OH2BN   Jarmo J. Jaakola, Kiilletie 5-C-30, 00710 Helsinki, Finland
OM2SA   Juraj Sipos, 93013 Trhova-Hradska 550, Slovakia
OM6TX   Peter Kristof, M. R. Stgefanika 2556, Cadka 02201, Slovak Republic
OZ1ACB  Allis Andersen,  Kagsaavej 34, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark
OZ1LO   Leif Ottosen, Bankevejen 12, Kong, DK-4750 Lundby, Denmark
OZ7YY   Finn Hoffmann, Elkaervej 5, Laven, DK-8600 Silkeborg, Denmark
PP5WB   Mauricio Pereira Tavares, P.O.Box  2, 89240-000 Sao  Francisco do
        Sul -  SC, Brazil
PR7AR   Irapuan de Sousa, P.O. Box 60, 58200-970 Guarabira - PB, Brazil
PR7AYE  Murilo Martins Ferreira, P.O. Box 60, 58200-970 Guarabira - PB,
PR7QI   Leonardo Ara jo Muniz, P.O. Box 60, 58200-970 Guarabira - PB, Brazil
PS8DX   P.O. Box 96, Teresina, PI 64001-970, Brazil
PY1AA   LABRE-RJ, P.O. Box 58, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 20001-970, Brazil
PY1MA   Mario Negreiros dos Anjos, 20 Moacir Bogado, 20240-790 Niteroi - RJ,
PY1NEW  Emanuel Tavares Filho, P.O. Box 100659, 24001-970 Niteroi - RJ,
PY1NEZ  Rogaciano de Lima Correa Filho, 91/1101 Belizario Augusto, 24230-200
        Niteroi - RJ, Brazil
PY2KQ   Rubens Galdino F. de Carvalho Filho, P.O. Box 348, 13330-970
        Indaiatuba - SP, Brazil
PY2KTT  Alexandra Blumtritt, Caixa Postal 4, 53001-970 Olinda - PE, Brazil
RK1PWA  Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, 164744 Amderma, Arkhangelskaja, Russia
RU1ZC   Valentin Mykitenko, Akademgorodok 2 1, 184340 Loparskaya, Russia
RW3TR   Kos A. Titkov, P.O.Box 178, Dzershinsk-31, 606031 Russia
SP3KFH  Radioklub LOK, ul. Warszawska 1A, 67-300 Szprotawa, Poland
SP3WVL  Tomasz Lipinski, Ul.I Paderewskiego 24m 1, 69-100 Slubice, Poland
SV1DNW  Elias Bakopoulos , P.O. Box 31669, Athens, GR-100 35, Greece
T95DX   Dejan Menges, Patriotske lige blok A, BH-72220 Zavidovici,
T95MEQ  Becic Ekrem, Potklecje BB, BH-72220 Zavidovici, Bosnia-Herzegovina
UA0FDX  Victor Komzuk, P.O.Box 55, Uglegorsk, Sakhalin 694900, Russia
UA0MF   Mike Filippov, P.O.Box 20, Vladivostok, 690021, Russia
UA3TAE  Alex N. Polozov, P.O.Box 66, Dzerjinsk-15, 606015 Russia
UE0LEZ  P.O. Box 20, Vladivostok, Russia
UR5TAU  Alexey Omeltchouk, ul.Gagarina 60 kw 36, Khmelnitsky, 29013 Ukraine
US7IIA  P.O. Box 1, Slavyansk, 04118 Ukraine
UT7UA   Roman A. Bratchyk, a/c B-19, Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
UY5ZZ   Vladimir Latyshenko, P.O. Box 4850, Zaporozhye 69118, Ukraine
VK2FUN  H.W.Cowled, 13 Kevin Street, Mannering Park, NSW 2259, Australia
VK2INI  Ed Hula, Editor Around the Rings, 1/98 Cremorne Road, Cremorne, NSW
        2090, Australia
VK2QF   Nev Mattick, Hargraves, N.S.W. 2850, Australia
VK3OT   Steve R. Gregory, P.O. Box 622, Hamilton, Victoria, 3300 Australia
VK4AAR  Alan Roocroft, P.O. Box 421, Gatton 4343, Australia
YB0HD   Budi Rianto Halim, P.O.Box 8000, Jakarta 11000, Indonesia
YC6PUP  Rizal, P.O. Box 2395, Medan 20001, Indonesia
ZS1FJ   Barry Fletcher, P.O. Box 53319, Kenilworth 7745, South Africa

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