DX425 bulletin issue nr. 466

S DX@WW $425WW466A
425 DX News #466 [1/5]
  8 April 2000                     No 466                       $425WW466A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

4X     - Tom, DL1DVE and  Rico, NH7T/DF2CK will  be in  Israel between  10-18
         April. Before and after the Holyland Contest (15-16 April) they will
         activate many  squares  for the  "Holyland  Award"  and  some  major
         historical sites for the  new "4X2K 2000  years of Holyland"  award.
         Look for them to  be signing 4X/homecall  around 14.265, 21.265  and
         28.465 MHz. QSL cards preferably via the bureau (e-mail requests for
         bureau cards to df2ck@qsl.net) [TNX NH7T/DF2CK]
DU     - First-hand information on Bernhard's (DL2GAC) near future activities
         from the Philippines comes from David, 9V1RH, who met Bernhard on  4
         April. Bernhard  left for  Manila on  the 5th  and he  is aiming  to
         operate from both Batan Island OC-093  (DU2/DL2GAC) and Cuyo  OC-120
         (DU1/DL2GAC) commencing this weekend. He was not sure in which order
         he  could  do  these  trips  as  he  is  most  dependant  on   local
         transportation arrangements. He hopes to activate Batan Island first
         in which case he hopes to be operational by Sunday (9 April),  maybe
         one day  earlier.  Because of  severe  weight  restrictions  on  the
         flights he will  be using simple  wire antennas.  He will  therefore
         focus his attention  on 14,260 +/-  QRM, but will  try 18.1, 21  and
         24.9  MHz  from  time-to-time  as  well.  Bernhard  will  leave  the
         Philippines around 24/25 April to return  to Germany via  Singapore.
         QSL via DL2GAC.
EA6    - EA5KW, EA5AKM,  EA5FKT, EA5SS,  EA5GOR, EB5BQC  and EA5GMA  will  be
         active on all modes as EA6/homecall  from Ibiza (EU-004) between  14
         and 17 April. QSL via EA5KW either direct (Jose Maria Martinez Juan,
         Poeta Zorrilla 52-1-IZQ,  03600 Elda, Spain)  or preferably  through
         the bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
EM     - Special event call EM10UCC will be aired on all bands between 15 and
         30 April to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Ukrainan  Contest
         Club. QSL via UY5ZZ (Vladimir Latyshenko, P.O. Box 4850,  Zaporozhye
         69118, Ukraine). The  "UCC Jubilee  Conference" will  take place  in
         Zaporozhye on 21-23  April. For further  information available  from
         Vladimir, UY5ZZ (uy5zz@salus.zp.ua) [TNX UY5ZZ]
F      - Look for F5IL/p to be active from MA-116 and other islands  counting
         for the DIFM Award during the weekend. [TNX F5IL]
FK     - The 4-5 April [425DXN 465]  FK8KAB/p operation from  D'Entrecasteaux
         Reefs (OC-058) was cancelled  due to an  engine failure three  hours
         after  the  operators'  leaving  from  Noumea.  The  trip  has  been
         rescheduled to  start  on 5  April  and FK8VHY  and  FK8HA  are  now
         expected to start operating from Ile de la Surprise between 0 and  4
         UTC on 8 April for 24  hours. QSL via  FK8KAB (A.R.A.N.C., P.O.  Box
         3956, 98846 Noumea Cedex, Nouvelle Caledonie). [TNX F6AJA]
I      - Tony/IK2SNG, Gus/IK4RQJ, Andy/IK4VET and Robi/IK4XCL will be /4 from
         Scanno di Piallazza (EU-155, IIA FE-001) and Mezzanino (IIA  FE-004,
         not IOTA) from on 7-9 April. They will operate on 10, 15, 20 and  40
         metres CW and SSB. QSL via  home calls either direct or through  the
         bureau. [TNX IK4RQJ]
I      - Look for  IK8UHA and  IK8VRH to  be active  (SSB and  CW) from  Dino
         Island (EU-144, IIA CS-002) during the weekend. QSL via IK8UHA. [TNX
J8     - Mike Wise, J87AB  is a missionary  pastor from  England, located  on
         Canouan Island  in The  Grenadines (NA-025).  He  should be  on  the
         island through the  end of this  year before  returning to  England.
         [TNX N6JM]
KH0    - Look for Toshi, KH0/JE1SYN (QSL via  JE1SYN), Hasi, KH0/JL1WPQ  (QSL
         via JL1WPQ), Hiko,  AH6PW/KH0 (QSL via  JN1HOW) and Toshi,  WH7P/KH0
         (QSL via JP1IOF) to be active  (on 160-6 metres  SSB, CW, RTTY,  FM)
         from Saipan (OC-086) between 20 and 23 April. [TNX JE1SYN]
PY     - Other special calls currently aired by PY amateurs to celebrate  the
         500th anniversary of the discovery of Brazil include PP500 (QSL  via
         PY2KQ), PY500A (QSL via PT2ADM), PV500A  (QSL via PT2TF) and  PY500B
         (QSL via PP1CZ). See addresses below.
T8     - Hide, JM1LJS is sorry to report  the 27 April-3 May IOTA  DXpedition
         to Helen  Reef, South  Palau Group  (OC-???) [425DXN  461] has  been
         cancelled due to the lack of  operators (at least eight people  were
         needed to share the costs, only four have been found).
UA     - Operators from  Primorye Radio  Club will  be  active as  RM0M  from
         Popova Island, Russkiy Is (AS-066) on 14-17 April. Look for them  on
         CW (28060, 24896, 21060 kHz) and SSB (28460, 24960, 21260 kHz). They
         will be using 100 watts and a triband GP. QSL direct only via  UA0MF
         (Mike Filippov,  P.O.Box  20,  Vladivostok,  690021,  Russia).  [TNX
S DX@WW $425WW466B
425 DX News #466 [2/5]
  8 April 2000                     No 466                       $425WW466B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

VK9_lh - Ed, VK2INI/AA4EH  will be  active as  VK9LEH from  Lord Howe  Island
         (OC-004) between 25 April and 1 May. Look for him on 40, 20, 15  and
         10 metres CW, with some SSB  if signals are  strong enough. He  will
         run 100 watts to inverted vee and random wire. QSL via either VK2INI
         (Ed Hula, Editor Around the Rings, 1/98 Cremorne Road, Cremorne, NSW
         2090, Australia) or  AA4EH (Ed  Hula, 1776  Peachtree Street,  Suite
         410-N, Atlanta, Georgia 30309, USA). [TNX VK2INI/AA4EH]
W      - Joe, K2OLG has now decided [425DXN 464] to operate from NA-142 on  9
         (21.00-23.00 UTC) and 10 April (10.00-13.00 UTC) and from NA-085  on
         10 (20.00-23.00 UTC) and 11 April (10.00-13.00 UTC). [TNX ON4BB]
W      - The IOTA operation from NA-187 [425DXN 465] is now scheduled to take
         place, weather  permitting, from  White Rock  during daylight  hours
         (16.00-02.00 UTC) on 12-13 April. There may also be some activity on
         Friday morning (local time) before the group departs for the Visalia
         DX Convention. Transport will be  by zodiacs and  space on the  rock
         (and in the zodiacs) will probably only permit one station to be set
         up. The operators will be N6JV, N6VR, and NU2L (G3ZAY) and they will
         look specially for JA and EU stations. QSL routes TBA. [TNX G3ZAY]
ZS     - The ZS31ER IOTA expedition to Elephant Island (AF-085) started later
         than expected [425DXN 465]  due to very  rough seas which  prevented
         the operators from landing on 31 March and 1 April. The logs will be
         available on http://www.qsl.net/zr1dq/zs31er.htm upon conclusion  of
         the DXpedition. QSL  via ZS1FJ either  direct (Barry Fletcher,  P.O.
         Box 53319, Kenilworth 7745, South Africa) or through the bureau.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

                              >>> DX SPOTS <<<

Rod Elliott, VE3IRF  has collected the  DX spots from  the OH2AQ Web  Cluster
since January 1997. The collection (from  January 1997 up  to March 2000)  is
available  at   http://www.425dxn.org/dxspots/,  as well the software (DXINFO
v 1.7) which will  enable you to  handle the files  (instructions at the  URL
above). For further information, please  e-mail Maurizio Bertolino,  I1-21171

4W/W3UR ---> "The operation in East  Timor was a success (9200 QSOs)  despite
many problems and  challenges", Bernie McClenny,  W3UR reports. The  original
plan was for Bernie and Jose  (4W6EB) to operate from  Dili, but Thor,  4W6MM
and Bernie with him  were transferred to  Baucau, about 3  hours east of  the
capital, where they had no phones, no Internet access and no electricity  but
from 6 to 11 PM (hence the need to get 10 litres of diesel fuel every day).

ARI CONTEST --->  The latest release  of the software  for managing  contacts
made  during   the   ARI   International   DX   Contest   is   available   at

DX CONVENTION ---> The XVI Italian HF-DX Convention will take place at  Sasso
Marconi and  Pontecchio  Marconi (Bologna)  on  30 September-1  October.  For
further information please contact Onda, IK4SDY (ik4sdy@amsat.org) or  Anton,
IK4UPU (ik4upu@amsat.org).

PATHFINDER ---> A JavaScript implementation of Pathfinder (the Pathfinder Web
Client)  is   now   available   at   http://www.qsl.net/pathfinder/WebClient/
Pathfinder is a free program that makes it easy to find QSL information  from
web-accessible sources.  See  http://www.qsl.net/pathfinder/  for  additional
information. [TNX AA6YQ]

RADIO-PORTAL ---> http://www.radio-portal.org is a portal site with a  search
engine specifically  designed for  amateur radio,  DXing etc.  topics. It  is
maintained by Willi Passmann, DJ6JZ (dx@passmann.e.ruhr.de)

QSL 3B8CF ---> Jack,  F6HMJ is not  the QSL manager  for Jacky, 3B8CF.  Cards
should be  sent direct  to  Jacky Mandary,  6  Shastri Road,  Candos,  Quatre
Bornes, Mauritius Island.

QSL 4W6MM ---> Thor, 4W6MM (home call TF1MM) will open a P.O. Box for  direct
cards in Darwin, but it will take a couple of weeks before he can go there  -
please stand by. Thor visits Iceland every 2-4 years and cards for 4W6MM  can
be sent through the TF Bureau,  but do not  use his old  TF address (Box  90,
Hveragerdi) as the post office does not forward mail to him. [TNX K0CA]

QSL USIPARC ---> QRZ-DX and  F5HWB provide the  list of callsigns/QSL  routes
used by members  from USIPARC  (U.S. International  Police Association  Radio
K0P   KC0KN     K7I   KL7IPV    N2P   N2PIG     W0P   W0NB      W7P   W5WTN
K1P   K1EM      K7P   K7DOC     N4F   N4PUQ     W1A   W1FGD     W8P   W8KPU
K1W   K1WN      K7Z   KJ7ZZ     N4P   WB6EDR    W1P   W1WA
K2P   K2VPW     K8P   WA8VDC    N5P   AB5BG     W2P   WB2FBC
K3P   AG3C      K9P   KB1VN     N6P   W6RF      W4C   W4ONC
K4P   K4DSK     N0B   KC6QJB    N7P   KA1POR    W4P   GU0ALD/W4
K6A   KS6A      N0P   N0ROB     N8P   NO8PD     W5P   W5MIK
K6P   KF6AY     N0T   N0TC      W0M   WB0MNE    W6P   N6GM
S DX@WW $425WW466C
425 DX News #466 [3/5]
  8 April 2000                     No 466                       $425WW466C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

QSL VIA  OM2SA --->  Juraj is  the QSL  manager for  the following  stations:
3A/N9NC, 3A/W0YR, AP2MY  (only 1995 CQWW/CW),  CE0Z/KM9D, HA/N9NC,  KM9D/C6A,
N9NC, VP5/KM9D, ZF2MO  (operations by N9NC  and KM9D from  1995). QSL  either
thorugh the  bureau  or direct  to  Juraj Sipos,  93013  Trhova-Hradska  550,
Slovakia. [TNX OM2SA]

QSL VIA  RW6HS --->  Vasil,  RW6HS (rw6hs@aport.ru)  reports  he is  the  QSL
manager for the following stations:
3B8FQ        CT3FF      RA0BY        UA0LDY       UK8FC        UM4BWO
3DA0BL       DU1EIB     RA0FAC       UA0LQJ       UK8GA        UM51BWO
4K2BDU       EK3AA (*)  RA0FAN       UA0QBQ       UK8GBS       UM5BWO
4K2BY        EK3AW      RA6WA        UA0Y/UA9YC   UK8GK        UM8AWP
4K2OX        EK6GZ      RA6WF        UA2FBR       UK8IAO       UM8OM
4K4BCU       EO6AHG     RF6QAI       UA2FFM       UK8IG        UM8QA
4K4BDU       ER1OO      RI3B         UA2FGU       UK8IT        UM9AA
4K4CDE       ER2OG      RI8AJ        UA9CDE       UK8IWK       UN0GN
4K4CDE/UL7B  ER3DX      RI8BAM       UA9CDE/UA0B  UK8IWW       UN2O
4K6CM        ER5AL      RI8BDN       UE6ADI       UK8OAN       UN5J
4L1QX        EX8A       RL0O         UF6QAT       UK8OB        UN7AD
4L1RK        EX8QA      RL2O         UF6QBA       UK8OM        UN7AM
4L1UN        EX8VI      RP6HWF       UI8IAW       UK8ZAB       UN7AO
4L4KA        EY8VV      RU0LX/mm     UI9B/RB3MO   UK8ZAH       UN7GHG
4L6FU        EZ6DK      RV0AM        UI9BWO       UK8ZAV       UN7GN
4L6QQ        EZ8AI      RW0LIA       UJ3I         UK8ZC        UN7IG
4Z5BZ        FP5EK      RW0LOG       UJ8JKK       UK8ZK        UN7QX
4Z5FB        KP2J       RW9AY        UK50A...Z    UK8ZL        UN7SK
4Z5FL        KP3EM      RX3DQN       UK8ABT       UK8ZR        UN7TX
4Z5FW        LY2ER      RZ9DX/0      UK8AJ        UK8ZU        UN9GB
4Z5GV        OD5EH      TA1AZ        UK8BAM       UL7JW        VK4SJP
9H1ED        OD5NO      UA0BC        UK8BN        UL7OB        YL2BI
9H1GY        OD5SE      UA0BCU       UK8BWO       UL7TX        YV5DEH
CE2EZE       R1FJC      UA0I/UV3DDC  UK8CK        UM0MO        ZB2EO
(*) ex UD6KBL, UD6KW, RG6GW, EK3GW
QSL direct only  ($1 or 2  IRC + SAE)  to Vasil  M. Kasyanenko,  P.O. Box  0,
Novopavlovsk, 357300 Stavropolskij kr, Russia.

P.I.P.  --->   Jorge  Santos,   CT1FMX  (ct1fmx@net.sapo.pt)   reports   full
information  on   the   Portuguese   Islands   Plaque   can   be   found   at

SCOTTISH ACTIVITY WEEKEND ---> This year  the Scottish Activity Weekend  will
take place from 00.01 UTC on 15 April  until 24.00 UTC on the 16th.  Activity
is encouraged on all amatuer bands by individual licencees, Novices and  Club
Stations using  their GM,  GS, MM,  MS, or  2M  callsigns as  appropriate.  A
certificate  (the   Scottish  Activity   Century  Award)   is  available   to
stations/SWL  for  contacts  made/logged  during  the  event.  Full   details
available from GM3YOR (Drew.Givens@tesco.net)

TX0DX ---> "The operation went QRT  on 29 March shortly  after 00.00 UTC.  In
six days of operating, they completed 72,654 QSOs. The majority of QSOs  were
on 21 MHz SSB and  CW, as per  the original strategy  to provide the  maximum
number  of  DXers  their  first-ever  Chesterfield  contact.  However,  other
complimentary bands and modes were activated  sporadically, including 50  MHz
with more than 2500 QSOs and RTTY with some 800 stations in the log.
On the way to the Chesterfields, the TX0DX group made a slight detour to  the
area where intervening reefs are indicated  on some older maps. The team  was
able to  confirm the  French Navy's  documentation that  the claimed  islands
simply do not exist.  Thus,  tha350-kilometer open water separation  between
New Caledonia and the Chesterfields is assured, and the concerns expressed by
some in the DX community can be put to rest". [TNX N4GN]

WIAQ QSL BUREAU ---> After six years, Laurie Pritchard, VK4BLE has retired as
the WIAQ  QSL Bureau  Manager. Cards  are to  be sent  directly to  WIAQ  QSL
Bureau, G.P.O. Box 638, Brisbane 4001, Australia.

WLH ---> Phil,  F5OGG reports the  operations by VO1BAR/p  from Cabot  Island
Lighthouse (LH 0117) in June-December 1999 are now acceptable for WLH  (World
Lighthouses   Award)    credit.    The   web    site    for   WHL    is    at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALLBOOK:     The      Swedish      callbook       is      available       at
              http://www.svessa.se/callbook/seek.html [TNX The Daily DX]
IOTA:         The IOTA-JA  Team  maintains a  "web  information  service"  at
              http://www01.u-page.so-net.ne.jp/ba2/jim/iota_e.html       [TNX
              JQ1HBT, jq1hbt.kouji@nifty.ne.jp]

S DX@WW $425WW466D
425 DX News #466 [4/5]
  8 April 2000                     No 466                       $425WW466D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8/F6HMJ   F6HMJ       FO0CLA      F6CTL       RM9RX       RW9QA
3V8BT       I5JHW       FO0HWU      F6HWU       RM9RX/9     RW9QA
4O0A        YU1SRS      GU2ENK      pirate      RM9RZ       RW9QA
4W/N5KO     OH2BN       GU4GMW      pirate      RN9RZ       RW9QA
4W/W3UR     OH2BN       HC8/PA3GIO  PA3GIO      RW9QA       RW9QA
4W6/VK2QF   VK2QF       HF0POL      SP3WVL      RW9QA       W3HNK
4W6EB       CT1EEB      HS0/SM3CVM  SM3CVM      RW9RN       RW9QA
4W6GH       CT1EGH      HS0/SM3DYU  SM3CVM      SI9AM       SM3CVM
4W6UN       VK3OT       JT1FBX      JG5PJJ      SK3A        SM3CVM
5B4/RA0AM   RA0AM       JX7DFA      LA7DFA      SK3JR       SM3CVM
5B4/RV0AU   RV0AU       JY8FX       DL6FCK      SM3BDZ      SM3CVM
5C8A        EA5XX       KC4AAA      K1IED       SM3X        SM3CVM
6Y5A        KN5H        L21H        LU7HVN      SV8/SM3CVM  SM3CVM
7O0UY       pirate      LA/SM3CVM   SM3CVM      TA/SM3CVM   SM3CVM
7S3OWG      SM3CVM      LO7H        LU7HN       TI2IDX      WA9BXB
9G5MD       G3OCA       LT1M        LU1MZE      TU5IJ       I2AOX
A61AJ       W3UR        LX4B        LX1TI       UA9QA       RW9QA
AN1BOI      EA1BOI      LZ0A        LZ1KDP      UA9QGB      RW9QA
BQ9P        KU9C        MU0AWR      pirate      UN9FD       DF5PBD
CE0Z/OH2MXS OH2BOZ      OM6TY       OM6TX       UR2E        UR5EAW
CE0Z/OH2NSM OH2BOZ      OZ5HCA      OZ3FYN      UW7I        UX9IO
CE0Z/OH3JF  OH2BOZ      PP500       PY2KQ       UZ4E        UR4EN
CE0ZR       OH2BOZ      PQ1S        PY1KS       UZ5M        UX2MM
CS6IPJ      CT1EAT      PR2G        PT2ADM      V2/W1LR     W1LR
CT3/SM3CVM  SM3CVM      PS500BR     PS7AB       V2/W4WX     W4WX
CU2/DF5WA   DF5WA       PV500A      PT2TF       V25WX       W4WX
D73A        HL1XP       PW500A      PT2BW       V31SG       K9SG
DX4RIG      DU1KGJ      PY500A      PT2ADM      V63VL       KD6WW
E29DX       HS0GBI      PY500B      PP1CZ       V73NN       KD6WW
E4/DL7FER   DL6FCK      R1ANA       RU1ZC       VK0ERZ      VK2FUN
ED1VHF      EA1BSK      R1AND       DL5EBE      VP5/K6HNZ   K6HNZ
EM7Q        UY5ZZ       R1ANF       RK1PWA      XU7ABA      JA6HJP
EN7M        UX2MM       R1ANJ       RU1ZC       ZK1HCU      DL9HCU
EP2AC       RV6AB       R1ANP       NT2X        ZK2XO       DL8NBE
ES0/SM3BDZ  SM3CVM      R1ANZ       RU1ZC       ZS4NS       N7RO
ES0/SM3CVM  SM3CVM      RM9RM       RW9QA       ZU1AAH      N7RO
EZ3A        EZ8CW       RM9RO       RW9QA       ZZ7Z        PR7AR

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

5P1ER    CEPT Amateur Radio Club, ERO-CARC, Midtermolen 1, DK-2100
         Copenhagen, Denmark
8R1AK    Esmond L. Jones, P.O. Box 10868, Georgetown, Guyana
9V1AG    Robert M. Limb, The Waterside # 20-01, 1 Tanjong Rhu Road, Singapore
         436879, Singapore
CA8VOW   Luis  Calisto, P.O. Box  889, Punta Arenas, Chile
CT1EEB   Jose de Sa, P.O. Box 79, 3860 Estarreja, Portugal
DL5EBE   Dominik Weiel, Johannes-Meyer-Str. 13, D-49808 Lingen, Germany
DL6FCK   Titus Pilz, Rathhausstr.5, D-35753 Allendorf, Germany
DL9HCU   Udo Moeller, Wennerstorfer Str. 1, D-21629 Neu Wulmstorf, Germany
DS2OAJ   Chung Hye-Sun, 726-902, Daerim APT, Sanbon-Dong, Kunpo, Kyounggi-Do,
         South Korea
DU1KGJ   Roland F. Pajarillo, 442 Burgos Street, Labo Camarines Norte 4604,
ER1LW    Wiacheslav Lysy, Box 112, Chisinau, MD 2012, Moldova
F5SGI    Jean-Marc Idee, 24 rue Paul Bert, 94160 Saint Mande, France
F6HMJ    Jack Motte, Le Soleil Levant B8, 4 Avenue des Rives, 06270
         Villeneuve-Loubet, France
FK8KAB   A.R.A.N.C.,  P.O. Box 3956,  98846 Noumea Cedex, Nouvelle Caledonie
G3OCA    Ken Frankcom, 1 Chesterton Road, Spondon, Derby DE21 7EN, England
HS0GBI   P.O. Box 1090, Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903, Thailand
I1WFF    Fulvio Marin, P.O. Box 88, 13900 Biella - BI, Italy
IK4RQJ   Augusto Baldoni, Via G. Notari 109, 41100 Modena - MO, Italy

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425 DX News #466 [5/5]
  8 April 2000                     No 466                       $425WW466E
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                         *******  QSL INFO  ********

J87AB    Mike Wise, Canouan Island PO, St. Vincent, Windward Islands
JA6CTW   Show Sanda, 399-102 Koseda, Kamiyaku-cho, Kumage-gun, Kagoshima
         891-4207, Japan
JA9BOH   Kimio Maegawa, Shimo Asojima, 912-0815 Japan
JE6EMW   Shigefumi Kiyoshi, 150 Sesui, Setouchi-cho, Oshima-gun, Kagoshima
         894-1521, Japan
JI3DST   Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-cho Abeno-ku Osaka-city, Osaka
         545-0021 Japan
JW8G     Radioamatorklubben P35, Box 941 Sentrum, N-7409 Norway
JW9GY    Morten Antonsen, Hallsetreina 6, N-7027 Trondheim, Norway
JW9IY    Bjorn Digre, Elvegt 16, N-7013 Trondheim, Norway
JY5HX    P.O. Box 182700, 11118 Amman, Jordan
K1IED    Larry F.Skilton, 72 Brook Street, South Windsor, CT 06074, USA
KU9C     Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054-6953, USA
LA7DFA   Per-Einar Dahlen, Royskattveien 4, 7670 Inderoy, Norway
LU3XX    Mario A. Carballido, Lapataia 335, V9410GUS Ushuaia, Tierra del
         Fuego, Argentina
LU7EC    Lucas Mariano Elichagaray, P.O. Box 2703, Carabelas, Buenos Aires,
LU7HN    Rene Ernesto Giorda, P.O. Box 73, 2400 San Francisco, Cordoba,
LU7HVN   Horacio D. Galanti, 25 de Mayo 647, Villa del Rosario, 5963 Cordoba,
LU8XW    Radio Club Ushuaia, P.O. Box 58, V9410WAB Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego,
LZ1KDP   Radio Club, P.O.Box 812, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
NT2X     Edward Kritsky, P.O.Box 715, Brooklyn, NY 11230, USA
OH2BN    Jarmo J. Jaakola, Kiilletie 5-C-30, 00710 Helsinki, Finland
PA3GIO   Bert vd Berg, Parklaan 38, NL-3931 KK Woudenberg, The Netherlands
PP1CZ    Ary Leonardo Barbosa Ferreira, P.O.Box 010.629, 29001-970 Vitoria -
         ES, Brazil
PR7AR    Irapuan de Sousa, P.O. Box 60, 58200-970 Guarabira - PB, Brazil
PS7AB    Rony Reis, P.O. Box 2021, 59094-970 Natal - RN, Brazil
PT2ADM   Gustavo de Faria Franco, P.O.Box 2091, 70259-970 Brasilia - DF,
PT2ADM   Gustavo de Faria Franco, S 210 BL "E" Apt 501, Brasilia - DF,
         70273-050 Brazil
PT2BW    Ariosto R. de Souza, P.O. Box 03821, 70084-970 Brasilia - DF, Brazil
PY1KS    P.O. Box 18123, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 20722-970 Brazil
PY2KQ    Rubens Galdino F. de Carvalho Filho, P.O. Box 348, 13330-970
         Indaiatuba - SP, Brazil
RK1PWA   Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, 164744 Amderma, Arkhangelskaja, Russia
RU1ZC    Valentin Mykitenko, Akademgorodok 2 1, 184340 Loparskaya, Russia
RV6AB    Vicotr Babenko, Box 33, Armivir 352900, Russia
RW9MZ    Andrej Matveev, P.O. Box 8967, Omsk, 644037, Russia
RW9QA    Vlad Kondratenko, P.O. Box 1, Kurgan-38, 640038, Russia
SM3CVM   Lars Aronsson, Lillfjallvagen 62, S-831 71 Ostersund, Sweden
SP3WVL   Tomasz Lipinski, Ul.I Paderewskiego 24m 1, 69-100 Slubice, Poland
TJ1AD    Acho, Box 13062, Yaounde, Cameroon
UR4EN    Nick I. Golub, P.O. Box 48, Ordzhonikidze 53300 Ukraine
UR5EAW   Alexander Shevchenko, Pelina str. 29, Dnepropetrovsk, 49107 Ukraine
UT7UA    Roman Bratchyk, P.O.Box 88, Kiev 03191 Ukraine
UX2MM    Vladimir Grushewskiy, P.O.Box 59, Lisichansk, 93100 Ukraine
UY5ZZ    Vladimir Latyshenko, P.O. Box 4850, Zaporozhye 69118 Ukraine
VK2FUN   H.W.Cowled, 13 Kevin Street, Mannering Park, NSW 2259, Australia
VK2QF    Nev Mattick, Hargraves, N.S.W. 2850, Australia
VK3OT    Steve R. Gregory, P.O. Box 622, Hamilton, Victoria, 3300 Australia
WC6DX    Will Costello, P.O. Box 1332, Monterey, CA  93942-1332, USA

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