S DX@WW $425WW465A 425 DX News #465 [1/5] 1 April 2000 No 465 BID: $425WW465A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ >>> BHUTAN <<< The following is an abstract of a longer announcement recently circulated on the Internet. The Kingdom of Bhutan has completed the long awaited Telecommunications Act of 2000 which authorizes amateur radio. An international team (including 9V1YC, JA3IG, JA3USA, JF1IST, K3VN, K4UEE, N0MJ, N1DG, OH2BU, ON4WW, RA3AUU, UA3AB, W0GJ and W3WL) has been invited by the Ministry of Communications for the initial introduction of amateur radio in Bhutan, May 1-12, 2000. Three CW, three SSB and one RTTY station will be active around the clock. Further details are expected in due time. 4S - John, NZ9Z will be in Sri Lanka (AS-003) between 1 and 23 April. He hopes to operate as 4S7NZG on 10-80 metres CW, SSB and maybe RTTY. QSL via W9DXA. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] 4W - Six stations are now active from East Timor: Jose, 4W6EB/CT1EEB (QSL via homecall: Jose de Sa, P.O. Box 79, 3860 Estarreja, Portugal); Antonio, 4W6GH/CT1EGH (QSL via homecall); Thor, 4W6MM/TF1MM; Ross, 4W6UN/VK8UN (QSL via VK3OT: Steve R. Gregory, P.O. Box 622, Hamilton, Victoria, 3300 Australia); Nev, 4W6/VK2QF (QSL via homecall: Nev Mattick, Hargraves, N.S.W. 2850, Australia); Bernie, 4W/W3UR (QSL via OH2BN: Jarmo J. Jaakola, Kiilletie 5-C-30, 00710 Helsinki, Finland). Bernie is signing 4W/W3UR, and not 4W6DX as previously announced, "due to a misunderstanding at the licencing authority". He is currently operating from Baucau, some 3-4 hours east of the capital Dili. Most activity has been on 15 metres in order to give as many people as possible a new one. He is expected to be active until 4 April. 8P - After their operation from Antigua (see V2 below), Ronald/PA3EWP, Peter/PA4EA, Rob/PA5ET and Dennis/PA7FM will be active from Barbados (NA-021) between 23 August and 4 September. Callsigns will be issued upon arrival. Two HF stations (10-160 metres) will be activated around the clock on CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK with special attention to Europe & Japan especially on the WARC bands and 160 metres. On-line logs will be available during the tour as well the tour diary and digital photos. QSL via PA5ET (Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS, Voorburg, The Netherlands). The web site for the operation is at http://www.qsl.net/lldxt [TNX PA5ET] 9M2 - Richard, PA0RRS plans to be active, possibly as 9M2/PA0RRS, from West Malaysia for three weeks starting on 6 April. [TNX PA0RRS] BY - Jari, OH2BVE will be in Beijing for two years and plans to operate using the club callsign BY1DX and possibly from other club stations as well. "Most often", the OPDX Bulletin reports, "Jari will start on Sundays at 0800z on 21325 kHz to work OH stations and Europeans but will work other parts of world, too". Jari will confirm all the QSOs automatically through the bureau; direct cards should be sent to Jukka Klemola, Aarontie 5, 31400 Somero, Finland (he will act as a maildrop). CE - Luis, CA8VOW will operate from Cullen Tierra del Fuego (SA-008) on 6-13 April. His licence is for ten metres only and he will be on +/- 28.438 from 13 to 15 UTC. QSL to Luis Calisto, P.O. Box 889, Punta Arenas, Chile. [TNX IT9DAA] CU - Berthold, DF5WA is active as CU2/DF5WA from Sao Miguel (EU-003), Azores until 3 April. Then he is expected to operate as CU8/DF5WA from Flores Island (EU-089) between 3 and 10 April. QSL via bureau to DF5WA. [TNX DX News Letter] F - F6HMQ and F5BLN will be /p from Oleron island (EU-032) on 6-13 May. They will be active with two stations on all bands. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] F - The Minkies Boys team (including Harvey/ON5SY, Nico/ON4BAR, Walter/ON4BCB, Jurgen/ON4BCJ, Gilbert/ON4CBV, Danny/ON4ON, Dries/ON6CX, Roy/ON6HH, Pat/ON7PQ and Bill/ON9CGB) will participate in the IOTA Contest from Sein Island (EU-068). They will start operations on 27-28 July and leave the island on the 31st. Information on callsign(s) and QSL route is expected in due course. Sponsors can contact Bill Abrahams, ON9CGB at bill.abrahams@worldonline.be [TNX ON9CGB] FK - Jean-Michel, F6AJA reports the latest news for the FK8KAB/p operation from D'Entrecasteaux Reefs (OC-058) [425DXN 464]. FK8VHY and FK8HA are now plan to arrive to D'Entrecasteaux at 12 local time on 4 April and to leave at 9 local time on the 6th. Operations are expected to start around 4 UTC on 4 April and to end around 19 UTC on the 5th. QSL via FK8KAB (A.R.A.N.C., P.O. Box 3956, 98846 Noumea Cedex, Nouvelle Caledonie). FO0_aus - Denise, F6HWU is active until 12 April as FO0HWU from Tubuai Island (OC-152) in the Australes. She operates mostly CW with some RTTY. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] /EX S DX@WW $425WW465B 425 DX News #465 [2/5] 1 April 2000 No 465 BID: $425WW465B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH HS - The IOTA DXpedition to Koh Nu in the Malay Peninsula South East Group (AS-???) [425DXN 461] is now confirmed to start next week with the special call E29DX. The team is expected to leave Bangkok on 6 April and the expedition will continue until 15/16 April. A special licence has been issued - it includes 160m and 80m frequencies, and allows digital modes, but not WARC band operation. The main effort will be to give first time contacts to as many stations as possible, therefore most operation will be on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres CW, SSB and RTTY using maximum 100 watts output. It may be possible to run two or three HF stations simultaneously at times. The frequencies allocated on the low bands are 1.834-1.850 MHz, 3.524-3.526 MHz and 3.534-3.536 MHz. There is an awareness of the demand for LF QSOs with Thailand, but the logistics of getting suitable antennas up are very difficult, and LF operators should not expect too much on this operation. If any serious LF operation is possible, it will came later in the DXpediton. QSL via HS0GBI (P.O. Box 1090, Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903, Thailand). The web site for the operation is at http://www.qsl.net/tg1996 [TNX E21EIC and HS0/G3NOM] I - Special station IR0MM will be active on 14-16 April from the Abbey of Casamari (Frosinone province). QSL via I0YKN (Nuccio Meoli, Via della stazione snc, 04010 Cori - LT, Italy). [TNX I0YKN] I - Piero/IK7VJX and Daniele/IZ7CFF (and possibly Roberto/IK7XIV and Michele/IK7YUA as well) should be active as homecall/p from the lighthouse at Torre San Giovanni (WAIL PU-003) on 16 April. QSL via homecall. [TNX IZ7CFF] JA - Masa, JA6GXK will be active in his spare time from AS-056 (Danjo Archipelago) on 6-18 April, 28 April-10 May, 30 May-6 June, 30 June-11 July. Look for him on or around 14260 and 21260 kHz. QSL via the bureau to JA6GXK. [TNX JA3MZB] JA - Look for Joe, JA4PXE/6 to be active from Uji Archipelago (AS-067) on 2-3 May, from Amakusa Archipelago (AS-012) on 3-4 May and from Danjo Archipelago (AS-056) on 4-5 May. QSL via JA4PXE. [TNX JI6KVR] JT - Nicola, I0SNY (nicola.sanna@tin.it) reports the JT1Y operation [425DXN 458] will take place between 23 May and 6 June. The team (including also Antonio, I1ZB and Alberto, I1QOD plus Massimo, I0-6542/VT) will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest as JU1Y. Suggested frequencies are 28015, 24895, 21015, 18075, 14015, 10105, 7005, 3505, 1825, 50110 kHz CW and 28485, 24985, 21285, 18145, 14185, 7045, 3780, 1840, 50150 kHz SSB. QSL via I0SNY (Nicola Sanna, Str. Gualtarella 8/M, 06132 S. Sisto - PG, Italy). JX - Per, LA7DFA will be active as JX7DFA from Jan Mayen (EU-022) starting from 7 April for 6 or 12 months. He plans to operate on 10-160 metres plus 2 and 6 metres CW (mainly), SSB, digimodes, SSTV and PSK31. QSL via LA7DFA (Per-Einar Dahlen, Royskattveien 4, 7670 Inderoy, Norway). [TNX The Daily DX] KH6 - Andy, OE1AZS will be active (on all bands SSB) as KH6/OE1AZS from Hawaii (OC-019) between 8 and 20 May. QSL via OE1AZS either direct (Andreas Schmid-Zartner, Breitenseerstrasse 61/E/5, A-1140 Wien, Austria) or through the bureau. He will operate from the shack of Ken, KH6CQH and plans are to "listen especially for weak signals to give QRP and little stations a chance to work the island". [TNX OE1AZS] LU - A group of operators from Santiago del Estero ARC (LU1NF) will be active as AY0N/X from Pinguino Island, Santa Cruz Province North group (SA-???) on 21-24 April. They plan to operate on 6-80 metres (WARC bands included) mainly SSB with two stations around the clock and a third station on the low bands during the night. They will run 100 watts only but will have beams for 6, 10, 15 and 20 metres (verticals and dipoles for WARC and low bands). QSL via LU2NI. [TNX LU2NI] OZ - Look for special station OZ5HCA to be active on 2-8 April to celebrate the birthday (2 April) of Hans Christian Andersen. QSL via OZ3FYN. [TNX OZ5MJ] PY - Ari, PT2BW will be active (on all bands and modes) as PW500A (Papa Whiskey Five Hundred Alpha) between 1 and 30 April. QSL via PT2BW either direct (Ariosto R. de Souza, P.O. Box 03821, 70084-970 Brasilia - DF, Brazil) or through the bureau. Also look for Rony, PS7AB to operate as PS500BR (on 10, 15 and 20 metres SSB) during this period. QSL via PS7AB either direct (Rony Reis, P.O. Box 2021, 59094-970 Natal - RN, Brazil) or through the bureau. The special calls are to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the discovery of Brazil. [TNX PS7AB and PT2BW] PY - Paul, PY3PAZ and others will be active (on all bands SSB, CW and RTTY) as ZX3D between 21 and 23 April. The special callsign celebrates the 500th anniversary of the discovery of Brazil. QSL via PY3BZA. [TNX PY3PAZ] PY0_spp - Karl Leite, PS7KM is sorry to report the DXpedition to St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago [425DXN 446] has been postponed again. "New repairs and increased maintenance to the wooden building has become necessary", Karl reports, and the Brazilian Navy vessel "carrying the needed personnel will not have room for our two operators". The operation has not been cancelled and hopefully it will be rescheduled in July. /EX S DX@WW $425WW465C 425 DX News #465 [3/5] 1 April 2000 No 465 BID: $425WW465C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH SM - SI9AM (the King Chulalongkorn Memorial Amateur Radio Society) will be active on all bands SSB and CW from Utanede, Sweden between 31 March in the afternoon local time and 2 April at noon. QSL via SM3CVM either direct (Lars Aronsson, Lillfjallvagen 62, S-831 71 Ostersund, Sweden) or through the bureau. [TNX SM3CVM] V2 - Low Land DX-pedition Team (LLDXT) members Ronald/PA3EWP, Peter/PA4EA, Rob/PA5ET and Dennis/PA7FM will be active as V26WP, V26EA, V26ET and V26FM from Antigua (NA-100) between 11 and 23 August. They will operate on all modes and bands (see 8P above). The web site for the operation is at http://www.qsl.net/lldxt QSL via PA5ET (Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS, Voorburg, The Netherlands). [TNX PA5ET] V6 - Bruce, KD6WW will be active as V63VL from Chuuk (OC-011) on 7-10 April and from Pohnpei (OC-010) on 10-14 April. He will operate primarily CW with possibly some FSK during his evenings and early mornings. Bureau cards can be requested at kd6ww@inreach.com [TNX KD6WW] V7 - Bruce, KD6WW will be active (callsign to be issued upon arrival) from Majuro (OC-029), Marshall Islands between 4 and 6 April. He will operate primarily CW during his evenings and early mornings as this will be a vacation. Bureau cards can be requested at kd6ww@inreach.com [TNX KD6WW] VK9_chr - Bert, PA3GIO will be active as VK9XV from Christmas Island (OC-002) between 2 and 13 September. He will operate on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres SSB. QSL via PA3GIO either direct (Bert vd Berg, Parklaan 38, NL-3931 KK Woudenberg, The Netherlands) or preferably through the bureau. The web site for the operation is at http://www.qsl.net/pa3gio/VK9XV/ [TNX PA3GIO] VK9_coc - Bert, PA3GIO will be active as VK9CQ from Cocos/Keeling (OC-003) between 16 August and 1 September. He will operate on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres SSB. QSL via PA3GIO either direct or preferably through the bureau. The web site for the operation is at http://www.qsl.net/pa3gio/VK9CQ/ [TNX PA3GIO] VK9_wil - Nick, VK2ICV (aka VK9LX) has joined the VK4 amateurs who will operate from Willis Island in May [425DXN 460]. This means that VK9WI will be active on RTTY as well. QSL via VK4APG, The web site for the DXpedition is at http://www.qsl.net/vk9wi/index.htm. [TNX VK4ZEK] W - Will, WC6DX plans to operate from Santa Barbara Island (NA-066, USI CA-010S) on 7-9 April. Look for him on the traditional IOTA frequencies. QSL via WC6DX either direct to his new address (Will Costello, P.O. Box 1332, Monterey, CA 93942-1332, USA) or through the bureau. [TNX WC6DX] W - Silvano, KB5GL reports a group of W6s plans to operate from NA-187 (California State Centre group) on 14-17 April. [TNX IT9GAI] ZK - Gerard, PA3AXU has cancelled his trip to Niue [425DXN 453] and has rescheduled his summer activities as follows: on 3-7 July and again on 15-20 July he will be active (SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK) from Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands; on 8-15 July he will operate (hopefully on all modes) from Penrhyn (OC-082), North Cook Islands. He expects to use the call ZK1AXU from both the locations. His website is at http://www.qsl.net/pa3axu/zk.htm [TNX PA3AXU] ZS - The ZS31ER operation from Elephant Rock (AF-???, 31.38S-18.03E) [425DXN 464] is now announced to take place until 9 April. The planned operating frequencies are 28.460, 24.950, 21.260, 18.128, 14.260, 7.055 and 3.755 MHz SSB; 28.040, 24.920, 21.040, 18.098, 14.040, 10.115, 7.025 and 3.530 MHz CW. The operators will be Barry Fletcher (ZS1FJ, team leader), Bud Voortman (ZS1B), Ron Marlow (ZS1RON), Gerald Meneses (ZS1GRM) and Edwin Musto (ZS5BBO); they anticipate to have a station running 24 hours a day. QSL via ZS1FJ either direct or through the bureau. Two addresses have been given for ZS1FJ: P.O. Box 55319, Kenilworth 7708, South Africa and P.O. Box 53319, Kenilworth 7745, South Africa. The web site for the operation is at http://www.qsl.net/zs5ham [TNX ZS5BBO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH IOTA ACTIVITY MONTH (APRIL) ---> Contacts made with the following IOTA island groups in April will score three points towards the RSGB IOTA Millennium Programme (IOTA 2000). An asterisk (*) marks regularly activated groups: AF-002 AN-003 AS-057 AS-096 AF-006 * AS-003 * AS-068 AS-106 AF-017 * AS-005 * AS-083 * AS-109 AF-041 AS-011 AS-086 EU-086 AF-048 AS-013 * AS-087 AF-058 AS-055 AS-089 For full details please visit http://www.425dxn.org/iota/iota2000 /EX S DX@WW $425WW465D 425 DX News #465 [4/5] 1 April 2000 No 465 BID: $425WW465D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH A.R.A.N.C. ---> The following comes from Tim Totten, N4GN: "The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) has officialy announced that Association des Radio-Amateurs de Nouvelle-Caledonie (ARANC) has been confirmed as the newest IARU member society, effective 22 March 2000. Due to the timing of the voting process, the first full UTC date for ARANC's membership was 23 March, making this the effective 'event date' for DXCC purposes. The result is that QSOs with the Chesterfield Islands on or after 0000 UTC, 23 March 2000, are expected to count toward the new DXCC entity. This corresponds to the date and time when the TX0DX operation began. The full text of the IARU news release can be found at http://www.iaru.org/rel000323.html" INTERNATIONAL LIGHTHOUSE/LIGHTSHIP WEEKEND ---> This year it will take place from 00.01 UTC on Saturday 19 August until 23.59 UTC on Sunday 20 August. Forty stations located in eleven countries have already confirmed their participation in the weekend. Those who intend establishing a station at a lighthouse, lightship or maritime light are invited to send the details (callsign, QTH and QSL information) to Mike Dalrymple, GM4SUC (gm4suc@compuserve.com). The list of participants can be found at www.waterw.com/~weidner/LH-day-table.htm PIRATE ---> AP2/WA2WYR is still being pirated on CW (latest reports come from Matt, S53AU, who heard this one on 25 March around 20.30 UTC on 20 metres). John, W2YR (ex WA2WYR) operated as AP2/WA2WYR from the American Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan from 1991 to October 1992. All other operations for AP/WA2WYR are pirates. The log books for John's many operations can be found at http://members.aol.com/w2yr/w2yr.htm (also please note that KK6TX is no longer the QSL manager for John - cards should be sent to W2YR). [TNX S53AU and W2YR] QSL 5A1A ---> Please note that Steve, OM3JW is the QSL manager (direct and bureau) ONLY for the operation by the Ukrainan team on 11-25 July 1995. He got the logs and cards from UT3UY at the end of 1997 (before that date he just acted as a maildrop). [TNX OM3JW] QSL 5P1ER ---> Joergen, OZ8AE is receiving many QSL cards for 5P1ER, but he is not the QSL manager for this station. Cards should go via EDR bureau or direct to 5P1ER, CEPT Amateur Radio Club, ERO-CARC, Midtermolen 1, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. Their web site is at http://www.ero.dk/carc [TNX OZ8AE] QSL VIA DL5EBE ---> Dominik, DL5EBE (dweiel@t-online.de) reports that as of 1 April his new address is: Dominik Weiel, Johannes-Meyer-Str. 13, D-49808 Lingen, Germany. QSL VIA KD6WW ---> Bruce reports the cards for 3B8/KD6WW and S79BL have been printed. He expects to receive them just prior to leaving for V6 and V7 (see above) so he will start working on them when he returns from his vacation. Please do not send second requests any sooner than June. TX0DX ---> The DXpedition went QRT some 24 hours earlier than expected due to bad weather conditions. As of 22.30 UTC on 27 March, TX0DX had topped the 60,000 mark in total QSOs (more than 2600 QSOs on 6 metres), maintaining an average rate of more than 500 QSOs per hour for the first five days of the operation. There was no 160 metre operation as the goal was from the beginning to get the new one into the logs of as many DXers as possible. The HF log search will not be available until a few days after the operation (see the web site http://www.n4gn.com/tx0dx/ for more details). VK9RS VIDEO ---> The VK9RS DXpedition (OC-230) 2-hour professionally produced video will be available in four weeks. Filmed by CT1EEN and edited by VK6LC, it will be available on VHS, PAL, NTSC, SECAM and CD rom and will be produced only upon direct orders to VK6LC. For further information please contact Malcolm K. Johnson, 9 Abinger Road, Lynwood 6147, Western Australia Australia (e-mail vk6lc@iinet.net.au). [TNX I1HYW] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: The logs for FO0AAA (Clipperton) are now availbale at http://www.qsl.net/clipperton2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 3C0R, 3D2IO/R, 4U1UN, 5N0W, 5U7Z, 6V6U, 9G5CW, 9J2SZ, 9M8YY, AH8A, BA4EG, C6A/KI6T, CE0Z, CN8KD, DU3NXE, DX1S, EL2WW, FK8GM, FK8HC, FO0DEH (OC-114 & 131), FO0SAL, FO0WII, FO5JV, HI9/N9SW, HK0ER, HS2AC, J68WB, J8OK, JD1AMA, JY3ZH, JY4NE, JY9QJ, K2L, KG6SL, KH4/W4ZYV, KH8/KK6HC, KL1SLE (NA-028), NP4A, P29VR, PJ2/N6HR, R1ANZ, SV5AZP, T31K, T31T, TA2IJ, V51GP,V63AO, V85OO, XE1NVX, YB5QZ, YC9BU, ZK2CA, ZK2VF. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW465E 425 DX News #465 [5/5] 1 April 2000 No 465 BID: $425WW465E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF 01/01-31/12 IOTA 2000 (http://www.cdxc.org.uk) *** till 31/12 3Z: special prefix (Poland) 454 till May 4S7BRG: Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by HB9BRM 460 till 05/04 4W6/VK2QF: East Timor 463 till 04/04 4W/W3UR: East Timor 465 till 07/05 6K2000WFK: special event station (Korea) 459 till 31/12 9AY2K: special Millennium station 451 till 10/04 9U5D: Burundi * by SM5DIC 450 till 08/04 CE0: Juan Fernandez (SA-005) * by OH2MXS,OH2NSM,OH3JF 462 till 03/04 CU2/DF5WA: Sao Miguel (EU-003), Azores 465 till August FH/TU5AX: Mayotte (AF-027) * by 6W1QV 458 till 12/04 FO0HWU: Tubuai (OC-152), Austral Is * by F6HWU 465 till 09/04 H44PT: Solomon Islands * by G8BCG 464 till 31/12 HB2: special Y2K prefix (Switzerland) 453 till ?? HF0POL: South Shetlands (AN-010) * by SP3GVX 441 till 31/12 HF70PZK: special event station (Poland) 453 till 31/12 II0CV: special call 451 till 24/12 II0: special jubilee prefix 452 till April JD1BKR: Iwo-Jima (AS-030), Ogasawara 441 till 04/04 KP: Culebra Island * by KB3DFJ 464 till 14/04 M/VU2UKR: England 460 till 01/04 S79MX * by HB9MX 459 till 31/12 SI75A & SIxSSA: SSA 75th anniversary stations (Sweden) 445 till 02/04 SI9AM: special station (Sweden) 465 till 04/04 TA4/DL7CM: Turkey 464 till 01/04 TZ6VV and TZ6YL: Mali 451 till 01/04 V31JP: Belize * by K8JP 443 till Dec VK0MM: Macquarie Island 463 till May VP6BR: Pitcairn (OC-044) * by OH2BR 455 till 11/04 XT: Burkina Faso * by F5JRY 463 till 05/05 XW2A: Laos * by JA2EZD 459 till 26/03 YB3ASQ/9: Indonesia * by W7TSQ 460 till 04/04 Z38/NN6C: Macedonia 463 till May ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT 443 till 30/04 ZV4D: special event call * by PY4AUN 454 29/03-11/04 KI6T/p: Catalina Island (NA-066) 463 01/04-23/04 4S7NZG (?): Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by NZ9Z 465 01/04-06/04 9G: Abokwa Island (AF-???) * by G3OCA, F5VCR & others 464 01/04-08/04 F5SGI: Brehat Island (EU-074) 461 01/04-02/04 GB5RO: Copinsay Island (EU-009) * by GMs 464 01/04-12/04 PA3GIO/HC8: Galapagos Islands (SA-004) 461 01/04-02/04 I: Giorgio Treviso Isl (EU-091) * by IK7JWX and others 463 01/04-30/04 PS500BR: special call * by PS7AB 465 01/04-30/04 PW500A: special call * by PT2BW 465 01/04-09/04 ZS31ER: Elephant Rock (AF-???) 465 01/04-02/04 EA RTTY Contest *** 01/04-02/04 SP DX Contest *** 01/04-02/04 YLRC Contest *** 02/04-08/04 OZ5HCA: special station 465 03/04-10/04 CU8/DF5WA: Flores Island (EU-089), Azores 465 03/04-06/04 TU: Ivory Coast * by DF8AN 464 04/04-06/04 V7: Majuro (OC-029), Marshall Is * by KD6WW 465 05/04-12/04 BQ9P: Pratas Island (AS-110) 463 05/04-03/05 VO1BAR/p: Puffin Island 461 06/04-12/04 5V7MN: Togo * by DF8AN 464 from 06/04 9M2/PA0RRS: West Malaysia 465 06/04-13/04 CA8VOW: Tierra del Fuego (SA-008) 465 06/04-16/04 E29DX: Koh NU (AS-???) * by HSs 465 06/04-18/04 JA6GXK: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056) 465 from 07/04 JX7DFA: Jan Mayen (EU-022) * by LA7DFA 465 07/04-10/04 V63VL: Chuuk (OC-011) * by KD6WW 465 07/04-09/04 WC6DX: Santa Barbara Island (NA-066) 465 07/04-09-04 JA DX CW High Bands Contest *** 08/04-09/04 I: Monacello Isl (EU-091) * by IK7JWX and others 463 09/04-12/04 K2OLG/m: NA-034, NA-076, NA-085 and/or NA-142 464 09/04-22/04 PJ4/HB9BCK: Bonaire (SA-006) 463 10/04-14/04 V63VL: Pohnpei (OC-010) * by KD6WW 465 14/04-16/04 IR0MM: special station 465 14/04-16/04 IV3HAX/3 and IV3SKB/3: Martignano (EU-130) 462 14/04-16/04 ZV1IR and ZW1MB: Rasa Island (SA-079) * by PYs 463 14/04-16/04 International DX Convention (Visalia) 460 15/04-17/04 DS4CNB/5 and HL0Z/5: Hansan Island (AS-081) 463 15/04-16/04 I: Pedagna Grande Isl (EU-091) * by IK7JWX and others 463 15/04-23/04 L4, L5, L6, AY1ARU: special prefixes & station (LU) 463 15/04-16/04 500 Years After Contest 460 15/04 European Sprint Spring SSB Contest *** 15/04-16/04 Holyland Contest 2000 *** 15/04-16-04 YU DX Contest *** 16/04 IK7VJX/p, IZ7CFF/p, IK7XIV/p, IK7YUA/p: WAIL PU-003 465 17/04-23/04 S05R: Western Sahara * by S01A, S0RASD, EA2JG 463 from 18/04 JT1FCR: Mongolia * by GM4DMA 463 20/04-23/04 ZW8CI: Canarias Isl (SA-072) 463 21/04-24/04 AY0N/X: Pinguino Island (SA-???) * by LUs 465 21/04-30/04 IR0MA: special station 463 21/04-23/04 ZX3D: special call * by PYs 465 22/04-23-04 SP DX RTTY Contest *** 27/04-03/05 T88FW: South Palau group (OC-???) 461 27/04-02-04 Morse CW Contest *** 28/04-10/05 JA6GXK: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056) 465 28/04-01/05 PA: Texel Island (EU-038) * by ONs 461 29/04-30/04 IV3HAX/3 and IV3SKB/3: Martignano (EU-130) 462 29/04-30-04 Helvetia Contest *** April C21JH and C21/VK2QF: Nauru (OC-031) 461 April DU1KGJ/DU4: Calagua Islands (OC-202) 463 /EX