DX425 bulletin issue nr. 463

S DX@WW $425WW463A
425 DX News #463 [1/7]
  18 March 2000                    No 463                   BID: $425WW463A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

                           >>>   EAST  TIMOR   <<<
                           >>> NEW DXCC ENTITY <<<

     The International  Telecommunications  Union  has  communicated  to  the
United Nations the assignment of the  prefix block 4WA-4WZ  for use by  radio
stations within the  areas administered by  UNTAET (United Nations  Temporary
Administration of  East Timor).  This prefix  assignment is  for the  use  of
UNTAET as long as it exists,  and will be released to the  ITU at the end  of
its existence.
     UN stations within East Timor may  be assigned 4U prefixes for  official
use, while UN Amateur stations may  use the prefix 4U1  (his includes the  UN
Amateur Radio  Club station,  4U1ET). All  other  private and  Amateur  Radio
stations in East Timor will use the prefix 4W6. Individuals who expect to  be
there less than one year would  use 4W6/ home call, while  those who will  be
there in excess of one year may obtain 4W6 callsigns. Permanent residents  of
East Timor who were previously licensed may also obtain permanent callsigns.
     For DXCC purposes,  UN Temporary Administration  of East  Timor will  be
added to the DXCC List with  the effective date of March  1, 2000. QSL  cards
for QSOs made after that date will be accepted on and after October 1, 2000.
     For  further   information   please  contact   Bill   Moore,   NC1L   at

                    >>> TX0DX - CHESTERFIELD ISLANDS <<<
                    >>>      23 March - 1 April      <<<

     The Chesterfield Islands (OC-176) DXpedition team now consists of FK8GM,
FK8HC, JA1BK, N5KO, N7NG, OH1RY, OH2BC, OH2BH and OH2RF. They are expected to
depart for the Chesterfields early Sunday morning (FK time).
     While the  call  TX8CI will  be  used during  the  early  phase  of  the
operation, the TX0DX call sign is expected to be activated at 00.00 UTC on 23
March, once it  has been determined  that the IARU  vote has confirmed  ARANC
(Association des  Radio Amateurs  de Nouvelle  Caledonie, the  amateur  radio
society of New Caledonia) as an  official IARU member society. This would  be
the "Event  Date" for  the proposed  new DXCC  entity.  DXCC status  for  the
Chesterfields will still require  an affirmative vote  by the DXAC  ragarding
Section II criteria.
     The following transmit frequencies will be used by TX0DX:
CW: 1834.5, 3504, 7004, 10104, 14024, 21024, 24894, 28024 and 50115 kHz
SSB:   -    3790, 7085, 14195, 18145, 21295, 28945, 28480 and 50115 kHz
During the WPX SSB Contest (0000 UTC 25 March through 2359 UTC 26 March), the
transmit frequency 21445 kHz will be used.
     Four HF  stations and  a dedicated  6-metre station  will be  used.  Two
stations (one on 15 metres SSB and one on 15 metres CW) will be activated  on
a nearly continuous basis to  provide everyone a  reasonable access to  their
first QSO. Other bands will be activated to capture complimentary openings to
various parts of the world. Since TX0DX is potentially a new DXCC entity, the
goal of  maximizing the  number of  individual DXers  logged will  guide  the
operating strategy.
     This DXpedition is highly dependent on the weather situation since it is
taking place  during the  typhoon  season. There  may  be variations  in  the
operating dates to  dodge any major  storms. The  team has  promised that  if
there is a weather-related  delay they will  stay longer to  give as many  as
possible the new country.
     The chief pilot will be Bill Avery, K6GNX (k6gnx@telemetry.com) and  the
most important feedback will be  your e-mails giving  the opening, peak,  and
closing times of band openings  to your area.  Regional pilots F6AJA,  FK8CR,
JH1KRC, OH2BN, N4GN  and VK3EW will  assess the pileups  in their  respective
areas and inform K6GNX by e-mail of any issues. 
     The DX community may also follow  the DXpedition's progress through  the
TX0DX web site (http://www.n4gn.com/tx0dx/), which will be updated  regularly
as the operation proceeds.
     QSL TX0DX for HF QSOs only  via OH2BN either  direct (Jarmo J.  Jaakola,
Kiilletie 5C30, Helsinki 00710, Finland) or through the bureau.
     QSL TX0DX for 50 MHz QSOs  only via JA1BK either direct (Kan  Mizoguchi,
5-3 Sakuragaoka 4  Chome, Tama-City, Tokyo  206-0013, Japan)  or through  the
bureau. [TNX N4GN]

S DX@WW $425WW463B
425 DX News #463 [2/7]
  18 March 2000                    No 463                   BID: $425WW463B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

3A      - Look for 3A/W8MV  and 3A/WZ8A to  be active on  10-80 metres CW  on
          20-25 March. QSL via home calls. [TNX ARRL DX Bulletin]
3V      - Giovanni, I5JHW  and  seven  other  operators  from  Italy  (namely
          Sergio/I5NSR,    Danio/I5OYY,     Sauro/IK5EKB,     Roberto/IK5FTQ,
          Marcello/IK5JAN, Marco/IK5SQX and  Gabriele/IK5ZTW) will be  active
          (possibly as 3V8T) from Touzer, Tunisia  on 19-21 March. Then  they
          will move  to  the Kerkennah  Islands  (AF-073),  where  they  will
          operate (possibly as 3V8K) with two  or three stations (on CW,  SSB
          and RTTY) between 24 and 26 March. The Italians will team up with a
          few local  operators, namely  Marowan, Karim,  Faouzi and  Amor  at
          Touzer and  Lotfi, Ramzi  and YL  operators Nadia,  Mei, Zaida  and
          Thouraya from the Kerkennahs. [TNX I5JHW]
3V      - Another operation from the Kerkennahs  (AF-073) is being  organized
          by a group of German operators. The DXpedition is scheduled to take
          place on 15-30  November (CQ WW  DX CW Contest  included) with  the
          call TS7N on all bands and modes. Further details will be published
          in due course. [TNX DJ7IK]
4W      - Both Ross, VK8UN and Thor,  TF1MM are now  active with their  brand
          new Timor East calls, respectively 4W6UN  (QSL via VK3OT: Steve  R.
          Gregory, P.O.  Box 622,  Hamilton,  Victoria, 3300  Australia)  and
          4W6MM (QSL  route to  be announced).   Nev,  VK2QF is  planning  to
          operate (on +/- 7010, 14010, 21010,  28010 kHz CW and 7095,  14195,
          21295, 28495 kHz SSB) as  4W6/VK2QF sometime approximately  between
          29 March and 5 April. He will be active on 6 metres as well  (50090
          CW  and  50135  SSB).  QSL  direct  only  to  VK2QF  (Nev  Mattick,
          Hargraves, N.S.W. 2850, Australia).
5H      - A group of  operators from the  Royal Omani  Amateur Radio  Society
          will be active as 5I3A and 5I3B from one of the qualifying  islands
          in the Tanga Region Group (AF-???) in the first half of July. Plans
          are to operate with three stations on all bands SSB, CW and digital
          modes. Further  details  will  be  published  in  due  course.  The
          DXpedition is organized  by Nasser,  A41KG and  Salim, A41JV.  [TNX
8Q      - Peter, HA2SX is active as 8Q7KK from the Maldives (AS-013) until 25
          March. Look for him on  10-80 metres CW,  SSB, RTTY, PSK-31,  HELL,
          MT63 and SSTV. QSL via HA2SZ  either direct or through the  bureau.
          [TNX HA0HW]
9G      - Derek/F5VCR, Roger/G3SXW, Ken/G3OCA, Les/G4CWD and Fred/G4BWP  will
          be active from Abokwa Island (AF-???), Ghana between 1 and 6 April.
          They will operate on 10-40  metres SSB and  CW, callsign TBA.  [TNX
          The Daily DX]
BV9     - The Chinese  Taipei  Amateur Radio  League  (CTARL) is  pleased  to
          announce that a large multi-national team of experienced DXers will
          be active as BQ9P from Tung-Sha Dao (Pratas Island, AS-110) between
          approximately 5  UTC  on 5  April  and 21  UTC  on  the  12th.  The
          operators will  be  Dr. Bolin  Lin,  BV5AF  (President  of  CTARL),
          Kenny/BV2EW  (Vice   President  of   CTARL),  Johnson/BV4DP   (Vice
          Secretary  of  CTARL),  Bruce/BV2KI,  William/BV2VA,   Jimmy/BV4AS,
          Paul/BV4FH,  Chung/BV4ME,  Wang/BV5CR,  Sky/BV8BC,   Teruji/JA1JKG,
          Leo/K8PYD and Paul/WT8S. Six  or seven stations  are planned to  be
          operative from  two  locations on  the  island.  Planned  operating
          frequencies are: 1826.5,  3504, 7004, 10104,  14024, 18074,  21024,
          24894 and 28024 KHz  (CW); 3790, 7085,  14195, 18145, 21295,  24945
          and 28480  KHz (SSB);  14083, 21083,  28083 KHz  (RTTY); 14230  KHz
          (SSTV). QSL via KU9C (Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ
          07054-6953, USA). Donations  in advance  or with  your QSL  request
          will be graciously accepted and appreciated.  These can be sent  to
          the DXpedition via KU9C at the above address. On-line logs will  be
          available after the operation. [TNX BV4AS]
DU      - Dave, VE3LDT reports  Roland, DU1KGJ/DU4 is  planning an  operation
          from Calagua  Islands (OC-202)  in the  first week  of April.  This
          group was activated for the first and so far only time by I2YDX/DU4
          in November 1994.
EA      - EA2AAE and others  will participate in  the CQ WPX  SSB Contest  as
          AM2AAE. QSL via EA2AAE either direct (P.O. Box 121, Vitoria  01080,
          Spain) or through the bureau. [TNX EA2AAE]
EA6     - Look for EA6AEQ to participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest as  AN6AEQ
          (SOAB). QSL  via EA6AEQ  either direct  (P.O. Box  10180, Palma  de
          Mallorca 07080, Spain) or through the bureau. [TNX EA6AEQ]
ER      - Slawa, ER1LW will participate in  the CQ WPX  SSB Contest as  ER6A.
          QSL via  ER1LW  (P.O.Box 112,  Chisinau,  MD-2012,  Moldova).  [TNX
HC8     - Pedro, HC1OT  will  be active  as  HD8Z (QSL  via  NE8Z)  from  San
          Cristobal, Galapagos (SA-004) during the CQ WPX SSB Contest. Before
          and after  the contest  he will  be active  as HC1OT/HC8  (QSL  via
          NE8Z). [TNX NE8Z]
HI      - Sigi, DL7DF is active (on CW,  SSB and RTTY) as HI9/DL7DF from  the
          Dominican Republic (NA-096) until 23 March. QSL via DL7DF.
HL      - Look for DS4CNB,  DS5KMY, 6K5RRC and  an operator from  HL0Z to  be
          active as DS4CNB/5 and HL0Z/5 from  Hansan Island (AS-081)  between
          15 and 17 April. They will operate on 6-160 metres CW and SSB.  QSL
          to P.O Box 30, Tongyung 650-660,  Korea. Logs will be available  at
          http://ds4cnb.qsl.co.kr [TNX DS4CNB]
S DX@WW $425WW463C
425 DX News #463 [3/7]
  18 March 2000                    No 463                   BID: $425WW463C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

I       - Alfredo, IK7JWX and other operators from Salento DX Team/ARI  Lecce
          will be active (SSB and CW on 10, 15, 20, 40, 6 and 2 metres)  from
          the following  islands  in the  Pedagne  Archipelago  (EU-091,  WWL
          JN80XP): La Chiesa (IIA BR-008) on  18-19 March, Traversa  (BR-009)
          on 25-26 March,  Giorgio Treviso (BR-006)  on 1-2 April,  Monacello
          (BR-007) on 8-9 April, Pedagna Grande (BR-001) on 15-16 April.  QSL
          via IK7JWX (Alfredo De Nisi, P.O. Box 218, 73100 Lecce - LE).  [TNX
I       - Look for IR2ANT will be active from "Ernesto Cairoli" Highschool in
          Varese, Italy on 20-26 March. QSL via IK2IWU (Carlo Raso, P.O.  Box
          1, 21100 Varese 2 - VA, Italy). [TNX IK2IWU]
I       - Special station IR0MM will be active on 17-19 March from the  Abbey
          of Valvisciolo (Latina,  Italy). QSL via  I0YKN (Nuccio Meoli,  Via
          della Stazione snc, 04010 Cori - LT). [TNX I0YKN]
I       - Special station IR0MA will be ative on all bands between 21 and  30
          April to  celebrate the  2753rd anniversary  of the  foundation  of
          Rome. QSL direct only via I0MWI (Stefano Cipriani, Via Taranto  60,
          00055 Ladispoli -  RM, Italy). For  information on  the "Natale  di
          Roma" award please contact I0MWI at i0mwi@qsl.net [TNX I0MWI]
J6      - Look for the following stations  to participate in  the CQ WPX  SSB
          Contest on  25-26 March  from St.  Lucia (NA-108):  J68AS (QSL  via
          N9AG), J68DD (QSL  via N6JRL), J68ID   (QSL  via W8QID),  J6/KD4YHY
          (QSL via KD4YHY). [TNX The Daily DX]
JA      - Hiro, JK1FNN and YL operator Mie,  7L1MKM will be active (on  10-20
          metres SSB and CW)  from Izu Archipelago  (AS-008) on 25-26  March.
          QSL via JK1FNN, preferably through the bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JT      - Laurence "Flo" Howell,  GM4DMA is  likely to  be operational  again
          from Central  Mongolia as  JT1FCR on  HF  and especially  6  metres
          starting on 18 April for two weeks. QSL via GM4DMA. [TNX GM4DMA]
KG4     - Vance N5VL will be active as KG4VL from Guantanamo (NA-015) between
          22 and 29 March, CQ WPX  SSB Contest included.  QSL via N5VL.  [TNX
KH6     - Look for Al, NH7A to participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest from the
          island of Maui. QSL via W6QK  (please note that  cards sent to  the
          old manager, N2AU, are neither answered nor forwarded). [TNX NH7A]
KP2     - N6DE, W7MH, and  W6XK will participate  in the CQ  WPX SSB  contest
          (Multi-Single) as WP2Z (QSL via KU9C)  from St. Croix, U.S.  Virgin
          Islands (NA-106). Before and after the contest they will operate as
          N6DE/KP2, W7MH/KP2  and W6XK/KP2  (QSL via  home calls).  [TNX  The
          Daily DX]
KP4     - Carlos, WP4U will be  active from Mona  Island (NA-099) between  25
          and 31 March. QSL via WP4U. [TNX The Daily DX]
LU      - Operators from Radio Club Casilda will be active on 16-19 March  as
          LU0F from Expo Chacra 2000 at Uranga in Santa Fe province. QSL  via
          LU1FFF either  direct  (Radio Club  Casilda,  P.O.  Box  167,  2170
          Casilda, SF, Argentina) or through the bureau. [TNX LU5FC]
LU      - Between 00.00 UTC  on 15 April  and 24.00 UTC  on the 23rd  amateur
          radio operators from  Argentina will be  using special prefixes  as
          follows to celebrate IARU's 75th anniversary: LU stations will  use
          L4 (eg  LU7EE  = L47EE),  LW  stations will  use  L5 (eg  LW3EFD  =
          L53EFD), AZ stations will use L6 (eg AZ4AV = L66AV). The Radio Club
          Argentino will use AY1ARU. QSL AY1ARU via LU4AA either direct (P.O.
          Box 97,  1000 Buenos  Aires, Argentina)  or through  the bureau.  A
          programme  os  special  awards  is  sponsored  by  the  Radio  Club
          Argentino to mark the event. For  further information please  visit
          http://www.lu4aa.org [TNX LU7DS and LU7EE]
P2      - 17 March  was announced  to be  Bernhard's (P29VMS)  last day  from
          Lihir (OC-069). He is expected to stop again on OC-008 and then  to
          be active from OC-101 (and maybe OC-102 or another group as  well).
          Bernhard operates "free style" but can  also be found on the  VK-ZL
          net (starts at 5 UTC) on 14183 kHz. QSL via DL2GAC.
PJ      - Albert, HB9BCK will be active as PJ4/HB9BCK from Bonaire  (SA-006),
          Netherlands Antilles between  9 and 22  April. He  will operate  on
          3505, 7005, 10105, 14005, 18073, 21005, 24895, 28005, 50110 kHz CW;
          3775, 7075,  14275,  18145, 21275,  24975,  28475, 50125  kHz  SSB;
          14085, 21085, 28085 kHz RTTY. QSL via home call. [TNX HB9BCK]
PY      - Mario, PP5MQ will participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest as PV5M (10
          metres). QSL via  PP5MQ (Mario Marquardt,  P.O. Box 212,  89201-972
          Joinville - SC, Brazil). [TNX PP5MQ]
PY      - PY1KS, PY1TIA, PY1SL and PY1NX  will be active  as ZV1IR (SSB)  and
          ZW1MB (CW) with two stations   from Rasa Island (SA-079,  DIB-054),
          DFB-RJ-10) between  21 UTC  on 14  April and  18 UTC  on the  16th.
          Suggested frequencies are 50115, 28460, 24960, 21260, 18160, 14260,
          7060, 3790 kHz SSB  and 50115, 28025,  24895, 21025, 18075,  14025,
          10110, 7007, 3505 kHz  CW. QSL via  PY1AA either direct  (LABRE-RJ,
          P.O. Box 58, Rio de Janeiro   - RJ,  20001-970, Brazil) or  through
          the bureau. [TNX PY1KS and PS7AB
PY      - Look for PS8DX, PS8ET, PS8HF, PS8PY, PS8NF, PU8PYK & PT7AA ZW8CI to
          be active  (on 6-80  metres CW  and SSB)  as  ZW8CI from  Ilha  das
          Canarias, Caju Archipelago (SA-072, DIB 72, PI-01 for the Brazilian
          Lighthouses Award) between 20 and 23 April. QSL via PS8DX (P.O. Box
          96, Teresina, PI 64001-970, Brazil). [TNX PS7AB]
S0      - Naama/S01A, Mehdi/S0RASD and Arseli/EA2JG will be active as S05R (a
          new prefix) from Western Sahara on 17-23 April. [TNX EA2JG]
SM      - John, SM0DJZ plans to operate as  SJ9WL from Morokulien during  the
          CQ WPX SSB  Contest. He will  be there on  24-27 March; before  and
          after the contest he will use LG5LG on RTTY and WARC bands. QSL for
          both via SM0DJZ (Jan Hallenberg, Siriusgatan 106, SE-195 55 Mersta,
          Sweden). [TNX SM0DJZ]

S DX@WW $425WW463D
425 DX News #463 [4/7]
  18 March 2000                    No 463                   BID: $425WW463D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

SU      - Giftun Island (AF-???)  [425DXN 447] Update.  Two calls (SU9DX  and
          6V0TA) have been requested for the DXpedition, which is now planned
          to take place between 22 and 27 May. The team includes I8IYW  (team
          leader), IK6CAC, IK7XIV, IK8UHA, IK8VRH, IK8YTF, IS0JMA and  T77WI.
          They plan to  operate two stations  on SSB, one  on CW  and one  on
          RTTY. The QSL manager will be IK8UHA (Tony Barbato, P.O. Box  5039,
          80144 Napoli - NA, Italy; su9dx@qsl.net). Contributions can be sent
          to I8IYW (Pino Iannuzzi, P.O. Box 5039 , 80144 Napoli - NA, Italy).
          The web site for the operation is at www.qsl.net/su9dx
SV      - Dimitris, SV1CIB  and others  will participate  in the  CQ WPX  SSB
          Contest as SZ3PTR (Multi-Single). QSL via SV3BSF. [TNX SV1CIB]
V3      - Reminder [425DXN 449]: look  for Bert, PA3GIO  to be active  (80-10
          metres SSB) as V31GI from Southwest Caye, Glover's Reef (NA-180) on
          19-24 March and from Little Water Caye (NA-180) on 26-29 March. QSL
          via PA3GIO preferably through the  bureau. Give a  look to his  web
          site at http://www.qsl.net/pa3gio/
V3      - Art, NN7A  confirms he  will operate  as  V31JZ from  the  Turneffe
          Islands (NA-123) on 26-31 March [425DXN  449]. Look for him  mostly
          on CW (10-160 metres), with some SSB on 14260 and 21260 khZ  around
          14-17 UTC. QSL via NN7A either direct (Arthur M. Phillips, P.O. Box
          201, Flagstaff, AZ 86002, USA) or through the bureau. His web  site
          is at http://www.qsl.net/nadxa/v31jz [TNX NN7A]
VK      - The New South Wales Division of the Wireless Institute of Australia
          (http://www.wia.org.au/vk2) has authorised a number of NSW  Amateur
          Radio clubs  to  use the  Sydney  Olympics special  event  callsign
          AX2000 (A-X-2-thousand)  during  2000.  The  Manly-Warringah  Radio
          Society will activate the call in  the CQ WPX SSB Contest and  will
          continue to use it through the end of March. The Wahroonga  Amateur
          Historical Radio Association  will be  active as  AX2000/IMD on  29
          April (the International Marconi Day). Other New South Wales  radio
          clubs will activate the call at various times throughout the  year,
          and  AX2000  will  be  running  from   the  WIA  (VK2)   Divisional
          headquarters during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Visitors  may
          apply to  operate  the station  by  contacting the  VK2  Divisional
          office (vk2@wia.org.au). [TNX VK2SKY]
VK0_mac - Due to recent  interference to the  ionosonde / riometer  receivers
          and other  sensitive Upper  Atmospheric  Physics equipment  at  the
          research station, the Senior Communications Engineer on the  island
          has directed that VK0MM operations shall be limited to a window  of
          frequencies between 10 & 15 Megahertz until further notice.
          "No Europe scheds until April", Alan, VK0MM announced [425DXN 455].
          In fact Europeans amateurs will have to wait until 1 April - and it
          will not be  an April's Fool.  His operating scheduled  will be  as
          1000-1100Z LA/JW/JX/TF/OZ/OX/OY/OH/SM *ONLY*  SSB 14150 kHz QSX 160
          1100-1200Z          REST OF EUROPE            SSB 14150 kHz QSX 160
          He wants you to "send your  last two & then  full call on  contact.
          Stations persistently calling out of turn will not be responded  to
          & will  have  their  callsigns flagged  with  QRU  by  the  logging
          software". Alan  also  states that  "the  limit  is  TWO  different
          band/mode QSOs per station (eg: one on  40m CW and one on 15m  SSB,
          or one  80m SSB  &  one 20m  SSB  etc.). Stations  attempting  more
          contacts will be completely removed from  the log, no  exceptions".
          QSL route TBA. Latest information on Alan's operating schedules and
          practices is at http://geocities.com/vk0ld/1.html
VP2V    - Bill, AA7X will be active (on 10-40 metres CW and SSB) as VP2V/AA7X
          from the British  Virgin Islands (NA-023)  between 25  March and  1
          April. QSL via AA7X. [TNX ARRL DX Bulletin]
VP5     - Look for Dave/W5AO and Jim/K5TT to  be active (on 6-160 metres  SSB
          and CW) as VP5/W5AO and VP5/K5TT from North Caicos Island  (NA-002)
          between 20  and 29  March. They  will participate  in the  WPX  SSB
          Contest as VP5V. QSL VP5/W5AO and  VP5V to P.O. Box 88, Morris,  OK
          74455-0088, USA; QSL VP5/K5TT via K5TT. [TNX The Daily DX]
W       - Gary, KI6T will be active (10-20 metres SSB and CW) as KI6T/p  from
          Catalina Island (NA-066) between 29 March and 11 April and again on
          3-5 October. QSL via KI6T. [TNX KI6T]
XT      - Robert, F5JRY will be in Burkina Faso from 27 March to 11 April and
          hopes to be active on SSB with some CW on higher bands. [TNX  F6AJA
          and Les Nouvelles DX]
XU     -  Kim, JA6HJP and Aki, JA6VQA will  be active (on 10-80 metres,  WARC
          bands included, SSB and CW) from Cambodia between 24 and 27  March.
          They will  participate in  the CQ  WPX SSB  Contest. Callsigns  not
          mentioned, but QSL via home calls. [TNX JA6VQA]
YB      - Efendi, YC8XNE  and his  wife Fat,  YC8XWJ  are residents  on  Sula
          Island (OC-076).  They are  still new  to  pile-ups and  are  often
          helped by net controllers. Look for them on or around 21260 kHz  in
          the UTC afternoons. QSL via YC8TXW  (Ronny Monoarfa, P.O. Box  166,
          Tahuna, Sangihe Island, 95800 Indonesia). [TNX 9V1RH and Islands On
          The Web]
Z3      - Mike, NN6C will be guest  operating as Z38/NN6C  until 4 April.  He
          will be active on all bands CW, SSB and RTTY. He and a large  group
          of Z3 operators will participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest as  Z30M
          (Multi-Multi). QSL via NN6C (Mike Jakiela, P.O. Box 286, Poway,  CA
          92074, USA). Mike is the QSL manager also for Z37GBC, Z31GB, Z31JA,
          Z32XA and Z32XX. [TNX Z31JA and Z37GBC]
S DX@WW $425WW463E
425 DX News #463 [5/7]
  18 March 2000                    No 463                   BID: $425WW463E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALLBOOK ---> Fred,  DF6EX has been  the editor  of the  QSL MANAGER  listing
included in the  Flying Horse Callbook  CD since 1996.  The deadline for  the
summer 2000  edition  is near  at  hand and  if  you  have  any  corrections,
additions or call changes, e-mail Fred as soon as possible (DF6EX@winqsl.de).
If you want to see your current record, e-mail info@winqsl.de and write  list
<call>  in the body of  the message. Please  note that ADDRESSES  corrections
should NOT be sent to Fred, but to 103424.2142@compuserve.com [TNX DF6EX]

EAST TIMOR (LICENCES)  ---> CEPT licenses  are accepted,  with the  provision
that all  users of  such licenses  must give  prior  notification to  the  UN
Telecommunications Offices,  and  wait  for  approval  by  the  UN  prior  to
operating. Notification must include a copy of the operator's license, and  a
mailing address. Those who might want to operate from East Timor should  have
all entry  clearances  in hand  before  applying  for  operating  permission,
including notifying the UN of intention to use a CEPT license, and  receiving
the approval  of  the  UN  before  commencing  operations.  Notifications  or
applications should  go  to:  Mr.  Alain  C.  Moerenhout,  Telecommunications
Service, 405 East  42nd Street, Room  S-1931B, New York,  NY 10017, USA  (fax
(212)-963-3669). [TNX NC1L]

FRENCH POLYNESIA ---> Mat, ON5KL is planning to operate from French Polynesia
later this  year  and  would  like  to receive  some  inputs  from  the  IOTA
community. Please let him know which  IOTA groups you  still need before  the
end of March. His e-mail address is on5kl@planetinternet.be [TNX ON5KL]

LY10 AWARD  ---> Amateurs  from  Lithuania will  be  using LY10  prefixes  to
celebrate the  10th  anniversary of  restoration  of  independence  in  their
country until 31 March. An award is available for contacting three LY10s; for
further information please contact the Award Manager Giedrius Bartaska, LY1FW
at ly1fw@takas.lt

MACEDONIA ---> Venco Stojcev, Z31JA (z31ja@mt.net.mk)  reports that Z3  first
class licencees can change their calls and use Z31-Z37 + one-letter suffixes.
New calls  issued  so far  include  Z31A (ex-Z31AA),  Z33Z  (ex-Z31RB),  Z34A
(ex-Z31ET), Z35A (ex-Z31RU), Z35M (ex-Z32KV)  and Z36A (ex-Z31VP).  Vladimir,
ZS6MG/Z31FU reports that Mike, Z31FK will be receiving his new call (Z34M) in
a few months (please note that Z31FK has no QSL manager: cards should be sent
either direct or through the bureau).

MOLDOVA (QSL BUREAU) ---> Valery  Metaxa, ER1DA reports  the new address  for
the ARM QSL Bureau: ARM QSL Service Bureau, P.O. Box 2942, Kishinev,  MD-2071

QSL 9M8DX/2  --->  Cards for  Mirek/9V1XE's  recent operation  from  Langkawi
Island (AS-058, 13-16  March) should be  sent to 9V1XE  either direct  (Mirek
Rozbicki, 7 Seletar Terrace, Singapore 806908) or through the 9V bureau.

QSL FO0AAA ---> The address for N7CQQ, as taken from the the DXpedition's web
site (http://www.qsl.net/clipperton2000/) is:  John Kennon,  P.O. Box  31553,
Laughlin, Nevada 89029, USA.

QSL RA3DEJ/1  --->  Dima, RA3DEJ  reports  he has  started  sending  out  the
RK3DZJ/1 (EU-147 and EU-066) QSL  cards for the  August 1999 operation.  [TNX

QSL UZ8RR --->  The QSL manager  (for NA, SA  and DX stations  only) is  W3HC
(Carl F.  McDaniel,  2116 Reed  Street,  Williamsport, PA  17701-3904,  USA).
European stations should write direct to UZ8RR (Vladimir Antonovich, P.O. Box
28, Chernigov-Postamt, 14000  Ukraine). Vlad is  active on  all bands  10-160
metres CW only. [TNX morse@ok.net.ua]

QSL YC5XIP ---> QSL manager I1WFF (Fulvio Marin, P.O. Box 88, 13900 Biella  -
BI, Italy) reports he has finally received the logs for 1999 and has  started
processing the requests.

QSL YC8SHQ/P  ---> Those  who  have not  received  their cards  for  YC8SHQ/p
(OC-224, September 1997) may want to try through YC9BU, who has the logs. The
address is  Kadek Kariana,  P.O. Box  106, Singaraja  Bali 80100,  Indonesia.
Please note that Kadek  suggests not to  send US$, IRCS  are all right.  [TNX
S DX@WW $425WW463F
425 DX News #463 [6/7]
  18 March 2000                    No 463                   BID: $425WW463F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

THE DAILY DX ---> Congratulations to Bernie McClenny, W3UR who celebrated the
third anniversary of his "The Daily DX" on 17 March. For further  information
on  this   first   rate  DX   bulletin   please  check   out   its   homepage
(http://www.wdn.com/thedailydx) or e-mail Bernie at bernie@dailydx.com

TROMELIN 2000 --->  "On wich bands/modes  do you need  FR/Tromelin?" Let  the
DXpeditioners     [425DXN      458]     know      your     desiderata      at
http://perso.easynet.fr/~f6jjx/menu.htm [TNX F5NOD]

+ SILENT KEYS + Hans-Georg Goebel, DK1RV reports the sad news of the  passing
of Guenther, DF4DI (aka ZK1DI, F00DI,  P29VDI etc) on 15 March. Guenther  had
been ill for 13 years, but this did not prevent him from operating from  rare
spots (between 1995 and 1999 he  was active thrice from Rarotonga and  logged
more than 40,000 QSOs with just  100 watts and wire antennas). From  November
1999 to early March 2000 he was in 3B9, but was unable to get a licence.
We were also informed  by Nuccio, I0YKN  of the death  of Mimmo, IK8TWP,  who
operated from several Italian Islands Award programme locations. 

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

4W6:    The Daily DX  reports the web  pages for 4W6UN  and 4W6/VK2QF can  be
        found at http://www.winsoft.net.au/~vk2qf/4w6un/4w6un.html and
LOGS:   The logs for  all of  the operations  managed by  Rob Snieder,  PA5ET
        (ex-PA3ERC) are avalable at http://www.qsl.net/lldxt/menu_screen.html
LOGS:   The logs  for  Franck's FK8HC/p  operation  from N'Die  Island  (DIFO
        FK-079)     on     10     March     are     now     available      at
        http://perso.easynet.fr/~f5nod/fk8hc.html [TNX F5NOD]

QSL received  via direct:   3B9R,  3C0R  (AF-039), 3D2AG/p,  3DA0WPX,  3V8BB,
3XY2D, 4L1UN,  4L8A, 4S7BRG,  5A29, 5R8DA,  5U7X, 6Y5/G3XAQ,  7A0K  (OC-177),
7Z1IS, 8P6SH, 9G5CW, 9G5DX,  9J2A, 9M2TO, 9M6OO,  9U5D, 9V1YC, A45XR,  A92GE,
AH2R,  AX0LD,  BO0M  (AS-113),  BY1DX,  CM6QG,  CP6XE,  DU3NXE,   E41/OK1DTP,
FH/G3TXF, FH5CB, FK/OH2BH, FO0AOI, FO0DEH (OC-131),  FO0SAL (OC-027; OC-067),
FO0SUC (OC-027; OC-066),  FO0XUU, FR5ZQ/G, FS/W2QM,  FW8ZZ, FY/DJ6SI,  H44MX,
KL7HF, KP2/W6KK,  OD5/OK1MU, OD5NH,  OD5NJ, OH0MYF/6  (EU-101), OH0TA,  OH0Z,
OH3GZ/OH0,  OH3GZ/OI0,  OJ0/K7BV,  R1MVZ,  S79FAG,  S79XC,  S79ZG,  SV2ASP/A,
SV9ANK, T22JY,  T22VE,  T24DX, T30CW,  T30ED,  T30Y,  T33Y,  TG9IGI,  TJ2RSF,
VK6NU/P (OC-164),  VK9LK, VK9RS  (OC-230), VP2VW,  VP5EA, XQ5BIB/8  (SA-032),

QSL received via WF5E QSL Service:   3D2RW, 5R8GC,  6Y2A, A61AJ, DX1S,  E44A,
E4/OK5DX, NH6D/KH3,  KL1SLE  (NA-040), LU1ZC  R1MVA,  TN7OT,  V63X  (OC-059),
V73ZZ, VK9YY, VP2EREM, W7W (NA-169).

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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S DX@WW $425WW463G
425 DX News #463 [7/7]
  18 March 2000                    No 463                   BID: $425WW463G
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

01/01-31/12      IOTA 2000 (http://www.cdxc.org.uk)                     ***
till  20/03      3W2GAX/p: Phu Quoc (AS-128) * by JA7GAX                461
till  19/03      3W50K: Cat Ba Island (AS-132) * by OKs                 461
till  31/12      3Z: special prefix (Poland)                            454
till  May        4S7BRG: Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by HB9BRM                 460
till  07/05      6K2000WFK: special event station (Korea)               459
till  25/03      8Q7KK: Maldives (AS-013) * by HA2SZ                    463
till  31/12      9AY2K: special Millennium station                      451
till  20/03      9G5VJ: Ghana * by G4ZVJ                                462
till  27/03      9M6BAA & 9M6AAC: East Malaysia (OC-088) * by Gs        461
till  10/04      9U5D: Burundi * by SM5DIC                              450
till  31/03      C34, C35, C36, C37URA and C37RC: Andorra               461
till  08/04      CE0: Juan Fernandez (SA-005) * by OH2MXS,OH2NSM,OH3JF  462
till  August     FH/TU5AX: Mayotte (AF-027) * by 6W1QV                  458
till  20/03      FO0CLA: Marquesas (OC-027) * by F2HE                   460
till  31/12      HB2: special Y2K prefix (Switzerland)                  453
till  ??         HF0POL: South Shetlands (AN-010) * by SP3GVX           441
till  31/12      HF70PZK: special event station (Poland)                453
till  23/03      HI9/DL7DF: Dominican Republic (NA-096)                 463
till  31/12      II0CV: special call                                    451
till  24/12      II0: special jubilee prefix                            452
till  19/03      IR0MM: special station                                 463
till  31/03      IU0PAW: special event station                          451
till  20/03      JI3DST/6: Koshiki Islands (AS-037)                     455
till  20/03      JW5QFA: Svalbard * by LA5QFA                           462
till  19/03      LU0F: special event station                            463
till  31/03      LY10: special prefix (Lithuania)                       463
till  April      JD1BKR: Iwo-Jima (AS-030), Ogasawara                   441
till  14/04      M/VU2UKR: England                                      460
till  29/03      P29VMS: Papua New Guinea * by DL2GAC                   463
till  31/03      R1ANP: Progress base, Antarctica                       453
till  01/04      S79MX * by HB9MX                                       459
till  31/12      SI75A & SIxSSA: SSA 75th anniversary stations (Sweden) 445
till  01/04      TZ6VV and TZ6YL: Mali                                  451
till  01/04      V31JP: Belize * by K8JP                                443
till  Dec        VK0MM: Macquarie Island                                463
till  May        VP6BR: Pitcairn (OC-044) * by OH2BR                    455
till  05/05      XW2A: Laos * by JA2EZD                                 459
till  26/03      YB3ASQ/9: Indonesia * by W7TSQ                         460
till  04/04      Z38/NN6C: Macedonia                                    463
till  May        ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT                443
till  30/04      ZV4D: special event call * by PY4AUN                   454
from  15/03      CE0: Easter Island (SA-001) * by CE3SAD                462
16/03-21/03      JF1CZQ/JR6, JF1IRW/JR6, JN1JFC/JR6, JQ1DPP/JR6: AS-024 459
17/03-28/03      JA6GXK: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056)                     461
17/03-20/03      JN1HOW/JD1: Ogasawara (AS-031)                         461
17/03-19/03      T88GM, T88HG, T88RK: Koror (OC-009) * by JAs           461
18/03-01/04      FM/F5LGQ & FM/F5JOT: Martinique (NA-107)               462
18/03-19/03      I: La Chiesa Isl (EU-091) * by IK7JWX and others       463
18/03-20/03      JA6LCJ/6: Tsushima (AS-036)                            461
18/03-28/03      TI2/DL8UD: Costa Rica                                  461
18/03-19/03      BARTG Spring RTTY Contest                              ***
18/03-19/03      Russian DX Contest                                     ***
19/03-21/03      3V8T (?): Touser, Tunisia * by I5JHW and others        463
19/03-22/03      TX8CI: Chesterfield Is (OC-176), New Caledonia         463
19/03-29/03      V31GI: NA-180 (Belize) * by PA3GIO                     463
19/03-21/03      ZK1: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook * by WA6O          462
20/03-25/03      3A/W8MV and 3A/WZ8A: Monaco                            463
20/03-30/03      9E1S and 9E1C: Ethiopia * by IV3TRK and IV3OWC         461
20/03-26/03      IR2ANT: special station (ITALY)                        463
20/03-29/03      VP5/W5AO, VP5/K5TT, VP5V: North Caicos Isl (NA-002)    463
21/03-27/03      JW2RY, JW9IY, JW9GY: Svalbard * by LA2RY, LA9IY, LA9GY 462
22/03-29/03      KG4VL: Guantanamo (NA-015) * by N5VL                   463
22/03-28/03      MJ/K3PLV and MJ/K8PT: Jersey (EU-013)                  461
22/03-29/03      YM3LZ: Turkey * by TAs and LZs                         459
23/03-25/03      J7: Dominica (NA-101) * by F5LGQ & F5JOT               462
23/03/01/04      TX0DX: Chesterfield Is (OC-176) - DXCC NEW             463
24/03-26/03      3V8K (?): Kerkennah Is (AF-073) * by I5JHW and others  463
24/03-26/03      J7: Dominica (NA-101) * by F5JOT and F5LGQ             459
24/03-27/03      LG5LG and SJ9WL * by SM0DJZ                            463
24/03-27/03      XU: Cambodia * by JA6HJP and JA6VQA                    463
25/03-3003       3W2GAX: Hon Tam (NO-REF) * by JA7GAX                   461
25/03            4U1UN: UN HQ (NYC) * by PA1KW                          462
25/03-26/03      7A0A: Indonesia (OC-021) (CQ WPX SSB)                  462
25/03-31/03      AX2000: Sydney Olympics special event callsign         463
25/03-26/03      CL0C: Cuba (CQ WPX SSB)                                462
25/03-26/03      AM2AAE: Spain (CQ WPX SSB)                             463
25/03-26/03      AN6AEQ: Balearic Is, EU-004 (CQ WPX SSB)               463
25/03-26/03      ER6A: Moldova (CQ WPX SSB)                             463
25/03-26/03      HD8Z: Galapagos, SA-004 (CQ WPX SSB)                   463
25/03-26/03      I: Traversa Isl (EU-091) * by IK7JWX and others        463
25/03-26/03      J68AS, J68DD, J68ID, J6/KD4YHY: St. Lucia (NA-108)     463
25/03-26/03      JK1FNN and 7L1MKM: Izu Archipelago (AS-008)            463
25/03-26/03      LP7H: Argentina (CQ WPX SSB)                           462
25/03-26/03      LX7I: Luxembourg (CQ WPX SSB)                          462
25/03-26/03      PV5M: Brazil (CQ WPX SSB)                              463
25/03-26/03      SY1D: Greece (CQ WPX SSB)                              462
25/03-26/03      SZ3PTR: Greece (CQ WPX SSB)                            463
25/03-01/04      VP2V/AA7X: British Virgin Islands (NA-023)             463
25/03-31/03      WP4U: Mona Island, Puerto Rico  (NA-099)               463
25/03-01/04      ZS31ER: Elephant Rock (AF-???)                         462
25/03-26/03      CQ WW WPX Contest (SSB)                                ***
26/03-31/03      V31JZ: Turneffe Is (NA-123), Belize * by NN7A          463
27/03-11/04      XT: Burkina Faso * by F5JRY                            463
29/03-05/04      4W6/VK2QF: East Timor                                  463
29/03-11/04      KI6T/p: Catalina Island (NA-066)                       463
Mar-Apr          C21JH and C21/VK2QF: Nauru (OC-031)                    461