S DX@WW $425WW462A 425 DX News #462 [1/5] 11 March 2000 No 462 $425WW462A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 4U - Bert van Holst, PA1KW reports he will operate from 4U1UN on 25 March. QSL to UN Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 3873, New York, NY 10017, USA. 9G - Andy, G4ZVJ is now active as 9G5VJ from Ghana until 20 March. Look for him on all bands CW only. QSL via G4ZVJ (Andrew Chadwick, 5 Thorpe Chase, Ripon HG4 1UA, UK). Andy's web site is at http://www.g4zvj.demon.co.uk CE0_eas - Mike, WA6O will operate (CW with some SSB) as CE0Y/WA6O from Easter Island (SA-001) between 13 and 16 March. QSL via WA6O. Look also for Felipe, CE3SAD who will be active (call not known for the time being) for a couple of weeks starting around 15 March. [TNX The Daily DX] CE0_jf - OH2MXS, OH2NSM and OH3JF will be active as homecalls/CE0Z from Juan Fernandez (SA-005) between 17 March and 8 April. They will operate with three stations on all bands with an emphasis on CW and RTTY and some SSB. [TNX The Daily DX] CO - The Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba will participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest with the callsign CL0C (a new prefix for WPX) on all bands. QSL via CO2FRC (P.O. Box 1, Habana, Cuba). [TNX CO2OJ] CT - The IOTA operation from Culatra (EU-145) [425DXN 461] will run from 00 UTC on 11 March to 18 UTC on the 12th. Look for CT1AHU/p (or possibly CS7AHU/p), CT1EEN/p , CT1EGW/p, CT1END/p (or possibly CS5END) and CT4NH/p to be active with two stations on 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 40, 80 and 6 metres SSB only. QSL via home calls. [TNX CT1END] FM & J7 - Daniel, F5LGQ and Frank, F5JOT will be active (10-80 metres, WARC included, SSB and CW) as FM/F5LGQ and FM/F5JOT from Martinique (NA-107) between 18 March and 1 April. They plan to operate from Dominica (J7, NA-101) on 23-25 March for the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest. [TNX F6AJA] FO - Mike, WA6O will operate (CW with some SSB) as FO0SHA from Tahiti (OC-046), French Polynesia until 12 March and again between 16 and 18 March. QSL via WA6O. [TNX The Daily DX] G - The UK Radiocommunications Agency has granted military radio stations specil permit to run amateur radio contacts on 80 (3650 +/- 100 kHz), 40 (7080 +/- 20 kHz) and 20 (14200 +/- 100 kHz) metres to celebrate the millennium. The Air Cadets, Sea Cadets and Army Cadets will be signing M2000Y/their military call (e.g. M2000Y/MRO02). Further information on the Project Millecom can be obtained from http://www.millecom.fsnet.co.uk [TNX DL8AAM] GU - Ron, G4DIY, and John, G0NEB of the St. Helens Radio Club are active (on 10-40 metres CW and SSB) as GP0STH and GU4DIY/p from Guernsey (EU-114) until 13 March. QSLs via G4DIY. [TNX DX News Letter] I - Piero/IK7VJX, Roberto/IK7XIV and Daniele/IZ7CFF will be active from the lighthouse located at Punta San Cataldo (Lecce) on 12 March. The Reference Number for WAIL (Worked All Italian Lighthouses) is Pu-007. For furether information on this brand new award, please contact the Award Manager Paolo Garavaglia, IK1NLZ at ik1nlz@425dxn.org [TNX IK7VJX] I - Mauro/IV3HAX and Andrea/IV3SKB will be active as IV3HAX/3 and IV3SKB/3 from the island of Martignano (EU-130, IIA UD-005) on 14-16 April and possibly again on 29-30 April. QSL for both via IV3HAX. [TNX IV3HAX] JA - Look for JA1CKE/1, JH1MKU/1 and JF1FWZ/1 to be active (on 40, 20, 17 and 15 metres SSB, CW and RTTY) from Izu Archipelago (AS-008) on 11-12 March. QSL via bureau. [TNX JI6KVR] JA - Taka, JA6CM will be active (barefoot with a dipole) from Amami Island (AS-023) on 11 and 12 March. [TNX JA6CM] JW - Jan, LA5QFA will be active (mainly on 80 and 160 metres SSB) as JW5QFA from Svalbard on 17-20 March. QSL via LA5QFA. [TNX The Daily DX] JW - LA2RY, LA9IY and LA9GY will be active as JW2RY, JW9IY and JW9GY from Svalbard on 21-27 March. They will participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest as JW8G. Outsied the contest they plan to operate on CW, PSK31, SSTV and HELL. [TNX LA9GY] JY - Pete, JY9NE will be active in the CQ WPX SSB Contest on 25-26 March. During March, he is monitoring 6 metres Sunday through Thursday after 16.30 UTC for trans-equatorial propagation contacts, generally in SSB. Pete will be leaving Jordan in August to move back to the United States. All contacts made during his stay in Jordan should be QSLled via the bureau to N3FNE, his home call. [TNX JY9NE] /EX S DX@WW $425WW462B 425 DX News #462 [2/5] 11 March 2000 No 462 $425WW462B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== LU - LP7H is the new contest call of Javi, LU9HS. He will using it during this year's major contest (SSB and RTTY), starting from the CQ WPX SSB. QSL via LU9HS (Javier Omar Santillan, P.O. Box 6, 5022 Cordoba, Argentina). [TNX LU9HS] LX - Philippe, LX2AJ will participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest as LX7I on 40 metres. QSL via LX2AJ either direct (Philippe Lutty , 6A Sentier de Bricherhof , L-1262 Luxembourg) or through the bureau. [TNX LX2AJ] P2 - Bernhard, P29VMS [425DXN 460] is now active from Nissan, Green Islands (OC-231). He has some health problems and can use a generator for only 4 hours a day. QSL via DL2GAC. SV - The SY1D team [425DXN 460] will be active again during the CQ WPX SSB Contest. Please note they will be operating from Athens, Greece - not from Mount Athos. QSL direct only via SV1DNW (Elias Bakopoulos , P.O. Box 31669, Athens, GR-100 35, Greece). [TNX SV1DNW] UA - RV3AM/1 has been active (SSB and CW) from Morzhovets Island (EU-119) since 9 March. He might remain there for 2-4 days. QSL via RV3ACA (Elen V. Boychenko, P.O. Box 13, Moscow, 127521 Russia). [TNX RV3ACA] VP9 - Brian, ND3F is expected to be active as VP9/ND3F from Bermuda (NA-005) until 14 March. QSL via ND3F. [TNX The Daily DX] YB - YB0AI, YB0AZ, YB0AVK, YB0DX, YB0ECT, YC0LBK and YC0LCF will participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest as 7A0A (Multi-Single) from near Jakarta (Java, OC-021). QSL direct to YB0FMT (Yon Gunawan, P.O. Box 1234 JKB Jakarat 11012, Indonesia or P.O. Box 8000, Jakarta 11000, Indonesia). [TNX YB0ECT] ZK1_sc - Mike, WA6O will be on Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands between 19 and 21 March (licence to be issued upon arrival). Look for him mainly on CW, with some SSB. QSL via WA6O. [TNX The Daily DX] ZS - Barry, ZS1FJ reports the 25 March-1 April ZS31ER IOTA operation from Elephant Rock (AF-???) [425DXN 461] might not take place due to "a senior official of the department of conservation" who "has intervened to try to stop us from landing on the island". Barry needs "verbal support" from IOTA chasers around the world and invites all amateurs interested to send an e-mail to him at bpmf@pixie.co.za: "The e-mail should say why it is important and that hams around the world visit sensitive islands WITH FULL APPROVAL and that they are careful about wild life". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH FO0AAA ---> The team on Clipperton island went QRT at 18 UTC on 8 March and was expected to leave the island by 00.30 on the 9th. As of 00.00 UTC on 8 March they had made 69,400 QSOs. The web site for the operation is at http://www.qsl.net/clipperton2000 PIRATE ---> Andy, YS1AG reports someone is pirating the callsign of Roberto, YS1CO who has been silent key since 13 February. QSL 9N1AA ---> The following comes from Carl, N4AA (QRZ-DX): "The backlog of direct requests for contacts with Satish has been taken care of, except for a handful that require further research. I am requesting help from Satish on those cards and hopefully they can be handled soon. I will begin working on the bureau cards in the next few weeks". QSL HR2/KC4CD ---> The following comes from Carl, N4AA (QRZ-DX): "I have re-ordener cards and expect to have more in a week or two. I am still working through the backlog of cards for Lane; once the backlog of direct requests have been worked I will begin working on bureau requests". QSL VIA K7BV ---> Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV reports that all QSL requests with SASEs to K7BV have been answered for 8P9JJ, 8P0V, CY9AA, KC6DM, KH6/AA7VB, KP3/K7BV, M/K7BV, OH3/K7BV, P40Z, TI3/AA7VB, V40Z, V47W, VP2EV, VP2EWW. The ongoing job of answering requests received from the Bureau continues. He can confirm contacts made with KP3P on 7-8 March 1998 (ARRL DX SSB) only and with P40Z in 1996 and 1997 only. K7BV is *NOT* the QSL manager for 8P9Z (QSL via K4BAI), WP2Z (QSL via KU9C), OH0/K7BV (QSL via KU9C), OJ0/K7BV (QSL via KU9C), NP2/K7BV (QSL via KU9C). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: Andy McLellan, VE9DX (ve9dx@brunnet.net) has created a listing of over 500 different online logs available on the net. It can be viewed at http://ve9dx.weblink.nbtel.net/logs.html He also has a listing of various open DXcluster Telnet sites at http://ve9dx.weblink.nbtel.net/telnet/sites.html /EX S DX@WW $425WW462C 425 DX News #462 [3/5] 11 March 2000 No 462 $425WW462C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3B8GL 3B8CF EM4U VA3UZ R1ANA RU1ZC 3C0R EA5FVY EP2MA W3HC R1AND DL5EBE 3D2EM JA1EZM EX8QB IK2QPR R1ANF RK1PWA 3D2IF KQ1F EY8CQ DJ1MM R1ANJ RU1ZC 3D2PR KQ1F FH/TU5AX F5OGL R1ANP NT2X 3D2QB SM3CER FK8HC VK4FW R1ANZ RU1ZC 3V8BC F5LAJ FM5DN KU9C R6/LX1NO LX1NO 3W2LC VK6LC FO0AAA N7CQQ RM9RA RW9QA 3W50K OKDXF FO0CLA F6CTL RM9RM RW9QA 3W8GIL 7L4GIL FS/F5INJ F5INJ RM9RO RW9QA 3Z4N SP4NI G8D G3LZQ RM9RX RW9QA 3Z7DXC SP7CVW GP0STH G4DIY RM9RX/9 RW9QA 4J4K TA2ZV HC8N AA5BT RM9RZ RW9QA 4S7BRG HB9BRM HF0POL SP3WVL RN9RZ RW9QA 4X/OL7D OK1TD HR5/F2JD F6AJA RO3A RX3APM 5A23PA 5A1A HR6/K7DBV K7DBV RU4SS AH6IP 5B4/UT7QF UA9AB HS0/OK1CW OKDXF RW9QA RW9QA 5K9AQ HJ3PXA HS0/OK1TN OKDXF RW9QA W3HNK 5N0MSV OK1JR HS0ZDB KA1RBC RW9RN RW9QA 5N0W OK1KN HS2AC HS0/G3NOM S21AR JA1UT 5P1ER (*) LX1NO II0BXZ IZ0BXZ S5/LX1NO LX1NO 5Z4WI G3SWH II0ZKZ I0ZKZ S79JDC G3TBK 6D2X K5TSQ II9R IT9HLR S79MX HB9MX 6K97KB HL4CYG IR0AD rtty IZ0BXZ SM1/LX9EG LX1NO 6K99ITE DS5SWL J28NH F5IPW SO3CE/1 DL5CE 6M0HZ DS2AGH J37ZA WA1S SU3AM DL1FCM 6V6U K3IPK J6/JA7KAC JA7KAC SW1W SV1CIB 7O1W pirate J68AZ W9AAZ SY1A SV1APA 7S0I SM0UXX J68WB N2WB SY1D SV1DNW 7X0AD EA4URE J68WX W4WX T32B K1ER 8J5STU JA5WIO J6J N5VL T32NCC HA1AG 8J8SRS JK8DCV J79AC KK4WW T48RAC VE3ESE 8P9HR K4BAI J79EKH KK4WW T88AQ JH6WDG 8P9Z K4BAI J79KAC JA7KAC T88GM JI1DLZ 8Q7DY PA3DYS J79UGF KK4WW T88HG JA1HGY 8Q7TB G3TBK J79WD KK4WW T88RK JA1BRK 8Q7UK G0SAH J79WW KK4WW T94MZ DJ2MX 8S7A SM7CRW J79WWW KK4WW T94NE LX1NO 8S7A W3HNK JN1HOW/JD1 JN1HOW T99NN DL5NAV 9G5XO DL7VFR JT1FCU JA1CMS TF/LX1NO LX1NO 9G5ZW OM3LZ JW5HE LA5HE TF/LX9EG LX1NO 9M2TO JA0DMV JW5NM LA5NM TF1IRA TF3GB 9M6AAC N2OO JW6WEA LA6WEA TF3CW LX1NO 9M6BAA G4SHF JW7FD LA7FD TG9/IK2NCJ I2MQP 9M6US N2OO K4UP/KP2 K4UP TK5XN F2YT 9U5D SM0BFJ KC4AAA K1IED TM5AKL F5AKL 9V1BG JL1MWI KM6RY LX1NO TY1DX IK2ILK A35CP KQ1F L44D/D LU5EWO UA9QA RW9QA A35MX KQ1F LP1F LU5FC UA9QGB RW9QA A35RG KQ1F LU8XW/X LU8XW UA9RH RW9QA AB7TL LX1NO LX/DL2SBY DL2SBY UA9RQ RW9QA AY5E/D LU5EWO LX1JAZ LX1NO UY9U UT5UIA BV4YE BV4JB LX2LX LX1NO V26YR W2YR BV9AYA BV2KI LX4A LX1NO V31HE DL1DA BX4AD BV4HB LX50V LX1NO V73CW AC4G BX4AK BV4PM LX6SNG LX1NO V7G AC4G C34AL C33AL LX75LGS LX1NO V8AAP N2OO C34SD C31SD LX95VEC LX1NO VI2TAS VK2PS C35LJ VE3GEJ LX9EG LX1NO VK0ERZ VK2FUN C35LU C31LU LZ0A LZ1KDP VK2AWI/p VK2PS C35MO C31MO LZ1JY W0FS VK9XS DJ4OI C35PR C31PR M2000A G4DFI VK9XT DJ3OS C4A 9A2AJ M7F G3PMR VK9XU DF6IC CE0Y/G0KBO G0KBO M7P G3GAF VP2MBT EA3BT CE0Y/UA6AF G0KBO MW6Z G5LP VP5/K4CN K4CN CE0ZY DK7YY N2TK/NP2 N2TK VP5/K4ISV N2AU CO2JZ XE1CI NP3X W4DN VQ9GB K7GB CO2WL EA3ELM NZ7Q/KH4 N6ZVA VQ9NL W4NML CO8LY EA7ADH OD5IU (**) LX1NO VQ9PO W3PO CO8ZZ DK1WI OD5PN LX1NO VQ9SS N6SS CP4BT DL9OT OH0B OH2BH XF4LWY XE1LWY CQ7B CT1EKY OK8AUY LX1NO YB0GG K5ZE CT3/TF3CW LX1NO OZ/LX9EG LX1NO YB1AQT DL2SDS CT3BX HB9CRV OZ/TF3CW LX1NO YI9OM OM6TX CT3FN HB9CRV P29VR W7LFA YS/YT1AD YT1AD CV1Z CX1CCC P49V AI6V ZC4AKR 5B4YX DL1DA/HR2 DL1DA PJ2C W8KKF ZC4CM GI4OYG E41/OK1DTP OK1TD PJ8/ND5S ND5S ZC4RAF 5B4YX EA6/DJ7ZG DL7AFS PJ8/W1HL AA1M ZD8T AC4IV EA6/DL7AFS DL7AFS PR5L PP5LL ZF2JB KK9A EA8AH OH1RY PW2A PT2BW ZF2TR W5ASP ED6DIB EA6URP PW5W PP5LL ZK1LGO JJ1LGO EJ7NET EI2GX PY0FF W9VA ZK1LPN JM1LPN EK6OTA SP9ERV PY2ZDX F6AJA ZK1XXC HB9BMY EK8LF KZ5RO R1/LX1NO LX1NO ZY2Y PU2YZP (*) 26-27.9.98 only (**) from 1.1.00 only /EX S DX@WW $425WW462D 425 DX News #462 [4/5] 11 March 2000 No 462 $425WW462D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 3D2TC Craig Thompson, P.O. Box 273, Suva, Fiji Islands 5R8DA Jean Dussault, P.O. Box 157, Tamatave 501, Madagascar 8P6GE James Best, Diamond Valley, St. Philip, Barbados 9H1RC Mario, P. O. Box 20, San Gwann, Malta 9H1ZA Vladimir Krylov, 20, Triq Indri Mecallef, Luqa, LQA 04, Malta AC4G Bruce Smith, 1056 Old Railroad Bed Road, Taft, TN 38488, USA AH6IP Russ Fish, 560 East Sunset Way, Issaquah, WA 98027, USA BA7JA D. H. Yang, P. O. Box 1713, Guangzhou 510600, China BG5WKY Chen Wei Hua, P. O. Box 18, Sanming, China BV/JA0ID Teruji Hosokai, 3095 Yanokuchi, Inagi, Tokyo 206-0812, Japan BV4JB Chang Yu Ming, P. O. Box 35, Tuofen, Miaoli, Taiwan BV8CM Ryan Yan, P. O. Box 229, Hualien 970, Taiwan BX5AA Jimmy Lou, P. O. Box 1031, Changhua 500, Taiwan C91AH P.O. Box 3601, Maputo, Mozambique CN8JH P.O. Box 299, Rabat, Morocco CP1DM Raul Zavala Malaga, P. O. Box 1334, La Paz, Bolivia CT1ETE Paulo Pinto, P.O. Box 1026, 4811-908 Guimaraes, Portugal CX1CCC P.O. Box 6000, Montevideo 11000, Uruguay DF6IC Joachim Ney, Salierstr. 80, D-67354 Roemerberg, Germany DJ1MM Sergej Kowaljew, Hauptstr. 50, 84513 Toeging am Inn, Germany DK7YY Falk Weinhold, Postfach 700343, 10323 Berlin, Germany DL5EBE Dominik Weiel, Faehrstr.16, D-27568 Bremerhaven, Germany DL7UFR Frank Rutter, P. O. Box 700242, 10322 Berlin, Germany DS0ZR Pohang Iron & Steel Co. Ltd Amateur Radio Club, P. O. Box 54, Pohang 790-600, Korea DS2AGH Kang, 938-24, Kesan 1-Dong, Inchon 407-051, Korea DS2CFQ Hyeon Ok Nam, 102-1110 Hyundai APT, Yonghyun-Dong, Uijongbu, Kyungkido 480-050, Korea DS2MPH Jae-Pyeong Shin, 102-1402, ACEAPT, 34, Tanhyun-Dong, Ilsan-Gu, Koyang-Si, Kyunggi 411-320, Korea DS3BGI Jeon In Chul, 96-5, Aejung-Ri, Inji-Myun, Seosan, Chungnam 356-880, Korea DS5VXK Yoon Chun Hae, 103-807, Dong Seo Youngnam APT, Gu Am-Dong, Puk-ku, Taegu 702-280, Korea DS5XEH Il Kwon-Choi, P. O. Box 1049, Kumi 730-600, Korea DU1ODD Llyod Peter Taa, P. O. Box SM 121, Manila 1016, Philippines DU1OPN Maritri T. Nannichi, 104, Pajo St., Project-2, Quezon City, Philippines DX1E Eastern Amateur Radio Telecommunication Hobbyists, Inc., 29 Malanday Street, Marikina City, MM, Philippines F5OGL Didier Senmartin, DASC, BP 19, 35998 Rennes Armees, France FK8HC P.O. Box 7636, Ducos 98801, Noumea, New Caledonia FM5AN Guy Lenormand, Radio Caraibes International, B.P. 1111, F-97248 Fort de France, Martinique, France G3SWH Phil Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons Grove, Congresbury, Bristol, BS49 5HQ, United Kingdom G4SHF Stephen Purser, 80 John Bold Avenue, Stoney Stanton, Leicester, LE9 4ND, United Kingdom GJ3DVC Jersey Amateur Radio Society, P. O. Box 338, Jersey, United Kingdom HB9DKX Michael Ackermann, Felsplattenstr 39, CH-4055 Basel, Switzerland HB9MX Kurt Bindschedler, Strahleggweg 28, 8400 Winterthur, Switzerland HC4NGF Francel Garcia, P. O. Box 08-01-224, Esmeraldas, Ecuador HL0IHQ KARL Inchon Branch, P. O. Box 375, Nam Inchon 405-600, Korea HL1AZH Eun Ju Lee, Biology Dept., Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea HL2IDM Jin Man, 101-1303 Kunyoung APT, Shinkok 2-Dong, Uijongbu 480-072, Korea HL2LVB In Soo Kim, 104-406 Seoul APT, 159-59 Gumgog-dong, Namyangju-shi, Gyunggi-do 472-010, Korea HL2TCY Jae Myung Choi, APT 524-1106, Jugong 5 Apt. Complex, Maetan 1-Dong, Paldal-Gu, Suwon 442-371, Korea HL2VNA Hyeon Ok Nam, 102-1110 Hyundai APT, Yonghyun-Dong, Uijongbu, Kyungkido 480-050, Korea HL4GAV In-Soo Choi, M. D., P. O. Box 133, Chonju 560-600, Korea HP1HEW Jimmy Woolford Correa, 5201 Zona 5, Panama, Panama HS0/G3NOM Ray Gerrard, P. O. Box 1300, Bangkok 10112, Thailand IZ0BXZ Massimo Cosentino, Via Orti Gianicolensi 5, 00152 Roma - RM J42RCP Radio Club Pierias, P. O. Box 205, GR-601 00 Katerini, Greece JA1HGY Nao Mashita, 8-2-4 Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan JA6GXK Masafumi Ishihara, 493-4 Koba-cho, Fukue 853-0033, Japan JN1HOW Toshihiko Niwa, 1081-8, Sakae, Kitakawabe, Kitasaitama, Saitama 349-1213, Japan JT1BE R. Timur-Ochir, P.O. Box 116, Ulaanbaatar-24, Mongolia via Japan K1IED Larry F.Skilton, 72 Brook Street, South Windsor, CT 06074, USA K4UP Castalia Island DX Association, P.O. Box 3, Castalia, NC 27816, USA K4WA Steven R. Schmidt, 1002 Rocky Bayou Drive, Niceville, Florida 32578, USA KK4WW Dave Larsen, P.O. Box 341, Floyd, VA 24091, USA /EX S DX@WW $425WW462E 425 DX News #462 [5/5] 11 March 2000 No 462 $425WW462E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== LA5HE Rag Otterstad, Flabygd, N-3825 Lunde i Telemark, Norway LU5FC Jesus Rubio, San Juan 2694, Rosario 2000, Santa Fe, Argentina LU8XW Radio Club Ushuaia, P.O.Box 58, V9410 WAB Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina LX1CA Eugene Thiwa, 22 Cite Bourschterbach, L-9029 Warken, Luxembourg LX1SID Denis Siebenaler, 40, rue Oscar Romero, L-3321 Berchem, Luxembourg LZ1KDP Radio Club, P.O.Box 812, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria N7CQQ John Kennon, P.O. Box 31553, Laughlin, Nevada 89028, USA NT2X Edward Kritsky, P.O.Box 715, NY 11230 Brooklyn, USA OKDXF OK DX Foundation, Bradlec 73, CZ-293 06 Kosmonosy, Czech Republic PB4CC Peter F. Borsboom, De Kroon 10, 3181MD Rozenburg-ZH, The Netherlands PP5LL Jay Lira, P.O. Box 8, 88.010-970 Florianopolis - SC, Brazil PZ5RA Ramon Kaersenhout, Awaralaan 7, Paramaribo, Suriname RK1PWA Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, 164744 Amderma, Arkhangelskaja, Russia RN2FS Sava, P.O. Box 733, Kaliningrad City, 236010 Russia RU1ZC Valentin Mykitenko, Akademgorodok 2 1, 184340 Loparskaya, Russia RW9QA Vlad Kondratenko, P.O. Box 1, Kurgan-38, 640038 Russia S21P Pollen, GPO 3512, Dacca, Bangladesh SM0UXX Erik Beckman, PL 146, SE-17998, Farentuna, Sweden SM7CRW John-Ivar Winbladh, P.O. Box 100, SE-386 22 Oland Island, Sweden SP3WVL Tomasz Lipinski, Ul.I Paderewskiego 24m 1, 69-100 Slubice, Poland SV1CIB Dimitris Lianos, P. O. Box 127, GR-301 00 Agrinio, Greece SV1DNW Elias Bakopoulos, P.O. Box 31669, Athens, GR-100 35, Greece SV1DVY Fragiskos Dactilidis, 107 Thessalonikis, GR-185 46 Piraeus, Greece SV1EDY Apostolos Bourousis, 1 Anaximandrou Str., GR-116 33 Athens, Greece SV1ENG Antonis Parashis, El. Venizelou 203, GR-141 22 N. Iraklio, Greece SV1EPI John Vrellos, 64 S. Karageorga Str., Glyfada, GR-166 75 Athens, Greece SV2ASP/A Monk Apollo, Monastery Dochiariou, GR-63087 Mt. Athos, Greece SV2COL Dimitris Sismanidis, El. Venizelou 21, GR-601 00 Paralia, Pieras, Greece SV2RCP Radio Club Pierias, P. O. Box 205, GR-601 00 Katerini, Greece SV8DTD Periklis Kefalas, Pligoni Mytilene, GR-811 00 Lesvos, Greece TA3EB F. Sadik Goktepe, P. K. 93, Pasaport, TR-35210 Izmir, Turkey TA4EB Izzet Saglam, P. O. Box 321, TR-07002 Antalya, Turkey TG0AA P.O. Box 115, Guatemala City, Guatemala TG9EDG Ed, P.O. Box 24, Guatemala City, Guatemala TK5NJ Alexandre Pellegrinetti, B. P. 223, F-20179 Ajaccio, France UT3IZZ/p P.O. Box 11, Gorlovka, 84601, Ukraine UT7UA Roman Bratchyk, P.O.Box 88, Kiev 03191, Ukraine V73KJ James Ray Knighton, P.O. Box 1186, APO, AP 96555, USA VI3GP c/o Eastern and Mountain District Radio Club Inc., P.O. Box 87, Mitcham 3132, Victoria, Australia VK2FUN H.W.Cowled, 13 Kevin Street, Mannering Park, NSW 2259, Australia VP5/K4EB Larry Junstrom, 6834 Tom Thumb Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32210-4928, USA VP5VAC Alberto Camerini, P. O. Box 576, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos VR2JK Chow, P. O. Box 88421, Hong Kong, China VU2CVS V. S. N. Chowdary, Sri Annapurna Rice Mill, Edida Road, Mandapeta, E. G. District (A. P.) 533 308, India VU3KJB Baby K. J., Kolliyil, Thalakode P. O., Nellimattom (VIA), Kerala 686 693, India W2SF/TF Bob Stewart, 1743 Asharoken Blvd., Bay Shore, NY 11706-3804, USA XE1LWY Enrique Garcia M, P.O. Box 75-481, 07300 Mexico - DF, Mexico YB2LSR Jap Tiek Sin, P. O. Box 388, Solo 57131, Indonesia YC9YAS S. Madaruddin, JI. Riau No.04 Bengkong Pltd, Batam, 29432 Indonesia Z2/PA3HHT Maurice Goossens, Isseltseveld 39D, NL-3812 LE Amersfoort, The Netherlands ZC4AKR Western Sovereign Base Area Amateur Radio Club, c/o Air Training Corps, RAF Akrotiri, BFPO 57, GPO, United Kingdom ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX