DX425 bulletin issue nr. 460

S DX@WW $425WW460A
425 DX News #460 [1/5]
  26 February 2000                 No 460                        $425WW460A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

                           >>> CLIPPERTON 2000 <<<

The team left San Diego at midnight on  22 February and is expected to  reach
the island after  a 6-day voyage.  Then it will  take a few  hours (10-15  at
least) for the  basic camp to  be set  up. Suggested  frequencies are  50115,
28475, 24945, 21295, 18145, 14195, 7065, 3799 kHz (SSB); 50115, 28025, 24895,
21025, 18075, 14025,  10106, 7005, 3505,  1828.5 kHz (CW)  and 28080,  21080,
14080 kHz (RTTY). The pilot stations for this DXpedition will be Alex,  PA1AW
for  Europe  (pa1aw@qsl.net)  and  Jay,  W2IJ  for  the  rest  of  the  world
(pcb4u@earthlink.net). The call will be announced when the operation  starts.
The web site for  the  operation  is  at  http://www.qsl.net/clipperton2000/

3W     - OK1CW, OK1HWB/3W7TK  and OK1TN  will be  active from  Cat Ba  Island
         (AS-132) between  4 and  19  March. QSL  via  the OK  DX  Foundation
         (Bradlec 73, 293 06 Kosmonosy, Czech Republic). The website for  the
         OKDXF is at http://www.okdxf.cz/indexan.htm [TNX The Daily DX]
4S7    - Mario, HB9BRM will be again active as 4S7BRG from Sri Lanka (AS-003)
         starting on 28 February for three months. QSL via bureau to  HB9BRM.
         [TNX DX News Letter]
5Z     - The 5Z4WI  team [425DXN  455] expects  to  arrive on  Wasini  Island
         (AF-067) late in the afternoon of 8  March and to be up and  running
         with two stations on the late morning of 9th until the afternoon  of
         the 16th. Preferred operating frequencies will be 1830, 3502,  7002,
         14025/14040, 18073,  21025/21040, 24893  and 28025  kHz (CW);  3795,
         7045, 14260,  18128, 21260,  24950 and  28460 kHz  (SSB). They  will
         always work split, listening up about  5 KHz. From 12.00 UTC on  the
         11th until 12.00  UTC on 12  March they we  will participate in  the
         RSGB Commonwealth Contest as an HQ  station. However, they will  not
         restrict QSO's  to British  Commonwealth stations  only during  this
         period. QSL via either direct G3SWH (Phil Whitchurch, 21  Dickensons
         Grove, Congresbury, Bristol,  BS49 5HQ, United  Kingdom) or  through
         the bureau. [TNX G3SWH]
8Q     - Luciano, IK5FCK will be active (80, 40, 20 ,15, 10 metres and  WARC,
         SSB only) as 8Q7FC from Ganghei, Maldives (AS-013) between 6 and  12
         March. QSL via IK5FCK (Luciano Gabbrielli, Via Martiri Ardeatine  5,
         56124 Pisa - PI, Italy). [TNX IK5FCK]
9G     - Bob, PA3DEW and Vincent, PA3FQX will  be active as 9G1AA from  Ghana
         starting on 2 March as their workload permits. QSL via PA3ERA.  [TNX
         OPDX Bulletin]
CE0_eas- Vladislav, G0KBO  and  his  brother  Victor,  UA6AF  are  active  as
         CE0Y/G0KBO and CE0Y/UA6AF from Easter Island (SA-001) until 2 March.
         QSL for both via G0KBO (Vladislav  Kravchenko, 16 Birchfield  House,
         Birchfield Street, London  E14 8EY,  England). Bureau  cards can  be
         requested at vic@morflot.ru [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
CE0_jf - Look for Pat,  CE1VLY/CE0Z to be  active (10 metres  SSB) from  Juan
         Fernandez (SA-005) until 2 March. QSL via home call. [TNX CX1EU]
CX     - Need Uruguay on 160 metres? Look for Al, CX4SS and Geo, CX1SI  every
         day on 1833 kHz CW between 00.00 and 4 UTC. [TNX CX1SI]
FO0_cl - Alain, F2HE is currently signing FO0CLA from the Marquesas. He  will
         be there until around 20 March,  then he will operate from  Tuamotu.
         QSL via F6CLT [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
G      - Sunil Kurup,  VU2UKR  is active  on  SSB and  CW  as  M/VU2UKR  from
         Blackburn, England until 14 April. QSL via home call.
S DX@WW $425WW460B
425 DX News #460 [2/5]
  26 February 2000                 No 460                        $425WW460B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

GM     - Leo, W3LEO  reports  he  will  again  be  active  as  MM/W3LEO  from
         Portpatrick in  southwest  Scotland from  about  29 February  to  17
         March. He  will participate  in the  ARRL International  DX  Contest
         (SSB). QSL via home call.
HK     - Pedro, HK3JJH reports he will operate  from Isla Palma [425DXN  456]
         starting on 11  March "for some  days". Look  for him  on or  around
         14260 kHz. QSL via HK3JJH (Pedro J. Allina, P.O. Box 81119,  Bogota,
         Colombia or Carrera 7 No 67-09, Bogota, Colombia). [TNX HK3JJH]
JA     - Look for Joe, JA4PXE/4 to be active again (10, 15 and 20 metres SSB)
         from Kasado  Island (AS-117)  on 26  February.  QSL via  home  call,
         preferably through the bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA     - Look for JK1FNN and 7L1MKM will be active (on 10 metres CW and  SSB)
         from Johgashima (AS-117) on 27 February. [TNX The Daily DX]
J7     - The Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service Inc.  (FAIRS)
         announces the annual operation from  Dominica island (NA-101).  Look
         for  KK4WW/J79WW  (Dave),  KK4WWW/J79WWW  (Gaynell),   KE4UGF/J79UGF
         (Don), KF4EKH/J79EKH  (Kay),  8R1WD/J79WD (Peter)  and  JA7KAC/J79AC
         (Koh) to be active on  SSB and CW  between 3 and  13 March from  two
         operation sites. QSL via KK4WW (Dave Larsen, P.O. Box 341, Floyd, VA
         24091, USA). [TNX KF2TI]
JA     - Look for JH5OXF/4  to operate (10,  15 and 20  metres SSB) from  the
         Ikuchi Islands  (AS-117) on  26-27 February.  QSL via  bureau.  [TNX
KP2    - Fred, K4FMD and Wicky, W4WWT will be active as K4UP/KP2 from the  US
         Virgin Islands (NA-106)  between 28 February  and 5  March. He  will
         participate in the ARRL International DX Contest (SSB). QSL via K4UP
         (Castalia Island DX  Association, P.O.  Box 3,  Castalia, NC  27816,
         USA). [TNX The Daily DX]
SV       SV1DNW, SV1DKL, SV1DKR and  SV1DZB will participate  in the ARRL  DX
         SSB, BARTG RTTY Spring, CQ WW WPX  SSB and CW Contests as SY1D.  QSL
         direct only via SV1DNW (Elias Bakopoulos  , P.O. Box 31669,  Athens,
         GR-100 35, Greece). [TNX SV1DKL]
VK     - Special event call VI3GP will be activated between 9 and 12 March in
         conjunction with the running of the Australian Formula 1 Grand  Prix
         in Melbourne,  Australia. QSL  via the  VK3 Buro  or direct  to  the
         Eastern and Mountain District Radio Club Inc., P.O. Box 87,  Mitcham
         3132, Victoria, Australia. [TNX VK3DYL]
VK9_wil- VK4ZEK, VK4DH and VK4BKM will be active as VK9WI from Willis  Island
         (OC-007) in May. They will leave  on or around 6  May and expect  to
         reach the island around the 10th.  Plans are to be active for  about
         ten days on 3504, 7004, 10104, 14024, 18074, 21024, 24894, 28024 and
         50115 kHz  CW; 3790,  7085, 14195,  18145, 21295,  24945, 28480  and
         50115 kHz SSB. Activity on 160 metres will depend on availability of
         antennas, gear and further sponsorship. QSL via VK4APG (P.J. Garden,
         58 Minerva Court,  Eatons Hill, Brisbane,  Australia). The web  site
         for the  operation  is at  http://www.qsl.net/vk9wi/index.htm.  [TNX
W      - Ed, W4YO will  be active   (10,  15 and  20 metres)  as W4YO/p  from
         Harbor Island (NA-110, USI SC009S) between  5 and 11 March. QSL  via
         home call, CBA or through the bureau. [TNX W4YO]
XW     - Andy, G4ZVJ is now active with  the callsign XW2A until about  05.00
         UTC on  28  February.  QSL  via XW2A  (direct  only)  or  via  G4ZVJ
         (direct/bureau). [TNX G3SXW]
YB     - Bob, W7TSQ will be active from Indonesia between 2 and 26 March.  He
         hopes to re-activate his old call (YB3ASQ) and operate from YB9  and
         YB3. QSL via W7TSQ. [TNX A35RK and The Daily DX]
YI     - YI9OM is  Peter, OM6TY,  who has  finally received  his licence.  He
         works in the Slovak Embassy and  will be in Iraq for another  couple
         of years. QSL via OM6TX. [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CRAZY DX GROUP ---> The 4th  annual meeting will be  held on beautiful  Isola
Pescatori in  Lake  Maggiore  on  14 May.  For  further  information  on  the
programme e-mail crazy@grisnet.it or crazydxgroup@libero.it [TNX IK0QDB]

IOTA 2000 ---> Serg Z. Demidov reports IOTA Hunter Log V2.05 supporting  IOTA
2000 is now available at http://ua1oms.bizland.com/software.htm
S DX@WW $425WW460C
425 DX News #460 [3/5]
  26 February 2000                 No 460                        $425WW460C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

IOTA ACTIVITY MONTH (MARCH) --->  Contacts made in  March with the  following
IOTA groups  will  score  three  points  towards  the  RSGB  IOTA  Millennium
Programme (IOTA 2000): 
AS-001    AS-072    AS-121    AS-140    OC-122    OC-183
AS-006    AS-073    AS-125    AS-143    OC-128    OC-184
AS-015    AS-074    AS-126    OC-002    OC-133    OC-186
AS-019    AS-075    AS-127    OC-003    OC-140    OC-193
AS-033    AS-094    AS-128    OC-021    OC-143    OC-197
AS-042    AS-097    AS-129    OC-022    OC-144    OC-199
AS-046    AS-101    AS-130    OC-075    OC-150    OC-204
AS-050    AS-102    AS-131    OC-088    OC-161    OC-206
AS-051    AS-103    AS-132    OC-105    OC-164    OC-211
AS-053    AS-104    AS-133    OC-106    OC-165    OC-215
AS-054    AS-107    AS-134    OC-107    OC-166    OC-217
AS-058    AS-110    AS-138    OC-108    OC-174    OC-225
AS-063    AS-116    AS-139    OC-109    OC-177    OC-230
For full details please visit http://www.425dxn.org/iota/iota2000

PY CONTEST ---> Sponsored by LABRE  and REP, the 500  Years After Contest  is
open to  both  licenced amateurs  and  SWLs. It  is  to celebrate  the  500th
anniversary of the discovery of Brazil and it will take place (10, 15, 20, 40
and 80 metres CW) on 15-16 April (00.00-24.00 UTC). Further information  from
LABRE (Liga Brasileira de Radioamadores, P.O. Box 4, 70739-970 Brasilia - DF,
Brazil; labre@labre.org).

QSL 3E1CW ---> Bruce, KD6WW was operator  and QSL manager for 3E1CW in  1999.
QSLs for 2000 operation go to N0JT. Bruce says that "Any cards I receive will
be forwarded to N0JT so no need to resend if you have already sent a card  to

QSL R0MIR --->  Cards for contacts  made with cosmonauts  operating from  MIR
station (R0MIR) should be sent direct only to F5KAM (Carrefour  International
de la  Radio, 22  rue  Bansac ,  63000  Clermont-Ferrand, France).  The  next
mission is scheduled in March for three weeks. For further information please
e-mail C.i.r.@wanadoo.fr [TNX F6CBL]

QSL T30/T33  ---> Frank,  DL7UFR (Frank.Rutter@arcormail.de)  reports he  has
started processing the cards for  T30Y, T30CW, T33Y  and T33CW. Direct  cards
for Europe have been processed and mailed, cards for Russian amateurs will be
posted in Moscow. Some 300 envelopes for US and Canadian stations as well  as
the rest of the world (except for Japan, which is being processed) have  been
mailed as well. Due to the high postal rates in Germany, cards received  with
one US$ only will be mailed from the US.

QSL VIA I1HYW ---> Gianni,  I1HYW reports  the last  direct  cards  for VK9RS
(OC-230) will be mailed  within the end of February.  He has several IRCs for
sale at 70c each  - if interested,  his address is Gianni Varetto, P.O.Box 1,
10060 Pancalieri - TO,  Italy.   He also  has some  of  the  special  45 cent
commemorative  postage stamps [425DXN 444];  if you are  interested  in stamp
collecting, please contact him at the address above.

SWL CONTEST ---> The SWL Multi-Mode Contest will take place between 1 and  30
June. The rules are available from  Marc Nogent, F-11734 (60 rue Foch,  57390
Audun-le-Tiche, France) at marc.nogent@wanadoo.fr

VISALIA 2000 --->  The Visalia International  DX Convention will  be held  on
14-16 April at the Holiday Inn in Visalia, CA. The preliminary list of events
and presentations looks  most stimulating!  For more  information, check  the
SCDXC web site at www.scdxc.org

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS:           Logs   for   FK8VHT   and    FK8VHT/p   are   available    at
                http://home.nordnet.fr/~yverbeke [TNX F6AJA]
LOGS:           Logs for  VP6BR  through 7  February  are  now  available  at
MOST WANTED:    The German DX Foundation's most wanted  list is available  at
S DX@WW $425WW460D
425 DX News #460 [4/5]
  26 February 2000                 No 460                        $425WW460D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8/DL2HZM  DL3XM       FH/TU5DX    F5OGL       PW2A        PT2BW
3B8/G4FKH   G4FKH       FM/F6FTB    F6FTB       PY0FZM      DL3XM
3D2RK       W7TSQ       FM5BH       W3HNK       S21VJ       G4ZVJ
3E1AA       N4UK        FO0AOI      F6AOI       S21YE       G4VLV
3V8ST       DL1BDF      FO0SOU      F6AUS       S21YJ       SM4AIO
3W2LC       VK6LC       FO5QG       XE1L        S79MX       HB9MX
3W7CW       SP5AUC      FY5FU       F5PAC       SI5SSA      SM5CEU
3XY1B0      F5XX        H40MS       DL2GAC      SM7CRW      W3HNK
4L1BR       KE1HZ       H44MS       DL2GAC      SU9ZZ       OM3TZZ
4L1FL       4Z5CU       H44MY       JA0IXW      T20HC       DL9HCU
4L4KW       KE1HZ       HC1HC       NE8Z        T30HC       DL9HCU
5N0W        OK1KN       HC8L        N2AU        T32NCC      HA1AG
5N0ZKD      OK1KN       HC8N        AA5BT       T48RAC      VE3ESE
5R8FL       F5TBA       HF0POL      SP3WVL      T99NN       DL5NAV
5W1VE       DL9HCU      HF70PZK/2   SP1ZZ       TF8GX       K1WY 
5Z4IC       MW0AIE      HI3HN       DH2JD       TI4CF       N6TR 
6D2X        K5TSQ       HK0OEP      N0JT        TI5/K9NW    K9NW 
6V6U        K3IPK       HL20OO      HL5AP       TI5N        TI5KD
6W6/K3IPK   K3IPK       HS4BPQ      E21EIC      TJ1HP       F6FNU
7S0I        SM0UXX      HV0A        IK0FVC      TM2A        F5BJW
8P6DR       G3RWL       HV4NAC      IK0FVC      TN7OT       AL7OT 
8P9JA       K4MA        II0ONU      I5KKW       TT8FC       EA4AHK
8P9JB       AA4NC       II1R        I1NVU       TU5GD       N5FTR
8P9NX       W0SA        II2PV       IK2SNG      TU5IJ       I2AOX
8Q7KM       DL3KMB      IQ3X        IV3HAX      TZ6DX       K4DX 
8Q7QQ       HB9QQ       IU0K        IK0STM      TZ6VV       KB0VV
9G5CW       DL2RUM      J3/L4LTA    K4LTA       TZ6YL       KB0VV
9G5XO       DL7VFR      J3/VE3EBN   VE3EBN      UK8GK       RW6HS
9G5ZW       OM3LZ       J38A        K4LTA       UW7Q        UR7QM
9H3EZ       DL3KWF      JF6WTY/6    JF6WTY      V2/W1LR     W1LR  
9H3RZ       DL3KWR      JW5UF       LA9VDA      V2/W4WX     W4WX  
9K2AI/NLD   IK7JTF      JW6WEA      LA6WEA      V26EW       N2ED 
9K2NLD      9K2RA       JW6YEA      LA9VDA      V31HE       DL1DA
9M2JI       JK1AJX      JW7FD       LA7FD       V31JP       KA9WON
9N1AC       KC3AJ       JW9VDA      LA9VDA      V31TH       N0SS 
9U5D        SM0BFJ      KH0AC       K7ZA        V47AX       DK5AX
AC8W/C6A    AC8W        KH2/AF4KH   JA6VQA      V47CC       WD4JR
AF4LX/KH2   JA6HJP      KH2/AF4LX   JA6HJP      V47GS       VE3VFR
AM2TV       EA2TV       KL1SLE      NU4N        V47KP       K2SB 
AP2WAP      IK4ZGY      KL7Y        N2AU        V47X        WT9U 
BV5BG       IK7JTF      L29AY       W3HC        V73CW       AC4G 
BX4AL       W3HC        LU/KY0C     G4VGO       V7G         AC4G 
BX5AA       BV5GQ       LU9AUY      W3HC        VK4UC       N2AU 
C21HC       DL9HCU      LU9AY       W3HC        VK9CN       DJ4OI
C56JHF      SM0JHF      LX8DL       LX1DA       VK9CO       DJ3OS
C6AKP       N4RP        LZ2000A     LZ2HM       VK9CP       DF6IC
C6AKQ       N4BP        LZ4RV       LZ2VP       VK9XS       DJ4OI
C6ALC       K2KJI       M0BYF       OH6YF       VK9XT       DJ3OS
CE0Y/G0KBO  G0KBO       M2000A      G4DFI       VK9XU       DF6IC
CE0Y/ON5AX  ON5AX       MD/DL3OI    DL3OI       VP2EC       N5AU 
CE0Y/UA6AF  G0KBO       MD/DL5AXX   DL5AXX      VP5/K2KW    WA4WTG
CE0Z        CE6TBN      NZ7Q/KH4    N6ZVA       VP6BR       OH2BR
CE0ZY       DK7YY       OD5/OK1MU   OK1TN       VP8CCI      pirate
CG2AWR      VE2AWR      OG6Y        OH6YF       VQ9PO       W3PO
CM6YI       W3HNK       OH0B        OH2BH       VR2/OH6YF   OH6YF
CO8LY       EA7ADH      OH0MYF/6    OH6YF       VR2K        VR2XRW
CO8ZZ       DK1WI       OH2OOO      OH3AB       YB3ASQ      W7TSQ
CP6/LU9AUY  W3HC        OH6Y        OH6YF       YB8BCH      KG2FH
CP6/LU9AY   W3HC        OL6M        OK2BMV      YI1OM       IK2DUW
CP6AA       W3HC        OR0OST      ON6HC       YL4U        YL2KL
CQ7B        CT1EKY      OY3QN       OZ1ACB      YS1/OH2BAD  OH2BAD
CT3KN       CS3MAD      P29BW       N5FTR       ZD8Z        VE3HO
D2BF        EA8EE       P29VR       W7LFA       ZF2NT       G3SWH
D3SAF       I3LLH       P40K        I2EOW       ZK1HCU      DL9HCU
E44/IZ0CKJ  IZ0CKJ      P49V        AI6V        ZK2/K7CA    NW7O
EA8AH       OH1RY       PJ8/W8EB    W8EB        ZK2/W7TVF   W7TVF
EI7IU       G4VGO       PJ8A        W9NIP       ZK2CA       NW7O
EP3HR       I2MQP       PR2W        PT2AW       ZK2VF       W7TVF
EW6MM       DL8KAC      PT7BZ/PY0F  PT7BZ       ZK3HC       DL9HCU
EX8QB       IK2QPR      PT7NK/PY0F  PT7NK       ZM7ZB       DJ4ZB
EY8CQ       DJ1MM       PT7WA/PY0F  PT7WA       ZP20DD      ZP7DD
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  26 February 2000                 No 460                        $425WW460E
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                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

3A2ARM   P.O. Box 2, MC-98001 Monaco Cedex, Monaco
8P6GE    James Best, Diamond Valley, St Phillip, Barbados
AC4G     Bruce Smith, P.O. Box 1436, APO, AP 96555, USA
AL7OT    Hazel Schofield, 35765 Ryan Lane, Soldotna, Alaska 99669, USA
BV2KI    Bruce Yih, P.O.Box 84-609, Taipei, Taiwan
BV5GQ    Jimmy Lou, P.O. Box 1031, Changhua 500, Taiwan
BX5AA    Jimmy Lou, P.O. Box 1031, Changhua 500, Taiwan
CE6TBN   Marco A. Quidada, Box 1234, Temuco, Chile
DF6IC    Joachim Ney, Salierstr. 80, D-67354 Roemerberg, Germany
DJ1MM    Sergej Kowaljew, Hauptstr. 50, D-84513 Toeging am Inn, Germany
DJ3OS    Bernd Ritter, Friedrich-Karl-Str. 2, D-67655 Kaiserslautern, Germany
DJ4OI    Richard Hanss, Falkenburgstr. 14, D-67122 Altrip, Germany
DK7YY    Falk D. Weinhold, P.O. Box 700 343, D-0323 Berlin, Germany
DL3XM    Guenter Rehbein, Aeussere Leipziger Str. 31, D-04435 Schkeuditz, 
DL7UFR   Frank Rutter, P.O. Box 700242, 10322 Berlin, Germany
ER1LW    Lysy Wiacheslav, P. O. Box 112, Chisinau, MD-2012 Moldova
EZ8CW    Vitaly Dotsenko, P.O. Box 73, Ashgabat 744020, Turkmenistan
F5OGL    Didier Senmartin, DASC, BP 19, F-35998 Rennes Armees, France
F6AOI    Andre Figon, Le Pas de Senes, 06480 La Colle sur Loup, France
F6AUS    Serge Soulet, P.O. Box 54, 79402 Saint-Maixent l'Ecole, France
HB9MX    Kurt Bindschedler, Strahleggweg 28, 8400 Winterthur, Switzerland
I1NVU    Claudio Di Pietro, Via G. Galilei 424/10, 18038 Sanremo - IM, Italy
IK0FVC   Francesco Valsecchi, Via Bitossi 21, I-00136 Roma, Italy
IK0STM   Massimo Conflitti, P.O. Box 114, 03039 Sora - FR, Italy
IZ0CKJ   Alessio Roma, P.O. Box 22, 03023 Ceccano - FR, Italy
J69AKL   Matthew Nelson, c/o Police Headquarters, P.O. Box 109, Castries, St 
         Lucia, Windward Islands
JI3DST   Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-Cho Abeno-KU, Osaka-City, Osaka 545-0021, Japan
JK1AJX   Room # 5, 10-18, Kawagishi 4 Chome, Kitakami, Iwate, 024-0032, Japan
KA9WON   Lonnie Miller, 12031 Blue Spruce Drive, Roscoe, IL 61073, USA
KB0VV    Larry Erwin, 3850 Willomet Ave., Fort Worth, TX 76133, USA
KC3AJ    Tony McClenny, 11088 Thrush Ridge Road, Reston, VA 20191-4722, USA
LZ2HM    Andy Satchkov, P.O. Box 40, 5370 Dryanovo, Bulgaria
NW7O     Jim Frye, 4120 Oakhill Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89121-6319, USA
OH6YF    Harri Mantila, P.O. Box 30, FIN-64701 Teuva, Finland
ON5AX    Willy Dellaert, Leemstraat 95, B-2910 Essen, Belgium
P29DX    Elmer R. Ribeyro, Sopas Adventist Hospital, P.O. Box 112, Wabag, 
         Enga Province, Papua New Guinea
PT2AW    Paulo Cesar Milito, SHIS QI 15, Chacara 62, 71600-800 Brasilia - DF, 
PT2BW    Ariosto Rodrigues de Souza, P.O. Box 03821, 70084-970 Brasilia - DF. 
PT7NK    Etevaldo B. Fontenele, Rua Jose Fraga Neto 71, 60815-620 Fortaleza - 
         CE, Brazil
PT7WA    Luciano S. Souza, Rua Ageu Romero 83, 60325-110 Fortaleza - CE, 
SM0UXX   Erik Beckman, PL 146, SE-17998, Farentuna, Sweden
SP5AUC   Tomasz Rogowski, P.O. Box 11, 02-800 Warsaw 93, Poland
UR5VLG   Vladimir N. Vybrik, P.O. Box 5, Svetlowodsk 27507, Ukraine
UR7QM    Valery Smiyan, P.O. Box 30, Melitopol-11, 72311, Ukraine
UT1HT    George Ignatov, P.O. Box 87, Kremenchug-21, 39621 Ukraine
UX7VA    Vladimir N. Vybrik, P.O. Box 5, Svetlowodsk 27507, Ukraine
VK5ACY   W.J. Pickering, P.O. Box 90, Parndana, SA 5220, Aaustralia
VK6LC    Mal Johnson, 9 Abinger Rd., Lynwood, WA 6155, Australia
VR2XRW   Logan M. W. Chan, POB 80312, Cheung Sha Wan Post Office, Kowloon, 
         Hong Kong
W7TVF    Bill Dawson, P.O. Box 4049, Pahrump, NV 89041, USA
XW2A     Hiroo Yonezuka, P.O.Box 2659, Vientiane, Laos
YJ8AA    Frank Palmer, 78 Corser Street, Point Vernon, 4655, Australia

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