DX425 bulletin issue nr. 459

S DX@WW $425WW459A
425 DX News #459 [1/4]
  19 February 2000                 No 459                    BID: $425WW459A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3B6    - Preparations for the  7-23 October all-band  all-mode DXpedition  to
         Agalega (AF-001) [425DXN 455] continue. The licence and the  landing
         permission will be issued in mid-March. The team looks for one F and
         one W6 operators  to replace two  amateurs who have  had to give  up
         (for further information please visit the web site below). HB9MX and
         HB9QQ will be the pilots for Central Europe, but the other areas  of
         the world  have  still to  be  covered  (volunteers  please  contact
         hb9fmu@uska.ch). Sponsors and donors can  contact Joe Meier,  HB9AJW
         (100450.540@compuserve.com). The web page for  the DXpedition is  at
         www.agalega2000.ch [TNX HB9FMU, phil.loretz@bluewin.ch]
4X     - Jacob, 4Z1JS will be  active as 4X2K/6  from Alfei until  mid-April,
         while Leonid, 4Z5FL will operate 4X2K/4  on 19 and 26 February  from
         the Sea of Galilee. Both operations  counts towards the 4X2K  Award.
         [TNX 4Z1GY]
TU     - Martino, TU5IJ has been active on RTTY since late January. Please be
         patient with him as these are  his first contacts on this mode.  QSL
         via I2AOX. [TNX IK2CHZ]
CT     - Pedro, CT1EKY will be active as  CQ7B from Berlenga Island  (EU-040)
         between 29 February and 6 March. QSL direct to CT1EKY. His web  page
         is at http://planeta.clix.pt/ct1eky/index.html [TNX CT1EKY]
EA9    - Look for ED3AFR/9  to be active  (40 and 80  metres SSB) from  Penon
         Velez de la Gomera (it does not count for IOTA) on 29 February and 1
         March. QSL via EA3AFR. [TNX EA3ALV]
ET     - Claudio, IV3OWC  will  be active (on  all bands and  modes) as  9E1C
         from Ethiopia  between 20 and 30  March. He will participate in  the
         CQ WW WPX Contest (SSB)  with 9E1S.  QSL via IV3OWC: Claudio Fabbro,
         Via Casale Coloset 3, 33030 Moruzzo, Italy. [TNX IV3JWR]
FG     - YL operator Isabelle,  F5BOY will be  active (on 10,  15, 17 and  20
         metres) as FG/F5BOY from Guadeloupe (NA-102) between 26 February and
         11 March. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
FM     - Look for Franck,  FM/F5JOT and Daniel,  FM/F5LGQ to  be active  from
         Martinique (NA-107) between 18 March and  1 April. QSL for both  via
         F5JOT. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
G      - G0WRE, G0VBD, G0VAX and a fourth  operator TBA will be signing  home
         call/p (10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres SSB and CW) from Hilbre  Island
         (EU-120)  on   26-29  May.   QSL  via   home  calls.   [TNX   G0WRE,
H4     - Bernhard, DL2GAC is currently active as  H40MS from Temotu  Province
         until 22 February. He will then move to the Solomons and operate  as
         H44MS from  the main  island (OC-047)  and, if  he can  arrange  for
         transportation, from the Florida Islands  (OC-158). QSL via  DL2GAC.
         [TNX WA6GFE and Islands On The Web]
HL     - Special event station 6K2000WFK is active until 7 May for the  World
         Flower Exhibition  (http://www.flower.or.kr) in  Koyang near  Seoul,
         Korea. Contacts will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. [TNX
JA     - Look for  JF1CZQ, JF1IRW,  JN1JFC and  JQ1DPP to  operate (with  two
         stations on 80-6 metres SSB and CW) as home call/JR6 from  Yonaguni,
         Yaeyama Islands (AS-024)  on 16-21 March.  QSL via  home call.  [TNX
J6     - Koh Sasaki, JA7KAC  will be  active (10-160  metres SSB  and CW)  as
         J68AC or J68KAC from St. Lucia (NA-108) on 26-29 February. [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
J7     - Koh, JA7KAC will be active (10-160  metres SSB and  CW) as J79AC  or
         J79KAC from Dominica (NA-101) on 1-8 March. [TNX The Daily DX]
J7     - Franck, F5JOT  and  Daniel,  F5LGQ  will  be  active  from  Dominica
         (NA-101) between 24  and 26 March.  Calls requested  are J72JOT  and
         J79LGQ. QSL for both via F5JOT. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
JW     - Ken, LA6WEA  and LA7FD  will  be active  as  JW6WEA and  JW7FD  from
         Svalbard (EU-026) between 21 and 27 February. They will focus on the
         low bands and operate during the CQ WW 160 Meters DX Contest  (SSB).
         [TNX LA6WEA]
KL     - Michael, DL1YMK will be active (mainly on 15, 17 and 20 metres  SSB,
         with some CW)  from St. Lawrence  Island (NA-040) between  3 and  11
         July. [TNX DL1YMK]
KP2    - Tony, N2TK and Rick, K3OO will participate in the ARRL International
         DX Contest (SSB)  on 4-5 March  as WP2Z from  the US Virgin  Islands
         (NA-106) in the  Multi-Two category.  Before and  after the  contest
         they will  operate as  N2TK/KP2 and  K3OO/KP2 (look  also for  Sara,
         KB3CLQ to be on as KB3CLQ/KP2).  QSL WP2Z via  KU9C. QSL all  others
         via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
S DX@WW $425WW459B
425 DX News #459 [2/4]
  19 February 2000                 No 459                    BID: $425WW459B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

LU     - Operators from Radio Club  Ushuaia, LU8XW will  operate (on 40,  20,
         17, 15 and 20 metres CW and SSB) from Isla Redonda between 23 UTC on
         24 February  and 15  UTC on  the 27th.  Redonda  is located  in  the
         channel between the islands of Tierra  del Fuego and Navarino.  [TNX
         LU5XPZ through SM7AED]
PY     - Paulo, PT2AW will participate in the  ARRL International DX  Contest
         (CW) as PR2W. QSL via PT2AW either direct (Paulo Cesar Milito,  SHIS
         QI 15, Chacara 62, 71600-800 Brasilia  - DF, Brazil) or through  the
         bureau. [TNX PT2AW]
S7     - Kurt, HB9MX will be active as  S79MX from Mahe, Seychelles  (AF-024)
         between 6 March and 1 April. He will operate on all bands (80 metres
         excluded), with an  emphasis on  6 metres  CW. QSL  via HB9MX  (Kurt
         Bindschedler, Strahleggweg 28,  8400 Winterthur, Switzerland).  [TNX
SM     - Stockholm IOTA Team (SM0MDG, SM0MLZ, SM0NOR, SM0UXX and SM0VFE) will
         be active as  7S0I from Uto  Island, Stockholm Archipelago  (EU-084)
         between 3 and 5 March. Look for them on 10-80 metres mainly SSB. QSL
         via SM0UXX either direct (Erik Beckman, PL 146, SE-17998, Farentuna,
         Sweden) or through the bureau. The web site for the operation is  at
         http://www.qsl.net/7s0i [TNX SM0UXX]
SV/A   - Father Apollo, SV2ASP/A will operate as  SY2A between 1 October  and
         31 December to celebrate  his tenth year  of amateur radio  activity
         from Mount Athos. He suspects there  might be some problem with  the
         local post office, as  he is receiving  several second requests  for
         QSOs he has already confirmed (QSLling  takes time, he says, but  he
         replies to all the QSLs he receives). [TNX SV2ASP/A through IK3ZAW]
TA     - Nilay/TA3YJ,    Berkin/TA3J,     Yasar/TA3D,    Valeri/LZ2CJ     and
         Tzvetalin/LZ2FV will be active (160, 80,  40, 20, 15 and 10  metres,
         plus 2 metres and 70 centimetres) as YM3LZ between 22 and 29  March,
         including a Multi-Single entry in the CQ WW WPX Contest (SSB) from a
         mountain location  (1000  metres asl).  QSL  via TA3YJ  (Nilay  Mine
         Aydogmus, P.O. Box 876, 35214 Izmir, Turkey). [TNX LZ2CJ and TA3J]
UA     - The OPDX Bulletin reports that Paul, UA4FRV and others are  planning
         a  seven/eight-day  operation  from  Petra  (AS-063)  and   Begichev
         (AS-???) islands in  June or  July. For  further information  please
         contact Valery Gusakov, RA4FKC at fkc@sura.ru
UA     - Yuri Sinitso, UA1RJ (ua1rj@rcv.spb.ru) reports that Vlad, UA1RG  and
         other five operators from Radio Club Vologda plan to be active (with
         two stations on  10-160 metres  SSB, CW  and RTTY)  from three  IOTA
         groups for ten days in the  second half of July (indicatively  21-31
         July), including an entry in the IOTA Contest. They are expected  to
         use UF1P from Dolgy Island (EU-086), RF1P from Dolgy Island (EU-102)
         and UA1QV/1 from  Kolguyev Island (EU-085).  QSL via UA1RJ.  Further
         information is expected in due course.
V2     - Ed, N2ED will  be active  as V26EW  from Antigua  (NA-100) on  17-22
         February. He will participate in the  ARRL International DX  Contest
         (CW). QSL via N2ED. [TNX The Daily DX]
V3     - Look for Conny, DL1DA to  operate (on 10-160  metres mostly CW  with
         some SSB  and  PSK-31)  as  V31HE from  Belize  between  15  and  29
         February. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
V7     - Bruce,  V73CW  reports  he  has  been   assigned  V7G  by  the   RMI
         Communications Office for the  ARRL CW Contest  this weekend on  all
         bands 10-160. Bruce will be leaving the Mrashall Islands in three or
         four weeks. QSL via AC4G (Bruce Smith, P.O. Box 1436, APO, AP 96555,
         USA). [TNX V73CW]
VK     - Special event call VI3GP will be activated on 9 March in conjunction
         with  the  running  of  the  Australian  Formula  1  Grand  Prix  in
         Melbourne, Australia.  QSL via the VK3 Buro or direct to the Eastern
         and Mountain District Radio  Club Inc., P.O.  Box 87, Mitcham  3132,
         Victoria, Australia. [TNX VK3DYL]
VU7    - Latest news  from  the  organizers  of  the  Lackshadweep  operation
         [425DXN 433] is that "due to certain security matters the March date
         will not  be  met. This  is  the second  serious  delay  as  it  was
         scheduled for  September  1999 then  March  2000.  It  is  hopefully
         certain it will take place but later this year due to diplomatic and
         other formalities being completed. We are grateful for the wonderful
         assistance so far during  the numerous visits  made. It is  realised
         that DXers need this and that it is rumored that this will not  take
         place, but every effort is being made for the needy".
XW     - Hiroo Yonezuka, JA2EZD  has had his  XW2A all-band all-mode  licence
         renewed for the  period 5 February-5  May 2000. He  currently has  a
         tribander and a dipole for 40, 17 and 12 metres plus a  four-element
         beam for 6 metres. QSL to  P.O. Box 2659,  Vientiane, Laos (he  asks
         for 2  IRCs to  help cover  the air  mail  postage and  printing  of
         cards). His web site is  at http://www.qth.com/dxshack/ [TNX  JA2EZD
         through K7BV]
ZS     - Barry, ZS1FJ (team  leader) reports  the ZS31ER  IOTA activity  from
         Elephant Rock [425DXN 457] is now scheduled to start between 20  and
         24 March for ten days. An eight-operator team will be active on  all
         bands 24 hours a day on  CW, SSB and hopefully  RTTY [TNX ZS1FJ  and
S DX@WW $425WW459C
425 DX News #459 [3/4]
  19 February 2000                 No 459                    BID: $425WW459C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

160 METRES ---> Amateurs from  Japan are currently  able to transmit  between
1907.5 to 1912.5 kHz only, but starting on 1 April they will be permitted  to
operate also from 1810 to 1825 kHz. [TNX JA7SSB]

QSL 3B8/DL2HZM  ---> Guenter,  DL3XM reports  he now  has logs  and QSLs  for
3B8/DL2HZM and has processed all of  the direct and bureau cards received  so
far Please remember not to use DL2HZM's address any longer, as Hardy has been
a SK since  22 November 1999.  Send you  request to  DL3XM: Guenter  Rehbein,
Aeussere Leipziger Str. 31, D-04435 Schkeuditz, Germany.

QSL E44/IZ0CKJ ---> To those who have asked: the cards (beautiful indeed) for
this operation (August 1999) should be sent to IZ0CKJ (Alessio Roma, P.O. Box
22, 03023 Ceccano - FR, Italy).

QSL ET3VSC ---> Please do not send your envelopes with "return receipt"  when
asking for a QSL from ET3VSC (Claudio Vascotto, P. O. Box 20011, Addis Abeba,
Ethiopia), as this is causing him  many problems with the local post  office.

QSL VIA IK3GES ---> Bureau cards  for Gabriele's various IOTA operations  can
now be requested at ik3ges@libero.it [TNX Crazy DX Group]

RTTY CHAMPIONSHIP --->  The Open Ukraine  RTTY Championship  will take  place
between 22 UTC  on 4  March and  01.59 UTC  on the  5th (four  hours) on  160
(1838-1848 kHz) and 80 (3580-3620 kHz) metres. For further information on the
rules please e-mail Dimitry, UT5RP (ut5rp@radio.tenet.odessa.ua)

WLH ---> Phil, F5OGG reports the following operations are acceptable for  WLH
(World Lighthouses  Award)  credit:  GM3VLB/p  (24-27  August  1999,  Flannan
Lighthouse, LH  0023, QSL  via GM3VLB),  FY5FU/p  (5-7 November  1999,  Salut
Lighthouse,  LH  0911,  QSL  via  F5PAC).   The  web  site  for  WHL  is   at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CE0ZY:       The web site for the current CE0ZY operation from Juan Fernandez
             is at http://www.qsl.net/ce0zy
LOGS:        Logs, pictures and  information for DL4OCM's  activity from  DU1
             and DU7 are now available at http://www.qsl.net/dl4ocm  [TNX  DX
             News Letter]
LOGS:        The  logs  for  R3CA/am,  KC4/R3CA  (South  Pole),  CE9/R3CA   &
             R3RRC/ant (Patriot Hills base), CE8/R3CA (January 2000,  SA-050)
             and CE8/R3CA  (December  1999,  Punta  Arenas,  Chile)  are  now
             available at http://rrc.sc.ru/eng/log.htm as well as information
             on the plaques issued by the Russian Robinson Club for  contacts
             made with these stations. [TNX RW3GU]
LOGS:        The  logs  for  PY0FZM  and  3B8/DL2HZM  are  now  available  at
             http://www.qsl.net/dl3xm  (button"DX+QSL")  as   well  as   some
             pictures the late Hardy,  DL2HZM took when  on the island.  [TNX
LOGS:        Logs, pictures and statistics for the recent XZ0A operation from
             Thahtay  Kyun   (AS-144),   Myanmar   are   now   available   at
MOST WANTED: Carlos, CT1END reports the results of  the 1999 Portuguese  Most
             wanted list are available at http://www.qsl.net/ct1end/

QSL received  via direct:   3B9R,  3C0R  (AF-039), 3D2AG/p,  3DA0WPX,  3V8BB,
3XY2D, 4N9BW, 5A1A, 5R8FU,  5W0GD, 7X2RO, 8Q7TB,  9A5Y, 9G5AA, 9G5DX,  9G5ZW,
9H1ZA, 9J2BO,  9M6NA (AS-133),  9N7UD, A61AJ,  A71EZ, A71MA,  BA1DU,  BA1DU/7
(AS-094),  BI4Q  (AS-135),  BI7Y  (AS-143),   BV2RS,  BV3FG,  BV5GQ,   CT3BX,
FO0DEH (OC-114),  FO0ERI, FO0SAL  (OC-027), FO0SAL  (OC-067), GU3MBS,  H44MX,
H44YL, H76C (NA-212), HS0/IK4MRH (AS-053), HV4NAC, HZ1AB, IB0/IZ0CKJ (EU-045;
IIA LT-007,  015, 025,  026), J2/N6HR,  J3A, J45T,  JA6VAG (AS-036),  JD1BIA,
JD1BKR (AS-030), JT1CO, KH5/DF6FK (OC-085), LY2ZZ, OA5/F6BFH (SA-073), PY0FT,
PY0FZM, RF1P, SV2ASP/A, T30CW,  T30Y, T77C, TI4CF,  TU5IJ, TZ6YV, V51E,  VD7D
(NA-118), VE7TLL/p (NA-061), VK8CI (OC-229), VK8ML (OC-173), VK9RS  (OC-230),

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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S DX@WW $425WW459D
425 DX News #459 [4/4]
  19 February 2000                 No 459                    BID: $425WW459D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

01/01-31/12      IOTA 2000 (http://www.cdxc.org.uk)                     ***
till  25/02      3D2RK: Fiji (OC-016) * by A35RK                        457
till  31/12      3Z: special prefix (Poland)                            454
till  07/05      6K2000WFK: special event station (Korea)               459
till  28/02      8P6DR: Barbados (NA-021) * by G3RWL                    458
till  22/02      8P9JB & 8P9JA: Barbados * by AA4NC & K4MA              458
till  31/12      9AY2K: special Millennium station                      451
till  10/04      9U5D: Burundi * by SM5DIC                              450
till  27/02      A22EW: Botswana                                        457
till  23/02      C6AKP: Bimini (NA-048) * by N4RP                       457
till  25/02      AC8W/C6A & K8DD/C6A: Abaco Island (NA-080), Bahamas    458
till  29/02      CE0ZY: Juan Fernandez (SA-005) * by DLs                457
till  22/02      H40MS: Temotu Province * by DL2GAC                     459
till  31/12      HB2: special Y2K prefix (Switzerland)                  453
till  20/02      HC8/LU7DW and HC8/LW8EXF: Galapagos (SA-004)           457
till  ??         HF0POL: South Shetlands (AN-010) * by SP3GVX           441
till  31/12      HF70PZK: special event station (Poland)                453
till  31/12      II0CV: special call                                    451
till  24/12      II0: special jubilee prefix                            452
till  20/02      II8CS: special event station                           455
till  31/03      IU0PAW: special event station                          451
till  28/02      J3/K4UPS, J3/K4LTA, J38A: Grenada (NA-024)             457
till  April      JD1BKR: Iwo-Jima (AS-030), Ogasawara                   441
till  21/02      JW5UF, JW6YEA, JW9VDA, JW9IAA: Svalbard (EU-026)       455
till  29/02      LZ0A: South Shetlands (AN-010) * by LZ2UU              447
till  29/02      M2000A: special call (England) * by Cray Valley RS     457
till  21/02      MD/DL3OI, DL4LQM, DL5AXX, DL5LYM, DL7URH: Man (EU-116) 457
till  29/02      OG: specal prefix (Finland)                            452
till  March      R1ANA: "Molodezhnaya" Antarctic base                   454
till  March      R1ANJ: "Druzhnaya-4" Antarctic base                    454
till  31/03      R1ANP: Progress base, Antarctica                       453
till  21/02      S21VJ: Bangladesh * by G4ZVJ                           458
till  31/12      SI75A & SIxSSA: SSA 75th anniversary stations (Sweden) 445
till  01/04      TZ6VV and TZ6YL: Mali                                  451
till  22/02      V26EW: Antigua (NA-100) * by N2ED                      459
till  29/02      V31HE: Belize * by DL1DA                               459
till  01/04      V31JP: Belize * by K8JP                                443
till  Dec        VK0MM: Macquarie Island                                456
till  26/02      VK9XS, VK9XT, VK9XU: Christmas Isl (OC-003) * by DLs   457
till  22/02      VP5/K2KW and VP5TT: North Caicos (NA-002) * by K2KW    457
till  May        VP6BR: Pitcairn (OC-044) * by OH2BR                    455
till  27/02      XQ5BIB and CE5VKI: Wellington Island (SA-032)          454
till  05/05      XW2A: Laos * by JA2EZD                                 459
till  May        ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT                443
till  20/02      ZK2: Niue (OC-040) * by K7CA and W7TVF                 455
till  March      ZM: special Millennium prefix (New Zealand)            438
till  03/03      ZM7ZB: Chatham Islands (OC-038) * by DJ4ZB             447
till  30/04      ZV4D: special event call * by PY4AUN                   454
14/02-13/03      PY5CDA/A: Isla do Mel (SA-047) * by PA3DES             457
14/02-06/03      V6: Truk (OC-011) * by G0VJK and G4VGO                 429
14/02-24/02      V4: St. Kitts (NA-104) * by V47CA, WD4JR, W4OV         458
16/02-22/02      HP: Contadora Island (NA-072) * by W4OC and N4UK       458
18/02-06/03      TG9/IK2NCJ and TG9IGI: Guatemala                       456
19/02-20/02      3W2LC: Vietnam * by VK6LC                              457
19/02-20/02      HC8L: Galapagos (SA-004) * by W6NL                     458
19/02-20/02      IO4ARI: special call                                   455
19/02-12/03      PJ8/ND5S, KF5LG, W8EB, W8DVC: Sint Maarten (NA-105)    458
20/02-August     FH/TU5DX: Mayotte (AF-027) * by 6W1QV                  458
19/02-20/02      ARRL International DX Contest (CW)                     ***
20/02            JA4PXE/4: Kasado Island (AS-117)                       457
21/02-27/02      JW6WEA & JW7FD: Svalbard (EU-026) * by LA6WEA & LA7FD  459
24/02-07/03      ET: Ethiopia * by G4ZVJ                                455
24/02-28/02      LU: Trinidad Island (SA-021) * by LUs                  457
24/02-27/02      LU8: Isla Redonda * by Radio Club Ushuaia              459
24/02-28/02      PS5S and PV500B: Campeche Island (SA-026)              457
25/02-27/02      CQ WW 160 Meter DX Contest (SSB)                       ***
26/02-27/02      HR3GAW/6 or HR6/K7DBV: Cayo Cochinos (NA-160)          457
26/02-11/03      FG/F5BOY: Guadeloupe (NA-102)                          459
26/02-29/02      J68AC or J68KAC: St. Lucia (NA-108) * by JA7KAC        459
26/02-28/02      JI3DST/6: Osumi Archipelago (AS-032)                   455
27/02-11/03      ZK1XXC: South (OC-083) & North (OC-082) Cook*by HB9BMY 455
29/02-06/03      CQ7B: Berlenga Island (EU-040) * by CT1EKY             459
29/02-01/03      ED3AFR/9: Penon Velez de la Gomera                     459
29/02-06/03      T32B: Christmas Isl (OC-024), East Kiribati * by W0CP  457
February         HK3JJH/4: Pelon de  Napu (NO-REF)                      456
February         ZK1GNW, FO0PRE, A35NW, FW/IK2GNW, KH6/IK2GNW           456
01/03-08/03      FO0: Clipperton Island                                 458
01/03-08/03      J79AC or J79KAC: Dominica (NA-101) * by JA7KAC         459
01/03-05/03      PJ/W3EH & FS/W3EH: St.Maarten & St. Martin (NA-105)    457
01/03-31/03      VR2K: special Millennium call (Hong Kong)              449
03/03-05/03      7S0I: Uto Island (EU-084) + by Stockholm IOTA Team     459
03/03-06/03      J37K: Grenada (NA-024) * by W8KKF                      457
02/03-05/03      KB5GL/p: Timbalier Island (NA-119)                     456
03/03-18/03      XF4LWY: Socorro (NA-030), Revilla Gigedo * by XEs      457
04/03-05/03      T48RAC: Cuba (ARRL DX SSB)                             457
04/03-05/03      WP2Z: US Virgin Islands (NA-106) (ARRL DX SSB)         459
04/03-05/03      ARRL International DX Contest (SSB)                    ***
