S DX@WW $425WW452A 425 DX News #452 [1/4] 1 January 2000 No 452 $425WW452A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ************************************ * TO ALL OUR READERS * * WARMEST THOUGHTS AND BEST WISHES * * FOR A WONDERFUL HOLIDAY * * AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR * ************************************ 9A - Special event station 9A10CRO will be active during 2000 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Democratic State of Croatia. QSL via 9A7K. [TNX The Daily DX] CT - Look for CS2MIL to be active (10 and 20 metres) on 31 December and 1 January to celebrate the Millennium. QSL via CT1END. [TNX CT1END] FH - Christian, 6W1QV (ex-TR8SA) will be active (on 40-6 metres) as FH/TU5AX from Mayotte (AF-027) for five months starting on 5 January. QSL via F5OGL (Didier Senmartin, DASC, BP 19, 35998 Rennes Armees, France). [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] HB9 - 4U0G is located at the Headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva (UNOG), Switzerland. The call has been issued to mark the emergency preparedness measures set up at HQ by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs for the Y2K rollover period. QSL via IK2BHX (bureau only). [TNX The Daily DX] HL - The KARL Branch Office of Pohang (HL0FDU) has been issued the special call D90TKY (T=Two, K=Kilo, Y=Year) to celebrate the Millennium. It will be aired on 31 December-1 January. QSL direct to DS5UCP or via HL0FDU (bureau). HS - The Minister of the Interior has asked the Post Telegraph Department (PTD) to set up a Y2K support network using the services of amateur radio operators and other volunteers in Thailand. This is an emergency back-up measure in the event of telecommunications or other failures. The special call sign HS2000 (QSL via HS1CKC) has been assigned to HS0AC RAST Club Station for international working regarding the Y2K exercise, while HS2000/1 (QSL via HS1CKC) has been assigned to the special control station installed at the Telephone Organisation of Thailand's "Y2K Centre". The frequencies to be used for both stations will be 28.450, 21.289, 14.189, 7.060/65 MHz, 145.800 MHz. Look for the two stations to be active until 4 January. [TNX HS0/G3NOM aand E21EIC] I - Amateurs living in Rome have been granted permission to replace their prefix (I0, IK0, IZ0, IW0) with the special II0 prefix to celebrate the jubilee year between 24 December 1999 and 24 December 2000. [TNX IW0BET] OH - Members of the OH3AB club station will operate special event station OH2OOO in 2000 to celebrate the Millennium. [TNX The Daily DX] OH - Amateurs from Finland have been allowed to use the prefix OG between 1 January and 29 February to celebrate the Millennium. [TNX OH2HSJ] PY - Ari, PT2BW will be active as ZW2OOO until 3 January to celebrate the Millennium. Look for him on PSK31, Feld-Hell, MT63, SSTV, RTTY, CW and SSB. QSL via PT2BW either direct (Ariosto Rodrigues de Souza, P.O. Box 03821, 70084-970 Brasilia - DF, Brazil) or through the bureau. [TNX PT2BW] PY - Special event station ZW2V is active until 31 January from Valinhos, Brazil. QSL via PY2AE either direct (Marcelo Pera, Rua Ver. Fernando Spadaccia 366, 13273-062 Valinhos-SP, Brazil) or through the bureau. [TNX PY2AE] VK0_mac - It is confirmed that VK0LD will be permanently QRT from Macquarie as of 12 UTC on 31 December [425DXN 451]. In fact, Alan will be active as VK0MM (Y2K/Millennium suffix) over the year 2000. VK0MM will initially concentrate on 20 metres CW (30 wpm QSK) to give the maximum number of stations a new country. However he will be active on all HF bands CW/SSB over the year 2000 and will attempt to work all major amateur population areas as fairly as possible. VK0MM's operating schedule will be available on his web site (http://www.geocities.com/vk0ld/1.html). E-mail requests for confirmation that a station is "in the log" will result in the station being removed from the log. Duplicate QSOs on the same band/mode will result in all QSOs being automatically removed from the log by the logging software. QSL information will be announced in due course. For further information please refer to the URL above. VP9 - Bob, KE0UI will be active (on 10-80 metres CW and SSB) as VP9/KE0UI from rare Hamilton Parish, Bermuda (NA-005) between 8 and 15 January. QSL via home call. [TNX KE0UI] ZL - ZMY2K Hastings Branch Station will be operating all bands with different operators until 14 January. QSL via bureau. [TNX ZL2AAA] /exit S DX@WW $425WW452B 425 DX News #452 [2/4] 1 January 2000 No 452 $425WW452B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH IOTA ACTIVITY MONTH (JANUARY) ---> The following IOTA island groups fall into the current activity month and contacts made with them score three points towards the RSGB IOTA Millennium Programme (IOTA 2000): AN-005 AS-070 OC-011 OC-035 OC-059 OC-084 OC-115 OC-149 OC-189 AN-011 AS-071 OC-015 OC-036 OC-060 OC-087 OC-116 OC-156 OC-191 AS-022 AS-091 OC-016 OC-037 OC-061 OC-095 OC-117 OC-158 OC-192 AS-027 AS-092 OC-017 OC-038 OC-064 OC-099 OC-118 OC-162 OC-194 AS-038 AS-095 OC-018 OC-039 OC-065 OC-100 OC-121 OC-163 OC-201 AS-039 AS-142 OC-024 OC-043 OC-068 OC-101 OC-123 OC-167 OC-203 AS-048 OC-004 OC-028 OC-047 OC-069 OC-102 OC-127 OC-168 OC-205 AS-059 OC-005 OC-029 OC-049 OC-072 OC-104 OC-134 OC-169 OC-212 AS-061 OC-007 OC-031 OC-053 OC-073 OC-110 OC-135 OC-176 OC-218 AS-064 OC-008 OC-032 OC-054 OC-074 OC-111 OC-137 OC-178 OC-223 AS-065 OC-010 OC-033 OC-058 OC-079 OC-112 OC-142 OC-179 OC-226 For full details please visit http://www.425dxn.org/iota/iota2000 2YK JUBILEE AWARD ---> The Holy Year 2000 Award, sponsored by A.R.I. Rome, is available to licenced amateurs (and SWLs) for contacts made with ARI Rome members between 24 December 1999 and 24 December 2000. For full information please visit http://web.tiscalinet.it/ariroma or e-mail Giovanni, IW0BET at iw0bet@amsat.org [TNX IW0BET] QSL 3DA0WPX ---> The QSL manager is ZS 6 WPX (not ZS5WPX). Full details at http://www.infozone.co.za/hradio1 (click the "Latest DX Pedition news"). [TNX N2JTX] QSL 3W7CW & XU7AAS ---> Tom, SP5AUC (ex-YI9CW) is currently active as 3W7CW from Vietnam and XU7AAS from Cambodia. He will be going to Poland on 9 January and will be back to Vietnam in February. Cards are expected from the printer soon, but Tom will start processing the requests during his longer summer holidays. [TNX SP5EWY] QSL 9H1PF ---> The QSL manager has been K5YG since February 1997. Cards for contacts prior to 19 February 1997 should be sent direct to 9H1PF (Peter Ferrando, Leando, Triq L-Ghansar, Birzebbuga BBG 05, Malta). [TNX QRZ-DX] QSL 9Y4VU ---> "I am no loger the QSL manager for 9Y4VU", W3EVW states, as "he has not sent me logs for over two years". [TNX KB2NMV] QSL FO5BI ---> The Daily DX reports that starting 1 January 2000 F6HSI will not be the QSL manager for Bob any longer and FO5BI will handle his own QSL chores. QSL UA0QBA ---> Nikolay, EU6TV reports the new address for UA0QBA is Aleksandr Sinyakov, Box 51, Vitebsk 210001, Belarus (QSL direct only). QSL V26 ---> Several Team Antigua members were active with V26 calls in October and November. Please note the following QSL managers, as according to KA2AEV "several of the QSL directories have messed up our QSL routings": V26A via WB3DNA V26DX via KU9C V26R via KA2AEV V26YR via W2YR V26AK via N2TK V26J via WX0B V26SW via K3SW V26AU via DL6LAU V26OC via N3OC V26SZ via KM5SZ V26B via WT3Q V26OX via K3OX V26U via W2UDT QSL VK9RS ---> QSL manager I1HYW reports he has received the cards (three different designs: four-side, two-side and plain bureau cards) for OC-230 from the printer. He is still waiting for the last logs to arrive, but he will start processing the requests he can confirm during these days. QSL to Gianni Varetto, P. O. Box 1, 10060 Pancalieri - TO, Italy. TAIWAN ---> The Daily DX gives information about the new callsign structure in Taiwan: BX#?? = all bands, max 800 watts; BV#?? and BM#?? = all bands, max 600 watts; BX#??? = 15 and 10 metres only; BM#??? and BV#??? = VHF/UHF only. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH HUNTING LIONS: The 29th annual Huntting Lions in the Air Contest will take place on 15-16 January. The contest is to commemorate the birthday of Melvin Jonesa, the founder of Lionism, born on 13 January 1879. The rules can be downloaded from http://www.sarl.org.za/contests/lionita.htm [TNX VU2JHM] IOTA JAPAN: Do you have a card from a JA station you cannot identify the IOTA Ref.No. of? The IOTA-JA team maintains a help list at http://www01.u-page.so-net.ne.jp/ba2/jim/iota_e.html [TNX JQ1HBT] /exit S DX@WW $425WW452C 425 DX News #452 [3/4] 1 January 2000 No 452 $425WW452C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH ============================================================================= CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER ============================================================================= 3B8/I5JHW I5JHW D2/EA1BF EA8EE T32BE WC5P 3D2AA VE6VK D2BF EA8EE T32PO N5PO 3D2AG/R 3D2AG DF2OOO bureau T88JA JA6BSM 3D2RW/R ZL1AMO DH2OOO bureau T88LJ JH8DEH 3DA0WPX ZS6WPX DL1SCQ/C6A DL6DK T92D T91AVW 3F1XVH N0JT DL2SCQ/C6A DL6DK T97M K2PF 3F2CTM HP2CTM EA9AU EA9IB TA3DD KB2MS 3F99PCR HP1PCR ED1NNN EA1FFE TF8SM N5FTR 3W6AP HL2AQN ED7VCF EA7EMB TI4CF N6TR 3W6DK N0ODK EJ7NET HB9ASZ TJ1GD SP9CLQ 3W6KM ES1WN EP3HR I2MQP TK5XN F2YT 3XY2D VE2DPS ER0N UT7ND TM5G F5LMJ 4F2DX PA3GKI ER2000A ER1DA TO2OOO ON4LCE 4L1UN IK7JTF ER2000B ER1BF TR8CA F6CBC 4S7DA W3HNK ER2000C ER5AA TT8FC EA4AHK 4S7FEG DL7FER ER2000D ER4DX TU5IJ I2AOX 4S7YSG JA2BDR ER2000F ER1FF TU5JL W3HNK 4X6HI KG2FH ER2000L ER1LW TZ6VV KB0VV 5H3MG IN3YYQ ER2000O ER1OO UE1QNY/3 RN3OA 5H4IR ZS6EZ ER2000U ER1AU UE4HNT RW4HT 5H9IR ZS6EZ EX2M W3HNK UE4HNY UA4HUR 5N9CEN IV3VBM EY8XX GW3CDP UN7QF W8JY 5R8FL F5TBA FK8VHY F6CXJ UN7VX IK2XYU 5T5U JA1UT FM5GU KU9C V31JP KA9WON 5X1Z SM6CAS FO0DEL ON5AX V51GP W8RXR 6W1/F6BUM F6BUM FO0EEN LA1EE V63LJ JH8DEH 6W4RK F5NPS HB0/DL1RWB DL1RWB V73CW AC4G 7Q7BO ZS5BBO HI8/K8WK K8WK VC2K VE2PJ 8P9EM G3VBL HR5/F2JD F6AJA VQ9NL W4NML 8Q7BX I4ALU HS0ZCW K4VUD VQ9PH W2JDK 8Q7JL JL6MSN HV0A IK0FVC VQ9QM W4QM 9A99F 9A1EZA II5ONU IK5KKW VU2BMS DL2GAC 9AY2K 9A1A IJ0WTD I0WTD VY1JA KB5IPQ 9G1MR IK3HHX IJ0ZKZ I0ZKZ W2FXA/VP9 W2FXA 9G5ZW OM3LZ J59OFM IZ3BIY WY2OOO K4MQG 9H3EH G0GSD JD1BIC/JD1 JD1BIC XE1NVX EA5XX 9J2BO W6ORD JW5NM LA5NM XM1YX VE1YX 9M2TO JA0DMV JY5SK W9XY XU7AAV G4ZVJ 9N1AA N4AA JY9NE N3FNE XU7AAY IN3ZNR 9N1HA N5VL KC4AAA K1IED XU7AAZ IN3ZNR 9N7UD K4VUD KG4RF K8RF XW1UD K4VUD A35RK W7TSQ KH0AC K7ZA XX9SAR 7M1STT A6/YI1HK KK3S KH4/W4ZYV W4ZYV XX9TND JO3TND A61AO N1DG LX9PC LX2RH XX9TUH 7N2KUH A61AP IK7JTF LZ0A LZ1KDP XX9TVI 7K1OUO A61AS YO3FRI M2000A G4DFI XX9TXX 7K3XEI AA1AC/VP9 AA1AC M2H G0REP YE2K YB2PBX BT20OO BA4EG MJ/PA3GIO/P PA3GIO YI1SEA WA3HUP BX2000 BV4YB N5T N5VT YM21TA TA3YJ BX4AF BV4ME NZ7Q/KH4 N6ZVA YN9HAU HR1RMG BX7AA BV7WB OD5/F5SQM F6FYA YQ0TM YO2BP BY1DX OH2BH OH9SCL OH9HNP YR2000 YO4KCA C91RF DL6DQW P29VHX DJ9HX YZ75AJH YU7AJH CE8/R3CA UA9OBA P40AV K4AVQ YZ75EBC YU1EBC CE9/R3CA UA9OBA PA/SV0SS pirate ZC4FL 5B4FL CG2DX VE2STN PY0FT JA1ELY ZD9BV W4FRU CG9HF VE9HF PZ5JR K3BYV ZK1AXA ON5AX CN8KD EA5XX RO3A UA3DX ZK1DLL LA9DL CO2OR F6FNU RP3APC UA3DX ZK1VMM LA6VM CO8ZZ DK1WI RS3A UA3DX ZK1XKK LA7XK CP6XE IK6SNR SU3/DL4HRH DL4HRH ZS8D ZS6EZ CQ0ODX CT2GZE SU9ZZ OM3TZZ ZV2000 PR7AA CT1A arrl 10m CT1GFK SV0SS pirate ZY35COM PY7COM /exit S DX@WW $425WW452D 425 DX News #452 [4/4] 1 January 2000 No 452 $425WW452D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 5N0WFU Ludwig, P.O. Box 453, Abuja, Nigeria 5R8ET Solofo Randrenjason, B.P. 404, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar 5R8FT Eddy Rahamefy, B.P. 404, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar 5R8GL Michel Bon, B.P. 342, 201 Antsiranana, Madagascar 9A1A P. O. Box 108, HR-10001 Zagreb, Croatia BA4EG P. O. Box 122-001, Shanghai 200122, China CT1GFK Toze, P.O. Box 468, 8700 914 Olhao, Portugal CT2GZE Jose Marta, P.O. Box 128, 2530-909, Lourinha, Portugal DJ9HX Uwe Jaeger, Eschenstrasse 16, D-74196 Neuenstadt-Stein, Germany DL1RWB Reiner Graf, Rudolf-Breitscheid-Str. 7, D-19348 Perleberg, Germany DL2GAC Bernhard Stefan, Moeggenweiler Str. 18, D-88677 Markdorf, Germany DL6DQW Reinhard Fendler, Waldteichstrasse 34, D-01468 Boxdorf, Germany ER1AU Valentin, P.O. Box 270, MD-2043 Chisinau, Moldova ER1BF Valery, P.O. Box 3250, MD-2044 Chisinau, Moldova ER1DA Valery, P.O. Box 3000, MD-2071 Chisinau, Moldova ER1FF Alex, P.O. Box 270, MD-2043 Chisinau, Moldova ER1LW Viacheslav, P.O. Box 112, MD-2012 Chisinau, Moldova ER1OO Vlad, P.O. Box 328, MD-2002 Chisinau, Moldova ER4DX Vasily, P.O. Box 3351, MD-2044 Chisinau, Moldova ER5AA Vasily, P.O. Box 10, MD-3903 Cahul-3, Moldova F5LMJ Alain Tuduri, 25 rue de Jussieu, 44300 Nantes, France F5TBA Joel Champeaux, 372 rue Robert Le Coq, 80000 Amiens, France FK8VHN Didier Lavisse, Caserne Normandie, B. P. 12, 98842 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia G4ZVJ Andy Chadwick, 5 Thorpe Chase, Ripon, HG4 1UA, U.K. HL0C Hanyang University Wave Research Club, CPO Box 4397, 100-643 Seoul, Korea IN3ZNR Fabrizio Vedovelli, Via Gramsci 27, 38100 Trento - TN, Italy IZ3BIY Lodovico Gottardi, Via Colonne 13, 30022 Ceggia - VE, Italy JD1BIC Shiro Hazama, 3-7 Taura, Yokoskua, 237-0075, Japan JI3DST Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-Cho Abeno-Ku, Osaka-City, Osaka 545-0021, Japan JH8DEH Akira Miyata, 4-28-5, Minami Nishi 23 Jyou, Obihiro 080-2473, Japan K1IED Larry F.Skilton, 72 Brook Street, South Windsor, CT 06074, USA K8RF Dan Flaig, 2101 Ronaldson Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45230-1510, USA K8WK Steve Litwins, 2398 Woodbine Dr., Crestview, FL 32536, USA KU9C Steven M. Wheatley, P. O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054, USA LA8G Radioamatorklubben P35, Postboks 941, Sentrum, N-7409 Trondheim, Norway N5PO Lee Ward, 203 Meandering Way, Weatherford, Texas 76086-2731, USA N6KI Dennis Vernacchia, 8993 Covina St, San Diego, CA 92126, USA ON5AX Willy Dellaert, Leemstraat 95, B 2910 Essen, Belgium RA0FN Viacheslav Davidenko, ul. Yuzhno-Zelenaya 80-22, Uglegorsk, Sakhalin 694900, Russia RW4HT Igor A. Likhobabin, P.O. Box 1220, Togliatti, 445032, Russia SV2ASP Monk Apollo, Monastery Dochiariou, GR-63087 Mt. Athos, Greece TA3YJ Nilay Mine Aydogmus, P.O. Box 876, 35214 Izmir, Turkey TY8G Radioamatorklubben P35, Postboks 941, Sentrum, N-7409 Trondheim, Norway UA3DX Nick Averyanov, P.O. Box 39, Odintsovo-10, 143000, Russia UT7ND Gene Chumakov, P. O. Box 5235, Vinnitsa, 21018, Ukraine UT7QF Igor Serikov, P.O. Box 4597, Zaporozhye 69006, Ukraine UX2VZ Vladimir B. Fomichenko, P.O. Box 123, Kirovograd 25009, Ukraine VE6VK Russ A. Wilson, 1235 Richland Road N.E., Calgary, AB T2E 5M5, Canada YB2PBX P. O. Box 337, Surakarta 57103, Indonesia Z31CN Jane Atanasov, P.O. Box 73, Kocani, 92300, Macedonia Z31FK Dimitar Jordanov, Toso Arsov 40, Kocani, 92300, Macedonia ZS6EZ Chris R. Burger, Box 4485, Pretoria 0001, South Africa ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /exit