DX425 bulletin issue nr. 448

S DX@WW $425WW448A
425 DX News #448 [1/5]
 4 December 1999                   No 448                         $425WW448A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3V      - Giovanni, I5JHW reports he  will participate in  the ARRL 10  Meter
          Contest (11-12 December) from 3V8BB.
5T      - From 13  to  20  December  1999  the  International  Amateur  Radio
          Volunteers (IARV)  will dispatch  eight  members to  Mauritania  to
          build an emergency  medical radio  network in  some remote  cities.
          During their  stay there,  they will  operate  as 5T5U.  They  will
          operate mainly WARC bands  including 10MHz, 28  MHz FM (29.260)  as
          well as 6m  band (50.115 MHz  - beacon). QSL  via JA1UT. Your  kind
          support will be much appreciated. [TNX G3NOM and JA1UT]
9G      - Zdeno, OK2ZW  is active  as 9G5ZW  from Ghana  for the  next  three
          years. The QSL manager is Miro, OM3LZ (the cards are being  printed
          and he will start processing the  requests in early January).  [TNX
CO      - A group of Cuban operators (including  CO6ZG, CO6ZP, CO6XN,  CO7PH,
          CO6RD, CO6WD, CO6JL, CO6SE, CO6MZ and CM6MNG) plan to be active (on
          2-80 metres  CW, SSB  and  FM) from  Key  Breton (NA-201)  on  9-13
          December. [TNX The Daily DX]
FS      - Members of the North Jersey DX Association (http://njdxa.org/)  are
          active as FS/W2QM from St. Martin  (NA-105) until December 8.  RTTY
          and 160 metres operations are planned in addition to the regular HF
          bands. QSL via W2QM. [TNX ARRL DX Bulletin]
FT5Z    - Michel, FT5ZJ is expected  to leave Amsterdam  Island in about  two
          weeks, around 15 December. QSL via F2YT.
GU      - Jim, G0OFE will be active as GU0OFE from Guernsey (EU-114) on  8-13
          December. He will participate in the 10 Meter ARRL Contest as MU0C.
          QSL for both  calls via  G0OFE (bureau  cards can  be requested  at
          g0ofe@currantbun.com). [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
H40     - Bernhard, DL2GAC (aka H44MS and H40MS) will be leaving for India on
          12 December. At the end of January 2000 he will start a three-month
          trip in the Pacific area and plans are to operate for abouth  three
          weeks from Temotu in February. He is looking for a RTTY operator to
          join him on Temotu (WPX RTTY Contest included), where a beam and an
          amplifier  are   available.   Please  contact   him   by   fax   at
          0049-741-15377. [TNX DJ3IW]
JA      - JA6CTW is a new resident on Yakushima, Osumi Archipelago  (AS-032).
          QSL via JARL. [TNX JE1DXC]
OH0     - Look for OH0Z (Multi-Single)  to participate in  the ARRL 10  Meter
          Contest (11-12 December)  from the  Aland Islands.  QSL via  OH1EH.
          [TNX The Daily DX]
PA      - Look for Johan, PA3FDO to be active as PA3FDO/p from Ameland Island
          (EU-038) on 10-13  December, including the  ARRL 10 Meters Contest.
          QSL via home call (not PA3DFO as reported in 425DXN 448: thanks  to
          Gose, PA3GNZ for detecting the typo!).
TY      - Philippe, TU2FH/FK8VHU will be in Benin  between 6 and 28  December
          and hopes to get a licence. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
VK0_mac - Alan Cheshire,  VK0LD  (aka GM4EEL,  VP8PJ,  A4XFY,  VS6AC,  V85AC,
          P29AC, VK6CQ and VK8AC) is currently active (operating times depend
          on his work  load) from the  ANARE Base on  Macquarie Island  until
          late 2000  [425DXN 442].  According to  a release  from Jim  Smith,
          VK9NS "it seems likely that  Alan might be  the last amateur  radio
          operator on  Macquarie  Island  for  many  years  to  come.  He  is
          primarily a CW operator, can operate  split [in fact on 3  December
          he was transmitting on 14.003 MHz  and listening 5 up, ed.] and  is
          capable of sustained high QSO rates. He will concentrate mainly  on
          20M or perhaps 15M to maximise  the chance of  the DXers working  a
          new country.  He seems  to be  uninterested in  chasing around  the
          bands towards the multi-band QSO routine  and is not interested  in
          list operations of any sort". For further information please  visit
          http://www.geocities.com/vk0ld/1.html and  do  not try  to  get  in
          touch with him through ANARE. Jim also reports that "it seems  that
          QSLing will be done at the end of the tour on Macquarie Island".
VP5     - Fred, K4LQ will be active as  VP5/K4LQ from Providenciales,  Caicos
          Islands (NA-002) on 8-15 December. He will participate in the  ARRL
          10 Meter Contest as VP5W with Bruce, W4OV. [TNX The Daily DX]
YB      - YC8ZAM will be active (40, 80 and 15 metres SSB) on 3-5 December to
          celebrate the 40th anniversary of  Sidrap municipality on  Sulawesi
          (OC-146). QSL  via YB8BRI  (P. O.  Box.  73 UPTR,  Makassar  90245,
          Indonesia). [TNX YB8BHC]
ZF      - Glenn, W0GJ  will  be  active as  ZF2RT  from  the  Cayman  Islands
          (NA-016) on 8-14 December, ARRL 10 Meter Contest included. QSL  via
          W0GJ. [TNX The Daily DX]
S DX@WW $425WW448B
425 DX News #448 [2/5]
 4 December 1999                   No 448                         $425WW448B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

IOTA 2000 ---> The purpose of the RSGB IOTA Millennium Programme (IOTA  2000)
is to celebrate the Millennium, to promote  IOTA activity and to have fun  on
the HF bands. The programme will be administered by the Chiltern DX  Club-The
UK DX  Foundation on  behalf of  the RSGB  IOTA Committee.  For full  details
please visit http://www.425dxn.org/iota/iota2000

BORNEO DXPEDITION --->  The 1999 Hillview  Gardens Borneo  DXpedition is  now
over. A preliminary wrap-up  indicates some 21,000  QSOs as 9M6OO/p  (Spratly
Islands), 6,000 as  V85OO, 7,000 as  9M6AAC and 1,000  as 9M6RIT. QSL  9M6OO,
V85OO and  9M6AAC via  N2OO; QSL  9M6RIT  via G4SHF.  The  web site  for  the
operation is at http://www.qsl.net/n2oo/borneo/ [TNX N2OO]

C6 BUREAU ---> Delano Taylor, C6AFV has assumed duties as Bureau Manager  for
the Bahamas Amateur Radio Society. The address is P.O. Box F-43563  Freeport,
Grand Bahama,  Bahamas.  Delano currently  has  thousands of  cards  for  the
C6ADR      C6AGH      C6AHK      C6AJJ      C6AKL      C6ANF      C6CR
C6AER      C6AGN      C6AHN      C6AJQ      C6AKP      C6APK      C6LE
C6AFE      C6AGP      C6AHR      C6AJT      C6AKQ      C6ASR      C6LFN
C6AFP      C6AGT      C6AHX      C6AJU      C6AKT      C6AVW      C6MPN
C6AFQ      C6AHE      C6AHY      C6AJZ      C6AKW      C6AXP      C61D
C6AFZ      C6AHG      C6AJA      C6AKA      C6AMI      C6CDQ      KR8V/C6A
These cards will be held for  60 days as of 1 December  1999, If there is  no
response from these stations, your cards will be disposed of.

NCDXF/IARU BEACON  --->  The seventeenth  beacon  in  the  NCDXF/IARU  Beacon
Network came on  the air from  Novosibirsk, Russia  at 0945Z  on 26  November
1999. The beacon  operator is Yuri  Zaruba, UA9OBA  and call  is RR9O  (Radio
Radio Nine Oscar).  The final beacon  will be in  Hong Kong,  China with  the
callsign VR2HK. For full information please visit www.ncdxf.org [TNX N6EK]

NOT NA-086 ---> Last week CO0DX operated from Cayo Sabinal and gave NA-086 as
IOTA Reference Number. Martin Atherton, G3ZAY (RSGB IOTA Committee  Chairman)
reports that "according to the British  Admiralty charts there is only  about
40 metres  of separation  between the  Cayo and  the  Cuban mainland  at  the
eastern end (possibly via a man-made or maintained channel) - thus the island
does not count for NA-086 (as it fails the 200m rule) if this is accurate. If
the CO  group can  submit better  maps then  the situation  can obviously  be

P51BH ---> A few  readers were surprised  at not seeing  any mention of  this
recent "activity" in last week's 425DXN. We cannot but quote what reported by
The Daily DX: "The operator is not Martti,  OH2BH and the QSL manager is  not
Kan, JA1BK". Period!

PATHFINDER --->  Pathfinder,  a program  that  searches address  and  manager
databases, as well as country-specific callbooks,  makes it easy to find  QSL
information from  web-accessible sources.  As of  today, its  search  library
represents 60  online sources  of QSL  information. Pathfinder  is free,  and
contains  no  advertising.  Commercial  use   is  expressly  forbidden.   See
http://www.qsl.net/pathfinder     for     additional     information      and
download/installation instructions. [TNX AA6YQ]

QSL OD5ZZ ---> Dwaine, K8ME (ex-WA8MEM)  reports he is no longer the  manager
for OD5ZZ. "I have  not spoken to  Walid in 4  years and I  ran out of  cards
three years ago. Please send all  requests direct to Walid in Lebanon".  [TNX

QSL VK9RS --->  Mal, VK6LC reports  that direct cards  (via I1HYW) for  VK9RS
(OC-230) could start to flow around  Christmas time, while bureau cards  (via
VK6LC) are scheduled  for about May  2000. The VK9RS  special stamps  [425DXN
444] are not for sale because of limited quantity: they have been sent to all
VK9RS sponsors, the remaining are  available to those  who have "supported  a
reasonable donation with their direct QSL card". [TNX VE6VK]

QSL VIA  IK2DUW --->  Antonello reports  he has  processed all  the  requests
received so far for 3W6KA, 3W6LI, BA4RE, EK6LV and UA0FO. He he still waiting
for the RU0LL and RU0LL/a cards to arrive from the printer.

WAZ AWARD MANAGER ---> Paul  Blumhardt, K5RT (k5rt@cq-amateur-radio.com)  has
been appointed CQ WAZ Award Manager,  effective immediately. He will  succeed
Jim Dionne, K1MEM, who passed away in October. All WAZ applications and other
correspondence should be sent to Paul  Blumhardt, 2805 Toler Rd, Rowlett,  TX
75088, USA. [TNX KF2TI]

+ SILENT KEY + Ulli,  DL9WVM reports the  sad news of  the sudden passing  of
Hartmut "Hardy" Mueller, DL2HZM/PY0FZM  on 22 November  while on Fernando  de
Noronha. Gerd, DL5WX (Hardy's brother) and Dietmar, DL2HWA will take all  his
belongings back to Germany, including the  logs for PY0FZM. Cards for  DL2HZM
and all of his past DXpeditions  will be handled by  DL9WVM, while cards  for
PY0FZM will be handled by Gunter, DL3XM. You can express your condolences  to
Gerd, DL5WX at dl5wx@t-online.de

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CQWW CW:     A list  of QSL  routes for  stations active  during last  week's
             event is available at http://www.arrakis.es/~ea5eyj [TNX EA5EYJ]
LOGS:        Logs for  IQ2X and  IU2X  (CQWW SSB  and  CW) are  available  at
             http://www.hamlan.org/bsdx [TNX IK2GZU]
S DX@WW $425WW448C
425 DX News #448 [3/5]
 4 December 1999                   No 448                         $425WW448C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3A/K7CO     K7CXN       ER9V        ER1DA       R1MV        OH2BR
3A/VA3EU    VA3EU       ES5Q        ES5RY       R1MVA       OH2BR
3A/W0YR     OM2SA       EY8XX       GW3CDP      R3K         RX3DCX
3B8/DL2HZM  DL9WVM      EZ0AB       UA4FAO      RK2FWA      DK4VW
3B8/F6HMJ   F6HMJ       FG/K9NW     K9NW        RK9AWC      UA9AB
3D2AO/R     DL7VRO      FK/F6BUM    F2VX        RM3C        RA3CW
3D2HA       F6FNU       FK8HC       VK4FW       RM4W        RW4WR
3D2IO/R     DL7VRO      FO0CLA      F6LQJ       RU1A        RU1AE
3E1DX       N0JT        FO0MAC      KF8OY       RW2F        DK4VW
3F1AC       HP1AC       FT5ZJ       F2YT        S21YE       G4VLV
3V8ST       DL1BDF      GD4UOL      G4UOL       S92CW       DL5OBZ
3W6DK       N0ODK       H2E         SM0TGG      SN6F        SP6ECA
3W6KM       ES1AKM      H44MX       KQ1F        SV5/G4RCG   G4RCG
4K3OWA      RA1OA       H44YL       KQ1F        T32BO       N5RG
4K7Z        4J9RI       HB0/DL2HZM  DL9WVM      T32PO       N5PO
4L1FL       4Z5CU       HC1MD       K8LJG       T42DX       EA4CP
4M7X        WA4WTG      HC8N        AA5BT       T88JJ       JA3ART
4S7OF       K0JN        HH2LD       N3BNA       T88X        JE2PCY
4X4NJ       WA4WTG      HH2NH       KU9C        TF7KX       K1WY
5C8M        DL6FBL      HH2SJR      EA5DLC      TI5N        TI5KD
5H3US       WA8JOC      HI3K        AD4Z        TM1JMS      F8JZR
5N0W        OK1KN       HS0AC       HS0/G3NOM   TM2TLT      F5LHH
5N9CEN      IV3VBM      HS0ZCW      K4VUD       TM2Y        F6BEE
5X4DEL      WB3DNA      HS0ZCY      WB4FNH      TM5CW       F5SJB
5X4F        K3SW        HV4NAC      IK0FVC      TN7OT       AL7OT
6D2X        K5TSQ       HZ1AB       K8PYD       TZ6YV       WA1ECA
6M0YC       HL5FXP      IH9P        OK1VK       UE0LEZ      UA0MF
6V6U        K3IPK       II1H        I1HJT       UP4L        UN7LZ
6Y3A        KN5H        II1R        I1NVU       UP6P        UN5PR
6Y5/KN5H    KN5H        IR1S        I1ANP       UR3IWA      KI6T
7P8FJ       ZS1FJ       J37VG       AA1IZ       US8U        UT5UUF
8P9EU       K1TO        J3A         WA1S        V26A        WB3DNA
8P9HT       K4BAI       J42FD       SV2DCD      V26K        AA3B
8Q7TV       F6BEE       J45P        SV5AZP      V26KW       K3TEJ
9A4W        9A4RU       J45T        SV5TH       V26O        N5NJ
9G1MR       IK3HHX      JT1FAJ      JA0HC       V26YR       W2YR
9G5AA       GM4FDM      JT1FAK      JR0CGJ      V29DG       K4DLG
9G5ZW       OM3LZ       JT1FAL      JA0IXW      V31GI       PA3GIO
9H3MH       DJ9MH       JT1FCS      JR0BQT      V31HK       WA0ETE
9H3UJ       PA3CRA      JT1FCT      JA0EJ       V31JP       KA9WON
9J2AM       JA0JHA      JT1JA       JT1CO       V47KP       K2SB
9J2FR       IK2RZQ      JW5E        LA5NM       V73CW       AC4G
9M6AAC      N2OO        JY9NX       JH7FQK      V85NL       JA4ENL
9M6DU       N2OO        K7AR/C6A    K7AR        V85OO       N2OO
9M6MU       N2OO        KH0/JH4RLY  JH4RLY      V85TG       JH3GAH
9M6NA       JE1JKL      KH2/K4ANA   W2PS        V8A         JH7FQK
9M6OO       N2OO        KH2/N2NL    W2YC        V8SEA       JA0AD
9M6RIT      G4SHF       KH4/W4ZYV   W4ZYV       VC1A        K3BU
9M8TG       JH3GAH      KL7/W6IXP   N6AWD       VC7A        VE7SV
9U5D        SM0BFJ      KL7Y        N2AU        VE2IM       VA3UZ
A35SO       DJ4SO       L5F         LU4FPZ      VE8JR       KL7JR
A43IB       A47RS       LA8W        LA4DCA      VK0TS       VK1DX
A61AJ       W3UR        LO1F        LU4FM       VO1AA       VO1HE
AA1NY/KH0   JA4CZM      LX4B        LX1TI       VO2WL       K3TM
AH2R        JI1ERV      LX9SW       K7PT        VP2MDD      M0AEP
AH8A        AC7DX       MJ0AWR      K2WR        VP2MGU      DL7VOG
AP2N        KU9C        MU/OH3GI    OH3GI       VP2MKW      K3TEJ
B4R         BY4RSA      MU/OH9MM    OH3LQK      VQ9DX       AA5DX
BD7NQ       W2AY        NH7A        W6QK        VY0TA       VE2BQB
BG4AHF      BY4CA       OD5/OK1MU   OKDXF       WA3WSJ/C6A  WA3WSJ
BG7NQ       W2AY        OD5NH       W4AO        WJ7R/C6A    WJ7R
BY1DX       OH2BH       OE5D        OE5UAL      XE1ISE      N3BNA
C4W         5B4WN       OG5F        OH1VR       XE1SLE      N3BNA
C6AGY       ND6S        OH0R        OH2TA       XU7AAV      G4ZVJ
C6AJX       N7NU        OH0V        OH4JLV      XU7AAV      G4ZVJ
C6AKP       N4RP        OH0Z        OH1EH       XV7SW       SM3CXS
CN8WW       DL6FBL      OH1F        OH1AF       XX9TDX      SM0GNU
CO0DX       CO7DS       OH2U        OH2IW       XX9TUP      JM3DTY
CO2OR       F6FNU       OH3X        OH3NE       YB0JWA      W3HNK
CO6WD       W0SA        OJ0/K7BV    KU9C        YC4TRY      W4JS
CO8HF       W0DM        OJ0J        OH0RJ       YM0S        DL6DB
CO8LY       EA7ADH      OM8A        OM3RM       YN6HM       N5TGZ
CO8ZZ       AD4Z        ON50BDX     ON7RN       YX1D        YV1DIG
CQ1A        CT1CJJ      ON50RAT     ON6DP       Z32ZM       I2JSB
CT3/TF3CW   LX1NO       OT7P        ON7RN       Z38/IV3FSG  IV3FSG
CT3FN       HB9CRV      OT8A        ON5UM       ZA/S51F     S51F
D99ARDF     HL0HQ       OT8K        ON4ON       ZB2CN       DJ9WH
DL2HZM      DL9WVM      OT8P        ON7RN       ZC4AKR      5B4YX
DL7FLU      W8LU        OT8U        ON7TK       ZD8A        N6CW
DL8GCS/CX   DL8GCS      OX3LG       OZ1ACB      ZD9HGW      GM6HGW
DU67HBC     JA1NAQ      OY2H        I2MQP       ZF2AM       K6AM
E4/S53R     S53R        OY3QN       OZ1ACB      ZF2LC       W2SM
E41/OK1DTP  OK1TD       OZ/DJ9RR    DJ9RR       ZF2NE       W5ASP
EA9EA       EA9AZ       P29VHX      DJ9HX       ZF2SO       WB2CZB
EA9LZ       EA7JB       P3A         W3HNK       ZK1AAN      F6FNU
ED8CMT      DL7VRO      P40E        W3HNK       ZK1AXA      ON5AX
EM1LV       UR8LV       P40W        N2MM        ZK1CRR      F6FNU
EN5J        KG6AR       PJ4B        K2SB        ZK2JJ       VK4AAR
EO1I        UT1IA       PQ5W        PP5WG       ZK2PJ       VK4AAR
EO7V        UR7VA       PQ7G        PS7AB       ZP0Z        W3HNK
ER0ITU      ER1DA       PR2G        PT2ADM      ZP5/N3BNA   N3BNA
ER0N        UT7ND       PT7AAC      PT7HI       ZP5Z        W3HNK
ER1A        ER1DA       PV7ZZ       PS7ZZ       ZP6/AB2E    AB2E
ER1CW       ER1DA       PY0FA       PY4KL       ZP6/CX6VM   W3HNK
ER200P      ER1DA       PY0FF       W9VA        ZP6/N3BNA   N3BNA
ER27A       ER1DA       PY0FZM      DL3XM       ZP6T        ZP5MAL
ER50A       ER1DA       PY0ZFO      W9VA        ZV0SB       PT2GTI
ER50CE      ER1DA       R1AND       NT2X        ZV0SW       PT2GTI
ER7A        ER1DA       R1ANF       RK1PWA      ZV8O        PV8DX
ER8C        ER1DA       R1ANZ       RU1ZC       ZZ2Z        PY2YP
S DX@WW $425WW448D
425 DX News #448 [4/5]
 4 December 1999                   No 448                         $425WW448D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

3W6AR      Nguyen Bac Ai, 11 bis Nguyen Dinh Chieu Str., District 1, Ho Chi
           Minh City, Vietnam
4J9RI      Rashad Iskenderli, P.O. Box 116 K.Toprak 81031 Istanbul, Turkey
4L5O       Omari Odoshashvili, P.O. Box 0, 380002 Tbilisi, Georgia
5B4/RU3DX  Eugene Pletnev, P. O. Box 33, Moscow 109240, Russia
5B4/RZ3QU  Alex Kalashnikov, P. O. Box 134, Voronezh 344000, Russia
5B4/YL2KL  Girt Budis, P. O. Box 19, LV-4035 Ainazi, Latvia
5B4FL      Nick Waite, Flat 203, Nitse St. Ria Court 5, CY-6028 Larnaka,
5R8GL      Mike, Box 348, Diego Suarez, Madagascar
6K5REL     Hak Seon Kim, 103/1701, Park Mansion Apt. #77, Doryang 2 dong,
           Kumi Kyungbuk 730-022, Korea
9K2BI      Kuwait Boy Scout Association, P. O. Box 1741, Hawalli 32018,
9K2OD      Osama H. al-Dashti, P. O. Box 33922, 73460 Rawdah, Kuwait
9K2QA      Ahmed J. R. Ali, P. O. Box 954, Hawally 32010, Kuwait
9M2/JI1ETU Masaru Funakubo, 1B-15-01, Sunnyville Condo, Jalan Batu Uban,
           Glugor, 11700 Penang, Malaysia
9V1CP      Leow Choo Phin, Block 383, Tampines St. 32, #08-23, Singapore
           520383, Singapore
9X3/RE3A   P.O. Box 899, Moscow 127 018, Russia
9Y4ENG     Edward Griffith, P. O. Box 1167, Port of Spain, Trinidad
AC4G       Bruce Smith, P.O. Box 1436, APO, AP 96555, USA
BA1AJ      Ken Sheng, 2-4-202 Debao Xinyuan, Xizhimen Wai, Beijing 100044,
BA7IA      P. O. Box 1239, Guangzhou 510630, China
BD6JW      Cui Wen Jian, P. O. Box 074, Luoyang 471000, China
BG2OC      Li Xiao An, 53 Jiguanglu Longshan, Liao Yuan, Jilin 136200, China
BI5D       P. O. Box 1713, Guangzhou 510600, China
BV4QC      Jenq Liaw, P. O. Box 922, Taichung, Taiwan
BY1PK      P. O. Box 6106, Beijing 100061, China
BY4CA      Kiangming Middle School Amateur Radio Club, P. O. Box 020-002,
           Shanghai 200020, China
BY4CJA     The First Central Primary School of Jing An District, P. O. Box
           040-002, Shanghai 200040, China
BY4RSA     P. O. Box 538, Nanjing, China
BY7KS      Children and Youth Amateur Radio Station, Dong Guan Middle School,
           Dong Guan, Guangdong 523005, China
C31JI      Jordi Iranzo, P.O. Box 1150, Andorra 
CN8UN      Box 1050, Mayoune, Morocco
CT3/OH3RB  Kari Ahokas, Tammikatu 6, FIN-37120 Nokia, Finland
CU8/CT1AHU Carlos Moreira, P. O. Box 56, 2735-901 Cacerr, Portugal
CU9AC      Joao Medeiros Camara, Rua da Matriz, P-9980 Vila do Corvo, Acores,
CX5O       P. O. Box 68164, 50000 Salto, Uruguay
DJ4SO      Klaus Behrndt, Bosseer Strasse 8, D-24259 Westensee, Germany
DL5VJ/DU1  Claus J. Karthe, P. O. Box 3771 MCPO, 1229 Makati, MM, Philippines
DL6FBL     Bernd Och, Chr.-Wirth-Str. 18, D-36043 Fulda, Germany
DL8YR      Peter Kallfelz, Langenbruchweg 58, 52080 Aachen, Germany
DS1LBT     Keum-Rae Kim, 102 Kwangdug-Villa, Bongchun 10-dong, Kwanak-gu,
           Seoul 151-060, Korea
DS2JJV     Young-Hwan Choi, 236-27, Sang-dong, Wonmi-gu, Buchon, Kyonggi
           420-030, Korea
DS3BGI     In Chul Jeon, 96-5, Aejung-Ri, Inji-Myon, Deosan, Chungnam
           352-880, Korea
DS3COH     Choi Yun-Tae, P. O. Box 2, Poun 376-800, Korea
DS3DGA     Jung-Won Yum, 3-1002 Soojung Twon APT, 909 Tunsan-dong, Seo-Gu,
           Taejon 302-173, Korea
DS4DGQ     Lee Jun Heayn, Motown, 4-6 Ongoum-dong, Mokpo, Chonnam 530-020,
DS5CZO     Seo Gyeong Yeol, P. O. Box 26, Masan City 630-600, Korea
DS5LEE     Lee Dae-Seong, 213-1303 Jugong APT, 53 Gaegum 3-dong, Pusanjin,
           Pusan 614-113, Korea
DS5RUT     Hyoung Suk Yoo, 35, Kum Rak 2 Lee, Hayang Eup, Kyoungsan City,
           Kyoung Buk 712-900, Korea
DS5YEU     Kyu Young Cho, 6-505 Jugong APT, 1022 Duho-Ding, Buk-Gu, Pohang,
           Kyungbuk 791-110, Korea
DU2GMR     Gelcio M. de los Reyes, 44 Quezon Blvd., POB., Sur, Bayambang,
           Pangasinan 2423, Philippines
DU67HBC    Akihiro Tsubokawa, 1501B Valencia Hills Condominium, N. Domingo
           St. corner Varencia St., Quezon City, MM, Philippines
E20HHK     Kriangkrai Suriyakrai, P. O. Box 1090, Kasetsart. Bangkok 10903,
E21EIC     Champ C. Muangamphun, Box 1090 Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903, Thailand
EK6LB      Box 50, Gyumri, Armenia
ER1DA      Valery Metaxa, P. O. Box 9537, Kishinev, Moldova
ER1LW      Wiacheslav Lysy, Box 112, Chisinau, MD-2012, Moldova
ES1AKM     P.O. Box 2907, Tallinn 13102, Estonia
ET3VSC     Claudio Vascotto, P. O. Box 20011, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
F6AOI      Andre Figon, Le Pas de Senes, 06480 La Colle sur Loup, France
FK8GN      Alain Guy Allegret, B. P. 133, F-98850 Koumac, France
G4OYO      Alan Bramley, 13 Moorland Ave, Stapleford, Notts NG9 7FY, England
G4UOL      Steven Muster, Flat 4, 60 Genesta Road, Westcliff on sea, SS0 8DB
           England, UK
GM4FDM     Tom Wylie, 3 King's Crescent, Elderslie, Renfrewshire PA5 9AD,
           Scotland, UK
S DX@WW $425WW448E
425 DX News #448 [5/5]
 4 December 1999                   No 448                         $425WW448E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******

H44NC      Rev. Norried F. Chaisson, P. O. Box 168, Munda, Western Province,
           Solomon Islands
HJ5JKQ     Marco Fidel Rengifo H., P. O. Box 3044, Cali, Ccolombia
HL0IHQ     KARL Inchon Branch, P. O. Box 375, Nam Inchon 405-600, Korea
HL1TXQ     P. O. Box 24, Chung Rang, Seoul 131-600, Korea
HL2IXZ     Bae Kab Tae, Sungji-Apt 103-507, 91-68, Sosabon 2-dong, Puchon
           422-232, Korea
HL3QJN     Oh Chang-Su, 108-506 Kaojugong APT, Kao-Dong, Tong-Gu, Teajon
           300-050, Korea 
HL4CBX     Sang-Ha Youn, 957-3, Munhnug 1-dong, Puk-Gu, Kwangju 500-110,
HL5FUA     Jong Sool Choi, 206-1 Dodong, Ullungeub, Ullunggun Kyungbuk,
           799-800 Korea
HR1RMG     Rene Mendoza Garay, Col. Las Colinas BL. RR casa # 2006, boulevard
           Francia, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
HS0GBI     Cherdchai Yiwlek, P. O. Box 9, Maptaphut I. E., Rayong 21151,
HS6PAU     Paisan Phanthanyakit, 201/1 M. 3 Nakhonderd, Srinakhon, Sukhothai
           64180, Thailand
HS9EQY     Nongyao Wongmongkoldej, Box 33, Muang, Trang 92000, Thailand
I1SNW      Claudio Scaglia, Casella Postale 161, 14100 Asti-AT, Italy
I2JSB      Giorgio Savini, P. O. Box 55, 20089 Rozzano - MI, Italy
IK2RZQ     Claudio Mondini, Via G.P. Clerici 93, 21040 Gerenzano-VA, Italy
IV3FSG     Elvira Simoncini, Via Sabis 8, 34070  Mossa-GO, Italy
JT1CO      Ch.Chadraabal, P.O.Box 905, Ulaanbaatar 23, Mongolia
K3BU       Box 282, Pine Brook, NJ 07058, USA
K7ASU/KH9  Terry Hoffart, 6605 South McKemy St., Tempe, AZ 85283, USA
KA9WON     Lonnie Miller, 12031 Blue Spruce Drive, Roscoe, IL 61073, USA
KG4AS      Tip Strickland, 206 76th St., Virginia Beach, VA 23451, USA
KG6AR      Chris Williams, 1117 S. Del Mar Ave, San Gabriel, CA 91776-3034,
KH2PC      Alfred Paja, 77 Banyan Circle, Dededo, GU 96912, USA
LA5NM      Box 498, 9171 Longyearbyen, Norway
LA6WEA     Kaare Olufsen, Levang, 8890 Leirfjord, Norway
LS0G       Radio Club Villa Angela, LU4GO, Uruguay 161, 3540 Villa Angela,
           Chaco, Argentina
LU4MCS     Daniel Omar Fernandez Sueldo, Almirante Brown 1197, 5560 Tunuyan,
           Mendoza, Argentina
LU8XW      Radio Club Ushuaia,  Box 58, Ushuaia 9410, Tierra del Fuego,
LX1BY      Marcel Bernardy, 3, Am. Zeep, L-7415 Brouch, Luxembourg
LX1EK      Germaine Knabe, 25, rue Basse, L-4415 Soleuvre, Luxembourg
LX1JH      Jean-Marie Juchemes, Hauptstr. 2, L-6869 Wecker, Luxembourg
LX1SID     Denis Siebenaler, 40, rue Oscar Romero, L-3321 Berchem, Luxembourg
LX2AK      Alfred Knabe, 25, rue Basse, L-4415 Soleuvre, Luxembourg
N2OO       Bob Schenck, P.O. Box  345, Tuckerton, N.J. 08087-0345, USA
N4RP       R. Phelps, 2805 Casita Way, Apt 115, Delray Beach, FL  33445-4574,
N6AWD      Fred K. Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr.,  Bakersfield, CA 93309, USA
OH2BH      Martti J. Laine, Nuottaniementie 3D20, 02230 Espoo, Finland
OH4JLV     Antti Tiittala, Akselinkatu 14, 57130 Savonlinna, Finland
OK1KN      Jaromir Klimosz, P.O. Box 53, 16201 - Praha 6, Czech Republic
OKDXF      OK DX Foundation, Bradlec 73, 293 06 Mlada Boleslav, Czech
PS7AB      Rony Reis, Caixa Postal 2021, 59094-970, Natal/RN, Brazil
PS7ZZ      Francisco Edvaldo Preira de Freitas, Av. Sao Miguel dos Caribes 31
           - Conj Jiqui, 59086-500 Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
PT7HI      Marco Maia, P.O. Box 975, Fortaleza - CE, 60001-970 Brazil
PY1KS      P.O. Box 18123, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 20722-970 Brazil
R1ANF/A    P.O.Box 10, Novodvinsk-1, Arkhangelskaja obl., 163901 Russia
RA3CW      P.O. Box 284, Moscow, 121354, Russia
RK1PWA     Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, 164744 Amderma, Arkhangelskaja, Russia
RK6LXL     Club Station, P.O. Box 59, 347740 St Egorlykskaya, Rostov-On-Don,
RW4WR      P.O.Box 3945, Izhevsk, 426011 Russia
S51F       Franc Gricar, Tugomerjeva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
S53R       Robert Kasca, P.O. Box 23, Idrija 5280, Slovenia
SV0LX      George Mappouras, 10 Demetratou str., Paleo Faliro, GR-175 64
           Athens, Greece
SV1BSX     Mak Matiatos, P. O. Box 75039, GR-176 10 Athens, Greece
SV1EDY     Apostolos Bourousis, 1 Anaximandrou Str., GR-116 33 Athens, Greece
SV1ELF     George Sofronas, 8 Morfeos Street, GR-121 35 Peristeri, Greece
SV2BZQ     George Foltopoulos, Komninon 4, GR-570 08 Ionia, Thessaloniki,
SV2CWY     Chris Dimitrakopoulos, P. O. Box 401 30, GR-560 00 Thessaloniki,
SV2DCD     Leo Fiskas, Argyriou Gouzgou 1 GR-522 00, Greece
SV3DVW     Nasos Trifonopoulos, P. O. Box 1343, GR-261 10 Patra, Greece
T30W       Willie K. Maen, P. O. Box 473, Betio, Tarawa, Kiribati
TA3D       Yasar Gocet, P.O. Box 963, 35214 Izmir, Turkey
TX8CW      A.R.A.N.C., P. O. Box 3956, 98846 Noumea Cedex  
UA0SJ      Yuri A. Maltsev,  P. O. Box  2304, Bratsk-city, 665700, Russia
UN5PR      Romeo Y. Loparev, P.O.  Box  73, Temirtau, 472300, Kazakhstan
UN7LZ      Valery Zhilyaev, P.O. Box 7, Kostanay, 458000, Kazakhstan
UR7VA      Serge A. Fedorovich, P.O.Box 23, Kirovograd, 25009 Ukraine
UT1IA      P.O. Box 6625, Donetsk, 83055 Ukraine
UT7ND      Gene Chumakov, P.O. Box 5235, Vinnitsa, 21018 Ukraine
VK4FW      P. O. Box 929, Gimpie, 4570 QLD, Australia
VP8LGT     Jane Cameron, Cape Pembroke Lighthouse, Falkalnd Islands
VR2GW      Dominic Ho, G. P. O. Box 7191, Hong Kong, China
VR2JK      Chow, P. O. Box 88421, Hong Kong, China
VU2RRN     R. Raju Naidu, 319, Third Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore 560 010,
VU3LBF     Dr. B. S. Patil, 1, Medini Apartment, Tidke Colony, Nasik 422 002,
W0DM       Donald F. Mc Coy, 7930 S Marshall Ct, Littleton, CO 80128, USA 
W2AY       W. Fikis, 1862 Magnolia St., Ocean Isle, NC 28469, USA
W3UR       Bernie McClenny, 3025 Hobbs Road, Glenwood, MD 21738, USA
W5RXP/KH3  Rich Kellner, 4496 Ridgeway Dr., Los Alamos, NM 87544, USA
XX9SC      Choi Sio Man, P. O. Box 6018, Macau
YB0CBI     Ferry Soedjana, P. O. Box 8075 JKSTB, Jakarta 12080, Indonesia
YB1BUL     Mula Warman W., Jln. Golf Barat F3/16, Arcamanik, Bandung 40293,
YB1CS      Agus Krisnadi, Jl. Sangkuriang 47A, Bandung 40135, Indonesia
YC1FIH     H. Ismar Lewan, P. O. Box 123, Tasikmalaya 46101, Indonesia
YC8EBW     Tonny Jongingkriwang, P. O. Box 1614, Makasar 90014, Indonesia
YS1/KA0UBH Francisco, P.O. Box 01-105, San Salvador, El Salvador 
ZP7FRA     Luis Alberto Rebori, P. O. Box 25, 3300 Coronel Oviedo, Paraguay

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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