S DX@WW $425WW447A 425 DX News #447 [1/4] 27 November 1999 No 447 BID: $425WW447A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3D2 - After their operation from Rotuma, Birgit (DL7IO) and Holger (DL7AU) will be active again as 3D2IO and 3D2AO from Fiji until 9 December. QSL via DL7VRO. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] 3D2 - Hirotada, JA0SC will be active (10-80 metres SSB and RTTY) as 3D2HY from Fiji on 3-5 December. QSL via JA0SC either direct (Hirotada Yoshiike, 1378-1 Mashima Mashima-machi, Nagano-city 381-11, Japan) or through the bureau. [TNX The Daily DX] 6Y - Alan, G3XAQ will be active as G3XAQ/6Y5 from Jamaica (NA-097) between 29 November and 9 December. [TNX The Daily DX] 9A - Frane/9A5V, Fredi/9A5KV, Matko/9A3VM and possibly Tom/9A2AA plan to operate from Jakljan Island (EU-016, CI-033 for the Croatian Islands Award) on 3-4 December and from Olipa Island (EU-016, CI-079) on 5 December. QSL via home calls. [TNX 9A2NO and 9A3ZG] A3 - Paul, A35RK (OC-169) is currently QRT as all his equipment is broken. Replacement equipment is now being purchased and assembled in the Seattle area for transport to Tonga. "If you, or anyone you know, is planning on coming to Tonga, between now and Christmas, and would be willing to hand carry any or all of this gear, please contact my QSL manager Bob Preston, W7TSQ (w7tsq@aol.com), as soon as possible." Paul looks forward to getting back on the air in time for the New Millennium celebrations (and it may be worth noting that contacts made with OC-169 in *** JANUARY *** will score three points towards IOTA 2000...). [TNX The Daily DX] CN - A large group of operators from the Bavarian Contest Club (http://www.uni-erlangen.de/~unrz45/BCC) will participate in the CQ WW CW DX Contest as CN8WW (Multi-Multi) from Morocco. QSL via DL6FBL either direct (Bernd Och, Chr.-Wirth-Str. 18, D-36043 Fulda, Germany) or through the bureau. The web site for the operation is at http://www.dl6fbl.de/cn8ww/ [TNX DF4RD] FT5W - Gilles, FT5WH will be leaving Crozet on 7 December. QSL manager F5NOD reports he has the logs for contacts made up to 14 October and that all of the requests received before 5 November have been processed. [TNX F5NOD] GJ - Bert, PA3GIO will be active (10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 40, 80 metres) as MJ/PA3GIO/p or /m from Jersey (EU-013) on 11-16 December. QSL via PA3GIO preferably thorugh the bureau. The web site for the operation is at http://www.xs4all.nl/~pa3gio/GJ99/ [TNX PA3GIO] HR - When asked if the Swan Islands (NA-035) operation was still on for December [425DXN 441], Rene, HR1RMG recently said that "because the weather maybe bad, he may have to wait untill the spring." However Rene hopes to be active from Tigre Island (NA-060) "the first week in December". [TNX G0APV and Islands On The Web] LU - North Patagonia DX Group operators Rafael/LU7VCH, Sergio/LU7YS, Alex/LU8VCC and Martin/LU3VED will participate in the ARRL 10 Meters Contest as LT5V. QSL via LU8VCC (Alex Rocca, P. O. Box 37, 8332 General Roca, Rio Negro, Argentina). [TNX LU8VCC] LZ_ssh - Danny, LZ2UU will be active as LZ0A from the Bulgarian Antarctic base on Livingston Island, South Shetlands (AN-010) [425DXN 445] starting around 4 December through February 2000. QSL via LZ1KDP (P.O.Box 812, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria). [TNX LZ1PJ and LZ2CJ] OH - Look for special Santa Claus station OH9SCL to be active on all modes and bands from Rovaniemi on 17-19 December. Further information is expected to be published at http://www.oh9scl.com [TNX OH9HNP] P4 - Martin, VE3MR will be active as P49MR from Aruba (SA-036) between December and April. QSL via VE3MR or P49MR (Martin Rosenthal, P.O. Box 4069, Noord, Aruba). [TNX The Daily DX] PA - Look for Johan, PA3FDO to be active as PA3FDO/p from Ameland Island (EU-038) on 10-13 December, including the ARRL 10 Meters Contest. QSL via PA3DFO. [TNX PA3DFO] PY - Look for PQ7G to be active from Forte das Cinco Pontas (DFH PE 06) on 3-5 December. QSL via PS7AB either direct (Rony Reis, Caixa Postal 2021, 59094-970, Natal/RN, Brazil) or through the bureau. [TNX PY7YL] /EX S DX@WW $425WW447B 425 DX News #447 [2/4] 27 November 1999 No 447 BID: $425WW447B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== R1A_ant- An Antarctic expedition left Mirny base on 18 November to reach Russian bases Pionerskaya, Vostok 1, Komsomolskaya and Vostok (and then back to Mirny following the same itinerary). The radio operator is Evgeniy, R1ANB who will operate on 20 metres SSB (between 15 and 16.30 UTC only on 14.160 MHz) as R1ANB/A from Pionerskaya (hopefully starting on 1 December) and Vostok 1, as R1ANK from Komsomolskaya and as R1ANC from Vostok. QSL direct to RU1ZC (ex-UW1ZC). [TNX R1ANF and K4MZU] SU - For those who have asked: if you want to offer your contribution to the May 1999 SU9DX operation from Giftun Island (Red Sea Coast North Group, AF-???) [425DXN 445], the contact point is the DXpedition leader, I8IYW (Peppino Jannuzzi, P.O. Box 5083, I-80144 Napoli - NA, Italy; e-mail computronica@tin.it). V6 - Hide, JM1LJS will be active (on 10-80 metres CW and SSB) as V63LJ from Ponape (OC-010), Micronesia between 26 and at least 31 December (when his licence expires: if he has it renewed he will operate until 4 January 2000). QSL via JH8DEH (Akira Miyata, 4-28-5, Minami Nishi 23 Jyou, Obihiro 080-2473, Japan). [TNX JM1LJS] VP9 - Mark, AA1AC will be active 8on 10-40 metres SSB and CW) as AA1AC/VP9 from Paget Parish, Bermuda (NA-005) on 16-20 December. QSL via home call. XU - Andy, G4ZVJ has extended his stay and will be active as XU7AAV [425DXN 443] until 00.30 UTC on 5 December. QSL via home call. [TNX N4KG] XU - Yoh, 7L1MFS and Koji, JS6BLS Koji will be active (on 40-6 metres SSB, CW and RTTY) as XU2C on 4 and 5 December. QSL for this operation via JS6BLS (bureau cards can be requested at js6bls@qsl.net). [TNX JS6BLS] XZ - The XZ0A DXpedition to Thahtay Khun Island, Mergui Archipelago (AS-???), Myanmar [425DXN 417] is scheduled to take place between 13 January and 6 February 2000. Organized by the Central Arizona DX Association, this will be the first amateur radio activity from outside the capital city of Yangon and the very first IOTA from this country. Twenty-four operators (namely AF7O, EA5XX, G3VMW, HS0/G3NOM, JA1UPA, JA1UT, JR0CGJ, K6RKE, K7TR, K7VS, K7WX, K7ZV, KD6XH, KM5EP, N5IA, N7XYR, NA7DB, V73GT, WY7K, W8AEF, WA6CDR, WF5T, XE1L, YB0ARA) will be active with eight stations on all bands and modes. QSL via W1XT either direct (Bob Myers, 37875 North 10th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85086, USA) or through the bureau. For further information please visit http://getnet.com/~k7wx/myanmar.htm [TNX K7WX] YU - The OPDX Bulletin reports that Andy, RW3AH will be in Kosovo for the next couple of years and expects to be active as YU8/9X0A. ZL7 - Lothar, DJ4ZB reports he has been authorized to operate as ZM7ZB during his 31 January-3 March activity for the Chatham Islands (OC-038) [425DXN 433]. Special attention will be paid to Europe on 12 (24935 kHz) and 10 metres (28395, 28495, 28595, 28460 kHz). Contacts made with ZM7ZB in *** JANUARY *** will score three points towards the RSGB IOTA Millennium Programme (IOTA 2000). QSL via DJ4ZB (Lothar Grotehusmann, Quaekerstrasse 35, D-13403 Berlin, Germany). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CQ WW CW DX CONTEST ---> Last minute additions to the list of the stations who have announced their participation include [TNX 7K4QOK, CT1CJJ, JT1CO, LU6XQI]: Call Zone Category QSL via Notes ============================================================================= CQ1A 14 CT1CJJ op. CT1DSC JT1JA 23 MM JT1CO (**) LU8XW 13 LU8XW op. LU3XQ, LU6XQI TX8CW 32 20,15,10 FK Bureau (*) ZM1A 32 MS op. ZL3CW,ZL1AMO,ZL1BMW,JA4EKO (*) ARANC, P. O. Box 3956, 98846 Noumea Cedex (**) Ch.Chadraabal, P.O.Box 905, Ulaanbaatar 23, Mongolia /EX S DX@WW $425WW447C 425 DX News #447 [3/4] 27 November 1999 No 447 BID: $425WW447C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH PIRATE ---> "I am still receiving lots of cards showing me as QSL manager for ZA1SRB", Tony (G4UZN) reports. "This station was a pirate and seems to have been active on all hf bands for quite a while in November and December 1998." VISALIA 2000 ---> The International DX Convention, sponsored by the Southern California DX Club, will take place on 14-16 April at the Holiday Inn in Visalia, CA. For further information please visit the SCDXC site at http://www.scdxc.org VK6 QSL BUREAU ---> Plese note that after sixty years the address has changed. The new address for the VK6 QSL Bureau is P. O. Box 10, West Perth 6872, Western Australia, Australia. [TNX VK4BLE, WIAQ QSL Bureau Manager] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH VK8: The new web site with on-line logs, pictures etc. for the recent VK8ML (OC-173) and VK8CI (OC-229) IOTA operations is at www.vk2nnn.com/IOTA [TNX VK8NSB] YO: The logs for the special "Solar Eclipse" station YR99E and the final scores of the YO-DX HF 1999 contest are available on the web site for the Romanian Amateur Radio Federation. [TNX YO3FWC] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 3B9FR, 3B9R, 3C1GS, 3C2JJ, 3D2DK, 3D2RW, 3W5FM, 5A30, 5H3US, 5N0ZKD, 5W1CW, 5Z4IC, 5Z4RT, 9H1ZA, 9K2QQ, 9M2/GM4YXI (AS-097), 9N7RN, 9U5D, 9V1WW, 9X0A, A35SO, A61AP, BA7IA/7, C91LCK, CE0AA, CP6/LU9AY, CP6XE, CY9CWI, CY9RF, CY9SS, DX1E, EM1LV/p, FK8GM, FK/F6BUM (OC-032, OC-033), FT5YG (AN-017), FT5ZH, FY/DJ6SI, GI0KOW, GI6YM, HL0IHQ/2 (AS-122), HU4U, ID9/I1SNW (EU-017); IT9/I1SNW (EU-017; IIA ME-010, 020, 024, 028), IK1QBT/P (EU-083), IQ7T, IS0LYN/IM0 (EU-024; IIA NU-006), IS0LYN/IM0 (EU-165), IT9/I1SNW (EU-017; IIA ME-010, ME-028, ME-035), J28NH, JH6TYD/6 (AS-040), JI3DST (AS-117), JL6UBM/6 (AS-032), JW4CJA (EU-027), KC4AAC, KH0T, KH2PC, KL7/DL1YMK (NA-028), LA/SM3TLG (EU-056 & EU-079), OD5NJ, OJ0/K7BV, OX3LG, P29CC, P29VHX (OC-008, OC-034, OC-153), R1MVA, RF1P (EU-102), RZ1OA/A (EU-153), S92YN, SV1CEI, T24DX, T30R, T33RD, T88WX, TA3DD, TG9NX, TI2CBJ, TM2F (EU-081), TN7OT, TR8CA, TR8XX, UA0FCD/p (AS-025), UA0ZY/p (AS-142), V31JZ, VK4CAY (OC-227), VK7CW, VK8AN(8 (OC-229), VO1XC, VP2MHJ, VP6PAC, W5DX/p (NA-169), XQ0YAF, XX9TRR, XX9TUP, YK1AO, Z2/VK3DXI, Z2/W0YG, ZB2FK, ZC4ATC, ZD8A, ZK1SCQ (OC-083, OC-159), ZL4IR/P (OC-203), ZV0SB, ZV0SW. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW447D 425 DX News #447 [4/4] 27 November 1999 No 447 BID: $425WW447D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 05/12 3B8/F6HMJ: Mauritius Island (AF-049) 443 till 09/12 3D2IO & 3D2AO: Fiji * by DL7IO and DL7AU 447 till 29/11 3W6DK: Vietnam * by N0ODK 445 till 22/12 3XY2D: Guinea * by VE2DPS 442 till 01/12 4M7X: Coche Isl (SA-012), Venezuela * by Team Vertical 445 till 30/11 8J2POS: special event station (Japan) 431 till 30/11 8P: Barbados * by K4BAI, K1TO, N4TO 446 till 31/12 9A643KC: special event call 444 till 31/12 9A770N: special event station (Croatia) 422 till 29/11 9M6AAC: East Malaysia (OC-088) * by N2OO and others 443 till 18/12 9M6CT: East Malaysia * by HS0/G4JMB 444 till 10/12 9U5D: Burundi * by SM5DIC 439 till 01/12 C6AKP: South Bimini (NA-048) * by N4RP 446 till 02/12 N7NU/C6, K7AR/C6, WJ7R/C6, W7RR/C6, C6AJX: Bahamas 446 till 30/11 WA3WSJ/C6A: Abaco (NA-080) 446 till 28/11 CO0DX: Camaguey Archipelago (NA-086) * by COs 445 till 31/12 DU67: special anniversary prefix 441 till 01/12 E4/S53R: Palestine 445 till 30/11 FO0DEH: French Polynesia and Austral Is * by ON4QM 440 till 07/12 FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL 447 till 20/12 FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island 399 till 03/12 GD4UOL: Isle of Man (EU-116) * by G4UOL 445 till 30/11 H44MX & H44YL: Solomon Is * by K1XM & KQ1F 445 till 31/12 HB7OGR: special call 428 till 03/12 HI3JH and HI3K: Dominican Republic * by AD4Z 435 till 31/12 HS72A: special event call 443 till 01/01 IU0PAW: special event station 442 till April JD1BKR: Iwo-Jima (AS-030), Ogasawara 441 till 15/12 KC4/WA1O: Antarctica 443 till 04/12 KH4/SM6FJY: Midway (OC-030) * by SM6FJY and V63YL 429 till 10/01 KH4/W4ZYV: Midway (OC-030) 445 till 01/12 PJ4/home call & PJ4B: Bonaire (SA-006) * by Ws 446 till end Nov PY1NEZ/PP1,PU1NEZ/PP1,PY1LVF/PP1,PY1NEW/PP1: SA-067 443 till 30/11 PY0ZFO & PY0FF: Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) * by W9VA 446 till January PZ5DX: Suriname * by K3BYV 433 till 04/12 S92CW or S92DX: Sao Tome (AF-023) * by DA1MH & DL5OBZ 445 till 02/12 SV5/G4OBK and SV5/G4RCG: Rhodes 439 till 29/11 T32BE, T32BO, T32PO: Christmas Island (OC-024) * by Ws 445 till ?? TZ6YV: Mali * by K7YV 446 till 30/11 UE0JX: special event station 435 till 29/11 V26K: Antigua (NA-100) * by AA3B 441 till 30/11 V26KW: Antigua (NA-100) * by K3TEJ 441 till 01/04 V31JP: Belize * by K8JP 443 till 29/11 VC1A: special event station (Canada) 443 till 29/11 VP2MGU: Montserrat (NA-103) * by DL7VOG 443 till 01/02 VP8NJS: Antarctic base Patriot Hills 446 till January VQ9DX: Diego Garcia (AF-006), Chagos * by AA5DX 439 till 05/12 XU7AAV: Cambodia * by G4ZVJ 447 till 03/12 XV7SW: Vietnam * by SM5MX 446 till 31/12 XW2A: Laos * by JA2EZD 438 till 02/12 XX9TDX: Macau * by SM0GNU 446 till 30/11 ZD8A: Ascension Island (AF-003) * by K6NA 445 till May ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT 443 till March ZM: special Millennium prefix (New Zealand) 438 till 06/12 ZP6/AB2E, /N3BNA, /CX6VM, ZP6T: Paraguay 439 27/11-28/11 PT7AAC: Mundau Lighthouse (DFB CE-04) 446 27/11-28/11 CQ WW CW DX Contest *** 29/11-09/12 G3XAQ/6Y5: Jamaica (NA-097) * by G3XAQ 447 30/11-14/12 HC1MD and HC1MD/HC7: Ecuador * by NE8Z 439 30/11-01/12 JI3DST/3: Awajishima (AS-117) 443 01/12-05/01 3F: special prefix (Panama) 445 01/12-06/12 T46AA and T46CW: NA-201 (Cuba) 434 03/12-05/12 3D2HY: Fiji * by JA0SC 447 03/12-04/12 9A: Jakljan Isl (EU-016) * by 9A5V,9A5KV,9A3VM,9A2AA 447 03/12-05/12 PQ7G: Forte das Cinco Pontas (DFH PE 06) 447 03/12-06/12 PV7ZZ: Ponta Do Mel Lighthouse (DFB RN-02, LH 1323) 445 03/12-05/12 ARRL 160 Meters CW Contest *** 04/12-04/01 3W6KM: Vietnam * by ES1AKM and ES1AX 443 04/12-29/02 LZ0A: South Shetlands (AN-010) * by LZ2UU 447 04/12-05/12 XU2C: Cambodia * by 7L1MFS and JS6BLS 447 04/12-05/12 EA DX CW Contest *** 05/12 9A: Olipa Island (EU-016) * by 9A5V,9A5KV,9A3VM,9A2AA 447 10/12-13/12 PA3FDO/p: Ameland Island (EU-038) 447 11/12-12/12 LT5V (ARRL 10 Meters) 11/12-16/12 MJ/PA3GIO/p: Jersey (EU-013) 447 11/12-12/12 ARRL 10 Meters Contest *** 11/12-12/12 Italian Contest (40 & 80 Meters) *** 14/12 II2V * special A. Volta station 407 16/12-20/12 AA1AC/VP9: Paget Parish, Bermuda (NA-005) 447 17/12-19/12 OH9SCL: "Santa Claus" station 447 26/12-03/01 8Q7BX: Maldives (AS-013) * by I4ALU 445 26/12-31/12 V63LJ: Ponape (OC-010), Micronesia * by JM1LJS 447 31/12-29/02 M2000A: special call (England) * by Cray Valley RS 439 31/12-01/01 Happy New Year 2000 Contest 437 December 4S7: Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by DL7FER 445 Dec-Jan P2OOOK: New Britain (OC-008) * by P29PB 441 Dec-Apr P49MR: Aruba (SA-036) * by VE3MR 447 December HR: Tigre Island (NA-060) * by HR1RMG 447 from December R1ANB/A, R1ANK, R1ANC: Russian Antarctic bases 447 /EX