DX425 bulletin issue nr. 446

S DX@WW $425WW446A
425 DX News #446 [1/4]
 20 November 1999                  No 446                       $425WW446A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3D2_rot - Holger, DL7IO, who  operated as 3D2IO  from Fiji  (OC-016), is  now
          active as 3D2IO/R from Rotuma (OC-060)  until 26 November. QSL  via
          DL7VRO. [TNX The Daily DX]
7P8     - Barry, ZS1FJ will  be active as  7P8FJ from Lesotho  for five  days
          during the last week of November. QSL via ZS1FJ. [TNX The Daily DX]
8P      - John/K4BAI (8P9HT), Danny/K1TO (8Pxxx) and Vic/N4TO (8Pxxx) will be
          active from Barbados (NA-021) between 23 and 30 November. They will
          participate in the  CQ WW CW  DX Contest  (Multi-Single) as  either
          8P5A or 8P9Z. [TNX The Daily DX]
A6     -  Ten  operators, including Bernie McLenny, W3UR, editor of The Daily
          DX, have been invited by  Ali Al-Futtaim, A61AJ to  participate  in
          the  CQ  WW  CW  DX  Contest as a  Multi-Multi entry from his super
          station  in Dubai.  Team members  started  to  arrive  late  on  20
          November.  Look for activity on 10-160 metres (WARC bands included)
          CW,  SSB, and RTTY before and after  the  contest. A new A61AJ home
          page can be found at http://www.qsl.net/a61aj/.  QSL via W3UR. [TNX
C6      - Dick, N4RP will be active (mostly CW with some SSB) as  C6AKP  from
          South Bimini (NA-048), Bahamas between 19  November and 1 December.
          He plans  to  participate  in  the  CQ  WW CW DX  Contest (SOAB Low
          Power).  QSL via  N4RP (R. Phelps, 2805 Casita Way, Apt 115, Delray
          Beach, FL  33445-4574, USA). [TNX N4RP]
C6      - Ray, ND6S will be  active as ND6S/C6A  from Treasure Cay  (NA-080),
          Bahamas between 19 November and 3 December. He will participate  in
          the CQ WW CW DX Contest as C6AGY (SO LP). QSL to ND6S. [TNX OPDX
C6      - Edward, WA3WSJ will be active as  WA3WSJ/C6A (on 10-160 metres  SSB
          and CW)  from Abaco  Island (NA-080),  Bahamas  between 23  and  30
          November. QSL via WA3WSJ either direct or through the bureau.  [TNX
          The Daily DX]
C6      - Lee/N7NU,  Al/K7AR,  Ron/WJ7R  and  Bob/W7RR  will  be  active   as
          homecall/C6 (QSL  via  home  call)  from  the  Bahamas  between  23
          November and 2 December. They will  participate in the CQ WW CW  DX
          Contest as  C6AJX  (QSL  via  N7NU).  Logs  will  be  available  at
          www.qsl.net/k7ar [TNX The Daily DX]
CX      - Look  for Mariana/CX1JJ, Eduardo/CX1JK, Daniel/CX3JE and Hugo/CX1JM
          to  participate in the CQ WW CW DX Contest as CX5O (Muslti-Single).
          QSL direct to P. O. Box 68164, 50000 Salto, Uruguay or through  the
          bureau. [TNX CX1JJ]
FO      - Roger, KF8OY will be active as FO0MAC from Tahiti (OC-046),  French
          Polynesia until 24 November. [TNX The Daily DX]
HS      - Bruce, AA4XR will be active  (10-40 metres CW  and RTTY) as  HS0ZCY
          from Thailand between 20 November and  7 December. QSL via  WB4FNH.
          [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
HS      - Look  for  RAST   club  station  HS0AC   (operated  by   HS0/G3NOM,
          HS0/JR5XPG, HS0/SM3DYU,  HS0GBI,  HS1CKC,  E21CJN  and  E21EIC)  to
          participate in the CQ WW  CW DX Contest  on 10-160 metres.  Planned
          frequencies on 160 and 80 metres  are 1.824-1.826, 3.524-3.526  and
          3.534-3.536 MHz +/- QRN. QSL via HS0/G3NOM. [TNX E21EIC]
KH2     - Guam Contest Club  operators JI3ERV/NH2C, JG3RPL/N1BJ,  JR7OMD/WI3O
          and JH0USD will  participate in the  CQ WW  CW DX  Contest as  AH2R
          (Multi-Single) from Guam  (Zone 27, IOTA  OC-026). QSL via  JI3ERV.
          [TNX JI3ERV]
LU      - LU2XT is the  new call  issued to  Hector Hugo  Galvan, LU1XQR.  He
          operates from Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego (SA-008).
OH0     - Contest Club of Finland will participate in the CQ WW CW DX Contest
          as OH0R (Multi-Single)  from Brando, Aland  Islands. The  operators
          will be OH2TA, DL1EFD and DL3KDV. QSL via OH2TA. [TNX OH2TA]
P2      - Steve, P29BI will  go QRT from  Bouganville Island  (OC-135) on  or
          around 27 November.  He will  remain on  the island  for a  further
          week, but  he must  send his  equipment and  personal effects  home
          early. QSL via VK4EJ (Bernie McIvor, 30 Brennan Parade, Strathpine,
          QLD 4500, Australia). [TNX VK4EJ]
PJ      - K1XX, K3EST, K9PG,  KL2A, N2AA, N2NC,  N3ED, N6IG,  N6RT, W3UM  and
          WA3LRO will  participate  in  the  CQ WW  CW  DX  Contest  as  PJ4B
          (Multi-Multi) from Bonaire (SA-006). They will operate as  PJ9/home
          call before  and  after  the contest  between  23  November  and  1
          December. [TNX The Daily DX]
PY      - The 30th Boy-Scout Group Baden Powell from Ceara will be active  as
          PT7AAC from Mundau Lighthouse on 27 and 28 November. QSL via  PT7HI
          (Marco Maia, P.O. Box 975, Fortaleza - CE, 60001-970 Brazil).  [TNX
PY0_fdn - Bill, W9VA  will  be active  as  PY0ZFO from  Fernando  de  Noronha
          (SA-003) on 25-30 November. He will participate in the CQ WW CW  DX
          Contest as PY0FF.  QSL both  PY0ZFO and  PY0FF via  W9VA. [TNX  The
          Daily DX]
PY0_spp - Karl Leite, PS7KM  is sorry to report the DXpedition  to  St. Peter
          and St. Paul Archipelago  [425DXN 443]  has  been  postponed  until
          April 2000.
S DX@WW $425WW446B
425 DX News #446 [2/4]
 20 November 1999                  No 446                       $425WW446B
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

TT      - The activity from Chad, which was scheduled to include an entry  in
          next week's contest  [425DXN 438], has  been postponed  due to  the
          rainy season that  prevents  the  operators from travelling between
          Gore and the other missions. The operation has been rescheduled for
          March  2000,  further  information is  expected in due course. [TNX
TZ      - Gene, K7YV (ex-ZA5B and TL8NG) is now active as TZ6YV Bamako,  Mali
          on SSB and CW. QSL via WA1ECA. [TNX K7YV]
VP8_ant - Niall, VP8NJS (until 1 February 2000) and Art KC4/KL7RL are  active
          from Antarctic base Patriot Hills. [TNX K4MZU]
W       - Look  for  Mike, NE4S/m to operate from Indian Island, Georgia (not
          IOTA) on 21 November. [TNX NE4S]
YV      - According to Rees,  DL2QQ/YV5, the 12-14  November YW5FC  operation
          from SA-058 [425DXN 443] did not take place as "they could not make
          a landing on Farallon Is due to rough seas. They will try again but
          not sure when". [TNX WA6GFE and Islands On The Web]
XV      - Rolf, SM5MX will be active again  as XV7SW from Vietnam between  25
          November and 3  December. He will  participate in the  CQ WW CW  DX
          Contest. QSL via SM3CXS.  [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
XX9     - Ulf, SM0GNU will be active as XX9TDX from Macau between 25 November
          and 2 December.  He will participate  in the  CQ WW  CW DX  Contest
          (SOAB Low Power). QSL via SM0GNU. [TNX SM0GNU]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

3C0R ---> The  logs for the  recent 3C0R activity  from Annobon  will not  be
available on line as it would take too much time to enter the calls from  the
paper logs into the computer. However it is possible to request a MANUAL look
up at http://web.jet.es/lynx/annobon/log.htm [TNX The Daily DX]

ALASKA ---> "Please note that Alaskan stations are not just KL7, WL7, NL7  or
AL7, but they can have any number  (0-9) in their prefix. The only  exception
is KL9KAA-KHZ (South Korea)". [TNX KL9A, ex-WL7KY]

BHUTAN ---> Jim Smith, VK9NS reports encouraging latest news from his  recent
visit to Bhutan. "In recent  months the Telecommunications  Act has become  a
reality and today many aspects of telecommunications have been brought  under
real and legal administration. The introduction of the Amateur Radio  Service
in Bhutan is now very close  and I predict that from early  in the year  2000
activity from A5 will be on a regular (but sustainable) level".

PIRATES ---> The Daily DX reports both YI2CL (QSL via WA3HUP) and FP5AP  (QSL
via W3HNK) are pirates.

QSL 9G5AA ---> Cards for the Voodoo Contest Group 9G5AA Multi-Multi CQ WW  CW
operation from Ghana  should be sent  to GM4FDM either  direct (Tom Wylie,  3
King's Crescent, Elderslie,  Renfrewshire PA5 9AD,  Scotland, UK) or  through
the RSGB bureau. Bureau cards can be requested at Tom's *new* e-mail address,
twylie@net.ntl.com [425DXN 443, correction].

QSL R1ANF/A  ---> Oleg,  R1ANF reports  his QSL  manager (RK1PWA)  is  having
problems with the  mail. Cards for  R1ANF (operating  from Russian  Antarctic
base "Bellingshausen", South Shetlands) should still  be sent to RK1PWA,  but
cards for R1ANF/A (operating from Chinese  base "Great Wall" and Korean  base
"King Sejong", both on South Shetalnds) should be sent direct to P.O.Box  10,
Novodvinsk-1, Arkhangelskaja obl., 163901 Russia. Requests will be  processed
when Oleg returns home in Spring 2000. [TNX DL5EBE]

QSL Z38/IV3FSG ---> Cards for this recent operation from Macedonia should  be
sent to IV3FSG either direct (Elvira Simoncini, Via Sabis 8, 34070  Mossa-GO,
Italy) or through the bureau.

QSL NA-157 ---> Fred, N6AWD reports he now has the logs for KL7/W6IXP  (25-27
July 1997). All cards that were received  either direct or via the buro  have
been answered. If you still need a  direct card, please send your request  to
Fred K. Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr.,  Bakersfield, CA 93309, USA. [TNX  Islands
On The Web]

QSL VIA DL8YR  ---> Peter, DL8YR  (Peter Kallfelz,  Langenbruchweg 58,  52080
Aachen, Germany) reports  he is no  loger the QSL  manager for  EK7DX. He  is
still the  manager  for DL1VJ  (5T5XX,  9H3VJ, CU2ARA,  DL1VJ/T5,  DL1VJ/VY1,

QSL VIA  ER1DA --->  Cards for  ER0ITU, ER1A,  ER1CW, ER27A,  ER200P,  ER50A,
ER50CE, ER7A,  ER8C and  ER9V must  be send  to ER1DA  either direct  (Valery
Metaxa, P. O. Box 9537, Kishinev, Moldova) with 2 IRCs or 1USD or through the
bureau. Nobody  else has  ever  been authorized  to  handle cards  for  these
special event stations. [TNX ER1DA]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CQ WW CW:  The NG3K  contest operation  listing  for this year's event is  at
           http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqcw99.html [TNX NG3K]
LOGS:      The contest logs for SV1DNW, SV1DKR, J41DKL and J41Y are available
           at http://www.qsl.net/sv1dnw/ [TNX SV1DNW]
LOGS:      Seli, TF3AO  reports that  logs for  the  most recent  TF1IRA  and
           TF3IRA contest operations  (SAC SSB &  CQWW SSB) can  be found  at
S DX@WW $425WW446C
425 DX News #446 [3/4]
 20 November 1999                  No 446                       $425WW446C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER      CALL        MANAGER      CALL        MANAGER       
3A/K3TW     K3TW         GB3RN       G0VIX        UK8IZ       IK2QPR
3B8/ON4LAC  ON4LAC       GD3OOK/P    G3OOK        UK8OB       IK2QPR
3D2ME       7N2RTO       H44MY       JA0IXW       UK8OM       IK2QPR
3W6DK       N0ODK        HB0/HA0HW/P HA0HW        UL0OB       IK2QPR
3W7TK       OK1HWB       HB0/HA4DX/P HA4DX        UL7JGJ      IK2QPR
3XY2D       VE2DPS       HC1HCX/7    SM7BUA       UL7NAN      IK2QPR
4F3/GM4DKO  GM4DKO       HH2NH       KU9C         UL7OAO      IK2QPR
4L0DX       IK2QPR       HH2SJR      EA5DLC       UL7OB       IK2QPR
4S7OF       K0JN         HS0AC       HS0/G3NOM    UL7PJQ      IK2QPR
5B4/DL6NBR  DL6NBR       HS0ZBG      K8GT         UM8DX       IK2QPR
5B4/UA9YAB  UA9YAB       HS4BPQ      E21EIC       UM8MCT      IK2QPR
5H3/K8LEE   K8LEE        HS6NDK      HS1CKC       UM8MFO      IK2QPR
5H3OC       IN3DEI       HS6PAU      HS1CKC       UM8MU       IK2QPR
5H3RD       SM4GSD       HS72A       HS1CKC       UM8OM       IK2QPR
5N0FPK      F1DSE        II2R        IK2QPR       UM8QB       IK2QPR
5R8FL       F5TBA        IR1S        I1ANP        UN0F        IK2QPR
5R8GJ       F5QT         IR3MD       IN3BHR       UN0N        IK2QPR
5X1GS       WB2YQH       IR8PC       I8SRK        UN2O        IK2QPR
5X1P        G3MRC        J3/DL8OBQ   DL8OBQ       UN2O/5B4    IK2QPR
6W6/K3IPK   K3IPK        JW7QIA      LA7QIA       UN2O/EZ     IK2QPR
8P2K        KU9C         KG4CM       N5FTR        UN7FW       IK2QPR
8P6SH       KU9C         KH0/JA8CCL  JA8CCL       UN7JX       IK2QPR
8R1WW       N4WW         KH0/JJ1QXG  JJ1QXG       UN7OAL      IK2QPR
8R90S       8R1AK        KH0/JK7TKE  JK7TKE       UN7PCZ      DL8KAC
8S7IPA      OZ5AAH       KH4/W4ZYV   W4ZYV        UN7PJQ      IK2QPR
9A643KC     9A7K         KL1SLE      NU4N         UN7SB       IK2QPR
9G5ZW       OM3LZ        KL7USI      KL7JR        UN9PQ       IK2QPR
9H3RS       DL3LAR       KL9A        NU4N         UO100OIL    IK2QPR
9J2A        JA0JHA       KP2A        W3HNK        UP50O       IK2QPR
9M6AAC      N2OO         LI3D        LA9CE        UP5F        IK2QPR
9M6CT       HS0/G4JMB    LO0D        F6FNU        US6L        UR4LUG
9M6OO       N2OO         LU3XX       LU3XPS       UX6FZZ      UX3FW
9M6PWT      G3SWH        MD/N0KV     N0KV         V21A        HB9AQH
9M8YY       JH3GAH       MU0AWR      K2WR         V26AK       N2TK
9N1AA       N4AA         N0KE/KH6    N0KE         V26AU       DL6LAU
9N1HA       N5VL         OA5/F5TYY   F5TYY        V26OC       N3OC
9U5D        SM0BFJ       OA5/F6BFH   F6BFH        V26SW       K3SW
A35TR       7M1FCC       OA5/F9IE    F9IE         V26YR       W2YR
AB5EB       AD5A         OA7/F5TYY   F5TYY        V31JP       KA9WON
AH6PN/HR6   W7TSQ        OA7/F6BFH   F6BFH        V47BY       DL7BY
AY0N        LU2NI        OA7/F9IE    F9IE         V47DA       DL1DA
BA4DW       BD4DW        OD5/OK1MU   OK1MU        V47DX       K1CN
BV0DX       BV4AS        OD5NH       W4AO         V63HJ       JE1LES
BV4FH       K1WY         OY3QN       OZ1ACB       V85OO       N2OO
BW0R        JA1JKG       P40R        NK4U         VE7USI      KL7JR
C6AHN       KC4SZE       PJ2/PA0VDV  PA0VDV       VE8JR       KL7JR
CO8ZZ       AD4Z         PJ2/W8KKF   W8KKF        VK0TS       VK1DX
CQ0ODX      CT2GZE       PX7G        PS7AB        VK8CI       VK9NS
CV1A        F1NGP        PY0FZM      DL2HZM       VK8ML       VK9NS
CX8DX       F1NGP        PZ5CM       K3BYV        VO2AC       VE3FU
E20HHK      E21EIC       RC4/UC1WWO  IK2QPR       VP2MCM      DL7NFK
E20REX      E21EIC       RF6FU       IK2QPR       VP2MGS      DL9NDS
E44/OZ5IPA  OZ5AAH       RI1OA       IK2QPR       VP2MGU      DL5NAM
EA3URT      EA3AXD       RL2O        IK2QPR       VP2V/G3TXF  G3TXF
ED2SRE      EA2CBY       RY9C        UA9CGA       VP2YR       W2YR
ED5ELT      EA5ELT       S21YG       DL3NEO       VP5/N5QQ    N5QQ
ED8EAC      EA8BDB       S79AU       IK4AUY       VP5/W5WW    W5WW
EK8WB       IK2QPR       S79JDC      G3TBK        VP5T        N2VW
EL2RF       K1SE         S79QK       HB9CQK       VP6TC       K6RPF
EO2CWO      IK2QPR       SN9R        SP9BRP       VQ9DX       AA5DX
ER4DX       UT7ND        SO0WDX      US5WDX       VQ9JA       N1ZZZ
EU6DA       IK2QPR       T30Y        DL7DF        VY0TA       VE2BQB
EU6MM       IK2QPR       T31UT       LA7MFA       W2A         W2AA
EV5B        EW1ABA       T32BE       WC5P         W4YO/p      W4YO
EW4DX       F1NGP        T32BO       N5RG         WL7KY       NU4N
EW6BN       IK2QPR       T32KV       N0KV         XE1/SM0OUG  SM0CCM
EW6CF       IK2QPR       T32O        WC5P         XT2PT       N5DRV
EW6CM       IK2QPR       T32PO       N5PO         XX9SC       XX9AU
EW6GB       IK2QPR       T88AY       JA7AYE       XX9TRR      N6XJ
EW6WW       IK2QPR       T88NH       JA4OWG       YB0RP       W2FXA
EX2FU       IK2QPR       T88WF       JN1WTK       YB0ZDC      YC0EHN
EX2U        IK2QPR       T98UFB      SP8UFB       YB1XUR      W6MD
EX5T        IK2QPR       TF8GX       K1WY         YC0LBK      W4JS
EX7MA       IK2QPR       TG9IGI      I2MQP        YC8NLF      W6MD
EX7MK       IK2QPR       TM2F        F5LJA        YC8VIP/7    W6MD
EX8DX       IK2QPR       TU5IJ       I2AOX        YC9WZJ      W6MD
EX8MF       IK2QPR       TY1PH       F6FNU        ZA/S51F     S51F
EX8MLE      IK2QPR       TZ6YV       WA1ECA       ZA/S57AW    S57AW
EX8NK       IK2QPR       UA0CW       W3HNK        ZC4AB       G4OYO
EX8NP       IK2QPR       UA0YAY      IK2QPR       ZC4CM       GI4OYG
EX8QB       IK2QPR       UC2WO       IK2QPR       ZC4GB       5B4AGC
EX8QF       IK2QPR       UE50XN      UA9XEN       ZD7KA       K2PF
EY8CQ       DJ1SKO       UE9XAB      UA9XEN       ZD8A        N6CW
EY8XX       GW3CDP       UF6FFL      IK2QPR       ZD8Z        VE3HO
EZ8CQ       I2JSB        UG7GWB      IK2QPR       ZD9CR       KA1DE
FG/G3TXF    G3TXF        UI8IZ       IK2QPR       ZF2NT       G3SWH
FK8VHT      F6AJA        UI8NH       IK2QPR       ZM4IR/4     W8WC
FO0AOI      F6AOI        UI8OAA      IK2QPR       ZS8D        ZS6EZ
FO0DEH      ON4QM        UK/DF3DS    DJ6AU        ZV0SB       PT2GTI
FO0NGP      F1NGP        UK6LF       IK2QPR       ZV0SW       PT2GTI
FO0SOU      F6AUS        UK7PBH      IK2QPR       ZV4C        PY1ARS/4
FY5FU/P     F5PAC        UK8ACT      IK2QPR       ZX0F        PY5EG
G1Y         G0FOS        UK8GH       IK2QPR       ZY7W        PR7FN
GB0LI       G3WNI        UK8ICO      IK2QPR       ZZ7Z        PR7AR
S DX@WW $425WW446D
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                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

3B8FQ      Abdool Rashid Cadersa, 55 de la Faye Ave, Belle Rose, Mauritius
4K6DI      Andrew V. Shutikov, c/o P.O.Box 461673, Los Angeles, CA 90046, USA
4L5O       Omar Odoshashvili, P.O. Box 0, 380002 Tbilisi, Georgia
7M1FCC     Toshi Tanaka, 6-6-2 Kokubo, Kofu, Yamanaski 400-0043, Japan
9A7K       Kresimir Juratovic, P.O. Box 88, HR-48000 Koprivnika, Croatia
BD4DW      David Y. J. Zhou, P.O. Box 040-088, Shanghai, 200040, China
BY1PK      Box 6106, Beijing 100061, People's Republic of China
BY4RSA     Box 538, Nanjing, People's Republic of China
CP4BT      Claus, P.O.Box 26, Uyuni, Bolivia
D44BW      Cizzi Mendes, Box 308, Praia, Cape Verde, via Portugal
DJ0QZ      Frank Knecht, Am Hirschsprung 4, D-64757 Rothenberg, Germany
DL3NEO     Hannes Schmidt, Komotauer Str. 28 B, D-91207 Lauf, Germany
DL5OBZ     Markus Hammelmann, Mittelstr. 3, D-70180 Stuttgart, Germany
DL7FER     Felix Kuntzsch, Auf dem Berg 12, D-35745 Herborn, Gemany
E4/G3WQU   Peter McKay, UNIFIL, Box 75, Nahariyya 22100, Israel
EA8BDB     Apartado 1, Villa de Teguise, 35530 Lanzarote, Spain
EU1UN      Serge, Box 201, 220086 Minsk, Belarus
F5LBL      Gerard Karpe, 629 Route de Montpellier, F-30800 Saint Gilles,
F5KAC      P.O. Box 5, 45270 Ladon, France
F6FNU      Antoine Baldeck, P. O. Box 14, F-91291 Arpajon Cedex, France
G4OYO      Alan Bramley, 13 Moorland Ave, Stapleford, Notts NG9 7FY, United
G4UOL      Steven Muster, Flat 4, 60 Genesta Road, Westcliff on sea, SS0 8DB
           England, UK
HL5TP      Kim Youngsun, 303-901 Green Mansion, 276 Bon-Dong, Dalseo-Ku,
           Taegu 704-350, Korea
HS0/G4JMB  Philip Weaver, P.O. Box 7, Pat Pong P.O., Bangkok 10506, Thailand
HS0ZBS     Kurt Brauer, Box 75, Phanom-Sarakham, Chachoengsao 24120, Thailand
IK2QPR     Paolo Fava, Via Bertani 8, 46100 Mantova - MN, Italy
IK4AUY     Sergio Cartoceti, Via Di Corticella 241, I-40128 Bologna - BO,
IK7JWX     Alfredo De Nisi, Vico della Cavallerizza 4d, 73100 Lecce - LE,
IN3DEI     Claudio Daddario, P.O. Box 55, 39100 Bolzano - BZ, Italy
IS0JMA     Roberto Alaimo, P.O. Box 41, 07026 Olbia - SS, Italy
IS0LYN     Mario Lumbau, Via San Nicola 23, I-07036 Sennori - SS, Italy
IT9ZSB     Salvatore Scire', Via F. Accolla 26, 96100 Siracusa - SR, Italy
JA0IXW     Masao Konishi, 2990-9 Shimizu, Tokiwa-Ku, Oomachi City, Nagano
           398, Japan
JE4CIL     Fumio Suzuki, P. O. Box 3, Hamamura, Ketaka, Tottori 689-0300,
JM1LJS     Hideyuki Kai, 4-22-15 Takata-Higashi, Kohoku-Ku, Yokohama City,
           223-0065 Japan
K1IED      Larry F.Skilton, 72 Brook Street, South Windsor, CT-06074, USA
K5PP       Max E. Maxwell, 1036 Webster St, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA
LA7MFA     Lech Slawomir Tomczak, Froeyas vei 61, 3472 Boedalen, Norway
N0KV       Barry Mitchell, PSC 45, Box 1143, APO AE 09468, USA
N2OO       Bob Schenck, P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, N.J. 08087-0345, USA
N6CW       Terry Baxter, 5243 Mt. Burnham Drive, San Diego, CA 92111, USA
NU4N       David W. Tucker, 1500 Massac Church Road, Paducah, Kentucky 42001,
OZ5AAH     Ben Jakobsen, 9 Knoldager, 2670 Greve, Denmark
PR7FN      Antonio Fernando Alves, rua Simon Bolivar 107, 58102-178 Campina
           Grande - PB, Brazil
PS7AB      Rony Reis Caixa Postal 2021, 59094-970, Natal-RN, Brazil
PT2GTI     R. Stuckert, Cx Postal 09647, Brasilia-DF, 70001-970 Brazil
RK1PWA     Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, 164744 Amderma, Arkhangelskaja, Russia
S51F       Franc Gricar, Tugomerjeva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
S53R       Robert Kasca, P.O. Box  23, 5280 Idrija, Slovenia
S57AW      Robert Bajuk, Tovarniska 57, 1235 Radomlje, Slovenia
SM0BFJ     Leif Hammarstrom, Birger Jarlsgatan 38, SE-114 29 Stockholm,
SV1DNW     Elias Bakopoulos, P.O. Box 31669, Athens 100 35, Greece
TI2CBJ     Jose Cascante Badilla, PO Box 254 CP 1300, Hatillo, San Jose,
           Costa Rica
UA0ZC      Valery Makarov, P. O. Box 6, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683000,
UA9CGA     Serge V. Stikhin, Box 1035, Ekaterinburg, 620063, Russia
UA9XEN     Victor I.Rochev, P. O. Box 253, Ukhta, Russia
UA9YAB     Alex Vedernikov, P. O. Box 120, Biysk, Altajskij kraj, 659300
UW1ZC      Valentin Mykitenko, Akademgorodok 2 1, 184340 Parskaya, Russia
V73AX      Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 444, APO, AP 96555, USA
V73CW      Bruce Smith, PO Box 1436, APO, AP 96555, USA
VK4AAR     Alan Roocroft, P.O.Box 421, Gatton 4343, Australia
VK9NS      P.O. Box 90, Norfolk Island, NI 2899, Australia
YC0EHN     Bas Harahap, Box 1337, Jakarta 12013, Indonesia
YC9MKF     Ferdinand Konay, Jl. Diponegoro No. 3, Kupang 85119, Timor,
YS1/KA0UBH Cisco, P.O. Box 01 105, San Salvador, El Salvador
YV6DBW     Mary Cruz de Tortorella, Calle El Jobo F 18, Santa Cruz 2123, Edo.
           Aragua, Venezuela
YV6DBX     Vicente A. Tortorella, Calle El Jobo F 18, Santa Cruz 2123, Edo.
           Aragua, Venezuela
ZS6EZ      Chris R. Burger, Box 4485, Pretoria 0001, South Africa

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