DX425 bulletin issue nr. 444

S DX@WW $425WW444A
425 DX News #444 [1/5]
 6 November 1999                   No 444                       $425WW444A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

4U1UN  - Bert, PA1KW is expected to  operate from the  station at the  United
         Nations in New York until 9 November.
5H     - Orlando, IN3KIZ is now active from Tanzania as 5H3OC. QSL via IN3DEI
         (Claudio Daddario, P.O.  Box 55, 39100  Bolzano -  BZ, Italy).  [TNX
9A     - Special event  call  9A643KC is  being  used until  31  December  by
         operators  from  Koprivnica  ARC  (9A8K)  to  celebrate  the   643rd
         anniversary of  the  town of  Koprivnica.  QSL  via  9A7K  (Kresimir
         Juratovic, P.O. Box 88, HR-48000 Koprivnika, Croatia). [TNX 9A7K]
9M6    - Phil, HS0/G4JMB  is active  (10-40 metres  SSB) as  9M6CT from  East
         Malaysia until 18 December. QSL via  HS0/G4JMB (Philip Weaver,  P.O.
         Box 7, Pat Pong P.O., Bangkok 10506, Thailand). [TNX The Daily DX]
9U     - Gus, 9U5D will operate on 80 and 40 metres (3585, 7035 and 7080 kHz)
         and 160 metres in the  night between 6  and 7 November  (21.00-04.00
         UTC). He will be on 1831-1832  every hour on the  hour for about  15
         minutes, listening up 3-5 Khz. QSL via SM0BFJ. [TNX The Daily DX]
EA8    - Tony, EA8AVB  will be  active as  EA8AVB/p from  Isla de  la  Gomera
         (AF-004, DIE S-014) on 5-8 November. QSL via EA8URE. [TNX EA8AVB]
C9     - Jean-Louis, F5MAW  is  now active  as  C91MSF from  Mozambique.  MSF
         stands for "Medecin Sans Frontiere", the organization which has been
         recently awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.
KH4    - Mert/W0UFO, Thor/W0QIK and Ed/N0OKW expect to be on Midway Island on
         4-13 November. They plan to operate  in their spare time (around  17
         UTC and between 4 and 5  UTC) as KH4/W0UFO  and KH4/W0QIK. [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
OA     - Yves/F5TYY, Alan/F6BFH and Bernard/F9IE [425DXN 443] were active  as
         OA5/home call from SA-073 on 4-5 November. Plans are to operate from
         other IOTA groups subject to transportation and landing permissions.
         QSL via home calls.
PY     - Look for  PX7G  to be  active  from Forte  de  Pau  Amarelo  on  5-7
         November. QSL via PS7AB either direct (Rony Reis Caixa Postal  2021,
         59094-970, Natal/RN, Brazil). [TNX PY7YL]
R1A_ssh- Oleg, R1ANF  is currently  again signing  R1ANF/A from  the  Chinese
         Antarctic base Great  Wall on  King George  Island, South  Shetlands
         (AN-010). QSL via RK1PWA. [TNX DL5EBE]
W      - Southern California DX Club members N6KZ, N6FH, WU6T, N6IC and  W8DX
         will be active  (on 10-80 metres  CW and SSB)  from Catalina  Island
         (NA-066) between 12 and 15 November. [TNX The Daily DX]
XX9    - QRZ-DX reports Alberto,  XX9AS has decided  to close down  operation
         from Macao, has  already taken  down his  antennas and  hopes to  be
         active soon from another QTH.
ZL     - Ed, K8VIR is expected to  be active as  ZM4IR/4 from Stewart  Island
         (OC-203) on  7-15 November.  His  favourite frequencies  are  28505,
         24950, 18130 and 14260 kHz.QSL via W8WC. [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         **** NEWS FROM THE WEB ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CQ WW SSB 99: A list of  QSL routes  for stations  active in  the contest  is
              available at http://www.arrakis.es/~ea5eyj/cqssb99.htm
LOGS:         Logs for the recent operation from Mauritius Island by  PA0VHA,
              PA3EPD,   PB0AIT   and    PE1ALV   are    now   available    at
LOGS:         Dieter, DF4RD  reports the  logs for  VP2MCS are  available  at
RUSSIA:       Jim Reisert, AD1C has created a preliminary set of web pages to
              help sort out  the CQ/ITU zone  information for Russia.  Please
              visit them  at  http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ad1c/russia_e.htm
              (European) and  http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ad1c/russia_a.htm
              (Asiatic Russia)
QSL MANAGERS: Paul, ON6DP  (p.delmelle@wol.be) reports  he has  published  an
              update of his QSL Manager Database (some 53,000 QSL routes). It
              is available at http://www.dd3kf.de or http://www.qsl.net/on6dp
S DX@WW $425WW444B
425 DX News #444 [2/5]
 6 November 1999                   No 444                       $425WW444B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

9N1MM DONATIONS --->  The following comes  from Charles Harpole,  K4VUD/9N7UD
(k4vud@hotmail.com): "If anyone would care to  make a rig or $$$ donation  to
the 9N1MM memorial club station  in Kathmandu, Nepal,  please contact me.  If
you have gear or parts to contribute, please plan to have them shipped to  me
at K4VUD Callbook  address to arrive  prior to  December 1,  1999. There  are
three NEWLY licensed 9N hams there now  who have no prospect of getting  gear
and getting on the air unless donations come to  them.  One of them is  young
with some time to operate and  is a 30 WPM CW man!   He does not even have  a
Morse key of his own!".

CYCLONE EMERGENCY --->  The following comes  from Nat,  VU2NTA: "The  Cyclone
which hit the East Indian state of Oriisa has left behind utter  devastation.
Radio amateurs are active on 14.140-180 and 7.030 MHz and we would Appreciate
if all stations  (particularly from Europe,  Russia and  the CIS  countries),
when propogation opens up, do not use  these segments so as to enable  relief
to reach the affected areas".

IOTA 2000 ---> The purpose of the RSGB IOTA Millennium Programme (IOTA  2000)
is to celebrate the Millennium, to promote  IOTA activity and to have fun  on
the HF bands. The programme will be administered by the Chiltern DX  Club-The
UK DX  Foundation on  behalf of  the RSGB  IOTA Committee.  For full  details
please visit http://www.425dxn.org/iota/iota2000

LU3XX ---> This  is Mario  Alfredo Carballido,  LU3XPS who  received his  new
General licence on 13 October.

VK4AAR ---> "More than 50% of QSL requests come  to me via my old address  in
Dalveen", Alan/VK4AAR reports. "I am also astounded that many are still using
the address in Arana Hills which was prior to Augsut 1993". Please note  that
his current address is: Alan Roocroft, P.O. Box 421, Gatton 4343, Australia.

VK9RS ---> A  limited quantity of  special legal 45  cent postage stamps  are
being printed by  Australia Post to  commemorate the  recent VK9RS  operation
from the Rowley Shoals and will be available in four weeks. Amateurs and SWLs
interested in  stamp collecting  are invited  to contact  Malcolm  K.Johnson,
VK6LC at either vk6lc@iinet.net.au or 9  Abinger Road, Lynwood, 6147  Western
Australia, Australia. [TNX VE6VK]

QSL VIA IK0ZKK ---> Paolo, IK0ZKK is the QSL manager for 4X6RE, CN8SH,  CO8DC
(CM8DC), YC6HDF and YC8FI. He  currently has some  logistic problems, but  he
plans to reply to the requests received so far by December. Please be patient
and do not send duplicates.

S79AU ---> This  was Sergio, IK4AUY,  who was  active from  Mahe and  Praslin
(both count for AF-024) in the Seychelles between 22 October and 3  November.
QSL via IK4AUY (Sergio Cartoceti,  Via Di Corticella  241, I-40128 Bologna  -
BO, Italy). [TNX IK4AUY]

+ SILENT KEY  + Mike, W6RW  reports the  passing of  Bill Adams,  W6BA on  29
October at almost 91 years of age. First licensed in 1924 as 6ANN, four years
later he made  the first known  transcontinental QSO  on ten  metres when  he
worked 2JN in New Jersey from  his Long Beach, CA QTH. He  spent the last  35
years of his life retired on  his 40 acre antenna  farm in Twentynine  Palms,
California, where he has hosted multi-multi, multi-single and single operator
contest operations since 1967.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER       CALL        MANAGER       CALL        MANAGER    
3B8/KD6WW   KD6WW         EO55EY      UR4EYT        R1MVZ       K6VNX
3B8/ON4LAC  ON4LAC        EO55IG      UR4IZA        RA0FF       N6FF
3C1RV       EA1BMH        EO55JM      KG6AR         RA0FW       F6FNU
3D2AA       VE6VK         EO55M       UX2MM         RA2FBC      DF4BV
3D2CC       VE6VK         EO55U       UT2UB         RA9LI/9     DL6ZFG
3D2VW       N6VAW         EO55WL      UT1WA         RM4W        RW4WR
3XY1B0      F5XX          EP3HR       I2MQP         RW2F        DK4VW
3Z0DIG      DL3KDC        ER0N        UT7ND         S21YJ       SM4AIO
4K7Z        4J9RI         EU930EU     EU1EU         S79AU       IK4AUY
4L1FL       4Z5CU         EV5M        EU1EU         S79BL       KD6WW
4L4KW       KE1HZ         EW1WC       EU1EU         SI9AM       SM3CVM
4N1N        YU1AST        EY8CQ       DJ1SKO        SK3A        SM3CVM
5C8M        DL6FBL        EY8MM       K1BV          SK6D        SK6DZ
5H3/K8LEE   K8LEE         EZ6DK       UX5UO         SK6M        SM6DYK
5H3/WD8SDL  WD8SDL        F5LBM       FR5FD         SL3A        SM3OJR
5H3US       WA8JOC        FG/G3TXF    G3TXF         SM1A        SM0SBI
5N0W        OK1KN         FK8GJ       F6CXJ         SM3E        SM3JLA
5R8FL       F5TBA         FK8HC       VK4FW         SM3X        SM3CVM
5R8FU       SM0DJZ        FM5BH       W3HNK         SM3Y        SM3CWE
5R8GJ       F5QT          FM5DN       KU9C          SM4L        SM4EFW
5W0ST       G4EDG         FM5FJ       KU9C          SM5G        SM5JBM
5X1T        ON5NT         FM5GU       WA4JTK        SM5R        SM5AQB
S DX@WW $425WW444C
425 DX News #444 [3/5]
 6 November 1999                   No 444                       $425WW444C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********

6D2X        K5TSQ         FO0DEH      ON4QM         SM6A        SM6DYK
6V6U        K3IPK         FO0KOJ      JK7TKE        SU9ZZ       OM3TZZ
6W4RK       F5NPS         FO0THA      DF2IY         SW2A        SV2AEL
6W6/K3IPK   K3IPK         FP5BZ       F5TJP         T2DX        W4WET
7A0K        YB0AI         FY5FU       F5PAC         T30CW       DL7DF
7S0SFJ      SK0QO         G9Q         G1GJQ         T30Y        DL7DF
7S1LGT      SM1TDE        GB2JAM      G4UDR         T31UA       LA7MFA
7S2A        SM2LWU        H44MY       JA0IXW        T33CW       DL7DF
7S3A        SM3CER        HB0/HA5RT/p HA0HW         T33Y        DL7DF
7S3X        SM3DMP        HB0/HB9AON  DJ2YE         T88WX       JA1WSX
7S5F        SK4AO         HC8A        WV7Y          T93Y        W6MD
7S5T        SM7NDX        HI9/DK8YY   DL4ALI        TI5EBU      JM6EBU
7S6A        SM6DOI        HI9/DL2ARD  DL4ALI        TM2Y        F6BEE
7S6R        SM6REA        HI9/DL4ALI  DL4ALI        TM4T        F6HLC
7S6W        SM6DER        HI9/DL4JS   DL4ALI        TM5CW       F5SJB
7S7KUL      SK7DD         HO3A        HP3XUG        TO0DX       LA9VDA
8P1A        W2NY          HS0AC       HS0/G3NOM     UA0MF       W3HNK
8P2K        KU9C          HS72A       HS1CKC        UC2ABO      EU1EU
8P6SH       KU9C          HZ1AB       K8PYD         UN1F        DF5PBD
8P9JG       W2NY          IG9A        I2MQP         UN7JX       IK2QPR
8Q7IT       DH3MIT        IH9P        KR7X          UN7V        UN7LZ
8R1K        OH0XX         IO0A        I0TIC         UP4L        UN7LZ
8R1RPN      OH0XX         IO8O        IK8HCG        UP5P        UN5PR
8S1IG       SK1BL         IQ0A        IK0XBX        UR3IWA      KI6T
8S2F        SM2HWG        IR0F        IK0ZME        US1U        UX5UO
8S4X        SM0GNU        IR8PC       I8SRK         UT7Z        UR7GG
8S5A        SM5AJV        J0ABL       VK3DBL        V26B        WT3Q
8S5Y        SM5AQD        J28BM       K1SE          V44KJ       WB2TSL
8S6A        SM6DPF        J28FF       F6ITD         V47BY       DL7BY
8S7A        W3HNK         J3A         WA1S          V47DA       DL1DA
9E1C        IV3OWC        J6/K3LP     N3NT          V47GU       DL7VOG
9G1AA       PA3ERA        J6/K3UG     N3NT          V47KP       K2SB
9G1OO       PA3ERA        J6/K7KL     N3NT          V47NS       W9NY
9G5DX       JH8PHT        J68AZ       W9AAZ         V73ZZ       K7ZZ
9H1EL       LA2TO         J68WB       N2WB          V85HG       JH7FQK
9H3AAA      OE1JIS        J68WX       W4WX          V85TG       JH3GAH
9H3AM       G3VLX         J6J         N5VL          V8A         JH7FQK
9H3RS       DL3LAR        J6R         N3NT          V8IAN       VE6VK
9M6AAC      N2OO          J79KS       DL1DA         VA2BY       VE3BY
9M6NA       JE1JKL        J79SH       DJ4IJ         VA2KCE      VE3KCE
9M6OO       N2OO          J8OD        DJ0QZ         VA2RHJ      VE3RHJ
9M6PWT      G3SWH         JW5E        LA5NM         VC1A        K3BU
9M8R        W7EJ          JW9FJA      LA9FJA        VK9LM       W1HEO
9M8TG       JH3GAH        JY9NE       N3FNE         VK9LX       VK2ICV
9U5D        SM0BFJ        JY9NX       JH7FQK        VO2AC       VE3FU
9V1YC       AA5BT         JY9QJ       DL5MBY        VO2CQ       VE3FU
A41KB       ON7LX         K5PP/p      K5PP          VO2ZZ       VO1HE
A61AJ       W3UR          K9AW/DU6    WF5T          VP2E        N5AU
A92GD       K1SE          KC4/WA1O    KA1CRP        VP2MBT      EA3BT
AH2R        JI3ERV        KH2/N2NL    W2YC          VP2MCS      DL5NAM
AP2JZB      K2EWB         KH4/SM6FJY  SM6FJY        VP2MGL      EA3BT
B1Z         JA4HCK        KH8/KK6HC   LA7MFA        VP2V/G3TXF  G3TXF
B4R         BY4RSA        KH8/N5OLS   N5JA          VP5DX       NU4Y
B9G         BY9GA         KP4WW       W4DN          VP5T        N2VW
C5TT        G0UCT         LA8W        LA4DCA        VP9LR       K1EFI
CE3F        CE3FIP        LR0H        LU9HS         VQ9VK       N1TO
CK4RU       VY2RU         LR6D        JK6GAD        W4D         W5OXA
CN8NK       EA5XX         LU6FBI      LU6FAZ        WA2GM       N4FS
CN8WW       DL6FBL        LX2LX       LX1NO         WP3C        W3HNK
CO6XN       HK6DOS        M6T         G4PIQ         XE1X        XE1AE
CO9BCC      VE2EH         MU0ASP      F5SHQ         XE2DV       W7ZR
CP6/LU9AY   NU4N          MU0BKA      K4ZLE         XT2HP       JA1OEM
CQ9K        CS3MAD        OH0MM       OH2MM         XX9TRR      N6XJ
CT3/TF3CW   LX1NO         OH0NRV      OH2NRV        YC3IZK      IZ8CCW
CT3FN       HB9CRV        OH0V        OH4JLV        YJ0DX       VK4JSR
CW3C        CX3CE         OH0Z        OH1EH         YN2EJG      K5LBU
CX5X        W3HNK         OX3LG       OZ1ACB        YV5AT       IZ8CCW
CX9AU       KA5TUF        P3A         W3HNK         YV5KOH      IZ8CCW
EA8/ON8RI   ON8RI         P40B        I2MQP         ZC4ATC      5B4YX
EA8BH       OH2BH         P40E        W3HNK         ZD7DP       W1ZT
EA9EA       EA9AZ         P40J        WX4G          ZD8Z        VE3HO
EK6TA       DJ0MCZ        P40R        K4UEE         ZF2DR       K5RQ
EK8SL       EK6MK         PJ2C        W8KKF         ZF2LC       W2SM
EK8WB       IK2QPR        PJ4/WA3LRO  K2SB          ZF2MK       K9MK
EL2RF       K1SE          PJ4B        K2SB          ZF2NT       G3SWH
EL2WW       ON5NT         PR2G        PT2ADM        ZX0F        PY5EG
EM1KGG      UT7UA         PW5D        PY5DZ         ZX1Z        PY1LVF
EN5J        KG6AR         PY0FM       JA1VOK        ZZ7Z        PR7AR
S DX@WW $425WW444D
425 DX News #444 [4/5]
 6 November 1999                   No 444                       $425WW444D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

3D2SJ    Fr Steve Dives MSC, P.O. Box 1354, Suva, Fiji
4J9RI    Rashad Iskenderli, P.O. Box 116, K. Toprak, 81031 Istanbul, Turkey
4Z5AV    Mike Kremer, P. O. Box 2288, 88122 Eilat, Israel
8R1K     Suite 599, 1313 So. Military Trail, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442, USA
9K2HN    Hamad Alnusif, P.O. Box 29174, Safat 13152, Kuwait
BA7JA    P.O. Box 1713, Gunagzhou 510600, People's Republic of China
BY9GA    P. O. Box 12, Lanzhou, Gansu 730020, People's Republic of China
C37URA   Unio de Radioaficionats Andorrans, P.O. Box 1150, Andorra la Vella,
DJ2MX    Mario Lovric, Am Oelberg 11, D-61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany
DL1HCM   Michael Peters, Moislinger Allee 72, D-23558 Luebeck, Germany
DL4ALI   Steffen Doepping, Wiesengasse 16, D-99867 Gotha, Germany
DL4DBR   Ted Barczyk, Pappelstr. 34, 58099 Hagen, Germany
DL6FBL   Bernd Och, Chr.-Wirth-Str. 18, D-36043 Fulda, Germany
DL6ZFG   Rolf Rahne, P.O.Box 15, D-39241 Gommern, Germany
DL7DF    Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, D-12621 Berlin, Germany
DM2AUJ   Wolfgang Rebling, Markt 12, D-07955 Auma, Germany
EA4CP    Jose Diaz, Doce de Octubre #4, 28009 Madrid, Spain
EA5XX    Julio Volpe O'Neil, P.O. Box 4062, Alicante 03080, Spain
ER1DA    Valery Metaxa, P.O. Box 9537, Kishinev, MD-2071, Moldova
ER1LW    Lysy Wiacheslav, P. O. Box 112, Chisinau, MD-2012 Moldova, CIS
EU1EU    Igor Getmann, POB 143, Minsk-5, 220005, Belarus
EX8F     Vlad Sudakow, P.O.Box 2, Kara-Balta-5, 722030 Kyrghyzstan
F5JJW    Joel Suc, La Grange 69440, Taluyers, France
FR5FD    Patrick Labeaume, 40 rue Louis de Jardins, La Plaine, 97411 Bois de
         Nefles, St. Paul, Reunion Island, France
G0IAS    Allan Hickman, The Conifers, High Street,  Elkesley, Retford, DN22
         8AJ Notts, England, UK
G3SWH    Phil Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons Grove , Congresbury, Bristol, BS49
         5HQ, United Kingdom
HB9CYN   Martin Ghermi, Wyden 5, CH-5242 Birr, Switzerland
HB9CYV   Chris Zeller, Jaegerstr. 19, CH-8200 Schaffhausen, Switzerland
HP1AC    Camilo A. Castillo, P.O. Box 0860-00144, Villa Lucre, Panama, Panama
HP3XUG   Louis N. Anciaux, CAPT, USN (RET), PSC 2, Box R3197, APO AA 34002,
IK2DUW   Antonello Passerella, P.O. Box  22, 20051 Limbiate - MI, Italy
IN3DEI   Claudio Daddario, P.O. Box 55, 39100 Bolzano - BZ, Italy
IZ8CCW   Antonio Cannataro, P. O. Box 360,  87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy
JA1OEM   Mako Toyofuku, P.O. Box 9, Sawara, 287-0003 Japan
JA7AB    Tunehiro Miura, 60-208 Terauchi, Akita, 011-0901 Japan
JA7HMZ   Shoji Igawa, Yokobori, Ogachi, 019-0204 Japan
JA8VE    Kunio Saito, 2-26-5-554 Nishitsuruma, Yamato-shi, 242-0005 Japan
JF1OCQ   Hiroyuki Miyake, 1-3-6 Asakura-cho, Maebashi-shi, 371-0811 Japan
JF6WTY   Yuichiro Hayashi,  2-40-27-101, Murasakibaru, Kagoshima City, 
         890-0082 Japan
JI3DST   Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-Cho  Abeno-Ku, Osaka-City, Osaka,
         545-0021 Japan
JI4NFY   Ryo Nishihira, 1-5-12-606 Minami-Tokiwadai, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo,
         174-0072 Japan
JJ2NYT   Tsuyoshi Nakanishi, 1013 Oyama-cho, Yokkaichi-shi, Mie, 512-1102
JK1ATT   Junichi Yoshida, #506 1-13-7 Miyazaki, Miyamae-ku, Kawasaki-shi,
         Kanagawa-ken, 216-0033 Japan
JK3HLP   Takafumi Ueda, 2-35-3 Mitsuishidai, Hashimoto-city, 648-0094 Japan
JL6UBM   Takumi Iwashita, 2672, Fukuyama, Matsumoto-Town, Hioki-Gun,
         Kagoshima, 899-2702 Japan
JP1XND   Kazutami Kitahara, 3-54-10 Kameido, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 136-0071 Japan
K1SE     P.O. Box 685, Manassas Park, Virginia 20113-0685, USA
K3BU     P. O. Box 282, Pine Brook, NJ 07058, USA
K5PP     Max E. Maxwell, 1036 Webster St, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA
KA9WON   Lonnie Miller, 12031 Blue Spruce Drive, Roscoe, IL 61073, USA
KB6NAN   Dianna R. Killeen, P.O.Box 911, Pescadero, CA 94060-0911, USA
KG6AR    Chris Williams, 1117 S. Del Mar Ave, San Gabriel, CA 91776-3034, USA
KU9C     Steve Wheatley, 12 Netherton Terrace, Morristown, NJ 07960, USA
LA7MFA   Lech Slawomir Tomczak, Froeyas vei 61, 3472 Boedalen, Norway
LA8NGA   Trevor Haggle, Postboks 1188 Valan, N-9751 Honningsvag, Norway
LA9FJA   Hjordis Dahle, Stamsneset 40, 5251 Soereidgrend, Norway
LA9VDA   Trond Johannessen, Helgedalen 13, N-1528 Moss, Norway
LU9HS    Javier Omar Santillan, P.O. Box 6, 5022 Cordoba, Argentina
N2OO     Bob Schenck, P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, N.J. 08087-0345, USA
NP3QE    P.O. Box 35046 Ponce, PR 00734-5046, USA
OH0XX    Suite 599, 1313 So. Military Trail, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442, USA
OH1EH    Ari Korhonen, Kreetalank.9 as 1, 29200 Harjavalta, Finland
OH2BH    Martti J. Laine, Nuottaniementie 3D20, 02230 Espoo, Finland
OH2BN    Jarmo J. Jaakola, Kiilletie 5-C-30, 00710, Helsinki, Finland
OH2MM    Ville Hiilesmaa, Rakuunantie 18 A 14, 00330 Helsinki, Finland
OH4JLV   Antti Tiittala, Akselinkatu 14A, 57130 Savonlinna, Finland
ON4QM    Marcel Dehonin, Eversestraat 130, B-1932 Saint-Stevens-Woluwe,
OZ1ACB   Allis Andersen, Kagsaavej 34, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark
OZ5AAH   Ben Jakobsen, 9 Knoldager, 2670 Greve, Denmark
S DX@WW $425WW444E
425 DX News #444 [5/5]
 6 November 1999                   No 444                       $425WW444E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******

PA0JR    Andre van den Bos, Olof Palmelaan 5, NL-9649 BH Muntendam, The
PA3AXU   G.A.M.C. Dijkers, Dokter P.A. Cornethof 3, 6669AZ Dodewaard, The
PA3GIO   Bert vd Berg, Parklaan 38, NL-3931 KK Woudenberg, The Netherlands
PA5ET    Rob Snieder, van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273VS Voorburg, The Netherlands
PS7ZZ    Francisco Edvaldo P. de Freitas, Av. Sao Miguel dos Caribes 31,
         Conjunto Jiqui, 59086-500  Natal-RN, Brazil
PT2ADM   Gustavo de Faria Franco, SQS 210 BL "E", Apt 501, Brasilia-DF,
         70.273-050 Brazil
PY1KS    P.O. Box 18123, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 20722-970, Brazil
PY3ASN   Alfredo Schneider de Miranda,  Av. Atlantica 47, Arroio do Sal, RS
         95585-000, Brazil
PY5EG    Atilano de Oms, P.O. Box 37, Curitiba, PR 80001-970, Brazil
PY7MEU   Eglaube Rocha, P.O. Box 322, 50001-970 Recife-PE, Brazil
RK1PWA   Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, 164744 Amderma, Arkhangelskaja, Russia
SM0AGD   Erik Sjolund, Vestagatan 27, 195 56 Marsta, Sweden
SM0BFJ   Leif Hammarstrom, Birger Jarlsgatan 38, SE-114 29 Stockholm, 
SM0DJZ   Jan Hallenberg, Siriusgatan 106, SE-195 55 Mersta, Sweden
SM6FJY   Yarl Lundstrom, P.O. Box 423, SE-401 26 Goteborg, Sweden
SM6WYN   Ulrika Persson, Jarnmyntsgatan 7, 4 tr, 414 79 Goteborg, Sweden
SP2FAP   Sylwester Jarkiewicz, ul. Wielmozy 5b, 82-337 Suchacz Zamek, Poland
SV1AFA   P. O. Box 84, Agrinio 30100, Greece
SV2AEL   Savas Pavlidis, P.O. Box 22013, Thessaloniki 55310, Greece
TA3J     Berkin Aydogmus,  P.O. Box 987, 35214 Izmir, Turkey
TA3YJ    Nilay Mine Aydogmus, P.O. Box 876, 35214 Izmir, Turkey
TR0B     Fred, Box 177, Libreville, Gabon
UA0FAA   Vladislav Domoskanov, P.O.Box 43, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 693000,  Russia
UA0SJ    Yuri A. Maltsev, P. O. Box 2304, Bratsk-city, 665700, Russia
UN3F     P.O.Box-88, Ekibastuz, Pavlodar obl., 638710, Kazakhstan
UN5PR    Romeo Y. Loparev, P.O. Box 73, Temirtau, 472300, Republic of
UN7LZ    Valery Zhilyaev, P.O.Box 7, Kostanay, 458000, Republic of Kazakhstan
UR7GG    Victor Tkachenko, P.O.Box 73, Kherson, 73000 Ukraine
UT1WA    P.O. Box 5951, Lviv, 79054 Ukraine
UT7ND    Gene Chumakov, P.O. Box 5235, Vinnitsa, 21018 Ukraine
UX2VZ    Vladimir B. Fomichenko, P. O. Box 123, Kirovograd, 25009 Ukraine
UX5UO    Gennady Treus, P. O. Box 925, Kiev-100, 02100 Ukraine
VE3ZZ    Gregg A. Calkin, P.O. Box 1345, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5R4, Canada
VE6VK    Russ A. Wilson, 1235 Richland Road N.E., Calgary, AB T2E 5M5, Canada
VK2ICV   P.O. Box 730, Parramatta 2124, New South Wales, Australia
VK4EJ    Bernie McIvor, 30 Brennan Parade, Strathpine, Queensland 4500, 
VK4FW    P. O. Box 929, Gimpie, 4570 QLD, Australia
VK4JSR   Scott Watson, P.O. Box 169, Carina 4152, Queensland, Australia
VK8PW    Peter Wollenberg, Box 2142, Darwin 0801, Australia
VK9NS    P.O. Box 90, Norfolk  Island, NI 2899, Australia
VY2RU    Ken McCormick, P.O. Box 32015, Kensington, P.E.I. C0B 1M0, Canada
W2GSB    P.O. Box 1356, West Babylon, NY  11704, USA
W3UR     Bernie McClenny, 3025 Hobbs Road, Glenwood, MD 21738, USA
W6/G0AZT Eddie Schneider, P. O.  Box 5194,  Richmond, CA  94805, USA
WB2YQH   P.O. Box 73, Spring Brook, NY 14140, USA
XE1AE    Fernando Vallarta Aguilar, P.O. Box 19-500/510, Mixcoac, Mexico 19,
         D.F. 03910, Mexico
YB0AI    Taufan Prioutomo, P. O. Box 8000, Jakarta 11000, Indonesia

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