S DX@WW $425WW443A 425 DX News #443 [1/7] 30 October 1999 No 443 BID: $425WW443A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3B8 - Jacques, F6HMJ will operate (on all bands, possibly on 160 metres) as 3B8/F6HMJ between 15 November and 5 December. He plans to be active during the CQ WW CW DX Contest, mostly on 10 metres. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] 3W/XU - ES1AKM and ES1AX will be active (on all bands and all modes, including SSTV and PSK31) as 3W6KM from Saigon, Vietnam between 4 December and 4 January 2000. They will then move to Cambodia and operate, possibly as XU7AKM, for two weeks. QSL via ES1AX either direct or through the ES bureau. For further information please e-mail Jaak, ES1AKM at es1akm@erau.ee [TNX ES1AKM] 5W - "Double-Trouble" team member Steve, G4EDG is currently in Western Samoa (OC-097) and has got the call 5W0ST. Steve does not have a radio with him, but fortunately he has his CW keyer. He will try to visit Atsuo, 5W1SA and operate from his QTH. Steve is a CW only operator, and he is very interested in low band operation. He will stay in Samoa probably for one month. QSL via G4EDG. [TNX LA7MFA] 5X - Peter, 5X1T/ON6TT will be leaving Uganda on 5 November, after almost four years and some 150,000 QSOs on all bands and modes. He will be based in Kosovo, but will be back to 5X for one week in mid-December and another week in mid-January. However activity after the CQ WW SSB DX Contest (in which 5X1T will participate on 10 metres) will be very limited. QSL via ON5NT. [TNX 5X1T] 9G - The Voodoo Contest group will participate in the CQ WW CW DX Contest (27-28 November) as 9G5AA (Multi-Multi) from Ghana. Just before the contest (24-26 November) look for activity on various bands, including short spells on 160 and 6 metres, likely to be all CW. Team members are Jeff Morris/9H1EL, Roger Western/G3SXW (9G5SX), Don Field/G3XTT, Fred Handscombe/G4BWP, Cris Henderson/G4FAM, Andy Cook/G4PIQ, Vince Thompson/K5VT (9G5VT), Mike Fulcher/KC7V (9G5MF) and Jim Henderson/KF7E. QSL personal calls via home call. QSL 9G5AA via GM4FDM (Tom Wylie, 3 King's Crescent, Elderslie, Renfrewshire PA5 9AD, Scotland, UK). Bureau cards may be requested at wylie@scotsboy.sol.co.uk The Voodoo Contest Group web-site is at http://voodudes.com [TNX G3SXW] 9M_spr - The Borneo DXpedition team (see 9M6 above) will now be active as 9M6OO [425DXN 435] from Layang-Layang Island, Spratly Islands (AS-051) on 11-17 November. QSL via N2OO (Bob Schenck, P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, N.J. 08087-0345, USA). [TNX N2WB] 9M6 - The Borneo DXpedition team [425DXN 435] now includes Bob Schenck, N2OO/9M6OO; Jani Kusmulyana, YB0US/NM6US/9M6US; Mike Mraz, N6MZ; Tom Harrell, N4XP; Paul Newberry, N4PN; William Beyer, N2WB and Jim Stahl, K8MR. They will be active as 9M6AAC from Hillview Gardens, Sabah, East Malaysia (OC-088) on 7-10 November and again between the 24th and the 29th (including and entry in the CQ WW CW Contest). QSL via N2OO (Bob Schenck, P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, N.J. 08087-0345, USA). The web site for the operation is at http://www.qsl.net/n2oo/borneo/ Contributions for this DXpedition would be most appreciated. The contact point is Bob, N2OO (n2oo@arrl.net) [TNX N2WB] 9M8 - After attending the SEANET Convention in Brunei, the nine amateurs from Japan (see V8 below) will operate as 9M8TG from East Malaysia on 160-6 metres SSB, CW and SSTV until 25 November. QSL via JH3GAH. [TNX JA1ELY] A5 - Jim Smith, VK9NS is currently in Bhutan where he expects to remain for a couple of weeks. "He'll be staying with one of the local Amateur Radio operators while trying to get permission to operate", The Daily DX reports, but "No promises as to if he will or will not be able to get on the air". BY - The Daily DX reports that Huang, BD4ED [425DXN 429] is now using BD4ED/4 while ON THE MAINLAND (Shanghai City) and BD4ED while ON CHONG MING ISLAND (AS-136). QSL via BY4BHP. CE0_jf - Marco, CE6TBN reports the call CE0Z has been issued to the 6-16 January DXpedition Juan Fernandez [425DXN 441]. QSL via CE6TBN. A sixth operator is still needed; if interested please contact Marco at ce6tbn@qsl.net EA8 - Due to some unforeseen factors, Martti, OH2BH cannot run his EA8BH site [425DXN 441] but he has invited Jeff Steinman, N5TJ to make a serious effort in the 1999 CQWW SSB contest (SOAB). Contest participants are invited to record the relative signal strength of EA8BH compared to other Zone 33 stations (after the contest, e-mail your reports to Martti at oh2bh@n4gn.com). Stations reporting and/or confirming QSO with EA8BH on at least four bands will receive a direct QSL and a special award. Reports and QSL requests may also be sent via regular mail to OH2BH (Martti J. Laine, Nuottaniementie 3D20, 02230 Espoo, Finland). [TNX N4GN] /EX S DX@WW $425WW443B 425 DX News #443 [2/7] 30 October 1999 No 443 BID: $425WW443B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== EL - Bob, ex-A92GD, is now active (on all bands CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK) as EL2RF from Monrovia, Liberia. QSL direct via K1SE (P.O. Box 685, Manassas Park, Virginia 20113-0685, USA). Bill, K1SE still has the logs for Bob's previous operations as A92GD and J28BM. Please note that ALL cards should be sent to the P.O. Box above, NO cards should be sent to his home (CBA) address. [TNX K1SE] F - Radio club F6KRQ will use special call TM0AC until 31 October to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Aviation Civil School. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] F - Look for TM2F to operate from the Chausey Islands (EU-039) between 30 October and 6 November. [TNX The Daily DX] FG - Nigel, G3TXF will be active (CW only) as FG/G3TXF from Les Saintes Islands (NA-114), Guadeloupe between 8 and 14 November. QSL via G3TXF. [TNX The Daily DX] FK - Frank, FK8HC will operate (mainly on +/- 18.150 and 24.950 MHz, with some QSY on 10-40 metres) from Ile Verte (OC-032, DIFO FK-077) on 30-31 October. QSL via VK4FW (P. O. Box 929, Gimpie, 4570 QLD, Australia). [TNX FK8HC] FO - Wolfgang, DF2IY is expected to be active as FO0THA from French Polynesia until 14 November. He plans to operate mainly during the European morning hours (look for him on CW, 15 kHz up from the bottom of the bands). QSL via bureau to DF2IY. [TNX DX News Letter] FO - Yann, F1NGP will be in French Polynesia between 29 October and 13 November. [TNX The Daily DX] GU - Eddie, G0AZT will be operating as GU0AZT from Guersney (EU-114) along with Phil, GU0SUP and possibly other members of the GARS, in a Multi-Single effort for WAE RTTY Contest (from 00.00 UTC on 13 November till 24 UTC on the 14th). QSL direct to W6/G0AZT (Eddie Schneider, P. O. Box 5194, Richmond, CA 94805, USA) or via the bureau to GU0SUP. [TNX G0AZT] HB0 - Kazik, DL2SBY and Henry, SP2FOV will be active as HB0/home call from Liechtenstein between 29 October and 7 November. They will operate on 160-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via home calls. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] HS - Ray, HS0/G3NOM reports that special event call HS72A [425DXN 442] was used for the first time on 23-24 October and will be activated until 31 December. QSL via HS1CKC. J2 - QRZ-DX reports that Henry, F6EAY will be active as J28FF from Djibouti for one or two years. QSL direct via F6ITD. JA - Look for Taku, JL6UBM/6 to be active from Osumi Archipelago (AS-032) between 29 October and 1 November, CQ WW SSB DX Contest included. QSL via home call. [TNX JI6KVR] JA - Takeshi, JI3DST/3 plans to be active on from Awajishima (AS-117) between 00.00 UTC on 30 October and 4 UTC on 1 November. QSL via JI3DST either direct (Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-Cho Abeno-Ku, Osaka-City, Osaka, 545-0021 Japan) or through the bureau. [TNX JI3DST] HK - Gerard F2JD/HK3JBR has come back to Bogota after a vacation in France and found out all his equipement had been stolen. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] OA - Yves/F5TYY, Alan/F6BFH and Bernard/F9IE will be active from Peru on 1-20 November. Some IOTA activity might be possible, subject to transportation and landing permissions. They also plan to operate from the island of Taquile which does not count for IOTA as it is located in Titicaca Lake. QSL via bureau. [TNX F6BFH] PY - Look for PY1NEZ/PP1, PU1NEZ/PP1, PY1LVF/PP1 and PY1NEW/PP1 to be active from Frances Island (SA-067, DIB 68, DFB ES-07) starting on 22 November. They will operate on CW (1835, 3530, 7030, 10115, 14040, 18098, 21040, 29420, 28040, 50080 kHz), SSB (1850, 3755, 7055, 14190, 14222, 14260, 18128, 21260, 24950, 28360, 28460, 28560, 50110 kHz) and FM (29600 kHz). QSL via home calls. [TNX PP5SZ and PY1NEZ] PY0_spp - The ZX0SK and ZW0SP DXpedition to St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago [425DXN 440] has been postponed once again. The Brazilian Navy is currently inspecting the damages caused in the early hours of 25 October by an exceptional high tide which, according to Karl Leite (PS7KM), "destroyed part wooden house structure where four persons were asleep at the time". A new schedule for the DXpedition is expected no sooner than 6-7 November. [TNX PS7KM] SM - Look for Ben, OZ5AAH to be active as SM/OZ5IPA between 5 and 8 November, including IPARC Contest on both CW and SSB (www.iparc.com). QSL direct only to OZ5AAH (Ben Jakobsen, 9 Knoldager, 2670 Greve, Denmark). [TNX OZ5AAH] /EX S DX@WW $425WW443C 425 DX News #443 [3/7] 30 October 1999 No 443 BID: $425WW443C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== T31 - Lech, LA7MFA reports Ueata, T31UA is now active (with 100 watts and a vertical for 20 metres or logwire) from Kanton Island (OC-043), Central Kiribati. He is a professional radio operator, but he is new to amateur radio and is not able to run big pile-ups - please be patient with him. Ueata knows CW and Lech will try to send him a CW keyer for Christmas. Lech also says he "will try to get his logs somehow, and print a nice color QSL card", so cards for T31UA are via LA7MFA (Lech Slawomir Tomczak, Froeyas vei 61, 3472 Boedalen, Norway) V3 - Joe, K8JP left for Belize on 25 October and expected to arrive around the 30th. He will be active (on 6-160 metres, mostly CW with some SSB and RTTY) as V31JP until the 1 April 2000. He plans to operate during most major contests with varying levels of activity. His web site is at http://sites.netscape.net/v31jp/homepage QSL via KA9WON (Lonnie Miller, 12031 Blue Spruce Drive, Roscoe, IL 61073, USA). [TNX K8JP/V31JP] V4 - Conny, DL1DA will be active (10-160 metres CW with some PSK31 and SSB) as V47DA from Nevis (NA-104) on 2-13 November. QSL via DL1DA. [TNX The Daily DX] V4 - Gerd/DL7VOG and Ben/DL7BY will be active (on all bands, mainly CW and RTTY) respectively as V47GU and V47BY from St. Kitts (NA-104) on 4-18 November. V47GU will participate in the WAE RTTY Contest. Skeds are welcome at DL7VOG@snafu.de or DL7BY@qsl.net till 3 November. QSL via home calls. [TNX DL7BY] V8 - A group of amateurs from Japan (namely JA3AA, JA3AER, JA3ART, JA3CF, JA3IG, JA3NGW, JA3UB, JH3GAH and JR3WXA) will attend the SEANET Convention in Brunei. Look for them to be active on 160-6 metres SSB, CW and SSTV as V85TG between 18 and 21 November. QSL via JH3GAH. [TNX JA1ELY] V8 - The Borneo DXpedition team (see 9M6 above) will be attending the SEANET Convention in Brunei (18-21 November) and will operate as V85OO between the 21st and the 25th. [TNX N2WB] VE - Tesla Radio Club members will operate special event station VC1A from Nova Scotia, Canada between 29 October and 29 November in commemoration of 50 years of NATO. Look for VC1A during the CQ WW SSB DX Contest on 80 metres. QSL via K3BU either direct (Box 282, Pine Brook, NJ 07058, USA) or through the bureau. [TNX K3BU] VP2M - After his operation from St. Kitts (see V4 above) Gerd/DL7VOG will move to Montserrat (NA-103), where he will be active until 29 November. His expected call is VP2MGU. QSL via home call. [TNX DL7BY] VP2V - Nigel, G3TXF will be active (CW only) as VP2V/G3TXF from the British Virgin Islands (NA-023) between 30 October and 7 November. QSL via G3TXF. [TNX The Daily DX] W - The Magnolia DX Association's W4D operation from Dauphin Island (NA-142) [425DXN 439] is confirmed to take place during the CQ WW SSB DX Contest (Multi-Multi). They will try to be as close to the IOTA frequencies as possible and will make a major effort to work Europe. Plans are to operate on CW and the WARC bands as well. QSL via W5OXA, also through the ARRL W5 bureau. [TMX N5FG] W - Ed, W4YO will be active from Harbor Island, SC (NA 110, USI SC-009S) between 4 and 7 November. QSL via home call. [TXN W4YO] W - Mike/AD5A, Max/K5PP, Buzz/N5UR, Mike/W5ZPA and Randy/WX5L will be active as K5PP/p from Marsh Island (NA-120) on 19-21 November. They will operate two stations on 80-10 metres (WARC included) on CW, SSB and RTTY. This is the most wanted IOTA group on the East Coast of the US; it is a wildlife refuge and access is restricted. QSL via K5PP either direct (Max E. Maxwell, 1036 Webster St, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA) or through the bureau. This is a joint operation of the Delta DX Association and the Texas DX Society. [TNX N5UR] W_ant - Bert, WA1O will be active from Antarctica as KC4/WA1O between 1 November and 15 December. According to the ARRL DX Bulletin, his first stop should be at McMurdo Base on Ross Island (AN-011) from 1 to 7 November. QSL via KA1CRP. [TNX The Daily DX] XU - Andy, G4ZVJ was active for just 24 hours (850 CW QSOs) on 18 September after eventually being issued the call XU7AAV in Phnom Penh. He will return to Cambodia around 20 November for approximately two weeks including the CQWW CW Contest. QSL via G4ZVJ. His web page is at http://www.g4zvj.demon.co.uk/xu.htm [TNX G4ZVJ] YB - Sixteen operators from the Indonesian Amateur Radio Society (ORARI) have been active as 7A0K from Semut Kecil Island (OC-177) since 28 October. Plans are to operate (on 10-160 metres SSB, CW and RTTY) until 24.00 UTC on the 31st. They will participate in the CQ WW SSB DX Contest as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via YB0AI either direct (Taufan Prioutomo, P. O. Box 8000, Jakarta 11000, Indonesia) or through the bureau. The web site for the operation is at http://www.qsl.net/7a0k [TNX YB0AZ] YV - The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin reports operators from Grupo DX Caracas are planning to be active as YW5FC from Farallon Centinela (SA-058) on 12-14 November. QSL via W4SO. ZF - Bruce, N6NT will be active as ZF2NT from Little Cayman (NA-016) from 29 October until at least 14 May 2000. QSL via his new QSL manager G3SWH. [TNX The Daily DX] /EX S DX@WW $425WW443D 425 DX News #443 [4/7] 30 October 1999 No 443 BID: $425WW443D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ** CQ WW SSB DX CONTEST ** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH The following stations have announced their participation in this year's event (30-31 October): - 3B8/KD6WW from Mauritius Island (Zone 39). QSL via KD6WW. [425DXN 442] - Hrane, YT1AD as SOAB from 3V8BB (Zone 33). QSL via YT1AD (for this operation only). - Omari, 4L5O as SOSB (10 metres) low power, Zone 21. - Zik, 4N1DX on 15 metres low power, Zone 15. QSL via K1WY. - 5H3US (Multi-Single) from Tanzania (Zone 37). QSL via WA8JOC. [425DXN 433] - 5R8FU (Multi-Single) from Madagascar (Zone 39). QSL via SM0DJZ. [425DXN 439] - Richard, 6W6/K3IPK as 6V6U from Senegal, Zone 35. QSL via K3IPK. - 8Q7IT from the Maldives (Zone 22). QSL via DH3MIT. [425DXN 435] - Olli, YV5/OH0XX as 8R1K (SOAB) from Guyana, Zone 9. QSL to Suite 599, 1313 So. Military Trail, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442, USA. - John, SM7CRW (located on EU-037) as 8S7A. QSL via W3HNK. - 9E1C (20 metres) from Ethiopia (Zone 37). QSL via IV3OWC. [425DXN 442] - Hamad, 9K2HN as SOAB, Zone 21. QSL via the bureau or to Hamad Alnusif, P.O. Box 29174, Safat 13152, Kuwait. - JE1JKL as 9M6NA (SOSB possibly on 15 metres) from Labuan Island (OC-133), East Malaysia, Zone 28. QSL via JE1JKL. - A61AJ from Zone 21 as either Multi-Single or Multi-Multi. QSL via W3UR. - JI3ERV/NH2C, JG3RPL/N1BJ, JR3RVO/WX8M, JR7OMD/WI3O, JR8VSE and JR8PPG as AH2R (Multi-Single) from Guam, Zone 27. QSL via JI3ERV. - A large group of operators from Beijing DX Club as B1Z (Multi-Multi). QSL via JA4HCK. - Operators from the Jiangsu DX Club as B4R (Multi-Single), Zone 24. QSL via BY4RSA (Box 538, Nanjing, People's Republic of China). - The Chinese Radio Sports Association HQ station BY1PK (Multi-Single), Zone 24. QSL via BY1PK (Box 6106, Beijing 100061, People's Republic of China). - Gansu Radio Sports Association station BY9GA (Multi-Single), Zone 23. QSL via BY9GA (Box 12, Lanzhou, Gansu 730020, People's Republic of China). - Rale, YT6A as either C4T or C4Y (SOAB) from Cyprus, Zone 20. Full information will be available at http://www.ham.sky-sat.com after the contest. - CE4TA (Multi-Single) from Chile, Zone 12. [425DXN 441] - CN8WW (Multi-Multi) from Morocco (Zone 33). QSL via DL6FBL. [425DXN 441] - CO9BCC from Cuba (Zone 8). QSL via VE2EH. [425DXN 439] - CP6/LU9AY from Bolivia (Zone 10). QSL via NU4N. [425DXN 439] - Siggi, TF3CW as CT3FN (SOAB), Zone 33. QSL to HB9CRV. (Please note that cards for contacts made with CT3/TF3CW before the contest are via LX1NO). - Jorge, CX6VM as CX5X (SOSB, 15 metres), Zone 13. - Gary, K9AW/DU6 on all bands, Zone 27. QSL via WF5T. - E44/OH1RY from Gaza, Palestine. QSL via OH1RY. [425DXN 442] - Ceuta Contest Club as EA9EA (Multi-Multi) from Zone 33. QSL via EA9AZ. - The Crimea Contest Club as EN5J, Zone 16. QSL via KG6AR. - ER0N from Moldova (Zone 16). QSL via UT7ND. [425DXN 442] - FM5BH, FM5DN, FM5DS, FM5FJ and FM5GU as FM5BH (Multi-Single), Zone 8. QSL via W3HNK or F6HEQ. - Ken, K7ZUM and his teen-age sons Dustin, KD7BSW and Jordan, KC7TWZ as FS/K7ZUM, Zone 8. They will operate before and after the Contest on SSB and CW. - HC8A from the Galapagos Islands (Zone 10). QSL via WV7Y. [425DXN 441] - Louis, HP3XUG as HO3A, Zone 7. QSL to Louis N. Anciaux, CAPT, USN (RET), PSC 2, Box R3197, APO AA 34002, USA. - From Thailand (Zone 26) HS0AC (QSL via HS0/G3NOM) and HS72A (QSL via HS1CKC). [425DXN 442] - HZ1AB from Saudi Arabia (Zone 21). QSL via K8PYD. [425DXN 439] - IG9A (Multi-Multi) from Lampedusa Island (Zone 33), African Italy. QSL via I2MQP. [425DXN 441] - IH9P (Multi-Multi) from Pantelleria Island (Zone 33), African Italy. QSL via KR7X. [425DXN 441] - Monferrato DX Team members Livio/IK1RLI, Carlo/IK1SLE and Fausto/IZ1BPR as IK1SLE (Multi-Single), Zone 15. QSL via home call. - John, IT9PKO as II9ZZ from Sicily, Zone 15. QSL via home call either direct (Giovanni Casiraro, Casella Postale 10, 97015 Modica Bassa - RG, Italy) or through the bureau. - Luigi, IV3KAS as II3L, Zone 15. QSL via home call through the bureau. - Gianfranco, IK0ZME as IR0F, Zone 15. QSL via home call. - K2KQ, K1EP, W1WFZ, N9KAU/2, N2GA, K2DO, IK2BHX/K2BHX, WO9Z and DL8OPQ as J3A (Multi-Multi) from Grenada, Zone 8. QSL via WA1S. - J6J from St. Lucia (Zone 8). QSL via N5VL. [425DXN 442] - J6R (Multi-Multi) from St. Lucia QSL via N3NT. - Hiroshi, JD1BKR from Ogasawara, Zone 27, on 15 and 10 metres. - JY9NE from Giordania (Zone 20). QSL via N3FNE. [425DXN 441] - Dave, N2NL as KH2/N2NL (SOAB) from Guam, Zone 27. QSL via W2YC. - The following North Patagonia DX Group members from Zone 13: LU3VED Martin (HP 40 metres), LU7VCH (QRP 10 metres), LU7VFJ Julian (LP 10 metres), LU7YS Sergio (HP all bands), LU8VCC Alex (LP 10 metres), LU9YBP Mario (LP 10 metres). QSL via home call or to North Patagonia DX Group, Box 37, Roca 8332, Rio Negro, Argentina. - Jose Luis, LU6FAZ as LU6FBI on 80 metres, Zone 13. QSL via home call. - Manu, LX2LX and Norby, LX1NO as LX1LX (Multi-Single), Zone 14. QSL via LX1NO. - Ville, OH2MM as OH0MM (SOAB) from the Aland Islands, Zone 15. QSL via OH2MM (Ville Hiilesmaa, Rakuunantie 18 A 14, 00330 Helsinki, Finland). - OH2MAM as OH0Z from the Alands, Zone 15. QSL via OH1EH (Ari Korhonen, Kreetalank.9 as 1, FIN-29200 Harjavalta, Finland). /EX S DX@WW $425WW443E 425 DX News #443 [5/7] 30 October 1999 No 443 BID: $425WW443E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ** CQ WW SSB DX CONTEST ** =========================== - P3A (Multi-Single or Multi-Multi) from Cyprus (Zone 20). - Jacobo, P43P as P40B from Aruba, Zone 9. QSL via his NEW QSL manager, I2MQP. - Jose, CT1BOH as P40E from Aruba, Zone 9. - PJ2C (Multi-Single) from Curacao (Zone 9). QSL via W8KKF. [425DXN 442] - PJ4B (Multi-Multi) from Bonaire (Zone 9). [425DXN 441] - Craig, N7KG as PJ8/N7KG from St. Maarten, Zone 8. QSL via home call. - Operators from Santos Dumont Scout Group as PW5D, Zone 11. QSL via PY5DZ. - Alex, PY1KS as SOSB (on either 15 or 10 metres), low power, Zone 11. - R1MVZ (Multi-Multi) from Malyj Vysotskij (Zone 16). QSL via K6VNX. [425DXN 442] - Kostantin, RA0FW (Sakhalin Island) on 10 metres (low power), Zone 19. QSL via F6FNU. - From Greece, Zone 20: the SV1AFA contesting team as a Multi-Single entry (QSL to Box 84, Agrinio 30100, Greece); Stathis, SV1DKL as SOAB Low Power (QSL via SV1DKL); Elias, SV1DNW and others as SV1DKR (Multi-Multi, QSL via SV1DKR); Savas, SV2AEL as SW2A (QSL via P.O. Box 22013, Thessaloniki 55310, Greece). - T88WX (Multi-Single) from Belau (Zone 27). QSL via JA1WSX. [425DXN 442] - Sarajevo Contest Group members as follows: T95A (SOAB low power, QSL via K2PF), T99S (SOSB low power on 160 metres, QSL via bureau), T98R (SOSB low power on 80 metres, QSL via bureau), T97Y (SOSB low power on 40 metres, QSL via bureau), T94DO (SOSB low power on 20 metres, QSL via DJ2MX), T94LW (SOSB low power on 15 metres, QSL via bureau), T93Y (SOSB low power on 10 metres, QSL via W6MD. - From Zone 20 TA3J (Berkin Aydogmus, P.O. Box 987, 35214 Izmir, Turkey) as SOSB (low power, 80 metres) and TA3YJ (Nilay Mine Aydogmus, P.O. Box 876, 35214 Izmir, Turkey) as SOSB (low power, 10 metres). QSL either direct or through the bureau. - Seli, TF3AO and others from the Icelandic Radio Amateurs (IRA) society club station TF3IRA (Multi-Single), Zone 40. - TI5EBU (Multi-Single) from Costa Rica (Zone 7). QSL via JM6EBU. [425DXN 442] - Stefan, TL8MS (SOSB) from Central Africa (Zone 36). - TO0DX from St.Pierre et Miquelon (Zone 5). QSL via LA9VDA. [425DXN 437] - Yuri, UA0SJ from Zone 18. QSL direct to Yuri A. Maltsev, P. O. Box 2304, Bratsk-city, 665700, Russia. - Romeo, UN5PR as UP5P (SOAB), Zone 17. QSL direct to UN5PR (Romeo Y. Loparev, P.O. Box 73, Temirtau, 472300, Republic of Kazakhstan). - V26B (Multi-Multi) from Antigua (Zone 8). QSL via WT3Q. [425DXN 433] - V47NS from Nevis Island (Zone 8). QSL via W9NY. [425DXN 442] - V73AT, V73UX, V73CW, V73ZZ and possibly others as V73AX (Multi-Single) from Kwajalein, Marshall Islands, Zone 31. QSL either via the V7 bureau or direct. - K1MV, K1EU and K1JB as VE2CSI from Zone 2. - VK9LX from Lord Howe (Zone 39). QSL via VK2ICV. [425DXN 442] - VO2CQ from Labrador, Zone 2. QSL via VE3FU. [425DXN 442] - KC5EA, N5HGB, N5AU and W0GJ as VP2E (Multi-Single), Zone 8. QSL to N5AU. - VP2MCS (Multi-Single) from Montserrat (Zone 8). QSL via DL5NAM. [425DXN 441] - VP5R (Multi-Single) from North Caicos Island (Zone 8). QSL via N0KK or N0AT. [425DXN 442] - VP5T (Multi-Multi) from Providenciales, Caicos Islands (Zone 8). QSL via N2VW. [425DXN 437] - Alfredo, WP3C from Puerto Rico as SOAB (on 40 metres), low power, Zone 8. QSL via W3HNK. - Pertti, OH2PM as XX9TRR from Macao (Zone 24). QSL via N6XJ. - Brita, YC3IZK as SOSB (10 metres) from Madura Island (OC-021), Zone 28. QSL via IZ8CCW. - YN2EJG from Nicaragua (Zone 7). QSL via K5LBU. [425DXN 442] - Tony, A45ZN as either ZB2/AA3SN or ZB2/G4KLF (low power on 15 metres) from Gibraltar, Zone 14. - ZC4ATC (Multi-Single), Zone 20. QSL via 5B4YX. - Jim, N6TJ as ZD8Z (10 metres) from Ascension Island, Zone 36. He will leave around 13 November. - Carl, K9LA as ZF2LA from the Cayman Islands, Zone 8. It will be a single band entry, possibly on 160 metres. - Edwin, ZS5BBO as ZS5T (single operator on 10, 15 and 20 metres), Zone 38. QSL via home call. - ZX0F (Multi-Multi) from Fernando de Noronha (Zone 11). QSL via PY5EG. [425DXN 442] - Ricardo, PY1VOY as ZX1Z (SOAB), Zone 11. QSL via PY1VOY. [TNX for the above information 4L5O, 4N1DX, 5X1T, 9K2HN, BA1DU, CX6VM, EA7KW, FM5BH, IK0ZME, IT9PKO, IV3KAS, IZ8CCW, K9AW, KG6AR, LU6FAZ, LU8VCC, LX1NO, N4NG, P43P, PY5DZ, PY1KS, RA0FW, SV1CIB, SV1DNW, TA3J, TF3AO, UA0SJ, UN5PR, WP3C, YT6A, ARRL DX Bulletin, EADX Bulletin, OPDX Bulletin, QRZ-DX, The Daily DX and others]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH G3KMA: The IOTA Manager's Website is up and running at http://www.eo19.dial.pipex.com/index.htm with the latest official IOTA information (if you have ZK1MB credited for OC-014, you really need to pay a visit...) LICENCES: The licensing information pages by Veikko "Veke" Komppa, OH2MCN are being moved to a new server at URL http://www.qsl.net/oh2mcn/license.htm The pages contain detailed information on how to get a radio amateur license when you travel abroad. LOGS: Logs for the current T30CW and T30Y operations can be found at http://www.qsl.net/t30cw/ LOGS: Logs for the current VP2MBT and VP2MGL operation are available at http://www.qsl.net/ea3bt OH CALLBOOK: Annika Wahlstrom, OH2HSJ, of the Finnish Amateur Radio League (SRAL), reports the official SRAL callbook is available at http://www.sral.fi/oh-callbook/ UKRAINE TEST: The rules for the Ukrainan DX Contest (6-7 November) can be found at http://www.qsl.net/ucc/ [TNX UY5ZZ] /EX S DX@WW $425WW443F 425 DX News #443 [6/7] 30 October 1999 No 443 BID: $425WW443F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH CALLBOOKS ---> The following list (see also 425DXN 441 and 442) of individual country callbooks available on line has been compiled by Bernie McClenny, W3UR, editor of The Daily DX (http://www.dailydx.com): SP - http://Tartarus.Phys.US.edu.PL/ SV - http://www.radiomagazine.com/call/call.htm TF - http://www.nett.is/~tf5bw/ira/cqtf/irafeltal.html TG - http://members.xoom.com/CRAG/Miembros.htm VE - http://www.rac.ca/callbook/ VK - http://www.aca.gov.au/database/radcomm/licence.htm VP9 - http://www.bermuda-shorts.com/rsb/callsign.htm YL - http://www.ltn.lv/~linda/hamlist.htm YO - http://www.qsl.net/yo3kaa/yocall.htm YS - http://www.milian.com/faf/miembros.shtml ZS - http://www.sarl.org.za/callbook.htm J73JT ---> Mac, W3HC reports he is no longer the QSL manager for Joseph Guiste, J73JT. QSL 3D2CC ---> Russ, VE6VK reports that Bud, VE6AKV is now a SK. He was the QSL Manager for Fred, 3D2CC (Malolo Lai Lai, OC-121). The new QSL manager is Russ himself, whose address is Russ A. Wilson, 1235 Richland Road N.E., Calgary, AB T2E 5M5, Canada. QSL 9H4B ---> Mike, DL1HCM is receiving lots of cards for this station, but he never operated under this call and has never been the QSL manager for it. He only manages VK2EPP (1985-87), 9M8HCM, 9H3OA, HI8/DL1HCM, LX/DL1HCM and several other .../DL1HCMs QSL JW9FJA ---> Hjordis, LA9FJA was QRV as JW9FJA from Bear Island (EU-027) last spring. QSL cards can be sent either direct to her NEW address (Hjordis Dahle, Stamsneset 40, 5251 Soereidgrend, Norway) or through the LA bureau. Do NOT send your card to Leif, LA2PA as he is NOT the QSL manager for Hjordis. [TNX LA2PA] QSL VIA DL6ZFG ---> (Rolf Rahne, P.O.Box 15, D-39241 Gommern, Germany) is the current QSL manager for the following stations (logs for calls marked with * will be closed on 31 December 1999): 4K2BY 1 Jan 93-31 Dec 93 4K4BEU/p Jul 93 4K2CC 1 Jan 92-31 Mar 92 R100R May 95 (EU-133) 4K2OKV 1 Jan 91-31 May 93 RA9LI/9 Jul-Sep 95 (AS-089) 4K2/4K4BAT 1 Jan 92-31 Jul 93 RA9LI/9 since 2 Jan 99 (AS-083) 4K2/UV3CC 1 Dec 90-30 Apr 91 * RM8MW 1 Jan 91-31 Dec 93 4K4BAT 1 Jan 92-31 Jul 93 * UL0A 1 Jan 91-30 Sep 93 4K4BAT/A Mar/Apr 93 * UL0ACI Aug 90 4K4BEM 1 Jan 91-31 Aug 93 * UL7ACI 1 Jan 90-30 Sep 93 4K4BG 1 Jan 91-31 Oct 93 * UM8MY 1 Jan 91-31 May 93 4K4BEU 1 Jan 90-31 Oct 93 * UN0AA Oct-Dec 93 4K4BEU/A May 93 UV3CC/UA1P 1 Jan 89-31 Mar 89 Rolf is not and has never been the QSL manager for 4L4KW, EX8F, EX8W, R1FJA, R3RRC, RA0BK, RK1A, RV6AGJ, RW9CG, RZ6BE, UA0SBI, UA0SBU, UA0SUC, UA9CI, UL7AFI, UL7RE, UM8MW. The list of stations managed by DL6ZFG is available at http://www.pc.mdlink.de/dl6zfg/RR_QSL.HTM [TNX DL6ZFG] QSL VIA IZ8CCW ---> Antonio, IZ8CCW (Antonio Cannataro, P. O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy) reports he is the QSL manager for YC3IZK (Java, 0C-021), YV5AT and YV5KOH. QSL VIA SM1TDE ---> Eric, SM1TDE reports direct cards for Gotland Island (EU-020) 8S1IG, 7S1LGT (Hoburgen Lighthouse) and SK1BL (Hoburgen Lighthouse) have been processed. Bureau cards have already been or are going to be sent out. Information on an EU-020 award is available at http://www.grk.se WLH ---> Phil, F5OGG reports the June 1999 operation from LH 0397 (ED7SPI, Sancti Petri Island, EU-143) does not count towards the WLH Award as it has not provided the required validation material. Latest additions to the list of valid operations include TM2F (St Marcouf Lighthouse, LH 0060, 24-25 July, QSL via via F5LJA) and F/ON5FP (Vierge Lighthouse, LH 0241, 7 August, QSL via ON5FP). For full information on the World Lighthouse Award (WLH) please visit http://www.infini.fr/~tquere ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QSL received via direct: 3V8DJ (AF-083), 4U1ITU, 5N9EAM, 6O1Z, 6Y5/DL7VOG, 7X4AN, 8R1AK, 9A7C, 9G1MR, 9J2PI, 9N1UD, 9U5D, A35EX, A92GF, AD7U (NA-065), BA1DU/7 (AS-094), BD7NQ (AS-094), BI5D (AS-141), BY1DX, CY9SS, DU1IMA, DU8DJ (OC-130), E30BA, E44DX, EA1BLX (EU-080), FK8VHU, FO5QS, FR5FD, FW5FN, GI0KOW, H40MS, HK3YH, HS0/IK4MRH (AS-053), HS0ZCW, K7ASU/KH9, KH0T, KH6CC, OJ0/K7BV, OX3LG (NA-134), OY4LY, P29BI (OC-135), P43W, PS1A (SA-029), PZ1DG, R1MVA, RF1P (EU-102), RZ1OA/A (EU-153), SV5TS, T88JJ, T97M, TF8GX, TN7OT, TR0A, TZ6JA, UA0ZY/P (AS-142), V47YZD, V51AS, VD7D, VK8AN/6, W7W (NA-169), WB8GEX/VP5, WH6ASW/KH2, WP2Z, XW8KPL/CSN, YC0ROY, YJ0AXC, ZA0B, ZL9CI, ZP5SBE. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW443G 425 DX News #443 [7/7] 30 October 1999 No 443 BID: $425WW443G =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 22/12 3XY2D: Guinea * by VE2DPS 442 till 01/11 5C8M and CN8WW (CQWW SSB): Morocco * by BCC 441 till 05/11 5X1T: Uganda * by ON6TT 443 till 31/10 7A0K: Semut Kecil Island (OC-177) 443 till 30/11 8J2POS: special event station (Japan) 431 till 02/11 8Q7IT: Maldives (AS-013) * by DH3MIT and HB9KOC 435 till 31/12 9A770N: special event station (Croatia) 422 till 10/12 9U5D: Burundi * by SM5DIC 439 till 07/11 CP6/LU9AY: Bolivia 439 till 31/12 DU67: special anniversary prefix 441 till 06/11 EL2WW: Liberia * by ON4WW 441 till ?? EM1KGG: Vernadsky base, Galindez Island (AN-006) 440 till 30/11 FO0DEH: French Polynesia and Austral Is * by ON4QM 440 till 14/11 FO0THA: French Polynesia * by DF2IY 443 till December FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL 401 till 20/12 FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island 399 till 07/11 HB0/DL2SBY & HB0/SP2FOV: Liechtenstein 443 till 31/12 HB7OGR: special call 428 till 31/12 HS72A: special event call 443 till 01/01 IU0PAW: special event station 442 till 04/12 KH4/SM6FJY: Midway (OC-030) * by SM6FJY and V63YL 429 till December KH4/W4ZYV: Midway (OC-030) 437 till 02/11 J68WX, J68ZZ, J68XA, J68WB, J68J: St. Lucia (NA-108) 442 till Dec P29BI: Bougainville Island (OC-135) * by VK4EMS 433 till January PZ5DX: Suriname * by K3BYV 433 till 10/11 T30Y & T30CW: West Kiribati (OC-017) * by DLs 423 till 02/11 T33Y & T33CW: Banaba (OC-018) * by DLs 423 till 02/11 T88WX, T88xx & T88xx: Belau * by JAs 442 till 02/11 TO0DX: St.Pierre et Miquelon (NA-032) 437 till 30/11 UE0JX: special event station 435 till 04/11 V26B and V26xx: Antigua * by Team Antigua 433 till 02/11 V47NS: Nevis Island (NA-104) * by W9NY 442 till 29/11 VC1A: special event station (Canada) 443 till Jan 2001 VK0LD: Macquarie Island (AN-005) * by VK8AC 442 till 02/11 VK9LX: Lord Howe (OC-004) * by VK2ICV 442 till January VQ9DX: Diego Garcia (AF-006), Chagos * by AA5DX 439 till 09/11 VP2MCS: Montserrat (NA-013) * by DL5NAM,DL9NDS,DL7NFK 441 till 02/11 VP5/ and VP5R: North Caicos (NA-002) * by Ws 442 till 27/11 XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada) 401 till 03/11 XT2HP: Burkina Faso * by JA1OEM 439 till 31/12 XW2A: Laos * by JA2EZD 438 till March ZM: special Millennium prefix (New Zealand) 438 till ?? ZM5PX: Ross Island (AN-011) 442 till 31/10 ZM75AA: special event station (New Zealand) 440 29/10-13/11 FO: French Polynesia * by F1NGP 443 29/10-01/11 JL6UBM/6: Osumi Archipelago (AS-032) 442 29/10-02/11 TI5EBU, TI5/JA6WFM, TI5/JM6UAA: Costa Rica * by JAs 442 29/10-May ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT 443 30/10-31/10 FK8HC: Ile Verte (OC-032, DIFO FK-077) 443 30/10-07/11 HB0/HA5RT/p, HB0/HA0HW/p, HB0/HA4DX/p, HB0/HA4XG/p 441 30/10-06/11 TM2F: Chausey Islands (EU-039) 443 30/10-01/04 V31JP: Belize * by K8JP 443 30/10-07/11 VP2V/G3TXF: British Virgin Is (NA-023) * by G3TXF 443 30/10-31/10 W4D: Dauphin Island (NA-142) * by Ws 443 30/10-31/10 CQ WW SSB DX Contest [see 425DXN #433 above) *** Oct- Nov 5W0ST: Western Samoa (OC-097) * by G4EDG 443 from October 5X1GS: Uganda * by G0VNW/5Z5GS 438 01/11-14/11 FY/F5PAC: French Guiana 441 01/11-05/11 GB0LI: Lundy Island (EU-120) * by G3WNI and G0PSE 439 01/11-15/12 KC4/WA1O: Antarctica 443 01/11-20/11 OA: Peru * by F5TYY, F6BFH, F9IE 443 02/11-13/11 V47DA: Nevis (NA-104) * by DL1DA 443 03/11-15/11 9M6PWT: Sabah (OC-088) * by G3SWH 439 03/11-10/11 FO: Hiva-Oa (OC-027), Marquesas * by F6AUS, F6AOI 439 04/11-Apr JD1BKR: Iwo-Jima (AS-030), Ogasawara 441 04/11-18/11 V47GU & V47BY: St. Kitts (NA-104) * by DL7VOG & DL7BY 443 04/11-09/11 VK8ML: Melville Island (OC-173) * by VK8NSB and others 441 04/11-07/11 W4YO: Harbor Island (NA 110) 443 05/11-07/11 FY/F5PAC and FY5FU: Salut Island (SA-020) 441 05/11-08/11 SM/OZ5IPA * by OZ5AAH 443 06/11-07/11 HA QRP CW Contest *** 06/11-07/11 IPARC Contest (CW-SSB) 437 06/11-07/11 Ukranian DX Contest *** 08/11-14/11 FG/G3TXF: Les Saintes Is (NA-114) * by G3TXF 443 07/11-10/11 9M6AAC: East Malaysia (OC-088) * by N2OO and others 443 10/11-14/11 FO: Nuku-Hiva (OC-027), Marquesas * by F6AUS, F6AOI 439 11/11-17/11 9M6OO: Spratly Islands (AS-051) * by N2OO and others 443 11/11-16/11 VK8CI: Crocker Island (OC-229) * by VK8NSB and others 441 12/11-14/11 YW5FC: Farallon Centinela (SA-058) * by YVs 443 12/11-14/11 JA CW Contest *** 13/11-14/11 GU0AZT: Guersney (EU-114) * by G0AZT and others 443 13/11-14/11 OK DX Contest *** 13/11-14/11 RSGB 1.8 MHz SSB Contest *** 13/11-14/11 WAEDC RTTY Contest *** Nov-Dec R1AND/A: Maitri Base (AN-016) 435 Nov-Dec TT8xx: Chad * by I8NHJ, IK8HBA, IK8TOA and IV3FSG 438 November ZX0SK & ZW0SP: St.Peter & St.Paul Arch. (SA-014) 443 /EX