DX425 bulletin issue nr. 441

S DX@WW $425WW441A
425 DX News #441 [1/5]
 16 October 1999                   No 441                   BID: $425WW411A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

4U1ITU - Masa, AJ3M will be in Geneva between 19 and 21 October and plans  to
         operate from  4U1ITU. QSL  to 4U1ITU  either direct  or through  the
CE     - Operators from  Radio Club  Talca will  activate the  club  station,
         CE4TA during the CQ WW SSB DX Contest in the Multi-Single  category.
         Juan Pablo, CE4USW reports that the  members of this radio club  are
         very active on all bands, from 6 to 160 metres (except the 30  metre
         band, which is not allowed in  Chile). For a  list of callsigns  and
         QSL routes, please see CE4TA in "Good To Know" below.
CE0_jf - CE6JOE, CE6TBN, HC5EA, LU9AY and XQ3SAI are  planning  an  operation
         from  Juan  Fernandez Island (SA-005) between 6 and 16 January 2000.
         They will be  active  on  all  bands (6-80 metres, WARC included) on
         SSB, CW, RTTY, SSTV and  satellite  with five stations. The callsign
         has  not been issued so far, but the  QSL  manager  will  be  CE6TBN
         (Marco A. Quijada, P.O. Box 1234, Temuco, Chile). The web page is at
         http://www.qsl.net/ce6tbn/ce0z.htm [TNX CE6TBN]
CN     - Sixteen    operators    from     the    Bavarian    Contest     Club
         (http://www.uni-erlangen.de/~unrz45/BCC) will participate in the  CQ
         WW SSB DX  Contest as CN8WW  (Multi-Multi) from Morocco.  Operations
         are expected to start around 20 October until 1 November; before and
         after the contest look for 5C8M (special call) to be aired mainly on
         CW. DL8WPX will look after 160 metres (17.36-22. UTC and 04.00-06.44
         UTC). QSL CN8WW via DL6FBL either direct (Bernd Och, Chr.-Wirth-Str.
         18, D-36043 Fulda, Germany) or through the bureau. The web site  for
         the operation is at http://www.dl6fbl.de/cn8ww/ [TNX DF4RD]
DU     - Some Philippine amateur  radio stations  will be  using the  special
         prefix DU67 until  31 December  to celebrate  the 67th  year of  the
         founding of the Philippine Amateur Radio  Association. [TNX ARRL  DX
EA8    - Steve, G0UIH will  be active as  EA8/G0UIH/p from Lanzarote,  Canary
         Islands (AF-004) between 21 and 28 October. QSL via home caall. [TNX
         G0UIH and Islands On The Web]
EA8    - Look for EA8BH to participate in the  CQ WW DX SSB Contest from  the
         Canary Islands. The  EA8BH contest site  has been  re-built to  take
         full  advantage  of   the  improved  radio   propagation  and   your
         observation reports will again be valuable in helping determine  the
         signal's penetration throughout the world. All reports and QSOs will
         be confirmed with a QSL card describing the equipment and technology
         used this year. QSL to OH2BH (Martti J. Laine, Nuottaniementie 3D20,
         02230 Espoo,  Finland) or  via  e-mail address  oh2bh@n4gn.com  [TNX
         OH2BH and N4GN]
EL     - Mark, EL2WW, will be leaving Liberia [425DXN 434] on 8 November  and
         is likely to go QRT by the 6th. [TNX The Daily DX]
EO     - Special event station EO55FI  will be active  from Ukraine on  25-29
         October to celebrate  55 years of  liberation. QSL  via UX3FW  (Yuri
         Kucherenko, P.O.  Box  60, Izmail  68600,  Ukraine) or  through  the
         bureau. [TNX UX0FF]
ER     - Gene,  UN7ND  will  participate  in  both  the  CQ  WW SSB and CW DX
         Contests  as  ER0N from  Moldova. QSL via  UT7ND either direct (Gene
         Chumakov,  P.O.  Box 5235,  Vinnitsa, 286018 Ukraine) or through the
         bureau. [TNX UT7ND].
F      - Dominique, F5SJB reports he will be active as TM5CW from 22 November
         to 6 December, CQ WW CW DX Contest included. QSL via F5SJB.
FK     - Philippe, FK8VHT  will  be active  as  FK8VHT/P  from  Lifou  Island
         (OC-033, DIFO FK-012) between 14 and 21 October. QSL via F6AJA. [TNX
FO     - On 12 October  Marcel, FO0DEH said  that "he will  be proceeding  to
         King George  Islands  (OC-131), French  Polynesia  if  he  can  gain
         access. He didn't provide  a date for  that operation". [TNX  VE3LDT
         and Islands On The Web]
FO_aus - Koji, JK7TKE  [425DXN  440] is  now  active as  FO0KOJ  from  Tubuai
         (OC-152), Austral Islands until 28 October. QSL via home call.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
FS     - Brian, N3OC  will be  active as  FS/N3OC  from St.  Martin  (NA-105)
         between 19 and 26 October. He plans to concentrate on 6, 12, 17  and
         30 metres and  RTTY and a  one-day RTTY trip  to Anguilla (VP2E)  is
         also expected during these dates. Brian will then move to Antigua to
         join the V26B team [425DXN 433]. [TNX The Daily DX]
FY     - Joel, F5PAC will be active as FY/F5PAC from French Guiana between  1
         and 14  November. He  and FY5FU  will be  active from  Salut  Island
         (SA-020) on 5-7 November. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
GM     - GM3WIL,  GM0SEI  and GM0DEQ plan to operate from Horse Island  (IOSA
         CL13) between 9 and 15 UTC on 17 October. [TNX GM3WIL]
GM     - Leo, W3LEO reports he will  be QRV as  MM/W3LEO from Portpatrick  in
         southwest Scotland from 21 October  to 12 November.  He plans to  be
         active during the CQ WW SSB DX Contest. QSL via home call.
S DX@WW $425WW441B
425 DX News #441 [2/5]
 16 October 1999                   No 441                   BID: $425WW411B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

HB0    - Laci/HA0HW,  Tomi/HA4DX   and  Geza/HA4XG   will  be   active   from
         Triesenberg (1400 metres asl), Liechtenstein between 30 October  and
         7 November.  They  will  participate  in  the  HA-QRP  Contest  (1-7
         November) as HB0/HA5RT/p  (on or around  3511 KHz,  QSL via  HA0HW),
         while on the other bands they  will operate as HB0/home call/p  (QSL
         via home calls) mainly on CW and RTTY. They will also participate in
         the CQ WW SSB DX Contest. [TNX HA0HW]
HC8    - Rich, N6KT  will  be active  from  the  Galapagos  Islands  (SA-004)
         between 21 October and 1 November. He will participate in the CQ  WW
         SSB DX Contest as HC8A. QSL via WV7Y. [TNX The Daily DX]
HL     - HL3/JA5AQC, HL3/JA5AUC and HL3/JA5ROH are active from Korea until 17
         October. [TNX IK7MCJ]
HL     - Berthold, DF5WA will  be active (moslty  on CW)  from Korea  between
         mid-October and  30 October.  The last  week  he will  operate  from
         Cheju-do (AS-026.). [TNX DX News Letter]
HR     - Luigino, YV5ENI reports  that the  operation from  the Swan  Islands
         (NA-035) [425DXN 435]  is is now  scheduled to  take place  sometime
         between 15 December and 2 January. An activity from Roatan  (NA-057)
         is also planned during that period. Further information is  expected
         in due time.
HS     - The Radio Amateur Society of Thailand  (RAST) is organizing an  IOTA
         DXpedition to the  last HS  unnumbered IOTA  group (Malay  Peninsula
         South East) for March 2000. Participation is open to all individuals
         and groups who are interested in  DX in Thailand. Any overseas  IOTA
         enthusiasts or DX Groups interested in assistance, participation  or
         sponsorship  are  invited  to  contact   RAST  through  Ray,   G3NOM
         (g3nom@ibm.net). Further  detail will  be announced  in due  course.
         [TNX G3NOM]
I      - A multi-national  team  including  I8QLS,  IK8ETA,  IN3QBR,  IT9BLB,
         IT9TQH, IT9VDQ, IT9WPO,  IT9ZGY, K7FL, KR7X,  W1NA (I8CZW),  WA7EQW,
         OK1FUA, ZS6EZ and ZS6NW will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest
         as IH9P  (Multi-Multi)  from Pantelleria  Island  (AF-018),  African
         Italy.  QSL  via  KR7X.  The  web  site  for  the  operation  is  at
         http://www.qsl.net/ih9p [TNX IT9BLB]
I      - A  large  group  of  operators  from   Marconi  Contest  Club   will
         participate in the CQ WW SSB  DX Contest as IG9A (Multi-Multi)  from
         Lampedusa  Island  (AF-019),  African  Italy.   Look  for  them   on
         28449/28549, 21249/21349, 14249 , 7049, 3799  and 1840 kHz. QSL  via
         I2MQP. See also below ("Good To Know"). [TNX IT9GSF]
JA     - Look for JI1PLF/1 to be active from Jyogashima Island (AS-117) on 23
         October. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
JD1_oga- Katsu, JD1BKR is currently on Iwo-Jima (AS-030), Ogasawara until  27
         October. He will be back on 4 November for about six months. QSL via
         JARL bureau  (Japan Amateur  Radio League,  1-14-5 Sugamo,  Toshima,
         Tokyo 170-8073, Japan). [TNX JE1DXC and The Daily DX]
JY     - Pete, JY9NE reports he will participate in the CQ WW SSB DX Contest.
         QSL via N3FNE. 
OE     - Future activities from 4U1VIC include participation in the CQ WW SSB
         (M/S by DL2OBF  and others), CQ  WW CW (M/S  by DL6RDR and  others),
         ARRL 10m (M/S by VE3IAY and  JH4RHF) and CQ WW  WPX SSB (by  OE8CIQ)
         Contests. QSL via OE bureau or CBA. [TNX JH4RHF]
P2     - Tony, P29PB  is  active  from New Britain (OC-008) and will be using
         the special calls P29JOK for JOTA and P2OOOK in December and January
         to celebrate  the  new  millennium. Tony  is  looking  after his own
         QSLing, so do NOT send your requests to VK4EJ! [TNX VK4EJ]
PJ     - K1DG, K1XX, K2SS, K3EST, KB2XZ, KL2A,  N3ED, N4RV, N6IG, N7ZZ,  W3ZZ
         and WA3LRO will  participate in the  CQ WW  SSB DX  Contest as  PJ4B
         (Multi-Multi) from Bonaire (SA-006). They  will operate as  PJ9/home
         call before and after the contest between 22 October and 2 November.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
PY     - An operation from Santo Alberto's Lighthouse (DFB RN-03, LH 0447 for
         the WLH Award)  is planned on  23-24 October. Look  for PX7ZZ to  be
         active on all bands SSB and  CW. QSL via PS7ZZ (Francisco Edvaldo  P
         de Freitas, Av. Sao Miguel  dos Caribes 31  - Conj Jiqui,  59086-500
         Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). [TNX PS7ZZ]
S2     - Toshi, JA8RUZ  has joined  JA1UT, JA1AFF  and JS1QHO  for the  S21ZE
         operation from Bangladesh [425DXN 440]. QSL via JA1UT. [TNX JA8RUZ]
SP_ssh - SP3GVX will  be  active again  next  year from  HF0POL,  the  Polish
         Antarctic base located on King George Island in the South  Shetlands
         (AN-010). QSL via SP3WVL. Cards for previous operations can still be
         requested through the SP bureau or direct from the operators: SP5FLC
         (1990), SP3FYM (1991), SP9DWT (1992), SP3FYM (1997), SP3DGB  (1998).
         [TNX SP3FYM through I1FIU]
V2     - Bud,  AA3B/V26K  will  be  active  (on  160-10  metres,  WARC  bands
         included) from Antigua  (NA-100) between  22 and  29 November.  Also
         John, K3TEJ  (see VP2M  below) will  operate from  there, as  V26KW,
         between 25 and 30 November. They will participate in the CQ WW CW DX
         Contest as V26K  (Multi-Multi). QSL V26KW  via K3TEJ;  QSL V26K  via
         AA3B. [TNX K3TEJ]
VK     - Barry, VK7BE  is active  as VK7FLI  until 16  October from  Flinders
         Island (OC-195). QSL  via VK7BE (P.O.  Box 271, Riverside  Tasmania,
         Australia 7250). [TNX The Daily DX]
VK     - Stuie, VK8NSB reports the IOTA DXpedition  to Melville (OC-173,  4-9
         November) and Crocker (OC-229, 11-16 November) Islands [425DXN  436]
         will use  VK8ML  and VK8CI  respectively.  QSL direct  to  VK9NS  or
         through the  VK8  bureau. The  web  page for  the  operation  is  at
         http://www.rustman.com/IOTA [TNX JI6KVR]
VP2M   - John, K3TEJ will be active (on 10-160 metres CW only) as VP2MKW from
         Montserrat (NA-103) between  22 and 25  November.QSL via home  call.
         [TNX K3TEJ].
VP2M   - VP2MCS is  the call  which has  been issued  to DL5NAM,  DL9NDS  and
         DL7NFK for  their 25  October-9  November activity  from  Montserrat
         (NA-103) [425DXN 437]. Look for them on 6-160 metres SSB, Pactor and
         PSK31.  They  will  participate  in  the   CQ  WW  SSB  DX   Contest
         (Multi-Single). QSL via DL5NAM. [TNX DL5NAM]

S DX@WW $425WW441C
425 DX News #441 [3/5]
 16 October 1999                   No 441                   BID: $425WW411C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

3C0R --->  The Daily  DX  reports first  hand  information about  the  recent
operation from Annobon. The operators left  the island two days earlier  than
expected due to a forecast storm  which would have made  it difficult to  get
back on time. All of the 23,800 QSOs were made by Elmo/EA5BYP and  Vic/EA5YN,
as Roberto/3C1RV was very sick  and unable to  operate while Ramon/3C1GS  had
other duties that had  to be done.  Hopefully the logs  will be available  on
line in  about two  weeks, but  it  should be  noted  that, due  to  computer
problems, the QSOs had to be handwritten.  Plans are being made for a  future
activity with more operators. QSL via EA5FVY (Angel Garcia Mendoza, P.O.  Box
3045,  03080  Alicante,  Spain).  The  web  page  for  the  operation  is  at

CALLBOOKS ---> The following lists of individual country caalbooks  available
on line has been  compiled  by Bernie McClenny, W3UR, editor of The Daily  DX
4S    - http://www.qsl.net/rssl/
9A    - http://www.hrs.agram.com/callbook.htm
9M2/6 - http://www.jaring.my/enrich/marts
BY    - http://www.qsl.net/by2hit/ebycall.htm
C3    - http://www.sta.ad/ura/qsl.htm
CO    - http://www.infocom.etecsa.cu/www/frc/dire3.htm
ER    - http://www.ournet.md/~arm/QSL.html
ES    - http://www.qsl.net/es5aaw/es_callbook.htm
EW    - http://www.qsl.net/ew2eo/cal_eng.txt
EY    - http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/5873/callbook.html
F     - http://www.ref.tm.fr/nomenclature/nomenclature.shtml

CE4TA ---> The address for Radio Club Talca is P.O. Box 666, Talca, Chile. It
can be used also for getting cards for the following special calls via  their
respective QSL  managers: 3G4A  (via CE4BQO),  3G4B (via  CE4ETZ), CE4A  (via
CE4BQO), CE4B (via CE4ETZ), CE4C (via  CE4CLM), CE4M (via CE4MLN), CE4U  (via
CE4USW), XR4A (via CE4BQO), XR4B (via  CE4ETZ), XR4C (via CE4CLM), XR4M  (via
CE4MLN), XR4TA (via CE4TA), XR4U (via CE4USW). 

IG9A ---> Work IG9A on 5  or 4 (outside  Europe) bands during  the CQ WW  SSB
Contest and you  will receive  a special  certificate. Work  them on  6 or  5
(outside Europe) bands  and you will  receive a special  CD-ROM with  images,
films, and audio files of pile-ups and,  if possible, an audio file of  their
QSO  with  IG9A.   Please  visit  http://www.qsl.net/ig9-cqww99  for  further
information [TNX IT9GSF]

NEW  ORLEANS  INTERNATIONAL  DX  CONVENTION ---> The  following  announcement
comes from Don, W5FKX: "After several weeks of review and soul-searching, the
Board of Directors of the  New Orleans International DX Convention  voted  to
dissolve the convention. Faced with a financial deficit and a flat attendance
for the last several years, a majority of the Board were no longer willing or
able to justify the extensive amount of work and effort that  was required to
maintain  a  quality program. It was  with great sadness that this final step
was taken.  The  Board  extends  its sincere thanks to all of our friends and
supporters, as well as to all those who have attended over the last 8 years."
S DX@WW $425WW441D
425 DX News #441 [4/5]
 16 October 1999                   No 441                   BID: $425WW411D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

THE DAILY DX SEARCH  PAGE ---> The  engine can search  through old issues  of
this most valuable DX bulletin born in  1997. As The Daily DX is  distributed
on a subscription basis, the search page will always be 6 to 8 weeks behind -
however, if you are looking for an  older piece of information, it is  really
worth a try at http://www.dailydx.com/search.html 

V31KQ ---> Due  to a paperwork  mishap, the  callsign for  the 10-16  October
operation from  from  Ambergris Cay  (NA-073)  was V31KQ  and  not  V31HK  as
reported in 425DXN 440. QSL via WA0ETE. [TNX K9RZ]

VK9RS ROWLEY SHOALS  QSLs --->  The following  statement has  been issued  by
Martin Atherton, G3ZAY,  RSGB IOTA  Committee Chairman,  and Roger  Balister,
G3KMA, IOTA Manager,  on behalf of  the RSGB IOTA  Committee: "The RSGB  IOTA
Committee regrets that there seems to have been some confusion regarding  the
handling of bureau cards for this  DXpedition. The Committee's  understanding
was that an agreeement had been reached with Mal, VK6LC, that, as part of the
arrangements for providing significant funding for  the expedition, the  IOTA
Committee would take on the task of locating a QSL manager for bureau  cards.
It is now apparent that Mal did not understand it that way and has decided to
handle bureau cards himself. We welcome that and this matter is now resolved.
We do want to make it clear that our previous appointment of Mauro, I1JQJ, as
QSL manager had  the full authority  of the Committee  and was  based on  our
understanding of the  agreement with Mal  at that time.  We were grateful  to
Mauro for agreeing to take this on. We  congratulate Mal and his team on  the
fine operations they mounted." Please note that Mal, VK6LC has now  announced
his QSL arrangements as: QSL VK9RS direct to I1HYW, bureau cards to VK6LC.

+ SILENT KEYS + Bruce, K1AJ reports the death of CQ WAZ Award Manger James L.
Dionne, K1MEM,  on 12  October.  Luis, CT4NH  reports  the passing  of  Julio
Vera-Cruz, D44BC. He had an heart attack  on 16 September and died in  Lisbon
on 14 October.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CLIPPERTON:  An extensive web site for the upcoming March 2000 DXpedition  to
             Clipperton  has been set up at http://www.qsl.net/clipperton2000
             The DXpedition is still  looking  for  sponsors.  Please contact
             John Kennon, N7CQQ at  n7cqq@laughlin.net  if  you can help out.
             [TNX N6RT]
LOGS:        Doug,  N6RT  reports  the  following new/updated  logs  are  now
             available   at   http://dx.qsl.net/logs:   9K2HN   (through   26
             September),  DS5DNO  (through 29  September), DU1ODX (through 29
             September),  KP4AH  (through  30  September),  PB7CW (through 29
             September),  VQ9CV  (through  10  October),  YC0LOW  (through 26
LOGS:        Gil, F5NOD reports the log  for FT5WH has  been updated  through
             17.02 UTC on 14 October (http://perso.easynet.fr/~f5nod/)

QSL received  via direct:   3B9R,  3V8DJ  (AF-083), 3C2JJ  (AF-082),  4S7YSG,
5N7YZC, 5R8FL, 5W1SA, 6O1Z, 7P8HH, 9K2F (AS-118), 9N7UD, A35EX, A92GE, BA4DW,
FR5FD, FT5YG (AN-017), GD4PTV, IH9P, JH6TYD/6 (AS-040), KL7/DL1YMK  (NA-028),
KR6MR/YV0, RF1P  (EU-102), RV0AM,  S09A, T30R,  T33RD, TI1C,  Tl8PL  (F5LNA),
XW8KPL/CSN, ZA0IS, ZK1MGS, ZK1SCQ (OC-013), ZK1SCQ (OC-014), ZK1SCQ (OC-159). 

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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S DX@WW $425WW441E
425 DX News #441 [5/5]
 16 October 1999                   No 441                   BID: $425WW411E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  28/10      3B8/ON4LAC: Mauritius Island (AF-049)                  437
till  30/11      8J2POS: special event station (Japan)                  431
till  31/12      9A770N: special event station (Croatia)                422
till  10/12      9U5D: Burundi * by SM5DIC                              439
till  27/10      A35SO, A35ZL: Tonga (OC-049) * by DJ4SO, DJ7RJ         438
till  06/10      C56HP: The Gambia * by JA1OEM                          439
till  31/12      DU67: special anniversary prefix                       441
till  06/11      EL2WW: Liberia * by ON4WW                              441
till  ??         EM1KGG: Vernadsky base, Galindez Island (AN-006)       440
till  21/10      FK8VHT/P: Lifou Island (OC-033)                        441
till  30/11      FO0DEH: French Polynesia and Austral Is * by ON4QM     440
till  28/10      FO0KOJ: Tubuai (OC-152), Austral Is * by JK7TKE        441
till  19/10      FO0SUC: Nuku Hiva, Marquesas (OC-027) * by F5JJW       433
till  December   FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL                      401
till  20/12      FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island                                399
till  17/10      GJ0WFH: Jersey (EU-013) * by G0WFH                     440
till  31/12      HB7OGR: special call                                   428
till  17/10      HL3/JA5AQC, HL3/JA5AUC and HL3/JA5ROH: Korea           441
till  27/10      JD1BKR: Iwo-Jima (AS-030), Ogasawara                   441
till  04/12      KH4/SM6FJY: Midway (OC-030) * by SM6FJY and V63YL      429
till  December   KH4/W4ZYV: Midway (OC-030)                             437
till  21/10      KH5: Palmyra * by DF6FK and DL2ZAD                     439
till  27/10      OD5/3A2MT: Lebanon * by 6W1QP                          438
till  Dec        P29BI: Bougainville Island (OC-135) * by VK4EMS        433
till  January    PZ5DX: Suriname * by K3BYV                             433
till  18/10      S21ZE: Bangladesh * by JA1UT, JA1AFF, JA8RUZ, JS1QHO   441
till  30/11      UE0JX: special event station                           435
till  16/10      VK7FLI: Flinders Island (OC-195) * by VK7BE            441
till  16/10      V31KQ: Ambergris Cay (NA-073) * by K0GHK and WA0ETE    441
till  January    VQ9DX: Diego Garcia (AF-006), Chagos * by AA5DX        439
till  27/11      XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada)              401
till  03/11      XT2HP: Burkina Faso * by JA1OEM                        439
till  31/12      XW2A: Laos * by JA2EZD                                 438
till  March      ZM: special Millennium prefix (New Zealand)            438
till  31/10      ZM75AA: special event station (New Zealand)            440
15/10-30/10      HL: Korea (incl. AS-026) * by DF5WA                    441
from  15/10      KH0/AF4IN and KH0N: Northern Mariana (OC-086) * by JAs 440
16/10            9A5V, 9A3VM, 9A5KV: Mrkan Island (EU-016)              440
16/10-17/10      IB0/K8NY: Ponza Island (EU-045)                        439
16/10-17/10      P29JOK (JOTA): New Britain (OC-008) * by P29PB         441
17/10            GM3WIL, GM0SEI and GM0DEQ: IOSA CL13                   441
17/10            RSGB 21-28 MHz CW Contest                              ***
19/10-21/10      4U1ITU * by AJ3M                                       441
19/10-02/11      5H3/K8LEE and 5H3/WD8SDL: Tanzania                     433
19/10-26/10      FS/N3OC: St. Martin (NA-105)                           441
19/10-10/11      T30Y & T30CW: West Kiribati (OC-017) * by DLs          423
20/10-01/11      5C8M and CN8WW (CQWW SSB): Morocco * by BCC            441
21/10-28/10      EA8/G0UIH/p: Canary Islands (AF-004)                   441
21/10-01/11      HC8A: Galapagos Islands (SA-004) * by N6KT             441
20/10-22/10      FO0SUC: Moorea, French Polynesia (OC-046) * by F5JJW   433
20/10-02/11      FP/LA9VDA: St.Pierre et Miquelon (NA-032)              437
21/10-12/11      MM/W3LEO: Scotland                                     441
22/10-02/11      PJ9/xxxx and PJ9B (CQWW SSB): Bonaire (SA-006)         441
22/10-01/11      VP2MBT, VP2MGL: Montserrat (NA-103) * by EA3BT, EA3WL  437
23/10            4X0A: Akhziv Island (AS-100) * by 4X1VF and others     439
23/10-24/10      II2V * special A. Volta station                        407
23/10            JI1PLF/1: Jyogashima Island (AS-117)                   441
23/10-24/10      PX7ZZ: Santo Alberto's Lighthouse (DFB RN-03, LH 0447) 441
24/10-29/10      EO55WL: special event station (Ukraine)                439
25/10-29/10      EO55FI: special event station (Ukraine)                441
25/10-27/10      EO55JM: special event station (Ukraine)                439
25/10-04/11      V26B and V26xx: Antigua * by Team Antigua              433
25/10-09/11      VP2MCS: Montserrat (NA-013) * by DL5NAM,DL9NDS,DL7NFK  441
26/10-02/11      8Q7IT: Maldives (AS-013) * by DH3MIT and HB9KOC        435
26/10-02/11      VP5/WA2VYA, K2WB, N2VW + VP5T: Caicos Is (NA-002)      437
27/10-07/11      CP6/LU9AY: Bolivia                                     439
28/10-02/11      T33Y & T33CW: Banaba (OC-018) * by DLs                 423
30/10-31/10      CO9BCC (CQWW SSB) * by COs                             439
30/10-31/10      EA8BH (CQWW SSB) : Canary Islands * by OH2BH           441
30/10-31/10      ER0N (CQWW SSB): Moldova * by UN7ND                    441
30/10-07/11      HB0/HA5RT/p, HB0/HA0HW/p, HB0/HA4DX/p, HB0/HA4XG/p     441
30/10-31/10      IG9A (CQWW SSB): Lampedusa (AF-019)                    441
30/10-31/10      IH9P (CQWW SSB): Pantelleria (AF-018)                  441
30/10-31/10      W4D: Dauphin Island (NA-142) * by Ws                   439
30/10-31/10      CQ WW SSB DX Contest                                   ***
from October     5X1GS: Uganda * by G0VNW/5Z5GS                         438
01/11-14/11      FY/F5PAC: French Guiana                                441
01/11-05/11      GB0LI: Lundy Island (EU-120) * by G3WNI and G0PSE      439
03/11-15/11      9M6PWT: Sabah (OC-088) * by G3SWH                      439
03/11-10/11      FO: Hiva-Oa (OC-027), Marquesas * by F6AUS, F6AOI      439
04/11-Apr        JD1BKR: Iwo-Jima (AS-030), Ogasawara                   441
04/11-09/11      VK8ML: Melville Island (OC-173) * by VK8NSB and others 441
05/11-07/11      FY/F5PAC and FY5FU: Salut Island (SA-020)              441