S DX@WW $425WW440A 425 DX News #440 [1/5] 9 October 1999 No 440 $425WW440A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ >>> 425 DX NEWS ANNIVERSARY CD-ROM <<< The first copies were distributed at the end of September during the HF-DX Meeting in Bologna. Paolo, IK1NLZ and Maurizio, IZ1CRR are now mailing the remaining CDs. ============================================================================= 9A - Frane/9A5V, Matko/9A3VM and Fredi/9A5KV will be active from the island of Lokrum (EU-016, CI-056) on 9-10 October. They are also planning to operate from Mrkan (EU-016, CI-072) on 16 or 17 October. QSL via home calls. For further information on IOCA (Islands Of Croatia Award), please visit http://www.qsl.net/9a6aa [TNX 9A3ZG] 9L - Jacky's (F2CW) assignment in Sierra Leone [425DXN 429] will be ending sometime this month: "He has signatures from everybody for a license except for one person in the Army there that is holding it all up", Doug, N6RT reports. "I last talked to him about 2 or 3 weeks ago, and he still hasn't been on the air, so it doesn't look good". EM_ant - EM1KGG is currently active from Vernadsky Antarctic base on Galindez Island (AN-006), Antarctica. QSL via UT7UA. FO_aus - Marcel ON4QM/FO0DEH is still active from Raivavae (OC-114), Austral Islands until 18 or 19 October. He will then move to Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] FO_aus - JK1TKE will be active (on HF and 6 metres) from Tubuai (OC-152), Austral Islands between 14 and 24 October. [TNX The Daily DX] FY - Baldur, DJ6SI will be active as FY/DJ6SI from French Guiana until 15 October. Look for him on or around 1828, 3508, 7002, 10102, 14025, 18085, 21025, 24902 and 28025 kHz. QSL via DJ6SI. [TNX The Daily DX] GJ - Chris, G0WFH will be active (10-160 metres QRP SSB) as GJ0WFH from Jersey (EU-013) on 10-17 October. Look for him on 1845 kHz during the night of the 14th. QSL via G0WFH. [TNX The Daily DX] JA - The IOTA operation from Uji Archipelago (AS-067) [425DXN 435] has been delayed due to rough seas. Look for JI3DST/6, JA4PXE/6 and JF6WTY/6 to start being active from 21 UTC on 9 September until 23 UTC on the 10th. QSL via home calls. [TNX JI6KVR] KH0 - Northern Kyushu DX Club members JA6AGA (KH0/AF4IN) and JA6CNL (KH0N) will be active (on all bands, mostly CW) from the Northern Marianas (OC-086) starting on 15 October. QSL via home calls or via the Northern Kyushu DX Club QSL Bureau (P.O. Box 11, Yawata, 805-8691 Japan). [TNX The Daily DX] OD - Genevieve, F5SQM is now active (mostly on CW) as OD/F5SQM. She plans to participate in major contests. QSL via F6FYA. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] PY0spp - Karl, PS7KM has been informed by the Brazilian Navy that the new date for departure for St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago [425DXN 439] is 3 November. Operations are expected to start three days later. ZX0SK (QSL via PS7KM) will be active on SSB, RTTY and SSB, while ZW0SP (QSL via PT7AA) will operate CW. They will be on the air 24 hours a day, from 6 to 80 metres, possibly on 160 metres as well. [TNX PS7KM] S2 - JA1UT, JA1AFF and JS1QHO will visit Bangladesh and plan to operate (mainly on WARC bands CW, 29 MHz FM and 6 metres) as S21ZE (re-issued from 1994) between 14 and 18 October. They will be assisted by Rashid, S21AR. QSL via JA1UT. [TNX G3NOM] SM - Fred/SM7DAY, Jan/SM7DDR and Jan/SM7NGH will be active (SSB and CW) from Ven Island (EU-137) between 8 and 10 October. QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX] V3 - Hugh, K0GHK and Roger, WA0ETE will be active as V31HK from Ambergris Cay (NA-073), Belize between 10 and 16 October. Operations will probably be in their mornings and evenings. Look for them on both SSB and CW, especially 10 and 15 metres. QSL via WA0ETE. [TNX K9RZ] VK0_ant- Bob, K4MZU reports that Tom, VK0TS is still active from Antarctic base Davis (AN-016) with just 20 watts and a vertical. He can be found around 14245 kHz between 10 and 12 UTC. QSL via VK1DX. ZL - Amateurs from Otago Branch of New Zealand Association of Transmitters will operate special event callsign ZM75AA through 31 October to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the first trans-world 2-way radio contact, which took place on 18 October 1924 between Frank Bell, Z4AA of Shag Valley Station at Waihemo, near Dunedin, and Cecil Goyder, G2SZ at the Mill Hill School in London. QSL via the bureau or direct to P.O. Box 5485, Dunedin, New Zealand. [TNX ZL4OI and ON4VT] ZL7 - Ed, K8VIR/ZL4IR has been active as ZL4IR/7 from Chatham Island (OC-038) since 5 October. He is expected to be there until mid-October. QSL via W8WC. [TNX The Daily DX] /EX S DX@WW $425WW440B 425 DX News #440 [2/5] 9 October 1999 No 440 $425WW440B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH ISLANDS (OZ) ----> Jens, OZ5MJ reports the QSL card for OZ3FYN/L (operation from Keldsnor Lighthouse on Langeland, EU-029) has a wrong DIA (Danish Islands Award) number: it is not FY001 but FY019. ISLANDS (VK) ---> The VK9RS team on Imperieuse Reef, Rowley Shoals (OC-230) went QRT at 17.41 UTC on 25 September after some 10,800 QSOs. After that Mal (VK6LC/VK6ISL), Sam (CT1EEN/VK6EEN) and Jim (K9PPY/VK8PY) operated as scheduled from Malus Island (OC-199, 2,000 QSOs) and Green Island (OC-183, 2,000 QSOs). [TNX CT1EEB] PS2V ---> A special award (price 3 IRCs) will be issued to those SWLs who can copy this station on at least three different bands. PS2V is scheduled to be active from Vitoria Island (SA-028) on 8-12 October [425DXN 439]. Send your request to PY2AA. [TNX PY2ZX] QSL 9NxUD ---> K4VUD has now replied to all the direct QSL requests that arrived for both 9N1UD and 9N7UD. If you do not receive your card by 1 November, please send another request to Charles Harpole, 3100 N. Hwy. 426, Geneva, FL 32732, USA. Please note that he all of the remaining contacts will be confirmed automatically through the bureau on 15 November. [TNX K4VUD] QSL CX3AL ---> Leo Correa, CX3AL reports that "the mailing cost of one letter from Uruguay is around U$S 1.50. A lot of stations are sending SASE to me with only U$S 1.00. During the last two years I have been sending all these request direct and the difference went out of my pocket. By time being, as I am receiving many cards, mainly from my activity in the WARC bands, I can not support it any more. In the future direct requests that not cover full postage charges will be answered through the buro". QSL R1AND ---> Ed Kritsky, NT2X is NOT the QSL manager for RW1AI (operating at R1AND) but has offered to collect QSLs for Mike and forward them to him sometime before May 2000, when he returns home from Antarctica. No cards will be issued prior to his return. Send your cards (direct only) to Mike Fokin, R1AND, c/o Edward Kritsky, P.O. Box 715, Brooklyn, NY 11230, USA. [TNX K1XN @ The Golist] QSL T33VU ---> QSL manager DL2MDZ has not had much time to process requests in the past few months due to family problems. However the main difficulties are two: the T33VU logs (some 14,000 QSOs) are handwritten and the cards for Karl's (DL1VU) other T3 activities have not been received from the printer so far. Please be patient, above all if you have sent cards for several calls in the same envelope. If you want to get in touch with Rainer, DL2MDZ, his e-mail address is DL2MDZ@t-online.de [TNX DF6EX] QSL YC5XIP ---> Fulvio, I1WFF reports he has not heard from Syafry, YC5XIP for a long time and is still waiting for the new logs. He has processed all the requests received so far for the contacts he can confirm - if you worked YC5XIP on one of the days detailed below, you can send your card to Fulvio Marin, P. O. Box 88, 13900 Biella - BI, Italy. I1WFF has the logs for 2, 3, 5, 11, 12, 23 October 1997; 6, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19 September 1998; 23, 24, 25, 27, 30 October 1998; 1, 2, 28, 30 November 1998; 5, 18 December 1998. QSL VIA PY7MEU ---> Pedro, PP5SZ reports that the new QSL route for ZY7G and ZW7G [425DXN 437], as well as for ZX7G [425DXN 439], is via PY7MEU (Eglaube Rocha, Caixa Postal 322, 50001-970 Recife - PE, Brazil) or through the bureau. QSL VIA UA3AGS ---> Sergei, UA3AGS is the QSL manager for EX8W and for Franz Josef Land stations R1FJL, R1FJV and R1FJO. Amateurs in CIS countries should send their requests to P.O. Box 1, Moscow 109387, Russia, while all others should use P.O. Box 196, Pepperell, MA 01463-0196, USA [TNX The Daily DX] + SILENT KEYS + Bob Schenck, N2OO reports that Charlie "Jack" Jackson, SV0AA became a silent key in late June at the age of 87. First licenced in 1931, he was a Life Member of the ARRL, held 5BDXCC, A-1 Op, FOC, QCWA & OOTC. We have also been informed that Michele Cicerchia, IK6MQP passed away in late September - we'll miss him on the pile-ups. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH MARCONI MEMORIAL CONTEST HF: IK6PTJ reports that the results, as well as the rules for next edition, are now available at www.qsl.net/ik6ptj/marconi.htm /EX S DX@WW $425WW440C 425 DX News #440 [3/5] 9 October 1999 No 440 $425WW440C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH ====================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER ====================================================================== 3B8/PA0VHA PA0VHA FT5ZJ F2YT TM5B F5XX 3B8/PA3EPD PA0VHA FY/DJ6SI DJ6SI TM5CMR F6IGF 3B8/PB0AIT PA0VHA GB5FI GW0ANA TP0CE F6FQK 3W6KS JA8VE H44MY JA0IXW TT8DF F5SWB 3W6MG JF1MGI HC8N AA5BT TU5JF TU2CI 3XY1BO F5XX HG5C HA5LV TY1RY W6/G0AZT 3Z0ZSM SP6ZJP HI500UD HI3LFE UA9AH UA9AB 4N1N YU1AST HI9UD HI3LFE UA9AJ UA9AB 4S7DA W3HNK HK3OSA DF4UW UA9BA UA9AB 4S7RO DJ9ZB HK3TAS HK3SGP UA9CDC G3SWH 4S7SW ON6TZ HS0ZBS HS2CRU UA9QA RW9QA 4V30CNT HH2B (HHs) IA5/IK8IOP IK8IOP UA9QGB RW9QA 4V30CNT WA4JTK (DX) IY4W I4JED UA9RH RW9QA 4X6HI KG2FH J28FF F6ITD UA9RQ RW9QA 5B4/RZ9WZ N2AU JR0YJL JE0SQP UE6AAF UA6AF 5N0ZKD OK1KN JW2IJ LA2IJ UE9AWA UA9AB 5R8FU SM0DJZ K7IL/KH0 JF3PLF UP5P UN5PR 5W0GD PA3AXU KH0/JJ2NYT JJ2NYT UT1T UR7TZ 5W1CW ZL1AMO KH0/JK1ATT JK1ATT UT9NA UR4NWW 6K0C DS1BHE KH0/JK3HLP JK3HLP UU4JZB/P UU2JQ 7Q7CE IN3VZE KH0/KF8TW JH3TXR V31KR K5KR 7Q7HB G0IAS KH4/W4ZYV W4ZYV V31KX W5FKX 7X2RO OM3CGN LU9AY NU4N V31MP W5ZPA 8P9HR K4BAI LX20AK LX1CC V31YK W5JYK 8P9NX W0SA LZ/UT4UM UT4UM V44KJ WB2TSL 8P9Z K4BAI NO7F/KL7 K8NA V63DX JA7HMZ 9G5DX JH8PHT OD5/3A2MT 6W1QP V63TM JA7AB 9H3Q PA0RDY OD5/F5SQM F6FYA V73CW AC4G 9H3S PA3HGP OD5RAL OD5RI VE3FU/NP2 VE3FU 9H3UJ PA7DX OH0B OH2BH VK2NP/P VK2EO 9H3ZO PD1AIY OH0KCB OH3RM VK2PB/P VK2EO 9H3ZP PA3GRI OH0LQK OH3LQK VK2RD/P VK2EO 9H4GRS 9H5JO OH0V OH4JLV VK2XN/P VK2EO 9M2XA JF4WPQ OH0XY OH6XY VK2ZL/P VK2EO 9M6BG VR2BG OL5Q OK1FFU VK4DEK DL1MHM 9U5D SM0BFJ OT8L ON7YP VK6EEN/P CT1EEN 9Y4SF WA4JTK OT8T ON4UN VK6ISL VK6LC A35SO DJ4SO OX/OZ8AE OZ8AE VK8PY/6 K9PPY A35ZL DJ7RJ P29BI VK4EJ VK9RS I1HYW A61AO N1DG P3A W3HNK VO2AC VE3FU BA1DU/7 W3HC PJ2/PA0VDV PA0VDV VO2CQ VE3FU BA1HAM/7 NE9Z PP4P PP1CZ VO2WL WB8YTZ BA4RC/7 BY4RSA PS2V PY2AA VP2E N5AU BD7NQ/7 W2AY PW1Z PP1CZ VP2EREM WB2REM BD7NQ/7 W2AY PY0A PT2GTI VP6TC K6RPF BI7W BA7JA PY0B PP1CZ VQ9DX AA5DX BV4OQ W3HC R1AND c/o NT2X VQ9JC WB9IHH BV5DR W3HC R1ANF RK1PWA VQ9QM W4QM BX0QSL JA1JKG R1ANZ RU1ZC VQ9WM K7IOO C56HP JA1OEM R6Y RZ6AXO VR2DXA VR2XRW CE0AA CE3WDH RA3GS IK3PQG VU3WLN W7LN CE0YA JA6BDB RA6Y RZ6AXO VY0/KR6MR KR6MR CE0ZAM CE3ESS RK9AWC UA9AB WP3C W3HNK CM6YI W3HNK RK9AYY UA9AB XT2HP JA1OEM CO8DC VE3NXB RM6A/p UA6AF XU7AAV G4ZVJ CQ9DIG/1 DL8JS RM9RA RW9QA XX9TRR N6XJ CR8A CT1EEB RM9RM RW9QA YB0AZ W7TSQ CR8ABE CT1ABE RM9RO RW9QA YB7ZKS YF7PT CR8END CT1END RM9RX RW9QA YN6HM N5TGZ CR8ERK CT1ERK RM9RX/9 RW9QA Z2/DF3XZ DF3XZ CR8FMX CT1FMX RM9RZ RW9QA Z2/W0YG W0YG CT3FN HB9CRV RP6Y RZ6AXO Z28JW G3UUV DL1GKG/HI3 DK2GP RP6YPC RZ6AXO ZB2/W5FI W5FI DU1ODX NH0E RP9ATZ UA9AB ZC4ATC 5B4YX DU67RWW DL4OCM RP9MOF UA9NN ZD8V KF4OOX E4/OK5DX OK1TN RV7AA NT2X ZD9HGW GM6HGW E44A KB6NAN RW9QA RW9QA ZF2NT G3SWH EA8/DK2OC DL7VRO RW9QA W3HNK ZF2SO K2ZD ED9DLM EA9BO RW9RN RW9QA ZK1MGS JJ8DEN EG0UV EA5GMI RY6Y RZ6AXO ZK3CW SM0AGD EJ/ON5KL ON5KL RZ9A UA9AB ZK3DX SM0AGD EK7DX F5LGQ RZ9AZA UA9AB ZK3YL SM6WYN EL2DT IK0PHY SI9AM SM3CVM ZM1OSJ ZL1CDX EL2WW ON5NT SV5/HA4XG/P HA4XG ZM75AA ZL4AA EM50UWC UT5UN T31K SM6CAS ZP0Z W3HNK ER0F UX0FF T31T SM6CAS ZP40Z W3HNK ER8C ER1DA T31YL SM6WYN ZP5Z W3HNK ET3VSC DA0RC T48RCT SK0UX ZP6T ZP5MAL EZ8CQ I2JSB T88UY JR6OCL ZW2A PT2BW F6FCM/TY F6FNU T97M K2PF ZW2Z PY2ZI FO0SCH LX1SP TA4/DH6MBW DH6MBW ZZ1AA PP1CZ FO0SUC F5JJW TL8CK F6EWM ZZ7Z PR7AR /EX S DX@WW $425WW440D 425 DX News #440 [4/5] 9 October 1999 No 440 $425WW440D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 4X/YO3JGC Eugenia Radu, P.O.Box 18-56, Bucharest 71500, Romania 5X4C Sebastiano, P.O. Box 43, Lira, Uganda 9H3AAW B. Winter, Bojeweg 46 A, D-21033 Hamburg, Germany 9H5JO Joe, P. O. Box 22, Victoria, Gozo, Malta 9M2TJ T. J. Lee, 1B-3, Jalan Melaka Raya 14, Taman Melaka Raya, Melaka 75000, Malaysia 9N1HR S. H. Chong, P. O. Box 12, West Inchon 404-600, Korea BA1AJ/7 P.O. Box 6111, Beijing 100061, People's Republic of China BA4TA/7 P.O. Box 219, Wuxi 214023, People's Republic of China BA7IA/7 P.O. Box 1239, Guangzhou 510630, People's Republic of China BA7JA P.O. Box 1713, Gunagzhou 510600, People's Republic of China BA7JK Chow, P. O. Box 1711, Guangzhou 510600, People's Republic of China BD5WW Cao Jian Jun, P.O. Box 321, Qingliu, Fujian 365300, People's Republic of China BD6JN L. Z. Sun, P. O. Box 6, Xinyang, Henan 464000, People's Republic of China BV6HK Tom Tseng, P. O. Box 15, Tainan, Taiwan BY7KM Amateur Radio Station of Guangzhou Blind School, Xing Hua Street, Xing Hua Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510507, People's Republic of China DL5MM Wolfgang Hunger, G. Palitzsch Str. 17, D-01239 Dresden, Germany CE3ESS Mickey, P. O. Box 195-20, Santiago 20, Chile CL2FN Orestes Echenique Valdes, P. O. Box 26, Santiago de las Vegas, Habana 17200, Cuba CT1ALF Franky Felizardo, P.O. Box 45, 2501 Caldas da Rainha, Portugal CT1EEN Samuel Pimenta, Rua da Milharada, Edificio Iberopa Bloco A - 8 A, Massama, 2745 Queluz, Portugal DL1YMK Michael Kohla, Pieperfeldweg 31, 48329 Havixbeck, Germany DS1KVP Tae-Gyu Sohn, 1-301, Woosung APT, 1133, Sadang 3-Dong, Dongjak-Gu, Seoul 156-093, Korea DS2BZN Park Joon Cheol, A-305 Mido APT, 563 Jookyo-dong, Dukyang-gu, Koyang-si, Kyungki-Do 412-010, Korea DS2JBO Kim Sun Ye, A-305 Mido APT, 563 Jookyo-dong, Dukyang-gu, Koyang-si, Kyungki-Do 412-010, Korea DS2MPH Jae-Pyeong Shin, 102-1402, Ace APT 34, Tanhyun-Dong, Ilsan-Gu, Koyang-Si, Kyunggi-Do 411-320, Korea DS5DXR Kim Seog-Hyun, P. O. Box 510, Pusan 600-605, Korea DS5RLI Yi Do-Sang, 201-602 Green-Mansion APT, 247 Bon-Dong, Taegu 704-350, Korea DS5XEH Il Kwon Choi, 302 Dong 502 Ho, 3 Jukong APT, Hyeonggok 1-Dong, Kumi 730-041, Korea DS5ZKL Ok Ki Lee, 302 Dong 502 Ho, 3 Jukong APT, Hyeonggok 1-Dong, Kumi 730-041, Korea DU1IHU Donat P. Pamiloza, Jr., 86 Jasmin St., Caloocan City, MM 1400, Philippines E20REX Kornnapa Chukwamdee, P. O. Box 1090, Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903, Thailand OK1FHI Radek Stolfa, 471 16 Polevsko 187, Czech Republic ER1DA Valery Metaxa, P.O. Box 9537, Kishinev, MD-2071, Moldova ER1OA Ivan A. Smionov, Teodorovici, 15/1 - 31, Kishinev, 2039, Moldova ES4BG P. O. Box 38, Tamsalu 46101, Estonia F5JJW Joel Suc, La Grange 69440, Taluyers, France FK8HW Tibor, Box 170, 98829 Thio, New Caledonia FR5FD Patrick Labeaume, 40 Rue Louis Desjardines, F-97411 Bois de Nefles, St. Paul, France G0IAS Allan Hickman, The Conifers, High Street, Elkesley, Retford, DN22 8AJ Notts, England, UK G0NWY I. D. Peters, 52 Carnaby Road, Darlington DL1 4NS, England, UK G3SWH Phil Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons Grove, Congresbury, Bristol, BS49 5HQ, United Kingdom DL6FBK Paul Michel, Im Kennel 5, D-56414 Hundsangen, Germany HI3LFE Lorenzo Fernandez E., P. O. Box 1464, Santiago, Dominican Republic HL1AZH Eun Ju Lee, Biology Dept., Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea HL1VAU K. L. Han, 649-3, Jayangdong, Kwangjin, Seoul 143-192, Korea HL2IXZ Bae Kab Tae, Sungji-APT 103-507, 91-68, Sosabon 2- dong, Puchon 422-232, Korea HL2KAK Sung-Rok Cho, 308-502, Sung Po-Dong, Ansan 425-040, Korea HL2TCY Jae Myung Choi, APT 524-1106, Jugong 5 APT Complex, Maetan 1-Dong, Paldal-Gu, Suwon 442-371, Korea HL4CYG Soo Hwan An, 105-1403 Kumho APT, Il-Kog Dong Buk-ku, Kwangju 500-160, Korea HL4CYH He Sook Kim, 105-1403 Kumho APT, Il-Kog Dong Buk-ku, Kwangju 500-160, Korea HL4CYX Jung Ho An, 105-1403 Kumho APT, Il-Kog Dong Buk-ku, Kwangju 500-160, Korea HL4HLD Chul Bong Yang, C.P.O. Box 31, Soe Gwi Po City, Cheju-do 697-600, Korea HL4RAE P.O. Box 188, Mokpo 530-360, Korea HL5BXY Sang Mi Choi, 789-24 duck Chun 3 Dong, Buk-Gu, Pusan 616-103, Korea HL5PRU Yong Ki Han, Miju-APT 3-508, 332-6 Puam 1-Dong, Pusanjin, Pusan 614-091, Korea HL5URV Moon Do Gon, 15-1 391-4, Yongho 3-Dong, Nam-Gu, Pusan 608-093, Korea HS5AYO Niwes Suwanboos, P. O. Box 73, Lampang 52000, Thailand HS9IFG Pong Wongsawat, P. O. Box 45, Bangkok 10902, Thailand I1HYW Gianni Varetto, P.O. Box 1, 10060 Pancalieri - TO, Italy IZ1CCI P.O. Box 64, 19038 Sarzana - SP, Italy JA1OEM Mako Toyofuku, P.O.Box 9, Sawara, 287-0003 Japan JA4PXE Joe S. Kuwahara, 1-74 Midorimachi, Tokuyama City, Yamaguchi, 745-0075 Japan /EX S DX@WW $425WW440E 425 DX News #440 [5/5] 9 October 1999 No 440 $425WW440E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== JA7AB Tunehiro Miura, 60-208 Terauchi, Akita, 011-0901 Japan JA7HMZ Shoji Igawa, Yokobori, Ogachi, 019-0204 Japan JE0SQP Syun Furuyama, 5179-72 Tanaka, Niigata 951-8103, Japan JF6WTY Yuichiro Hayahi, 2-40-27-101, Murasakibaru, Kagoshima City Kagoshima, 890-0082, Japan JH3QFL Takio Hata, 207-1-828 Nishigawara, Cyuzu-Cho, Yasu-Gun, Shiga, 520-2423 Japan JH8PHT Kazuo Takasaki, 410-110-807 Hazawa-Cho, Kanagawa-Ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa 221-0863, Japan JI3DST Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-Cho Abeno-Ku, Osaka-City Osaka 545-0021, Japan JI4NFY Ryo Nishihira, 1-5-12-606 Minami-Tokiwadai, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, 174-0072 Japan JJ2NYT Tsuyoshi Nakanishi, 1013 Oyama-cho, Yokkaichi-shi, Mie, 512-1102 Japan JK1ATT Junichi Yoshida, #506 1-13-7 Miyazaki, Miyamae-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 216-0033 Japan JK3HLP Takafumi Ueda, 2-35-3 Mitsuishidai, Hashimoto-city, 648-0094 Japan JP1XND Kazutami Kitahara, 3-54-10 Kameido, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 136-0071 Japan JT2KAA Dornod Radio Club, P. O. Box 94, Choibalsan, Dornod Aimak, Mongolia JW5RIA Erling Winje, Bautaveien 8, N-6507 Kristiansund, Norway JW8WF Jon Dahl, P. O. Box 18, N-1312 Slependen, Norway K3T Steven Kerns, P..O Box 344, Douglassville, PA 19518, USA K9PPY James S. Model, 749 Willow Street, Itasca, IL 60143, USA KF4OOX Paul L. Hutle, 298 Logan Avenue, Sharon, PA 16146, USA LX1EK Germaine Knabe, 25, rue Basse, L-4415 Soleuvre, Luxembourg LX1JH Jean-Marie Juchemes, 2, Haaptstross, L-6869 Wecker, Luxembourg LX1KC Kieffer Christian, 121, rue Klensch, L-3250 Bettembourg, Luxembourg LX1SP Schartz Louis, 3, rue du Nord, L-4469 Soleuvre, Luxembourg LX1TI Trezzi Carlo, P. O. Box 117, L-4901 Bascharage, Luxembourg LX20AK Adrad Kaldall, P. O. Box 26, L-3601 Kayl, Luxembourg LX2AK Alfred Knabe, 25, rue Basse, L-4415 Soleuvre, Luxembourg N9EAJ John Block, Jr., 870 Brentwood Lane, Watertown, WI 53094, USA NH0F Gene F. Fajilan, PPP 521, Box 10000, Saipan, MP 96950, USA OD5RI Rizkallah Azrak, P.O. Box 22, Baabdat, Lebanon OH6XY Carl Ikaheimo, Lansiranta 29, FIN-02880 Veikkola, Finland ON4QM Marcel Dehonin, Eversestraat 130, B-1932 Saint-Stevens-Woluwe, Belgium P43P P.O. Box 685, Oranjestad, Aruba PA0VDV Joeke van der Velde, Delleburen 1, 8421 RP Oldeberkoop, The Netherlands PA3AXU G.A.M.C. Dijkers, Dokter P.A. Cornethof 3, 6669AZ Dodewaard, The Netherlands PT2BW P.O. Box 03858, 70084-970 Brasilia - DF, Brazil PY2AA P. O. Box 22, 01059-970 Sao Paulo - SP, Brazil RK9UM Valerij Toropchenkov, P.O. Box 2024, Kemerovo 650099, Russia RV0AM Robert Sherbinin, P.O. Box 5388, Krasnoyarsk 660000, Russia RW9QA Vlad Kondratenko P.O.Box 1, Kurgan-38, 640038, Russia SM0AGD Erik Sjolund, Vestagatan 27, 195 56 Marsta, Sweden SM0BFJ Leif Hammarstrom, Birger Jarlsgatan 38, SE-114 29 Stockholm, Sweden SM0DJZ Jan Hallenberg, Siriusgatan 106, SE-195 55 Mersta, Sweden SM6CAS Nils-Goran Persson, Box 2050, 436 02 Hovas, Sweden SM6WYN Ulrika Persson, Jarnmyntsgatan 7, 4 tr, 414 79 Goteborg, Sweden SV1DVY Fragiskos Dactilidis, 107 Thessalonikis, GR-185 46 Piraeus, Greece SV1ENI Kostas Sarmas, Gialtra, 34300, Evia, Greece TF1IRA Islenskir Radioamatorar, P.O.Box 1058, IS-121 Reykjavik, Iceland TI5HMS Hugo M. S., P. O. Box 439, San Ramon, Alajuela 4250, Costa Rica TU2KC P.O. Box 54, Abidjan 12, Ivory Coast UN5PR Romeo Y. Loparev, P.O. Box 73, Temirtau, 472300, Rep. of Kazakhstan UR4NWW P.O.Box 8100, Vinnitsa 286050, Ukraine UT4UM Anatoly Perevertaylo, P.O. Box 7, Kiev-91, 02091 Ukraine UU2JQ Rustam R. Muhametzianov, Mate Zalki st.9-32, Simferopol 95053, Crimea, Ukraine UU4JMG Andy A. Kotovsky, P. Box 57, 98312 Kerch, Ukraine UX3FW Yuri Kucherenko, P.O. Box 60, Izmail 68600, Ukraine V31BB Steve Downard, P.O. Box 136, Belmopan, Belize V73CW Bruce Smith, P.O. Box 1436, APO, AP 96555, USA VE3FU Chris Allingham, 3417 Torwood Drive, Dunrobin, ON K0A 1T0, Canada VK2EO Geoff McGrorey-Clark, P.O. Box 76, Medowie, NSW, 2318 Australia VP6PAC Box 73, Pitcairn Island via New Zealand VR2UZ K. C. Li, House D, Greenland Villas, 12 Ma Yeung Path, Kau To Shan, Shatin, N. T., Hong Kong, China VU3PRA V. Vijaya Pradeep, Chaythram (Govt. Homoeo Dispensory Building), Kalayapuram P. O., Kottarakkara (Via), Kollam 691 560, India W6/G0AZT Eddie Schneider, Box 5194, Richmond, CA 94805, USA WB1HOF Hampden County Radio Association, P.O. Box 705, Agawam, MA 01001, USA YB1BUL Mula Warman W., Jln. Golf Barat F3/16, Arcamanik, Bandung 40293, Indonesia YB8BRI Dr. Ir. Hm. Ramli Rahim, Komplek Unhas Tamalanrea K/7, Makassar 90245, Indonesia YB8NA Syam M. Akil, P. O. Box 89, Palu 94001, Indonesia YC1CEO Suhandi Brata W., P. O. Box 1042, Bandung 40010, Indonesia YC4HF Karel Lagaunne, Jl. Veteran No. 7090/55, Palembang 30126, Indonesia YC5SKR Sukirman, P. O. Box 5, Ujungbatu 28454, Indonesia YF7PT R. Soesanto Eko Wardojo, P. O. Box 25, Banjarmasin 70001, Indonesia YI99BIF Box 55072, Baghdad, Iraq ZA1BE Petrit Mecani, P. O. Box 7464, Tirana, Albania ZA1KP Radio Club Partizani, P. O. Box 7464, Tirana, Albania ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX