DX425 bulletin issue nr. 436

S DX@WW $425WW436A
425 DX News #436 [1/5]
 11 September 1999                No 436                       $425WW436A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3C0    - The 14-29  September  3C0R DXpedition  to  Annobon  Island  (AF-039)
         [425DXN 428]  is confirmed  to  be on  schedule.  The team  will  be
         leaving Sao Tome on Monday (13 September) morning, after  collecting
         the generators,  fuel, food  and some  hardware which  have  already
         arrived there. The  team has been  provided with propagation  charts
         for USA  West-Mid-East  Coast,  Caribbean,  South  America,  Africa,
         West-Central-Eastern Europe, Mid Asia, Japan, Alaska, Hawaii,  South
         Pacific and Australia. Look for 3C0R to be active with four stations
         on the following suggested frequencies: 28395, 24945, 21295,  18135,
         14195, 7065 and  3799 kHz SSB;  28025, 24895,  21025, 18075,  14025,
         10105, 7005, 3505 and 1833 CW; 21085 and 14085 kHz RTTY. Six  metres
         activity will depend  on propagation (suggested  frequency is  50110
         kHz). The logs will be  available on line  after the operation.  QSL
         via EA5FVY either direct (Angel Garcia Mendoza, P.O. Box 3045, 03080
         Alicante, Spain)  or  through  the bureau.  The  web  page  for  the
         DXpedition  is  at  http://web.jet.es/lynx/annobon/annobon.htm  [TNX
4U1ITU - Amadeo, EA5FFC  will  be  active  from  4U1ITU  between  13  and  24
         September. He plans to operate on all beands, including WARC, on SSB
         and CW. QSL via 4U1ITU. [TNX EA5BD]
9A     - 9A5V, 9A3VM and  9A5KV will be  active as home  call/p from  Kolocep
         Island (EU-016,  CI-038 for  the Croatian  Islands Award)  on  17-19
         September and from Lopud Island (EU-016, CI-057) on 24-26 September.
         [TNX 9A7Z]
9X     - Operator Vladimir Legoshin  will be  active as  9X/RE3A from  Rwanda
         starting around 15 September while on a humanitarian mission.  Plans
         are to operate "for several months" on 10, 15 and 20 metres. QSL via
         RW3AH (Andy Fyodoroff,  P.O. Box 899,  Moscow 127018, Russia).  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
BY     - Special event station BT0A is active  from the geographic centre  of
         Asia starting around until  around 08.00 UTC  on 13 September.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
BY     - The  BI7Y  DXpedition  to  Xisha  Archipelago  (AS-???),  previously
         planned on 8-13 September  [425DXN 435], has  been postponed. On  10
         September team member BA1AJ, currently active as BA1AJ/7 from Hainan
         Island (AS-094),  was heard  saying the  operation will  take  place
         "next week".
E4     - Ayar, OZ6ACD is back in  Hebron, Palestine and  plans to operate  as
         E44/OZ6ACD after 17 September. QSL via OZ1ACB. [TNX The Daily DX]
EY     - The Tajik  Amateur Radio  League is  using  special call  EY11OO  to
         celebrate 1100 years  of the first  Tajik state  founded by  Ismoili
         Somoni. Activity is planned to take  place on all HF bands CW,  SSB,
         RTTY, PSK31, SSTV. QSL via DJ1SKO.
I      - IK3RIY, IK3ZAW, I3BQC, IK3GHW, and IW3GH will be active  from EU-130
         on 11  September. [TNX IK3RIY]
I      - Mauro, IV3HAX reports  he will participate  in the  WAE SSB  Contest
         (11-12 September)  as  IQ3X. QSL  direct  to  IV3HAX  (Mauro  Lizzi,
         P.O.Box 1, 33034 Fagagna-UD, Italy) or via bureau to IV3SKB.
I      - Weather permitting, I5OYY, I5UKA, IK5JAN and  IK5ONY will be  active
         as I5OYY/IA5  from  Pianosa Island  (EU-028,  IIA LI-016)  on  11-12
         September. QSL via I5OYY. [TNX IK5JAN]
I      - IK4HPU, IK4ZGY and possibly  IK4RSO and IK4XCL  will be active  from
         Guardiola Island (IIA  SP-???) on 12  September. If  the weather  is
         bad, the operation will be postponed until 3 October. QSL via bureau
         to IK4HPU. [TNX IK4HPU]
JA     - Look for 7K4FGQ/1 to be active  (40 and 21 metres SSB) from  Hachijo
         Island (AS-043) between 9 and 13 September. QSL via home call.  [TNX
S DX@WW $425WW436B
425 DX News #436 [2/5]
 11 September 1999                No 436                       $425WW436B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

OD     - Ali, JY4NE  will  be active  as  OD/JY4NE from  Lebanon  between  10
         September and the end of the  month. QSL via KB6NAN. [TNX The  Daily
OH0    - Jukka,  OH6LI  reports   that  OH0V   [425DXN  435]   will  now   be
         participating in the SAC CW Contest (18-19 September, 12-12 UTC)  as
         a Multi-Multi entry. Look  for them around  3507, 3527, 7007,  7027,
         14027, 21027  and 28027  kHz. Various  OH0 calls  will be  available
         outside contest  hours mainly  on WARC  bands. QSL  OH0V via  OH4JLV
         either direct (Antti  Tiittala, Akselinkatu  14A, 57130  Savonlinna,
         Finland) or through the bureau.
T8     - Jim, JA3AJ/N7EIU and Kazu, JA3ART/N3JJ will be active (mainly on  10
         and 6 metres) respectively  as T88MM and  T88JJ from Palau  (OC-009)
         between 15 and  19 September. QSL  via home calls  either direct  or
         through the bureau. [TNX JA3ART]
UN     - Leo, UN2O is  active (all bands  CW and  SSB) as  UO100OIL until  15
         September. The special call is for the 100 years of Oil Industry  in
         Kazakstan. QSL via P.O. Box 1, Atyrau 465002, Kazakstan.
VK8    - Stuart, VK8NSB  confirms the  operation from  Melville (OC-173)  and
         Crocker (OC-229) islands will take place  on 4-9 and 11-16  November
         [425DXN  432].   Team  members   are  Stuart/VK8NSB,   Peter/VK8PDG,
         Allan/VK2NNN and Extra Class operator Peter/ZL1HN.  Plans are to  to
         have four stations running on  10-80 metres SSB,  CW, RTTY. A  fifth
         operator would be  welcome: if  you want  to join  the team,  please
         contact Stuart at vk8nsb@octa4.net as soon  as possible. QSL  direct
         to VK9NS or through the VK8  bureau. The web page for the  operation
         is at http://www.rustman.com/IOTA 
VP5    - Chris, HB9CYV and Martin,  HB9CYN will be  active (on 10-160  metres
         SSB and CW) as VP5/HB9CYV and VP5/HB9CYN from North Caicos  (NA-002)
         between 16  and 26  September. QSL  via  home calls,  either  direct
         (outside Europe 2$ or 2 IRCs)  or through the bureau. The  addresses
         are Chris Zeller, Jaegerstr.  19, CH-8200 Schaffhausen,  Switzerland
         (HB9CYV) and  Martin  Ghermi, Wyden  5,  CH-5242  Birr,  Switzerland
         (HB9CYN). Logs will be available at  http://mypage.bluewin.ch/hb9cyn
         [TNX HB9CYN]
W      - Eight operators from the Michigan DX  Association will be active  as
         KC8MHX from Beaver Island (USI MI032L,  it does not count for  IOTA)
         on 10-17  September.  QSL  via  W8VOM  at  MDXA-BEAVER,  O-947  Lake
         Michigan Dr, Grand Rapids, MI 49544,  USA. The web site for the  MDA
         is at http://members.tripod.com/~CYBERHAM/WMDXA.html [TNX W8VOM]
W      - Tony, WF1N and Lou, W1DIG will be active (10, 15 and 20 metres  SSB)
         from Appledore Island,  Isles of Shoals  (NA-148) between around  19
         UTC on 17  September and around  12 UTC on  the 20th.  QSL via  home
         calls either direct or through the bureau. [TNX WF1N]
XU     - Andy, G4ZVJ will be in Cambodia from 15 September for  approximately
         10 days  and has  applied  for an  XU  licence (call  unknown  yet).
         Activity will be CW only. After  XU, Andy will operate as  DU3/G4ZVJ
         and HS0/G4ZVJ up to 6 October. QSL via G4ZVJ. [TNX G4ZVJ]
Z3     - YL operator IV3FSG is going to  Skopje, Macedonia on a  humanitarian
         mission until around the end of the month. She hopes to be active as
         Z38/IV3FSG on SSB and RTTY. QSL via home call.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

ARAC:         The  web  site  for  the  Amateur  Radio  Association  of   the
              Democratic Republic of Congo is at
QSL DBASE:    Boye Christensen, OZ7C  has updated  his QSL  DBase (which  now
              contains 230,372 unique  records) for Packet  Cluster. You  can
              download oz7c0999.exe at
              A search engine is  available  at  http://www.hammall.com  [TNX   OZ7C, 
S DX@WW $425WW436C
425 DX News #436 [3/5]
 11 September 1999                No 436                       $425WW436C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

FAKES  --->  Michael  Bondarev,  UA6LU  (President  of  Rostov-on-Don  region
radioclub) reports the "official information" coming from the local licencing
authorities about RV6LAH, whose licence has  not been "released to  anybody".
RV6LAH has been claimed as the  QSL manager for  EP3LAH, EP/RA6LGM and  EK1X:
save your time and money!

MOST WANTED SURVEY ---> Carl Smith,  N4AA is conducting the 1999 DX  Magazine
Most Wanted Survey. If you want to send Carl the ones you need, please  visit
his web site at http://www.dxpub.com and  from the home  page go directly  to
the survey. The results will be published in the January/February 2000  issue
of The  DX Magazine.  They will  also be  posted to  the  web site  around  1
February. [TNX N4AA]

QSL 1A0KM & HV4NAC ---> QSL manager Francesco Valsecchi, IK0FVC reports he is
receiving several complaints, especially from the U.S., about his QSLling for
these two stations. Francesco (often helped out by Ugo, I0CUT) usually  mails
the cards from the Vatican Post  Office once every 30/45 days  and if you  do
not receive your card(s) within a reasonable  time, it is because he has  not
received your request. He is  aware some problems  occurred with the  Italian
post administration and last week he  went personally to  the Post Office  to
complain. If you are still waiting for your card(s), please send him  another
request - do not enclose any green stamp or IRC, just a SAE. [TNX IK0FVC]

QSL 8Q7AM ---> Jose, EA5MB reports  he is the new QSL  manager for 8Q7AM.  He
has the logs from 1994 (available at http://www.ctv.es/USERS/ea5mb).

QSL P29VHX --->  Uwe, DJ9HX made  8280 QSOs during  his recent  trip to  four
Papua New Guinea groups: 2330 from OC-153, 2558 from OC-008, 906 from OC-025,
2486 from OC-034. He expects to process direct cards before Christmas. Bureau
cards can be requested at uwe.jaeger@fh-heilbronn.de [TNX DJ9HX]

QSL YI1AK ---> Cards for contacts made before 4 December 1996 should be  sent
direct to A. Karim Hadi, P.O. Box 7476, Baghdad, Iraq as Russ, AD5W does  not
have any logs before that date. [TNX The Daily DX]

QSL VIA PA3GIO ---> Cards for  S79GI and all of  Bert's operations should  be
sent to PA3GIO either direct (Bert  vd Berg, Parkln  38, Woudenberg 3931  KK,
The Netherlands) or  through the PA  bureau. Do NOT  use his  address in  the

T32DT ---> Helmut, DL9MFU reports he is not the QSL manager for this station.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL       MANAGER       CALL       MANAGER       CALL        MANAGER       
3C1GS      EA5BYP        EJ8IM      N9TGR         PY4CEL      PY4KL
3D2CB/R    OK1CF         EL2WW      ON5NT         R1ANF/A     RK1PWA
3D2KT      OK1KT         EM1U       UT7UA         RI9C        UA9CDV
3W7TK      OK1HWB        EM4U       VA3UZ         RK3DZJ/1    RA3DEJ
3XY2A      ON4QY         EN130I     UT1IZA        RS9O        UA9OBA
3Z0AIR     SP7LZD        EO0GLH     US4QWA        RT1U        VA3UZ
3Z0BLY     SP2PMW        EO1000UT   UR7UT         RX9W        RW9WA
3Z0MDL     SP2UUU        EO5U (93)  VA3UZ         RY1U        VA3UZ
3Z0MMS     SP7LZD        EO8IL      UT8IO         RY2U        VA3UZ
3Z0RP      SP4KGB        EP2MKP     UA6HPR        S01A        EA2JG
3Z1NQF     SP1NQF        ER0F       UX0FF         S21YJ       SM5VZS
3Z5PW      DL3KDC        ES0DX      DL6QK         S79GI       PA3GIO
3Z60H      SP2FJN        ES75M      ES1QD         SI9AM       SM3CVM
3Z60O      SP2HJN        ES80Q      ES5RY         SN0KM       SP2BIK
3Z60P      SP2AYC        EW2CR      NF2K          SN2KM       SP2BIK
3Z60W      SP2BNJ        EY9/RA3OO  DJ1SKO        SO1VAF      DL7VAF
4L1UN      IK7JTF        EZ8CQ      I2JSB         SU1CS       9K2CS
4L8A       OZ1HPS        FK/F5CW    F5PED         SU9ZZ       OM3TZZ
4N0X       YU7KMN        FK/F6BUM   F2VX          SV0IE       DL2YAG
4N1EA      YU1EFG        FM5WC      F3WC          SV2AEL/SV8  SV2AEL
4S7DA      W3HNK         FO0DEH     ON4QM         SV8/DJ8OB/P DJ8OB
5A30       K1WY          FO0MSN     JL6MSN        T24DX       EA4CP
5B4/G3VMW  G3VMW         FO0SAL     EA5XX         T32BI       KH6DFW
5B4/G3ZEM  G3ZEM         FO5QG      XE1L          T32RT       WC5P
5H3US      WA8JOC        FT5YG      F5LBL         T88JR       JH3FJG
5H8TL      W7RNF         FT5ZJ      F2YT          T88ME       7N1RTO
5N0ZKD     OK1KN         FY5FU      F5PAC         T88XW       JA6QXW
5N3CPR     SP5CPR        FY5GS      F6FNU         T88XX       JA1OYP
5R8FL      F5TBA         GB2MUL     GI0DVU        T94DO       DJ2MX
5U7DG      K4SE          GX6YB      G3SWH         TA/XE1HR    XE1HR
5W0VV      OK1KT         H2E        SM0TGG        TA1FA       TA1AL
6K0ZS      IK2DUW        HD6DX      EA4URE        TA2DS/0     WA3HUP
6W1/KE4EK  VA3UZ         HI3CR      AD4Z          TE8CI       TI5KD
6W1/N2WCQ  VA3UZ         HI3JH      AD4Z          TM8TON      F5KKU
7S1LGT     SM1TDE        HI3K       AD4Z          TP10CE      F6FQK
8Q7KY      JA2BDR        HI4M       AD4Z          TP4CE       F6FQK
8Q7SN      JA2GQT        HK136P     HK6LRP        TR8VP       F6FNU
8Q7TV      F6BEE         HL0YDM     HL5FUA        TX8LH       VK4FW
8Q7YS      JA2BDR        HS0/G3VFU  W3HNK         UE0JX       RA0JX
S DX@WW $425WW436D
425 DX News #436 [4/5]
 11 September 1999                No 436                       $425WW436D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

9A2000B    9A7K          HS1NIV     W1ZS          UE2FLT      UA2FM
9G1MR      IK3HHX        HS2CRU     DL2FDK        UE3DZS      RK3FV
9H3WD      OK1AD         HS4BPQ     E21EIC        UE9WAA      RW9WA
9H8E       HB9DLE        HU4U       EA4URE        UN7FK       W3HNK
9K2/KA1FF  KA1FFO        HZ1AB      K8PYD         UO100OIL    UN2O
9K2/SP5UA  SP5PBE        I8/IK8YVG  IK8YFU        UP100A      UN5A
9M2JI      JK1AJX        IE9/IT9OPS IT9ABY        UR3IWA      KI6T
9M2K       9M2AA         II2I       IK2LOL        US9D        VA3UZ
9M2PS      HB9AAP        II2V       I2ARN         UT4UXW      VA3UZ
9M2TD      JR4PDP        II4R       IK4UOP        UT4UZ       VA3UZ
9M8CC      PB0ALB        IO4I       IK4QIB        V51LK       DJ4LK
9M8DX/2    9V1XE         IQ2A       I2UIY         V73CW       AC4G
9N1UZ      VA3UZ         IU9C       IT9HLC        V73MSM      N8MSM
9V1XE      DL2DBR        J41LH      SV3AGQ        V85SS       JA4ENL
9V8BG      JL1MWI        J43DIG     DJ8OT         VE1/DH8IAT  DH8IAT
9V8YC      AA5BT         J45KLN     SM0CMH        VE2IM       VA3UZ
A35LU      K1LU          J47LHA     SV7CO         VP2MDD      M0AEP
A35RK      W7TSQ         JW/DJ3KR   DH3MH         VP5/KM9D    OM2SA
A35TU      K1LU          JY4NE      KB6NAN        VP6YL       K6RPF
A45XU      W3HNK         JY4NE/OD5  KB6NAN        VP8LGT      VP8LP
A61AO      N1DG          JY9NX      JH7FQK        VQ9GB       K7GB
A61AP      IK7JTF        K5FUV/KH0  K1NO          VQ9QM       W4QM
A61AS      YO3FRI        K7ASU/KH9  K7ASU         VQ9SF       VQ9IO
A92BE      W3HNK         KH0/JN1QXT JN1QXT        VU3HCF      VU2IIH
A92GJ      N1SHM         KH0/JN1WTK JN1WTK        VY0TA       VE2BQB
AH6PN/HR6  W7TSQ         KH0/JN1WXW JN1WXW        W2SF/TF     W2SF
AY0N       LU2NI         KH2D       K8NA          WP3X        W3FG
BA1DU/7    W3HC          KH6/K2PLF  K2PLF         XE1/N8SHZ   N8SHZ
BA7QT      W3HNK         KM9D/C6A   OM2SA         XX9SC       XX9AU
C56/G0SAH  G0SAH         L27DIR     LU7DIR        XX9TEP      K8EP
C56EL      ON4CEL        L27DSY     LU7DSY        XX9TUP      JL3VUL
CF3UZ (98) VA3UZ         N2WCQ      VA3UZ         YC0IEM      VK4FW
CN2BR      F5IQG         NH6D/KH3   N6FF          YI1AK       AD5W
CN8KD      EA5XX         NP3WS      WP4HNN        YI1FLY      KK3S
CO2JZ      XE1CI         OD5PI      IK7JTF        YI1SEA      WA3HUP
CO6XN      HK6DOS        OE2S       OE2VEL        YN9HAU      HR1RMG
CO8DM      KU9C          OH0EA      OH2KMG        Z2/DL6DQW/P DL6DQW
CO8LY      EA7ADH        OH0JJS     OH6LI         Z24S        W3HNK
CP6XE      IK6SNR        OH0V       OH4JLV        ZC4ATC      5B4YX
CY9RF      K8RF          OL2W       OK1AD         ZD8V        KF4OOX
D2GG       CT1GG         OL5Y       OK1MG         ZF2CQ       W7TZ
D2YY       CT1GG         OT6P       ON7RN         ZG2FX       G3RFX
DA1LDN     ON4LDN        OT7P       ON7RN         ZK1KTT      OK1KT
DS0GL      HL1VAU        OT8P       ON7RN         ZP8/LU5YBU  ZP8YA
E21CJN     W3PP          OT9P       ON7RN         ZS6Z        ZS6EZ
E44A       KB6NAN        OY4LY      K3JA          ZS8D        ZS6EZ
EA4ENB/p   EA4CBA        P29BI      VK4EJ         ZV7G        PY7MEU
EA9AU      EA9IB         P29CC      K1WY          ZW2Z        PY2ZI
ED1LET     EA1ATT        P29KPH     K5YG          ZW5B        PY5EG
ED2GPL     EA2CBY        P29VHX     DJ9HX         ZW5VB       PP5VB
ED5VRA     EA5URA        P39P       5B4ES         ZW7FC       PS7KM
ED7LCR     EA7URU        PQ5L       PP5LL         ZX4C        PY1ARS/4
ED9CCA     EA9CE         PR5L       PP5LL         ZY5YZ       PP5LL

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********

4K6AB      Victor S. Kaysyn, A Navoi Str 22 kv 26, 370072 Baku, Azerbaijan
4L1W       Georgian Independent Radio Club "IVERIA", P.O. Box 49, 380002
           Tbilisi, Georgia
7L1MFS     Hiroshi "Yoh" Yoshida, P.O. Box 1445, Bangkok 10500, Thailand
9M2KT      Phoa Kia Teck, P. O. Box 178, 10720 Penang, Malaysia
9M2VZ      Moay Siew Loon, 17, Lorong Tenang, 11600 Penang, Malaysia
9V1JA      Naoshi Oinuma, 43 Jurong East Ave. 1, # 18-02, Singapore 60778,
9V1XE      Mirek Rozbicki, 7 Seletar Terrace, Singapore 806908
BA4DW      David Y. J. Zhou, P. O. Box 040-088, Shanghai 200040, China
BA7JA      P.O. Box 1713, Guangzhou 510600, People's Republic of China
BD5ENA     S. H. Shen, 5 Gaotabu Road, Chongfu, Zhen, Tong Xiang, Zhejiang
           314511, China
BD7LV      Huang Zai Wei, P. O. Box 652, Guangzhou 510220, China
BG4RCF     Wang Yu Ping, P. O. Box 538, Nanjing 210029, China
BY4CCM     P. O. Box 150-602, Shanghai 202150, China
CT1END     Jose Carlos B. Nora, Urb. Massam Norte Lt.72 2.Dto., Casal da
           Barota, 2745 Belas, Portugal
D44BC      Julio, P.O. Box 36, Mindelo, Republic of Cape Verde, via Portugal
DF5WA/6Y5  Berthold Faisst, Hegelstrasse 3, D-55122 Mainz, Germany
DS1ILV     P. O. Box 54, Dongjak, Seoul 156-600, Korea
DS2KPB     Park Chul Soo, P. O. Box 63, Inchon 400-600, Korea
DS4NMP     105-803 Ilsung Apt., 522 Pyoung-Hwa Dong 1 Ga, Wansangu, Chonju
           560-280, Korea
DU3NHK     Noboru Kobayakawa, 650 Pinatubo St., Clarkview, Angeles City 2009,
DU8DJ      Alfredo C. Sarau, P. O. Box 275, Zamboanga City 7000, Philippines
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                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

E20GJW     Pornchai Olarikded, P. O. Box 1090, Bangkok 10903, Thailand
EA4CP      Jose Diaz, Doce de Octubre #4, E-28009 Madrid, Spain
EX8F       Vlad Y. Sudakov, Box 2, Kara-Balta 5, 722030 Kyrgystan
FO5PI      Laurent Fievre, B. P. 110 402, F-98709 Mahina, France
FO5QS      Patrick Freys, Box 643, F-98731 Fare, Huahine, France
HH2SJR     via Javier, P.O. Box 349, Benidorm 03500, Spain
HL0RRC     P. O. Box 188, Mokpo 530-360, Korea
HL1CG      Song, Gae Hwa APT 107-305, Bang Hwa 3 Dong, Seoul 157-781, Korea
HL1OYF     P. O. Box 54, Dongjak, Seoul 156-600, Korea
HL1SRJ     P. O. Box 54, Dongjak, Seoul 156-600, Korea
HL1SYB     P. O. Box 54, Dongjak, Seoul 156-600, Korea
HL2KAK     Sung-Rok Cho, 308-502, Sung Po-Dong, Ansan 425-040, Korea
HL3ADI     Bae Jung-Ho, P. O. Box 50, Taejon 300-600, Korea
HL3QZH     Kyung-Jin Yoon, 62-14 Sinsok-Ri, Hapdok-Eup, Tangjin 343-900,
HL4CRV     Hak Goh Lee, P. O. Box 188, Mokpo 530-360, Korea
HL4GXA     Kang Young Kwi, 105-803 Ilsung Apt., 522 Pyoung-Hwa Dong 1 Ga,
           Wansangu, Chonju 560-280, Korea
HL4RAE     P. O. Box 188, Mokpo 530-360, Korea
HR1RTF     Rodney, P. O. Box 436, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
IT9NGN     P.O. Box 16, 98042 Pace del Mela - ME, Italy 
JA1JCF     Nobushige Hyakutake, 4-5-12 Egota, Nakano-Ku, Tokyo 165-0022,
JA4PXE     Joe S. Kuwahara, 1-74 Midorimachi, Tokuyama 745-0075, Japan
JE5WJM     Hiroyuki Maeda, 2430-1 Kawahigashi-Kami, Kagawa-Cho 761-1706,
JI3DST     Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka 545-0021,
JL3VUL     Hideki Noma, 15-15 Fujigadai, Himeji, 670-0066 Japan
K1WY       K1WY DX Association,  P.O. Box 90, 9900 Eeklo, Belgium
K1WY       K1WY DX Association, P.O. Box 2644, Hartford, CT 06146-2644, USA
K2PLF      Marty Green, 1950 Mount Horeb Road, Street, MD 21154-1006, USA
KB6NAN     Dianna R. Killeen, P.O. Box 911, Pescadero, CA 94060-0911, USA
KF4OOX     Paul L. Hutley, 298 Logan Avenue, Sharon, PA 16146, USA
LU7DIR     Jose E. Campos, P.O. Box 26, 1650 San Martin - Buenos Aires,
LU7DSY     Carlos Almiron, Box 709, 8000 Bahia Blanca, Argentina
LV2V       Radio Club General Roca, P.O. Box 34, 8332 General Roca - RN,
LX1TI      Carlo Trezzi, P. O. Box 117, L-4901 Bascharage, Luxembourg
OH4JLV     Antti Tiittala, Akselinkatu 14A, 57130 Savonlinna, Finland
OH6LI      Jukka Klemola, Aarontie 5, 31400 Somero, Finland
ON4QM      Marcel Dehonin, Eversestraat 130, B-1932 Saint-Stevens-Woluwe,
PJ2/KF6JSP Bob Hervatine, 31868 Ruth Hill Toad, Squaw Valley, CA 93675, USA
PY7MEU     Eglaube Rocha, Box 322, 50001-970 Recife-PE, Brazil
RA0JX      Vladimir I. Babynin, P.O. Box 1, Zeya-3, Amurskaya Obl., 676200,
RK1PWA     Nick Shapkin, P.O. Box 73, 164744 Amderma, Arkhangelskaja, Russia
RW1AI      Mikhail I. Piskizjov, P.O. Box 2, St. Petersburg, 195009,  Russia
SV1AMH     Dimitris Verrios, K. Theotoki 2, GR-114 01 Athens, Greece
SV1CIB     Dimitris Lianos, P. O. Box 127, GR-301 00 Agrinio, Greece
SV1EPI     John Vrellos, 64 S. Karageorga Str., GR-166 75 Glyfada, Greece
SV1RK      Michalis Krideras, P. O. Box 87535, GR-185 07 Pireaus, Greece
SV2AEL     P.O. Box 22013, Thessaloniki 55310, Greece 
SV2BXY     Antonis Kambakis, 3, Omirou str., GR-566 26 Thessaloniki, Greece
SV2DFA     Papadopoulos Giannis, Eteokleous 40, GR-542 50 Thessaloniki,
SV7/UY0MF  George V. Sobolevsky, P. O. Box 135, Lugansk 348042, Ukraine
TI5KD      Carlos William Diez, Box 195, Belen Heredia 4005, Costa Rica
TK5NJ      Alexandre Pellegrinetti, B. P. 223, F-20179 Ajaccio, France
UA6HPR     Alan Latyshev, P. O. Box 999, Stavropol 355044, Russia
V51AS      Frank Steinhauser, P. O. Box 2516, Swakopmund, Namibia
V63AO      Box 607, Kosrae 96944, Micronesia
VA3UZ      Yuri Onipko, 2313 Lakeshore Blvd.W., # 1014, Etobicoke, ON, M8V
           1A8, Canada
VE9MY      Len Morgan, 21 Susan Drive, Saint John, NB, E2N 1P2, Canada
VK9NS      Jim Smith, P.O. Box 90, Norfolk Island, NI 2899, Australia
VP2MHN     John Nistico, 29 Crown Street, Deer Park, NY 11729, USA
VP5/K8JIF  Ed Matthews, 5030 Sharon Hill Drive, Columbus, OH 43235, USA
VP8LP      Bob McLeod, PO Box 474, 75 Davis Street, Stanley, Falkland Islands
VU2ABE     Abie Kenneth Alexander, Norabie Cottage, G. P. O. Box 73, Shillong
           793 001, India
VU2CVS     V. S. N. Chowdary, Sri Annapurna Rice Mill, Edida Road, Mandapeta
           533 308, India
VU2IIH     Indian Institute of Hams, P. O. Box 1927, Bangalore 560 019, India
YC0GJS     Gjellani Joostman Sutama, P. O. Box 6122 JKPMT, Jakarta 10310,
YC4TUU     Helmi Machmud, P. O. Box 51/TK, Lampung 35211-A, Indonesia
YC5YAS     S. Madaruddin, Jl. Riau No. 04 Bengkong PLTD, Batam 29432,

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