DX425 bulletin issue nr. 433

S DX@WW $425WW433A
425 DX News #433 [1/6]
  21 August 1999                   No 433                   BID: $425WW433A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

                           >>> CLIPPERTON 2000 <<<

A major all-mode all-band DXpedition to  Clipperton Island (NA-011) is  being
organized to take  place from 26  February through 15  March 2000. The  motor
vessel for the voyage has been  chartered and the licence and landing  permit
have been issued. A multinational team  of skilled and experienced  operators
is being  gathered  and plans  are  to have  six  stations  active  from  two
operating camps. Financial assistance is requested  to offset the high  costs
of the DXpedition  and donations can  be sent  to N7CQQ  Amateur Radio  Club,
Inc., P.O. Box 81, Searchlight, Nevada  89046, USA (account 4961527327,  Bank
of America). For  further information please  contact John  Kennon, N7CQQ  at
n7cqq@laughlin.net [TNX N7CQQ]

3B8    - PI4CC contest group members PA3EPD, PA0VHA,  PB0AIT and PE1ALV  will
         be 3B8/home call from Mauritius Island (AF-049) between 23 September
         and 10 October. They will be  active on all bands  CW, SSB and  RTTY
         (somew 2 metres  EME activity  is possible  as well).  QSL via  home
         calls.   Further   information   will    be   soon   available    at
         http://www.pi4cc.nl [TNX PA3EPD and PA0VHA]
3X     - Karel, ON4QY is active as 3XY2A from Conakry, Guinea for a couple of
         years. QSL via QSL via ON4QY. [TNX The Daily DX]
5W     - PA3AXU will be active (on SSB, CW, RTTY and possibly PSK31) as 5W0GD
         from Western Samoa (OC-097) between 28 September and 14 October. QSL
         via home call  (G.A.M.C. Dijkers,  Dokter P.A.  Cornethof 3,  6669AZ
         Dodewaard, The Netherlands). [TNX PA3AXU]
8Q     - JA2SWH, JA2BDR and JA2GQT are announced to be active (10-40  metres,
         possibly also on 6 metres) respectively  as 8Q7YS (QSL via  JA2BDR),
         8Q7KY (QSL via JA2BDR) and 8Q7SN (QSL via JA2GQT) from the  Maldives
         (AS-013) starting on 19 August, lenght  of stay not mentioned.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
9M2    - Tex, 9M2TO, will be active (mainly  on CW on all bands) from  Redang
         Island (AS-073) between  28 and  31 August.  QSL to  JA0DMV via  the
         bureau or direct to 9M2TO (please note that all the contacts will be
         confirmed automatically through the bureau in late September).  [TNX
         OPDX Bulletin]
5H     - Wayne, K8LEE and Roger, WD8SDL will be active as 5H3/home call  from
         Dar es Salaam, Tanzania between 19 October and 2 November. They will
         participate in the CQ  WW SSB Contest  (Multi/Single) as 5H3US  (QSL
         via WA8JOC). QSL via home calls. [TNX WD8SDL]
A3     - Tony, A35LU is  reported to be  active from  Vava'u Island  (OC-064)
         "until just before Thanksgiving (25 November)".  QSL via K1LU.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
CE     - Marco, CE6TBN plans to  be active as  CE6TBN/p from Quinchao  Island
         (SA-018) on 27-31 August. (on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres SSB, RTTY
         and CW). QSL via CE6TBN  (Marco A. Quijada,  P.O. Box 1234,  Temuco,
         Chile). [TNX CE6TBN]
CO     - Further information on the announced  operation from NA-201  [425DXN
         431] comes from Oscar, HK6DOS. Six operators will be active (on  10,
         15, 20, 40 and 80  metres SSB and  CW) as T46AA  and T46CW from  Key
         Breton for some 60 hours between  26 and 30 August.  In case of  bad
         weather the operation will  be postponed until  next month. QSL  via
DL     - Mario, DJ2MX will  be active (10-80  metres SSB and  CW) as  DJ2MX/p
         from Fehmarn Island (EU-128) between 29 August and 4 September.  QSL
         via home call either  direct (Mario Lovric,  Am Oelberg 11,  D-61231
         Bad Nauheim, Germany) or through the bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
ER     - Special event  station  ER27A will  be  active on  23-31  August  to
         celebrate the independence of Moldova. QSL via ER1DA (Valery Metaxa,
         P.O. Box 9537, Kishinev, MD-2071, Moldova). [TNX ER1CW]
FK     - TX8LH is the call FK8GM, FK8HC  and FK8HW will  be using during  the
         International Lighthouse  Weekend [425DXN  431]. They  will  operate
         with three stations  from Amedee Lightouse  located on Amedee  Islet
         (OC-032, DIFO FK-002). QSL via VK4FW. [TNX FK8GM]
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425 DX News #433 [2/6]
  21 August 1999                   No 433                   BID: $425WW433B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

FO     - Joel, F5JJW will  be active again  as FO0SUC  from Rangiroa,  French
         Polynesia  (OC-066,  DIFO  FO-073)  on  4-9  October,  from  Hivaoa,
         Marquesas Islands (OC-027, DIFO FO-021) on  9-14 October, from  Nuku
         Hiva, Marquesas Islands (OC-027, DIFO FO-023) on 14-19 October, from
         Moorea, French Polynesia (OC-046, DIFO FO-010) on 20-22 October. QSL
         via F5JJW (Joel Suc, La Grange 69440, Taluyers, France). [TNX F5JJW]
GW     - A very big problem with the water supply on Flatholm Island (EU-124)
         has caused the 27 August-1 September GB5FI operation [425DXN 431] to
         be postponed.  The local  health inspector  has put  the island  off
         limits until the problem has been  resolved and now the activity  is
         scheduled to take  place between 29  September and  3 October.  [TNX
HR     - Rene, HR1RMG has been  heard saying that  his Swan Islands  (NA-035)
         operation [425DXN 418] should start around 20 October. [TNX K7SO]
JA     - JF6WTY plans to be active as JF6WTY/6 from Uji Archipelago  (AS-067)
         on 20-22 August. QSL via home  call (Yuichiro Hayashi,  2-40-27-101,
         Murasakibaru, Kagoshima City, 890-0082 Japan). [TNX N6VR and Islands
         On The Web]
JA     - JF2WXS/1 and  JR2UKF/1 will  be active  (CW  and SSB)  from  Hachijo
         Island, Nampo Archipelago (AS-043) on 10-12 September. QSL via  home
         calls. [TNX JI6KVR]
KH2    - Gus, KH2/K4SXT is on 1824 kHz every day between 19.50 and 20.10  UTC
         looking for Europe, Africa and the middle-East. [KH2/K4SXT]
P2     - Steve, VK4EMS/P29BI  is  working  on  Bougainville  Island  (OC-135)
         [425DXN 432]  and can  only  operate in  his  spare time,  which  at
         present is very precious. It  is almost impossible  to know at  what
         times he  will be  QRV. He  has also  recruted the  help of  another
         amateur radio operator on the island (his name is John), who is  new
         to the hobby and not used to  pile-ups - please be patient with  him
         and do not call over the station being worked as this simply  causes
         P29BI to go  QRT. Steve will  be on the  island until late  December
         1999. QSL via VK4EJ (Bernie McIvor,  30 Brennan Parade,  Strathpine,
         Queensland 4500, Australia). [TNX VK4EJ]
PY     - Look for ZW7ZZ to be active (on 10-80 metres CW and SSB) from  Natal
         Lighthouse (DFB RN-07) during  the International Lighthouse  Weekend
         on 21-22 August. QSL via PS7ZZ (Francisco Edvaldo P. de Freitas, Av.
         Sao Miguel  dos  Caribes 31,  Conjunto  Jiqui,  59086-500  Natal-RN,
         Brazil). [TNX PS7AB and PS7ZZ]
PY     - Natal DX Group members Karl/PS7KM, Joao/PS7KT and Janduir/PS7BX will
         participate in the  International Lighthouse Weekend  as ZW7FC  from
         Calcanhar Lighthouse  at Touros,  RN, Brazil.  QSL via  PS7KM.  [TNX
PY     - Vieira/PY1LVF, Pete/PY1NEW/, Lima/PY1NEZ  and Carlos/PU1NEZ will  be
         active (on 6-160 metres SSB and CW) from Ponta Negra Lighthouse (DFB
         RJ-06) during  the International  Lighthouse Weekend.  They will  be
         active as either home call/p or with with the special calls  PR1LIT,
         PT1LIT and PW1LIT. [TNX PY1NEZ]
PY     - PY4CY, PY4UEB, PY4QA, PY4CEL and PY4LIZ will be active on SSB and CW
         from Juiz de Fora on 25  August to celebrate "The Soldier Day".  The
         event is sponsored  by the 4th  Infantry Brigade  of the  Brazialian
         Army. QSL to Evento Radioamadoristico da  4a Bda Inf Mtz, Cx  Postal
         99, 36.001-970  Juiz  de Fora-MG,  Brazil.  For information  on  the
         certificates available,  please contact  Carlos Alberto,  PY4CEL  at
         cipriano@nutecnet.com.br [TNX PY4CEL]
PY     - Tino/PT7AA,     Paulo/PY5APL,     Wallace/PY7DDJ,      Hermes/PY7HH,
         Eglaube/PY7MEU, Lineu/PY7RNE and  Jim/PY7XC will be  active (on  all
         bands SSB and CW) as ZV7G  from the island of Santo Aleixo  (SA-046,
         DIB PE-03) between 3 and 12 September. QSL via PY7MEU either  direct
         (Eglaube Rocha,  P.O.  Box  322,  50001-970  Recife-PE,  Brazil)  or
         through the bureau. [TNX PT7WA]
PY0S   - Randy, WX5L reports that plans are proceeding ahead to provide  RTTY
         gear to the ZX0SK/ZW0SP upcoming DXpedition to St. Peter & St.  Paul
         Archipelago [425DXN  427]. Laptop  computer, TNC  and software  have
         been secured and transportation finalized.  The operation will  take
         place in late September- early October.
PZ     - Bob, K3BYV is active as PZ5DX  from Suriname until at least  January
         2000. Look for him on SSB on 10 or 15 metres between 17.00 and 20.00
         UTC. QSL via K3BYV. [TNX The Daily DX]
SP     - SP2KDS  will  be  active  from   Gdansk-Port  Polnocny  during   the
         International Lighthouse Weekend. [TNX SP5PB]
SV     - A large  group  of  SV  operators  will  be  active  as  J41LH  from
         Melagavi/Heraion  Lighthouse  during  the  International  Lighthouse
         Weekend. QSL via SV3AGQ. [TNX SV1APA]
SV     - Look for  SV8/HA6NL/p (Laci),  SV8/HA6PS/p (Zsolt)  and  SV8/HA6ZV/p
         (Tibor) to be active from Kerkia/Corfu Island (EU-052) between 1 and
         8 September.  They will  operate on  CW  (1831, 3511,  7006,  10104,
         14026, 18071, 21026, 24891  and 28026 kHz),  SSB (1841, 3621,  7051,
         14151, 18151,  21251, 24941  and 28451  kHz) and  RTTY (3591,  7036,
         14081, 21081 and  28081 kHz).  QSL via  home calls.  [TNX HA6NL  and
S DX@WW $425WW433C
425 DX News #433 [3/6]
  21 August 1999                   No 433                   BID: $425WW433C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

T2/3D2 - Roberto, EA4DX confirms will operate from Funafuti, Tuvalu  (OC-015)
         between 26  August and  12 September  (callsign  to be  issued  upon
         arrival) and  then  as  3D2DX  from  Viti  Levu  (OC-016)  until  16
         September [425DXN 423]. Look for him on 3795-3799, 7042-7045, 14195,
         18135, 21295,  24945 and  28395 kHz.  Log search  will be  available
         after he  ruturns home  at http://www.qsl.net/ea4dx/  QSL via  EA4CP
         (Jose Diaz, Doce de Octubre #4, 28009 Madrid, Spain). [TNX EA4DX]
TI     - TI2CDA, TI2WGO, TI5KD, KF4TUG and KM9D have been granted  permission
         to operate from the  biological reserve of  Isla del Cano  (NA-117).
         Look for TE8CI to be active  from this rare  group between until  23
         August. QSL to TI5KD. [TNX KM9D and G3KMA]
UA     - Look for UA1ANA/1 and  RA1ACJ/1 to be  active from Moshchnyy  Island
         (EU-133, RR-01.03) between  22 and 28  August. QSL  via home  calls.
         [TNX UA1ANA]
UA     - Twelve operators from Noginsk-Radioclub (RK3DZJ)  will be active  as
         RK3DZJ/1 from several  islands between  23 August  and 3  September.
         Plans are to operate (with two transceivers, an amplifier, beam  and
         vertical antennas) from EU-147  on 23-27 August,  from EU-066 on  28
         August-1 September and finally from EU-153. They will concentrate on
         Asia and North America. QSL via RA3DEJ. [TNX DL6ZFG and UA3DPB]
UA_ant - R1AND is active from Antarctic  base Novolazarevskaya (AN-016).  QSL
         via RW1AI.
V2     - Team Antigua will once again participate (Multi-Multi) in the CQ  WW
         SSB Contest  (30-31  October) as  V26B  from Antigua  (NA-100).  The
         operators will  also make  special attempts  to be  active on  RTTY,
         PSK31, 160 metres and the WARC bands (there is also a possibility of
         some 6 metres and Satellite operations)  a few days both before  and
         after the contest, indicatively between 25  October and 4  November.
         The members  of  Team Antigua  are:  V26A/N3BNA  (QSL  via  WB3DNA),
         V26AK/N2TK (QSL via N2TK), V26B/WT3Q (QSL via WT3Q), V26DX/W3CF (QSL
         via KU9C),  V26E/AB2E  (QSL via  AB2E),  V26J/WX0B (QSL  via  WX0B),
         V26O/N5NJ (QSL  via N5NJ),  V26OC/N3OC (QSL  via N3OC),  V26R/KA2AEV
         (QSL via KA2AEV), V26SZ/KM5SZ (QSL via KM5SZ), V26TZ/ZP5AZL (QSL via
         W3HNK), V26U/W2UDT (QSL  via W2UDT) and  V26YR/W2YR (QSL via  W2YR).
         The web page for V26B is at http://www.frc-contest.org [TNX  KA2AEV]
VK     - Look for Dan,  VK8AN/p and Peter,  VK8PW/p to be  active from  South
         Goulburn Island (OC-???) between  27 and 29  August. This island  is
         located in  the same  IOTA group  (Northern Territory,  Arafura  Sea
         Coast Centre) which  VK8NSB and others  plans to  activate on  11-16
         November [425DXN  432]. QSL  VK8AN/p direct  only via  VK4AAR  (Alan
         Roocroft, P.O. Box 421, Gatton 4343, Australia). QSL VK8PW/p  direct
         to Peter Wollenberg, Box 2142, Darwin 0801, Australia or through the
         Canadian bureau to VE8RZ. [TNX VK4AAR]
VP2E   - The Dutch operators are now active  from Anguilla (NA-022) and  have
         received their personal  calls as follows:  VP2ECV (PA3GCV),  VP2EEA
         (PA4EA), VP2EET  (PA5ET),  VP2EFM (PA7FM),  VP2EWM  (PA4WM),  VP2EWP
         (PA3EWP). QSL for all via PA5ET. [TNX PA1AW]
W      - The  Englewood  ARS  plans  to  participate  in  the   International
         Lighthouse Weekend on  21-22 August as  K8ONV from  the Boca  Grande
         Lighthouse on Gasparilla  Island (NA-069). QSL  via K8ONV. [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
W      - The Florida DXpedition Group will  be active (SSB,  CW and RTTY)  as
         W4A during the International Lighthouse Weekend (21-22 August)  from
         the lighthouse  located  on Amelia  Island  (NA-138). QSL  via  N5VL
         either direct or through the bureau. [TNX N2WB]
W      - Operators from the Great South Bay ARC, Islip ARES Group and Suffolk
         County Radio Club will be active  as W2GSB/Lighthouse from the  Fire
         Island Lighthouse  (NA-026, USI  NY-013S) during  the  International
         Lighthouse Weekend.  QSL  direct  to  W2GSB  (P.O.  Box  1356,  West
         Babylon, NY  11704, USA).  The  web page  for  the Great  South  Bay
         Amateur Radio Club is at http://www.gsbarc.org
ZK1   -  Wolf, ZK1SCQ,  and Ann,  ZK1SCR,  are reported  not  to be  able  to
         operate from Palmerston Atoll (OC-124) this year. Their activity was
         scheduled on 28-31  August [425DXN 417].  They are already  planning
         their  2000  activity,  which  they  hope  will  include  not   only
         Palmerston, but  Pukapuka (OC-098)  and Suwarrow  (OC-080) as  well.
         [TNX N7RO]
ZL7    - Lothar, DJ4ZB confirms he will be active as ZL7ZB [425DXN 429]  from
         the Chatham Islands (OC-038) between 31 January and 2 March 2000. He
         will operate  from the  Chatham Hotel.  QSL  via home  call  (Lothar
         Grotehusmann,  Quaekerstrasse  35,  D-13403  Berlin,  Germany)  [TNX

LIGHTHOUSE WEEKEND ---> Many stations participating in this year's event will
be operating from lighthouses  located on islands:  for instance DF0WLG  from
Greifswalder Oie (EU-057), GM0HLV from Stroma  (EU-123), OZ4EDR from  EU-030,
VK4CHB from Fraser  Island (OC-142), VK7TS/5  from Kangaroo Island  (OC-139),
W7VR from  Whidbey Island  (NA-065), ZS1DUP  and  ZS1GRM from  Robben  Island
(AF-064). A list  of stations and  QSL routes is  maintained by Jim  Weidner,
K2JXW at http://www.waterw.com/~weidner/ld.htm
S DX@WW $425WW433D
425 DX News #433 [4/6]
  21 August 1999                   No 433                   BID: $425WW433D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DIFO ---> The following  new DIFO (French  Overseas Islands Award)  reference
numbers have  been issued  recently: FO-128  Motu  Tane Island  (Bora  Bora),
FO-129 Huahine Iti (QTH of FO5QS),  FK-075 Lango Island, FK-076 Loop  Island.
The full DIFO Island List is a t http://perso.easynet.fr/~f5nod/ [TNX F5NOD]

DX CONVENTION ---> The XV Italian HF-DX Convention  will take place at  Sasso
Marconi  and  Pontecchio  Marconi  (Bologna)  on  25-26  September.   Further
information is available from ARI Bologna at assradbo@iperbole.bologna.it

IOCA ---> 9A6AA (emahmuto@zg.tel.hr) is the Award Manager for the Islands  Of
Croatia Award  (IOCA). For  further information  on this  award please  visit

LACCADIVES 2000 ---> The Daily DX  reports that the September 1999  operation
from the Lakshadweep/Laccadive Islands [425DXN 430] has been postponed  until
March 2000 "due to some of the final approvals and personal schedules".

QSL BY7WGL ---> JO6WGJ is *not* the  QSL manager for BY7WGL, whose QSL  route
is P.O. Box 127, Guilin, 541002, People's Republic of China. [TNX BD7NQ]

QSL RZ1OA/A --->  Please note that  G3TOK can confirm  only contacts made  in
1992-94. Otherwise cards  should be  sent to  RZ1OA (Vlad  Saldakov, Box  48,
Arkhangelsk 163040, Russia). [TNX G3ALI and Islands On The Web]

QSL  SV1BSX  --->  Cards  for  Mak,  SV1BSX  (sv1bsx@hotmail.com)  should  be
requested either direct or through the  French *** REF Bureau  33 ***, as  he
reports he is not a member of RAAG any longer. [TNX SV1BSX]

QSL VP6PAC --->  Cards for  this club  station on  Pitcairn island  (OC-044),
which is currently very active, should be addressed to Pitcairn ARC  Station,
Box 73, Pitcairn Island via New Zealand. [KB6NAN]

QSL YC9BU  ---> Kadek,  YC9BU reports  that due  to the  current  unfavorable
exchange rate, US$1 does not cover return postage, while 1 IRC is no problem.

QSL VIA DJ2MX ---> Mario is  the QSL manager for  T92T, T94DO, T94DX,  T94MZ,
T95LYS and VK4SK. QSL either direct (Mario Lovric, Am Oelberg 11, Bad Nauhein
61231, Germany) or through the DARC bureau. Bureau cards can be requested  at
http://www.qsl.net/dj2mx [TNX VK4NM]

QSL VIA IK2DUW ---> Antonello is the new QSL manager for 3W6LI, 3W6KA, EK6LV,
BA4RE, RU0LL and RU0LL/p (AS-066). QSL to Antonello Passerella, P.O. Box  22,
20051 Limbiate - MI, Italy. [TNX IK2DUW]

UA0FAA ---> Please note the correct Box number is 43 [425DXN 432]:  Vladislav
Domoskanov, P.O.Box 43, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 693000,  Russia. Apologies for  the
typo. [TNX UA0FZ]
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425 DX News #433 [5/6]
  21 August 1999                   No 433                   BID: $425WW433E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DX          DX-Central DotCom contains lots of useful information for DXers -
            it is worth a visit at http://www.dx-central.com/
DXTELNET:   Fabrizio, IK4VYX (rac2610@racine.ra.it)  reports the new  version
            (4.6) of DXTelnet is now available at
LOGS:       The  logs   for  M0CIL/C6A   (NA-080)   are  now   available   at
            http://www.qsl.net/on4bam [TNX ON4BAM]
LOGS:       The correct URL for the R1MVA  & R1MV home  page [425DXN 432]  is
LOGS:       Doug, N6RT  reports the  following new  logs  are now  online  at
            http://dx.qsl.net/logs: JW/DF6VI  and  JW/DL4OCM  (August  1999),
            KH3/NH6D (through 13 August), 9K2HN  (through 11 August),  TM0AIN
            (through June  1999), KH2/N2NL  (through 27  July), G5M  &  GB0SM
            (IOTA EU-011, July 1999)
LOGS:       The full V47 + PJ7 and FS logs of the 1999 Caribbean Tour by  the
            Dutch      operators       are       now       available       at
            http://www.muurkrant.com/pi4com/tour99/index.html [TNX PA1AW]
MANAGERS:   Giancarlo, T77WI reports the DBase Manager Query on his web  site
            (http://www.inthenet.sm/arrsm/lstlog_f0.htm)  is  again  up   and
T31 & ZK3:  The home  page for  the "Double  Trouble" DXpedition  to  Central
            Kiribati  and  the   Tokelau  Islands  [425DXN   431]  is   under
            construction at  http://www.qsl.net/t31t  (e-mail  t31t@qsl.net). 
            [TNX LA7MFA]

QSL received via direct:   3B9FR, 3B9R, 3D2TN,  3V8BB, 3V8DJ (AF-083),  4K8F,
4L4MM, 4S7AB, 4Z0A (AS-100),  5A1A, 6K0ZS, 6O1Z,  7X2LS, 7X4AN, 9V1YC,  BY1DX
(OH2BH),  CE0AA,  CE7OXZ  (SA-018),  CY9SS  (VY2SS),  E30LA  (AF-080),  E44DX
H40MS, H44XX, HC8/N0JK  (N0JK), IJ9/IT9SGC (IIA  SR-017), IK2HTW/1 (ILIA  PIE
002, 006, 007), IK2HTW/2 (ILIA LOM 009), IK2TCZ/2 (ILIA LOM-009),  IL7/IK7VJX
(IIA FG-001),  J3/N7OV  (N7OV),  JA9XBW/JD1,  JD1AMA,  JT1DA,  JT1Y  (I0SNY),
(EU-056), LU6Z, N4XP/V7 (N4XP), N6MZ/KH9,  N6VV/7 (NA-169), NH6D/KH3,  OD5NJ,
(EA2JG), SV2ASP/A, T22KJ (JA1KJW), T30R (OK1RD), T33RD (OK1RD), T88DX, TN2FB,
TR8BAR (4/97), TR8VP,  UA0QBC (AS-028),  UA9AB, UK8GK  (RW6HS), V26B  (WT3Q),
V63AO (OC-059),  VE1WT (NA-081),  VE7TTL  (NA-051), VK4CAY  (OC-227,  G3ZAY),
VK4CAY/5 (OC-228, G3ZAY),  VK6APK, VK6EWI (OC-170,  VK6NE), VK9XZ/6  (OC-211,
VK6UE), VP5/WQ7X  (SP5INQ), VR97BG,  XU1A  (JH1AJT), XUX0  (7L1MFS),  YB1AQU,
YB1FCC, YB5QZ (W3HNK), YC4TP/9 (OC-147), YM0S (AS-099), ZC4ATC (5B4YX), ZL9CI

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425 DX News #433 [6/6]
  21 August 1999                   No 433                   BID: $425WW433F

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  23/08      3D2: Viti Levu (OC-016), Fiji * by CX3AN & CX4CR       425
till  31/08      4X2J: special station                                  429
till  30/11      8J2POS: special event station (Japan)                  431
till  ??         8Q7YS, 8Q7KY, 8Q7SN: Maldives (AS-013) * by JAs        433
till  31/12      9A770N: special event station (Croatia)                422
till  24/08      9A/IK4MTF/p:  Brac Island (EU-016)                     431
till  2001       9V1XE: Singapore (AS-019) * by VK3DXI                  429
till  26/08      E4: Palestine * by IZ0CKJ, IZ7ATN, IW0FQZ              432
till  August     FK8VHU: New Caledonia                                  401
till  21/08      FK/F6BUM: New Caledonia (OC-032)                       425
till  December   FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL                      401
till  20/12      FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island                                399
till  31/12      HB7OGR: special call                                   428
till  23/08      HU4U: El Salvador * by EAs and YSs                     429
till  04/09      ID9/I2IAU: Eolie Islands (EU-017)                      429
till  25/08      J3/G0STR: Grenada                                      431
till  2001       J87AB: St. Vincent (NA-025) * by G0GPX                 425
till  22/08      K2L: special event call                                431
till  29/08      OZ1DYI: Romoe Island (EU-125)                          431
till  Dec        P29BI: Bougainville Island (OC-135) * by VK4EMS        433
till  22/08      P29VHX: OC-034 (Papua New Guinea) * by DJ9HX           429
till  January    PZ5DX: Suriname * by K3BYV                             433
till  27/08      RI1P: Zelenyy & Lovetskiy Is (EU-102) * by UA9KM et al 432
till  23/08      TE8CI: Isla del Cano (NA-117) * by TIs and Ws          433
till  29/08      TM5FDH: special call (France)                          432
till  22/08      VE2/F5NZO and VE2/F5SSM: Quebec (Canada)               425
till  24/08      VK8AN: Troughton Island (OC-154)                       431
till  25/08      VP2ECV, EA, ET, FM, WM, WP: Anguilla (NA-022) * by PAs 433
till  22/08      W4YO/p: Harbor Island (NA-110)                         432
till  27/11      XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada)              401
till  23/08      XX9TEP: Macau * by K8EP                                432
till  25/08      ZK1SCQ, ZK1SCR: Manihiki (OC-014), No. Cooks * by DLs  417
20/08-22/08      JF6WTY/6: Uji Archipelago (AS-067)                     433
20/08-22/08      LA7G/Lighthouse: EU-056 (Int. Lighthouse Weekend)      432
20/08-23/08      OH8T: EU-126 (International Lighthouse Weekend)        432
20/08-03/09      OZ/DL2VFR: Falster Island (EU-029)                     432
20/08-22/08      HAM FAIR 1999 (Yokohama, Japan)                        425
21/08-22/08      7S1LGT: EU-020 (International Lighthouse Weekend)      431
21/08-22/08      CT1BWW/p or CQ7Q: EU-040 (Lighthouse Weekend)          431
21/08-04/09      ID9/I1SNW: Vulcano Island (EU-017)                     427
21/08-22/08      IQ1L: International Lighthouse Weekend                 431
21/08-22/08      J41LH (International Lighthouse Weekend)               433
21/08-22/08      J47LHA (International Lighthouse Weekend)              432
21/08-22/08      K8ONV: NA-069 (International Lighthouse Weekend)       433
21/08-22/08      PA6STM: special station                                431
21/08-22/08      PR1LIT, PT1LIT, PW1LIT (Lighthouse Weekend)            433
21/08-22/08      SK6NL: International Lighthouse Weekend                431
21/08-22/08      SP2KDS (International Lighthouse Weekend)              433
21/08-22/08      SQ2BXJ: International Lighthouse Weekend               431
21/08-22/08      TF1IRA: EU-021 (International Lighthouse Weekend)      432
21/08-22/08      TX8LH: Amedee Lighthouse (OC-032) * by FK8s            433
21/08-22/08      VE9MY/p: Partridge Island (NA-014) * by VEs            432
21/08-22/08      W1L: International Lighthouse Weekend                  431
21/08-22/08      W: Fabyan Island (USI IL-032R) (Lighthouse Weekend)    431
21/08-22/08      W2GSB: NA-026 (International Lighthouse Weekend)       433
21/08-22/08      W4A: NA-138 (International Lighthouse Weekend)         433
21/08-22/08      ZW7FC (International Lighthouse Weekend)               433
21/08-22/08      ZW7ZZ (International Lighthouse Weekend)               433
21/08-22/08      International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend             413
21/08-22/08      Seanet SSB Contest                                     425
22/08-28/08      3A/F5RBB: Monaco                                       431
22/08-24/08      FK/F6BUM: Ouvea (OC-033), New Caledonia                425
22/08-28/08      UA1ANA/1 and RA1ACJ/1: Moshchnyy Island (EU-133)       433
23/08-31/08      ER27A: special event station (Moldova)                 433
23/08-27/08      RK3DZJ/1: EU-147 * by UAs                              433
23/08-25/08      ZL: North Island (OC-036) * by CX3AN & CX4CR           425
25/08-30/08      FK/F6BUM: Lifou (OC-033), New Caledonia                425
25/08            PY4CY, UEB, QA, CEL, LIZ: special event                433
26/08-31/08      S79GI: Mahe (AF-024), Seychelles * by PA3GIO           431
26/08-11/09      T2: Tuvalu (OC-015) * by EA4DX                         433
26/08-30/08      T46AA and T46CW: NA-201                                433
27/08-31/08      CE6TBN/p: Quinchao Island (SA-018)                     433
27/08-29/08      VK8AN/p and VK8PW/p: South Goulburn Island (OC-???)    433
27/08-29/08      VIII International DX Convention (New Orleans, LA)     423
28/08-29/08      II2V * special A. Volta station                        407
28/08-31/08      9M2TO/p: Redang Island (AS-073)                        433
28/08-29/08      JH1HHC/0 and 7N2UTO/0: Sado Island (AS-117)            431
28/08-03/09      LX0RL: Luxembourg * by DLs and LXs                     432
28/08-01/09      RK3DZJ/1: EU-066 * by UAs                              433
28/08-29/08      PA6STM: special station                                431
28/08            EUDXF DX Meeting                                       432
29/08-04/09      DJ2MX/p: Fehmarn Island (EU-128)                       433
29/08-09/09      IA5/IK0YUJ: Giglio Island (EU-028)                     427
31/08-02/09      FK/F6BUM: Mare (OC-033), New Caledonia                 425
August           ED1OTA and EF1OTA: Cies Islands (EU-080)               432
through Aug      SV1BRL/SV8: Kefallinia (EU-052)                        427
01/09-06/09      9A2000FT: Brioni Islands (EU-110) * by Koprivnica ARC  431
01/09-08/09      SV8/HA6NL/p, SV8/HA6PS/p, SV8/HA6ZV/p: EU-052          433
02/09-14/09      S79GI: Amirante Is (AF-033), Seychelles * by PA3GIO    431
02/09-03/09      RK3DZJ/1: EU-153 * by UAs                              433
03/09-05/09      FK/F6BUM: Les Pins (OC-032), New Caledonia             425
03/09-12/09      ZV7G: Santo Aleixo Island (SA-046) * by PYs            433
04/09-04/12      KH4/SM6FJY: Midway (OC-030) * by SM6FJY and V63YL      429
04/09-05/09      All Asian SSB Contest                                  ***
04/09-05/09      Fielday IARU Region 1 SSB                              ***
04/09            PSK31 Contest                                          428
25/09-26/09      Bologna: The XV Italian HF-DX Convention               433