S DX@WW $425WW432A 425 DX News #432 [1/7] 14 August 1999 No 432 $425WW432A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 7O - The International Amateur Radio Volunteer (IARV) organisation dispatched nine members (including the leader JA1UT) to the Republic of Yemen on 5 August [see "Look out!" in 425DXN 431] until the 19th for voluntary work to establish a hospital communication network in remote areas. The group has donated an amateur radio station to the Ministry of Public Health for use as a club training station. A demonstration has been given. At present the Yemeni engineers are familiarising themselves with the equipment, and listening to amateur radio activity. Due to pressure on the humanitarian project, and the shortage of time for the coaching of the Yemeni engineers on amateur radio operating, it is unlikely that a DX type operation will take place on this visit. [TNX HS0/G3NOM] CT3 - Ben, DJ8FW will be active as CT3/DJ8FW from madeira (AF-014) between 12 and 20 August. Plans are to concentrate on PSK31 mainly in his mornings and evenings, with some CW on the WARC bands if the weather is bad. [TNX UT5RP] E4 - Alessio/IZ0CKJ, Simon/IZ7ATN and Max/IW0FQZ will be active (also on 6 metres) from Palestine between 19 and 26 August. [TNX IW0FQZ] EA - Look for ED1OTA and EF1OTA to be ative from the Cies Islands (EU-080) between 15 and 30 August. QSL direct only to P.O. Box 54, 36980 O Grove (Pontevedra), Spain. [TNX EC1BXI] GM - Jim, GM4CHX plans to be active from a few islands in the Orkneys (EU-009), namely Eynhallow (IOSA OR24, on 16 August starting around midday for a couple of hours only due to to the very strong tides and currents on either side of the island), Fara (IOSA OR17, on 17 August starting around 9.30 UTC) and hopefully Cava (IOSA OR18, later in the afternoon of 17 August). [TNX GM4UZY] I - Claudio, IN3DEI and Antonello, IN3YGW will be IV3/ from Grado (EU-130, IIA GO-001) between 12 and 15 August. They plan to operate on 6-80 metres. QSL via home calls. [TNX IN3DEI] I - Alfredo, IK7JWX and other operators from the Salento DX Team will be active from Capezzone (EU-091, IIA LE-004) on 16 August. [TNX IK7JWX] IS0 - Antonio, IK5NLA will be active (on 10, 15, 20, 12 and 17 metres) as ISO/IK5NLA from Sardinia (EU-024, IIA SD-001) until 21 August. QSL via home call. [TNX IK5NLA] F - Special call TM5FDH will be used between 15 and 29 August. QSL via F5LGF. [TNX F6AJA] LA - Members of Gudbransdal-gruppen of NRRL will be active (on 2-160 metres) as LA7G/Lighthouse from Ona Lighethouse (in the Nordoyane Islands, EU-056) on 20-22 August, International Lighthouse Weekend included. QSL via LA7G either direct or through the bureau. [TNX LA6EIA] LX - A group of German operators from Frankfurt (DARC OV F05) and Luxembourg will join forces and be active as LX0RL from the LX IARU Society HQ at Eisenborn (JN39CQ) between 28 August and 3 September. All of the contacts will be confirmed automatically through the bureau. Direct cards for this activity only go to DL4FCH (Peter Niksch, Saalburgstr. 4, 60385 Frankfurt, Germany). [TNX DL4FCH and LX1KQ] OH - Look for OH8T (operated by OH6CQ, OH6KXL, OH8HQL, OH8MXL and OH8WM) to be active on all bands from Ulkokrunnit (WLH 0846, IOTA EU-126) between 20 and 23 August, International Lighthouse Weekend included. QSL via OH8TA. [TNX OH8BQT] OZ - Look for OZ/DL2VFR to be active from Falster Island (EU-029, SJ-016 for the Danish Islands Award) between 20 August and 3 September. [TNX OZ2ZB] P2 - Steve, VK4EMS is now active (SSB and CW with 100 watts and a G5RV) as P29BI from Bougainville Island (OC-135), Papua New Guinea until late December. He plans to operate in his spare time during the week and to put in a big effort on Sundays. QSL via VK4EJ. [TNX VK4EJ] SP - The following stations are expected to participate in the International Lighthouse Weekend from Poland (location between brackets): SP5PB/1 (Swinoujscie, JO73DW, QSL via SP5PB), SN6F/1 (Kikut, JO73GX, QSL via SP6ECA), SP1EUS/1 (Niechorze, JO74MC), SP1KYB/1 (Kolobrzeg, JO74SE), SQ1DNJ/1 (Gaski, JO84EK), SP1KIZ/p (Jaroslawiec, JO84GM), SP1JX/p (Ustka, JO84KO), SP2POL/p (Czolpino, JO84OR), SN2KM (Krynica Morska, JO94RJ, QSL via SP2BIK), SP1ZZ/p (Stilo, JO84US). [TNX SP6ECA] SV - Special event station J47LHA will be active during the International Lighthouse Weekend (21-22 August) from Alexandroupolis. QSL via SV7CO (P.O. Box 46, 68100 Alexandroupolis, Greece). [TNX SV7CLI] /EX S DX@WW $425WW432B 425 DX News #432 [2/7] 14 August 1999 No 432 $425WW432B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== TF - Look for TF1IRA to be active during the International Lighthouse Weekend (21-22 August) from a Knarrarosviti, a lighthouse on the south coast of Iceland (EU-021), near Stokkseyri. QSL via bureau. [TNX TF3AO] UA - Valery/RW4HW, Victor/UA4RC, Mike/UA9KGH, Valery/UA9KI, Serge/UA9KL, Nikolai/UA9KM and Mike/UA9KO will be active as RI1P from Zelenyy and Lovetskiy Islands (EU-102, RRA new) between 17 and 27 August. QSL via UA9KM (Nikolai Kuprin, P.O.Box 158, Nadym, 626711, Russia). [TNX RW4HW] VE - Ten operators will be active (on 10-80 metres with two stations) as VE9MY/p from Partridge Island (NA-014, CISA NB-009) between around 12.30 UTC on 21 August and 19.00 UTC on the 22nd. QSL via VE9MY: please note his *new* address is Len Morgan, 21 Susan Dr., Saint John, NB, E2N 1P2, Canada. [TNX VE9MY] VK - Stuart/VK8NSB, Peter/VK8PDG, Zoli/HA1AG, Allan/VK2NNN and possibly Jim/VK9NS will be active (on CW, SSB, RTTY and SSTV, hopefully with four stations) from Melville Island (OC-173) on 4-9 November and from Crocker Island in the Northern Territory (Arafura Sea Coast) Centre group (OC-???) on 11-16 November. QSL via VK9NS. One of the objects of the DXpedition will be to show what our hobby is to the children living on the islands. Stuart is looking for amateur radio stations located in schools around the world to help him in this project. If you can provide any financial please contact Stuart at vk8nsb@octa4.net.au as soon as possible. The DXpedition home page is at http://www.rustman.com/IOTA/ [TNX VK8NSB] W - Ed, W4YO will be operating as W4YO/p from Harbor Island (NA-110) between 14 and 22 August. QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX W4YO] XX9 - Ed, K8EP will be active (on 10-80 metres CW and SSB) as XX9TEP from Macau between 18 and 23 August. QSL via K8EP. [TNX The Daily DX] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH DX CONVENTION (SCOTLAND) ---> The 1999 GM DX Convention and DX Dinner will be held on Saturday, 18 September 1999 at the King Robert Hotel, Bannockburn, Stirling starting at 12.30. For further information please contact Tom, GM4FDM at twylie@net.ntl.com [TNX GM4FDM] EUDXF ---> The annual DX Meeting of the EUDXF will take place on 28 August at the DNAT in Bad Bentheim (Germany). More details at http://www.eudxf.de [TNX DX News Letter] FW8ZZ ---> FW8ZZ hit the airwaves once again nearly 35 years after the tragic original expedition by the late Ted Thorpe, ZL2AWJ and Chuck Swain, K7LMU [425DXN 429]. Participants in this memorial expedition were Eric Esposito (FK8GM), Kan Mizoguchi (JA1BK), Leena Laine (OH2BE) and Martti Laine (OH2BH), who logged more than 11,000 QSOs during the 70-hour operation. The FW8ZZ e-mail log search will be available within the next few days. Simply send an e-mail to fw8zz-log@n4gn.com and put your call sign on the SUBJECT line. The search results will be sent to you automatically via return e-mail. QSL via OH2BN (the folded QSL card will include a replica of the original 1966 FW8ZZ card). [TNX N4GN] IOTA 2000 ---> The purpose of the RSGB IOTA Millennium Programme (IOTA 2000) is to celebrate the Millennium, to promote IOTA activity and to have fun on the HF bands. The prgramme will be administered by the Chiltern DX Club-Thew UK DX Foundation on behalf of the RSGB IOTA Committee. For full details please visit http://www.cdxc.org.uk R1MVA & R1MV ---> The 20-operator team from Finland and Russia logged 65,221 QSOs during their 6-15 July activity from Malyj Visotskij. 57196 QSOs were made by R1MVA (29775 CW, 26069 SSB, 1352 RTTY) and 8025 by R1MV (4214 CW, 3811 SSB) during the IARU Contest. Cards will be printed in the near future. QSL via OH2BR (Jukka Heikinheimo, Rikunkuja 4, FI-01420 Vantaa, Finland). The home page for the DXpedition with log check is at http://www.etela-karjala.fi/yhdistykset/viitoset/MVI_1999.htp, while some pictures can be seen at http://www.kolumbus.fi/oh5bm/ [TNX OH2BR] QSL 5R8FU ---> QSL manager SM0DJZ reports he has received the updated logs from 5R8FU. All of QSL requests up to 12 July 1999 were mailed on 9 August. Log-search is available at http://dx.qsl.net/logs/ (where the old logs for T5AR, August 1994-January 1995, can also be found: John still has blank cards for this operation and for YA1AR as well). QSL CO6XN ---> The QSL manager is HK6DOS, whose *new* address is Oscar A. Gaviria, Calle 14 - 25-39, (B. Los Alamos), Pereira, Rda, Colombia. [TNX HK6DOS] QSL EJ7NET ---> Declan, EI6FR reports that there is a change to the QSL information previously announced. Please note that the QSL manager for contacts made with EJ7NET from Ireland's Eye (EU-121, August 1999) is HB9ASZ. QSL EZ8CQ ---> Alex, EZ8CQ reports a "big percentage" of envelopes with direct requests get "lost" in the mail or arrive "opened". He asks DXers not to use his P.O. Box in Ashgabat, but to send their cards direct to W0FS (USA and Japan only) or I2JSB (others). If you want to arrange a sked with Alex, please contact him at stepa@windoms.sitek.net [TNX EZ8CQ] /EX S DX@WW $425WW432C 425 DX News #432 [3/7] 14 August 1999 No 432 $425WW432C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== QSL IK3GES ---> Gabriele, IK3GES reports that requests arrived through 13 August have been processed. From now on he will not reply to direct requests without SAE + return postage any longer. Bureau cards are welcome. QSL LA/SM4DDS/p ---> Cards for Kjell's recent operation from EU-061 can be sent to SM4DDS either via the bureau or direct to the following address: Kjell Bonerfalt, P.O. Box 140, Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand. [TNX SM4DDS] QSL RU0LL/p ---> Antonello, IK2DUW reports that he now has the logs for RU0LL/p's operations from EU-066 between 1996 and 1 August 1999. QSL to Antonello Passerella, P.O. Box 22, 20051 Limbiate - MI, Italy QSL WP3C ---> Alfredo, WP3C reports his new QSL manager is W3HNK. WAE CW DX CONTEST ---> The Worked All Europe CW DX Contest will take place on 14-15 August. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: Alex, PA1AW reports that the full PJ7 and FS logs (some 9700 QSOs in five days) and the first V47 logs of the 1999 Caribbean Tour by the Dutch operators are now available at http://www.muurkrant.com/pi4com/tour99/index.html LOGS: The GB0SM (22-29 July) and G5M (24-25 July) logs of the recent operation from the Isles of Scilly (EU-011) are now available at http://dx.qsl.net/logs [TNX G0PSE] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by IK1GPG & IK1QFM ================================================= CALL MANAGER Info from NOTE ================================================= 2A0BQI/P MM0BQI The Daily DX 2A0BYE MM0BYE The Daily DX 2C4PXQ GW4PXQ The Daily DX 2S0HTG GM0HTG The Daily DX 2S5VG/P GM3UTQ The Daily DX 3A/F5RBB F5RBB 425DXN431 3A/IK1SLP IK1SLP DXNL1157 3A/IK1YLL IK1YLL DXNL1157 3D2AL VK3TZ The Daily DX 3E1AA N0JT The Daily DX 3W6HM JF1OCQ DXNL1157 3W6KS JA8VE DXNL1157 3Z0ENI SP2FAX The Daily DX 3Z4BK SP4KAI IK7AFM-30 3Z5PW DL3KDC PCL0899 3Z6V SP6DVP The Daily DX 4F3GDX 4F3XX 4F3XX 4N9W YU7ADY PCL0899 4S7YSG JA2BDR ARLD032 4X/JM1LJS JL2XUN JM1LJS 4X6UO WB3CQN The Daily DX 5B4/EW1AR NP3D The Daily DX 5B4/NP3D W3HNK The Daily DX 5H8TL W7RNF OPDX-421 5K8T F6AJA 425DXN430 5R8FU SM0DJZ The Daily DX 5W1SA JH7OHF The Daily DX 5X1JA JE9IKG IK7AFM-30 5X1P G3MRC The Daily DX 5X1T ON5NT The Daily DX 5Z4GS WB2YQH The Daily DX 6K0IS/2 HL1IWD The Daily DX 6K99ITE DS5SWL The Daily DX 6K99SRF 6K0YJ The Daily DX 6M0YC HL5FXP The Daily DX 6Y5PF 6Y5IC The Daily DX 7J7ACY W6KP The Daily DX 7S1LGT SM0TDE 425DXN431 7S5F SK4AO SM3BP-246 8J1RL Bureau The Daily DX 8P6CV KU9C The Daily DX 8Q7AN OZ1EEZ DXNL1157 8Q7DS G4VCO The Daily DX 8Q7TB G3TBK IK7AFM-30 8R1ASF XE1MD SM3BP-246 9A/IK4HPU IK4HPU PCL0899 9A/IK4MTF IK4MTF 425DXN431 9A0DX 9A3ZA The Daily DX 9A2000FT 9A7K 9A7K 9A4NW 9A2AA The Daily DX 9A5D 9A3ZA 9A0DX 9G5DX JH8PHT PCL0899 9H3JR DJ0QJ The Daily DX 9H8E HB9DLE The Daily DX 9J2AM JA0JHA The Daily DX 9J2BO W6ORD PCL0899 9K2/SQ5BAK SP5KQS PCL0899 9K2QQ KB2MS The Daily DX 9K8POW 9K2RA The Daily DX 9M2JI JK1AJX The Daily DX 9M2NK JE1JKL SM3BP-246 9M2TD JR4PDP The Daily DX 9M6IS 9M6JC The Daily DX 9M6TYT K9TY The Daily DX 9N7RN IK4ZGY IK4ZGY 9N7UD K4VUD The Daily DX 9V1XE DL4DBR DXNL1157 A43SF A47RS IK7AFM-30 AP2WAP IK4ZGY IK4ZGY BA1HAM NE9Z IK7AFM-30 BA7QT W3HNK PCL0899 BD4ED/4 BY4BHP BY4BHP BD4RO BY4RSA The Daily DX BD7NQ W2AY BD7NQ BG4RAR BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RAT BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RAW BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RBS BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RBY BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RCF BY4RSA The Daily DX /EX S DX@WW $425WW432D 425 DX News #432 [4/7] 14 August 1999 No 432 $425WW432D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== BG4RCM BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RCO BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RCV BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RDE BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RDN BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RUJ BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RUK BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RUM BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RUO BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RUP BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RUQ BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RUR BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RUS BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RUT BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RUV BY4RSA The Daily DX BG4RUY BY4RSA The Daily DX BI4Q BA4TA The Daily DX BO0M BV2KI DXNL1157 C21JH VK2GJH DXNL1157 Only direct C6A/M0CIL ON4BAM The Daily DX C6AJZ WI9WI The Daily DX C93BM I3QAI The Daily DX C98CX ZS1AAZ The Daily DX CEOY/LU3HAK LU3HAK The Daily DX CF3RZ VE3RZ VE3RZ CF3RZ/1 VE3RZ VE3RZ CF7KDU/P VE7KDU The Daily DX CG0XN VE3XN The Daily DX CM6YI W3HNK The Daily DX CN2BR F5IQG The Daily DX CN2VA IK4JQO PCL0899 CN8NK EA5XX PCL0899 CO6XN HK6DOS The Daily DX CO8DD EA3FQV EA3FQV Direct only CO8JY KU9C The Daily DX CO8LY EA7ADH The Daily DX CO8WN EA3FQV EA3FQV Direct only CO9NLA EA3FQV EA3FQV Direct only CQ7P CT1CBI DXNL1157 CT1EGW W3HNK CT4NH CT3/DJ8FW DJ8FW OPDX-421 CT4NH W3HNK CT4NH CU5OHM CU5AC The Daily DX CU8I CU3EJ The Daily DX CV5H CX2ABC DXNL1157 CY9CWI VE2CWI IK7AFM-30 D99ARDF HL0HQ The Daily DX DA0RDF DL3DRN The Daily DX DS0PW HL4GAH The Daily DX DU3NXE W3HNK The Daily DX DX1HQ DX1DX The Daily DX E20REX E21EIC The Daily DX E4/JM1LJS JL2XUN JM1LJS W.Bank 26-29/7/99 E4/JM1LJS VK4FW JM1LJS Gaza 30/7-01/8/99 ED2EBD EA2PK The Daily DX ED2RCA EA2ABM The Daily DX ED2SRA EA2CBY PCL0899 ED5TFA EA5CLZ The Daily DX ED6EIG EA6VC 425DXN431 EJ2HY EI2HY The Daily DX EJ4GK/P EI4GK The Daily DX EJ7MRE EI3IG The Daily DX EJ7NET EI2GX 425DXN431 EK6TA DJ0MCZ PCL0899 EM1U UT7UA 425DXN431 EN8PSL UT5PW The Daily DX EO3U UT3UZ The Daily DX EO55WL UT1WA The Daily DX EP3HR I2MQP The Daily DX ES0/OH1NOA OH1NOA DXNL1157 ES0I OH3RM OH3RM ES0QK DL6QK PCL0899 ES75L ES6PZ PCL0899 EX8W UA3AGS DXNL1157 Only Russia EZ8CQ I2JSB I2JSB Only direct FK/F6BUM F6BUM ARLD032 FM5DX/M F6DYE DXNL1157 FO0CAB LU3HAK IK7AFM-30 FO5QG XE1L The Daily DX FT5YG F5LBL The Daily DX FW8ZZ OH2BN DXNL1157 FY5FU F5PAC PCL0899 G6G G0LII The Daily DX G7G M0ADU The Daily DX G7Q G0PSW The Daily DX GB2LBN GM0CLN The Daily DX GB2LI GW0MXG DXNL1157 GB5GI GW0ANA 425DXN431 GC0STH G3DIY The Daily DX GD3IZD/P G3IZD The Daily DX GM0BPU/P G0BPU PCL0899 GN0STH G4DIY PCL0899 GU3VXJ G3VXJ 425DXN430 GU7D G3LZQ The Daily DX H2T 5B4XF The Daily DX HB0/IK2SNG IK2SNG IK4RQJ HB0/IK4RQJ IK4RQJ IK4RQJ HB0/IK4VET IK4VET IK4RQJ HB0/IK4XCL IK4XCL IK4RQJ HB0/IK4ZGY IK4ZGY IK4RQJ HB0/PI4TUE PI4TUE PCL0899 HB7OGR HB9AAQ The Daily DX HC4/HK3JJH HK3JJH 425DXN430 HG5I HA5LN PCL0899 HI3LFE AD4Z PCL0899 HL0Y/4 HL0Y The Daily DX HS2AC G3NOM The Daily DX HS4BPQ E21EIC The Daily DX HU4U EA4URE IK7AFM-30 HZ1AB K8PYD The Daily DX IB0/IZ0CBB IZ0CBB Crazy DX-124 IB0/IZ0CKJ IZ0CKJ Crazy DX-124 ID9/I2IAU I2IAU IK7AFM-30 IJ7/IK7DXP IK7DXP IK7AFM-30 IK7DXP/P IK7DXP IK7AFM-30 IK7JWX/7 IK7JWX IK7JWX IK8TWX/8 IK8TWX IK7AFM-30 IL3/OE8Q/P OE8KDK M0BPA IU0C I0YKN The Daily DX J28AG J28NH The Daily DX J3/G0STR G0STR 425DXN431 J45K DL9USA The Daily DX /EX S DX@WW $425WW432E 425 DX News #432 [5/7] 14 August 1999 No 432 $425WW432E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== J48CT ON5CT The Daily DX J48QEI IK2QEI 425DXN430 JW/DF6VI DF6VI 425DXN431 JW/DL4OCM DL4OCM 425DXN431 JW5NM LA5NM The Daily DX JW5RIA LA5RIA The Daily DX JY9QJ DL5MBY The Daily DX K2L WB2YQH 425DXN431 KH0/7K4KNE 7K4KHE JI6KVR KH0/AE4SU JA3KWZ SM3BP-246 KH0/K7IL JF3PLF SM3BP-246 KH0/KF8TW JH3TXR SM3BP-246 KH0/N3JJ JA3ART SM3BP-246 KH0/N7EIU JA3AJ SM3BP-246 KH0/NH7V JI3NST SM3BP-246 KH0/W8YAQ JA3YAQ SM3BP-246 KH0HT JR7FBR The Daily DX KH0HX JH7WKQ The Daily DX KH3/NH6D NN6FF PCL0899 KH3/W5RXP W5RXP DXNL1157 KH4/SM6FJY SM6FJY IK7AFM-30 KP2/AA1BU AA1BU The Daily DX KP2/EI7CC KU9C The Daily DX L27EE LU7EE LU7EE 1999 L2E LU7EE LU7EE 1991-1992 L36E LU7EE LU7EE 1998 L59L LU4LG The Daily DX LS7D LU7DW LU7DW LS7EE LU7EE LU7EE 1995 LT5Y LU1YU The Daily DX LV4V LU4VZ The Daily DX LX0RL Bureau LX2AJ LY/OH1NOA OH1NOA DXNL1157 LZ0SUN LZ1KDP PCL0899 LZ99HQ LZ1UQ The Daily DX M0BYF OH6YF 425DXN431 M6T G4PIQ The Daily DX M8M G3SXW The Daily DX MJ/OM3LA OM1APD PCL0899 MW7Z G5LP The Daily DX N4H KO4PY The Daily DX N98ITU N0JPH N0JPH NH0I JA7DLE The Daily DX NH0L JH7YCE The Daily DX NH0M JA7YCE DXNL1157 NH0M JH7YCE The Daily DX NH0P JA7SYA The Daily DX NH7A W6QK IK7AFM-30 OD5/9K2MU WA4JTK ARLD032 OD5PN LX1NO The Daily DX OD5QE I0WTD The Daily DX OD5SB I0WTD The Daily DX OH0/DJ7ST DJ7ST 425DXN430 OH0/K7BV KU9C 425DXN431 OH0HSV SP5XMU IK7AFM-30 OH0Z OH1EH 425DXN430 OJ0/K7BV KU9C 425DXN431 ON50GDV ON5PL The Daily DX ON7SUN ON4LCV 425DXN431 OR0OST ON6HC The Daily DX OT9T ON4UN The Daily DX OX3NUK ON4GO IK7AFM-30 OZ5L KP3YL The Daily DX P29TR W7TR PCL0899 P29VHX DJ9HX IK7AFM-30 PA6STM PA0GIN 425DXN431 PA6T PI4TIL The Daily DX PA6TEX ON4ALW The Daily DX PJ7/PA3EWP PA5ET OPDX-421 PJ7/PA3GCV PA5ET OPDX-421 PJ7/PA4EA PA5ET OPDX-421 PJ7/PA4WM PA5ET OPDX-421 PJ7/PA5ET PA5ET OPDX-421 PJ7/PA7FM PA5ET OPDX-421 PJ9/W0CG W0CG DXNL1157 PJ9I ON4CFD DXNL1157 PT4M PY4FQ PY4FQ Ex PY4MBJ PV1S PY1KS The Daily DX PY0FZ PY7ZZ PCL0899 PZ1DV W9GW N5IN Not Mgr W9GW R1AND RW1AI IK7AFM-30 R1ANF RK1PWA The Daily DX R1ANL UA6AH The Daily DX R1ANZ UW1ZC The Daily DX R1FJL UA3AGS DXNL1157 Only Russia R1FJO UA3AGS DXNL1157 Only Russia R1FJV UA3AGS DXNL1157 Only Russia RA0BK DL8KAC IK7AFM-30 RF1P UA1RJ The Daily DX RI1P UA9KM OPDX-421 RZ1OA/A RZ1OA RZ1OA 24-30/07/99 S58N S57MX The Daily DX S79MAD GW4WVO The Daily DX SI9AM SM3CVM IK7AFM-30 SK0HS/5 SM0MPV 425DXN430 SN0WI SP2LLW SP2AQP SN0ZPW SP9IIL The Daily DX SN1I SP1NQF The Daily DX SN2KM SP2BIK 425DXN431 SV1/TA3J TA3J TA3J SV1/TA3YJ TA3YJ TA3J SV8/SM7BCX SM7BCX 425DXN431 SV8/SM7DXQ SM7DXQ 425DXN431 SV8/SM7EQL SM7EQL 425DXN431 SV8/SM7GIB SM7GIB 425DXN431 SV8/SM7MPM SM7MPM 425DXN431 SV8/TA3J TA3J TA3J SV8/TA3YJ TA3YJ TA3J SV9/G4FRE WW2R DXNL1157 SV9/LX1SU LX1SU 425DXN430 SW8L SV8CRI The Daily DX T22TK JA3MCA The Daily DX T5RT Pirate Various Not mgr DJ5RT T88DX JI3DLI The Daily DX T88JR JH3FJG The Daily DX TA0S DL6DB M0BPA TA2DS/0 WA3HUP PCL0899 TA3JJ OK1JJ PCL0899 TA3ZI DL8OBC The Daily DX TF1/LX9EG LX1NO The Daily DX TF7/LX9EG LX1NO The Daily DX TJ1PD N5DRV PCL0899 TM0Y ON4AMM The Daily DX /EX S DX@WW $425WW432F 425 DX News #432 [6/7] 14 August 1999 No 432 $425WW432F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== TM1OTA ON4ADN The Daily DX TM1SUN F6KRD PCL0899 TM2F F5LJA The Daily DX TM5BMA F5ORQ The Daily DX TM5ECL F6KWP PCL0899 TM5J F8CIO M0BPA TM5K ON4ON The Daily DX TM5ON ON4ON The Daily DX TM5SOL F5INJ PCL0899 TN7OT AL7OT The Daily DX TU5IJ I2AOX The Daily DX UA1OLM/A UA1OLM RZ1OA 24-30/07/99 UA9JMM K0XQ The Daily DX UE1CIG RZ1AWD The Daily DX UE1NWE RZ1NWE The Daily DX UE1TTT RN1TN The Daily DX UE6AEK RA6AAW The Daily DX UK8OM IK2QPR The Daily DX UN7EG DL8KAC PCL0899 UN7FK W3HNK The Daily DX UR4WWT WR3L The Daily DX UT8AL DJ9YE IK7AFM-30 UU4JXM UU7J UU4JXM UU7J UU7J UU4JXM V26E AB2E IK7AFM-30 V47CV PA5ET 425DXN431 V47EA PA5ET 425DXN431 V47ET PA5ET 425DXN431 V47FM PA5ET 425DXN431 V47WM PA5ET 425DXN431 V47WP PA5ET 425DXN431 V63EC JK1FNN PCL0899 V63PD VK4AAR 425DXN431 V63YL SM6FJY IK7AFM-30 V7/AC4G AC4G IK7AFM-30 V73CW AC4G 425DXN430 V73ZZ K7ZZ The Daily DX VC6MP VE6NRJ The Daily DX VD7D VE7TLL The Daily DX VE2/VE3ZZ VE3ZZ OPDX420 VK0TS VK1PJ The Daily DX VK6NU/P VK6NU The Daily DX VO1SDX VO1HE The Daily DX VP2E/PA3EWP PA5ET OPDX-421 VP2E/PA3GCV PA5ET OPDX-421 VP2E/PA4EA PA5ET OPDX-421 VP2E/PA4WM PA5ET OPDX-421 VP2E/PA5ET PA5ET OPDX-421 VP2E/PA7FM PA5ET OPDX-421 VP5CW K4LT The Daily DX VP9/KG8XV JH1ROJ The Daily DX VP9/N0ED N0ED DXNL1157 VQ9DJ AB7JN The Daily DX VU2JPS VK9NS The Daily DX VU3MCV ON7LX PCL0899 VX2BK/P VA2BK The Daily DX W1L W1KSZ 425DXN431 W2W W3MR The Daily DX W4T WA3HUP The Daily DX W7W W5DX The Daily DX W98ITU N0JPH N0JPH WH0/WH2M JA7FWR DXNL1157 WP2Z KU9C The Daily DX WP3C W3HNK WP3C WP3R W3HNK The Daily DX XE1/SM0OUG SM0CCM SM0CCM XF4L OH2BU 425DXN430 XX9TRR N6XJ The Daily DX YC9WZJ W6MD The Daily DX YJ0AFL VK4FL The Daily DX YJ0AXC JE1DXC 425DXN431 YL/OH1NOA OH1NOA DXNL1157 YR99E YO3KPA 425DXN431 YV30T YV5ARV The Daily DX YW7C W4SO DXNL1157 Z31JA NN6C NN6C Z32FD DJ0LZ PCL0899 Z32ZM I2JSB I2JSB >01/01/99 Direct Z37GBC NN6C NN6C Z38/NO6X ND6A NN6C Ex NO6X Z38X ND6A NN6C Ex NO6X ZC4ATC 5B4YX The Daily DX ZC4JP G0WSA The Daily DX ZD7DP W1ZT The Daily DX ZD7SM W1ZT The Daily DX ZD7WRG WA2JUN The Daily DX ZF2JM KD3YK 425DXN430 ZF2ZW K4ZW IK7AFM-30 ZK1MGS JJ8DEN The Daily DX ZL2K ZL2NX The Daily DX ZL6QH ZL2WB The Daily DX ZM1OSJ ZL1CDX ZL1KRH Bureau ZM1OSJ ZL1OSJ ZL1KRH Direct ZM2K ZL2NX The Daily DX ZS8D ZS6EZ DXNL1157 ZV0SB PT2GTI The Daily DX ZV0SW PT2GTI The Daily DX ZW2SS PT2GTI The Daily DX ZW4M PY4FQ PY4FQ Ex PY4MBJ ZX7XX PY7XC PY7OJ ZY2SS PT2GTI The Daily DX ZZ4W PY4KL The Daily DX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3B9FR Robert Gerard Felicite, P.O.Box 31, Rodriguez Island, Via Mauritius Islands <OPDX420> 4F3XX Gudo Castillo, 97 Paseo del Congreso, 3000, Malolos, Bulacan, Philippines <4f3gdx@winsys.net> 4S7AB Kamal E.A.Edirisingha, No.82-B, Walaliyadda, Ellakkala 11116, Sri Lanka <The Dayly DX> 5B4AGC George Beasley, P.O.Box 1344, Paphos, CY-8133, Cyprus <The Dayly DX> 5B4XF Andreou Paris, 19 Napoleon Street, Strovolos, CY-2021 Nicosia, Cyprus <The Dayly DX> 6K0NN P.O.Box 8, Gurea, Gurea-gun, Jeonnam-Do 542-800, Korea <The Dayly DX> 6K0YJ P.O.Box 8, Yongju, 750-600, Korea <The Dayly DX> 9A3ZA Davor Markovic Tomak, Kurilovac 10, HR-47280, Ozalj, Croatia <9A0DX> 9A7K Kresimir Juratovic, P.O.Box 88, HR-48000, Koprivnica, Croatia <9A7K> 9M8SL Sylvester Liew, 1146 Kenyalang Park, 93300 Kuching, Malaysia <CB99> 9V1UV K.C.Selvadurai, 13 Kheam Hock Rd., Singapore 298787, Singapore <CB99> 9Y4JA Jeff Austin, 4 Prada Street, St.Clair, Trinidad <The Dayly DX> /EX S DX@WW $425WW432G 425 DX News #432 [7/7] 14 August 1999 No 432 $425WW432G =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== AC4G Bruce A.Smith, P.O.Box 1436, APO, AP 96555, U.S.A. <425DXN430> BA3AG Cao Wenlong, P.O.Box 81, Tianjin, 300074, China <The Dayly DX> BA9SA Guangzeng Yin, P.O.Box 178, Xining, 810005, China <The Dayly DX> BD3SR Zhang Fu Li, P.O.Box 17, Jiangxian, Shan Xi, 043607, China <Dayly DX> BD7IA Wu, P.O.Box 1239, Guangzhou, 510630, China <The Dayly DX> BD7NI W.S.Chan, P.O.Box 306, Guangzhou, 510030, China <The Dayly DX> BD8TG Fengsheng Li, 8 Chuanjin Road, Kunming, Yunnan, 650051, China <Dayly> BG2AB Zeng Zhaoxie, P.O.Box 89, Harbin, 150001, China <The Dayly DX> BG6RBA Yun Hu, Da Ling Lu 40 06, Shiyan City, 442061, China <The Dayly DX> BG7YB Fu, No.100 Bin Hai New District, Haikou, Hainan 570105, China <Dayly> BG8GV Zhou Liang, P.O.Box 2109, Chong Qing, 400014, China <The Dayly DX> BG9GI Li Jie Yang, 54 Shetang Road, Tianshui, Gansu 741020, China <Dayly> BV4QI Hao Lin, P.O.Box 1064, Taichung 400, Taiwan <The Dayly DX> BY4CYL ARS of Shanghai, No 3 Girls High School, P.O.Box 051-103, Shanghai 200051, China <DXNL> CE7OXZ Eduardo Martinez Sanz, P.O.Box 1, Curaco de Velez, Isla de Chiloe, Chile <W3KO> CO8HF Victor Mustelier Portuondo, P.O.Box 12, Santiago de Cuba, 90100, Cuba <The Dayly DX> CU3DI Pedro Pereira, P.O.Box 140, P-9702, Angra do Heroismo, Terceira, Acores, Portugal <The Dayly DX> DH3RB Ruediger Bluhm, Kleine Heide 3, D-33611, Bielefeld, Germany <CB99> DL4DBR Ted Barczyk, Pappelstrasse 34, D-58099 Hagen, German <DXNL1157> DL4FCH Peter Niksch, Saalburgstr.4, 60385 Frankfurt, Germany <425DXN431> DU4VX Nomer P.Canuto, P.O.Box 6119, Naga City 4400, Philippines <The Dayly> EX8W Sergey Yarovoy, P.O.Box 196, Pepperell, MA 01463-0196, U.S.A. (Except Russia) <DXNL1157> EX9MZZ Erkin, P.O.Box 1, Tokmok, 722201, Kyrgyzstan <The Dayly DX> I2JSB Giorgio Savini, P.O.Box 55, I-20089 Rozzano (MI), Italy <I2JSB> IA5CNE Paolo Di Bello, P.O.Box 12, I-57030 Marciana (LI), Italy <IA5CNE> IZ0CBB Lino, Via La Libera 80, I-03037 Pontecorvo (FR), Italy <IK7AFM-30> IZ0CKJ Alessio Roma, P.O.Box 22, I-03023 Ceccano (FR), Italy <IK7AFM-30> JA1XGI Haru Uchida, 2-30-11, Shintomi, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-0043,Japan<DXNL> M0BNN Bill Newman, 18 Reeds Ave East, Moreton, Wirral, CH46 1RQ, England N0JPH Twila Greenheck, P.O.Box 131415, Saint Paul, MN-55113, U.S.A. <N0JPH> OE8CIQ Christian Irrasch, Nikolaistrasse 16, A-9330, Althofen, Austria OE8KDK Didier Kritzer, St.Peter/W.78, Voelkermarkt, A-9100, Austria <CB99> OH1NOA Timo Klimoff, Yrjonkatu 4 a 15, FIN-28100, Pori, Finland OH2BU Jari Jussila, Pilvijarvi, FIN-02400 Kirkkonummi, Finland <425DXN430> OH3RM Markus Ilvonen, Ahulinjorventie 210, FIN-36200 Kangasala, Finland OZ4FF Karsten Tranberg, P.O.Box 121, DK-3700, Roenne, Bornholm Island, Denmark [DXNL] PA5ET Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273VS Voorburg, The Netherlands <425DXN431> R1FJL P.O.Box 196, Pepperell, MA 01463-0196, U.S.A.(Except Russia<DXNL1157> R1FJO P.O.Box 196, Pepperell, MA 01463-0196, U.S.A.(Except Russia<DXNL1157> R1FJV P.O.Box 196, Pepperell, MA 01463-0196, U.S.A.(Except Russia<DXNL1157> RK9UM Valetij Toropchenkov, P.O.Box 2024, Kemerovo, 650099, Russia RZ1OA Vlad Sadakov, P.O.Box 48, Arkhangelsk, 163040, Russia <RZ1OA> SM0TDE Eric Wennstrom, Vasagatan 9-324, SE-172 67 Sundbyberg, Sweden <425DXN431> SP2BIK Jerzy Antczak, P.O.Box 102, 80-958 Gdansk 50, Poland <425DXN431> SV2EWN Kouras Vagelis, Fraglinou Rousvelt 79, Neapoli, 56728 Thessaloniki, Greece [SV2CWY] T88GN George Ngirarsaol, P.O.Box 18, Koror, Palau 96940 <The Dayly DX> TU2KC Steven, P.O.Box 54, Abidjan 12IN, Cote d'Ivoire <ARLD032 DX news> UA0FAA Vladislav Domoskanov, P.O.Box 34, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 693000, Russia <RA6AR> UA1OLM Dima Kucherin, 26-23 Pavla Usova str, 163002, Arkhangelsk, Russia <RZ1OA> UA9KM Nikolai Kuprin, P.O.Box 158, Nadym, 626711, Russia <OPDX-421> UN2O L.V.Welikanov, Lenin Street 15-23, Atyrau, 465002, Kazakstan <A.Shishkovski@okioc.nl> UU7J Contest Club, P.O.Box 57, 334512, Kerch, Ukraine <uu4jxm@chat.ru> TA3J Berkin Aydogmus, P.O.Box 987, 35214 Izmir, Turkey <425DXN431> TA3YJ Nilay Mine Aydogmus, P.O.Box 876, 35214, Izmir, Turkey <425DXN431> V73UX Dave Fortin, P.O.Box 66, APO, AP 96555, U.S.A. <DXNL1157> VK2GJH Jack Haden, P.O.Box 299, Ryde, NSW 2112, Australia <DXNL1157> VK9NS Jim Smith, P.O.Box 90, Norfolk Island, NI 2899, Australia<425DXN431> VR2LW Lam Wah Choi, Flat G, 30/F., Tower 1, Ngau Chi Wan Fire Services Married Quarters, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China <The Dayly DX> VR2OA Yasushi Ogihara, GPO Box 4724, Hong Kong, China <The Dayly DX> YB8BHC Nazaruddin Latif, P.O.Box 1665, Makassar 90000, Indonesia <The Dayly> YC8YZ Benny Lewu, P.O.Box 67, Ternate 97716, Indonesia <The Dayly DX> Z31VJ Vane Janevski, Goce Vikentiev 18, 92300 Locani, Macedonia <CB99> ZL1OSJ P.O.Box 1205, Rotorua 3201, New Zealand <ZL1KRH> ZS1WC Johan Classen, P.O.Box 637, Gansbaai 7220, Republic of South Africa <IK7AFM-30> ZS99VOS P.O.Box 414, Nigel 1490, South Africa <DXNL1157> ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX