DX425 bulletin issue nr. 431

S DX@WW $425WW431A
425 DX News #431 [1/5]
  7 August 1999                    No 431                   BID: $425WW431A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

                              >>> LOOK OUT! <<<

A special DX Alert was launched on 5 August by Bernie McClenny, W3UR,  Editor
of The Daily DX, as one of the top 20 DXCC Entities (*NOT* North Korea!)  may
be on the air very soon.  "The group has asked not to  reveal any details  at
this time", Bernie says: "although I can not divulge the full details of this
operation I can say that something very exciting could happen".

3A     - Look for Patrice, F5RBB to be active as 3A/F5RBB from Monaco between
         22 and 28 August. QSL via home call. [TNX F5RBB]
9A     - Pietro, IK4MTF will be active (10-40 metres, WARC  included, CW  and
         SSB)  as  9A/IK4MTF/p  from  Brac Island (EU-016)  between 17 and 24
         August. QSL via home call. [TNX IK4MTF]
9A     - Kresimir, 9A7K and  other five operators from Koprivnica ARC will be
         active  (on all HF bands, WARC included, plus  2  and  6 metres)  as
         9A2000FT (Nine Alpha Two Zero Zero Zero Fox Tango) from the Brijuni/
         Brioni Islands (EU-110)  between 1  and 6  September  (maybe  two or
         three extra days). The operation is to celebrate the  77th  birthday
         of  Croatian  President  Franjo  Tudjman.  QSL  via  9A7K  (Kresimir
         Juratovic, P.O. Box 88, HR-48000 Koprivnica, Croatia). [TNX 9A7K]
BV     - Scout station BO99NRM will be  active (on 10-80  metres SSB and  CW)
         from Kin-Men  Island (AS-102)  between 12  and  18 August.  QSL  via
         bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
BY     - David, BA4DW reports that BY4CCM is a permanent club station located
         on Chongming Island  (AS-136). They have  a 7-element  beam and  are
         active mostly around 21260 kHz. QSL  to P.O. Box 150-602,  Shanghai,
         China or via the bureau.
CO    -  The  Daily DX reports  that "Abel, CO6XN was heard on the air saying
         that he will go to IOTA NA-201 the last weekend of August".
CT     - Look for either CT1BWW/p or CQ7Q to participate in the International
         Lighthouse Weekend (21-22 August) from the lighthouse (WLH LH  0647)
         located  on  Bugio   Island  (EU-040).  QSL   via  CT1BWW.   Further
         information on  the World  Lighthouse Award  (WLH) can  be found  at
         http://www.infini.fr/~tquere [TNX WLH DX Club]
EA6    - Operators  from  Radio Club  Mallorca  will be active (mainly on SSB
         with two  stations  on 10-80 and 2 metres) as ED6EIG from the island
         of  Na  Galera (EU-004, DIE E-126, Locator JM19IM) between 13 and 15
         August. QSL via EA6VC. [TNX EA6VQ]
EI     - Look for EJ7NET to be active  from Ireland's Eye (EU-121) until  the
         early afternoon of 9 August. QSL via EI2GX. [TNX EI6FR]
EM_ant - Alex EM1U is active from Vernadtsky Base on Galindez Island (AN-006),
         Antarctica. QSL via UT7UA.
ES    -  Vello,  ES1QD  will  be active  as ES1QD/0 from Muhu Island (EU-034)
         between 14 and 16 August. QSL via ES1QD. [TNX The Daily DX]
FK     - Eric/FK8GM, Franck/FK8HC and a third operator plan to participate in
         the International Lighthouse Weekend from Amedee  lighthouse located
         13 miles south of Noumea (OC-032).  They are  expected to use  a TX8
         special call. QSL via VK4FW. [TNX The Daily DX]
G      - Harry, OH6YF will participate in the WAE DX Contest CW (7-8  August)
         as M0BYF from England. He reports  to be particularly interested  in
         the low band conditions from UK to the States. QSL via OH6YF.
GM     - Lorraine, MM0BCR and Derek, GM0HLV are active from the Summer  Isles
         (EU-092, IOSA SC10), until 7 August, when they will commence a  tour
         of the Outer Hebrides (EU-010). [TNX GM4UZY]
GW     - The Barry Amateur Radio Society will be active as GB5FI on all modes
         (CW, SSB, AMTOR,  Packet, RTTY, SSTV)  and all  bands from  Flatholm
         Island (EU-124) between 27  August and 1  September. QSL via  GW0ANA
         either direct or through the bureau. [TNX GW0ANA]
I      - Vittorio, I1BUP and  Giovanni, IK1JJB  will be  active from  Scoglio
         Stella (IIA LI-049, it does not count for IOTA) between 8 and 11 UTC
         on 7 August. [TNX I1BUP]
I      - Flavio/IV3TMV, Simone/IV3NVN and  Umberto/IV3ARJ are  active (on  HF
         and 6 metres) as IA5/home call from Elba Island (EU-028, IIA LI-001)
         until 10 August. They will participate in the Alpe Adria VHF Contest
         (8 August) as IA5/IV3ARJ. [TNX IV3TMV]
I      - Look for special station IQ1L to be active during the  International
         Lighthouse Weekend  on 21-22  August. QSL  via bureau  or direct  to
         Sezione A.R.I.  Genova,  Casella Postale  347,  16100 Genova  -  GE,
         Italy. [TNX IZ1BZS]
IS0    - IS0/IN3WDJ/p  is  active  (CW QRP) from  Sardinia  (EU-024) until 23
         August. [TNX IN3VBG]
S DX@WW $425WW431B
425 DX News #431 [2/5]
  7 August 1999                    No 431                   BID: $425WW431B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

JA     - Special station 8J2POS (Port Of Shimizu) is active on all bands  and
         modes through November  to celebrate the  100th anniversary of  this
         port. QSL via the bureau. [TNX JH2AHZ]
JA     - JF6WTY, JQ6UNI and JQ6XSF will be  /6 from Uji Archipelago  (AS-067)
         between 20 and 22 August. Look for them on 7, 14, 18, 21, 24 and  28
         MHz SSB. QSL via home calls. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA     - JH1HHC and 7N2UTO will be active as JH1HHC/0 and 7N2UTO/0 from  Sado
         Island (AS-117) between 28 and 29 August. They will operate on  SSB,
         CW and RTTY on 80-6 metres (WARC bands included). QSL via home calls
         either direct or through the bureau. [TNX 7N2UTO]
J3     - Bill, G0STR will  be active  (CW QRP)  as J3/G0STR  from Grenada  on
         12-25 August. Look for him between 00.00 UTC and 05.00 UTC on  7.030
         and 14.060 MHz. QSL via home call. [TNX DX News Sheet]
JW     - Look for  DF6VI and  DL4OCM to  be JW/  from Longyearbyen  (EU-026),
         Svalbard between 9  and 15 August.  They plan to  operate on  160-10
         metres CW, SSB  and RTTY and  on RS12/13. QSL  via home calls.  [TNX
LX     - A group  of operators  from Germany  will be  active as  LX0RL  from
         Luxembourg between 28 August and 3 September. QSL via DL4FCH  either
         direct (Peter Niksch,  Saalburgstr.4, 60385  Frankfurt, Germany)  or
         through the bureau. [TNX DL4FCH]
OJ0    - Dennis, K7BV is going to return  to the Aland Islands, OH0  (EU-002)
         and Market Reef, OJ0 (EU-053). The  primary focus of this trip  will
         be Market Reef. He will arrive during the afternoon of 14  September
         and will stay  until the early  morning hours of  the 20th. He  will
         operate on 10-160 metres, WARC bands  included, on both SSB and  CW,
         and special  emphasis will  be made  to do  an extensive  amount  of
         operating  on  80  and  160  metres   each  night.  RS13   satellite
         appearances  will  be   as  frequent  as   possible.  George,   K5KG
         (GeorgeK5KG@aol.com) will again  perform Pilot  Station duties.  QSL
         for  both  OH0/K7BV  and  OJ0/K7BV  via  KU9C  (Steve  Wheatley,  12
         Netherton Terrace, Morristown, NJ 07960, USA). [TNX K7BV]
ON     - Special event station ON7SUN will  be active (on  all bands SSB,  CW
         and RTTY) between 8 and 11 August to celebrate the last total  solar
         eclipse of  the  century. QSL  via  ON4LCV (Box  26,  B-6700  Arlon,
         Belgium) or via the UBA bureau. [TNX DX News Letter]
OZ     - Svend, OZ1DYI will be active (mostly on 20 metres) from Romoe Island
         (EU-125, DIA NS-001) between 9 and 29 August. [TNX OZ2ZB]
PA     - Special event  station PA6STM  will be  active  on 21-22  and  28-29
         (possibly on 14-15 as well) from  an old steamdriven  pumpingstation
         at Beerta in the Netherlands. QSL via PA0GIN. [TNX PD5JFK]
S7     - Bert, PA3GIO plans to  be active as  S79GI from Desroches,  Amirante
         Islands (AF-033),  Seychelles  between  2  and  14  September.  Some
         activity from  Mahe  (AF-024) is  also  expcted between  26  and  31
         August. QSL via PA3GIO, preferably through the bureau. The web  page
         for this  operation  is  at  http://www.xs4all.nl/~pa3gio/S79/  [TNX
SM     - Look for  Kungalvs Sandareamatorer,  SK6NL to  be active  (on  10-80
         metres)  from  Vinga  Island   (EU-043)  during  the   International
         Lighthouse Weekend on 21-22 August. QSL via bureau. [TNX SM6VVT]
SM     - Special event station 7S1LGT  will be active  (on 10-160 metres  SSB
         and CW) from the lighthouse at  Hoburgen on Gotland Island  (EU-020)
         during the  International Lighthouse  Weekend (21-22  August). On  6
         metres look  for SK1BL  to operate  from the  same location  (square
         JO96BW) not only  during the International  Lighthouse Weekend,  but
         also during the Nordic Activity Contest (24 August, 17-21 UTC).  QSL
         for both calls via the bureau  or direct to SM0TDE (Eric  Wennstrom,
         Vasagatan  9-324,   SE-172   67  Sundbyberg,   Sweden).   For   more
         information: http://www.grk.se [TNX SM1TDE]
SP     - Edward,  SP5CGN  (edward_robak@yahoo.com)   reports  the   following
         special event stations are expected to be active from Poland: SP0ZIP
         (till 26 August), SN0JD (till 30 August), SN0MPW (till 30 September,
         QSL via  SP8PAI), SP0PW  (till 31  October),  SN0STO (15  August,  2
         metres), SP0LOK (26-31  August), 3Z0AIR  (28 August  - 24  October),
         3Z0SEP (28 August - 24 October), 3Z0BLM (1 September - 19  October),
         3Z0EB (1 September - 19 October), 3Z0EO (1 September - 19  October),
         SP0OTC (12-21 September).
SP     - SP2BIK, SP2BRN, SP2IZC, SP2NBD, SP2TQW and SQ2BXJ will be active  as
         SN2KM from the  Krynica Morska lighthouse  during the  International
         Lighthouse Weekend on 21-22 August. QSL  via SP2BIK (Jerzy  Antczak,
         P.O. Box 102, 80-958 Gdansk 50, Poland). [TNX SP2BIK]
SV     - Look   for   SV8/SM7BCX,   SV8/SM7DXQ,  SV8/SM7EQL,  SV8/SM7GIB  and
         SV8/SM7MPM  to be active (SSB and CW) from Santorini Island (EU-067)
         between 9 and 15 August. QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
SV     - Nilay, TA3YJ (YL operator) and and Berkin, TA3J will be active  from
         Athens (SV1)  and  Khios Island  (SV8,  EU-049) between  12  and  17
         August. They will operate on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres  SSB,
         plus 2 metres and 70 cm. QSL via home calls either direct or through
         the bureau. The address for TA3YJ  is Nilay Mine Aydogmus, P.O.  Box
         876, 35214  Izmir,  Turkey  and  the  address  for  TA3J  is  Berkin
         Aydogmus, P.O. Box 987, 35214 Izmir, Turkey. [TNX TA3YJ]
S DX@WW $425WW431C
425 DX News #431 [3/5]
  7 August 1999                    No 431                   BID: $425WW431C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

T31    - The  Double  Trouble  DXpedition  [425DXN 419]  group  of  operators
         (including  Mats/SM7PKK,  Nils/SM6CAS,  Erik/SM0AGD, Steve/G4EDG, YL
         operator Ulrika/SM6WYN and Lech/LA7MFA) will be active as T31T, T31K
         and T31YL  from Central Kiribati (OC-043) between 23 September and 3
         October. Look for them on 6-160 metres  with three stations (one for
         CW, one for SSB and one for WARC,  low  bands  and  RTTY).  [TNX The
         Daily DX]
TF     - Bob, W2SF will be active (on all bands CW, SSB and RTTY) as  TF/W2SF
         from Keflavik, Iceland (EU-021) between 27  August and 7  September.
         QSL via home call. [TNX W2SF]
V4     - The Dutch operators (PA3EWP, PA5ET, PA4EA, PA4WM, PA3GCV and  PA7FM)
         have received their V47  calls to be  used during their  forthcoming
         activity from Nevis (NA-104): look for V47WP , V47ET, V47EA,  V47WM,
         V47CV, V47FM to be active between 11 and 18 August [425DXN 423]. QSL
         via PA5ET either direct (Rob Snieder, van Leeuwenstraat 137,  2273VS
         Voorburg,  The  Netherlands)   or  through   the  bureau.   Detailed
         information   about   the   Caribbean   tour   can   be   found   at
         http://www.muurkrant.com/pi4com/tour99 [TNX PA1AW]
V6     - Peter, V63PD is  the only remaining  resident station  on the  Chuuk
         (formerly Truk) Islands  (OC-011), Micronesia. He  is active on  40,
         30, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10  metres. QSL via VK4AAR. Peter's web  site
         is at www.qsl.net/v63pd [TNX V63PD]
VK     - Don  Petervin,  VK6DJP  is  active  from  Rosemary  Island,  Dampier
         Archipelago (OC-199) until around 14 August. This is a fishing trip,
         but he plans to be as  active as possible on 20  and 15 metres.  QSL
         via home call. [TNX VK9JS]
VK     - Dan, VK8AN  will  again be  active  from Troughton  Island  (OC-154)
         between 11  and  24 August.  He  will operate  (on  10, 15,  20  and
         possibly 17  metres CW  and  SSB) whenever  work/sleep  requirements
         allow. QSL direct to VK4AAR. [TNX VK8AN and Islands On The Web]
VK     - The IOTA  DXpedition  to Imperieuse  Reef,  Rowley  Shoals  (Western
         Australian Outliers,  OC-???)  [425DXN  397]  is  on  track  and  on
         schedule. K9PPY/VK8PY, CT1EEN/VK6EEN, VK2PS, VK6DLB and team  leader
         VK6LC will  be active  (SSB and  CW with  two stations)  between  21
         September and the early UTC hours on the 26th. The special call will
         be given  by  the operators  when  the  activity  starts.  Announced
         frequencies are 3.605, 3.799, 7.079, 7.178 (North America),  14.260,
         18.128, 21.260, 24.950,  28.460 MHz  (SSB) and  3.507, 7.007,  7.030
         (North America), 10.110, 14.038, 18.098, 21.040, 24.920, 28.040  MHz
         (CW). QSL via I1HYW (Gianni Varetto. P.O. Box 1, 10060 Pancalieri  -
         TO, Italy) Donations  are still welcome  and can be  sent to  either
         I1HYW or VK9-99, Malcolm K. Johnson, Commonwealth Bank of Australia,
         187 High  Road,  Riverton 6148, Western  Australia, Account 76  6164
         5005591. [TNX VK6LC]
W      - Michael, AB5EB is now active from Galveston Island (NA-143) for  the
         next four years. As his time  on the air  may be limited,  schedules
         may be  arranged  via  e-mail  (ad5a@sat.net).  QSL  is  to  Michael
         Crownover, 3617 O 1/2,  Galveston, Texas 77550,  USA. [TNX AD5A  and
         Islands On The Web]
W      - Dick, W1KSZ  will be  operating as  W1L on  both the  National  (7-8
         August) and International (21-22  August) Lighthouse Weekends.  Some
         operation outside the  weekends is possible.  Location will be  Cape
         Cod, the specific lighthouses operated at  will be announced  during
         the operation. QSL via W1KSZ. [TNX W1KSZ]
W      - The Western  New  York DX  Association  will operate  special  event
         callsign K2L during the period 8-22  August in conjunction with  the
         Buffalo (NY)  Harborfest and  culminating  with operation  from  the
         Buffalo Lighthouse during the  Lighthouse/Lightship Activity Day  on
         22 August.  QSL direct  to WB2YQH  (P.O. Box  73, Spring  Brook,  NY
         14140, USA). [TNX WB2YQH]
W      - The York  Radio  Club  of  Elmhurst, IL  will  be  active  from  the
         lighthouse located on Fabyan Island (USI IL-032R, it does not  count
         for IOTA)  in the  Fox River,  Geneva, IL  during the  International
         Lighthouse Weekend on 21-22 August. [TNX KW9L]
YJ     - Masayoshi, JE1DXC/YJ0AXC will be active from the rare Banks  Islands
         (OC-104) between 12 and 16 August. He will be working on 20, 27,  15
         and 12 metres CW and SSB with 100 watts and dipoles. QSL direct only
         to JE1DXC. [TNX JE1DXC]
YO     - Special call YR99E  will be used  on CW, SSB,  RTTY, RTTY, SSTV  and
         PSK31 on all  HF bands  plus 50,  144 and  432 MHz  by 14  different
         operators (most  of  them  located in  Bucarest)  on  11  August  to
         celebrate the total solar eclipse. QSL  via YO3KPA either direct  or
         through the bureau.  An award is  available for  contacts made  with
         YR99E and YO  stations located  in the  19 counties  touched by  the
         total eclipse. For further information please visit the web site  of
         the Romanian Amateur  Radio Federation  (http://www.qsl.net/yo3kaa).
         [TNX YO3FWC]
ZK3    - The Double  Trouble  DXpedition [425DXN 419] group of operators (see
         T31 above)  will be active (on all bands SSB, CW and RTTY with three
         stations)  as  ZK3DX,  ZK3CW  and  ZK3YL from  the  Tokelau  Islands
         (OC-048) between 7 and 12 October. [TNX The Daily DX]
ZS     - The East Rand Radio Club will host special event station ZS99VOS  at
         the  Vossie  Festival  on  13-14 August.  QSL direct to P.O.Box 414,
         Nigel 1490, South Africa. [TNX QRZ-DX]
S DX@WW $425WW431F
425 DX News #431 [4/5]
  7 August 1999                    No 431                   BID: $425WW431F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

FT5ZH ---> The video is available in PAL format at 150 FF or 25 US$ (cash  or
postal order) from F5PXT (Eric Blanchard,  2 rue Bichat  Bat 32, 69002  Lyon,
France). [TNX F5NOD]

LIGHTHOUSE WEEKENDS --->  A list of  stations participating  in the  National
(7-8  August)  and  International  (21-22  August)  Lighthouse  Weekends   is
maintained by  Jim  Weidner, K2JXW  at  http://www.waterw.com/~weidner/ld.htm

PALESTINE ---> Hide, JM1LJS made 1713  QSOs (426 CW,  1287 SSB) as  E4/JM1LJS
from the West Bank on 26-29 July (QSL via JL2XUN) and 1703 QSOs (1413 CW, 290
SSB) again as  E4/JM1LJS from  Gaza between  30 July  and 1  August (QSL  via

QSL 5N99CEN ---> Mario, IV3VBM  reports  he has received these cards from the
printer and will start to process the requests he has got so far.

QSL FT5WH --->  The first batch  of cards was  mailed on 3  August, a  second
batch will be mailed  next week. For  the time being  it possible to  process
requests for contacts made up  to 19 March  1999. QSL via  F6KDF. The log  is
available at http://perso.easynet.fr/~f5nod/ [TNX F5NOD]

QSL IIA ---> IK7BRX has  finally received the cards for his and IZ7ATN's July
1998 operations  from  IIA  FG-009 and  FG-013.  Requests are being processed
right now, do not send duplicates. [TNX I1SNW]

QSL VK9NS  ---> Jim,  VK9NS is  receiving many  QSL requests  with no  return
envelopes and/or no return postage. "It is just out of the question for me to
pay return  postage  on these  QSL  cards", he  says,  "not  to  mention  the
envelope". There is no QSL bureau  on Norfolk Island:  the so called  VK9/VK0
bureau is in Perth, i.e. some  3,100 miles away ("an expensive option").  QSL
direct to P.O. Box 90, Norfolk  Island, NI 2899, Australia (please note  that
he correct Postal Code for Norfolk Island is NI 2899, *not* NSW 2899).

QSL ZL9CI ---> All envelopes received up  to and including 31 July 1999  have
been processed. Cards received with no return envelopes and/or the  necessary
to cover the return postage, will go via  the bureau in the first mailing  to
the ZL bureau. [TNX ZL2HU]

UKRAINE ---> Alex, UT4ZO reports that starting on 31 August Ukraine will have
new 5-digit postal codes. The new address for UR7ZZ, UT4ZO and UT0ZZ will  be
P.O. Box 1, Yuzhnoukrainsk, 55000, Ukraine.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

ARAC:         The website for the Amateur Radio Association of the Democratic
              Republic   of   Congo   (ARAC)   is   under   construction   at
              http://www.multimania.com/aracongo/index.htm [TNX F6BLQ]
IOTA TEST:    A list of QSL routes for stations active during the recent IOTA
              Contest  is  available  at  http://www.arrakis.es/~ea5eyj  [TNX
LOGS:         The logs for the HB0 June  operation by OK2ZR, OK2WO and  OK2WY
              [425DXN 424] at http://www.qsl.net/ok2wy/logs.htm  (information
              at http://www.qsl.net/ok2zr/hb0.htm). [TNX OK2ZO]
LOGS:         The  logs  of  ZF2NT  and  HB0/DF6VI   can  now  be  found   at
              http://dx.qsl.net/logs [TNX N6RT]

QSL received  via direct:   3D2TN,  3W6LI,  3Z9JPG (SP9KAG),  4K2MAL,  4K54V,
4S7AB, 4S7BRG, 4U1UN, 5A1A, 5K8T (SA-081), 5R8DS, 7X2DG, 7X2LS, 8Q7AA, 9J2BO,
DS2CYI, DU1LKY,  E41/OK1DTP,  EA1HP/p (DIE  N-165),  EP2MKO,  ET3AA,  F6ELE/P
(EU-156), FO0AWI,  FO0MAC (K8OU),  FO0PAP (K8OU),  FO0XUU, FP/W8MV,  FR5ZQ/G,
FY5KE,  H44NC,  HI3/ON4ANT,  HK3JJH/0M,  HK3JBR/1  (SA-040)  (F6AJA),  JT1DA,
S09A, S79FAG,  S79MAD, S79ZG,  SU9ZZ,  SV2ASP/A, SV9/OH9MM/P,  T22KJ,  T22TK,
T22VE, T30R, T33RD, T77BL, T88II, T95A, TR0A/P (AF-043), TR8CA, UK8OM, UN0LE,
VK3IO, VK4CAY  (OC-138) (G3ZAY),  VK4CAY  (OC-172) (G3ZAY),  VK4CAY  (OC-227)
(G3ZAY),  VK4YN/p  (OC-142)  (VK4FW),   VK4CAY/5  (OC-228)  (G3ZAY),   VK6ISL

QSL received  via WF5E  QSL Service:   3C5DX,  3D2DK, 3W7TK,  5T5U,  6K97EAG,
FT5ZG, HS98AG,  JX7DFA,  NO7F/KL7 (NA-059),  K8VHN/P,  N2OO  (NA-111),  NL7Z,
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425 DX News #431 [5/5]
  7 August 1999                    No 431                   BID: $425WW431E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  31/08      4X2J: special station                                  429
till  30/11      8J2POS: special event station (Japan)                  431
till  08/08      9A0DX: Korcula Island (EU-016) * by 9As                428
till  31/12      9A770N: special event station (Croatia)                422
till  2001       9V1XE: Singapore (AS-019) * by VK3DXI                  429
till  08/08      CT/F8BQQ                                               428
till  09/08      EJ7NET: EU-121                                         431
till  15/08      F6HQP, F5NGB and F6JSI: IOTA/DIFM islands              430
till  August     FK8VHU: New Caledonia                                  401
till  December   FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL                      401
till  December   FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island                                399
till  15/08      GU3VXJ/p: Guernsey  (EU-114) * by G3VXJ                430
till  08/08      HB0/IK2SNG, IK4RQJ, IK4VET, IK4XCL, IK4ZGY             429
till  31/12      HB7OGR: special call                                   428
till  09/08      HL0C/4: Mara Island (AS-026)                           429
till  08/08      IA5/DM2AUJ: Elba Island (EU-028)                       429
till  10/08      IA5/IV3TMV, IV3NVN, IV3ARJ: Elba Island (EU-028)       431
till  04/09      ID9/I2IAU: Eolie Islands (EU-017)                      429
till  23/08      IS0/IN3WDJ/p: Sardinia (EU-024)                        431
till  11/08      J45K: Kos Island (EU-001) * by DL9UDS and DL9USA       429
till  2001       J87AB: St. Vincent (NA-025) * by G0GPX                 425
till  ??         PA9MR: EU-146 * by VE3MR                               426
till  11/08      PA3EWP,PA3GCV,PA4EA,PA4WM,PA7FM,PA5ET/PJ7 & /FS        423
till  December   PZ5JR: Suriname * by K3BYV                             425
till  18/08      TM5ECL: special event station (France) * by F6KWP      429
till  14/08      VK6DJP/p: Dampier Archipelago (OC-199)                 431
till  27/11      XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada)              401
till  15/08      XU7AAS: Cambodia * by SP5AUC/3W7CW                     430
till  15/08      YS9/KE4LWT: El Salvador                                422
till  08/08      ZK1SCQ, ZK1SCR: Rarotonga (OC-013), So. Cooks * by DLs 417
02/08-27/08      IS0/IK2OCP: Sardinia (EU-024)                          427
02/08-20/08      OH0/DJ7ST: Aland  Islands  (EU-002)                    430
02/08-12/08      ZF2JM: Cayman Islands (NA-016) * by KD3YK              430
04/08-14/08      9A/IK4HPU: EU-136                                      429
04/08-22/08      VE2/F5NZO and VE2/F5SSM: Quebec (Canada)               425
05/08-07/08      FO: Moorea (OC-046), French Polynesia*by CX3AN & CX4CR 425
05/08-20/08      J48QEI: Zakinthos  (EU-052) * by IK2QEI                430
07/08            I1BUP and IK1JJB: Scoglio Stella (IIA LI-049)          431
from  07/08      MM0BCR and GM0HLV: Outer Hebrides (EU-010)             431
07/08-08/08      N2OB: Long Beach Island (NA-111)                       429
07/08-12/08      OH0Z: Aland Islands  (EU-002) * by OH1EH               430
07/08-09/08      P29VHX: OC-153 (Papua New Guinea) * by DJ9HX           429
07/08-17/08      T9/IW2LLA: Bosnia                                      427
07/08-08/08      W1L: National Lighthouse Weekend                       431
07/08-17/08      ZK1: Rarotonga (OC-013), So. Cooks * by CX3AN & CX4CR  425
07/08-08/08      National Lighthouse Weekend                            429
07/08-08/08      WAE DX CW Contest                                      ***
08/08-20/08      IE9/I4ALU: Ustica Island (EU-051)                      423
08/08            IK8YFU and others: Scoglio Arena (IIA VV-005)          428
08/08-22/08      K2L: special event call                                431
08/08-11/08      ON7SUN: special event station (solar eclipse)          431
09/08-21/08      FK/F6BUM: New Caledonia (OC-032)                       425
09/08-15/08      JH1YVY: Niijima (AS-008) * by JH1RYN                   429
09/08-15/08      JW/DF6VI and JW/DL4OCM: EU-026, Svalbard               431
09/08-29/08      OZ1DYI: Romoe Island (EU-125)                          431
09/08-15/08      SV8/SM7BCX, SM7DXQ, SM7EQL, SM7GIB, SM7MPM: EU-067     431
09/08            VY2/F5NZO and VY2/F5SSM: Prince Edward Island (NA-029) 425
10/08-15/08      P29VHX: OC-008 (Papua New Guinea) * by DJ9HX           429
10/08-12/08      ZK1SCQ, ZK1SCR: Aitutaki (OC-083), So. Cooks * by DLs  417
11/08-17/08      V26E: Antigua (NA-100) * by AB2E                       429
11/08-18/08      V47WP, ET, EA, WM, CV, FM: Nevis (NA-104) * by PAs     431
11/08-14/08      VE2/F5NZO and VE2/F5SSM: La Madeleine Islands (NA-038) 425
11/08-24/08      VK8AN: Troughton Island (OC-154)                       431
11/08            YR99E: special call (solar eclipse)                    431
12/08-18/08      BO99NRM: Kin-Men Island (AS-102)                       431
12/08-25/08      J3/G0STR: Grenada                                      431
12/08-17/08      SV/TA3YJ and SV/TA3J: Athens & Khios Island (EU-049)   431
12/08-16/08      YJ0AXC: Banks Islands (OC-104) * by JE1DXC             431
13/08-15/08      ED6EIG: Na Galera (EU-004, DIE E-126)                  431
13/08-14/08      ZS99VOS: special event station * by East Rand RC       431
14/08-16/08      ES1QD/0: Muhu Island (EU-034)                          431
14/08            VE1: NA-068 * by F5NZO and F5SSM                       427
14/08-17/08      ZK1SCQ, ZK1SCR: Mangaia (OC-159), So. Cooks * by DLs   417
14/08-15/08      SARTG WW RTTY Contest                                  ***
16/08-23/08      HU4U: El Salvador * by EAs and YSs                     429
16/08-18/08      P29VHX: OC-025 (Papua New Guinea) * by DJ9HX           429
17/08-24/08      9A/IK4MTF/p:  Brac Island (EU-016)                     431
17/08-19/08      ZK1: Manihiki (OC 014), No. Cooks * by CX3AN & CX4CR   425
18/08-25/08      VP2E: Anguilla (NA-022) * by PAs                       423
19/08-23/08      3D2: Viti Levu (OC-016), Fiji * by CX3AN & CX4CR       425
19/08-22/08      P29VHX: OC-034 (Papua New Guinea) * by DJ9HX           429
20/08-22/08      JF6WTY/6, JQ6UNI/6, JQ6XSF/6: Uji Archipelago (AS-067) 431
20/08-25/08      ZK1SCQ, ZK1SCR: Manihiki (OC-014), No. Cooks * by DLs  417
20/08-22/08      HAM FAIR 1999 (Yokohama, Japan)                        425
21/08-22/08      7S1LGT: EU-020 (International Lighthouse Weekend)      431
21/08-22/08      CT1BWW/p or CQ7Q: EU-040 (Lighthouse Weekend)          431
21/08-04/09      ID9/I1SNW: Vulcano Island (EU-017)                     427
21/08-22/08      IQ1L: International Lighthouse Weekend                 431
21/08-22/08      PA6STM: special station                                431
21/08-22/08      SK6NL: International Lighthouse Weekend                431
21/08-22/08      SQ2BXJ: International Lighthouse Weekend               431
21/08-22/08      TX8xx: Amedee Lighthouse (OC-032) * by FK8s            431
21/08-22/08      W1L: International Lighthouse Weekend                  431
21/08-22/08      W: Fabyan Island (USI IL-032R) (Lighthouse Weekend)    431
21/08-22/08      International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend             413
21/08-22/08      Seanet SSB Contest                                     425