DX425 bulletin issue nr. 429

S DX@WW $425WW429A
425 DX News #429 [1/7]
  24 July 1999                    No 429                   BID: $425WW429A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3V     - A second permanent station is being  built in Tuunisia. The call  is
         3V8ST (Scout Tunisienne)  and it is  hoped it may  become active  in
         September. [TNX DJ7IK]
3W     - Kunio, JA8VE/3W6KS and  Hiro, JF1OCQ/3W6HM will  be active from  Phu
         Quoc (AS-128) between 1 and 4  August. Look for them on CW  (14.007,
         18.077, 21.007, 24.897, 28.007, 50.120 MHz) and SSB (14.197, 18.147,
         21.270, 24.937, 28.470, 50.120 MHz). They  will leave the island  at
         8.30 local time  (UTC +7) on  5 August  and will  then operate  from
         Saigon until  the 6th.  QSL via  home calls,  either direct  (JA8VE:
         Kunio Saito,  2-26-5-554 Nishitsuruma,  Yamato-shi, 242-0005  Japan;
         JF1OCQ: Hiroyuki Miyake,  1-3-6 Asakura-cho, Maebashi-shi,  371-0811
         Japan) or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JF1OCQ]
4X     - Special station 4X2J is active from the Bloomfield Science Museum in
         Jerusalem until the end of August. QSL via the bureau. [TNX 4X6HI]
6W     - Chris, 6W1QV and Jean-Claude, TR8XX will  be active as 6W1QV/P  from
         Goree Island (AF-045) during the weekend. [TNX The Daily DX]
9A     - Operators from  the Croatian  DXpedition  Group (9A-DXP-G)  will  be
         active on  2  metres as  9A5D  from Zarkovica  near  Dubrovnik  (WWL
         JN92BP)  between   30  July   and  1   August.   Give  a   look   to
         http://ham2.irb.hr/9a0dx for skeds. [TNX 9A3PA]
9A     - Alberto, IK4HPU will be active (on all bands, 6 metres included)  as
         9A/IK4HPU from EU-136 between 4  and 14 August.  QSL via home  call.
         [TNX IK4HPU]
9H     - Akis, SV7CLI plans  to be active  on all bands  as 9H/SV7CLI from  a
         club station in  Malta (EU-023) starting  on 20 July.  QSL via  home
         call. [TNX SV2CWY]
9J     - Jacky, F2CW/ZL3CW is in Sierra Leone  for three months and hopes  to
         get a licence. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
9V     - Mirek, VK3DXI/VK2DXI/SP5IXI has had his old licence renewed and  has
         been active  from Singapore  (AS-019) as  9V1XE  since 12  July.  He
         operates mainly on CW, with some  SSB and RTTY, on  40, 30, 20,  17,
         15, 12 and 10 metres. He will be in Singapore for at least a  couple
         of years. QSL via DL4DBR either direct (Ted Barczyk, Pappelstr.  34,
         58099 Hagen, Germany) or through the bureau. [TNX 9V1XE]
BY     - BD4ED/4 is active from Chong Ming Island (AS-136). QSL via BY4BHP.
BY     - Ten operators will be active as BY9GA/9 from Gannan Prairie  between
         6 UTC on 30 July and 6 UTC on 1  August. They plan to operate on  CW
         (14030, 21030, 28030 kHz),  SSB (14250, 21405  kHz), FM (29600  kHz)
         and SSTV (14230, 21340 kHz). [TNX The Daily DX]
CO     - Fabrizio, IN3ZNR is  sorry to report  that the  IOTA operation  from
         NA-086 [425DXN 413] has been cancelled: the special call (T47Z)  has
         been issued, but the  Italian/Cuban team has  been denied access  to
         the island  (Cayo Romano,  Camaguey Archipelago)  at the  very  last
CT     - Toni/CT1CBI, Victor/CT1FIJ  and Fernando/CT2FUP  will be  active  as
         CQ7P between 31 July and  2 August from  the Portuguese fortress  of
         Peniche (F-031). QSL via bureau to CT1CBI. [TNX CT1CBI]
CX     - The Radio  Club  Oriental CX4CA  operation  from  Timoteo  Dominguez
         Island (SA-057), originally planned on 17-18 July [425DXN 427],  was
         cancelled at the very last moment due to the bad weather conditions.
E4     - Hide, JM1LJS plans  to be active  from Palestine between  26 and  31
         July. He wants to operate from  both Jerico (West Bank, 26-28  July,
         QSL via  JL2XUN) and  Gaza  (29-31 July,  QSL  via VK4FW)  on  10-80
         metres, CW and SSB. According to his release, Hide will also operate
         from Israel as 4X/JM1LJS (on 25 July and 1 August, QSL via  JL2XUN).
         [TNX JM1LJS]
ES     - Timo, OH1NOA will be active (on 20 metres SSB and CW) as  ES0/OH1NOA
         from Saaremaa  Island (EU-034)  between 2  and 5  August. Timo  also
         expects  to  operate  from  Latvia  as  YL/OH1NOA  Latvia  and  from
         Lithuania as  LY/OH1NOA until  12 August.  QSL via  home call.  [TNX
         OH1NOA, http://www.qsl.net/oh1noa]
F      - Radio club F6KWP will be active  as TM5ECL between  4 and 18  August
         for the last solar eclipse of the century. QSL via bureau or  direct
         to RC A.R.A.S. 54N,  F6KWP, P.O. Box  8, 54810 Longlaville,  France.
         [TNX F-11734]
FW     - FK8GM, JA1BK, OH2BE and OH2BH  will be active  as FW8ZZ from  Wallis
         Island (OC-054) between 30 July and 3 August. A special effort  will
         be made on WARC bands but all regular DX bands will be offered.  The
         DXpedition is  dedicated to,  and in  memory of,  Charles N.  Swain,
         K7LMU and Edmond M. Thorpe, ZL2AWJ  who were lost at sea in  January
         1966,  aboard  the  ketch  Marinero,   when  returning  from   their
         DXpedition to Wallis  Island as FW8ZZ.  The pilot will  be Wayne  A.
         Mills, N7NG  (n7ng@arrl.net).  QSL  via  OH2BN  (Jarmo  J.  Jaakola,
         Kiilletie 5-C-30, FIN-00710, Helsinki, Finland). [TNX OH2BN]
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425 DX News #429 [2/7]
  24 July 1999                    No 429                   BID: $425WW429B
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
G      - Cliff, GW4GJT and Clive, GW4YKL will be active (on 10-160 metres CW,
         SSB and RTTY)  as GB2LI  and possibly  as GX0MXG  from Lundy  Island
         (EU-120) between 24 and 31 July. QSL via GW0MXG. [TNX DX News Sheet]
G      - The Polish  Scouts  Radio  Club G0ZHP  based  in  West  London  will
         activate special event  station GB60ENI at  Bletchley Park on  23-25
         July to  celebrate the  60th anniversary  of  the handing  over  the
         secrets of the Enigma machine by the Polish cryptographers to  their
         British and French allies. Milton Keynes ARS will participate in the
         celebration as  well  and will  activate  the Bletchley  Park  radio
         station GB2BP. [TNX SP2FAP]
HB0    - IK2SNG,  IK4RQJ,  IK4VET,  IK4XCL  and  IK4ZGY  will  be  HB0/  from
         Liechtenstein on 6-8 August. They will  operate SSB and CW on  10-80
         metres, WARC bands included. QSL via home calls. [TNX IK4RQJ]
HL     - Operators from the HanYang University Wave Research Club (HL0C) will
         be active (CW and SSB) as HL0C/4 from Mara Island (AS-026) between 3
         and 9 August. QSL to CPO 4397, 100-643, Seoul, Korea. The home  page
         for the radio club can be found at http://campus.hanyang.ac.kr/~HL0C
         [TNX HL3QAR]
I      - Marco, IK0YVV is active (mainly on  CW) until 31 July as  IA5/IK0YVV
         from Elba Island (EU-028,  IIA LI-001). He  plans to participate  in
         the IOTA Contest. QSL via home call either direct (Marco  Pimpolari,
         Via Piemonte 58,  05100 Terni -  TR, Italy) or  through the  bureau.
         [TNX IK0YVV]
I      - Nino, I2IAU will be active (SSB, RTTY and PSK31 on 10-40 metres)  as
         ID9/I2IAU from  the Eolie  Islands (EU-017)  between 22  July and  4
         September. He will operate from Lipari  (IIA ME-001) and from  other
         IIA islands in that group. QSL via home call. [TNX I2IAU]
I      - Antonello, IK2DUW  and  Michele, IK2GPQ  will  be active  from  Tino
         Island (EU-083, IIA SP-002) and possibly  other IIA islands in  that
         area on 24-25 July. QSL via home calls. [TNX IK2DUW]
I      - Wolf, DM2AUJ will be active (mostly  on CW) as IA5/DM2AUJ from  Elba
         Island (EU-028)  until 8  August. QSL  via home  call either  direct
         (Wolfgang Rebling, Markt 12, D-07955 Auma, Germany) or,  preferably,
         through the bureau. [TNX DX News Letter].
IS0    - Tony, IM0/IN3YGW  is  currently active  from  Maddalena  Archipelago
         (EU-041) and  will  be  touring  Sardinia  (IS0)  through  July.  He
         operates mainly on 6 metres and WARC bands. QSL via IN3DEI  (Claudio
         Daddario, P.O. Box 55, 39100 Bolzano - BZ, Italy). [TNX IN3DEI]
JA     - Look for Shimojyou,  JH1RYN to be  active from  club station  JH1YVY
         from Niijima, Izu Archipelago (AS-008) between 9 and 15 August.  QSL
         via JH1YVY. [TNX JI6KVR]
KH0    - A group of operators from JARL Kyoto Club will be active from Saipan
         (OC-086) between 29 July and 2  August. They operators will be  N3JJ
         (JA3ART),  AE4SU  (JA3KWZ),  K7IL  (JF3PLF),  N7EIU  (JA3AJ),   NH7V
         (JI3NST), KF8TW (JH3TXR), W8YAQ (JA3YAQ),  JA3RR, JH3QNH and  JH5IXG
         (YL). QSL via home calls. [TNX JA3ART]
KH3    - Bill, NH6D will be making numerous trips to Johnston Island (OC-023)
         for the next year or so and will  try to operate (mainly on CW  with
         some SSB) as  NH6D/KH3 from the  club station  as work  committments
         permit. He was expected to be there on  20 July for a few days,  and
         several more trips will take place in August. It is hoped he will be
         operational on 160,  80 and 40  metres before the  September/October
         lowband season begins. QSL via N6FF. [TNX N6FF]
KH4    - Yarl, SM6FJY and his wife Monica, V63YL Monica will be on assignment
         on Midway Island (OC-030) between 4  September and 4 December.  They
         will be active  as much as  work permits using  KH4/SM6FJY. QSL  via
         SM6FJY (Yarl Lundstrom, P.O. Box 423,  SE-401 26 Goteborg,  Sweden).
         [TNX SM6FJY]
P2     - In August Uwe,  DJ9HX will be  active (on 10-40  metres, SSB and  CW
         with 100 watts)  as P29VHX from  Papua New Guinea  as follows:  from
         Loloata (OC-153) on 7-9, from Rabaul (OC-008) on 10-12, from Kavieng
         (OC-008) on  13-15,  from  Manus  (OC-025)  on  16-18,  from  Madang
         (OC-034) on 19-22.  He has  still to  decide where  to operate  from
         between 23  and 31  August. QSL  via DJ9HX,  preferably through  the
         bureau. [TNX DJ9HX]
PY     - Alex/PY1KS, Marco/PY1KB, Mark/PY1MF and Marcio/PU1MPR will be active
         as PV1S (CW) and PV1B (SSB)  from Gipoia Island (NO-REF, claimed  as
         SA-029, DIB-???) between 29 July and 1 August. QSL via PY1KS  either
         direct (P.O. Box 18123, Rio de  Janeiro - RJ, 20722-970, Brazil)  or
         through the bureau. [TNX PY1KS]
SM     - Gabriele, IK3GES reports he will not  be able to participate in  the
         IOTA Contest from EU-037 as previously planned [425DXN 425].
SP     - Kazik, SP6FUN is active (on +/-  50175 MHz CW  and SSB) as  SP6FUN/1
         from square  JO74 until  28 July.  QSL via  bureau to  SP6FUN.  [TNX
SP     - Special event station 3Z0ENI will be active to celebrate the  Enigma
         anniversary (see  G  above)  during  the  weekend.  QSL  via  SP2FAP
         (Sylwester Jarkiewicz,  ul.  Wielmozy 5b,    82-337  Suchacz  Zamek,
         Poland). [TNX SP2FAP]
SV5    - DL9UDS and DL9USA will be  active as J45K  from Kos Island  (EU-001)
         between 28 July and 11 August. [TNX DX News Sheet]
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425 DX News #429 [3/7]
  24 July 1999                    No 429                   BID: $425WW429C
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

TF     - Norbert, LX1NO/LX9EG will be  active (mainly on  the WARC bands  and
         possibly on PSK31)  as TF7/LX9EG (QSL  via LX1NO)  from the  Westman
         Islands (EU-071) between 23 and 26 July. He will participate in  the
         IOTA Contest as TF7RX (QSL via  K1WY) with TF8GX and LX2LX.  Between
         27 and 31 July Norbert and  LX2LX will be active TFx/LX9EG (QSL  via
         LX1NO) from the main island (EU-021). [TNX LX1NO]
UA     - Mike/UA0MF, Alex/RU0LL and Vitaliy/UA0LCT will be active (on 15  and
         20 metres CW and SSB with  two rigs and GP antennas) from  Putyatina
         Island  (AS-066; RR-16-03)  between  30  July and 2 August. QSL  for
         UA0MF/A to P.O. Box 20, Vladivostok-21, Russia; the others  via  the
         operator's instructions. [TNX UA0MF].
UN     - Peter, DL4BBU plans to operate on all bands as UN7/DL4BBU during his
         staying in Almaty, Kazakhstan until the end of 2000. QSL via DL4BBU.
         [TNX DX News Letter]
V2     - Darrell, AB2E will  again be active  as V26E from  the V26B site  on
         Antigua (NA-100) between 11  and 17 August.  He will participate  in
         the WAE CW Contest on 14-15 August. Before and after the contest  he
         will concentrate on the WARC bands and will try 160 metres. QSL  via
         AB2E. [TNX AB2E]
VE     - The Fort  Saskatchewan Amateur  Radio  Club sponsors  special  event
         station VC6MP which will be active on 24-25 July to commemorate  the
         125th anniversary of the Royal Canadian  Mounted Police March  West.
         QSL via VE6NRJ (Neil Jensen, EPO  Box 57205, Sherwood Park,  Alberta
         T8A 5L7, Canada), who will forward the cards to the FSARC. [TNX OPDX
VP9    - Isao, JH1ROJ will be active (on  10-80 metres, WARC bands  included,
         CW and SSB)  as KG8XV/VP9 from  Bermuda (NA-005) between  24 and  31
         July. QSL via JH1ROJ. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
VP9    - Hank, K2HJB will be active (on  20 metres SSB and possibly 6  metres
         FM only) as K2HJB/VP9 from Bermuda (NA-005) between 26 and 30  July.
         QSL via home call or KB2PFP. [TNX K2HJB]
W      - Dennis, W1OK will be  active (10, 12,  15, 17 and  20 metres CW  and
         SSB) from the  Rhode Island  State IOTA  group (NA-031)  on 31  July
         between 10.00 to 24.00 UTC. QSL via W1OK. [TNX The Daily DX]
W      - The Old Barney Amateur Radio Club will be activating N2OB during the
         National Lighthouse Weekend on 7-8  August. The Barnegat  Lighthouse
         ("Old Barney") is located on Long Beach Island (NA-111, USI NJ001S).
         Look for N2OB between 13 and  23 UTC each day on 40,  20, 15 and  10
         metres SSB (some limited CW operation is possible as well). QSL  via
         N2OB (Old Barney ARC, P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087, USA).  [TNX
YS     - Operators from Spain and El Salvador  (namely EA1AU, EA1QF,  EB1ADG,
         EA3CUU, EA4BT, YS1AG, YS1FAF, YS1FI, YS1GF, YS1MS, YS1RR and others)
         will be active as HU4U from  El Salvador between  16 and 23  August.
         This special  operation  is  organized  by  URE  (the  Spanish  IARU
         society) and is part of a project to rebuild the digital network  in
         El  Salvador  after  hurricane  Mitch.   All  the  equipment   (PCs,
         tranceivers, antennas etc) will be taken  from Spain. Look for  HU4U
         on 1845, 3795, 7065, 14195, 18145,  21295, 24945 and 28495 kHz  SSB;
         1833, 3503, 7003, 10103,  14023, 18073, 21023,  24893 and 28023  kHz
         CW; 7034, 10114, 14084, 18094, 21084, 24924 and 28184 kHz RTTY.  QSL
         via EA4URE. [TNX EA5XX]

                   <<< RSGB IOTA CONTEST (24-25 JULY) >>>

The following stations are expected to participate in this year's event  [see
also 425DXN 405, 409, 411, 419, 421, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428 - a summary
list was published on Thursday, July 22nd]:

AS-008 - JA1MXY/1, JA1SGU/1 and  JI1SQK/1 on  CW from  Izu Archipelago.  [TNX
         OPDX Bulletin]
AS-135 - Jiangsu DX Club  members BA4RX, BA4TA  and BD5RV as  BI4Q from  Ping
         Island. They will be active until  27 July. QSL via BA4TA (P.O.  Box
         219, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China). [TNX BD5RV, by5qn@qsl.net]
EU-002 - OH0V/p from the Aland Islands. QSL via OH4JLV. [TNX OH6LI]
EU-032 - Florent, F5CWU is expected to operate from an island in this  group.
         [TNX F5ABL and Islands On The Web]
EU-077 - EA1DAV, EA1CA, EA4ATI  and EA4ST  as ED1PDG  (SSB and  CW) from  the
         Sisargas Islands. QSL via EA4ATI. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
EU-091 - Enzo/I7PXV,    Carlo/IK6CAC,    Maurizio/IK7DXP,    Marcella/IK7EZP,
         Alfredo/IK7JWX and Arturo/IK7JWY  as IK7DXP/7 (SSB  and CW on  10-80
         metres, possibly  6 metres  outside  the contest)  from  Sant'Andrea
         Island (IIA LE-001). QSL via IK7DXP. [TNX IK7JWX]
EU-091 - Michele/IK7FPX, Gaetano/IK7LYL, Gian Carlo/IK7WUJ, Cesare/IK7XNF and
         Natalino/IZ7ATH as IK7XNF/7 (SSB and CW on 10-80 metres, possibly  6
         metres outside the contest) from Isola Grande (IIA LE-002). QSL  via
         IK7XNF. [TNX IK7JWX]
EU-121 - Operators from the East Cork Radio  Group as EJ7M from Bere  Island.
         QSL via EI6HB. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
EU-124 - The 1998 MW8Z Team (G3NKC, G3NLY,  G0KRL, G5LP, G4BWP) as MW7Z  from
         Anglesey. QSL via G5LP. [TNX DX News Sheet]
EU-166 - IK8PGM, IT9HLN,  IT9FCC, IT9NGN  as IT9/home  calls from  Pietra  di
         Patti (IIA ME-030). QSL via home call. [TNX IK2DUW]
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425 DX News #429 [4/7]
  24 July 1999                    No 429                   BID: $425WW429D
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

NA-031 - Mark, AA1AC  as AA1AC/p  (SSB and  CW)  from Aquidneck  Island  (USI
         RI-006S). QSL via home call. [TNX AA1AC]
NA-080 - Maurice, ON4BAM hopes to be able to participate as M0CIL/C6A [425DXN
         419] in the 12 hour category. He will get  to Abaco at 17 UTC on  24
         July. QSL via home call. [TNX ON4BAM]
NA-099 - Alfredo, WP3C as KP4AH (SSB only)  from Puerto Rico. QSL via  KP4AH.
         [TNX WP3C]
NA-128 - Dany, VA2BK as VX2BK/p from Orleans  Island only as a multiplier  on
         15 metres SSB. He will operate  from the Orleans Golf Club and  will
         be active  between 12  and 17  UTC (EU,  AS and  SA with  a  special
         attention around 15 UTC for JA) and again between 00 UTC and 4  UTC.
         QSL via VA2BK. [TNX VA2BK]
NA-139 - Brian, N3OC will be joined by Darrell, AB2E during his IOTA  Contest
         operation from Assateague  Island (USI MD-001S)  [425DXN 425].  They
         will be on both SSB and CW. QSL via N3OC. [TNX AB2E]
OC-177 - Jani, YB0US from the Seribu Islands. QSL via N2OO. [TNX N2OO]
SA-006 - Ernest, ON4CFD as either  PJ9I or PJ9/ON4CFD  from Curacao. QSL  via
         ON4CFD direct (Ernest Lichtert, Rue des  Loups 101, 1070  Bruxelles,
         Belgium) or through the bureau. [TNX ON4CFD]

ADVANCE INFORMATION ---> The following activities  are being planned for  the
early months of the new year - detailed information is expected in due time:
* FEBRUARY: Lothar, DJ4ZB/ZL7ZB is planning a new activity (with an  emphasis
  on 10 metres SSB) from the  Chatham Islands  (OC-038).  QSL via  home  call
  (Lothar  Grotehusmann,  Quaekerstrasse 35,  D-13403  Berlin,  Germany) [TNX
* 10-14 FEBRUARY: a group of LU operators will be active (on 10-80 metres  on
  CW and SSB with three stations) from Pinguino Island  (Santa Cruz  Province
  North group, SA-???). QSL cards for  Americans via  LU5DV, all  others  via
  F6FNU. [TNX The Daily DX]
* 14 FEBRUARY-6 MARCH: Mike, G0VJK,  and Bob, G4VGO/KY0C  will be active  (on
  40-160 metres CW) from Truk Island (OC-011) Micronesia (V6). [TNX The Daily

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

6 METRES ---> Jimmy, W6JKV and Dick,  K5AND are planning their next 6  metres
DXpedition which  is planned  for  October 1999.  They  could go  to  Western
Pacific (Yap, V63), West Africa (S92) or the Caribbean (J8, J7 or J3).  Jimmy
has asked Chris, G3WOS to undertake  a poll to see  what the 'hot'  countries
are - let  him know your  suggestions for these  three regions  by e-mail  at
g3wos@uksmg.org [TNX IW1DIM]

LIGHTHOUSE WEEKENDS --->  A list of  stations participating  in the  National
(7-8  August)  and  International  (21-22  August)  Lighthouse  Weekends   is
maintained by  Jim  Weidner, K2JXW  at  http://www.waterw.com/~weidner/ld.htm

OOOPS! ---> The 3C0R DXpedition  to Annobon Island  (AF-039) is scheduled  to
take place  between 14  and 24  SEPTEMBER (not  July, as  mentioned in  425DX
428!). Thanks to Des, G3LCS for detecting the typo.

PSK31 ---> Maury, I1-21171/IZ1CRR reports a lot of activity over the last few
days with several DX countries being  heard in Europe (DU,  VQ9, LU, PS,  ZS,
FR, FG, HK, VP5, XE, CX, KP, VK, ZF, V7). Three programmes are available  for
this    mode:    PSK31SBW    (http://aintel.bi.ehu.es/psk31.html),     MixWin
(http://www.nais.com/~jaffejim), Logger (http://www.itis.net/golist). Usually
PSK31 activity takes place on 14.070, 21.080 and 28.120 MHz.

PY1SL ---> Soni, PY1SL reports he is not  the QSL manager for S0WW, which  is
belived to be a pirate (it was spotted on 17 July on 15 metres).

QSL 3D2SJ ---> The address for Fr  Steve, 3D2SJ/T30ED is Fr Steve Dives  MSC,
P.O. Box 1354,  Suva, Fiji. Brian,  VK5FV reports that  "there is no  outward
bureau operating from Fiji (Box 184 is a receive only address). Fr Steve  has
received approximately 100  bureau cards and  to answer  them directly  would
incur an unreasonable financial penalty". 

QSL 5H3RK --> Maurizio, IK2GZU (who was active as 5H3/IK2GZU in February) has
received several  cards for  5H3RK. Please  note that  he  is *not*  the  QSL
manager for this station.
S DX@WW $425WW429E
425 DX News #429 [5/7]
  24 July 1999                    No 429                   BID: $425WW429E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

QSL BY7 ---> Cards for BY7KH, BY7KG, BY7KR, BY7KS for contacts made on  17-18
July (40,  20 and  15 metres)  should be  sent to  P.O. Box  771,  Guangzhou,
510120, People's Republic of China. The four calls were used during the  1999
China Amateur Radio Subarea Student  Game in DongGuan.  All of the  operators
were teenager students, in most cases novices. [TNX BD7NQ]

QSL E30HA  ---> Antoine,  F6FNU is  the new  QSL manager  for E30HA  for  all
stations except from  the US, which  can still be  sent to  HA5YPP (P.O.  Box
1157, H-1245 Budapest, Hungary). [TNX The Daily DX]

QSL  MANAGER  --->   Marc,  F-11734  (Marc   Nogent,  60   Rue  Foch,   57390
Audun-le-Tiche, France) offers his services  as QSL manager.  You can get  in
touch with at MARC.NOGENT@wanadoo.fr

YI7KRN --->  Bernie McClenny,  W3UR,  Editor of  The  Daily DX,  reports  the
following: "Many people  are asking about  the legitimacy of  YI7KRN who  has
been extremely active since Saturday.  Word from the Iraq authorities is that
all operations must take place from the club station. The operator (Goran) at
YI7KRN is giving his QTH as Saqiz, which  is located in the 'Northern No  Fly
Zone' and is  highly unlikely to  be legitimate". The  address mentioned  for
QSLling is Box 66815/314, Saqiz, Kurdistan, Iraq.

ZS8D: HELP NEEDED ---> Chris R. Burger, ZS6EZ reports that "the Prince Edward
Island Management Committee has refused permission for Deryck Yelverton, ZS8D
to erect  his tribander  on Marion  Island. Deryck  has  been active  with  a
resistively-loaded broadband  dipole,  but  his  signal  leaves  much  to  be
desired. The tribander  and amplifier  were donated  by the  NCDXF, and  will
provide a  substantial  improvement in  signal  strength.  The  tribander  is
assembled, and ready to be erected if permission is granted". Chris will  try
to have he decision reconsidered and he is looking for two types of  support:
1) Anybody that can  supply *substantial information*  about the bird  strike
hazard associated with rotary beams and 2) General shows of support. "If they
can see that there really is global demand for activity from Deryck, and that
real antennas  are necessary,  they may  relent". Please  send your  messages
direct to Chris at crb@nanoteq.com [TNX The Daily DX]

+ SILENT KEY + CQ Editor Alan M. Dorhoffer,  K2EEK became a Silent Key on  19
July at 61 years of age. He started as an assistant editor in 1964 and become
the magazine's tenth editor in 1976. 

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

AWARDS:         Information  on  the   "Salento  Islands"  and   "Lecce-Terra
                d'Otranto"     awards      is      now      available      at
                http://www.dxbands.com/awardindex.htm [TNX IK7JWX]
CARIBBEAN TOUR: The final details on the 5-25 August Caribbean Tour by the PA
                team (PJ5/FS,  V4 and  VP2E) [425DXN  423] are  available  at
                http://www.muurkrant.com/pi4com/tour99/ [TNX PA1AW]
YO DX CONTEST:  Full information  on  the YO  DX  HF Contest  (1  August)  is
                available at the Romanian Amateur  Radio Federation web  site
                (http://www.qsl.net/yo3kaa). [TNX YO3FWC]

QSL received via direct:   1A0KM, 3B8/DL6UAA,  3C2JJ (AF-082), 3D2SJ,  3D2RW,
4K9W (DL6KVA),  4L4MM, 4S7EA,  4S7TWG, 5B4AGC,  5H3RK, 5V7FA  (F6FNU),  5R8DG
(F6FNU), 7X2FK,  8P9DX  (VE3ICR), 9A1CZZ/P  (EU-110),  9H1ZA,  9K2UB,  9M2KT,
E21CJN (W3PP),  E44DX, E44/HA1AG,  E44/JA8RUZ,  EP2FM, EP2MKO,  EP3HR,  F8BPN
HK0/W4DC, IM0/IS0JMA (EU-165),  J3/W1RH, J69MV, JD1AMA,  JT1DA, JY5HX,  KL7AK
(NA-074), S79AG  (SM0AGD),  T22TK (JA3MCA),  TA3DD,  TR8CA  (F6CBC),  P4/W1XP
(W1XP), P49M,  P51BH,  S79YL, S79ZG,  T30ED,  N4XP/V7, VP6PAC,  VQ9CV,  VQ9DX
(AA5DX), VQ9VK (N1TO), VR2GY, XW8KPL/CSN,  YB9ZBI (OC-022), YC5YCT  (OC-075),

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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S DX@WW $425WW429F
425 DX News #429 [6/7]
  24 July 1999                    No 429                   BID: $425WW429F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  31/07      2C, 2X and 2W: special prefixes from Wales             415
till  31/07      2S, 2A and 2T: special prefixes from Scotland          415
till  31/08      4X2J: special station                                  429
till  25/07      5K8T: El Morro Island (SA-081) * by HK3JBR and HK3JJH  427
till  08/08      9A0DX: Korcula Island (EU-016) * by 9As                428
till  31/12      9A770N: special event station (Croatia)                422
till  2001       9V1XE: Singapore (AS-019) * by VK3DXI                  429
till  ??         BD4ED/4: Chong Ming Island (AS-136)                    429
till  27/07      BI4Q: Ping Island (AS-125) * by BA4RX, BA4TA, BD5RV    429
till  27/07      C21JH: Nauru (OC-031) * by VK2GJH                      425
till  08/08      CT/F8BQQ                                               428
till  31/07      CU8/CT1AHU, CU8/CU3EJ, CU8I: Flores Island (EU-089)    423
till  28/07      CY9CWI: St. Paul Island (NA-094) * by VEs              411
till  06/08      DL4FCH/p: Pellworm Island (EU-042)                     427
till  27/07      ESxxx/0: Kihnu Island (EU-034)                         428
till  29/07      F5SNY/p: Belle Ile (EU-048)                            428
till  August     FK8VHU: New Caledonia                                  401
till  December   FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL                      401
till  December   FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island                                399
till  29/07      GB0SM & G5M: Scilly Is (EU-011) * by G0PSE,G3KZR,G4EDG 428
till  31/12      HB7OGR: special call                                   428
till  28/07      HS2AC: Koh SiChang (AS-107)                            428
till  27/07      IN3XUG/I3: Albarella Island (IIA RO-002)               428
till  08/08      IA5/DM2AUJ: Elba Island (EU-028)                       429
till  31/07      IA5/IK0YVV: Elba Island (EU-028)                       429
till  30/07      IA5/IZ5BTC/p: Elba Island (EU-028)                     427
till  24/07      IM0/IK2AEQ: Maddalena Island (EU-041)                  426
till  31/07      IM0/ & IS0/IN3YGW: EU-041 and EU-024                   429
till  26/07      J49WI: Crete (EU-015) * by I2WIJ                       423
till  2001       J87AB: St. Vincent (NA-025) * by G0GPX                 425
till  July       JY8YB: Jordan * by DL5MBY                              418
till  30/07      KE8M/4: Key West (NA-062)                              427
till  26/07      KI6T and WR6O: Santa Catalina Island (NA-066)          419
till  31/07      KP2: Virgin Islands (NA-106) * by EJ1D team            423
till  25/07      LY99RMD: special event station (Lithuania)             425
till  ??         PA9MR: EU-146 * by VE3MR                               426
till  27/07      RF1P: Dolgy Island (EU-102) * by UA1RG, UA1QE, UA1QV   428
till  December   PZ5JR: Suriname * by K3BYV                             425
till  30/07      RK3AWK/1,RU3BH/1,RW3AMB/1: Konevetc Island (RRC-19-01) 427
till  29/07      RZ1OA and UA1OLM: Lyasomin Island (EU-153)             428
till  31/07      SN0APT: special event station (Poland)                 417
till  28/07      SP6FUN/1: 6 metres from JO74                           429
till  26/07      SV8/DL7VSN/p: Mykonos Island (EU-067)                  428
till  02/08      SV8/HA0HW/p: Kerkira Island (EU-052)                   427
till  04/08      SV8/IK7XIV: Lefkada (EU-052) and Kithira (EU-113)      425
till  25/07      T88JR and T88DX: Palau (OC-009) * by JH3FJG and JI3DLI 415
till  25/07      TM0Y: Yeu Island (EU-064) * by ONs                     409
till  04/08      TM1OTA: EU-032 & DIFM Islands * by ON5FP and ON6NN     425
till  25/07      TM5J: Noirmoutier Island (EU-064) * by Fs              427
till  26/07      TM5ON & TM5K: Ouessant Island (EU-065) * by ONs        423
till  31/07      UE1CIG: Gogland Isl (EU-133) * by RN1AW, RV1CW, RA1ANP 428
till  26/07      VE7TLL,VE7QCR,VE7EDZ,VE7KDU,VE7GKH/p; VD7D: NA-118     428
till  27/07      VK6NU/p: Rottnest Island (OC-164)                      427
till  25/07      VP9/N0ED: Bermuda (NA-005)                             425
till  27/07      W7W: Waadah Island (NA-169) * N6HR, N6VV and others    425
till  27/11      XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada)              401
till  15/08      YS9/KE4LWT: El Salvador                                422
till  31/07      ZL4IR: South Island (NA-134) * by K8VIR                423
till  25/07      ZW2SS and ZY2SS: Sao Sebastiao Island (SA-028)         428
22/07-04/09      ID9/I2IAU: Eolie Islands (EU-017)                      429
23/07-25/07      DSs/3 and HLs/3: Anmyeon Island (AS-080)               427
23/07-25/07      GB60ENI: special event station                         429
23/07-30/07      HL0Y/4: Huksan Island (AS-093)                         423
23/07-26/07      JM1PXG/6: Daito Islands (AS-047)                       419
23/07-25/07      N4H: Hatteras Island (NA-067)                          427
23/07-26/07      TF7/LX9EG and TF7RX: Westman Islands (EU-071)          429
23/07-26/07      TM5G: Glenan Is (EU-094) * by Fs                       425
23/07-27/07      WP4U: Culebra Island, Puerto Rico (NA-099)             428
24/07-25/07      3Z0ENI: special event station (Poland)                 429
24/07-25/07      6W1QV/p: Goree Island (AF-045) * by 6W1QV and TR8XX    429
24/07-26/07      BV2KI,BV2KS,BV2NT,BV2PU,BV2UJ,BV4ME: Ma-Tsu Is (AS-113)428
24/07-30/07      M0CIL/C6A: Abaco (NA-080) * by ON4BAM                  423
24/07-25/07      IK2DUW and IK2GPQ: Tino Island (EU-083)                429
24/07-31/07      GB2LI: Lundy Island (EU-120) * by GW4GJT and GW4YKL    429
24/07-26/07      JI3DST/3: Awajishima (AS-117)                          419
24/07-25/07      VC6MP: special event station (Canada)                  429
24/07-31/07      KG8XV/VP9: Bermuda (NA-005) * by JH1ROJ                429
24/07-31/07      WB8YJF: Ocracoke Island (NA-067)                       427
24/07-25/07      RSGB IOTA Contest                                      ***
24/07-25/07      Russian RTTY WW Contest                                ***
24/07-25/07      YV DX CW Contest                                       ***
S DX@WW $425WW429G
425 DX News #429 [7/7]
  24 July 1999                    No 429                   BID: $425WW429G
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******

25/07            IK8YFU and others: Scoglio Mantineo (IIA VV-004)       428
25/07            IS0: La Vacca (EU-165, IIA CA-004)                     428
26/07-28/07      E4/JM1LJS: West Bank, Palestine                        429
26/07-30/07      K2HJB/VP9: Bermuda (NA-005)                            429
27/07-29/07      IF9ZRQ: Il Faraglione (EU-054, IIA TP-013)             428
27/07-31/07      TFx/LX9EG: Iceland (EU-021) * by LX1NO and LX2LX       429
28/07-11/08      J45K: Kos Island (EU-001) * by DL9UDS and DL9USA       429
29/07-31/07      E4/JM1LJS: Gaza, Palestine                             429
29/07-02/08      KH0: Saipan * by JAs                                   429
29/07-01/08      PV1S (CW) & PV1B (SSB): Gipoia Isl (SA-029?)           429
29/07-01/08      YW7C: Coche island (SA-012) * by YVs                   425
30/07-01/08      9A5D: 2 metres from WWL JN92BP * by 9As                429
30/07-01/08      BY9GA/9: Gannan Prairie, China * by BYs                429
30/07-03/08      FW8ZZ: Wallis (OC-054) * by FK8GM,JA1BK,OH2BE,OH2BH    429
30/07-02/08      RU0LL, UA0LCT, UA0MF/A: Putyatina Isl (AS-066)         429
30/07-06/08      ZK1: Mangaia (OC-159), South Cooks * by JJ8DEN         427
30/07-01/08      Northwest DX Convention (Portland, OR)                 423
31/07-02/08      CQ7P: Fortess of Peniche * by CT1CBI, CT1FIJ, CT2FUP   429
31/07            W1OK: NA-031 (Rhode Island)                            429
01/08-05/08      3A/IK1SLP and 3A/IK1YLL: Monaco                        425
01/08-04/08      3W6KS & 3W6HM: Phu Quoc (AS-128) * by JA8VE & JF1OCQ   429
01/08            IK8YFU and others: Scogli Le Formiche (IIA VV-???)     428
01/08-31/08      SSTV Activity Contest                                  427
01/08            YO DX HF Contest                                       429
02/08-05/08      ES0/OH1NOA: Saaremaa Island (EU-034)                   429
02/08-27/08      IS0/IK2OCP: Sardinia (EU-024)                          427
03/08-09/08      HL0C/4: Mara Island (AS-026)                           429
04/08-14/08      9A/IK4HPU: EU-136                                      429
04/08-18/08      TM5ECL: special event station (France) * by F6KWP      429
04/08-22/08      VE2/F5NZO and VE2/F5SSM: Quebec (Canada)               425
04/08-08/08      ZK1SCQ, ZK1SCR: Rarotonga (OC-013), So. Cooks * by DLs 417
05/08-07/08      FO: Moorea (OC-046), French Polynesia*by CX3AN & CX4CR 425
05/08-11/08      PA3EWP,PA3GCV,PA4EA,PA4WM,PA7FM,PA5ET/PJ7 & /FS        423
06/08-08/08      HB0/IK2SNG, IK4RQJ, IK4VET, IK4XCL, IK4ZGY             429
07/08-08/08      N2OB: Long Beach Island (NA-111)                       429
07/08-09/08      P29VHX: OC-153 (Papua New Guinea) * by DJ9HX           429
07/08-17/08      T9/IW2LLA: Bosnia                                      427
07/08-17/08      ZK1: Rarotonga (OC-013), So. Cooks * by CX3AN & CX4CR  425
07/08-08/08      National Lighthouse Weekend                            429
07/08-08/08      WAE DX CW Contest                                      ***
08/08-20/08      IE9/I4ALU: Ustica Island (EU-051)                      423
08/08            IK8YFU and others: Scoglio Arena (IIA VV-005)          428
09/08-15/08      JH1YVY: Niijima (AS-008) * by JH1RYN                   429
09/08            VY2/F5NZO and VY2/F5SSM: Prince Edward Island (NA-029) 425
09/08-21/08      FK/F6BUM: New Caledonia (OC-032)                       425
10/08-15/08      P29VHX: OC-008 (Papua New Guinea) * by DJ9HX           429
10/08-12/08      ZK1SCQ, ZK1SCR: Aitutaki (OC-083), So. Cooks * by DLs  417
11/08-17/08      V26E: Antigua (NA-100) * by AB2E                       429
11/08-18/08      V47xx: Nevis (NA-104) * by PAs                         423
11/08-14/08      VE2/F5NZO and VE2/F5SSM: La Madeleine Islands (NA-038) 425
14/08            VE1: NA-068 * by F5NZO and F5SSM                       427
14/08-17/08      ZK1SCQ, ZK1SCR: Mangaia (OC-159), So. Cooks * by DLs   417
14/08-15/08      SARTG WW RTTY Contest                                  ***
16/08-23/08      HU4U: El Salvador * by EAs and YSs                     429
16/08-18/08      P29VHX: OC-025 (Papua New Guinea) * by DJ9HX           429
17/08-19/08      ZK1: Manihiki (OC 014), No. Cooks * by CX3AN & CX4CR   425
18/08-25/08      VP2E: Anguilla (NA-022) * by PAs                       423
19/08-23/08      3D2: Viti Levu (OC-016), Fiji * by CX3AN & CX4CR       425
19/08-22/08      P29VHX: OC-034 (Papua New Guinea) * by DJ9HX           429
20/08-25/08      ZK1SCQ, ZK1SCR: Manihiki (OC-014), No. Cooks * by DLs  417
20/08-22/08      HAM FAIR 1999 (Yokohama, Japan)                        425
21/08-04/09      ID9/I1SNW: Vulcano Island (EU-017)                     427
21/08-22/08      International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend             413
21/08-22/08      Seanet SSB Contest                                     425
22/08-24/08      FK/F6BUM: Ouvea (OC-033), New Caledonia                425
23/08-25/08      ZL: North Island (OC-036) * by CX3AN & CX4CR           425
25/08-30/08      FK/F6BUM: Lifou (OC-033), New Caledonia                425
26/08-11/09      T2: Tuvalu (OC-015) * by EA4DX                         423
27/08-29/08      VIII International DX Convention (New Orleans, LA)     423
28/08-29/08      II2V * special A. Volta station                        407
28/08-31/08      ZK1SCQ, ZK1SCR: Palmerston (OC-124), So.Cooks * by DLs 417
29/08-09/09      IA5/IK0YUJ: Giglio Island (EU-028)                     427
31/08-02/09      FK/F6BUM: Mare (OC-033), New Caledonia                 425
August           NH6D/KH3: Johnston Island (OC-023)                     429
through Aug      SV1BRL/SV8: Kefallinia (EU-052)                        427