DX425 bulletin issue nr. 428

S DX@WW $425WW428A
425 DX News #428 [1/6]
 17 July 1999                      No 428                       $425WW428A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

5X     - Tomo, JE9IKG, who  was recently active  as JE9IKG/6O  and 6O0A  from
         Somaliland, now plans to operate (SSB only) as 5X1JA from Uganda  on
         17 and 18 July. [TNX The Daily DX]
9A     - Operators from  the Croatian  DXpedition  Group (9A-DXP-G)  will  be
         active as 9A0DX from Korcula Island (EU-016, WWL JN82IW) between  23
         July and 8 August. They will operate on HF (10-80 metres), 50,  144,
         432 and 1296 MHz (give a look to http://ham2.irb.hr/9a0dx for skeds)
         and will participate in the IOTA Contest. [TNX 9A3PA]
BY     - Haikou is the main city on Hainan Island (AS-094) and both BG7YB and
         BG7YC are fairly active from there. Look for them between 14 and  18
         UTC on 15 metres around 21400-21410 kHz. [TNX I4EAT]
CT     - Jorge, F8BQQ reports he will be active from Portugal as CT/F8BQQ (CW
         only) between 19 July and 8 August. QSL via home call. 
ES     - Operators from Viimsi Radio Club (ES2WX)  will be active from  Kihnu
         Island (EU-034) between 19 and 27  July. Look for ES2WX/0,  ES2RJ/0,
         ES2NA/0, ES2QH/0, ES1MW/0 and possibly others to operate on 50, 144,
         432 and 1296 MHz with some HF. They will participate in the Estonian
         VUSHF Open Field Day  (24-25 July) as  ES0X. Further information  is
         available at http://www.automaatika.ee/es2wx [TNX ES2NA]
F      - Thierry, F5SNY will be active as F5SNY/p from Molene Island (EU-065)
         betweem 18 and 21 July, then  from Belle Ile (EU-048) until July  29
         (IOTA Contest included). [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
G      - The operation from St  Mary's Island (EU-011)  is confirmed to  take
         place between  22 and  29 July  [425DXN  405]. Look  for  Tom/G0PSE,
         Ian/G3KZR and Steve/G4EDG to be active  as GB0SM and G5M during  the
         IOTA  Contest.QSL  via   the  bureau  or   direct  to  G3WNI   (Bill
         Lindsay-Smith, Way Close, Madford,  Hemyock, Collumpton, Devon  EX15
         3QY,    England).    Bureau    cards    can    be    requested    at
         tom@tctaylor.demon.co.uk or g0pse@qsl.net and logs will be available
         at www.islandchasers.com after the operation. [TNX G0PSE]
HB9    - HB7OGR is the club callsign used through the end of the year by  the
         USKA branch of  Rheintal to celebrate  the 70th  anniversary of  the
         Swiss national society. QSL via HB9AAQ.
HH     - According to  the OPDX,  Bill, W4WX  has  cancelled his  13-19  July
         activity from  Haiti  [425DXN 427]  "due  to  very  negative  travel
HK     - Gerard, F2JD/HK3JBR will be active as  HK3JBR/1 from Rosario  Island
         (SA-040) between 17 and 20 July.  QSL via F6AJA. [TNX F6AJA and  Les
         Nouvelles DX]
I      - Walter, IN3XUG will  be active  as IN3XUG/I3  from Albarella  Island
         (IIA RO-002, not IOTA) between 15  and 27 July.  QSL via home  call.
         [TNX IN3XUG]
I      - Weather permitting, Calabria  DX Team  will be  active from  Scoglio
         Mantineo (IIA VV-004, not IOTA) on 25 July, from Scogli Le  Formiche
         (IIA VV-???,  not IOTA)  on 1  August and  from Scoglio  Arena  (IIA
         VV-005, not IOTA) on 8 August. QSL via IK8YFU. [TNX IK8YFU]
I      - Aroldo, IF9ZRQ plans to be active  from Il Faraglione (IIA  TP-013),
         in the  Egadi Islands  (EU-054) on  27-29 July.  QSL via  home  call
         (Aroldo Bizzarri, Via Pietrevarate 11, 91010  Levanzo - TP,  Italy).
         [TNX IF9ZRQ]
IS0    - Operators from ARI Carbonia  will be active  from La Vacca  (EU-165,
         IIA CA-004) on 18 and 25 July. [TNX IS0YUJ]
KP4    - Carlos, WP4U will  be active  Culebra Island,  Puerto Rico  (NA-099)
         between 23 and 27 July. The island counts for the Worked Puerto Rico
         Island (WPRI) award. QSL via WP4U. [TNX The Daily DX]
PY     - PP5LL, PT2HF, PT2NP, PY2HN and  PY2PA will be  active on all  bands,
         WARC included,  as ZW2SS  (SSB) and  ZY2SS (CW)  from Sao  Sebastiao
         Island (SA-028) between 21 or 22  July and the 25th. Both  astations
         are expected to  participate in the  IOTA Contest.  QSL via  PT2GTI.
         [TNX PT2NP]
S DX@WW $425WW428B
425 DX News #428 [2/6]
 17 July 1999                      No 428                       $425WW428B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

SM     - Special call (and  new prefix)  SI9AM will  be aired  on 17-18  July
         during the opening of a Thai  Pavilion, King Chulalongkorn  Memorial
         Building, in Ragunda, Sweden (http://www.ragunda.se/). This  special
         station will be active  on all bands  CW and SSB  from time to  time
         until September. QSL via SM3CVM. [TNX SM3CVM]
SV     - Harald,  DL7VSN  is  active  as  SV8/DL7VSN/p  from  Mykonos  Island
         (EU-067) until 26  July. He will  participate in  the IOTA  Contest.
         [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
TF     - Scout station TF1SS will be active  until 20 July from the  Jamboree
         at Ulfljotsvatn, about 50km east of Reykjavik. QSL via bureau.  [TNX
UA     - Latest reports from Russia indicate that the the Radio Club  Vologda
         have changed their plans and the RF1O operation from the Solovetskie
         Islands (EU-066) [425DXN  419] has been  cancelled. Now  Vlad/UA1RG,
         Pavel/UA1QE and Mike/UA1QV will be active as RF1P from Dolgy  Island
         (EU-102). This activity replaces the RI1OTA one announced in  425DXN
         425. Operations are expected to take  place between 17 and 27  July,
         IOTA Contest included. QSL via UA1RJ (Yuri Sinitso, Box 10, Vologda,
         160035 Russia). [TNX UA1RJ]
UA     - Vlad, RZ1OA and Dima, UA1OLM will be active as RZ1OA/A from Lyasomin
         Island (EU-153) between 21 and 29  July, IOTA Contest included.  QSL
         via RZ1OA (Vlad Sadakov, P.O. Box 48, Arkhangelsk, 163040,  Russia).
         [TNX RZ1OA]
UA     - Victor/RN1AW, Oleg/RV1CW and  RA1ANP will be  active as UE1CIG  from
         Gogland Island (EU-133) between 20 and 31 July. QSL via RN1AW either
         direct (Victor  Tcarevsky,  P.O.Box 114,  St.Petersburg,  Pushkin-8,
         189620 Russia) or through the bureau. [TNX RZ1AZ]
VE     - Terry,  VE7TLL  confirms  the  IOTA  operation  from  Dundas  Island
         (NA-118) [425DXN 419] will take place  between 22 and 26 July.  Look
         for VE7TLL/p, VE7QCR/p, VE7EDZ/p, VE7KDU/p  and VE7GKH/p before  and
         after the IOTA Contest (QSL via home calls) and for VD7D durign  the
         Contest (QSL via VE7TLL: Terry Mitchell,  P.O. Box 9, Tlell, BC  V0T
         1Y0,  Canada).  They  will  have  two  rigs,  two  amplifiers,   two
         tribanders, one multiband vertical and wires for the low bands.
VK     - Please note  that Derek,  F5VCR will  be using  his Australian  call
         (VK6DDU) during his and Mal's (VK6ISL) 17-19 July operation  [425DXN
         427] from Rottnest Island (OC-164). [TNX VK6LC]
VK9_lh - IZ0BPI plans to operate (10, 15,  20, 40 and 80  metres SSB and  CW)
         from Lord Howe (OC-004) between 17 and 22 July. QSL via IZ0BTY. [TNX
ZC4    - The club station will be active on the second and fourth  Wednesdays
         of each month  (approximately between 19.30  and 23.00 Cyprus  local
         time) from  the Akrotiri  Base (AS-004)  using ZC4RAF  or ZC4ATC  on
         either SSB or CW. QSL both calls via 5B4YX. [TNX G3PMR and K1WY]

                   <<< RSGB IOTA CONTEST (24-25 JULY) >>>

The following stations are expected to participate in this year's event  [see
also 425DXN 405, 409, 411, 419, 421, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427 - a summary list
will be published on Thursday, July 22nd]:

AS-012 - Yuki, JA6LCJ as JA6LCJ/6 from Amakusa Archipelago. QSL via home call
         and log serach at http://www.nttl-net.ne.jp/ja6lcj/ [TNX JA6LCJ]
AS-018 - UA0FZ as RS0F (CW and SSB) from Sakhalin Island. QSL via W3HNK.
AS-099 - Berkin, TA3J as TA3J/0 from Alibey  Island. QSL via home call.  [TNX
AS-107 - The IOTA  Contest  operation from  Koh  SiChang  [425DXN  427]  will
         feature two multi-mixed mode stations, HS2AC (led by HS1CHB with  JA
         operators) and HS0AC/2 (led by HS1CKC with Thai/UK operators). After
         the contest the groups will  combine under the  call HS2AC until  28
         July. QSL for  callsigns via HS0/G3NOM  either direct (Ray  Gerrard,
         P.O. Box 1300, Bangkok, 10112, Thailand) or through the Thai bureau.
         [TNX HS0/G3NOM]
AS-113 - BV2KI, BV2KS, BV2NT, BV2PU, BV2UJ and BV4ME from the Ma-Tsu Islands.
         The group will be active on  all bands CW, SSB  and RTTY between  24
         and 26 July. QSL via BV2KI. [TNX The Daily DX]
EU-057 - DH7NO, DL2RTK, DL2SWW and DL2VFR from  Ruden Island. [TNX The  Daily
EU-096 - OH1MDR, OH1NOA, and OH1MM as OH0MDR/1  from Sandstrom Reef. QSL  via
         OH1MDR. [TNX OH1MDR]
EU-113 - SV1APA, SV1CAU,  SV1DIM (YL  operator), SV1EDZ,  SV1EEI, SV4FGD  and
         SV4FGJ as home call/SV8  from Kithira Island.  QSL via bureau.  [TNX
EU-127 - Felix, DL8OBC as DL8OBC/p from Helgoland Island, CW only. Before and
         after the contest  he will operate  SSB as well.  QSL via home  call
         either direct  (Felix  J. Riess,  P.O.  Box 1253,  D-30984  Gehrden,
         Germany) or through the bureau. [TNX DL8OBC]
EU-145 - Amateurs from  Algarve DX  Group  (CT1ASU, CT1ERY,  CT1GFK,  CT1GPQ,
         CT2GFJ and CT2GZL) as CQ1C (SSB and CW) from Culatra Island. QSL via
         CT1GFK either direct (Apartado 468,  P-8700-914 Olhao, Portugal)  or
         through the bureau. [TNX CT1END]
S DX@WW $425WW428C
425 DX News #428 [3/6]
 17 July 1999                      No 428                       $425WW428C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

ANNOBON 1999 ---> Tony Galiana, EA5BY reports the 3C0R DXpedition to  Annobon
Island (AF-039) is still scheduled to take place between 14 and 24 July.  The
operators (3C1GS/Ramon, 3C1RV/Roberto,  EA5BYP/Elmo and  EA5YN/Vic) have  two
goals: first of all to provide as many  stations as possible with a new  DXCC
entity, and second to leave  open doors for  other possible expeditions.  One
station will work RTTY, while the other three will be on CW and SSB. QSL  via
EA5FVY  (Angel  Garcia  Mendoza,  P.O.  Box  3045,  03080  Alicante,  Spain).
Financial assistance is sought for to meet the expenses - please contact Tony
at ea5by@jet.es for further information.

EWWA ---> Full information on the  European World Wide Award is available  at
http://www.chbarg.demon.co.uk/g0oyq/ewwa.htm or from the Award Manager, F6FQK

PSK31 CONTEST ---> Sponsored by the  Chautauqua County Contest Club, it  will
take place between 00.00  UTC and 23.59  UTC on on  4 September. For  further
information please  contact Andrew  O'Brien, KB2EOQ  at  obrienaj@netsync.net

QSL VK4s --->  Laurie, VK4BLE  (WIAQ QSL  Bureau Manager)  reports that  both
VK4CEJ and VK4DZ do not accept cards via the bureau. They addresses are  John
Caine, P.O. Box 80, Laidley, 4341, QLD, Australia (VK4CEJ) and Graeme Bracht,
P.O. Box 24, Laidley, 4131, QLD, Australia (VK4DZ).

QSL VIA G7BQY ---> Arthur, G7BQY is  the QSL manager for the following  Scout
special event stations: GB2COS (since 1984), GB98CH (July-August 1998), GB2CD
(3-4 July 1999).

                            >>> QSL VIA W3HC <<<

Carl McDaniel, W3HC (2116 Reed Street,  Williamsport, PA 17701-3904, USA)  is
QSL Manager for the following stations :
3A5OLZ      BA1CO        C53HG/E      HS0ZCJ       T94GB        V5/WA1JBB
3C1/TU4EI   BA1DU        AA4HU/D2     KM4P/HS0     TA4A         V51GC
4K1A        BA1NH        EA6ABN       HS1BV        TR8JH        VI6VY
4K1QAV      BI3H         ED0BOD       J73JT        TU2XZ        VK6AJW
5N0ASW      BI4C         EP2ASZ       PT7WX        TU4EI        VK6VS
5N0SKO      BI5P         EPDL         R9C          TU5EV        W3HCW
5N2CFA      BI5Z         EP2HSA       R9WB         UA4NC        W3HCW/LLB
6T2MG       BV4OQ        EP2MA        RA0AL        UA9XAB       XQ3MCC
7X5VRK      BV5DR        EP2MRD       RB5JK        UA9XS        XR3M
9A1CHP      CE0/W9FW     EU3FT        RP9XUK       UE50XB       XT/TU4EI
9A2OP       CE3MCC       EW1DM        RU0LAX       UE50XS       XT2JB
9A6DCR      CE3/W9FW     EW1MM        RU9WB        UE9WAB       YL2EC
9A7P        CO2AL        EW1SM        RV73WB       UE9WAC       Z31VJ
9K2MA       CO2CL        F6FWT        RV9W         UT5URW       ZS5ACW
9L/TU5EV    CO6AP        HC2FN        RV9WB        UU3JO
9L3GB       CO6FA        HL9AX        RV9XM        UU3JQ
A92FZ       CO6RQ        HL9OO        RX9TX        UU7JK
BA1BA       C53HG        HS0AIT       RZ6HAV       UX0BB
Carl also supplied cards for EP2HZ,  VP8CEO, EP2MHB and  CO2OM (who became  a
Silent Key on  16 June), but  he is  no longer  their manager.  He can  still
confirm contacts made with CO2CL and  ZS5ACW (both SKs) as  the logs for  his
stations are always open. For full  information on the  W3HC QSL Fund  please
visit http://www.qsl.net/w3hc

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS:         The logs for the recent 3V8DJ IOTA operation from Djerba Island
              are now available at http://www.425dxn.org
LOGS:         The logs for OJ0/K7BV, OH0/K7BV, and OH0Z (1999 WPX CW) can  be
              found at http://www.qth.com/k7bv/#logsearch
LOGS:         The  1997  and  1998  logs  for  VK9LX  are  now  available  at
              http://dx.qsl.net/logs [TNX N6RT]
NEW SITE:     A newly born and useful  site devoted to  amateur radio can  be
              found at  http://www.dxbands.com -  up  to the  moment  amateur
              radio news, details  on DXpeditions,  contests, "dx-diary"  and
              links. The e-mail address is news@dxbands.com [TNX G4KIU]
RADAMATO:     The updated version of this Italian  callbook is now  available
              at http://www.qsl.net/iz8ajq [TNX IZ8AJQ]
S DX@WW $425WW428D
425 DX News #428 [4/6]
 17 July 1999                      No 428                       $425WW428D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by IK1GPG & IK1QFM

CALL          MANAGER     INFO FROM              NOTE                  
2A0APF/P      MM1AUF      PCL071999                                    
2C4SLK        GW4SLK      QRZ-DX                                       
3D2EX         W8GEX       DXNL1154                                     
3V8BB         I4UFH       DXNL1154               08-11/07/99 - 07/01/99
3Z1DXC        SP1NQF      DXNL1154                                     
3Z2JPL        SP2QCR      QRZ-DX                                       
3Z7DXC        SP7CVW      DXNL1154                                     
3Z9DXC        SP9HWN      DXNL1154                                     
4M1X          W4SO        DXNL1154                                     
4N1DX/4       K1WY        4N1DX pol3@matgn                             
4Z1GY         NF4W        QRZ-DX                                       
5B4/RA9JX     RA9JX       IK7AFM                                       
5B4/RZ3TX     RZ3TX       IK7AFM                                       
5H3US         WA8JOC      QRZ-DX                                       
5N3CPR        SP5CPR      DXNL1154                                     
5R8FU         SM0DJZ      DXNL1154                                     
5V7FA         F6FNU       DXNL1154                                     
5Z4IC         MW0AIE      QRZ-DX                                       
6K0IS/2       HL1IWD      425DXN427                                    
6M0HZ/P       HL1IWD      425DXN427                                    
6O0A          JE9IKG      DXNL1154                                     
6W4RK         F5NPS       DXNL1154                                     
7Q7PA         N5PA        DXNL1153                                     
8Q7TV         F6BEE       DXNL1154                                     
9A0A          OK1FLM      425DXN427                                    
9H1PF         K5YG        QRZ-DX                                       
9H3ZQ         DF7JP       DXNL1154                                     
9J2AM         JA0JHA      QRZ-DX                                       
9M2TO         JA0DMV      DXNL1154                                     
9N7RN         IK4ZGY      DXNL1154                                     
9V9HQ         AA5BT       425DXN427                                    
A35EX         W8GEX       DXNL1154                                     
AH6HZ         WA7ND       IK7AFM                                       
AM8ZS         VE3HO       QRZ-DX                 CQWPX99CW             
BD4ED/4       BY4BHP      DXNL1154                                     
C21JH         VK2GJH      DXNL1154                                     
C6AFP         N4JQQ       QRZ-DX                                       
C6GI          C6AFV       DXNL1154                                     
CE0Y/JL6MSN   JL6MSN      QRZ-DX                                       
CP6XE         IK6SNR      DXNL1154                                     
DS0TO/5       DS5AAQ      DXNL1154                                     
EA8/EA3BT     EA3BT       425DXN427                                    
EA8/EA3WL     EA3WL       425DXN427                                    
EA8/N6TJ      VE3HO       QRZ-DX                                       
EL2DT         IK0PHY      DXNL1154                                     
EM5HQ         UR5LCV      425DXN427                                    
EP2MKO        UA6HCW      DXNL1154                                     
EX8AM         EA3FQA      QRZ-DX                                       
FO0CAB        LU3AKK      PCL071999                                    
FO0DEL        ON5AX       PCL071999                                    
FO0MSN        JL6MSN      DXNL1154                                     
FP/W8MV       W8MV        DXNL1154                                     
FY5YE         W5SVZ       DXNL1154                                     
HC4/VE3LAJ    HC4JS       hc4js@ECUA.NET.ec                            
HC4NJS        HC4JS       hc4js@ECUA.NET.ec                            
HH2/W4WX      W4WX        ARLD028 DX news                              
HI3/DL1GKG    DK2GP       QRZ-DX                                       
IA5/IK0YUJ    IK0YUJ      425DXN427                                    
IA5/IZ5BTC    IZ5BTC      425DXN427                                    
ID9/I1SNW     I1SNW       425DXN427                                    
IQ3X          IV3HAX      425DXN427                                    
IQ4A          IK4QJH      ik4qjh@arrl.net        SSB/RTTY              
IQ4B          IK4QJH      ik4qjh@arrl.net                              
IQ7J          IK7JWX      425DXN427                                    
IR0F          IK0ZME      425DXN427                                    
IS0/IK2OCP    IK2OCP      425DXN427                                    
IU7X          I7PXV       425DXN427                                    
IY4FGM        IK4QJH      ik4qjh@arrl.net                              
IY4OTA        IK4QJH      ik4qjh@arrl.net                              
IZ7AAA        IK7AFM      IK7AFM                                       
J49WI         I2WIJ       PCL071999                                    
JD1/JL1KFR    JL1KFR      DXNL1154                                     
JT1FAL        JA0IXW      DXNL1154                                     
JW/DL3NRV     DL3NRV      DXNL1154                                     
KH3/W5RXP     W5RXP       QRZ-DX                                       
KH6/N7FL      N7FL        DXNL1153                                     
KH6/ON5AX     ON5AX       QRZ-DX                                       
S DX@WW $425WW428E
425 DX News #428 [5/6]
 17 July 1999                      No 428                       $425WW428E
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                         *******  QSL INFO  ********

KP2/AG8L      NN6C        DXNL1154
KP2/K6RO      K6RO        DXNL1154                                     
KP2/KF2BQ     KF2BQ       DXNL1154                                     
KP2/N2OO      N2OO        DXNL1154                                     
KP2/W6KK      W6KK        DXNL1154                                     
LR0H          LU9HS       IK7AFM                                       
LX0RL         DL4FCH      IK7AFM                 28/08/99-03/09/99     
LY99RMD       LY3BE       DXNL1153                                     
MJ/DL2UR      DL2UR       DXNL1154                                     
MJ/DL7FER     DL7FER      DXNL1154                                     
N4H           KO4PY       425DXN427                                    
NH7A          N2AU        DXNL1154                                     
OA/KQ6XA      KQ6XA       QRZ-DX                                       
OD5VT         YO3FRI      QRZ-DX                                       
OH0Z          OH1EH       DXNL1154                                     
OH0Z          OH1EH       IK7AFM                                       
OJ0/LA0CX     LA0CX       QRZ-DX                                       
OJ0/LA1SJA    LA1SJA      QRZ-DX                                       
OJ0/LA3KIA    LA3KIA      QRZ-DX                                       
OJ0/OH0RJ     OH0RJ       QRZ-DX                                       
OJ0RJ         OH0RJ       DXNL1154                                     
OL9HQ         OK1MD       DXNL1154                                     
P29KPH        K5YG        QRZ-DX                 >24/04/99             
P40K          I2EOW       PCL071999                                    
P49V          AI6V        PCL071999                                    
PA/MR         VE3MR       IK7AFM                                       
PP4Y          PY4OY       py4oy@net.em.com.br                          
PR4Y          PY4OY       py4oy@net.em.com.br                          
PV4Y          PY4OY       py4oy@net.em.com.br                          
PW4Y          PY4OY       py4oy@net.em.com.br                          
R1AND         RW1AI       DXNL1154                                     
R1MVA         OH2BR       PCL071999                                    
RK9AC         W3HNK       rw9qa@krg.surw.chel.su                       
RM9RA         RW9QA       rw9qa@krg.surw.chel.su                       
RM9RM         RW9QA       rw9qa@krg.surw.chel.su                       
RM9RO         RW9QA       rw9qa@krg.surw.chel.su                       
RM9RX         RW9QA       rw9qa@krg.surw.chel.su                       
RM9RX/9       RW9QA       rw9qa@krg.surw.chel.su                       
RM9RZ         RW9QA       rw9qa@krg.surw.chel.su                       
RW9QA         RW9QA       rw9qa@krg.surw.chel.su                       
RW9QA         W3HNK       rw9qa@krg.surw.chel.su                       
RW9RN         RW9QA       rw9qa@krg.surw.chel.su                       
SN6F/1        SP6ECA      425DXN427                                    
SO2DBO        DL5DBO      PCL071999                                    
SV8/HA0HW     HA0HW       425DXN427                                    
SV8/PA1XA     PA3BLS      IK7AFM                                       
SV9/IK3ZQZ    IK3ZQZ      425DXN427                                    
T30JH         VK2GJH      DXNL1153                                     
TF/W2SF       W2SF        QRZ-DX                                       
TF5S          TF3S        IK7AFM                                       
TJ1PD         N5DRV       QRZ-DX                                       
TK/F6AUS      F6AUS       ARLD028 DX news                              
TM0HQ         F6KNB       DXNL1154                                     
TM2F          F5LJA       F1ORL@F6KFV.FRPA.FRA.EU                      
TM2LH         F6KOH       DXNL1154                                     
TM5AS         F6BTP       DXNL1154                                     
TM5BMA        F5ORQ       F5ORQ                                        
TM5ECL        F6KWP       MARC.NOGENT@wanadoo.fr                       
TM5J          F8CIO       425DXN427                                    
TR8JPF        F5JEE       DXNL1153                                     
UA0ZY/P       4Z5AV       425DXN427                                    
UA1RG/1       UA1RJ       DXNL1153                                     
UA9QA         RW9QA       rw9qa@krg.surw.chel.su                       
UA9QGB        RW9QA       rw9qa@krg.surw.chel.su                       
UA9RH         RW9QA       rw9qa@krg.surw.chel.su                       
UA9RQ         RW9QA       rw9qa@krg.surw.chel.su                       
UE6AAF        UA6AF       425DXN427                                    
UT6Y          US2YW       IK7AFM                                       
V5/DH1NS      DH1NS       DXNL1153                                     
VK7FLI        VK7BE       PCL071999                                    
VP5/K5YG      K5YG        QRZ-DX                                       
VP5T          N2CW        n2vw@skyhigh.com       CQWW99SSB             
VQ9CV         ND1V        DXNL1154                                     
VR2KF         JH1OGX      DXNL1154                                     
W4/VE3XZ      VE3CUI      425DXN427                                    
WP2Z          KU9C        ARLD028 DX news                              
XW8CSN        JR2KDN      QRZ-DX                                       
YB0AZ         W7TSQ       DXNL1154                                     
YU4ACL        YU1FW       4N1DX pol3@matgn                             
YV1/K2KW      WA4WTG      DXNL1154                                     
YV1/K6KM      K6KM        DXNL1154                                     
YV1/N6TV      N6TV        DXNL1154                                     
YZ4IZ         YU4WU       4N1DX pol3@matgn                             
YZ75AJM       YU7AJM      IK7AFM                                       
YZ75ATL       YU1ATL      4N1DX pol3@matgn                             
Z38/DL1HUF    DL1HUF      PCL071999                                    
ZC4ATC        5B4YX       DXNL1154                                     
ZD8Z          VE3HO       QRZ-DX                                       
ZF2YG         K5YG        QRZ-DX                                       
ZK1AXA        ON5AX       DXNL1154                                     
ZP99A         ZP5AA       DXNL1154                                     
ZP99CA        ZP6RAI      DXNL1154                                     
ZW0SP         PT7AA       425DXN427              CW                    
ZW4Y          PY4OY       py4oy@net.em.com.br                          
ZX0SK         PS7KM       425DXN427              SSB                   
ZX4Y          PY4OY       py4oy@net.em.com.br                          
ZY4OY         PY4OY       py4oy@net.em.com.br                          
ZZ4Y          PY4OY       py4oy@net.em.com.br                          
S DX@WW $425WW428F
425 DX News #428 [6/6]
 17 July 1999                      No 428                       $425WW428F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********

4Z5AV   Michael Krimer, P.O.Box 2288, 88122 Eilat, Israel (425DXN427)
9H1BL   Silvio Migneco, Flat 1,  Alley 6, Morden Flats, Triq II-Kbira, 
        Mosta, Malta Islands (CB1999)
A92GK   Rajesh Nambiar, P.O.Box 5542, Manama, Bahrain (DXNL1154)
BD2MF   Zhang Jinyi, Changchun Institute of Post and Telecommunications,
        20 Nanhu Road, Changchun, Jilin 130012, China (DXNL1154)
BD5WW   Cao Jian Jun, P.O.Box 321, Qingliu, Fujian 365300, China (DXNL1154)
BV7FD   Huang Ping-Fu, P.O.Box 4, Fongshan City, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (QRZ-DX)
CE0ZIS  Eliazar Pizarro Rojas, P.O.Box 1, Juan Fernandez Island, Robinson
        Crusoe Island, Chile (QRZ-DX)
CU9AC   Joao Medeiros da Camara, Rua da Matriz, 9980 Ilha do Corvo, Azores
        Islands, Portugal (DXNL1154)
CX1JJ   Mariana Thevenet Kobak, P.O.Box 68164, 50000 Salto, Uruguay
DL4FCH  Peter Niksch, Saalburgstr.4, D-60385  Frankfurt, Germany (425DXN427)
DL7FER  Felix Kuntsch, Auf dem Berg 12, D-35745 Herborn, Germany (DXNL1154)
DX1HQ   PDXF, Philippine DX Foundation, P.O.Box 2000 QCCPO, 1160 Quezon City,
        Metro Manila, Philippines (425DXN427)
ET3AA   Ethiopian ARS, P.O.Box 60258, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (QRZ-DX)
F5ORQ   Reichrath Francis, 30 Avenue des Roses, F-57530 Courcelles Chaussy,
        France (F5ORQ)
F6KWP   R.C.A.R.A.S. 54 Nord, P.O.Box 8, F-54810 Longlaville, France
HC4JS   Jacob Santos, P.O.Box 73, Bahia, Ecuador (hc4js@ECUA.NET.ec)
HL1OYF  Duk-Nam Kim, P.O.Box 54, Dong-Jack, Seoul 156-600, Korea (425DXN427)
IK0FCV  Francesco Valsecchi, Via Bitossi 21, I-00136 Roma (RM), Italy
IK3ZQZ  Mike Sfakianakis, Via Campagnolo 25, I-35042 Este (PD), Italy
JL1KFR  Ryoichi Tojo, 1-102-5-37 Taeu Miyazaki 2 Chome, Chuo-ku, Chiba
        260-0806, Japan (DXNL1154)
JY9NE   Peter Dillon, AMEMB Amman, Unit 70200, Box 14, APO AE 09892, U.S.A.
N6FD    Frederick E.Deeg, P.O.Box 1694, Anacortes, WA-98221, USA (425DXN427)
ND1V    Rob Wright, 1409 Eaglestone Arch, Chesapeake, VA-23322, USA (QRZ-DX)
OH1EH   Ari Korhonen, Kreetalankatu 9 As 1, SF-29200 Harjavalta, Finland
OK2ZR   Petr Klimosz, Bucovicka 18, CZ-62700 Brno, Czech Republic
PT2HO   Guto, P.O.Box 07903, Brasilia, DF, 70649-970, Brasil (DXNL1154)
RZ9MYL  Radio Club Pulsar, P.O.Box 1742, Omsk 644043, Russia (QRZ-DX)
UA6AF   Victor Kravchenko, P.O.Box 33, Novorossiysk-22, 353922, Russia
UR5NX   Konstantin Khokhlov, P.O.Box 8100, Vinnitsa, 286050, Ukraine
VK2GJH  Jack D.Haden, P.O.Box 299, Ryde, NSW 2112, Australia  (DXNL1153)
WA7ND   Ex AH6HZ, Rick Conners, P.O.Box 4213, Sunriver, OR-97707, U.S.A.
YB0FMT  Yon, P.O.Box 1234, Jakarta 11012, Indonesia (DXNL1154)
YB0JAX  Ir.John Andries, P.O.Box 599 CPA, Jakarta 15401, Indonesia (DXNL1154)
YB4ZDZ  ORARI Lokal Tanjungkarang Timur Club Station,Box 234,Tanjungkarang,
        Bandar Lampung 3500, Indonesia (DXNL1154)
YC0YSV  R.M.Sidharto, P.O.Box 118, Bekasi 17011, Indonesia (DXNL1154)
YD0JVX  Setianto Wirjotanojo, Jl. Kelapa Gading Bulevard, Blok PA 11 No. 1,
        Jakarta Utara, Indonesia (DXNL1154)

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