DX425 bulletin issue nr. 427

S DX@WW $425WW427A
425 DX News #427 [1/5]
  10 July 1999                     No 427                   BID: $425WW427A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

CX     - Operators from Radio Club Oriental of Uruguay will be active (on 80,
         40, 20, 10  and 2  metres) as  CX4CA from  Timoteo Dominguez  Island
         (SA-057) on 17-18 July. [TNX CX1ABD]
DL     - Peter, DL4FCH will be active (mostly on CW on 10, 15, 20, 40 and  80
         metres) as DL4FCH/p  from Pellworm Island  (EU-042) between 17  July
         and 6 August, IOTA Contest included. QSL via home call either direct
         (Peter Niksch, Saalburgstr.4, 60385  Frankfurt, Germany) or  through
         the bureau. [TNX DL4FCH]
EA8    - Josep, EA3BT and Nuria, EA3WL will be active as EA8/home calls  from
         two lighthouses on Fuerteventura, Canary Islands (AF-004), namely De
         Morro Jable (D-2797,  from 13 UTC)  on 10 July  and De Punta  Jandia
         (D-2790, from 7.30 UTC) on the 11th. [TNX EA5OL]
G      - On 14 July  1899 Guglielmo Marconi,  while on board  the Royal  Navy
         cruiser HMS Juno, reported he was picking up the first signals  ever
         received by a naval  ship sent from  the Needles Wireles  Telegraphy
         Station at Alum  Bay some 87  miles away. West  Wight Radio  Society
         will operate special event station GB100RN (Royal Navy) on 10 and 11
         July from  Alum  Bay, Isle  of  Wight (EU-120)  to  commemorate  the
         occasion. [TNX Chiltern DX Club Digest]
HH     - Bill, W4WX  will be  active (on  10-20 metres,  mostly on  RTTY)  as
         HH2/W4WX from Haiti (NA-096) between 13  and 19 July. QSL via  W4WX.
         [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
HL     - Lee, HL1IWD  and YL  operator Yumi,  HL1MJV will  be active  (on  20
         metres only with 100 watts and  a dipole, mainly  on CW) as  6M0HZ/2
         from Tokchock Island (AS-90) between 18 and 20 July. QSL via  HL1IWD
         (all of the  contacts will  be confirmed  automatically through  the
         bureau). [TNX HL1IWD]
I      - Max, IZ5BTC will be active as IA5/IZ5BTC/p from Elba Island (EU-028,
         IIA LI-001) between 10 and 30 July. [TNX IZ5BTC]
I      - Alberto, IK0CNA plans to be active on either 11, 18 or 25 July  from
         Scoglio del Pirgo (IIA  RM-001, not IOTA)  and Scoglio dei  Saraceni
         (IIA RM-002, not IOTA). QSL via home call. [TNX IK0CNA]
I      - Look for Carlo/IK6CAC, Stefano/IK6TOR, Lino/IZ0CCB,  Alessio/IZ0CKJ,
         Simon/IZ7ATN, Diego/IW0FTB  and Paolo/IW0FT  to  be active  on  2-40
         metres (SSB  and  CW) as  IL7/home  call from  the  Tremiti  Islands
         (EU-050) between 16 and 18 July.  They will try to operate from  all
         of the eight IIA islands in  this group (Pianosa,  IIA FG-004 on  17
         July). QSL via home call or via IK6CAC. [TNX IK6CAC]
I      - Claudio, I1SNW will  be active  as ID9/I1SNW  from Vulcano  (EU-017)
         between 21 August and 4 September.  He will also operate from  other
         IIA islands in the Eolie group. QSL via home call. [TNX I1SNW]
I      - Riccardo, IK0YUJ will be active (CW and  SSB on HF and 6 metres)  as
         IA5/IK0YUJ from Giglio Island (EU-028, IIA GR-002) between 29 August
         and 9 September. QSL via IK0YUJ either direct (Riccardo Bruzzichini,
         P. O. Box 59, 06012 Citta' di  Castello - PG, Italy) or through  the
         bureau. [TNX IK0YUJ].
IS0    - Riccardo, IK2OCP will be active as IS0/IK2OCP from Orosei,  Sardinia
         (EU-024) between 2 and 27 August. QSL via home call. [TNX IK2OCP] 
PY0_spp- A new DXpedition to St. Peter  and St. Paul Archipelago (SA-014)  is
         being planned by Natal  DX Group. Karl  Leite, PS7KM and  Pergentino
         Andrade, PT7AA  will join  the Brazilian  Navy  crew on  their  next
         voyage to the  islands, which  is scheduled  to take  place on  late
         September/early October. Plans are to operate  as ZX0SK on SSB  (QSL
         via PS7KM) and ZW0SP on CW (QSL via PT7AA) for 10 days on 6, 12, 15,
         17, 20, 40 and 80 metres, with an emphasis on the low bands. Further
         information will follow in due course. [TNX PS7KM]
SV     - Laci, HA0HW  will  be active  as  SV8/HA0HW/p from  Kerkira  (Corfu)
         Island (EU-052) between 19 July and  2 August. Look  for him on  all
         bands, WARC  included,  on  CW,  SSB and  RTTY.  He  also  plans  to
         participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX HA0HW]
SV9    - Michele, IK3ZQZ will be active as  SV9/IK3ZQZ from Kissamos  Island,
         Crete (EU-015) between  12 and  22 July.  QSL via  home call  either
         direct (Mike Sfakianakis, Via Campagnolo 25, 35042 Este - PD, Italy)
         or through the bureau. [TNX IK3JLS]
T9     - Andrea, IW2LLA will be active (on 2 and possibly 6 metres) as either
         T9/IW2LLA or with a T9 call from Lukavica (JN93ET) between 7 and  17
         August.     QSL      via      home      call.      [TNX      IW2LLA,
UA     - Alex, UA0FCD, who was /p from  Iturup Island (AS-025, RRC  RR-15-04,
         Log  Search  at  http://www.qsl.net/ra0ff/)  is  back  on   Sakhalin
         (AS-018). His equipment has been given to Vlad, UA0FAA, who  expects
         to be  active  for  two weeks  from  Kunashir  Island  (AS-025,  RRC
         RR-15-05). [TNX RA0FF]
S DX@WW $425WW427B
425 DX News #427 [2/5]
  10 July 1999                     No 427                   BID: $425WW427B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

UA     - Alex Goldenberg, UA0ZY  reports he had  many problems in  organizing
         the IOTA  trip to  Kambalny (Toporkov)  Island (AS-???),  which  was
         scheduled to take place on 3-6  July [425DXN 424]. According to  his
         latest release,  the second  operator (UA0ZAZ)  has dropped  of  the
         expedition and now Alex plans to be active (20 metres) as UA0ZY/p on
         14-15 July.  QSL via  4Z5AV (Michael  Krimer, P.O.  Box 2288,  88122
         Eilat, Israel). Alex also reports  he operated for  some 8 hours  on
         28-29 June from  Krasheninnikova Island  (AS-095) -  cards for  this
         operation should be sent to either 4Z5AV or RW3GW (amateurs from CIS
         only). [TNX UA0ZY]
UA     - UE6AAF will be active from from the lighthouse (WLH 1236) located on
         Utrish Island in  the Black Sea  (RR 24 01,  it does  not count  for
         IOTA) between 14 and 20 July. QSL via UA6AF (Victor Kravchenko, P.O.
         Box 33, Novorossiysk-22 353922, Russia). [TNX UA6AF]
UA     - Look for RK3AWK/1, RU3BH/1  and RW3AMB/1 (the  latter on 160  metres
         only) to  be active  from Konevetc  Island (RRC-19-01,  it does  not
         count for IOTA) between 22 and 30 July. [TNX RW3AMB]
VE     - Further reports from Didier, F5NZO indicate that he and Eric,  F5SSM
         [425DXN 425] also plan to be active  for a few hours from NA-068  on
         eiter 14 or  15 August. The  operation from NA-038  is confirmed  to
         take place on  11-13 August. QSL  via home calls.  The Web page  for
         this trip is at http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Station/9368/
VK     - Derek, F5VCR and Mal, VK6LC will  be active as VK6ISL from  Rottnest
         Island (OC-164) between 17 and  19 July. QSL  via VK6LC. [TNX  F5VCR
         and Islands On The Web]
W      - Eddy, VE3CUI is  active as  VE3XZ/W4 from  Ocracoke Island  (NA-067)
         until 11 July. QSL via the bureau to VE3CUI. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
W      - Dave, KE8M will be active as  KE8M/4 from Key West (NA-062)  between
         20 and 30  July. He will  participate in the  IOTA Contest on  10-40
         metres CW. QSL via home call through the bureau. [TNX KE8M]
W      - Jon, WB8YJF will be active (on  40-10 metres CW, RTTY and SSB)  from
         Ocracoke Island (NA-067, USI NC-001S) between  24 and 31 July,  IOTA
         Contest included. QSL via home call  (Jon Severt, 5586 Babbitt  Rd.,
         New Albany, OH 43054, USA). [TNX WB8YJF]
ZK1_sc - Yoshi, JJ8DEN will be active (on 10-80 metres, WARC bands  included,
         CW and RTTY)  from Mangaia  Island (OC-159)  between 30  July and  6
         August. Due to power supply limitations on the island, he will  only
         operate between 5 and 24 local time. QSL via JJ8DEN. [TNX JA9IFF]

                   <<< RSGB IOTA CONTEST (24-25 JULY) >>>

The following stations are expected to participate in this year's event  [see
also 425DXN 405, 409, 411, 419, 421, 423, 424, 425, 426 - a summary list will
be published on Thursday, July 22nd]:

         home call/3 from Anmyeon Island (DS1BHE/3 and HL1TXQ/3 will  operate
         CW, the others SSB only). Look for  them to be active on 23-25  July
         (40, 20,  15  and  10  metres  SSB and  CW)  with  three  rigs,  two
         amplifiers and three beams.  QSL via HL1OYF  (Duk-Nam Kim, P.O.  Box
         54, Dong-Jack, Seoul 156-600, Korea). [TNX DS1BHE]
AS-105 - Lee/HL1IWD,  Simon/HL2RU  and  Bae/HL2LBM  as  6K0IS/2  from  Songmo
         Island. They will use a 3-element tribander and 100 watts on 10,  15
         and 20 metres. QSL via HL1IWD (all of the contacts will be confirmed
         automatically through the bureau). [TNX HL1IWD]
AS-107 - A group of operators from Thailand and Japan as HS2AC from Si  Chang
         Island. Look for them to be active until 28 July. [TNX The Daily DX]
EU-052 - Kiki, SV1BRL as SV1BRL/SV8 from Kefallinia  (from where she will  be
         active through August). QSL via home  call either direct or  through
         the French *** REF Bureau 33 ***  (Kiki reports she is not a  member
         of RAAG any longer). [TNX SV1BRL]
EU-064 - F6FHO, F6OYU, F8CIO and others as TM5J from Noirmoutier Island. Look
         for them between 22/23 and 25 July. QSL via F8CIO. [TNX F6AJA]
EU-071 - TF7GX (operated by  Ulli, TF8GX and  others [425DXN  401]) from  the
         Westman Islands. [TNX The Daily DX]
EU-081 - A group of  French operators from  Radio Club  F6KFV (F1DPP,  F1ORL,
         F1UVN, F5JSK, F5LJA, F5OGG, F5TBA, F6DQM) as TM2F from a  lighthouse
         (WLH 0060) on Saint Marcouf Islands. QSL via F5LJA. [TNX F1UVN]
EU-098 - Manfred, DJ7RJ as DJ7RJ/p. QSL via home call. [TNX DX News Sheet]
EU-116 - Club station GD6IA from the Isle  of Man. QSL to  P.O. Box 1,  Peel,
         Isle of Man, British Isles. [TNX GD3UMW]
EU-132 - SP6AZT, SP6CZ, SP6ECA, SP6TPM and DJ0IF/SP8RX as SN6F/1  from  Wolin
         Island (EU-132). QSL via SP6ECA. [TNX SP6ECA and SP6TPM]
EU-136 - OL5T Contest Team (OK1MD, OK1TC, OK1DJG, OK1FLM, OK1HSK, OK1ILP) and
         9A3EO as 9A0A from Kornat Island. QSL via OK1FLM. [TNX OK1FLM]
NA-065 - Fred, N6FD from Fidalgo Island.  QSL direct to  Fred Deeg, P.O.  Box
         1694, Anacortes, WA 98221, USA. [TNX N6FD]
NA-067 - Special event station  N4H from Hatteras  Island to commemorate  the
         moving of the lighthouse. Operations will take place between 23  and
         25 July (CW during the contest, SSB before and after the event). QSL
         via KO4PY. [TNX The Daily DX]
OC-164 - John, VK6NU as VK6NU/p from Rottnest  Island. He plans to be  active
         between 21 and 27 July. QSL  via home call either direct or  through
         the bureau [TNX VK6NU and Islands On The Web]
SA 008 - LU8XW (Radio Club Ushuaia) from  Tierra del Fuego.  QSL to P.O.  Box
         58, 9410 Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. [TNX LU6XTA]
SA-081 - Gerard, HK3JBR  (F2JD) and  Pedro, HK3JJH  as  5K8T from  El  Morro.
         Operations are due to start on 23 July. QSL via F6AJA. [TNX F6AJA]
S DX@WW $425WW427C
425 DX News #427 [3/5]
  10 July 1999                     No 427                   BID: $425WW427C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

IARU HF  WORLD  CHAMPIONSHIP --->  The  following stations  are  expected  to
participate in this year's event (10-11 July, see also 425DXN 426):

- Jun, JH4RHF from 4U1VIC at the Vienna International Centre. QSL via the  OE
  bureau. [TNX JH4RHF]
- Victor, 9V1BH and James, 9V1YC as 9V9HQ (SARTS HQ station). QSL via  AA5BT.
  [TNX 9V1YC]
- The Philippine Amateur  Radio Association HQ  station DX1HQ  hosted by  the
  Philippine DX Foundation. QSL via  PDXF, P.O. Box  2000 QCCPO, 1160  Quezon
  City, Metro Manila, Philippines. [DU1SAN]
- Igor, UR5LCV as EM5HQ (UARL HQ station). QSL via UR5LCV.
- Operators from  Nicosia Contest  Group as  H2Q (CARS-Cyprus  Amateur  Radio
  Society HQ). QSL cards will be sent automatically thorugh the bureau.  [TNX
- Gianfranco, IK0ZME  as  IR0F. QSL  via  IK0ZME  either  direct  (Gianfranco
  Fabroni, P.O. Box  22, 03036 Isola  del Liri -  FR, Italy)  or through  the
  bureau. [TNX IK0ZME]
- Mauro, IV3HAX as IQ3X. QSL via bureau  to either IQ3X or IV3SKB, direct  to
  IV3HAX (Mauro Lizzi, P.O.Box 1, 33034 Fagagna - UD, Italy).
- Alfredo, IK7JWX as  IQ7J (single  operator SSB).  QSL via  home call.  [TNX
- Enzo, I7PXV as IU7X (single operator CW). QSL via home call. [TNX IK7JWX]
- Berghem Contest Club (I2CZQ, I2IFT, I2MQP, IK2ANI, IK2CIO, IK2GSN,  IK2GZU,
  (Multi-Multi, ARI HQ station). QSL via bureau. [TNX I2IFT]
- Gilles, F6IRA and others as  TM0HQ (Multi-Multi, REF  HQ station). QSL  via
  F6KNB (please note that all of the contacts will be confirmed automatically
  through the bureau). [TNX F6IRA]
- Edwin, ZS5BBO as ZS5T. QSL direct only to ZS5BBO  (P.O. Box  211032,  Bluff
  4036, South Africa). [TNX OPDX Bulletin]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

1999 MUSEUM SHIP  SPECIAL EVENT --->  Sponsored by the  USS Salem Radio  Club
(K1USN, QSL via W1QWT), it will take place  between 13.30 UTC on 17 July  and
19.00 UTC on the 18th. As of 27 June 39 museum ships from US, Great  Britain,
Germany, Australia, Canada, Denmark and Russia were expected to be activated.
A certificate will  be issued to  anyone who contacts  at least  five of  the
participating     ships.     Full     information     is     available     at

CLIPPERTON DX CLUB ---> This year the Clipperton DX Club's Convention will be
held on 18-19 September at Mulhouse  Sausheim. For further information  visit

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO ---> Patrick,  F6BLQ reports the e-mail  address
for the newly established  amateur radio national  society of the  Democratic
Republic of Congo (ARAC) [425DXN 425] is aracongo@altavista.net (the  correct
fax number is 00 1530 660 6733). The first general meeting of ARAC took place
on 3 July and officers were elected.

IOTA CONTEST 1999  ---> Paul, EI5DI  has produced the  new version (9.38)  of
Super Duper IOTA for  the IOTA Contest.  It will be  available, by Monday  12
July, as freeware from http://www.ei5di.com and will require a 486 or better.

QSL D44BS ---> Samuel  Pimenta, CT1EEN is  *not* and has  never been the  QSL
manager for Angelo,  D44BS. Sam operated  from D44BS between  1 and 8  August
1995, and has the logs for this operation only. [TNX CT1EEN]

QSL IY4FGM ---> QSL manager IK4QJH reports he has run out of cards, please be
patient until  the new  cards are  printed. Please  note that  contacts  made
between 25 January and 31 December  1999 will be  confirmed with special  QSL
cards which will be printed next year - do not send duplicates.

SSTV ACTIVITY CONTEST  ---> The 22th  SSTV activity contest  will take  place
between 1 and  31 August.  Further information  is available  from Danny  Van
Tricht, ON4VT  either  by  e-mail  (ON4VT@ping.be) or  on  his  Web  site  at
http://www.ping.be/on4vt/ [TNX ON4VT]

SUMMER CAPITAL  AWARD  ---> The  Parnu  County Amateur  Radio  Club  of  ERAU
sponsors the Summer Capital Award for contacts made with ES8 stations between
22 June and 23 August. Full  information is available from the Award  Manager
ES8ABX  (es8abx@ph.ee;   P.O.Box   95,   Parnu   80002,   Estonia)   and   at
http://www.ppnet.ee/sc_award.htm [TNX ES8ABX]

YASME AWARD MANAGER ---> Contrary to  what reported by IK1GPG in last  week's
bulletin, Randy Wright, W6CUA is *NOT  the QSL Manager*  for the YASME  QSLs,
which still go the Yasme Foundation, P.O. Box 2025, Castro Valley, CA  94546,
USA. The correct information [425DXN 424] is that Randy, after the passing of
the late W0MLY,  is the new  Yasme Award Manager.  IK1GPG apologizes for  any
inconvenience his misunderstanding may have caused our readers.
S DX@WW $425WW427D
425 DX News #427 [4/5]
  10 July 1999                     No 427                   BID: $425WW427D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DCE:          Full information on the Diploma Castillos de Espana (Castles of
              Spain Award) is available at http://www.arrakis.es/~solfa  [TNX
HL0ZX/4:      Logs for the  recent operation from  Pigum Island (AS-060)  are
              available  at  http://hl0zx.inha.ac.kr   QSL  to  HL0ZX,   Inha
              University A.R.C.,  Yonghyun-dong, Nam-ku,  Inchon, Korea  [TNX
IIA:          Marco, IK0QOB  has  prepared the  new  realease  (2.4)  of  the
              software for  the  Italian Island  Award.  It is  available  at
              http://www.grisnet.it/crazy  (where  you  can  also  find   the
              software for ILIA, the Italian Lake  Islands Award). For  those
              who do not  have access  to the  Web, both  the programmes  are
              available free  of charge  from Crazy  Dx Group,  P.O. Box  11,
              04011 Aprilia -  LT, Italy (please  send one  or two  formatted
              disks +  postage in  a self  addressed padded  envelope).  [TNX
              Crazy DX Group, crazy@grisnet.it]
INORC:        The Web  site  for  Italian Naval  Old  Rhythmers  Club  is  at
              http://www.qsl.net/inorc [TNX IZ0AEX]
IREF:         The Web page for the Island  Radio Expedition Foundation,  Inc.
              is at http://www.sat.net/~iref/
LOGS:         Doug, N6RT  reports  the following  new/updated  logs  are  now
              available at http://dx.qsl.net/logs
              3A2LZ   (December 1990 through May 1996)
              4K9W    (through 23 June)
              C56A    (October 1998)
              C56T    (1998 CQWW SSB Contest)
              CQ2S    (April 1999)
              DS5DNO  (through 29 June)
              DU1ODX  (through 29 June)
              F/G0GRC (IOTA EU-107, June 1999)
              JW9PJA  (through 1 March)
              VQ9CV   (through 3 July)
              VQ9GB   (through 29 June)
              XE1JEO  (through 4 July)
              YC0LOW  (through 3 July)

QSL received  via  direct:    3A92GE,  3DA5A,  3V8BB,  3W6KA,  3W6LI,  3Z9JPG
(SP9KAG), 4L4MM (ON4CFI), 4Z1GY, 5N0/OK1AUT, 5T5U, 9A1CZZ/P (EU-110),  9J2PI,
(AS-103), BY1DX, C31SD, CM6YI, K9AW/DU6 (OC-129), E41/OK1DTP, E44DX  (OH2BN),
E44/HA1AG, EA1HP/p  (DIE N-165),  EP2MKO,  ER1DA, ET3VSC,  F6ELE/P  (EU-156),
FR5ZQ/G, FR5ZU/T,  FT5ZH, H40OO,  H44OO,   HK3JJH/0M,  HK3JJH/4,  HS0/IK4MRH,
JT1DA,  JT1Y  (I0SNY),  JX7DFA  (LA7DFA),  JY5HX,  AA1NY/KH0,  KP2D   (KP2N),
S07UN,  S79AG,  T22KJ,  T22TK,  T22VE,  T32RT  (W6UC),  T95A,  TF3AO,  TR0A/p
(AF-043),UA0BY/a (RW6HS), V85QQ/p (OC-184),  VK4CAY (OC-138) (G3ZAY),  VK4CAY
(OC-172) (G3ZAY), VK4CAY (OC-227) (G3ZAY), VK4CAY/5 (OC-228) (G3ZAY), VK4YN/p
(OC-142) (VK4FW),  VK6ISL  (OC-183), VP2VF,  VR6BG,  XU2ZP  (LA2ZP),  XX9TRR,

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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S DX@WW $425WW427E
425 DX News #427 [5/5]
  10 July 1999                     No 427                   BID: $425WW427E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  31/07      2C, 2X and 2W: special prefixes from Wales             415
till  31/07      2S, 2A and 2T: special prefixes from Scotland          415
till  11/07      3V8BB: Tunisia * by I4UFH                              425
till  20/07      3W6XK: Vietnam * by W9XK                               421
till  16/07      3XY7A: Guinea * by VE3DYS                              423
till  13/07      7Q7PA: Malawi * by N5PA                                423
till  31/12      9A770N: special event station (Croatia)                422
till  13/07      AM6JMU, AN6JMU, AO6JMU: special event stations (EA6)   426
till  17/07      C6AFP: Abaco (NA-080), Bahamas * by N4JQQ              425
till  12/07      C6GI: Great Inagua (NA-113), Bahamas * by C6AFV        425
till  14/07      CY6: special prefix (VE6)                              426
till  August     FK8VHU: New Caledonia                                  401
till  18/07      FO0MSN: Moorea (OC-046), French Polynesia * by JL6MSN  425
till  14/07      FP/W8MV: St. Pierre et Miquelon (NA-032)               426
till  December   FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL                      401
till  December   FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island                                399
till  2001       J87AB: St. Vincent (NA-025) * by G0GPX                 425
till  July       JY8YB: Jordan * by DL5MBY                              418
till  18/07      JL1KFR/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)                  426
till  12/07      KP2/AG8L, KP2/K6RO, KP2/W6KK, WP2Z: Virgin Is (NA-106) 426
till  25/07      LY99RMD: special event station (Lithuania)             425
till  ??         PA9MR: EU-146 * by VE3MR                               426
till  13/07      RK6LWA/p: Lebyazhiy Isl. (RR 1704)                     423
till  December   PZ5JR: Suriname * by K3BYV                             425
till  15/07      R1MVA & R1MV: Malyj Vysotskij (EU-117) * by OHs & UAs  423
till  31/07      SN0APT: special event station (Poland)                 417
till  20/07      T30JH: West Kiribati (OC-017) * by VK2GJH              425
till  11/07      VE3XZ/W4: Ocracoke Island (NA-067) * by VE3CUI         427
till  27/11      XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada)              401
till  15/08      YS9/KE4LWT: El Salvador                                422
till  31/07      ZL4IR: South Island (NA-134) * by K8VIR                423
till  18/07      ZP99CA: special event station (Paraguay)               425
09/07-11/07      ER7A: Moldova (IARU Contest)                           425
09/07-24/07      IM0/IK2AEQ: Maddalena Island (EU-041)                  426
09/07-11/07      JI3DST/3: Awaji Island (AS-117)                        426
10/07-16/07      2A0APF/P and 2S0GNK/P: Outer Hebrides (EU-010)         425
10/07-11/07      4M1X: Venezuela * by K2KW, N6TV and K6KM               425
10/07-11/07      4U1VIC * by JH4RHF (IARU Contest)                      427
10/07-16/07      8Q7TV: Maldives (AS-013) * by F6BEE                    426
10/07-11/07      9V9HQ * by 9V1BH and 9V1YC (IARU Contest)              427
10/07-17/07      A35EX: Tonga (OC-049) * by W8GEX                       426
10/07-11/07      DX1HQ (IARU Contest)                                   427
10/07-11/07      EA8/EA3BT & EA8/EA3WL: lighthouses (D-2797, D-2790)    427
10/07-11/07      EM5HQ * by UR5LCV (IARU Contest)                       427
10/07-11/07      F: Porquerolles Island (EU-070) * by IK1TTD            421
10/07-11/07      GB100RN: Isle of Wight (EU-120)                        427
10/07-11/07      H2Q: Cyprus (IARU Contest)                             427
10/07-30/07      IA5/IZ5BTC/p: Elba Island (EU-028)                     427
10/07-11/07      II9R: Sicily (EU-025) * by IT9HLR (IARU Contest)       426
10/07-11/07      IR0F * by IK0ZME (IARU Contest)                        427
10/07-11/07      IQ3X * by IV3HAX (IARU Contest)                        427
10/07-11/07      IQ7J * by IK7JWX (IARU Contest)                        427
10/07-11/07      IU7X * by I7PXV (IARU Contest)                         427
10/07-11/07      IY2ARI * by I2s (IARU Contest)                         427
10/07-11/07      LR0H * by LU9HS (IARU Contest)                         426
10/07-11/07      LX0RL: Luxembourg (IARU Contest)                       425
10/07-11/07      OH0Z: Aland Is (EU-002) * by OH1JT (IARU Contest)      426
10/07-11/07      OL9HQ: Czech Republic (IARU Contest)                   426
10/07-11/07      TM0HQ * by Fs (IARU Contest)                           427
10/07-11/07      W1AW/9 (IARU Contest)                                  426
10/07-11/07      WP3C: Puerto Rico (NA-099) (IARU Contest)              426
10/07-11/07      ZS5T * by ZS5BBO (IARU Contest)                        427
10/07-11/07      IARU HF World Championship                             ***
12/07-26/07      J49WI: Crete (EU-015) * by I2WIJ                       423
12/07-22/07      SV9/IK3ZQZ: Kissamos Island, Crete (EU-015)            427
13/07-19/07      HH2/W4WX: Haiti (NA-096)                               427
14/07-15/07      UA0ZY/p: Kambalny (Toporkov) Island (AS-???)           427
14/07-20/07      UE6AAF: Utrish Isl (RR 24 01) & lighthouse (WLH 1236)  427
15/07-25/07      VP9/N0ED: Bermuda (NA-005)                             425
16/07-18/07      IL7: Tremiti Is (EU-050) * by IK6CAC and others        427
16/07-18/07      IT9FXY/p: Isola Lunga (EU-166) (IIA TP-021)            423
17/07-18/07      CX4CA: Timoteo Dominguez Island (SA-057)               427
17/07-18/07      1999 Museum Ship Special Event                         427
17/07-06/08      DL4FCH/p: Pellworm Island (EU-042)                     427
17/07-19/07      VK6ISL: Rottnest Island (OC-164) * by F5VCR and VK6LC  427
17/07-18/07      AGCW DL QRP Contest                                    ***
17/07-18/07      Seanet CW DX Contest                                   425
18/07-20/07      6M0HZ/2: Tokchock Island (AS-090) * by HL1IWD & HL1MJV 427
18/07-25/07      TM0Y: Yeu Island (EU-064) * by ONs                     409
18/07            Colombian Indipendence Contest                         ***
July             IK0CNA: Pirgo (IIA RM-001), Saraceni (IIA RM-002)      427
July             LA/SM islands * by IK3GES                              425
July             RA1QQ/1,UA1RG/1,RI1OTA: Gulyayevskiye Koshki (EU-102)  425
July             TK/F6AUS: EU-100 and EU-164                            426
July             UA0FAA: Kunashir Island (AS-025)                       427