DX425 bulletin issue nr. 425

S DX@WW $425WW425A
425 DX News #425 [1/6]
  26 June 1999                    No 425                   BID: $425WW425A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3A     - Look for 3A/IK1SLP and 3A/IK1YLL to be active (on CW, SSB and  RTTY)
         from Monaco between 1 and 5 August. QSL via home calls. [TNX IK1SLP]
3D2    - Joe, W8GEX will be active (40-6 metres) from Fiji (OC-016) between 5
         and 9 July. QSL via W8GEX (Joe Pater, 1894 Old Oxford Rd., Hamilton,
         OH 45013, USA). [TNX W8GEX and Islands On The Web]
3D2    - Uruguay DX Group members Bert, CX3AN and Mario, CX4CR will be active
         (on 160-6 metres  SSB and CW,  with an  emphasis on  the low  bands,
         calls to be announced  upon arrival) from  Viti Levu (OC-016),  Fiji
         between 19 and 23 August. [TNX CX3AN]
3V     - Fabio, I4UFH will be active from  3V8BB between 8 and 11 July,  IARU
         HF World Championship (Single Operator SSB) included. He will put an
         emphasis on the low bands and on 10 metres for USA and Asia. Outside
         the contest  he will  concentrate on  the WRAC  bands and  2  metres
         (depending on antenna availability). QSL via I4UFH either direct  or
         through the bureau (please note that Fabio can confirm also contacts
         made on 7 January 1999). [TNX I4UFH]
3W     - The 3W6EZD/p activity from Hon Tam Islands (Mien Trung South  group,
         AS-???) started  as  scheduled on  16  June [425DXN  423],  but  was
         quickly cut  short  when the  local  military forced  the  operators
         (Hiroo/3W6EZD, Bac Ai/3W6AR, Quang/3W6LI and Hoang/3W6KA) to go QRT.
         After trying unsuccessfully to obtain permission to operate from the
         island, on  18  June  they returned  to  Saigon,  from  where  Hiroo
         operated as XV300S. [TNX G3KMA]
A3     - Joe, W8GEX will be active (40-6 metres) from Tonga (OC-035)  between
         10 and  17 July.  QSL via  W8GEX (Joe  Pater, 1894  Old Oxford  Rd.,
         Hamilton, OH 45013, USA). [TNX W8GEX and Islands On The Web]
A9     - David, A92GE (Honorary Secretary of the Amateur Radio Association of
         Bahrain) reports  that A9/ON4CFI  [425DXN 424]  "is an  unauthorised
         pirate operation" which  might jeopardize  "amateur radio  operation
         for everyone here in Bahrain. There  is no authorised guest  licence
         here or reciprocal licence arrangements. Therefore  any call of  the
         type A9/****** is illegal". The Amateur Radio Association of Bahrain
         is on the Internet at http://members.tripod.com/~A92C/
C2     - Jack, VK2GJH  will  be active  (6-80  metres) as  C21JH  from  Nauru
         (OC-031) between 27  June and 8  July, and again  between 20 and  27
         July. QSL direct  only to  VK2GJH (Jack  Haden, Box  299, Ryde,  NSW
         2112, Australia). [TNX QRZ-DX]
C6     - Steve, N4JQQ  will  be active  as  C6AFP from  Treasure  Cay,  Abaco
         (NA-080) between 2 and 17 July. QSL via N4JQQ. [TNX DX News Sheet]
C6     - Delano, C6AFV will be active (SSB and CW) as C6GI from Great  Inagua
         (NA-113), South Bahamas between 8  and 12 July.  QSL direct only  to
         C6AFV. [TNX C6AFV].
CE0_ei - Hal, JL6MSN will be active (on 15 and 20 metres SSB) as  CE0Y/JL6MSN
         from Easter  Island (SA-001)  on 7-8  July.  QSL via  JL6MSN  (Haruo
         Araki, 4-4-14-402 Nishihonmachi, Yahatahigashi Kitakyushu,  805-0061
         Japan). [TNX JL6MSN]
ER     - Look for ER7A to be  active on 9-11  July and in  the IARU HF  World
         Championship. QSL via ER1DA (Valery Metaxa, P.O. Box 9537, Kishinev,
         MD-2071, Moldova). [TNX ER1CW]
F      - Marc, ON5FP and Kristof, ON6NN will be active as TM1OTA during their
         21 July-4 August activity from EU-032 and other DIFM islands [425DXN
         421]. QSL via ON4ADN either direct (Geert Decru, St Laurentiusstraat
         18, 8710 Wielsbeke, Belgium) or through the bureau. [TNX ON5FP]
FK     - Jacques, F6BUM will  be active  (SSB and  CW) as  FK/F6BUM from  New
         Caledonia as follows: from the main island (OC-032, DIFO FK-001)  on
         9-21 August, from Ouvea (OC-033, FK-018) on 22-24 August, from Lifou
         (OC-033, FK-012) on 25-30 August, from  Mare (OC-033, FK-013) on  31
         August-2 September  and  from  Les  Pins  (OC-032,  FK-020)  on  3-5
         September. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
FO     - Hal, JL6MSN will be active (on  all bands, WARC included) as  FO0MSN
         from Moorea (OC-046), French  Polynesia between 9  and 18 July.  QSL
         via JL6MSN  (Haruo  Araki, 4-4-14-402  Nishihonmachi,  Yahatahigashi
         Kitakyushu, 805-0061 Japan). [TNX JL6MSN]
FO     - Uruguay DX Group members Bert, CX3AN and Mario, CX4CR will be active
         (on 160-6 metres  SSB and CW,  with an  emphasis on  the low  bands,
         calls to be  announced upon  arrival) from  Moorea (OC-046),  French
         Polynesia between 5 and 7 August. [TNX CX3AN]
S DX@WW $425WW425B
425 DX News #425 [2/6]
  26 June 1999                    No 425                   BID: $425WW425B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

GM     - Jim, GM0NAI and Drew, GM3YOR will  be operating CW only as  2A0APF/p
         and 2S0GNK/p from  several islands  in the  Outer Hebrides  (EU-010)
         between 10 and  16 July. They  hope to be  active from  Lewis/Harris
         (IOSA OH-1), North Uist (OH-2), South Uist (OH-3), Benbecula (OH-4),
         Berneray (OH-5),  Vatersay (OH-7),  Eriskay (OH-9),  Barra  (OH-11),
         Great Bernera (OH-12), Scalpay  (OH-25), Baleshare (OH-26),  Grimsay
         (OH-27)  and  Vallay  (OH-28).  There  will  be  some   simultaneous
         operations from two islands and also some island changes in the same
         day to fulfill  this schedule. QSL  for both calls  via MM1AUF  (Kai
         McClintock, 13 St Andrews Drive, Gourock,  PA19 1HY, Scotland,  UK).
         [TNX GM3YOR]
HB0    - Andrea, DL3ABL and Michael, DL6MHW will  be active (mainly on  WARC)
         from Liechtenstein  between  26 June  and  3 July.  QSL  via  DL3ABL
         (Andrea Diekmann, Ginsterweg 51,  39326 Wolmirstedt, Germany).  [TNX
         OPDX Bulletin]
I      - Gerry, IZ8ANA is  active as ID9/IZ8ANA  from Stromboli (EU-017,  IIA
         ME-016) until  28  June. He  plans  to operate  as  IZ8ANA/IT9  from
         Scoglio Pollara (EU-017, IIA  ME-019) on 26  June, and from  Scoglio
         Montenassarai (EU-017, ME-005) and La Canna (EU-017, IIA ME-004)  on
         the 27th. QSL via home call. [TNX IZ8ANA]
I      - Look for  Stefano, IK3ABY/p to  be active from  some islands  in the
         Venice Lagoon (EU-131) during the weekend.
J8     - Mike, G0GPX is active (on all  bands SSB) until  2001 as J87AB  from
         St. Vincent (NA-025). QSL  direct to Mike  Wise, Canouan Island  PO,
         St. Vincent, Windward Islands. [TNX DX News Sheet]
JT     - Look for JT1FAJ  (JA0HC), JT1FAK (JR0CGJ),  JT1FAL (JA0IXW),  JT1xxx
         (JR0BQT) and JT1xxx (JA0EJ) to be  active (on 160-6 metres, SSB  and
         CW) from Mongolia  between 2 and  6 July. QSL  via home calls.  [TNX
KH3    - Rich, W5RXP will be returning to Johnston Atoll (OC-023) on 26 June.
         Look for W5RXP/KH3 to  be active until  1 July on  15 and 20  metres
         with 100  watts and  a yagi  antenna. QSL  via W5RXP.  [TNX DX  News
KH6    - YL operator  Debby,  N7FL will  be  active (10-160  metres  SSB)  as
         N7FL/KH6 from Hawaii (OC-019) between 30 June and 12 July. She  will
         participate in the IARU  HF World Championship.  QSL via N7FL.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
LX     - Look for  LX0RL to  participate in  the IARU  HF Wolrd  Championship
         (10-11 July)  from the  HQ of  the  Luxembourg national  society  at
         Eisenborn. QSL via bureau. [TNX LX1KQ]
LY     - Special station LY99RMD will be active between 1 and 25 July for the
         LY Hamfest in Klaipeda. QSL via LY3BE (Eugene Vaisman, P.O. Box  70,
         Klaipeda 5800, Lithuania). [TNX LY3BE]
OA     - Cesar, OA4QV will  be active as  OA178QV through  July. The  special
         prefix is to celebrate the 178th anniversary of the indipendence  of
         Peru. QSL via home call. [TNX OA4QV]
OJ0    - OH0RJ, LA0CX,  LA1SJA  and LA3KIA  will  be OJ0/  from  Market  Reef
         (EU-053) between 2 and 5 July. Plans are to operate on 6-160  metres
         mostly CW, with priority to 12  metres, with two stations.  QSL  via
         home calls. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
LA/SM  - Gabriele, IK3GES will be  touring Norway in  July and might  operate
         from EU-046, 033, 076, 062  and possibly other  IOTA groups in  that
         country. He  also plans  to  stop on  the  Swedish island  of  Oland
         (EU-037), from where he should participate in the IOTA Contest.  QSL
         via home call. [TNX IK3GES]
PZ     - Bob, K3BYV expects  to be  active as  PZ5JR from  Suriname until  at
         least December. QSL via K3BYV. [TNX The Daily DX]
SM     - Look for SM1/DL5ME (on 10-80 metres, WARC excluded, mainly SSB)  and
         SM1/DG3HWO (on  VHF)  to be  active  from  Gotland  Island  (EU-020)
         between 1 and 6 July. QSL via the DARC bureau or direct to P.O.  Box
         9, 39028 Magdeburg, Germany. [TNX DL5ME]
SV     - Roberto, IK7XIV will  be active as  SV8/IK7XIV from  the islands  of
         Lefkada (EU-052) and Kithira (EU-113) between 20 July and 4  August.
         He will participate  in the  IOTA Contest  (Single Operator  Limited
         CW), probably from EU-052. Before and  after the contest he will  be
         active mostly on CW (10-30 metres). QSL via home call. [TNX IK7XIV]
T30    - Jack, VK2GJH will be active (6-80 metres) as T30JH from Tarawa, West
         Kiribati (OC-17) between 8 and  20 July. QSL  direct only to  VK2GJH
         (Jack Haden, Box 299, Ryde, NSW 2112, Australia). [TNX QRZ-DX]
TL     - The TL8CG who is currently active (mainly on 15 metres SSB, QSL  via
         IK1APO: Giovanni Calafato,  Via Burlando  12/7, 16136  Genova -  GE,
         Italy) from Central  Africa is not  the same TL8CG  who operated  in
         April (QSL  via  IZ1CQD: Gianni  Caretto,  Via  Angioira  42,  10070
         Coassolo - TO, Italy). [TNX IZ1CQD]
UA     - Nick, RA1QQ and Vlad, UA1RG plan to be active as RA1QQ/1 and UA1RG/1
         from the  Gulyayevskiye  Koshki  Islands  (EU-102).  Operations  are
         expected to  start  "after  20th  of  July"  and  will  include  the
         participation in the IOTA Contest as RI1OTA. QSL RA1QQ/1 and  RI1OTA
         via  RA1QQ  (Nick  A.  Smerdov,  P.O.Box  24,  Cherepovets,  162627,
         Russia), QSL UA1RG/1 via UA1RJ (Yuri  Sinitso, P.O.Box 10,  Vologda,
         160035, Russia). [TNX RA1QHJ]
S DX@WW $425WW425C
425 DX News #425 [3/6]
  26 June 1999                    No 425                   BID: $425WW425C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

VE     - Ivan/VE3DO [425DXN 421], Ralph/VE3LBZ  and John/VE3VGI are  expected
         to be  active as  VY0O  from Grass  Island  (NA-173) in  James  Bay,
         Nunavut Land until 1 July. QSL  direct only to VE3DO (P.O. Box  146,
         Toronto, ON, Canada M6H 4E1). [TNX VE3VGI]
VE     - Loos DX Gang members Didier, F5NZO  and Eric, F5SSM will be  touring
         Quebec between 4 and 22 August. They will be active (on 10-40 metres
         SSB with  100  watts  and  a vertical  )as  VE2/home  call  from  La
         Madeleine Islands  (NA-038)  on 11-14  August;  they  also  plan  to
         operate as VY2/home call Prince Edward  Island (NA-029) on 9  August
         and from other  C.IS.A. islands as  well. QSL via  home calls.  [TNX
VK     - Mal, VK6LC reports that Bob, VK8BB is resident for a while on  Elcho
         Island (OC-185). For the time being he only operates with 20  watts,
         a battery and a dipole, but he says  he will try to improve his  set
         up. QSL  direct  to Bob  Beacham,  Elcho Island,  via  Darwin,  0822
         Northern Territory, Australia
VP8_so - VP8SO is currently  active from UK  Antarctic  base  Signy on  Signy
         Island, South Orkney Islands (AN-008).
VP9    - Ed, N0ED will be active as VP9/N0ED from Bermuda (NA-005) between 15
         and 25 July, IOTA Contest included. He will operate CW only, on WARC
         bands and 160 metres  (QRN permitting) before  the contest. QSL  via
         home call. [TNX N0ED]
W      - Nate, N8WNB will be on Assateague Island (NA-139) during the week of
         4 July. He plans to be active on  or around 14.260 MHz and maybe  on
         28.460 MHz as well. [TNX N8WNB and Islands On The Web]
XU     - Hiroo, JA2EZD, who has been active  as XU2A from the mainland,  will
         operate as XUX0 from AS-133 [425DXN 424] on 26 and 27 June. QSL XU2A
         and XUX0 via  7L1MFS (Yoh Yoshida,  4-4-1 Arakawa, 116-0002  Japan).
         [TNX DX News Sheet]
YB     - Sanji, HA7VK, a diplomat  at the Hungarian  Embassy in Jakarta,  has
         been granted permission by the  Indonesian licencing authorities  to
         operate as YB0AVK. This approval is part of an agreement between the
         two  countries  allowing  their  radio  amateurs  to  operate  on  a
         reciprocal basis. [TNX YC0LOW]
YV     - K2KW,  N6TV  and  K6KM  will  participate  in  the  IARU  HF   World
         Championship (10-11 July) as 4M1X (Multi-Single, 10-80 metres CW and
         SSB) from  Venezuela.  Beginning July  6,  look  for  activity  from
         YV1/homecall.   QSL 4M1X  via W4SO  (mail  drop), QSL  YV1/K2KW  via
         WA4WTG, QSL YV1/N6TV and YV1/K6KM via homecalls. [TNX K2KW]
YV     - This year the annual operation to celebrate the Venezuelan Navy  Day
         will take  place between  29 July  and 1  August from  Coche  Island
         (SA-012). Operators  from  the  Asociacion  de  Radioaficionados  de
         Venezuela and the Grupo DX Caracas will be active as YW7C on SSB and
         CW. QSL via W4SO. [TNX K1XN and The Golist]
ZK1    - Uruguay DX Group members Bert, CX3AN and Mario, CX4CR will be active
         (on 160-6 metres  SSB and CW,  with an  emphasis on  the low  bands,
         calls to be announced upon arrival)  from Rarotonga (OC-013),  South
         Cook Islands between 7 and 17  August. Depending on  transportation,
         they might also operate from Manihiki  (OC 014), North Cook  Islands
         between 17 and 19 August. [TNX CX3AN]
ZL     - Uruguay DX  Group members  Bert, CX3AN  and  Mario, CX4CR  might  be
         active from Auckland (OC-036), New Zealand between 23 and 25 August.
         [TNX CX3AN]
ZP     - Special event station  ZP99CA will be  active on all  modes and  all
         bands between 00.00  UTC on  29 June  and 24.00  UTC on  18 July  to
         celebrate the 1999 Football (soccer) America Cup. QSL to  Agrupacion
         de Radio Aficionados  del Interior,  Casilla de  Correos 22065,  San
         Lorenzo, Paraguay. [TNX ZP6AR]

                   <<< RSGB IOTA CONTEST (24-25 JULY) >>>

The following stations are expected to participate in this year's event [see
also 425DXN 401, 405, 409, 411, 413, 417, 419]:

EU-008 - Cockenzie & Port Seton ARC as 2A0CCC/p (callsign confirmed) from the
         Isle of Tiree [425DXN 419]. QSL via GM0ALS. [TNX GM0CLN]
         from Gigha Island. QSL via GM3UTQ. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
EU-065 - UBA Section Golden Spur KTK (Kortrijk) from Ouessant island as  TM5K
         (call confirmed) [425DXN  423]. QSL via  ON4ON either direct  (Danny
         Commeyne, Rozenlaan  38,  8890 Dadizele,  Belgium)  or  through  the
         bureau. [TNX ON9CGB]
EU-094 - F5LMJ, G0LMX/F5MBO and F6GIN as TM5G  from the Glenan Islands.  They
         will be active (mostly on CW) between 23 and 26 July. [TNX F6AJA and
         Les Nouvelles DX]
EU-116 - Ivan, G3IZD as GD3IZD/p from the Isle of Man. QSL via G3IZD. [TNX DX
         News Sheet]
EU-129 - DL8KWS (Frank), DL5KUD (Jo) and DL3KUD (Matt) as DL0HRO from  Usedom
         Island. They  will be  active before  the contest.  QSL via  DL3KUD,
         Matthias Labude, Margaretenstr.10, 18057 Rostock, Germany. [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
NA-018 - Fred, ON6QR as OX3NUK (or  with a special  callsign) from Nuuk,  the
         capital city of  Greenland. Look for  him on the  five bands CW  and
         SSB. Operations will start on  23 July. QSL  via ON4GO. For  further
         information visit http://www.ping.be/on6qr [TNX ON6QR]
NA-083 - Stan, N2US as N2US/p from Chincoteague Island. [TNX N2US]
NA-106 - The EJ1D team [425DXN 423] as  WP2Z from St. Croix, Virgin  Islands.
         QSL via KU9C.
NA-127 - John, VE1JS from  Brier Island (C.IS.A.  NS-011) on  all bands  SSB,
         Single Operator, 24  hours. QSL via  VE1JS either  direct (1999  CBA
         only) or through the bureau. [TNX VE1JS]
NA-139 - Brian, N3OC as  N3OC/p from Assateague  Island. QSL  via home  call.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
NA-169 - N6HR (Hillar), N6VV  (Lew) and possibly  others as  W7W from  Waadah
         Island. Plans are to be active before, during and after the Contest,
         indicatively between 22 and 27 July. [TNX The Daily DX]
S DX@WW $425WW425D
425 DX News #425 [4/6]
  26 June 1999                    No 425                   BID: $425WW425D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

                   >>> FIRST TRANSATLANTIC 2M CONTACT <<<

Beginning on 26 June and continuing until 4 July, two groups of amateurs will
attempt to make the first transatlantic 2-way contact on 144 MHz and win  the
Brendan Trophies (http://www.irts.ie/brendan.htm). The group in Scotland (led
by Bill  Ward,  GM0ICF) will  be  signing 2S0ICF/p  from  the  lighthouse  at
Ardnamurchan Point, while the group  in Canada (led  by Paul Piercey,  VO1HE)
will be signing VO1AA from Cabot  Tower, the site where Marconi received  the
first transatlantic signal in 1901. They  will operate on +/- 144.075 MHz  at
15-18 wpm CW. One station will call the other for a 15 minute period then, if
no contact is made, the other  station will call for  15 minutes. All  on-air
operations will be recorded electronically. Operating  times will be  between
12.00 and 20.00  UTC daily for  the entire period,  but most  likely not  the
entire 8 hours per day. "We encourage stations on both sides of the  Atlantic
to join us in this attempt", Paul (VO1HE) says, "either to make contact  with
us or give  us propagation reports".  You can send  your reports  to Paul  at
vo1he@rac.ca [TNX VO1HE]

3V8DJ ---> Giovanni, I5JHW reports some 5550 QSOs  on SSB, 750 on CW and  110
on  RTTY  were  logged  in  33  hours  from  Jerba  island  (AF-083/p).  Some
bureaucratic problems  prevented the  operators  from starting  the  activity
before 17 (local time) on 19 June. Eventually they were allowed to operate on
40, 20 and 15 metres  with 100 watts  from the Centre  de Stage et  Formation
Continue located on Jerba. QSL  via I5JHW either  direct (Giovanni Bini,  Via
Santini 30, 51031 Agliana - PT, Italy) or through the bureau.

BA4DW ---> This is David's (aka  BD4DW, BG4DW, BZ4DJW)  new callsign. QSL  to
David Y. J. Zhou, P.O. Box 040-088, Shanghai, 200040, China.

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO ---> Patrick E. Crepelliere (F6BLQ), by  mandate
and on behalf of Cyprien Kahundira  Vagheni (President of A.R.A.C.),  reports
the Amateur Radio National Society of the Democratic Republic of Congo (ARAC)
has been officially recognized by  the local Ministry  of PTT. The  Society's
address is ARAC, P.O. Box 1459, Kinshasa 1, Democratic Republic of Congo (fax
00 1916 314 8601). ARAC is applying for the callsign 9Q0AR, and 18 individual
9Q1 (Kinshasa)  licence applications  are presently  being submitted  to  the
licencing authority. ARAC is now taking all necessary steps with IARU  Region
1.    For    further     information,    please     contact    Patrick     at

HAM FAIR 1999 ---> Japan's largest  amateur radio convention will be held  on
20-22   August   in   Yokohama.   Further   information   is   available   at

IREF --->  Bob  Nadolny, WB2YQH  (the  editor of  The  599 Report)  has  been
selected as Secretary for the Island  Radio Expedition Foundation, Inc.  IREF
was founded to raise funds in  support of amateur  radio expeditions to  rare
and new  islands qualifying  for the  IOTA award.  The Foundation  has  begun
accepting donations and  more information can  be found at  www.sat.net/~iref

MARCONI MEMORIAL CONTEST ---> Full  information on this  WW CW only  contest,
which will take  place from 14  UTC on 26  June and 14  UTC on  the 27th,  is
available at www.qsl.net/ik6ptj/marconi.htm [TNX IK6PTJ]

OPERATORS NEEDED  ---> "Operation  Double Trouble"  [425DXN 419]  to  Central
Kiribati (T31, OC-043, 23 September-3 October) and Tokelau (ZK3, OC-048, 7-12
October) still needs one or two  skilful operators. Suitable candidates  must
be able to  handle SSB and  CW (RTTY a  plus) pile-ups and  be available  for
about  six  weeks.  Participants  fee  is  $1500  (*not*  including  tickets,
accommodation etc  before and  after the  DXpedition). If  you are  seriously
interested  in  joining  the  team,  please   send  detailed  list  of   your
qualifications     to     the     organizer,     Mats     5X1Z/SM7PKK      at
home.mats.persson@wfp.or.ug [TNX SM6CAS, nils.sm6cas@swipnet.se]

QSL 9N7RW & SV1/G4ERW ---> The *new* QSL manager for both these operations is
Roger Quaintance, G0DIZ. The logs are  being passed to him  and he will  sent
all direct and bureau cards as soon as possible. Roger is available to manage
other expeditions and individuals, please contact  him at g0diz@qsl.net  [TNX

QSL OD5NJ ---> Gaby, OD5NJ [425DXN 420]  reports bureau cards are OK, but  as 
each QSL costs 0.10 US$, he is still  sending out cards for contacts made  in
1994. "Please be patient", he says, "and give me time".

QSL PT2HO --->  Cards should be  sent either direct  to PT2HO (Guto,  P.O.Box
07903, Brasilia -  DF, 70649-970 Brazil)  or through the  bureau via  PY1CAS.
S DX@WW $425WW425E
425 DX News #425 [5/6]
  26 June 1999                    No 425                   BID: $425WW425E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

QSL VIA VK2GJH  ---> Jack reports  the following logs  are closed after  five
years: 5W1JH, A35JH, A92JH, C21NI, FO0JH, H44JH, KC6JH (Yap), KX6JH (Majuro),
T20JH, V63JH (Pohnpei) and VK8JH. [TNX QRZ-DX]

QSL VQ9CV  ---> Cards  should be  sent to  the operator's  home call  (ND1V).
Please note once more [425DXN 417]  that his current address is: Rob  Wright,
1409 Eaglestone Arch, Chesapeake, VA 23322, USA (CBA is not good any longer).

SEANET CONTEST 1999 ---> The CW and SSB events will be held on 17-19 July and
21-22 August respectively. The  contest Manager is  9M2FK (Eshee Razak,  P.O.
Box 13,  10700  Penang,  Malaysia).  For  further  information  please  visit
http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/4283/seanet.html [TNX V85GA]

SEANET CONVENTION 1999 ---> For the first time the Convention will be held in
Brunei Darussalam (V8), between 19 and  21 November. For more details  please
visit http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/4283/seanet.html or contact Haji
Hassan, V85HG  (v8hg@brunet.bn) or  Gary Woods, V8GTW  (gwoods@brunet.bn)  or
Gerald Ashcroft, V85GA (Gerald@brunet.bn). [TNX V85GA]

SOMALILAND ---> Tomo, JE9IKG [425DXN 424] is now using 6O0A. He expects to be
active until 29 June. QSL via home call.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DIFO:         The  latest   DIFO   challenge   results   are   available   at
              http://perso.easynet.fr/~f5nod/difoclass.html [TNX F5NOD]
LOGS (CY9):   The logs for the June CY9SS St. Paul Island DXpedition are  now
              at http://dx.qsl.net/logs [TNX N6RT]
RCKRtty:      The new  version  RCKRtty V1.30  is  now  available  with  full
              contest  support.  The   programme  can   be  downloaded   from
              http://home.t-online.de/home/dl4rck/ [TNX DL4RCK]
THE DAILY DX: The      Daily      DX      Search      Engine      is       at

QSL received  via direct:   1A0KM  (IK0FVC), 3A/K8PYD,  3B9FR, 3D2DK,  4L1BR,
4L4MM, 4U1UN,  5A21PA, 5T5U,  5Z4LI (G3SWH),  6Y5/PA3ERC, 6Y5/PA3EWP,  7X4AN,
8P9JA (K4MA), 8Q7DV, 9A1CZZ/P (EU-110), 9G5VJ,  A35RK (W7TSQ), BA1CO  (W3HC),
CO8ZZ, DU6/K9AW (WF5T), E41/OK1DTP, E44DX, E44/HA1AG, E44/JA1UT,  E44/JA8RUZ,
EL2WW, EO5ZN (UY0ZG),  EP2FM, EX8W,  F6ELE/P (EU-156),  FK8HC, FO5QG  (XE1L),
FO0MAC  (K8OU),  FO0PAP  (K8OU),  FR5ZQ/G,  FR5ZU/T,  FT5ZH  (F6KDF),  FT5ZJ,
(KB6J), OY3QN  (OZ1ACB),  OZ/DL1AZZ/P,  P29CC,  P3A  (W3HNK),  R1FJL,  RP3ZOR
(RK3ZZC), S79AG, S79XB (LA7XB), SN4PLA (SP2PI), T22JY, T22KJ, T22VE  (JA8VE),
T20FW, T20JY, T32IW  (DJ5IW), T32RT  (W6UC), T32VU  (DJ5IW), T88PL  (JK1OPL),
TG9/IK2NCJ (I2MQP),  TJ1PD,  TN2FB (F3FB),  TR8XX,  TR0A/P  (AF-043),  UA9FAR
(W7YS),  UA0QBA,  UK8GK,  UN7TX,  V51BP,  VK6ISL  (OC-183),  VK9NQ,   VP2MHJ,

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


               <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>>

             If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to
                                 with either
               subscribe 425eng  (for the English version) OR
               subscribe 425ita  (for  the  Italian  version)
            in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank)

          If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and
            replace  subscribe 425eng  or  subscribe 425ita  with
          unsubscribe 425eng  or  unsubscribe 425ita  respectively
S DX@WW $425WW425F
425 DX News #425 [6/6]
  26 June 1999                    No 425                   BID: $425WW425F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  31/07      2C, 2X and 2W: special prefixes from Wales             415
till  31/07      2S, 2A and 2T: special prefixes from Scotland          415
till  Jun        3DA0CA: Swaziland                                      411
till  20/07      3W6XK: Vietnam * by W9XK                               421
till  16/07      3XY7A: Guinea * by VE3DYS                              423
till  29/06      6O0A: Somaliland * by JE9IKG                           425
till  31/12      9A770N: special event station (Croatia)                422
till  05/07      9N7RN: Nepal * by IZ6BRN/AP2WAP                        423
till  30/06      BT99WED: special event station (China)                 421
till  30/06      CF3 and VX3: special prefixes (Canada)                 421
till  27/06      ED7SPI: Sancti Petri Island (EU-143)                   424
till  August     FK8VHU: New Caledonia                                  401
till  December   FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL                      401
till  December   FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island                                399
till  26/06      HB0/DL4OCM, DF6VI, DL1FDH, HA4DX, HA0ET, HA0HW         424
till  28/06      ID9/IZ8ANA: Eolie Islands (EU-017)                     425
till  28/06      IF9WKH: Favignana (EU-054) * by Egadi DX Team          423
till  27/06      IQ7T: Capo S.Vito Lighthouse * by ARI Taranto          421
till  2001       J87AB: St. Vincent (NA-025) * by G0GPX                 425
till  26/06      JA4PXE/4: Yashiro Island (AS-117)                      424
till  29/06      JT1FCR; Mongolia * by GM4DMA                           424
till  July       JY8YB: Jordan * by DL5MBY                              418
till  28/06      KH0/JI2IXA, JN3AHZ, JM3FUY: Saipan (OC-086)            424
till  13/07      RK6LWA/p: Lebyazhiy Isl. (RR 1704)                     423
till  30/06      OX3LG: Angmasalik Island (NA-151)                      423
till  December   PZ5JR: Suriname * by K3BYV                             425
till  31/07      SN0APT: special event station (Poland)                 417
till  02/07      SV8/I3BQC: Lesvos Island (EU-049)                      423
till  27/06      TM5B: Fort Brescou (EU-148) * by Fs                    423
till  30/06      UE4NNN, UE4NMM: special event stations                 421
till  ??         VP8SO: South Orkney Islands (AN-008)                   425
till  01/07      VY0O: Grass Island (NA-173) * by VE3DO, VE3LBZ, VE3VGI 425
till  27/11      XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada)              401
till  15/08      YS9/KE4LWT: El Salvador                                422
till  30/06      YZ75: special prefix (YU club stations)                424
till  31/07      ZL4IR: South Island (NA-134) * by K8VIR                423
25/06-30/06      SV5/SV8CYV/p: Patmos Island (EU-001)                   424
26/06-04/07      2S0ICF/p & VO1AA: 1st transatlantic 2m QSO attempt     425
26/06-02/07      8S1IG: special event station, Gotland Island (EU-020)  424
26/06-30/06      F/G0GRC: Les Sept Isles (EU-107) * by Grantham ARC     417
26/06-03/07      HB0/DL3ABL and HB0/DL6MHW: Liechtenstein               425
26/06-27/06      IA5/IK5AMB, PWS, VLS, IZ5AXA, IW5AKR, CFN: EU-028      423
26/06            IF9ZRQ/p: Isola Galeotta (EU-054)                      423
26/06-27/06      IK3ABY/p: EU-131                                       425
26/06-27/06      IY0TC: Marconian station                               414
26/06-01/07      W5RXP/KH3: Johnston Atoll (OC-023)                     425
26/06-30/06      UA0FCD & RA0FF: Iturup Island (AS-025)                 424
26/06-27/06      XUX0 (AS-133) * by JA2EZD                              425
26/06-27/06      ARRL Fielday                                           ***
26/06-27/06      Marconi Memorial CW Contest                            ***
26/06-27/06      SP CW QRP Contest                                      ***
27/06-08/07      C21JH: Nauru (OC-031) * by VK2GJH                      425
27/06            IF9/IT9GNG: Isola Galera (EU-054)                      423
28/06-04/07      N8WNB: Assateague Island (NA-139)                      425
28/06-08/07      VP2E: Anguilla (NA-022) * by WB2REM                    421
29/06-06/07      SV9/G3NYY, G4VXE, G4FRE, G7FRE: Crete (EU-015)         423
29/06-18/07      ZP99CA: special event station (Paraguay)               425
30/06-12/07      N7FL/KH6: Hawaii (OC-019)                              425
June             D99ARDF: special event station (Korea)                 423
June             GC4BJC/P: Wales * by GW3CNM                            424
June-July        EL2VO: Liberia * by EA5GIY                             422
June-July        VK8AN/6: Troughton Island (OC-154)          supplement 421
June-December    VY0TA: Baffin Island (NA-047) * by VE2BQB              421
01/07-06/07      SM1/DL5ME and SM1/DG3HWO: Gotland Island (EU-020)      425
01/07-25/07      LY99RMD: special event station (Lithuania)             425
01/07-31/07      OA178QV: special prefix * by OA4QV                     425
01/07            Canada Day                                             ***
02/07-05/07      OJ0/OH0RJ, LA0CX, LA1SJA,LA3KIA: Market Reef (EU-053)  425
02/07-06/07      JT1FAJ, JT1FAK, JT1FAL, JT1xxx: Mongolia * by JAs      425
02/07-17/07      C6AFP: Abaco (NA-080), Bahamas * by N4JQQ              425
03/07-13/07      7Q7PA: Malawi * by N5PA                                423
03/07-04/07      II2V * special A. Volta station                        407
03/07-06/07      RY0Z: Kambalny Isl (AS-???) * by UA0ZY and UA0ZAZ      424
03/07-04/07      YV DX SSB Contest                                      ***
04/07-15/07      R1MVA & R1MV: Malyj Vysotskij (EU-117) * by OHs & UAs  423
05/07-09/07      3D2: Fiji (OC-016) * by W8GEX                          425
07/07-08/07      CE0Y/JL6MSN: Easter Island (SA-001)                    425
08/07-11/07      3V8BB: Tunisia * by I4UFH                              425
08/07-12/07      C6GI: Great Inagua (NA-113), Bahamas * by C6AFV        425
08/07-20/07      T30JH: West Kiribati (OC-017) * by VK2GJH              425
09/07-11/07      ER7A: Moldova (IARU HF Championship)                   425
09/07-18/07      FO0MSN: Moorea (OC-046), French Polynesia * by JL6MSN  425
10/07-16/07      2A0APF/P and 2S0GNK/P: Outer Hebrides (EU-010)         425
10/07-11/07      4M1X: Venezuela * by K2KW, N6TV and K6KM               425
10/07-17/07      A3: Tonga (OC-035) * by W8GEX                          425
10/07-11/07      F: Porquerolles Island (EU-070) * by IK1TTD            421
10/07-11/07      LX0RL: Luxembourg (IARU HF Championship)               425
10/07-11/07      IARU HF Championship Contest                           ***
12/07-26/07      J49WI: Crete (EU-015) * by I2WIJ                       423
15/07-25/07      VP9/N0ED: Bermuda (NA-005)                             425
16/07-18/07      IT9FXY/p: Isola Lunga (EU-166) (IIA TP-021)            423
17/07-18/07      AGCW DL QRP Contest                                    ***
17/07-18/07      Seanet CW DX Contest                                   425
18/07-25/07      TM0Y: Yeu Island (EU-064) * by ONs                     409
18/07            Colombian Indipendence Contest                         ***