DX425 bulletin issue nr. 423

S DX@WW $425WW423A
425 DX News #423 [1/6]
  12 June 1999                    No 423                   BID: $425WW423A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3C0    - Further information  on  the  3C0R  operation  from  Annobon  Island
         (AF-039) [425DXN 421] is that Vicente,  EA5YN and Elmo, EA5BYP  will
         be leaving on 12 September for  Sao Tome, where they will be  joined
         by Ramon, 3C1GS  and Roberto, 3C1RV.  They expect to  arrive on  the
         island on 14 September and to  stay there until the 24th. They  will
         have four rigs, two amplifiers, two  beams, two verticals,  dipoles,
         one PC for CW (operated by EA5YN) and RTTY (operated by 3C1RV).  The
         license is  valid  through 31  December  and if  this  operation  is
         successful,  another  DXpedition  (with  more  equipment  and   more
         operators) will be organized later in  the year. [TNX EA5YN and  The
         Daily DX]
3D2    - Roberto, EA4DX will be active (on 10-80 metres SSB) as 3D2DX/p  from
         Viti Levu (OC-016), Fiji between 13 and 16 September. QSL direct  to
         EA4CP. [TNX EA4DX]
3V     - Giovanni,  I5JHW  and  a  group  of  operators  from  Italy  (namely
         Sergio/I5NSR,    I5OYY/Danio,    IK5FTQ/Roberto,    IK5JAN/Marcello,
         IK5EKB/Sauro, IK5OSA/Gabriele and IK5ZTW/Gabriele) and 3V8BB (Lofti,
         Ramzi, Faouzi, Zaida, Sarra and  Ines) will be  active as 3V8J  from
         Jerba Island (AF-???) between 18 and  21 June. They will operate  on
         160, 80, 40, 20, 17 (the only WARC allowed in Tunisia) 15, 10 and  2
         metres on  SSB,  CW  and  RTTY  with  three  rigs,  two  amplifiers,
         verticals and dipoles (one transceiver and one antenna will be  left
         to 3V8BB). QSL via I5JHW either  direct or through the bureau.  [TNX
3W     - Hiroo, JA2EZD will  be travelling in  Vietnam and  Cambodia (see  XU
         below) between until 28 June. While in Vietnam he will be active  as
         3W6EZD and XV300S (Xray Victor Three  Zero Zero Sierra) from  Saigon
         and as 3W6EZD/p from a new IOTA (reportedly located near the town of
         Nha Trang). Hiroo says this IOTA operation is expected to take place
         starting from Wednesday  16 June  until the 20th. Look  for  him  on
         80-10 metres (CW and SSB) and 6 metres as well.  QSL via 7L1MFS (Yoh
         Yoshida,  4-4-1  Arakawa, 116-0002  Japan)  Hiroo's  web  page is at
         http://www.qth.com/dxshack/  [TNX JA2EZD & JI6KVR]
3X     - Jean-Michel, F6AJA  reports that  Robert, F5MKA  (ex TL8GR)  is  now
         active from Guinea as 3XY1B0 (Three  Xray Yankee One Bravo Zero)  on
         10, 15 and 20 metres, mainly CW. QSL via F5XX.
3X     - Dan, 3XY7A/VE3DYS will be active from Guinea until 16 July. QSL  via
         VE3WFN (who is  only a collect  point, as Dan  handle his own  cards
         after he returns home). [TNX The Daily DX]
4L     - Omari, 4L5O is regularly active  on 6 metres.  Look for him  between
         50.110 and 50.130 MHz (CW and SSB). [TNX 4L5O]
5U     - Dan Germaine, 5U7DG  lives and works  in Niger and  will stay  there
         until the summer of 2000, possibly  the summer of 2001. He  received
         his licence in July 1998 and presently he is the only radio  amateur
         in the country. Dan has 100 watts, a  beam for 10, 15 and 20  metres
         and a long wire for 12 and 17 metres. He plans to operate on the low
         bands as well, if you can offer assistance, please get in touch with
         Paul, VK3AJJ (vk3ajj@techno.net.au), who is in regular contact  with
         Dan. QSL via K4SE. [TNX VK3AJJ]
7Q     - Alan, N5PA will  be active as  7Q7PA from  Malawi between  3 and  13
         July. Most days  he will be  on from 4  to 6 UTC  and from 16.00  to
         20.30 UTC. He will be operating  about 12 hours of the IARU  Contest
         (10-11 July,). QSL via N5PA. [TNX N5PA]
9A     - Look for a  group of 9As  to be active  on all bands  as 9A99P  from
         Palagruza Island (EU-090)  between 18 and  26 June.  QSL via  9A3FT.
         [TNX 9A5ST]
9N     - Sergio, IZ6BRN/AP2WAP reports his next trip to Nepal will take place
         between 21 June and  5 July. He  will be active  as 9N7RN from  Kali
         Gandaki valley (Pokhara). QSL via IK4ZGY.
BY     - Jack, WB8SMV will  be active (mainly  on CW) until  the end of  July
         from several  club stations,  including BY1DX  in the  All Asian  CW
         Contest, and from  June 21 to  July 14 from  BY4LB in Qingdao.  [TNX
         ARRL DX Bulletin]
C6     - Maurice, ON4BAM will  be active  as M0CIL/C6A  from Abaco  (NA-080),
         Bahamas between 24 and 30 July. Then he will sign W4/ON4BAM until 13
         August while touring Florida. QSL via ON4BAM. [TNX ON4BAM]
CE     - Temuco Radio Club members CE6ABC, CE6JOE, CE6TYU, CE6SAX, CE6DFY and
         CE6TBN plan to be  active as CE6TC/p  from Quinchao Island  (SA-018)
         between 20 and 25 July, IOTA Contest included. QSL via CE6TC  either
         direct (Temuco Radio Club, P.O. Box 1234, Temuco, Chile) or  through
         the bureau. For further information visit  http://www.qsl.net/ce6tbn
         [TNX CE6TBN]
CT     - CS1GDX, CT1AHU, CT1AUO, CT1EGW and CT2GOX will be /p from  Guimaraes
         Castle (DCFP C-056) on 12 June. QSL CS1GDX/p via CT1AHU, the  others
         via home call. [TNX CT1END]
CU     - Moreira, CT1AHU and Lionel, CU3EJ will  be active as CU8/CT1AHU  and
         CU8/CU3EJ from  Flores Island  (EU-089), Azores  between 21  and  31
         July. They will  participate in  the IOTA  Contest as  CU8I (QSL  to
         CU3EJ). [TNX CT1EEB]
S DX@WW $425WW423B
425 DX News #423 [2/6]
  12 June 1999                    No 423                   BID: $425WW423B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

EI     - Weather permitting, G3ZAY and G0HSD will attempt to operate from the
         Blasket Islands (EU-007) as EI/G3ZAY and EI/G0HSD for a few hours on
         18 or 19 June. QSL via G3ZAY. [TNX G3ZAY]
EL     - Peter, 5X1T  is  currently travelling  through  West  Africa  before
         heading to  Europe on  18 June.  He will  be  active as  EL2TT  from
         Liberia between 12 and 16 June. QSL via ON5NT. [TNX The Daily DX]
F      - A group of French operators will be active as TM5B from Fort Brescou
         (EU-148) between 25 and 27 June.  QSL via F5XX.  [TNX F6AJA and  Les
         Nouvelles DX]
F      - A Belgian  team  of operators  will  operate  from  Ouessant  Island
         (EU-065) [425DXN 405] between 21 and 26 July. They have applied  for
         two calls: TM5K during the IOTA  Contest and TM5ON before and  after
         the contest. QSL via ON4ON either direct (Danny Commeyne,  Rozenlaan
         38, 8890 Dadizele, Belgium) or through the bureau. The web site  for
         the operation is at http://www.qsl.net/on6ck [TNX ON9CGB]
FS/PJ  - PA3EWP, PA3GCV, PA4EA, PA4WM, PA7FM and PA5ET will be /PJ5 from Sint
         Maarten (NA-105) and /FS from St.  Martin (NA-105) between 5 and  11
         August. They will operate with  four stations (three  on HF and  the
         fourth on HF/6 metres) on all bands (but focusing thelLow bands  and
         the WARC bands for Europe) on CW,  SSB and RTTY, with some SSTV  and
         satellite operations. The Caribbean Tour 1999 is already on-line  at
         http://www.muurkrant.com/pi4com/tour99/index.html,  where  logs  and
         updates will  be available  on  a daily  basis.  QSL via  PA5ET  (ex
         PA3ERC): Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137,  2273 VS Voorburg,  The
         Netherlands. [TNX PA5ET]
FT5_ant- FT5YG (AN-017) is regularly  active on 14130 kHz +/- QRM around 5.30
         UTC with the assistance of Gerard, F5LBL. [TNX F5LBL]
GD     - Pete, MI0BME will be active as  GD6IA from the Isle of Man  (EU-116)
         on 12-13 June for the ANARTS Contest. QSL via GD3UMW. [TNX MI0BME]
HL     - D99ARDF is the special event station for the III IARU Region 3  ARDF
         Championships, which will be held at the Konyang University, Nonsan,
         Korea on  21-26  June.  QSL  via bureau  to  HL0HQ.  Log  search  is
         available at http://www.qsl.net/hl2kat [TNX HL2KAT]
HL     - Wan,  HL1TMU  and  operators  from   HL0ZX  (Inha  University   ARC,
         http://www2.inha.ac.kr/~hl0zx) will be active (on 10, 15, 20 and  40
         metres SSB and CW) as HL0ZX/4 from Pigum Island (AS-060) between  22
         and 26 June. QSL via HL0ZX  (Inha University A.R.C.,  Yonghyun-dong,
         Nam-ku, Inchon, Korea). [TNX HL1TMU]
HL     - Operators from HL0Y  (the Yonsei University  Amateur Radio  Research
         Association) will be active (on 40-10  metres, CW, SSB and RTTY)  as
         HL0Y/4 from  Huksan Island  (AS-093) between  23 and  30 July,  IOTA
         Contest  included.  They  will  have  three  rigs,  one   amplifier,
         7-element beam for 14, 21, 28  MHz, one monobander  for 21 MHz,  one
         rotary dipolne for WARC bands and one dipole for 40 metres. QSL  via
         HL0Y (Yonsei Amateur Radio Research Association, Yonsei  University,
         134 Shinchon-dong, Seodaemoon-gu, Seoul, South Korea). [TNX HL0Y]
I      - I2ADN is  currently active  (also on  6  metres) as  IE9/I2ADN  from
         Ustica Island (EU-051, IIA PA-001).
I      - Look for Piero, IK7VJX and Roberto,  IK7XIV to be active from  Isola
         Grande (EU-091, IIA LE-002) on 12 June. [TNX IK7VJX]
I      - I0QI, I0UAO, I0VWV, IK0RPV, IK0VYB, IK0WDG,  IK0ZCW, IZ0BTV will  be
         active from Formica Grande (EU-028, IIA GR-005) between 7 and 16 UTC
         on 13 June. IW0BNI, IW0EJP, IW0GLC and IW0GLD will be operating on 2
         and 6 metres. [TNX Crazy DX Group]
I      - IT9YRE, IT9AXZ, IT9HLR,  IT9WDY will now  be active  from Isola  dei
         Porri (EU-166) [425DXN 422] between 17 (late local afternoon) and 20
         June (early local afternoon). QSL via home calls. [TNX IT9DAA]
I      - Egadi DX Team from ARI Marsala  and Trapani will operate from  Egadi
         Islands (EU-054) as  follows: from Favignana  (IIA TP-011) on  24-28
         June  probably  as  IF9WKH;  from   Scoglio  Correnti  (TP-015)   as
         IF9/IT9GNG on 25 June; from Isola  Galeotta (TP-005) as IF9ZRQ/p  on
         26 June; from Isola Galera (TP-014)  as IF9/IT9GNG on 27 June.  They
         also  plan  to  operate  as  IT9FXY/p from  Isola Lunga (EU-166, IIA 
         TP-021) between 16 and 18 July (if the weather is bad the  operation
         will be postponed to 23-25 July). [TNX IT9FXY]
I      - ARI Lucca members IK5AMB, IK5PWS, IK5VLS, IZ5AXA, IW5AKR and  IW5CFN
         will be IA5/ from Montecristo Island  (EU-028, IIA LI-015) on  26-27
         June. If the weather is bad,  the operation (10-80, 6 and 2  metres,
         CW and SSB) will be postponed to 3-4 July. QSL via home calls.  [TNX
I      - Carlo, I4ALU will  be active (on  all bands, CW  only) as  IE9/I4ALU 
         from Ustica Island (EU-051, IIA PA-001) between 8 and 20 August. QSL
         via home  call either  direct (Carlo  Amorati, Via  Battistelli  10,
         40122 Bologna - BO, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX I4ALU]
J6     - Jim, KF8VX and Cathie, KG8QL will  be active (on  all bands SSB  and
         RTTY) from St. Lucia (NA-108) between 19 and 26 June. Callsigns  are
         expected to  be  J6/KF8VX and  J6/KG8QL.  QSL via  homecalls  either
         direct or through the bureau. [TNX KG8QL]
JA     - JG1RVN and JA5DES will be active (with two stations on 80-6  metres)
         as JG1RVN/6 (CW)  and JA5DES/6  (SSB) from  Shitaji, Miyako  Islands
         (AS-079) between 16 and 19 June. QSL via home calls. [TNX JI6KVR]
JW     - Leif, LA2PA will be active as JW2PA from Longyearbyen on Spitzbergen
         (EU-026), Svalbard between 18 and 25 June. QSL via LA2PA. [TNX  OPDX
KH0    - Asa,  JA6AGA  and  Tony,  JA6CNL  will   be  active  (CW  and   SSB)
         respectively as KH0/AF4IN  and KH0N from  Northern Mariana  (OC-086)
         between 12  UTC  on 18  June  and 17  UTC  on the  21st.  They  will
         participate in the All Asian DX Contest. QSL via home calls. [TNX DX
         News Sheet]
KH0    - Ban (KF4VSV/JF2WXS), Michy  (JH2CYU), Akio  (JH2QFY), Kou  (JR2BUM),
         Goto (JR2XKV), Yasu (JJ2CYO) and Yasu (JS2ITP) will be active (160-6
         metres SSB,  CW and  possibly RTTY)  from Saipan,  Northern  Mariana
         (OC-086) between 12 and 15 June.  They plan to focus  on WARC and  6
         metres (50.090 CW and 50.115 SSB). QSL via home calls.
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425 DX News #423 [3/6]
  12 June 1999                    No 423                   BID: $425WW423C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

KP2    - The Irish EJ1D team (EI2CA, EI7CC,  EI6EW, EI4FBB, EI8CE, EI7CD  and
         EI5FYB) will be on St. Croix, Virgin Islands (NA-106) between 21 and
         31 July for the IOTA contest.  Operations will be on 10-160  metres.
         The team will concentrate particularly on WARC in the lead up to the
         contest, and move to HF during  and after the contest. More  details
         at http://Jump.to/ej1d [TNX EI4FBB and Islands On The Web]
LU     - Dion, LU1XT is active on SSB and digital modes from Tierra del Fuego
         (SA-008). QSL  to P.O.  Box 81,  9410 Ushuaia,  Isla de  Tierra  del
         Fuego, Argentina.  Island  chasers may  get  in touch  with  him  at
         lu1xt@infovia.com.ar [TNX LU1XT]
OX     - Michel, OX3LG will be active from Angmasalik Island (NA-151) between
         15 and 30 June. Plans are to operate on  6, 10, 15 and 20 metres  in
         his spare time. QSL via OZ1PIF (Peter Frenning, Ternevej 23, DK-4130
         Viby Sj., Denmark). [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
OZ     - Knud, OZ2ZB will be active from Egholm Island (NJ-004 for the Danish
         Islands Award,  it does  not count  for IOTA)  on 19  June  starting
         around 16 UTC. Look for him on +/-  7065 and then on +/- 14270  kHz.
         [TNX OZ2ZB]
PY     - Special station  PS400NAT  is active  (SSB)  until  31  December  to
         celebrate the 400th anniversary of Brazilian city of Natal. QSL  via
         bureau or to PS7AB (Rony Reis,  P.O. Box 2021, Natal/RN,  59094-970,
         Brazil). [TNX PS7AB]
R1M    - Eight operators from  Finland (OH2BR, OH5BM,  OH5LZY, OH5NE,  OH5PT,
         OH5SC, OH5UX,  OH5YB)  and  17  operators  from  well-known  Russian
         contest team RU1A (RU1AA, RW1AC, RV1AW, RX1AA, RN1AM, UA1BX, RA1ACJ,
         Vadim) will be active from Malyj Vysotskij Island (EU-117) between 4
         and 15 July. They will be active on all bands and modes as R1MVA and
         as R1MV during the IARU Contest. Plans are to operate simultaneously
         on CW, SSB  and RTTY from  9-12 stations. HF  equipment includes  at
         least nine transceivers, six amplifiers, seven monobanders for 40-10
         metres, two inverted  Ls for  160 and  80 metres  and other  various
         antennas, seven towers, six generators. Look  for them on CW  (1831,
         3510, 7010,  10111,  14025, 18071,  21025,  24891, 28025  kHz),  SSB
         (1845, 3795, 7045, 14195/14295, 18145, 21295, 24945, 28495 kHz)  and
         RTTY (14084 kHz).  QSL via  OH2BR (Jukka  Heikinheimo, Rikunkuja  4,
         FI-01420 Vantaa, Finland). [TNX OH2BR]
SV     - Vito, I3BQC will be active as SV8/I3BQC from Lesvos Island  (EU-049)
         between 16 June and 2 July. QSL via home call. [TNX I3BQC]
SV9    - G3NYY (Walt),  G4VXE (Tim),  G4FRE/WW2R (Dave)  and G7FRE  (Meg,  YL
         operator) will  be  active as  SV9/home  call  from  Crete  (EU-015)
         between 29 June and 6 July. Modes will be PSK31, Baudot RTTY and  CW
         (on 160-6 metres,  WARC bands  included), with  some SSB  on 50  MHz
         only. QSL SV9/G3NYY  via G3NYY, SV9/G4VXE  via G3SWH, SV9/G4FRE  via
         WW2R, SV9/G7FRE via WW2R. [TNX G3NYY]
SV9    - Bob, I2WIJ has received the  special call J49WI  for his 12-26  July
         operation from Crete (EU-015) [425DXN 417].  He will participate  in
         the IOTA Contest (CW only). QSL via I2WIJ. [TNX I2WIJ]
T2     - Roberto, EA4DX will be active from Funafuti, Tuvalu (OC-015) between
         26 August and 11 September (callsign to be issued upon arrival).  He
         will operate on all bands (10-80 metres, WARC included) SSB with  an
         amplifier, a beam for 10, 12,  15, 17 and 20  metres and a  vertical
         for 40 and 80 metres. QSL direct to EA4CP. [TNX EA4DX]
T30    - The Berlin DX Group will be active as T30Y and T30CW during their 19
         October-11 November operation from West  Kiribati [425DXN 415].  For
         further  information  please  visit  http://www.qsl.net/dl2rum  [TNX
T33    - The Berlin DX Group will be active as T33Y and T33CW during their 28
         October-2 November operation from Banaba  [425DXN 415]. For  further
         information please visit http://www.qsl.net/dl2rum [TNX DL2RUM]
TA     - Wolfgang, DL5MAE will be active (SSB and CW on 160, 80, 40, 20,  15,
         10 metres and 2  metres EME) as  TA4/DL5MAE/p from Kusadasi  (Aydin,
         Turkey) until  13  June.  QSL  to  DL5MAE  (Wolfgang  Schlaffer,  Am
         Rosengarten 3, W - 8059 Luess,  Germany). Look also for TA3J and  YL
         operator TA3YJ to be active  as TA4/TA3J/p and TA4/TA3YJ/p from  the
         same location and  on the same  modes/bands on 12-13  June. QSL  via
         TA3J (Berkin Aydogmus, P.O. Box 987, 35214 Izmir, Turkey) and  TA3YJ
         (Nilay Mine  Aydogmus,  P.O. Box  876,  35214 Izmir,  Turkey).  [TNX
TK     - Bert, PA3GIO has been forced to cancel his 9-12 June operation  from
         Grande Sanguinaire (EU-104) [425DXN 421]. Due  to dock damage  ships
         are not allowed to land on the island at present. [TNX G0SBQ]
UA     - UA1ANA is currently active from EU-147.
UA     - RK6LWA is  currently active  as RK6LWA/p  from  Lebyazhiy Island (RR
         1704). QSL via UA4HUR.
V4     - PA3EWP, PA3GCV, PA4EA, PA4WM,  PA7FM and PA5ET  will be active  from
         Nevis Island (NA-104) between 11 and 18 August. Their V47 call  will
         be issued upon  arrival. They will  operate on all  bands and  modes
         (see FS/PJ  above). QSL  via PA5ET  (ex  PA3ERC): Rob  Snieder,  Van
         Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS Voorburg, The Netherlands. [TNX PA5ET]
VE     - Terry, VE7TLL  will  be  active  as  VE7ISL/m  from  Devil's  Island
         (C.IS.A. new) starting around 15 UTC on 12 June. He plans to operate
         (on 20,  15 and  40 metres)  from  BC-005, BC-034,  BC-114,  BC-150,
         BC-158 and IOTA NA-061. QSL via home call. [TNX VE7TLL]
VE     - VE3DO and  others  Canadian amateurs  plan  to  operate  from  Black
         Island, Nunavut with  a special call  between 15 June  and 15  July.
         Nunavut (VY0) is the newly created Territory in Canada [425DXN  401]
         and Black Island is located in  James Bay at 53.80 North 79.29  West
         (CQ Zone 2). Further information is  expected in due time. [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
VK     - Mal, VK6LC was active as VK6ISL  from Green Island (OC-183)  between
         03.12 UTC (first logged VK7BC) and 08.20 UTC (last logged IK6UBY) on
         6 June.  Approximately 400  SSB  contacts were  made  on 15  and  20
         metres. This unadvertised operation took  place during "a  fantastic
         long weekend of good fishing", but those who still need OC-183  will
         be given another chance in early  October, when Jim, K9PPY and  Sam,
         CT1EEN will be active for 24 hours after the "VK9-99" Rowley  Shoals
         (OC-???) operation. Information  of dates  for the  revisit will  be
         advertised in August. QSL VK6ISL from OC-183 direct to VK6LC (and do
         to forget to send your donation for VK9-99!). [TNX VK6LC]
VP2E   - PA3EWP, PA3GCV, PA4EA,  PA4WM, PA7FM and  PA5ET will  be /VP2E  from
         Anguilla (NA-022) between 18 and 25 August. They will operate on all
         bands and modes (see FS/PJ  above). QSL via  PA5ET (ex PA3ERC):  Rob
         Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273  VS Voorburg, The  Netherlands.
         [TNX PA5ET]
XU     - While in Cambodia Hiroo, JA2EZD (see 3W above) will operate as  XU2A
         and XUX0 (Xray Uniform Xray Zero) from IOTA AS-133. Look for him  on
         80-10 metres (CW and SSB) and 6 metres as well. QSL via 7L1MFS  (Yoh
         Yoshida, 4-4-1  Arakawa,  116-0002 Japan)  Hiroo's  web page  is  at
ZL     - Ed, K8VIR will be  active as ZL4IR  from Fiordland, Wallace  County,
         South Island (OC-134) from mid June  until the end of July. QSL  via
         W8WC. [TNX The Daily DX]
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425 DX News #423 [4/6]
  12 June 1999                    No 423                   BID: $425WW423D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CEPT & IARP ---> The  following is taken  from the ARRL  Bulletin 38, 8  June
1999: "The  FCC  has  implemented  the  European  Conference  of  Postal  and
Telecommunications  Administrations  (CEPT)  Recommendation  T/R  61-01  that
eliminates the need to obtain a special license or permit for US hams wishing
to operate during brief visits to  most European countries. In addition,  the
ARRL has  begun  issuing International  Amateur  Radio  Permits  to  simplify
operation  by  US  hams  in  certain  South  American  countries.    Complete
information on CEPT and  IARP operation, including  an IARP application  form
and  a  copy   of  the  FCC   Public  Notice   on  CEPT,   is  available   at

the Willamette Valley DX  Club and will  be held in  Clackmas, OR between  30
July   and    1    August.   For    further    information    please    visit
http://www.qsl.net/wvdxc/dxconv.htm  or   e-mail   Jim   Fenstermaker,   K9JF
(jfenster@pacifier.com). [TNX K9JF/7]

place on  27-29 August.  An advanced  registration  form and  information  on
reservations    is    available    on     the    Convention    website     at
http://www.gnofn.org/~w5ru/ [TNX W5FKX]

IREF --->  Neville  Cheadle  (G3NUG), Jose  de  Sa  (CT1EEB),  Taizo  Arakawa
(JA3AER), Don Chamberlain (W9DC), Mike McGirr  (K9AJ), Buzz Jehle (N5UR)  and
Buzz Loeschman  (N5FTR) are  the directors  of the  newly established  Island
Radio Expedition  Foundation,  Inc.  [425DXN  420].  The  officers  are  Mike
Crownover (AD5A, President),  Michael Crownover (AB5EB,  Vice President)  and
Charles Allen  (W5DV,  Treasurer).  A  Secretary  is  still  needed,  if  you
interested please e-mail AD5A (ad5a@sat.net). Further information on IREF, as
well  as  membership  forms  and  applications  for  financial  support,  are
available at http://www.sat.net/~iref [TNX AD5A]

QSL E4/OK5DX ---> Please note that the correct QSL route is via OK1TN  (*not*
OK1YN as reported in 425DXN 422). We apologize for any inconvenience this may
have caused our readers.

QSL EP2FM ---> The Daily DX reports that Abdollah "has found that mail to his
P.O. Box may  not be the  best route". Try  with his  home address:  Abdollah
Sadjadian, 36, Hayamanesh, Dabestan St., Resalat Highway 16316, Tehran, Iran.

QSL MU2K --->  The Guernsey Amateur  Radio Society (GARS)  used this  special
contest call in this year's WPX CW Contest. The call was used by GUs together
with a group of ONs (also  members of GARS) and QSL is  either to GU3HFN  or,
preferably, to ON4ON. [TNX GU0SUP]

QSL PX8DX ---> Cards for this  station, operated by PY8AZT during the  recent
WPX CW, should be sent to  either P.O.Box 71, Belem-PA, 66000-970, Brazil  or

QSL XV300S --->  The following comes  from Rob, KD7H:  "Steve, K2WE has  been
given, over the  air, as the  QSL manager for  XV300S (Vietnamese  operator).
Unfortunately, according to Steve, when he was in Vietnam recently, he  could
not find the XV300S logs  and no one  knew where they  were. He has  received
about 300 requests for cards, but, at the present time, can do nothing  about
it. Again, this was for the previous XV300S operation with a local operator".

QSL YU ---> Contrary to what  reported in 425DXN  #421 (the information  came
from YZ7ED), Igor, YT1MM states that "the YU QSL bureau is alive and  working
(it is operated by Petar, YT1WW), and Yugoslav post office works properly, as
letters for all countries in  the world are  regularly accepted, despite  the
present circumstances (and the letters DO arrive to their destinations,  like
Canada,UK, Japan etc.).  My radio club  (YU1EXY) receives LOT  of mail, so  I
have first-hand proof  for my statements.  On the other  hand, it  is a  well
known fact that a number of  countries (like USA, Great Britain and  Germany,
for example)  simply  suspended  accepting any  kind  of  mail  destined  for
Yugoslavia since early  April. Some other  countries, like  Japan or  Hungary
accept letters for Yugoslavia and such mail regularly arrives, albeit with  a
slight delay." [TNX YT1MM]

SWL-DX --->  This  mailing  list  is  managed  and  moderated  by  Al,  PY2ZX
(jba@dglnet.com.br) and it is specifically devoted  to SWLs who enjoy DX.  In
order to subscribe, send a message to swl-dx-subscribe@egroups.com and  leave
the "subject" and the body of the message in blank. [TNX PY2ZX]

+ SILENT KEYS + Both Dick McKercher, W0MLY and Iris Hayes, ZS2AA passed  away
on 31 May.  A top DXer  and an IOTA  enthusiast, Dick  operated from  several
African countries in the 50s and  60s, while 96-year-old  Iris Hayes was  the
first YL amateur radio operator in South Africa in 1937. [TNX The Daily DX]
S DX@WW $425WW423E
425 DX News #423 [5/6]
  12 June 1999                    No 423                   BID: $425WW423E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGGER:       Version 6.06  of LOGGER,  the  free Windows  logging  programme
              written by 9K2ZZ/K4CY, and Version 6.06 update files for  prior
              versions of LOGGER are now available for download at the Golist
              Web Site (http://www.itis.net/golist/). [TNX K1XN]
LOGS:         The log of IK3QAR/p da (Sant'Erasmo Island, EU-131, IIA VE-015)
              is available at http://il3.camelotweb.net (bureau cards may  be
              requested here as well). [TNX IK3QAR]
LOGS:         Logs for OK7DX are available (with a form for bureau cards)  at
              http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/9663/ok2kli/logsearch/.   QSL
              via OK2ZO. [TNX OK2ZO]
WPX CW 1999:  QSL routes for  stations active during  the recent  WPX CW  are
              available at http://www.arrakis.es/~ea5eyj [TNX EA5EYJ]

                             >>> DIE CONTEST <<<

The following activities have been announced to take place during the 5th DIE
(Spanish Islands Award) Contest (6-12 UTC on 20 June) [TNX EA5OL]:

Ref.No.   Island               Call/Ops                          QSL via
E-006     TABARCA              ED5DX                             EA5RM
E-013     MAYOR O BARON        EA5VY/P                           EA5VM
E-197     DEL CIERVO           EA5VM/P                           EA5VM
S-101     ROQUE DE TUFIA       ED8GCR                            EA7OH
S-233     DEL LEON             Amateurs from Cadiz
S-269     ISLA RAFAEL SANCHEZ  ED7CIW                            EA7ARC
S-278     LOS PINOS BAJOS      EA7GT/P                           EA7GT
BA-039    LAS TAPIAS           EA4ENK/P                          EA4ENK
CO-025    LA REINA             EA7HCU/P                          EA7HCU
CO-027    GUADANUNO            EA7BDL/P                          EA7BDL
CU-001    PENON DE ALARCON     EA4/EA5OL                         EA5OL
L-041     BALAGUER             EA3URT/P
M-014     VELILLA DE S.ANTONIO EA4EMZ/P                          EA4EMZ
SA-019    LAS CANADAS          ED1ISA                            EA1EAU
V-010     EL RECATI            EA5AEN/P
V-024     ASSUT DE SUECA       EA5RKX                            EA5RKX
V-025     MOLI DE CARDONA      EA5ETW/P                          EA5ETW
V-040     EMBARCADEROS         ED5RCC                            EA5RCC
Z-???     ???                  ED2DIE                            EA2TV

The web page for DIE is at http://members.es.tripod.de/die

QSL received via direct:  3A/K8PYD, 3D2DK, 3D2KT, 3D2RW, 3DA6Z, 4U1ITU,  4M5I
(SA-037 - via  IK6SNR), 5A1A, 5H3US,  5H3/IK2GZU, 5V7ZM,  5W0VD, 6Y2A,  6Y4A,
7X4AN, 8Q7DV, 9K2QQ, 9N1FP, 9V1RH, 9V1WW,  A45XR, AP2NK, BI4Q, BV5GQ,  BV9AYA
(AS-103- via BV2KI), DU7MHA (OC-129), E30LA  (AF-038, 080, 081 - via  I2YDX),
E30MA (AF-038,  080, 081  - via  IK2WXZ), E44DX,  E44/HA1AG, ED4FMM  (EA4SS),
FO0EEN, FO0KOL,  FO0SUC  (OC-152 -  via  F5JJW),  FR5ZU/G,  FR5ZU/T,  FS5PL/p
(NA-199), FS/PA3GIO/P,  FT5ZH, H40AA,  HK3JJH/4 (SA-084),  HK0/AA3KX  (W4DC),
HK0F, HK3JJH/0M, HR2KOS, J45T,  J83ZB, JX7DFA, KL1SLE  (NA-040 - via  WL7KY),
S79XB, SN4PLA  (SP2PI),  ST2SA, T20FW,  T22VE,  T30RW, T32IW  (DJ5IW),  T32VU
(DJ5IW), T97M  (K2PF), TA2DS,  TJ1PD, TN7A,  UA9FAR (W7YS),  UN7VX  (IK2XYU),

QSL received via WF5E QSL Service:   3C5DX, 6K97EAG, AH8LG, BT2HC,  DU6/K9AW,
FR5ZQ/T, FT5ZG, N2OO  (NA-111), NO7F/KL7 (NA-059),  TE5T, UE0LEZ, XU2A,  ZX0Z
(SA-067; DIB 068), ZY8R (SA-070; DIB 025).

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


               <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>>

             If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to
                                 with either
               subscribe 425eng  (for the English version) OR
               subscribe 425ita  (for  the  Italian  version)
            in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank)

          If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and
            replace  subscribe 425eng  or  subscribe 425ita  with
          unsubscribe 425eng  or  unsubscribe 425ita  respectively
S DX@WW $425WW423F
425 DX News #423 [6/6]
  12 June 1999                   No 423                   BID: $425WW423F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  31/07      2C, 2X and 2W: special prefixes from Wales             415
till  31/07      2S, 2A and 2T: special prefixes from Scotland          415
till  Jun        3DA0CA: Swaziland                                      411
till  28/06      3W6EZD,3W6EZD/p (NO-REF),XU2A,XUX0 (AS-133)*by JA2EZD  423
till  20/07      3W6XK: Vietnam * by W9XK                               421
till  16/07      3XY7A: Guinea * by VE3DYS                              423
till  31/12      9A770N: special event station (Croatia)                422
till  30/06      BT99WED: special event station (China)                 421
till  30/06      CF3 and VX3: special prefixes (Canada)                 421
till  14/06      CY9SS: St. Paul Island (NA-094) * by Ws and VEs        422
till  August     FK8VHU: New Caledonia                                  401
till  23/06      FO0CLA: Marquesas (OC-027) * by F2HE                   421
till  December   FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL                      401
till  December   FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island                                399
till  July       JY8YB: Jordan * by DL5MBY                              418
till  13/07      RK6LWA/p: Lebyazhiy Isl. (RR 1704)                     423
till  16/06      MM/DL4BQE, DL5BUT, DM4VDE, DL1CW/p: Shetlands (EU-012) 422
from  31/05      S92RS: Sao Tome * by DC8TS/KC2DMA                      421
till  31/07      SN0APT: special event station (Poland)                 417
till  13/06      TA4/DL5MAE/p: Kusadasi (Aydin, Turkey)                 423
till  13/06      TM6ACO: special event station (France)                 421
till  ??         UA1ANA/1: EU-147                                       423
till  30/06      UE4NNN, UE4NMM: special event stations                 421
till  16/06      VK8AN/6: Troughton Island (OC-154)                     419
till  18/06      V47JVG: St. Kitts & Nevis (NA-104) * by G4JVG          421
till  27/11      XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada)              401
till  15/08      YS9/KE4LWT: El Salvador                                422
11/06-23/06      E41/OK1FHI: West Bank, Palestine                       422
11/06-14/06      VK4YN: Fraser Island (OC-142) * by VK4FW               422
11/06-14/06      XW8KPL/CSN: Laos * by 7L1MFS, JA2MNB and JR2KDN        422
12/06-14/06      9V1UV on 6 metres                                      422
12/06            CT: Guimaraes Castle (DCFP C-056) * by CTs             423
12/06-16/06      EL2TT: Liberia * by 5X1T                               423
12/06-13/06      GD6IA: Isle of Man (EU-116) * by MI0BME                423
12/06-13/06      II2V * special A. Volta station                        407
12/06            IK7VJX and IK7XIV: Isola Grande (EU-091)               423
12/06-15/06      KH0: Saipan * by JAs                                   423
12/06-13/06      TA4/TA3J/p and TA4/TA3YJ/p: Kusadasi (Aydin, Turkey)   423
12/06-13/06      TM5EUR: special station (France)                       421
12/06            VE7ISL/m: C.IS.A. islands and NA-061 * by VE7TLL       423
12/06-13/06      ANARTS RTTY Contest                                    ***
12/06-13/03      A.R.I. Sections Contest                                ***
12/06            Portugal Day SSB                                       ***
12/06-13/06      WW South America CW Contest                            ***
13/06-20/06      CW40CCC: special event station (Uruguay)               421
13/06            I0QI,UAO,VWV,IK0RPV,VYB,WDG,ZCW,IZ0BTV/5: EU-028       423
15/06-30/06      OX3LG: Angmasalik Island (NA-151)                      423
15/06-15/07      VY0: Black Island (Nunavut) * by VE3DO and others      423
15/06-31/07      ZL4IR: South Island (NA-134) * by K8VIR                423
from mid Jun     V73G: Kwajalein (OC-028), Marshall Is * by AC4G        422
16/06-19/06      JG1RVN/6 and JA5DES/6: Miyako Islands (AS-079)         423
16/06-23/06      SV8/G3SWH: Mykonos Island (EU-067)                     421
16/06-02/07      SV8/I3BQC: Lesvos Island (EU-049)                      423
17/06-21/06      HL: Ullung Island (AS-045) * by JI6KVR and HL5FUA      421
17/06-20/06      IT9HLR, IT9AXZ, IT9YRE, IT9WDY: Porri Isl (EU-166)     423
18/06-21/06      3V8J: Jerba Island (AF-???) * by I5JHW and others      423
18/06-26/06      9A99P: Palagruza Island (EU-090) * by 9As              423
18/06-21/06      CV5A: Flores Island (SA-030) * by CXes                 422
18/06            EI/G3ZAY and EI/G0HSD: Blasket Islands (EU-007)        423
18/06-25/06      JW2PA: Spitzbergen (EU-026), Svalbard * by LA2PA       423
18/06-21/06      KH0/AF4IN, KH0N: Northern Mariana * by JA6AGA, JA6CNL  423
19/06-26/06      J6/KF8VX and J6/KG8QL: St. Lucia (NA-108)              423
19/06            OZ2ZB: Egholm Island (NJ-004)                          423
19/06-20/06      All Asian CW Contest                                   ***
19/06-20/06      RSGB 1.8 MHz CW Contest                                ***
20/06            V DIE Contest                                          ***
21/06-05/07      9N7RN: Nepal * by IZ6BRN/AP2WAP                        423
22/06-26/06      HL0ZX/4: Pigum Island (AS-060)                         423
24/06-28/06      IF9WKH: Favignana (EU-054) * by Egadi DX Team          423
24/06-26/06      Ham Radio 1999 (Friedrichshafen, Germany)              418
25/06            IF9/IT9GNG: Scoglio Correnti (EU-054)                  423
25/06-27/06      IQ7T: Capo S.Vito Lighthouse * by ARI Taranto          421
25/06-27/06      TM5B: Fort Brescou (EU-148) * by Fs                    423
26/06-30/06      F/G0GRC: Les Sept Isles (EU-107) * by Grantham ARC     417
26/06-27/06      IA5/IK5AMB, PWS, VLS, IZ5AXA, IW5AKR, CFN: EU-028      423
26/06            IF9ZRQ/p: Isola Galeotta (EU-054)                      423
26/06-27/06      IY0TC: Marconian station                               414
26/06-27/06      ARRL Fielday                                           ***
26/06-27/06      Marconi Memorial CW Contest                            ***
26/06-27/06      SP CW QRP Contest                                      ***
27/06            IF9/IT9GNG: Isola Galera (EU-054)                      423
28/06-08/07      VP2E: Anguilla (NA-022) * by WB2REM                    421
29/06-06/06      SV9/G3NYY, G4VXE, G4FRE, G7FRE: Crete (EU-015)         423
30/06-14/07      VK8AN/6: Troughton Island (OC-154)          supplement 421
June             D99ARDF: special event station (Korea)                 423
Jun-Jul          EL2VO: Liberia * by EA5GIY                             422
June-December    VY0TA: Baffin Island (NA-047) * by VE2BQB              421
June             ZS8D: Marion Island (AF-021) * by ZS6DE                421