DX425 bulletin issue nr. 421

S DX@WW $425WW421A
425 DX News #421 [1/5]
 29 May 1999                      No 421                   BID: $425WW421A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3C0    - Tony Galiana, EA5BY reports that "plans are now at an advanced stage
         for the early  September 99 DXpedition  to Annobon  Island. All  the
         necessary permissions have been obtained, transport arranged and the
         logistics needed to  put together an  operation from  this rare  new
         one. The team will be joined by a PTT representative and will  leave
         a complete station on the island".  3C1GS (Ramon), 3C1RV  (Roberto),
         EA5BYP (Elmo) and EA5YN (Vicente)  will be active  on all modes  and
         bands as 3C0R for around ten days. More information will follow  and
         will be available on either  http://web.jet.es/lynx (Lynx DX  Group)
         and http://www.multimania.com/cdxc/ (Clipperton DX Club)
3W     - Karl, W9XK will be active (on 15 and 20 metres CW and SSB) as  3W6XK
         from Vietnam between  1 June and  20 July.  QSL via  W9XK. [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
BY     - The Nanjing  Agricultural  University  will  operate  special  event
         station BT99WED  between  1  and 30  June  to  celebrate  the  World
         Environment Day. QSL via F6FNU. [TNX BD5RV]
CN     - Ben, DL6FBL/CN8WW has been in Morocco since early this week. He will
         participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest (SOAB) and return to Germany
         on 1 June. QSL via DL6FBL. After this activity all of his logs  will
         be  merged   and   he   will   confirm   all   the   contacts   made
         (October-December 1998, March-April  1999 and May  1999). Ben's  web
         site is at http://www.boc.de/dl6fbl [TNX DL6FBL]
CX     - Special station CW40CCC  will be active  (on 160-6  metres, with  an
         emphasis on the WARC  bands CW and  SSB) between 13  and 20 June  to
         celebrate the  40th  anniversary fo  the  Centro  Radio  Aficionados
         Montevideo. QSL via P.O. Box 6000,  Montevideo 11000, Uruguay.  [TNX
CY9    - Reports indicate that the CY9RF DXpedition to St. Paul Island (23-31
         May) [425DXN 419] has experienced some  unexpected problems. Now  it
         seems that only two operators  (K8RF and K4LT)  will make the  trip.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
ER     - ER1OO, ER1CN, ER3DW,  ER3DX, ER3PW,  ER3OO, ER3ZZ  and club  station
         ER3R of MMZ-Rybnitsa will be /p between 2 and 6 June (including IARU
         1 Field Day). They will operate (SSB and CW) on all bands, WARC  and
         6 metres included, and  via satellite RS-13  WWL KN47GS. QSL  ER3R/p
         via ER3DX either  direct (Box  9, Rybnitsa-4,  MD-5504, Moldova)  or
         through the bureau; other stations QSL via home call. [TNX ER3DX]
F      - F6ELE (Didier), F6HKA  (Hubert) and  F8BPN (Mauricette)  will be  /p
         from Tombelaine Island (EU-156) between 5 and 15 UTC on 30 May. [TNX
         F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
F      - Club station F6KFI will be active as TM6ACO on 7-13 June for the 24h
         of Le Mans car  race. QSL via  F6KFI (F6KFI, ARAS  72, P.O. Box  88,
         72002 Le Mans, France). [TNX F-15452]
F      - Special station TM5EUR will be  active (mainly CW  on all bands)  on
         12-13 June from  the geographical  centre of  "Euroland" located  in
         Blancafort. QSL  via  F5IAE. Further  information  is  available  at
         http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/HURTYMichel/page4.html [TNX
F      - Gianpi, IK1TTD will be active from  Porquerolles Island (EU-070)  on
         10 and  11 July.  QSL via  home call  either direct  or through  the
         bureau. [TNX IK1TTD]
F      - Marc, ON5FP and Kristof,  ON6NN will be  active from several  EU-032
         islands (namely Oleron DIFM AT-025, Re  AT-022, Aix AT-023 and  Fort
         Enet AT-031) between 21  July and 4  August, IOTA Contest  included.
         They also  plan to  operate from  Madame (AT-024)  and Fort  Louvois
         (AT-035), which do not count for IOTA. QSL via ON4ADN either  direct
         (Geert Decru, St  Laurentiusstraat 18, 8710  Wielsbeke, Belgium)  or
         through the bureau. [TNX ON5FP]
FO_mar - Alain, F2HE arrived in  Tahiti, French Polynesia  on 20 May  [425DXN
         419] and received the call FO0CLA. He expected to move to Nuku Hiva,
         Marquesas Islands (OC-027) on 23 May, and plans are to operate  from
         there for  about one  month. QSL  via F6LQJ  (Bruno Descat,  106  la
         Prairie, 33230  Saint-Medard-de-Guizieres, France).  [TNX The  Daily
GM     - Jeff, G3LWN  will be  active  as 2S0PNS  from  the island  of  Pabay
         (EU-008, IOSA NH11) between 1  and 4 June.  Pabay Island issues  its
         own stamps and  a special 2S0PNS  stamp will be  available. QSL  via
         home call. [TNX DX News Sheet]
S DX@WW $425WW421B
425 DX News #421 [2/5]
 29 May 1999                      No 421                   BID: $425WW421B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

HL     - Yuki, JI6KVR and Choi, HL5FUA plan  to be active  (SSB and CW)  from
         Ullung Island (AS-045) between 17 and 21 June. [TNX JI6KVR]
HR     - Look for Al, K3VN to be  active from Honduras during the next  week.
         He will be there for about one week  on business and he plans to  be
         on the  WARC and  low bands  depending upon  equipment and  antennas
         available. QSL via K3VN. [TNX K4QD]
HS     - The Daily DX reports that Thai authorities have authorized  amateurs
         from Thailand to operate on  80 and 160  metres during any  contests
         from 27 March to 31 December 1999.
I      - Aretusa DX Team members IT9HLR, IT9AXZ, IT9YRE and IT9WDY plan to be
         active (on 10-80 metres CW  and SSB) from  Isola dei Porri  (EU-166,
         IIA RG-001) in  June. The  actual date  depends on  weather and  sea
         conditions. The Team's  web sites are  at http://listen.to/adxt  and
         http://www.qsl.net/adxt [TNX IT9HLR]
I      - IK1QBT (Tony),  IK1ZOZ (Nino)  and IK1OXF  (Alex)  will be  /p  from
         Gallinara Island (EU-083, IIA SV-001) on 5 and 6 June. They will  be
         active (also on WARC bands) with  two stations on  CW and SSB,  with
         some activity on VHF/UHF and  6 metres. QSL  via home calls,  either
         direct or through the bureau. [TNX IK1QBT]
I      - Special event station  IR6CGC (Italy Roberto  6 Clemens Galletti  de
         Cadhillac) will be active on 4-5 June (see W2WSC below).
I      - Operators from ARI Taranto will be  active (on 10-80 metres CW,  SSB
         and RTTY), possibly as IQ7T, from the lighthouse at Capo San Vito on
         25-27 June. QSL via IK7AFM either direct or through the bureau. [TNX
J3     - Chip, W1AIM will be active (on  6-20 metres, with an emphasis on  12
         and 17 metres) as J3/W1AIM from Grenada (NA-024) between 27 May  and
         2 June. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
JA     - Look for JE4CIL/4 and JI3DST/4 to be active (on 80, 40, 20, 17,  15,
         12 and 10 metres SSB and CW) from Oki Archipelago (AS-041) between 8
         UTC on 4 June and 22  UTC on the  6th. QSL via  JE4CIL (P.O. Box  3,
         Hamamura,  Ketara-Cho,  Ketaka-Gun,  Tottori,  689-0331  Japan)  and
         JI3DST (Takeshi  Funaki, 2-18-26  Hannan-Cho, Abeno-Ku,  Osaka-City,
         Osaka, 545-0021 Japan). [TNX JI3DST]
JA     - Yamato Amateur Radio Club members JJ1EQW  (Jun), JA3MCA (Kaoru)  and
         JA0KNM  (Aru)  will  be  /JR6  from  Ishigakijima,  Yaeyama  Islands
         (AS-024) between 6 UTC on 4 June and 23 UTC on the 6th. They will be
         active on 10-40 metres SSB and CW. QSL via homecalls, either through
         the bureau  or direct  to JJ1EQW  (Junichi Sato,  6-1-9-2  Turumaki,
         Tama, 206-0034 Japan), JA3MCA (Kaoru Tachibana, 1-7-5-403  Tukimino,
         Yamato, 242-0002 Japan),  JA0KNM (Seiich  Aruga, 546-7  Shimoturuma,
         Yamato, 242-0001 Japan). [TNX JA1ELY]
KH2    - Seiji, JH6RTO will be active (on 40-6 metres) as AH2/AH0R from  Guam
         (OC-026) between 3 and 6 June. QSL via JH6RTO (Seiji Fukushima, Hase
         1182-2506, Atsugi 243-0036, Japan). [TNX The Daily DX]
PY     - An operation is being planned to  take place on  29-30 May from  the
         lighthouse of Calcanhar  (DFB-04). Look for  ZV7ZZ to  be active  on
         10-80 metres SSB  and CW.  QSL via  PS7ZZ (Francisco  Edvaldo P.  de
         Freitas, Av.  Sao  Miguel dos  Caribes  31,  Pirangi  II,  59086-500
         Natal-RN, Brazil). [TNX PS7ZZ]
PY     - Look for PT7BZ/PY7,  PT7WA/PY7, PY7XC/7, PY7ZY/7  and PY7ZZ/7 to  be
         active (10-40  metres CW  and SSB)  from Itamaraca  Island  (SA-046)
         between 3 and 6 June. QSL via home calls. (PT7BZ's correct P.O.  Box
         is 88  and PY7XC's  correct address  is Rua  Dhalia 228  apto.  401,
         Recife, PE 51020-290, Brazil). [TNX PT7WA]
PY     - Pedro, PP5SZ reports that a  group of PY5  operators is expected  to
         operate as PR59B from Mel Island (SA-047) between 3 and 7 June.  QSL
         via PP5LL (Jayme Lira,  P.O. Box 08,  88010-970 Florianopolis -  SC,
S9     - Hardy, DC8TS/KC2DMA will be on Sao Tome on 31 May and hopes to get a
         licence to operate  on the satellites.  If he succeeds,  he will  be
         active from 16.00  to 20.00  UTC as  this is  not intended  to be  a
         DXpedition. QSL via DC8TS. [TNX DC8TS]
SM     - Gellivare/Malmberget Amateur  Radio  Club  members  will  be  active
         (10-160 metres and RS12) as 7S2TP from Laponia on 4-6 June. QSL  via
         bureau or  direct to  GEMARK, P.O.  Box  64, SE-983  22  Malmberget,
         Sweden. For further visit http://www.gellivare.se/radio [TNX SM2KAL]
SV     - Carl, GW0VSW  will  be active  as  SV8/GW0VSW from  Zakintos  Island
         (EU-052) between 1 and 12 June. [TNX The Daily DX]
SV     - Phil, G3SWH  will be  active (10-40  metres  CW) as  SV8/G3SWH  from
         Mykonos Island (EU-067) between 16 and 23 June). QSL via home  call.
         [TNX DX News Sheet]
SV5    - Fred, SM7DAY will be active (on CW QRP) as SV5/SM7DAY from  Kalymnos
         Island (EU-001) between 29 May and 18 June. QSL via home call.  [TNX
         DX News Sheet]
TK     - Bert, PA3GIO plans to be active  as TK/PA3GIO/p from Lavezzi  Island
         (EU-164,  DIFM  TK-011)  between  3  and  7  June  and  from  Grande
         Sanguinaire (EU-104,  DIFM  TK-002) between  9  and  12  June.  Some
         activity  as  TK/PA3GIO/m  or  /p  from  Corsica  (EU-014)  is  also
         expected. QSL via home call. [TNX PA3GIO]
UA     - Special event stations  UE4NNN (QSL  via RW4NM),  UE4NMM and  others
         will be  active  between  1  and 30  June  to  celebrate  the  625th
         anniversary of the town of Viatka,  Russia. A diploma is  available,
         look  for  the  details  at  http://www.qsl.net/ue4nnn/diploma  [TNX
UA     - Special event station R200AP will be  active on all bands and  modes
         between  5  and 7  June to  celebrate the  bicentenary of  Alexander
         Pushkin. QSL via RA1WZ either direct (Al Trubchaninov, Rizhskij  pr.
         51-104, 180016 Pskov, Russia) or through the bureau. [TNX RA1WZ]
S DX@WW $425WW421C
425 DX News #421 [3/5]
 29 May 1999                      No 421                   BID: $425WW421C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

UA     - Alex, UA0ZY  and other  operators from  the Kamchatka  DX-Group  are
         planning an  IOTA  trip  to  several  islands  in  the  Kuril  group
         (AS-025). They also hope to  operate from an  island located in  the
         unnumbered Kamchatka Oblast/Sea of Okhotsk Coast group. The trip  is
         scheduled to take place in July. Further details are expected in due
         time. [TNX UA0ZY]
V4     - Steve, G4JVG will be active from NA-104 (St. Kitts & Nevis)  between
         4 and 18 June while on holiday. He plans to operate on 10-40  metres
         SSB, including WARC and  possibly 80 metres.  Callsign to be  issued
         upon arrival. QSL via home call. [TNX DX News Sheet]
VE     - Tesla Radio Club member Yuri, VE1BY/K3BU will operate special  event
         station VA1A  on  160 metres  on  29-30 May  during  the CQ  WW  WPX
         Contest. The operation is to celebrate  the 90th anniversary of  the
         first powered flight in Canada by the Silver Dart, flown off the ice
         at Baddeck, Nova Scotia. QSL via K3BU (P.O. Box 282, Pine Brook,  NJ
         07058, USA). [TNX K3BU]
VE     - Hew, VA3HU will be active as VX3HU between 1 and 30 June as VE3  and
         VA3 operators are  authorised to use  CF3 and VX3  to celebrate  the
         75th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force. [TNX VA3HU]
VE     - Once again Louis, VE2BQB will be  active (on all  bands CW and  SBB)
         from Baffin Island  (NA-047, Zone 2)  from June  until December.  He
         used to operate as VE8TA, but  since Baffin is now  part of the  new
         Nunavut Territory, he will use VY0TA.  QSL via VE2BQB either  direct
         or through the bureau. [TNX VE2BQB]
VE     - Jeff, VA3JFF  will be  active from  two  Canadian islands  -  namely
         Bobcaygeon (C.IS.A. ON-149, from around 17  UTC) and Buckeye  Centre
         (C.IS.A. ON-NEW,  from  around  18  UTC) -  on  5  June.  [TNX  OPDX
VP2E   - Jim, WB2REM will be active  as VP2EREM (yes,  Echo Radio Echo  Mike)
         from Anguilla (NA-022) between 28 June and 8 July. Operation will be
         on both CW and SSB mainly on 10,  15 and 20 metres. QSL via  WB2REM.
         [TNX WB2REM]
W      - Howie, K1VSJ will be active from Martha's Vineyard (NA-046)  between
         28 May and August. He plans to participate in the IOTA Contest.  QSL
         via home call. [TNX DX News Sheet]
W      - The Old Barney ARC and the Tuckerton Wireless ARC announce a special
         event operation to  honour the early  radio pioneer Roberto  Clemens
         Galletti de Cadhillac on what would be his 120th birthday. Look  for
         W2WSC to be active (14.290, 21.390,  28.490 MHz) from the  Tuckerton
         Historical Society Museum between 14 and  22 UTC on 5 June. QSL  via
         W2WSC  (Tuckerton  Wireless  Amateur  Radio  Club,  P.O.  Box   531,
         Tuckerton,    NJ     08087,     USA).    More     information     on
         http://www.qsl.net/n2ob/announce.htm [TNX N2OO]
XV     - Rolf, SM5MX is active as XV7SW from Hanoi, Vietnam until 5 June.  He
         will participate in the  CQ WW WPX  CW Contest. He  is now the  only
         remaining XV7 on CW. QSL via SM3CXS. [TNX SM5MX]
ZS8    - Deryck Yelverton, ZS8D/ZS6DE  [425DXN 412] is  on Marion Island  but
         "the key has been quiet as I have been very busy", he reports.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]

CQ WW WPX CW ---> The following are expected to participate in the Contest:
- Jun, JH4RHF  as 4U1VIC  from the  Vienna International  Amateur Radio  Club
  station (it counts for Austria for DXCC). [TNX The Daily DX]
- Abubaker, 5A1A as Single Operator Single Band  (10 metres). [TNX The  Daily
- Joergen, OZ8AE  ss 5P1ER  from the  European Radiocommunication  Office  in
  Copenhagen. QSL automatically via bureau. [TNX OZ8AE]
- N6TJ as AM8ZS. QSL via VE3HO. [TNX EA8ZS]
- Pertti, OH2PM from the BY1DX station  in Beijing. QSL  via OH2BH. [TNX  The
  Daily DX]
- Juan Carlos, CO8TW as Single  Operator Single Band  (10 metres) Low  Power.
  QSL to Juan  Carlos Veranes Ferrer,  P.O. Box  8, Santiago  de Cuba  90100,
  Cuba. [TNX CO8TW]
- Martin, CT3KN  from  Madeira Island  (AF-014).  QSL via  either  direct  or
  through the bureau to CS3MAD. [TNX CT3KN]
- K9AW/DU6 (All Band High Power) from  Negros Island (OC-129). QSL via  WF5T.
  [TNX K9AW]
- Kreso, 9A4KK as EA8/9A4KK from  Canary Islands (AF-004)  on 10 metres.  QSL
  via home call. [TNX 9A4KK]
- Tony, IK1QBT and the Western Riviera DX team as II1R. The new QSL route  is
  via I1NVU either direct (Claudio  Di Pietro, Via  G. Galilei 424/10,  18038
  Sanremo - IM, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IK1QBT]
- Vin, I7PXV as IU7X. QSL via home call. [TNX I7PXV]
- Alex, PY1KS  as PW1S  (All Band  Low Power).  QSL via  PY1KS either  direct
  (P.O.Box 18123, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 20722-970 Brazil) or through the bureau.
- VY0RAC from Nunavut, Canada's newest territory. [TNX The Daily DX]
- Rob, ND3A as  WH7Q (SOAB)  from Maui,  Hawaiian Islands  (OC-019) [TNX  The
  Daily DX]
S DX@WW $425WW421D
425 DX News #421 [4/5]
 29 May 1999                      No 421                   BID: $425WW421D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

6 METRES  ---> Andy  Lillevars, ES2NA  reports  the following  stations  from
Estonia are now  active on  the band:  ES1AJ, ES1CW,  ES1II, ES1MW,  ES1RF/3,

P3A AWARD ---> It is issued for contacts made on different bands with P3A  in
contest starting on 1  January 1999. For  further information please  contact
the Award Manager Alex Vedernikov, UA9YAB (P.O.Box 120, Biysk, Altajskij kraj
659300, Russia) at europa@biysk.nsu.ru [TNX UA9YAB]

PIRATE ---> A station signing T22QO  was active on 23 May  around 18 UTC  (15
metres CW) and gave QSL via K7ZO,  but Scott (K7ZO) knows nothing about  this
operation. [TNX DL6KVA]

QSL BUREAU ---> Effective 1 June 1999 the  new address of the KH6 QSL  Bureau
is P.O. Box 860788, Wahiawa, HI 96786-0788, USA. [TNX The Daily DX]

QSL 8P6AW ---> The QSL  route for 8P6AW  is *not* via  WB4RRK or K1XN.  John,
K1XN suggests  that requests  for this  club station  should be  sent to  the
Amateur Radio Society of Barbados, Box  814-E, Saint Michael, Barbados.  [TNX
John K1XN and The Golist]

QSL EK ---> Giancarlo, IK7WUJ has received his direct card from EK4JJ  (Serge
K. Mnatsakanyan, 9A/33, 2 Norki Massiv, Yerevan 375062, Armenia), who  states
he QSLs 100%  when sufficient  return postage  is provided.  He says  current
postal rates in Armenia  are very expensive,  which means 2  IRCs or 2  green
stamps (at least for Italy).

QSL EZ8CW --->  Please note he  has *no* QSL  manager, cards  should be  sent
direct only.

QSL UN ---> Nick, UN7JX says he is used to replying to QSL requests within 24
hours from receipt. If you have not received your card after three months, it
is most likely because of the  known "problems" with the postal service.  Now
Nick wants to bring an action against the  post office: "I need some kind  of
document that  proves that  your  letters never  made  it to  their  intended
address. If you have  some way of  obtaining some kind  of receipt, stamp  or
registration that proves  you sent a  letter, this would  be excellent.  FAX:
(7-3232) 475866, E-mail: un5j@ukg.kz" [TNX UN5J]

QSL YU ---> Ed, YZ7ED reports that YU amateurs have not been able to get  any
QSL for one month, as both "the QSL Bureau  and the Post Office do not  work"
because of the war.

QSL ZV0SB  & ZV0SW  ---> Paulo,  PT2NP reports  QSL manager  PT2GTI  (Roberto
Stuckert, P.O. Box 09647, 70001-970, Brasilia/DF, Brazil) has started sending
out the cards for ZV0SB and ZV0SW (March 1999 DXpedition to St. Peter and St.
Paul Archipelago).

QSL VIA LY1FF ---> Law, LY1FF  reports he is the QSL  for 4L8T *only*.  Cards
for LY8X [425DXN 418] go via LY1BZB *only*.

QSL VIA NE8Z ---> Rick is the  *new* QSL manager for HC1OT, HD1OT,  HC1OT/HC8
and HD9OT. The old QSL manager (K8ZZ) will give Rick the cards sent to him in
error. [TNX NE8Z]

QSL NOT  VIA KA7NOC  ---> Steve  Hurst, KA7NOC  has received  cards for  this
station over the last five years, but he is *not* the QSL Manager for  YU1OJ.
He *was* the QSL manager  for YU1PJ several  yers ago, but  he has not  heard
from Zoran  since  the  early '90s.  For  further  information  please  visit
http://www.magiclink.com/web/shurst [TNX K1XN and The Golist]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS (JW):    JW9PJA logs for  all operations through  1 March  1999 are  now
              online at http://dx.qsl.net/logs [TNX N6RT]
LOGS (VQ9):   VQ9CV   logs   through   13   May   are   now   available    at
              http://dx.qsl.net/logs [TNX N6RT]

QSL received via direct:   3B8CF, 3DA5A, 3D2DK,  4KA5CW, 4U1UN, 5A1A,  5T5WW,
5Z4LI (AF-040), 6D2X, 6V6U,  6W6JX, 6Y2A (via  WA4WTG), 7P8RP, 9M6CT,  9V1BG,
9V1RH, AP2NK, BV9AYA (AS-103),  DU8ARK (OC-119 -  via I2YDX), E30LA  (AF-038,
080, 081 -  via I2YDX); E30MA  (AF-038, 080, 081  - via IK2WXZ),  E41/OK1DTP,
E44DX (via  OH2BN), E44/HA1AG,  EA9EA, EL2WW,  EM1KA, ER1OA,  EZ8CW,  FO0EEN,
FO0SIL, FO0SUC (OC-152 - via  F5JJW), FT5ZH, H44NC  (OC-119), H76C (NA-212  -
via HR1RMG), HK3JJH/0M, HK3JJH/4 (SA-084), HK0/AA3KX, HK0/WB4ZNH, HP3XBH (via
W4WX ex WT4K),  HP4/F5PAC (NA-088),   HS0ZAR, HS0/G4JMB,  JD1BIY, KG4TO  (via
N4TO), KG4OX (via W4OX), KG4ZK (via W4ZYT), KH8/N5OLS, KL7/NO7F (NA-059 - via
K8NA), JD1AMA, JH6TYD  (AS-040), OJ0VR,  P29WK, RA0FF  (via N6FF),  SV2ASP/A,
T20FW, TF3DX,  TR8IG, TY1JG (via DK8ZD), UA9QMU, V63HO, V63KU, V73UB,  V85AA,
VK6EWI (OC-170),  VP2MDY,  XUF2B (via  N4JR),  XU7AAN,  XZ1N,  YB0DX,  YK1AO,
ZC4ATC, ZL7DK (via DK7YY).

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425 DX News #421 [5/5]
 29 May 1999                      No 421                   BID: $425WW421E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  31/07      2C, 2X and 2W: special prefixes from Wales             415
till  31/07      2S, 2A and 2T: special prefixes from Scotland          415
till  30/05      3C2JJ: Corisco Isl (AF-082) * by TR8XX, TR8CA, TR8SA   417
till  Jun        3DA0CA: Swaziland                                      411
till  31/05      8Q7EM: Maldives (AS-013) * by DH5HV                    419
till  03/06      9H3UT, Comino Island, Malta (EU-023) * by DL9GDB       420
till  31/05      CN8WW: Morocco * by DL6FBL                             421
till  31/05      CY9RF: St. Paul Island (NA-094) * by Ws                421
till  06/06      ER200P: special event station (Moldova)                420
till  August     FK8VHU: New Caledonia                                  401
till  23/06      FO0CLA: Marquesas (OC-027) * by F2HE                   421
till  early Jun  FR5ZQ/G: Glorioso (AF-011)                             419
till  December   FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL                      401
till  December   FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island                                399
till  02/06      HC8 (HC8N): Galapagos * by Ws                          420
till  31/05      JW4CJA: Bear Island (EU-027) * by LA4CJA               419
till  July       JY8YB: Jordan * by DL5MBY                              418
till  31/05      N5TJ/KP2 & WP2Z: Virgin Islands (NA-106)               419
till  31/07      SN0APT: special event station (Poland)                 417
till  30/05      SV9: Crete (EU-015) * by OH1KAG/OH9MM & OH3LQK/OH7WW   419
till  06/06      TM0AIN * by F5JBR                                      420
till  31/05      V26OC & V26E: Antigua (NA-100) * by N3OC & AB2E        420
till  02/06      V73ZZ: Kwajalein (OC-028) * by K7ZZ                    419
till  01/06      VP5/N2GA, VP5/K2DO, VP5GA: Caicos Is (NA-002)          420
till  27/11      XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada)              401
till  06/06      XJ9: special preix from Saint John, NB (Canada)        420
till  05/06      XV7SW: Vietnam * by SM5MX                              421
till  15/08      YS1/KE4LWT: El Salvador                                418
27/05-02/06      J3/W1AIM: Grenada (NA-024)                             421
27/05-02/06      SV8/HA5FA/p: Kerkira Island (EU-052)                   420
28/05-31/05      DX1S: Philippines                                      420
28/05-30/05      GB5TI: Treshnish Is (EU-108) * by GM0DEQ,GM0SEI,GM3WIL 419
28/05-August     K1VSJ: Martha's Vineyard (NA-046)                      421
28/05-04/06      OH0/K7BV & OH0Z: Aland Is (EU-002)                     420
28/05-06/06      V5/HB9QQ: Namibia * by HB9QQ                           420
29/05-30/05      ED8PP: Canary Islands (WPX CW) * by EA3KU              419
29/05-30/05      P3A: Cyprus (WPX CW)                                   419
29/05-18/06      SV5/SM7DAY: Kalymnos Island (EU-001)                   421
29/05-30/05      VA1A: special event station * by VE1BY/K3BU            421
29/05-30/05      WH2/N2NL: Guam (OC-026) (WPX CW)                       419
29/05-30/05      ZV7ZZ: Calcanhar Lighthouse * by PYs                   421
29/05-30/05      CQ WPX CW Contest                                      ***
30/05            F6ELE/p, F6HKA/p, F8BPN/p: Tombelaine Island (EU-156)  421
31/05-06/06      HR: Honduras * by K3VN                                 421
31/05-07/06      MM/W9DC: EU-123, EU-008, IOSA islands                  419
from  31/05      S9: Sao Tome * by DC8TS/KC2DMA                         421
01/06-04/06      2S0PNS: Pabay (EU-008) * by G3LWN                      421
01/06-20/07      3W6XK: Vietnam * by W9XK                               421
01/06-30/06      BT99WED: special event station (China)                 421
01/06-30/06      CF3 and VX3: special prefixes (Canada)                 421
01/06-12/06      SV8/GW0VSW: Zakintos Island (EU-052)                   421
01/06-30/06      UE4NNN, UE4NMM: special event stations                 421
03/06-06/06      AH2/AH0R: Guam (OC-026) * by JH6RTO                    421
02/06-16/06      VK8AN/6: Troughton Island (OC-154)                     419
03/06-07/06      PR59B: Mel Island (SA-047)                             421
03/06-06/06      PT7BZ/PY7,PT7WA/PY7,PY7XC/7,PY7ZY/7,PY7ZZ/7: SA-046    421
03/06-07/06      TK/PA3GIO/p: Lavezzi Island (EU-164)                   421
04/06-06/06      7S2TP: Laponia (Sweden) * by SMs                       421
04/06-05/06      IR6CGC: special event station                          421
04/06-06/06      JE4CIL/4 and JI3DST/4: Oki Archipelago (AS-041)        421
04/06-06/06      JJ1EQW, JA3MCA, JA0KNM/JR6: Yaeyama Islands (AS-024)   421
04/06-07/06      KL7AK: Nunivak Island (NA-074)                         405
04/06-18/06      V4: St. Kitts & Nevis (NA-104) * by G4JVG              421
05/06-14/06      CY9SS: St. Paul Island (NA-094) * by Ws and VEs        419
05/06-06/06      IK1QBT/p, IK1ZOZ/p, IK1OXF/p: Gallinara Isl (EU-083)   421
05/06-07/06      R200AP: special event station                          421
05/06            VA3JFF: VE islands (Ontario)                           421
05/06            W2WSC: special event operation                         421
05/06-06/06      Fielday IARU Region 1 CW                               ***
07/06-13/06      TM6ACO: special event station (France)                 421
09/06-12/06      TK/PA3GIO/p: Grande Sanguinaire (EU-104)               421
12/06-13/06      II2V * special A. Volta station                        407
12/06-13/06      TM5EUR: special station (France)                       421
12/06-13/06      ANARTS RTTY Contest                                    ***
12/06            Portugal Day SSB                                       ***
13/06-20/06      CW40CCC: special event station (Uruguay)               421
12/06-13/06      WW South America CW Contest                            ***
16/06-23/06      SV8/G3SWH: Mykonos Island (EU-067)                     421
17/06-21/06      HL: Ullung Island (AS-045) * by JI6KVR and HL5FUA      421
19/06-20/06      All Asian CW Contest                                   ***
19/06-20/06      RSGB 1.8 MHz CW Contest                                ***
20/06            V DIE Contest                                          ***
June             IT9HLR, IT9AXZ, IT9YRE, IT9WDY: Porri Isl (EU-166)     421
June-December    VY0TA: Baffin Island (NA-047) * by VE2BQB              421
June             ZS8D: Marion Island (AF-021) * by ZS6DE                421