DX425 bulletin issue nr. 420

S DX@WW $425WW420A
425 DX News #420 [1/4]
 22 May 1999                       No 420                       $425WW420A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

9H     - Dieter, DL9GDB is active as 9H3UT from Comino Island, Malta (EU-023)
         until 3  June.  QSL via  DL9GDB  either  direct  (Dieter  Brachmann,
         Kolumbusring 56,  18106  Rostock, Germany)  or  through  the  bureau
         (bureau cards can be requested at dl9gdb@t-online.de). [TNX DL9GDB]
DL     - Mirko, DL8ABO  will  be  active  as  DL8ABO/m  from  Fehmarn  Island
         (EU-128) between 22 and 24 May. Look or him on 10, 15, 80 and mainly
         20 metres, around 14.260  MHz. QSL via  DL8ABO either direct  (Mirko
         Holte, Holzmindener Str. 2, D-37547  Kreiensen, Germany) or  through
         the bureau. [TNX DL8ABO]
DU     - DX1S ("DX Is!") is a new  callsign of the Filipinas DX Society.  The
         station will be operated between 28  and 31 May on CW (7005,  14025,
         21025, 28025  kHz)  and  SSB (14195,  21295,  28495  kHz)  by  DU9RG
         (Robin), JA1BK  (Kan)  and OH2BH  (Martti).  QSL  Manager  for  this
         special activity is KU9C. [TNX The Daily DX]
EA     - Special event station EG0FAS will be  activated by URE Cartagena  on
         27 May  during the  celebration of  the Armed  Forces Day.  QSL  via
         bureau. [TNX EA5GMB]
EP     - Look for Abdollah, EP2FM (Chairman of  the Radio Amateur Society  of
         Iran) to be active on RTTY on Fridays around 2 UTC on 14.085 MHz. He
         has been  active  on  RTTY  for  a while  thanks  to  the  help  and
         suggestions given by Randy,  WX5L. "Abdollah's rig  is an old  Drake
         TR-3 that has  been in storage  for 15 years",  Randy reports.  "The
         tubes are  weaken  and the  power  supply has  some  problems.  When
         Abdollah transmits his transmit frequency shifts down 100-200 cycles
         probably due to voltage sag. Some may think he's operating split  or
         with rit but  that's not the  case. His receive  is usually  150-200
         cycles above  his transmit".  QSL to  Abdollah Sadjadian,  P.O.  Box
         16765-1187, Tehran, Iran (WX5L says that "All the mail is opened and
         the postal employees reap  the benefits. Up  until now Abdollah  has
         sent cards first but has asked if in  the future he could send me  a
         batch at a time and forward  them on to help  with expenses which  I
         will do. Abdollah still would want to get your QSL"). [TNX WX5L]
ER     - Special event station  ER200P will be  active between 24  May and  6
         June to celebrate the bicenteneray of  Alexandr S. Pushkin. QSL  via
         ER1DA (Valery Metaxa,  P.O. Box 9537,  Kishinev, MD-2071,  Moldova).
         [TNX ER1CW]
F      - F5PVF, F5TVG, F6JMT, F8ATS,  F4AJQ, F4TTR and  F1UHM will be  active
         (SSB, CW and SSTV on 80 metres-23 centimetres) as F6KOP/P from  Sein
         Island (EU-068) between 22 and 27 May. [TNX F6AJA and Les  Nouvelles
F      - F5JBR will be signing TM0AI between 23 May and 6 June, CQ WW WPX  CW
         Contest included. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
HC8    - N5KO, N0JK,  K9ZO, K1EA,  KM3T, K6AW  and N6TV  will be  active  (on
         10-160 metres) from San Cristobal, Galapagos (SA-004) between 26 May
         and 2  June. They  will participate  in the  CQ  WW WPX  CW  Contest
         (Multi-Multi) as HC8N. Before  and after the  contest activity on  6
         metres  and  RS-13,  FO-20,  FO-27  and  AO-10  satellites  is  also
         expected. [TNX N0JK and TNX The Daily DX]
HL     - Special event station D99XPO is active  until 23 May from the  World
         Air Expo in Chongju. QSL via HL3AHQ (P.O.Box 129, Chongju,  360-600,
         South Korea). [TNX HL3AHQ]
S DX@WW $425WW420B
425 DX News #420 [2/4]
 22 May 1999                       No 420                       $425WW420B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

I      - Weather permitting  IK2DUW  (Antonello),  IK2GPQ  (Michele),  IK8PGM
         (Roberto), IZ2BKW (Angelo) and IW2MVC (Roberto)  will be active  (on
         SSB, CW and 6 metres) from  Tino Island (EU-083,  IIA SP-002) on  23
         May. [TNX IK2DUW]
OH0    - Dennis, K7BV will depart Market Reef  (see OJ0 below) for the  Aland
         Islands (EU-002) [425DXN 409] on 28 May in the morning (OH1VR and/or
         OH1MM may stay behind to operate in the WPX CW Contest). Dennis will
         operate (on all bands,  WARC included, mainly  CW) as OH0/K7BV  from
         the OH0Z super station beginning the evening of 28 May until 4 June.
         He will participate  in the  WPX CW  Contest as  OH0Z. George,  K5KG
         (GeorgeK5KG@aol) will be the Pilot Station.  QSL OH0/K7BV via  KU9C;
         QSL OH0Z  via OH1EH  (Ari Korhonen,  Kreetalank. 9  As 1,  FIN-29200
         Harjavalta,   Finland).   The    DXpedition   web    site   is    at 
         http://www.qth.com/k7bv/ [TNX K7BV]
OJ0    - Plans are now  firm for the  Market Reef (EU-053)  activity by  K7BV
         (Dennis), OH1VR (Seppo) and OH1MM (Pasi) [425DXN 409]. They will  be
         joined by Lars, OH0RJ and operations are expected to start on 25 May
         (in their evening, after the antenna work has been completed).  Look
         for OJ0/K7BV (QSL via KU9C), OJ0U  (QSL via OH1VR) and/or  OJ0/OH1VR
         (QSL via OH1VR). [TNX K7BV]
SM     - Special event station 7S5F is active until 31 December to  celebrate
         the 75th anniversary of Falu Radioklubb. QSL via SK4AO. [TNX DX News
SV     - Jenci, HA5FA  will be  active as  SV8/HA5FA/P from  Kerkira  (Corfu)
         Island (EU-052) between 27 May and 2 June. QSL via HA5FA through the
         bureau. [TNX HA5COK]
TK     - OE3GEA  (Gerhard),  OE5MKM  (Hubert),  OE5MRP  (Roman)  and   OE5OHO
         (Oliver) will be active as TK/OE5XVL  from Corsica (EU-014)  between
         20 and 25  May. They will  operate on  all bands,  except 6  metres,
         mainly on CW with some SSB. They plan to be active during the CQ  WW
         WPX CW  Contest as  well. QSL  via bureau  to  OE5XVL or  direct  to
         OE5OHO. [TNX OE5OHO].
TN     - Francois, TN2FB will be active until 24 May, but he plans to  return
         to Congo later this year. QSL via F3FB. [TNX The Daily DX]
V2     - Brian, N3OC/V26OC and Darrell, AB2E/V26E will be active from Antigua
         (NA-100) between 26 and 31 May. They will participate (Multi-Single)
         in the  CQ WW  WPX CW  Contest (29-30  May) as  V26E from  the  V26B
         contest site.  QSL V26OC  via N3OC,  QSL V26E  via AB2E.  [TNX  OPDX
V5     - Pierre, HB9QQ will be active (CW and SSB) as V5/HB9QQ between 28 May
         and 6  June. Look  for  him on  or  around 14.010,  14.345,  18.080,
         18.140, 24.910, 24.940, 28.010 and 28.420 MHz mainly in his  morning
         and evening hours. QSL via HB9QQ. [TNX HB9PL]
V6     - The DX News Sheet reports that Sam, V63KU is expected to go QRT from
         Truk (OC-011), Micronesia by the end of June. QSL to JA6NL via  JARL
VE     - Andy, VE9DX will be active as XJ9DX starting at 00.00 UTC on 22  May
         for a period of two weeks. He will  participate in the CQ WW WPX  CW
         Contest. Any amateur in Saint  John, New Brunswick  will be able  to
         use this prefix  to celebrate the  150th anniversary  of the  police
         force. [TNX VE9DX and DX News Sheet]
VP5    - George, N2GA and  Diane, K2DO will  be active as  VP5/N2GA (QSL  via
         N2GA) and  VP5/K2DO  (QSL  via  K2DO)  from  Providenciales,  Caicos
         (NA-002) between 24 May and 1 June. They will participate in the  CQ
         WW WPX CW Contest (29-30 May) as VP5GA, Multi-Single (QSL via N2GA).
         [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
VQ9    - Ron, VQ9DX/AA5DX confirmed  that he will  be going  QRT from  Chagos
         [425DXN 419] on 26 May. He will try to be active as much as possible
         on CW, WARC bands and 160  metres before he  leaves. QSL via  AA5DX.
         [TNX NE8Z]
S DX@WW $425WW420C
425 DX News #420 [3/4]
 22 May 1999                       No 420                       $425WW420C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

EP/RA6LGM ---> Latest reports from Russia indicate that this station, who has
been quite active  recently asking QSL  via RV6LAH, is  most likely  to be  a
pirate. It should also  be noted that  Abdollah, EP2FM has  been told by  the
Iranian licencing authorities that "No station  RA6 or any other foreign  has
been licensed to operate from Iran". [TNX UA9AR and The Daily DX]

GEORGIA --->  Omari, 4L5O  reports that  there are  two autonomous  republics
within Georgia: Abkhazia  (ex UF6V)  with the  prefix 4L1-4L0  followed by  a
suffix beginning with  the letter V,  and Adjara  (ex UF6Q)  with the  prefix
4L1-4L0 followed  by  a prefix  beginning  with the  letter  Q.  For  further
information please contact Omari at 4L5O@caucasus.net [TNX 4L5O]

IREF ---> Michael Crownover, AB5EB has  recently announced the  establishment
of the Island  Radio Expedition  Foundation (IREF  Inc.). This  is the  first
organization whose sole purpose is to raise funds to help activate unnumbered
and rare island groups counting for the RSGB IOTA Award Programme. IREF  will
have board members  of IOTA enthusiasts  from all  over the  world. The  four
current officers -  namely Buzz Jehle  (N5UR), Buzz  Loeschman (N5FTR),  Mike
Crownover (AD5A) and Michael Crownover (AB5EB) - will select seven directors.
Any  questions  or  comments  regarding  IREF  Inc.  should  be  directed  to
ad5a@sat.net [TNX AD5A and Islands On The Web]

QSL CQ2S --->  Vic, CT1AXS reports  the cards for  the CQ2S operation  (24-25
April) will be ready at the end of May.  QSL via CT1AXS (SSB) and CT1FMX  (CW
and RTTY). Logs are available at http://www.qsl.net/c1taxs 

QSL EZ8CQ  ---> Alex,  EZ8CQ reports  a "big  percentage" of  envelopes  with
direct requests get "lost" in the mail or arrive "opened". He asks DXers  not
to use his P.O. Box in Ashgabat, but to send their cards direct to W0FS  (USA
and Japan only) or I2JSB (others). If you  want to arrange a sked with  Alex,
please contact him at ez8cq@qsl.net [TNX EZ8CQ]

QSL OD5NJ --->  Alfeo, I1HJT reports  that Gaby,  OD5NJ has  slowed down  the
processing of direct/bureau QSLs for several months as he had almost run  out
of cards. Recently Alfeo gave Gaby  some 8,000 new  cards, which will  enable
him to start  replying again. Please  note that Gaby  says that postage  from
Lebanon is more than 1.4 US$ and IRCs are not accepted by the Post Office. In
the next few weeks Alfeo will mail from Italy some 100 envelopes with  direct
replies he took from Gaby.

QSL S21R ---> Larry, N4VA reports he has the  logs from 28 June 1996 until  9
October 1998. QSL  to Larry Vogt,  P.O. Box 12,  Springfield, VA 22150,  USA.
[TNX OPDX Bulletin]

QSL WL7KY ---> Now cards for Chris, WL7KY  should be sent via NU4N (David  W.
Tucker, 1500 Massac  Church Rd,  Paducah, KY  42001, USA).  Please note  that
WL7KY is still the QSL manager for KL1SLE.

QSL YS1/KE4LWT ---> If you work Jack between now and 1 July, please send your
card to Jack R. Smith, Unit  3105, JTF New Hope, APO AA  34023, USA. After  1
July, send your card  to home call  either direct or  through the W4  bureau.
[TNX The Daily DX]

QSL Z21AD ---> LW4DX/LU3EEQ (Norberto Barrabes,  Gallo 889, Lomas de  Zamora,
1832 Buenos Aires, Argentina) has recovered the logs for contacs made by this
station between 27 January and 21 September 1982. [TNX LW4DX]

+ SILENT KEYS + Claudio,  ET3VSC reports the  sad news of  the death of  Rolf
Svensson, ET3RS/SM7DOJ in  Addis Abeba  on 8  May. QRZ-DX  reports Donald  L.
Stoner, W6TNS ("the idea man behind Project OSCAR in 1960") died on 4 May  at
the age of 67.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

FO0 (LOGS):   Logs for FO0AWI (Marquesas, January 1999) and FO0AWI (Australs,
              February 1999) are  now online  at http://dx.qsl.net/logs  [TNX
IRC #CQDX:    The  new home page of the IRC #CQDX Chat channel (with realtime
              spots from DX  Summit) is now  http://dx.qsl.net/cqdx (the  new
              page includes a java based IRC applet which you can try out  if
              you have been curious about #CQDX, but did not want to download
              and install any software). [TNX N6RT]
LIGHTHOUSES:  The web page  for the Lighthouse  Special Events (National  and
              International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekends)  has been  updated
              with many  more  participating lighthouse/ship  locations  from
              around  the   world.   The   web   site   can   be   found   at
              www.waterw.com/~weidner/ld.htm [TNX K2JXW]
WWSA:         The WWSA CW  Contest will take  place on the  first weekend  of
              June. The new rules can be found at http://www.cwdf.com.br [TNX
S DX@WW $425WW420D
425 DX News #420 [4/4]
 22 May 1999                       No 420                       $425WW420D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER       CALL        MANAGER       CALL        MANAGER
2C0WGK      GW4LFO        DL1DA/HI8   DL1DA         TA4A        W3HC
2C3KJN      GW3KJN        E21EJC      HS1CKC        TK/DL8NBH   DL8NBH
2C4OFQ      GW4OFQ        EK6LP       IK2DUW        TM0AR       F5TJC
2C4PXQ      GW4PXQ        EK6TA       DJ0MCZ        TM5EUR      F5EMN
2S0AZC      GM0AZC        EL2WW       ON5NT         UA0AOZ      K1WY
2S0KWL      GM0KWL        EN6Q        UA9AB         UA0QBA      EV6A
2S0NTL      GM0NTL        EO5FI       UX3FW         UA0UBG/UA8V UA9AB
2S2MP       GM2NP         ER50CE      ER1DA         UA7A        UA9AB
2S3JDR      GM3JDR        ER9V        ER1DA         UA9AJ       UA9AB
2S4JPZ      GM4JPZ        EU1TT       WF5E          UA9AN/UI    UA9AB
3B8/DL9NCW  DL9NCW        EY4AA       UA9AB         UA9BA       UA9AB
3W7TK       OK1HWB        FG5FR       F6FNU         UA9BA/50    UA9AB
4K54V       4J9RI         FK8VHT      F6AJA         UA9UST      UA9AB
4K6DFT      UA9AB         FR/5R8GF    TK5BP         UD6DFF      UA9AB
4K6FT       UA9AB         GB2FIO      GM0AXY        UD8F        UA9AB
4K8F        UA9AB         HL1/JI1EFP  JQ1NGJ        UE6AAF      UA6AF
4K9W        DL6KVA        II2V        I2ARN         UE9AWA      UA9AB
4L4MM       ON4CFI        JW4CJA      LA4CJA        UE9AZA      UA9AB
4S7TZG      ON6TZ         JW5NM       LA5NM         UG/UV3ZZ    UA9AB
5N0MSV      OK1JR         JY9QJ       DL5MBY        UJ8RA       UA9AB
5R8DL       JH8YZB        K5KWG/UN7   Z32KV         UJ9A        UA9AB
5R8FU       SM0DJZ        KP4BZ       KZ0C          UK7R        UA9AB
5X1GS       WB2YQH        L21DK       LU1DK         UK8AX       UA9AB
6O0X        DJ6SI         L22JCW      LU2JCW        UK9AAN      UA9AB
6O1Z        DJ9ZB         L24AAV      LU4AAV        UK9ADT      UA9AB
6W2/ON4QM   ON4QM         L25FCI      LU5FCI        UL7VV       UA9AB
7Q7HB       G0IAS         L27DCE      LU7DCE        UN2L        UA9AB
7Q7RM       G0IAS         L27EC       LU7EC         UN4L        UA9AB
7S5F        SK4AD         L28EEM      LU8EEM        UN54P       UN5PR
8J1RL       JARL          L38EZU      LW8EZU        UN7LT       UA9AB
9H3WC       ON4CCC        OJ0VR       OH1VR         UN7VV       UA9AB
9H3ZQ       DF7JP         OX3LG       OZ1PIF        UP50V       UA9AB
9M8RC       9M8MA         R1AND       RW1AI         UT7QF       UA9AB
9N7UD       K4VUD         R1FJL       UA3AGS        UW8V/UA0UBG UA9AB
9N7WU       JA8MWU        R3EXPO      UA3AA         UW9AR       UA9AB
9V1BG       JL1MWI        RK9AWT      UA9AB         UZ9AXB      UA9AB
A22EW       KB2MS         RK9AYY      UA9AB         UZ9AYA      UA9AB
A25/G3HCT   G3HCT         RP6Y        RA6AX         VP5/K7JI    K7JI
A45XM       A47RS         RP9ATZ      UA9AB         VP5JM       W3HNK
A61AP       IK7JTF        RW9USA      UA9AB         VQ9DX       AA5DX
A92FZ       W3HC          RW9UZZ      UA9AB         XA5T        N5TU
A92GJ       N1SHM         RX1CQ/1     RA1ZM         XU7AAO      JE1BQE
BA4TB       9A2AJ         RZ9A        UA9AB         XX9JUV      XX9AU
CE0ZAM      CE3ESS        RZ9AZA      UA9AB         XX9TRR      N6XJ
CN8NK       EA5XX         S21YH       7M4PTE        YO99JP      YO3AMM
CQ6C        DJ0MW         SN0FPC      SP3KHJ        YT0C        YU7AB
DJ4IJ/HH2   DJ4IJ         T93Y        W6MD          Z32XX       NN6C
DJ4IJ/HI8   DJ4IJ         T94KU       YO3JW         ZF2CU       W5CU
DL1DA/HH2   DL1DA         TA3DD       KB2MS         

BI5D        P.O. Box 1713, Guangzhou city 510600, People's Republic of China
CE0ZIS      Eliazar Pizarro Rojas, Box 1, Juan Fernandez Island, Chile
ER1DA       Valery Metaxa, P.O. Box 9537, Kishinev, MD-2071, Moldova
ER3DX       Anatoly Nimirsky, P.O. Box 9, Rybnitsa-4, MD-5504, Moldova
EX8MAN      Nick, Box 947, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
EZ8AZ       Alexander O. Redzhepkuliev, P.O. Box 6, Ashkhabad 744005,
HK3DDD      Edilberto Rojas Mosquera, P.O. Box 170151, Bogota, Colombia
LU4AAV      Horacio Cilmi "Hoc", Navarro 5078, 1419 Buenos Aires, Argentina
LU7EC       Lucas Mariano Elichagaray, C.P. 2703, Carabelas, Buenos Aires, 
N1SHM       Larry L. Laflamme, 474 Second Avenue, Berlin, NH 03570, USA
N5TU        Earl Morse, 33626 Comanche Trail, Magnolia, TX 77355, USA
OK1JR       Stan Matejicek, Moskevska 1464, 101 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic
OZ1PIF      Peter Frenning, Ternevej 23, DK-4130 Viby Sj., Denmark
UN5PR       Romeo Y. Loparev, P.O. Box 73, Temirtau 472300, Republic of
UA9AB       Gene Shcumat, P.O.Box 17, Troitsk, Chelyabinskaya obl., 457100 
UX3FW       Yurij Kucherenko, P.O.Box 60, Izmail-centre, 272630 Ukraine
VE3HO       Garth Hamilton, P.O. Box 1156, Fonthill, Ontario, L0S-1E0 Canada
YO3JW       Fenyo Stefan, P.O.Box 19-43, RO-74400 Bucuresti, Romania

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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