S DX@WW $425WW419A 425 DX News #419 [1/6] 15 May 1999 No 419 BID: $425WW419A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ >>> OPERATION DOUBLE TROUBLE <<< It is being organized by Mats, 5X1Z/SM7PKK in order "to give the deserving around the world a chance to work two rare locations": Central Kiribati (T31, OC-043, between 23 September and 3 October) and Tokelau (ZK3, OC-048, between 7 and 12 October). Six operators will be active with three 1KW stations (one for SSB, one for CW, one for WARC/Lowband/RTTY), beams for the higher bands (WARC included) and verticals for the low bands. The vessel transporting the team has already been secured; the rough budget for this DXpedition is around US$ 30,000 (donations from Clubs and Foundations are welcome). [TNX 5X1Z/SM7PKK] - See OPERATORS NEEDED below 3A - Special event station 3A50R is active until 16 May to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Prince Rainer III of Monaco. QSL via bureau only. [TNX The Daily DX] 4U1UN - Mats, SM7PKK/5X1Z and Peter, ON6TT/5X1T will be active from 4U1UN on 16-18 May, right after Dayton. [TNX ON6TT/5X1T] 5B4 - The P3A team I2VXJ, RA9JX, RU3DX, RW3QC, RZ3TX, RX4HW, UA3AB, UA3DPX, UA9CDV, UA9MA, UN7FZ, UT7QF) will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest (Multi-Multi) from Cyprus (AS-004). QSL via W3HNK (QSL for contacts made with 5B4/home call before and after the contest are via home call). [TNX UN7FZ] 8Q - DH5HV plans to be active from the Maldives (AS-013) during his honeymoon between 17 and 31 May. [TNX The Daily DX] CY9 - K8RF (Dan), K4LT (Doug), W6RGG (Bob), W6BSY (Mac), K8DD (Hank) and AC8W (Stan) will be active as CY9RF from St. Paul Island (NA-094) between 23 and 31 May. They will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest (Multi-Multi) with four main stations running 24 hours a day + two part time stations running peak times (11.00 to 12.00 UTC and 21.00 to 02.00 UTC). Before the Contest they will run two or three stations, concentrating mostly on the WARC bands and on difficult areas of the world such as Asia, VK, ZL etc. All SSB operation will be before the Contest period. This will be a "YASME" DXpedition and CY9RF will count for credit for the awards available for working enough YASME operations (http://www.cestro.com/myweb/yasme.html). QSL via K8RF (Dan Flaig, 2101 Ronaldson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45230-1510, USA) [TNX K8RF] CY9 - Seven or eight operators from Canada and the US will be active as CY9SS from St. Paul Island (NA-094) indicatively between 5 and 14 June (start-up time will depend on wx). They will operate on all bands (160m-70cm) on SSB, CW, RTTY, Satellite and possibly EME. QSL via VY2SS. Any comments or questions can be addressed to VE9MY (lmorgan@nbnet.nb.ca). [TNX VE9MY] DL - Mario, DJ2MX will be active as DJ2MX/P from Fehmarn Island (EU-128) between 15 and 19 May. He promised to pay special attention to VK/ZL and Pacific area. QSL via bureau. [TNX VK4NM] EA8 - Fernando, EA3KU will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest as ED8PP from Tenerife, Canary Islands (AF-004). Bedore and after the contest he will be active as EA8/EA3KU. QSL via EA3KU (Fernando Martinez Lizama, P. O. Box 69, L'Ametlla de Mar 43860, Tarragona, Spain). [TNX EA3KU] ER - Special event station ER0ITU will be active on 14-16 May to celebrate the World Telecommunications Day. QSL via ER1DA (Valery Metaxa, P.O. Box 9537, Kishinev, MD-2071, Moldova). [TNX ER1CW] F - F5RRW, F5NBQ, F5LOW, F2EJ and F1SDQ will be active as TM0H from Houat Island (EU-048) from 12.00 UTC on 13 May until 10.00 UTC on the 17th. QSL via F2EJ either direct or through the bureau. [TNX The Daily DX] F - Club station F5KAC will be active /p from Stagadon Island (EU-105, DIFM MA-094) on 22-24 May. QSLs will be sent automatically through the bureau, the address for direct cards is F5KAC/Stagadon Isl, P.O. Box 5, 45270 Ladon, France. [TNX F-11556] FO - Alain, F2HE [425DXN 417] will now be touring Polynesia between 19 May and 13 August. Now he expects to operate as FO/F2HE from FO5QG's QTH on Nuku Hiva, Marquesas Islands (OC-027) between 27 May and 27 June. He also plans to be active (with 100 watts and a vertical, mostly on CW) from Tahiti (OC-046), King George Islands (OC-131), Raiatea (OC-067) and possibly from the Austral Islands during this tour. QSL via F6LQJ (Bruno Descat, 106 la Prairie, 33230 Saint-Medard-de-Guizieres, France). Alain's web site is at http://f2he.ifrance.com [TNX F6LQJ] /EX S DX@WW $425WW419B 425 DX News #419 [2/6] 15 May 1999 No 419 BID: $425WW419B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== FR/G - Henri, FR5ZQ arrived to Glorioso (AF-011) on 8 May. Plans are to be active in his spare time as FR5ZQ/G on 10-80 metres for four weeks. Look for him on or around 28480, 21230, 14180, 7050 and 3770 kHz SSB; 28023, 21023, 14023 and 7003 kHz CW (he will operate on WARC as well, although no frequency was given), QSL direct to FR5ZQ. [TNX IK2IQD] FS - Hiroo, JA1WSX will be active as FS/KH0Y from St. Martin (NA-105) between 16 and 19 May. QL via JA1WSX. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] GD - Doug, N6TQS he will be operating RTTY from the Isle of Man (EU-116) as MD0BPI between 20 and 26 May. QSL via N6TQS/M0BPI. [TNX AA5AU and The VK2SG RTTY DX Notes] GM - Look for Jim, GM4CHX to be active from the Shetlands (EU-012) [425DXN 418] on 14 May (Papa Stour, IOSA SH14), 15 May (Vaila, SH12) and 16 or 17 May (Hascosay, SH15). His activity was expected to start yesterday (13 May) from Mousa (SH10). The correct information came from Charlie Wilson, GM4UZY (IOSA Directory and Awards Manager, cwm.wilson@zetnet.co.uk). GM - GM0DEQ, GM0SEI and GM3WIL now plan to be active (on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres SSB/CW) as GB5TI from Lunga Island (IOSA NH-17), Treshnish Islands (EU-108) [425DXN 417] between 28 and 30 May. Last year's visit was cut short due to one operator suffering a heart attack. QSL via GM0KVI. [TNX GM0DEQ] GM - Don, W9DC (MM/W9DC) plans to operate with GM3VLB from Fidra Island (EU-123, IOSA FF-04, World Lighthouse Award LH-0313) on 31 May. Look for them on 40, 20, and 15 metres (IOTA frequencies, SSB with possible CW). Between 5 and 7 June Don plans to be active as MM/W9DC/m from several other Scottish islands, namely Mull (EU-008, IOSA NH-15), Seil (IOSA FL-03), Luing (FL-04), Kerrara (FL-02), Davaar (CL-09, World Lighthouse Award LH-0724, not IOTA). Most activity will be on or near 14260 kHz with special attention to stations outside Europe. Since access to islands depends on weather conditions, alternate Scottish island operations may be chosen at the last moment. Information on the World Lighthouse Award (WLH) [425DXN 411] is available at http://www.infini.fr/~tquere [TNX W9DC] GM - A team from Cockenzie & Port Seton ARC (including F5VBU, GM7OLQ, GM0CLN GM0HLK, GM0NTL, MM1AVA, MM1CPP, MM0CCC and possibly one or two others) will participate in the IOTA Contest as 2A0CCC/P (or MM0CCC/P if permission is not given to use 2A prefix) from the Isle of Tiree (EU-008, IOSA NH4), the most westerly of the Inner Hebrides. They will operate on 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz, SSB and CW. Some activity might take place using the operators' own calls /P prior to the contest (from 23 July in their afternoon). QSL via GM0ALS. Updates will be available at http://www.btinternet.com/~john.innes/Tiree.html [TNX GM0CLN] HL - Look for HL0IHQ/2 to be active from Paengnyong Island (AS-122) between 21 and 25 May. PLans are to operate on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres with a dipole, two beams and an amplifier. QSL via HL0IHQ (P.O. Box 375, Naminchon, 405-600 Korea). [TNX HL2KAT] JA - Toshi, JM1PXG will be active (on 10-40 metres CW with some SSB) as JM1PXG/6 from Daito Islands (AS-047) between 23 and 26 July. He will participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via JM1PXG either direct (Toshiyuki Saito, 3-10-3-204, Yoga, Setagaya, Tokyo 1580097, Japan) or through the bureau. [TNX JM1PXG] JW - YL operator Marit, JW4CJA is active from Bear Island (EU-027), Swalbard until the end of May. QSL via LA4CJA. [TNX W1DIG and Islands On The Web] KH2 - Dave, KH2/N2NL will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest (SOAB) as WH2/N2NL from Guam (OC-026). QSL via W2YC either direct or through the bureau (please note that cards sent directly to his Guam address will be answered, but the turn around will be much longer than via his manager). [TNX KH2/N2NL] KP2 - Jeffrey, N5TJ will be active as N5TJ/KP2 from St. Croix, Virgin Islands (NA-106) between 25 and 31 May. QSL via home call. He will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest as WP2Z (QSL via KU9C). [TNX N5TJ] LU - Between 16 and 23 May amateurs from Argentina will be allowed to replace the two letters of their current prefixes as follows: LU with L2 (for instance LU2CRM = L22CRM, LU7EC = L27EC), LW with L3 (eg LW8EZU = L38EZU) and AZ with L4. This will be to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the CW QSO (21 May 1924) between Carlos Braggio, r-CB8 from Buenos Aires and Ivan O'Meara, z-2AC from Gisborne, New Zealand (a world record in 1924!). The Radio Club Argentino (LU4AA) will celebrate the anniversary with a commemorative station, L75CB (QSL via LU4AA either direct to P.O. Box 97, 1000 Buenos Aires, Argentina or through the bureau). For further information, includingthe award programme sponsored by Radio Club Argentino, please visit http://www.lu4aa.org [TNX LU4AA and LW8EZU]. OX - Michael, OX3LG is active from Asiaat Island (NA-134) until 20 May. Plans are to operate on 6, 10, 15 and 20 metres in his spare time. QSL via OZ1PIF (Peter Frenning, Ternevej 23, DK-4130 Viby Sj., Denmark). [TNX OPDX Bulletin] /EX S DX@WW $425WW419C 425 DX News #419 [3/6] 15 May 1999 No 419 BID: $425WW419C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== OZ - DL2RVL and DL2VFR (http://www.qsl.net/dl2vfr) will be active as OZ/DL2RVL and OZ/DL2VFR from Laeso Island (EU-088, NK-003 for the Danish Islands Award) between 15 and 22 May. QSL via home calls. [TNX DL2VFR] PY - Santos Dumont Air Scouts Group will be active (CW and SSB) as ZW5AC on 22-23 May from the National Scout Communitary Action Moot. QSL via PY5DZ or direct to P.O.Box 6025, 80011-970 Curitiba, Parana, Brazil. [TNX PY5DZ] SV9 - Juha, OH1KAG/OH9MM and Pertti, OH3LQK/OH7WW will be SV9/homecall/p (CW, SSB and RTTY) from Crete (EU-015) between 24 and 30 May. They plan to participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest. QSL for both calls to OH3LQK via the bureau. [TNX OH1KAG/OH9MM] UA - Special event station R3EXPO is active until 15 May from "Expocomm-99" in Moscow. QSL via UA3AA. [TNX RX3AEX] UA - Nick, RA1QQ and others plan to be active as UE1QFF on 20-23 May from "45th" Island (new one for the RRC Award). QSL via RA1QQ (P.O.Box 24, Cherepovets, 162627 Russia). Further information at http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/bunker/4755 [TNX RA1QHJ] V4 - Hiroo, JA1WSX plans to be active from St. Kitts (NA-104) between 19 and 21 May. His call will be issued upon arrival, QSL via JA1WSX. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] V7 - Tom, K7ZZ will be active (on all bands except 160 metres) as V73ZZ from Kwajalein (OC-028) between 23 May and 2 June. He will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest, but will operate SSB before and after the contest. [TNX The Daily DX] VE - Look for VE7TLL/p, VE7QCR/p, VE7EDZ/p, VE7KDU/p and VE7GKH/p to be active from Dundas Island (NA-118) between 22 and 26 July (QSL via home calls). They will also operate as VE7ISL/p (QSL via VE7TLL) and will participate in the IOTA Contest as VD7D (it is a special call to celebrate the 225th anniversary of the first European contact with Queen Charlotte Islands by Juan Perez and his ship the Santiago in 1774). There is the possibility of activating a couple of the smaller islands near Dundas Island for the C.Is.A. programme, but it will be depending on the weather and availability of transportation. QSL VD7D via VE7TLL (Terry Mitchell, P.O. Box 9, Tlell, BC V0T 1Y0, Canada). [TNX VE7TLL] VK - Dan Holloway, VK8AN has just returned from Troughton Island (OC-154), from where he was able to log over 700 QSOs in is spare time. He will return to Troughton on 2 June for another two weeks and will most likely be repeating that 2 week on/2 week off cycle for the rest of the year. When he returns to the island, he will take his regular base rig and his 3 element triband beam in order to work many more European stations. He also hope to be active in the IOTA Contest from OC-154. QSL via VK4AAR (Alan Roocroft, P.O.Box 421, Gatton 4343, Australia). [TNX VK8AN] VQ9 - Ron, VQ9DX/AA5DX will possibly be leaving the Chagos Islands on 22 May if his replacement arrives on time. He will continue to try to make as many contacts as possible on 160 metres before he leaves. He arrives to the club station at 4.15 am (22.15 UTC) and calls CQ on 1.828 until 7.30 am (01.30 UTC) which is 30 minutes past his sunrise. QSL via AA5DX. [TNX NE8Z] W - The ARRL celebrates its 85th anniversary on 18 May and to mark the event, Maxim Memorial Station W1AW will operate as special event station W1AW/85 on all bands and modes during the week of 17-23 May. A special QSL will be available. [TNX ARRL] W - Joe, K2OLG plans to be active from Cedar Keys (NA-076) on 17 May, St. George Island (NA-085) on 18 May and Santa Rosa Island (NA-142) on 19 May. Look for him on 14.260 MHz between 11 and 14 UTC ("random QRGs" will be used at other times). QSL via home call. [TNX DX News Sheet] W - Ivan, G3IZD will be active (on 10-40 metres CW) as AE4WK from Captiva Island (NA-069) on 21-24 May. QSL via G3IZD. [TNX DX News Sheet] YO - Jean-Michel, F6AJA, editor of Les Nouvelles DX, will be signing YO/F6AJA during his spare time from the QTH of YO8FZ between 17 and 22 May. [TNX F6AJA] W - Harry, AA2WN will be operating as AA2WN/3 from time to time this summer from Kent Island (NA-140, USI MD-004S). He will be mobile, running 100 watts to a vertical. QSL via AA2WN either direct or through the bureau. [TNX AA2WN] SOMALILAND ---> Baldur, DJ6SI and Franz, DJ9ZB have been active respectively as 6O0X (Six Oscar Zero X-Ray) on CW and 6O1Z on SSB from Hargeisa, Somaliland since 10 May. They will be operating (no RTTY) until 17 May. QSL SO0X via DJ6SI and 6O1Z via DJ9ZB. Buck, DL5KAT reports that "Somaliland declared its independence from Somalia on May 18, 1991, and has an own parliament, government, and, important for us, an own radio licensing authority. More information about Somaliland can be found on the WWW under www.anaserve.com/~mbali/home.htm". However it should be noted that, in order to added to the DXCC List as a Political Entity, any candidate must be a UN Member State, or have been assigned a callsign prefix bloc by the ITU, or have a separate IARU Member Society. Bill Kennamer, K5FUV also says that "Should Somaliland qualify under one of the three, the start date would be the date that 1, 2 or 3 occurs". In order to count for Somalia, he adds, "the licenses would need to be issued from the Somali authorities." [TNX DL5KAT and The Daily DX] /EX S DX@WW $425WW419D 425 DX News #419 [4/6] 15 May 1999 No 419 BID: $425WW419D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== <<< RSGB IOTA CONTEST (24-25 JULY) >>> The following stations are expected to participate in this year's event [see also 425DXN 401, 405, 409, 411, 413, 417]: AS-117 - Takeshi, JI3DST as JI3DST/3 from Awajishima. He plans to be active between 6 UTC on 24 July and 6 UTC on the 26th. QSL via JI3DST (Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-Cho Abeno-Ku, Osaka-City, Osaka, 545-0021 Japan). [TNX JI3DST] EU-038 - Club station ON4NOK as PA6TEX [425DXN 405] from Texel Island on CW and SSB. QSL via ON4ALW. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] EU-066 - Radio Club Vologda operators led by Mike, UA1QV from Solovetskie Islands, possibly as RF1O. QSL via Radio Club Vologda, P.O. Box 23, Vologda, 160035 Russia. [TNX UA1RJ] EU-123 - Otley Amateur Radio Club members G3UNA, G0SNV, G0NIG, G0WNT, M0AMA, G8HDN and G7RDJ as MM8Y from Bute Island. QSL via M0ARK. [TNX DX News Sheet] EU-101 - OH6RX from Raippaluoto. [TNX Islands On The Web] NA-066 - Gary, KI6T and Glenn, WR6O from Santa Catalina. They plan to be active between 22 and 26 July. [TNX The Daily DX] NA-148 - A team from the Framingham Amateur Radio Association led by Steve, AA1IZ George's Island. QSL via AA1IZ. [TNX KC1YR] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH BI5D ---> The BI5D (AS-141/p) IOTA DXpedition went QRT at 23.48 on 2 May. They were not able to for 96 hours as expected, due to electricity and transportation problems. However 16,178 QSOs (8121 on SSB, 7927 on CW and 130 on RTTY) were logged in 80 hours on 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 metres. The team used six transceivers, three amplifiers, three yagi and three vertical antennas from three different QTHs. QSL via P.O. Box 1713, Guangzhou city 510600, People's Republic of China. The BI5D log is now online at http://dx.qsl.net/logs and the BI5D web page is at http://www.qsl.net/bi5d [TNX BA1DU and N6RT] FELD-HELL ---> Another AFSK digital mode is growing popular among radio amateurs world wide. The mode Hellschreiber was first patented in 1929 by the German inventor Rudolph Hell. A version known as Feld-Hell is being used today. IZ8BLY has developed software for Windows 95 and a sound card to operate Feld-Hell. You can find the program and more information on IZ8BLY's site at http://www.freeweb.org/varie/ninopo/ [TNX VK2SG RTTY DX Notes] OPERATORS NEEDED ---> Mats, SM7PKK/5X1Z is looking for three skilful operators for "Operation Double Trouble" to Central Kiribati and Tokelau. They should be available for about 6 weeks in September-October 1999. Suitable candidates must be able to handle SSB and CW (RTTY a plus) pile-ups and prepared to work hard and operate following the instructions regardless of personal preferences. Practical technical abilities are a big plus. Participants fee is around $1500 (all tickets, accommodation and other related costs before and after the DXpedition have to be dealt with out of your own pocket). If you are seriously interested in joining the team, please send detailed list of your qualifications and information about your personality to Home.Mats.Persson@wfp.or.ug BEFORE 19 MAY. RUSSIA (NEW QRGs) ---> The Daily DX reports that amateurs in both European and Asiatic Russia (no CIS countries) are now allowed to operate on 24890-25140, 18068-18318 and 1810-2000 kHz. QSL 5B4AGC ---> N2WK is *not* the QSL manager for 5B4AGC. Cards should be sent direct to George Beasley, P.O. Box 1344, Paphos, CY 8133, Cyprus. QSL A92GJ ---> Ed Tenhulzen, A92GJ now has a QSL manager and cards should be sent to N1SHM either direct (Larry L. Laflamme, 474 Second Avenue, Berlin, NH 03570, USA) or through the bureau. [TNX N1SHM] QSL DU1EIB ---> Warren reports the new QSL information for DU1EIB is Warren S. Uy, P.O. Box 3987, Manila, 1099 Philippines. QSL E44/HA1AG ---> Zoli, HA1AG reports the 2500 direct QSLs have been mailed. The other 7100 were due to follow early this week. QSL to Zoli Pitman, Somogyi Bela ut 18, Gyor H-9024, Hungary. QSL HK0 (SAN ANDRES, MARCH 99) ----> QSL Manager W4DC reports that "most of the direct HK0F, HK0/AA3KX, HK0/W4DC, HK0/K5OF and HK0/WN4VNU QSL requests were mailed this past week. Will be working on HK0/WB4ZNH and remaining cards this week". /EX S DX@WW $425WW419E 425 DX News #419 [5/6] 15 May 1999 No 419 BID: $425WW419E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== QSL IA5/IK0YUJ ---> Rik, IK0YUJ reports that for reasons beyond his control the cards for his 1998 activity from Isola del Giglio (EU-028, IIA GR-002) have been printed only recently. He will confirm all the QSOs as soon as possible. QSL TI5/K3LU ---> The QSL route given by several sources was W3CU [425DXN 418]. However Russ, N3GT (Trustee for W3CU) says that "W3CU is the club station call for the Maryland Mobileers Amateur Radio Club. We are *not* QSL managers for anyone. It is possible that the previous call owner was". [TNX K1XN and The Golist] QSL VK6EWI ---> The cards for the March 1999 DXpedition to Woody Island (OC-170) are being mailed right now by VK6NE (N.R. Penfold, 2 Moss Crt., Kingsley, WA 6026, Australia). "If requesting cards direct", he reports, "please send an appropriate sized return envelope. Many of the envelopes being received are simply to small to fit a normal card into". [TNX VK6APK] QSL VIA EA4AHK ---> The latest update from Francisco is that he is the QSL manager for 5H3FH, EA4RSF, S01RSF, TJ1GS, TJ2RSF, TT8FC, TZ6ASN. QSL via EA4AHK: P.O.Box 10, 28400 Villalba, Madrid, Spain. [TNX EA4AHK]. QSL VIA PA1AW ---> Alex, PA1AW reports that all direct and bureau requests for TL5A and TL0R received until 1 May have been answered. Direct cards for T99KK will be mailed next week, other QSOs will be confirmed via bureau in early June. QSL VIA UA9AB ---> The latest update from Gene is that he is the QSL manager for 4K6DFT, 4K6FT, 4K8F, EN6Q, EY4AA, RK9AWT, RK9AYY, RP9ATZ, RW9USA, RW9UZZ, RZ9A, RZ9AZA, UA7A, UA0UBG/UA8V, UA9AJ, UA9BA, UA9BA/50, UA9UST, UE9AWA, UE9AZA, UD6DFF, UD6DFT, UD8F, UG/UV3ZZ, UA9AN/UI, UJ8RA, UJ9A, UK7R, UK8AX, UK9AAN, UK9ADT, UL7VV, UN2L, UN4L, UN7LT, UN7VV, UP50V, UT7QF, UW8V/UA0UBG, UW9AR, UZ9AXB, UZ9AYA. He also has the old logs for EA8BYR, K0DEQ, KP4DQ, RH8AD, RH8AY, SV9ANH, UH9HWB, UI8DAF, UI8DAM, UI8DAT, UI8DT, UI8GM, ZL1HS. QSL via UA9AB either direct (Gene Shcumat, P.O.Box 17, Troitsk, Chelyabinskaya obl., 457100 Russia) or through the bureau. [TNX RA3SL and The Daily DX] VISALIA 2000 ---> Next year's International DX Convention will be held at the Holiday Inn, Visalia on 14-16 April. Make your reservations at 209-651-5000 (they have about 250 rooms and some 100 have been taken). [TNX W3UR] W3HC ---> Mac, W3HC reports the following: "TA4A cards go direct to W3HC (not direct to Turkey); ZC4AA cards do *not* go to W3HC (I have received about 30 in last week, I believe this guy is a pirate); 9G1NS cards do *not* go to W3HC (never been his manager); CO2OM cards do *not* go to W3HC (was manager until 1990)". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH WRTC: Full information about the World Radiosport Team Championship 2000 can is available at http://wrtc2000.bit.si/ [TNX The Daily DX] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 3A2MD, 3B8/DJ7MI, 4M5I (SA-037), 4U1UN, 5A1A, 6D2X, 6Y2A, 9K2GS, 9H1EL, 9M6AAC, A41KJ, A61AS, C21ZM, C91RF, E30AA, E30LA (AF-038, 080, 081), E30MA (AF-038, 080, 081), E44/JA1UT, FK8GM, FG5GI, FM5GU, FR5ZQ/T, HK0F, HK3JJH/0M, HK0/AA3KX, HP1/F5PAC (NA-072), HP4/F5PAC (NA-088), IC8/IK2PZG (IIA NA-036, 038), IC8/IZ8AMY (IIA 010, 031, 036, 047), J3A, J3/KF8OY,J79WW, J80C, J80K, JA6LCJ/6 (AS-037), JD1/JL1KFR, JY8ZW, JY9QL, KB5GL/5 (NA-168), KG4OX, KG4SD, KG4TO, KL1SLE (NA-040), KP2/IK1EDC, KP3/IK1EDC, KP4/IK1EDC, LX1NJ, LX/DL3BRC, NH4/NH6YK, OD5NJ, P40W, PJ5JP, S21B, S79MX, S79OY, SU1SK, SV9/I4UFH, T32IW, T32LN, T32RT, T32VU, TI4CF, TJ1HP, TO8B, UA0MF, UK9AA, V63YT, VK9CL, VP8CRB, VQ9QM, VU3TOM, WP2Z, XA5T, XX9TRR, ZA0Z (EU-169), ZC4RAF, ZL4IR/P (OC-203), ZX0CW (AN-010), ZX0DX, ZY8M (DIB-023). QSL cards received via WF5E QSL Service: 4U1UN, 5H3US, 5Z4RL, 9H0A, 9H3DN, AH4/WA6FGV, AH8LG, ET3AA, HC1MD/HC4, FH5CB, FK8HC, FO0GUI, FP5AA, FT5WG, FP/N9PD, KH0AC, KH6CC, P29CC, TL8CK, TY8A, V26K, VK9LX, VP8CRB, VP8CXV, VP8TTY, YS1X. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW419F 425 DX News #419 [6/6] 15 May 1999 No 419 BID: $425WW419F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 31/07 2C, 2X and 2W: special prefixes from Wales 415 till 31/07 2S, 2A and 2T: special prefixes from Scotland 415 till 16/05 3A50R: special event station (Monaco) 419 till Jun 3DA0CA: Swaziland 411 till 17/05 6O0X & 6O1Z: Somaliland * by DJ6SI & DJ9ZB 419 till May 9G5HK: Ghana * by DL1IAL 404 till 17/05 9N7UD: Nepal * by K4VUD 413 till 2001 A92GJ: Bahrain (AS-002) * by WH6CXQ 415 till 16/05 ER0ITU: special event station 419 till 16/05 F5JOT/p, F5TBF/p, F5LGQ/p: Brehat island (EU-074) 417 till 17/05 F5KEQ: special event activity 417 till 15/05 F5TYY/p, F6IUI/p, F6BFH/p, F9IE/p: Sein Isl. (EU-068) 418 till August FK8VHU: New Caledonia 401 till early Jun FR5ZQ/G: Glorioso (AF-011) 419 till December FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL 401 till December FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island 399 till 17/05 GM4CHX: Shetland Islands (EU-012) 419 till 31/05 JW4CJA: Bear Island (EU-027) * by LA4CJA 419 till 20/05 OX3LG: Asiaat Island (NA-134) 419 till 15/05 PA/ON4BAM: Ameland Island (EU-038) 411 till 15/05 R3EXPO: special event station 419 till 31/07 SN0APT: special event station (Poland) 417 till 16/05 TM0AR: special event station (France) 418 till 17/05 TM0H: Houat Island (EU-048) * by Fs 419 till 22/05 VQ9DX: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by AA5DX 419 till Sep 2000 XE1/NP2AQ: Mexico 414 till 27/11 XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada) 401 till 15/08 YS1/KE4LWT: El Salvador 418 15/05-19/05 DJ2MX/p: Fehmarn Island (EU-128) 419 15/05-19/05 TM0AC: special event station (France) 418 15/05-22/05 OZ/DL2RVL and OZ/DL2VFR: Laeso Island (EU-088) 419 15/05-28/05 SV9/GM3YOR: Crete (EU-015) 418 15/05-late Oct VK8PW/p: Arnhem Land 417 15/05 EU Sprint Spring CW Contest *** 16/05-18/05 4U1UN * by SM7PKK/5X1Z and ON6TT/5X1T 419 16/05-19/05 FS/KH0Y: St. Martin (NA-105) * by JA1WSX 419 16/05-23/05 L2, L3, L4: special prefixes (Argentina) 419 16/05-23/05 L75CB: commemorative station * by LU4AA 419 17/05-31/05 8Q: Maldives (AS-013) * by DH5HV 419 17/05 AX3ITU: World Telecommunications Day 417 17/05-19/05 K2OLG: NA-076, NA-085, NA-142 419 17/05-23/05 W1AW/85: special event station 419 17/05-22/05 YO/F6AJA: Romania 419 18/05-02/06 HS0ZCW: Thailand * by K4VUD 410 19/05-13/08 FO/F2HE: Polynesia, Marquesas, Australs 419 19/05-23/05 IA5/I4IOR,IK4GLV,IK4JPR,IK4RUX,IK4THF,IZ4CCO: EU-028 415 19/05-21/05 V4: St. Kitts (NA-014) * by JA1WSX 419 20/05-23/05 UE1QFF: "45th" Isl (RRC Award) * by RA1QQ and others 419 20/05-26/05 MD0BPI: Isle of Man (EU-116) * by N6TQS 419 21/05-24/05 AE4WK: Captiva Island (NA-069) * by G3IZD 419 21/05-25/05 HL0IHQ/2: Paengnyong Island (AS-122) * by HLs 419 21/05-23/05 WF1N and W1DIG: Pot Island, The Thimbles (NA-136) 418 22/05-30/05 3C8XX: Corisco Isl (AF-???) * by TR8XX, TR8CA, TR8SA 417 22/05-24/05 F5KAC/p: Stagadon Island (EU-105) 419 22/05-23/05 WC6DX: Anacapa Island (NA-144) 417 22/05-23/05 ZW5AC: Scout station (Brazil) 419 22/05-23/05 Baltic Contest *** 22/05-23/05 ITU Contest *** 23/05-31/05 CY9RF: St. Paul Island (NA-094) * by Ws 419 23/05-02/06 V73ZZ: Kwajalein (OC-028) * by K7ZZ 419 23/05-03/06 OJ0/K7BV, OH0/K7BV & OH0Z: Market Reef and Aland Is 409 24/05-30/05 SV9: Crete (EU-015) * by OH1KAG/OH9MM & OH3LQK/OH7WW 419 25/05-31/05 N5TJ/KP2 & WP2Z: Virgin Islands (NA-106) 419 28/05-30/05 GB5TI: Treshnish Is (EU-108) * by GM0DEQ,GM0SEI,GM3WIL 419 29/05-30/05 ED8PP: Canary Islands (WPX CW) * by EA3KU 419 29/05-30/05 P3A: Cyprus (WPX CW) 419 29/05-30/05 WH2/N2NL: Guam (OC-026) (WPX CW) 419 29/05-30/05 CQ WPX CW Contest *** 31/05-07/06 MM/W9DC: EU-123, EU-008, IOSA islands 419 May 3D2RK: Fiji (OC-016) * by A35RK 417 May JA6GXK: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056) 418 May-July JY8YB: Jordan * by DL5MBY 418 May ZS8D: Marion Island (AF-021) * by ZS6DE 412 Summer AA2WN/3: Kent Island (NA-140) 419 02/06-16/06 VK8AN/6: Troughton Island (OC-154) 419 04/06-07/06 KL7AK: Nunivak Island (NA-074) 405 05/06-14/06 CY9SS: St. Paul Island (NA-094) * by Ws and VEs 419 05/06-06/06 Fielday IARU Region 1 CW *** 12/06-13/06 II2V * special A. Volta station 407 12/06-13/06 ANARTS RTTY Contest *** 12/06 Portugal Day SSB *** 12/06-13/06 WW South America CW Contest *** 13/06 V DIE Contest *** 19/06-20/06 All Asian CW Contest *** 19/06-20/06 RSGB 1.8 MHz CW Contest *** /EX