DX425 bulletin issue nr. 417

S DX@WW $425WW417A
425 DX News #417 [1/5]
  1 May 1999                      No 417                   BID: $425WW417A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3C     - TR8XX (Jean-Claude),  TR8CA (Alain)  and TR8SA  (Christian) will  be
         active as  3C8XX  from Corisco  Island  (Rio  Muni  Province  group,
         AF-???), Equatorial Guinea  between 22 and  30 May.  They expect  to
         have two complete stations (CW and  SSB). QSL via TR8XX. [TNX  F6AJA
         and Les Nouvelles DX]
3D2_fij- Paul, A35RK plans  to be active  (mostly on CW)  as 3D2RK from  Fiji
         (OC-016) for three or four weeks in May. QSL via W7TSQ. [TNX DX News
3W     - Tom, SP5AUC (ex YI9CW) is now  in Vietnam [425DXN 415] and  operates
         as 3W7CW  (10-40 metres  CW).  QSL to  P.O.  Box 11,  00800  Warsaw,
         Poland. [TNX The Daily DX]
9G     - John, 9G1BJ and  his wife Marcia,  9G1TM went  QRT on  14 April  and
         returned to the  UK after being  active from Ghana  since 1994.  The
         amateur radio "village" at  Tamale has been  dismantled and all  the
         towers and antennas have been removed.  QSL both via G4XTA. [TNX  DX
         News Sheet]
9M2    - Tex, 9M2TO will  be active as  9M2TO/p from  Redang Island  (AS-073)
         between 1 and 4 May. QSL via JA0DMV. [TNX OPDX Bulletin].
9M2    - Johnny, G3LIV will be active (mainly on 15, 17 and 20 metres CW)  as
         9M2/G3LIV from Pulau Penang (AS-015) between  4 and 24 May. QSL  via
         G3LIV. [TNX DX News Sheet]
9N     - Fred, WF6Z is active as 9N7ZA until around 7 May from an altitude of
         24,000 ft. Look  for him on  7.234 (?),  14.158 &  14.175 MHz.  [TNX
         VU3DJQ and VU3TOM]
CO     - CM3JK is active every day on  30 and 40 metres CW.  Look for him  on
         7000-7010 KHz around 23 UTC and on +/- 10107 KHz around 4 UTC.  [TNX
DL     - DG2BWG, DK5ET, DL5CE  and DL2BWO will  be active (on  20, 40 and  80
         metres) from  Oehe  Island (EU-057,  O-019  for the  German  Islands
         Award) on 8 and 9 May. [TNX DL8AAM]
DU     - Klaus, DU1/DL5ZAH is now active as 4F1RWW from Manila (OC-042).  QSL
         via DL4OCM either direct (Thomas  Steinmann, Postfach 1117,  D-37162
         Uslar, Germnay) or through the bureau. [TNX DL4OCM]
F      - F5SNY and F5PFT  are going to  be active as  F5SNY/p and F5PFT/p  as
         follows: from Batz Island  (EU-105) on 3-5  May, from Brehat  island
         (EU-074) on 7-9  May, from Cezembre  Island (EU-157)  on 10-13  May.
         [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
F      - TM2WLH will be active (SSB and CW) from the lighthouse (LH 0321)  on
         Penfret Island (EU-094, DIFM AT-059)  between 6 and  9 May. QSL  via
         F6HKS. [TNX F6HKS]
F      - F5KEQ, the Radio Club of Loire-Atlantique Department, will be active
         between 7 and 17 May during the International Flower Show in Nantes.
         Operations are expected on HF, VHF  and SSTV. QSL via F5ITL  (please
         note that all contacts will be  confirmed automatically through  the
         bureau). Give a look to  http://www.multimania.com/cdxc/floralie.htm
         [TNX F5LMJ]
F      - F5JOT, F5TBF, F5LGQ will be /p from Brehat island (EU-074) between 8
         and 16 May. They  will be active  on 10-80 metres  SSB and CW.  [TNX
         F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
F      - Alan, G0RCI and other operators from the Grantham ARC will be active
         as F/G0GRC from Ile aux Moines,  Les Sept Isles (EU-107) between  26
         and 30 June. They have been granted a limited permission that allows
         them to  operate  during daylight  hours  only.  No  generators  are
         allowed ao that  they will be  running battery power  only -  please
         avoid duplicate QSOs!  QSL via G0RCI  (Alan Gibson,  1 Oakleigh  RD,
         Grantham, NG31 7NN England). Please note  that all contacts will  be
         confirmed either direct or after one  month via the bureau. The  web
         site   for    the    Grantham   Amateur    Radio    Club    is    at
         http://websites.diamond.co.uk/~alan.gibson [TNX G0RCI]
FM     - Pertti, OH2RF  plans to  be active  (CW and  SSB) as  FM/OH2RF  from
         Martinique (NA-107) between 1  and 7 May  while visiting FM5BH.  QSL
         via OH2RF (Pertti Turunen, Sulkapolku 1 A 2, SF-00370 Helsinki,  37,
         Finland). [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
FO     - Alain, F2HE will be  touring Polynesia between  June and August;  he
         plans to be  active from several  differents islands, starting  from
         Marquesas (OC-027) on 4 June. In  July he will operate from  Tuamotu
         (OC-066), Raiatea (OC-067) and Tahiti (OC-046),  while in August  he
         will be active from Tubuai (OC-152) in the Austral Islands. He  will
         go back to France in early  September. [TNX F6AJA and Les  Nouvelles
FT5W   - Gilles, FT5WH  has been  QRT since  17 April,  when his  transceiver
         broke down during a QSO. Now the radio has been fixed and Gilles  is
         active again. [TNX F5NOD]
GD     - Ian, G0KRL  will be  active (on  all bands  SSB with  some RTTY)  as
         GD0KRL/P from the Isle of Man  (EU-116) while on vacation between  1
         and 8  May. QSL  via home  call (bureau  cards can  be requested  at
         g0krl@arrl.net). [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
GM     - GM0DEQ (Bob), GM0SEI (Robbie)  and GM3WIL (Dave)  plan to be  active
         from Lunga Island (IOSA NH-17), Treshnish Isles, EU-108 in May. [TNX
         DL8AAM and GM0ALS]
S DX@WW $425WW417B
425 DX News #417 [2/5]
  1 May 1999                      No 417                   BID: $425WW417B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

HK     - Gerard, F2JD  is  now  active  as HK3JBR  (he  used  to  operate  as
         HK3/G0SHN). QSL via F6AJA. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
I      - II3L will participate in the ARI  International DX  Contest  on  1-2
         May. QSL via IV3KAS (buro only). [TNX IV3KAS]
I      - IO0A will participate in the ARI  International DX  Contest  on  1-2
         May. A special QSL card is available  for contacting this station on
         at least 4 bands. QSL via I0TIC. [TNX IK0XBX]
I      - Mauro, I1JQJ will participate in the ARI International DX Contest on
         1-2 May as IQ1A. QSL via I1JQJ.
I      - IQ3X will participate in the ARI  International DX  Contest  on  1-2
         May. QSL via IV3KAS (buro) or via IV3HAX (direct: Mauro Lizzi, P.O.
         Box 1, 33034 Fagagna, Italy). [TNX IV3SKB]
JA     - JA8GZU/6 is expected to be active from Daito Islands (AS-047)  until
         2 May. QSL via home call. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA     - JA6LCJ and JA6BZI will be /6 from Goto Islands (AS-040) on 1-2  May.
         QSL   via   home    call.   Logsearch   will    be   available    at
         http://www.nttl-net.ne.jp/ja6lcj/ [TNX JA6LCJ]
JA     - Joe, JA4PXE plans  to be  active (on  10-40 metres  SSB) from  Danjo
         Archipelago (AS-056) between 16 UTC on 2 May and 00 UTC on the  4th.
         QSL via JA4PXE (Syouji Kuwahara, 1-75 Midori-ku, Tokuyama,  745-0075
         Japan). [TNX JI6KVR and JA9IFF/1]
OH0    - OK1FJD (David), OK1UFM (Roman), OK1XDF (Dan) and OK1URY (Milos) will
         be active as OH0/home call from the Aland Islands (EU-002) between 1
         and 8 May. Theu will be using two stations (with focus on WARC bands
         and digital modes), while a third station will cover 2 and 6 metres.
         QSL via bureau. [TNX OK1URY]
SP     - Special  event  station  SN0APT  will  be  active  from  Lublin  and
         Klementowice between  1  May and  31  July to  celebrate  the  750th
         anniversary of  the opening  of the  first  pharmacy in  Poland  (at
         Swidnica in 1248). QSL via SP8YCB either direct (P.O. Box 403, 20950
         Lublin, Poland) or through the bureau.
SV9    - Bob, I2WIJ will be active as  SV9/I2WIJ from Crete (EU-015)  between
         12 and 26 July. He will  participate in the IOTA Contest (CW  only).
         Further   information   will   be   available   in   due   time   at
         http://www.qsl.net/i2wij/ (were  logs will  be available  after  the
         operation). [TNX I2WIJ]
T8     - T88YH is the  call issued  to Hiro,  7N1KAE for  his operation  from
         Palau (OC-009)  [425DXN  413]. The  other  two operators  are  T88MT
         (Misao, JJ1DWB) and T88LJ (Hide, JM1LJS). They will be active  until
         6 May (plans are to leave the island at 14 UTC) on 80-6 metres,  but
         activity on 17 and 12 metres is expected to start on 2 May. QSL  via
         home calls. [TNX JM1LJS]
TA     - DL6DB, DA2KT, DJ2JH, DL4DN,  DL6BK and DG1NPM  will be active  (with
         two stations) as YM0S from Bozcaada Island (AS-099) between 8 and 14
         May. [TNX DE0MST and Islands On The Web]
UA     - RA3DEJ, RW3FS,  RW3FR and  others will  be active  as RK3DZJ/1  from
         Trehgorka (Three Mountain) Island (RR-22-01, it  does not count  for
         IOTA) on 1-4 May. QSL via RA3DEJ. [TNX RA3AUU]
VK     - Special event station AX3ITU will be active from Melbourne on 17 May
         for 24  hours to  celebrate World  Telecommunications Day.  QSL  via
         VK3DYL either direct (Gwen Tilson, 3 Gould Crt., Mt. Waverley,  Vic.
         3149, Australia) or through the bureau. [TNX VK3DYL]
VK     - Peter, VK8PW/VY0PW will  be operating  (SSB only)  from Arnhem  Land
         (some 350  kilometres  east  of Darwin)  between  15  May  and  late
         October. This area is accessible by special permit only and it might
         be the first amateur radio  operation from this  part of VK8.  Peter
         will be active as  VK8PW/p whenever his  work schedule permits.  QSL
         either direct  to  Peter Wollenberg,  Box  2141,  Darwin,  NT  0801,
         Australia or through the bureau to VE8RZ. [TNX VK8PW]
W      - To commemorate the 125th running of the Kentucky Derby, The Run  For
         The Roses,  W4CN will  be active  during  the ARI  International  DX
         Contest (1-2 May). There will also be other stations "signing"  W4CN
         during this time.  QSL via  K4WW (Shelby  Summerville, 6506  Lantana
         Court, Louisville, KY 40229-1544, USA). [TNX K4WW]
W      - Will, WC6DX will be active from Anacapa Island (NA-144) from  around
         18.00 UTC on  22 May  until around  15.00 UTC  on the  23rd. Due  to
         Channel Islands National  Park restrictions,  he will  use only  100
         watts and a  vertical antenna.  Look for  him on  or around  14.260,
         14.030, 7.260 and, if the propagation  is good, 10.105 MHz. QSL  via
         WC6DX either direct or through the bureau. [TNX WC6DX]
XZ     - The Central Arizona DX Association in organizing another  DXpedition
         to Myanmar.  Fifteen operators  (namely AF7O,  EA5XX, G3NOM,  G3VMW,
         K6KRE, K7WX, K7ZV, KM5EP, N5IA, N7MB, NA7DB, OH1RX, OH2BH, W8AEF and
         WA6CDR) will operate as XZ0A from  Thahtay Kyun, Mergui  Archipelago
         (AS-???) and plans are to be active for three weeks in January 2000.
         The announcement was made at the IOTA Convention in Alicante  (23-25
         April) and further details are expected in due time.
YK     - Michael, DL6MHW will  be in Syria  until 3 May  and will operate  as
         YK/DL6MHW with the help of Dr. Omar Shabsigh, YK1AO. Plans are to be
         active on CW and SSB on all bands for which antennas are  available.
         QSL via DL3ABL, whose correct address is Andrea Diekmann, Ginsterweg
         51, D-39326  Wolmirstedt,  Germany. For  further  information  visit
         [TNX DX News Letter]
ZC4    - Jeff Proctor, G0WSA has been stationed at the Western Sovereign Base
         Area (WSBA)  in  Episkopi, Cyprus  (AS-004)  since November  and  he
         expects to be there for another two or three years. He is active (on
         RTTY, CW and SSB,  with 100 watts  and a dipole)  as ZC4JP. QSL  via
         G0WSA through the RSGB QSL Bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
ZK1_nc - Wolf, DL2SCQ and Ann Dattenberg, DL1SCQ will be active  respectively
         as ZK1SCQ  and ZK1SCR  from Manihiki  (OC-014), North  Cook  Islands
         between 20 and  25 August. QSL  via DL6DK. QSL  via DL6DK (Peter  X.
         Voits, Uhlandstr. 28, D-59192 Bergkamen, Germany). [TNX DL2SCQ]
ZK1_sc - Wolf, DL2SCQ and Ann Dattenberg, DL1SCQ will be active  respectively
         as ZK1SCQ and ZK1SCR from  the South Cook  Islands as follows:  from
         Rarotonga (OC-013) on  4-8 August, from  Aitutaki (OC-083) on  10-12
         August and  from Mangaia  (OC-159) on  14-17 August.  They are  also
         planning an operation  (yet to be  confirmed) from Palmerston  Atoll
         (OC-124) between 28 and 31  August. QSL via  DL6DK (Peter X.  Voits,
         Uhlandstr. 28, D-59192 Bergkamen, Germany). [TNX DL2SCQ]
S DX@WW $425WW417C
425 DX News #417 [3/5]
  1 May 1999                      No 417                   BID: $425WW417C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

3B9R ---> The 31 March-10 April 3B9R operation from Rodriguez (AF-017) logged
over 47,000 QSOs.  It seems there  was some pirating  of 3B9R  on 160  metres
after their sunrise QRT: according to  Garry, NI6T the  last contacts on  top
band were made at 02.01 UTC on 5 April (with KD9SV), at 01.41 UTC on 6  April
(with UY1HY), at 01.56 UTC on  7 April (with K4EA), at 01.58  UTC on 8  April
(with K1BW), at 00.40 UTC on  9 April (with  UA9FAR) and at  00.14 UTC on  10
April (with OM2XP). QSL via N7LVD. [TNX DX News Sheet]

6A1A ---> For the readers who have asked: this station was activated for  the
second time  on  24-25 April  by  Tarek Abdallah  (SU2TA/6A1TA),  Said  Kamel
(SU1SK/6A1SK) and Hossam  El Shenawy  (SU1HM/6A1HM) operating  from Sharm  El
Sheikh in the Sinai peninsula, Egypt. QSL via F5KAM.

C91RF ---> Rei, DL6DQW/C91RF reports he was active from Maputo on 23-25 March
and 29-30  March  (1600  QSOs), while  his  activity  from  Benguerua  Island
(AF-072) took place on 26-28 March. Power supply on the island was  available
only between 6.00-12.30 and 14.00-20.00 local  time, but he  was able to  log
some 1000 QSOs. [TNX The Daily DX]

DU1/DL2GAC ---> Bernhard, DL2GAC is back  home in Germany.  He was unable  to
get to Batan Island (OC-093) in the time he had available because of  changes
in  reasonable  transport  arrangements.  Bernhard  only  operated  from  the
Calamian Group (OC-090) for a couple  of days on this trip.  He did not  work
too many EU stations but had more success into North America. [TNX 9V1RH]

LT5V ---> The new address for the North Patagonia DX Group (LT5V) is P.O. Box
37, 8332 General Roca, Rio Negro,  Argentina. This address  can be used  also
for LU8VCC (Alex), LU7VFJ (Julian) and LU3VED (Martin). [TNX LU8VCC]

P51BH ---> Martti Laine, OH2BH was  active as P51BH  between 14.36 and  16.40
Korean Time on 21 April. The operation covered 14 MHz CW and SSB plus 21  MHz
SSB, and 263 stations got through. The first JA QSO was JA2DO, Europe OH5MBF,
Oceania KH6WU and the United States W6WKE. The documentation will be sent  to
the ARRL shortly. QSL via OH2BH (Martti J. Laine, Nuottaniementie 3D20, 02230
Espoo,   Finland).   Audio   from   this   operation   can   be   heard    at
This was Martti's sixth visit to North Korea. "While discussing the future of
amateur radio in a longer term perspective", he says, "an immediate allowance
was made to test the equipment":  the operation took  place from the  telecom
center premises, "with North Koreans  climbing a 150-ft.  tower to hoist  the
antennas. The antennas were left right  there together with the Yaesu  FT-847
equipment. It is just a matter of switching the  power on - when the time  is
ripe - to allow North Korea to join  the ranks of amateur radio". No  advance
information was given because, Martti says, "during these several years of DX
missionary efforts, it has become obvious that if  you are able to work on  a
project in  peace, the  best overall  results will  be achieved.  Many  major
efforts are  typically hampered  by competing  forces who  have a  hard  time
accepting the success of others". [TNX N4GN]

QSL 4M5I ---> Luis, YV5ENI says that  his QSL manager (IK6SNR) will reply  to
all direct requests for the recent  4M5I operations from Los Monjes  (SA-015)
and La Blanquilla (SA-037) within June. [TNX YV5ENI]

QSL CQ2S ---> This special station  was activated by  Vic, CT1AXS and  Jorge,
CT1FMX on  24-25 April  to celebrate  the 25th  anniversary of  the 25  April
Revolution in Portugal. Cards are via CT1AXS (SSB contacts) or CT1FMX (CW and
RTTY contacts). [TNX CT1AXS]

QSL E4/G3WQU ---> Peter, E4/G3WQU reports some difficulties with incoming QSL
cards: "Callbook  1999 gives  an address  in Jerusalem,  but as  the call  is
G3WQU, the country is shown as England. I have been receiving some  addressed
'Jerusalem, England, UK', but only because the post office in UK is vigilant.
Note please that Jerusalem is in Israel". At all events, his new and  correct
address is Peter McKay, UNIFIL, P.O. Box 75, Nahariya 22100, Israel.

QSL EK7DX ---> Karen, EK7DX  his currently using  F5LGQ's address for  direct
cards. Please note that F5LGQ is  NOT the QSL manager for  this station -  he
just collects  the envelopes  and send  them to  Erevan through  a  different
route. He asks DXers to write "EK7DX" on the envelopes, which should be  sent
to Daniel  Barot, 5  Rue de  la Coix  Mouclet, F-79400  Exireuil, France  (no
bureau cards please). [TNX F5LGQ]

QSL FT5ZH ---> Gil, F5NOD reports some 25 kilograms of FT5ZH cards have  just
been mailed. Hopefully all direct cards  (some 9000 received so far) will  be
processed within the end of May. QSL via F6KDF.

QSL IY5PIS ---> The QSL manager for this special Marconian station, which was
activated by ARI Pisa during the International Marconi Day, is IK5QPZ (either
direct or through the bureau). [TNX IK5ZTT]

QSL VK9XX &  VK9YY ---> Charlie,  W0YG reports that  "all QSL cards  received
direct have been answered. I keep current each day with QSL requests for both
stations. I am receiving many QSL  requests WITHOUT return envelopes.   Cards
received in this way will be answered through the bureau."

QSL VQ9CV ---> Please note that cards  should be sent to ND1V's most  current
address, which is Robert Wright, 1409 Eaglestone Arch, Chesapeake, VA  23322,
USA (the address in the latest callbook is no longer any good). [TNX ND1V]

QSL VIA OZ1PIF ---> As of 1 April 1999  Peter, OZ1PIF is the new QSL  manager
for OX3LG, OX3LX and OX3UB. [TNX OZ7C]
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425 DX News #417 [4/5]
  1 May 1999                      No 417                   BID: $425WW417D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

UK POSTAL RATES ---> The DX News Sheet reports that the UK price of a  letter
up to 10g  for zones 1  and 2 (outside  Europe) has increased  from 43 to  44
pence since 26 April.

XU7AAP ---> This was the "more logical callsign"  used by Jani, YB0US  during
his most  recent activity  from Cambodia  ("XUAAP"  had been  announced,  see
425DXN 416]. QSL via N2OO. [TNX N2OO]

ZL9CI VIDEO ---> There are now  three addresses for ZL9CI videos. Full  costs
and instructions  on whom  to make  the checks  payable  are on  the  website
(http://www.qsl.net/zl9ci/video2.html). The addresses  are: ZL9CI Video,  c/o
Aurum, P.O. Box 1397, Duxbury, MA 02331-1397, USA; ZL9CI Video, 167 St  James
Road, Greenhills, Dublin 12, Ireland; ZL9CI  Video, 26 Jalan Asas,  Singapore
678787, Singapore. [TNX N1DG]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

ANDORRA:      The current list of  duly licenced amateurs  in Andorra can  be
              found at http://www.sta.ad/ura (the web site for the URA,  Unio
              de Radioaficionats Andorrans). [TNX C31MO]
DAYTON:       The 1999 Dayton Hamvention will  be held on  14-16 May. If  you
              plan to  attend,  please remember  to  pay a  visit  to  Bernie
              McClanny, W3UR, Editor of The Daily DX, at booth #520. The  web
              site for the Hamvention is at http://www.hamvention.org
LOGS:         Doug, N6RT reports http://www.dx.qsl.net/logs now features  the
              following new logs: 5B4/EW1AR & 5B4/NP3D (October 1998),  5R8FU
              (through 6  April  1999), FO0XUU  (Marquesas,  February  1999),
              FO0XUU (Australs, January 1999), JW/SM7NAS (April 1999),  VK9YY
              (February 1999),  VK9XX  (February 1999),  YC0LOW  (through  25
              April 1999).
T30/T33:      The correct  URL  for  the  Berlin  DX  Group  October/November
              DXpedition  to  West  Kiribati  and  Banaba  [425DXN  415]   is
THE GOLIST:   The new web site is located at http://www.itis.net/golist/  and
              has a  number of  new features  for  John's (K1XN)  Guests  and
              Registered Users, including an "open" download area for  guests
              and subscribers  to  download  the  Golist  Demo  programme,  a
              products page giving descriptions  and pricing information  for
              all the services now available from  the Golist and much  more.
              When you log onto the New GoList Web Site and visit those areas
              that require  a  password, use  your  e-mail  address  for  the
              password. [TNX K1XN]
ZY8A:         The  URL  for  the  recent   ZY8A  activity  from   Anavilhanas
              Archipelago (DIB 74) is http://www.qsl.net/zy8a [TNX PP5SZ]

QSL received via direct:   3A2MD, 3D2MA, 3E1CW,  3V8BB, 3W5FM, 3W6LI,  3W7TK,
4L3Y, 4U1ITU, 5A1A,  5B4/UA9YAB, 5H1FS,  5H3RK, 5R8DA,  5R8FU, 5U7DG,  7X4AN,
8Q7AC, 8Q7DV, 9A7A, 9M2VZ, 9M6AAC, 9M6QQ,  9N1FP, 9X0A, A92GE, AP2JZB,  BI7W,
BQ9P, BT2HC, C21SX, C21ZM, C56A, C56T, C56SW, C6AKP, C6A/WI9WI, CP5NU, D44BC,
DU1IMA (OC-128), E21EJC, E30GA, E30LA (AF-038, 080, 081), E30MA (AF-038, 080,
081), E31AA,  ED2IZA (EU-134),  EY8MM,  FH5CB, FM/EA3BT,  FM/EA3WL,  FM/F2PI,
FO0SIL, FR5ZQ/T,  GB100SFL,  GJ3DVC/P,  (EU-099),  H44RY,  HK3JJH/0M,  HL5XF,
HP4/F5PAC, HP8/F5PAC, HZ1HZ,  IC8/IK2PZG (IIA NA-036,  038), IC8/IZ8AMY  (IIA
010, 031, 036, 047), J79WW,  J80C, J80K, JY8ZW,  JY9QL, KG4OX, KG4SD,  KG4TO,
S21B, S79ELY, S79MX,  SV2ASP/A, SV5TS, SV9/I4UFH,  T32LN, T32RT, T77C,  T88X,
W2SF (NA-062),  XX9TRR,  YC8TXW,  YK1AO,  XZ1N,  YC9NBR,  YO2BB,  Z30M,  ZA0Z
(EU-169), ZF2DR, ZK3RW, ZS6ME, ZY8M (DIB-023).

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425 DX News #417 [5/5]
  1 May 1999                      No 417                   BID: $425WW417E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  01/05      3D2SH, 3D2HI, 3D2TK and 3D2KZ: Fiji * by JAs           415
till  Jun        3DA0CA: Swaziland                                      411
till  06/05      4F7/SM3SGP: Cebu Island (OC-129)                       412
till  May        9G5HK: Ghana * by DL1IAL                               404
till  17/05      9N7UD: Nepal * by K4VUD                                413
till  07/05      9N7ZA: Nepal * by WF6Z                                 417
till  2001       A92GJ: Bahrain (AS-002) * by WH6CXQ                    415
till  03/05      BI5D: Zhejiang Province Group (AS-141) * by BYs        413
till  01/05      EG: URE 50th anniversary stations (Spain)              414
till  01/05      F5SGI/p: Brehat Island (EU-074)                        416
till  02/05      FG/JA1WPX/P: Guadeloupe (NA-102)                       415
till  August     FK8VHU: New Caledonia                                  401
till  04/05      FR5ZU/T: Tromelin Island (AF-031)                      415
till  December   FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL                      401
till  December   FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island                                399
till  04/05      JI3DST/6 (7N3UXO/6): Tokara Archipelago (AS-049)       413
till  05/05      S79GT: Seychelles (AF-024) * by GM0GAV                 415
till  02/05      S79YL, ZG, FAG: Seychelles * by DL7AFS, DJ7ZG, DL2FAG  413
till  03/05      T88YH, T88MT, T88LJ: Palau (OC-009) * by JAs           417
till  09/05      TM1CW: special station (France)                        413
till  02/05      TP50CE: special event station (France)                 416
till  May        VQ9DX: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by AA5DX                403
till  07/05      W2SF: Florida Keys (NA-062)                            416
till  Sep 2000   XE1/NP2AQ: Mexico                                      414
till  27/11      XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada)              401
till  09/05      XX9TSS: Taipa Island (AS-075) * by VR2SS               415
till  03/05      YK/DL6MHW: Syria                                       417
till  05/05      ZB2FX: Gibraltar * by G3RFX                            415
till  01/05      ZL4IR: Stewart Island (OC-203) * by K8VIR              416
01/05-02/05      6V1A: Goree Island (AF-045) * by 6Ws                   416
01/05-04/05      9M2TO/p: Redang Island (AS-073)                        417
01/05-10/05      A25/G3HCT: Botswana                                    415
01/05-02/05      II3L: ARI Contest                                      417
01/05-02/05      IO0A: ARI Contest                                      417
01/05-02/05      IQ1A: by I1JQJ * ARI Contest                           417
01/05-02/05      IQ3X: ARI Contest                                      417
01/05-02/05      JA6LCJ/6 and JA6BZI/6: Goto Islands (AS-040)           417
01/05-02/05      JA8GZU/6: Daito Islands (AS-047)                       417
01/05-07/05      FM/OH2RF: Martinique (NA-107)                          417
01/05-08/05      GD0KRL/p: Isle of Man (EU-116) * by G0KRL              417
01/05-08/05      OH0/OK1FJD, OK1UFM, OK1XDF, OK1URY: Aland Is (EU-002)  417
01/05-04/05      RK3DZJ/1: Trehgorka Island (RR-22-01)                  417
01/05-31/07      SN0APT: special event station (Poland)                 417
01/05-02/05      W4CN: special event stations                           417
01/05            AGCW DL CW QRP Contest                                 ***
01/05-02/05      ARI Contest                                            ***
02/05-04/05      JA4PXE: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056)                     417
02/05-04/05      JH6QCQ/6, JM6NWR/6, JL6UBM/6: Tokara Arch. (AS-049)    415
02/05-09/05      T22JY, T22KJ, T22TK, T22VE: Tuvalu (OC-015) * by JAs   415
03/05-12/05      9N7WU: Nepal * by JA8MWU                               415
03/05-05/05      F5SNY/p and F5PFT/p: Batz Island (EU-105)              417
03/05-07/05      G0ANA/p: Isles of Scilly (EU-011) * by GW0ANA          409
03/05-05/05      JQ1SUO/1: Mikurajima (AS-008)                          415
04/05-24/05      9M2/G3LIV: Penang Island (AS-015)                      417
06/05-31/07      2S, 2A and 2T: special prefixes from Scotland          415
06/05-31/07      2C, 2X and 2W: special prefixes from Wales             415
06/05-09/05      TM2WLH: Penfret Island (EU-094)                        417
07/05-09/05      F5SNY/p and F5PFT/p: Brehat Island (EU-074)            417
07/05-17/05      F5KEQ: special event activity                          417
08/05-09/05      DG2BWG, DK5ET, DL5CE and DL2BWO: Oehe Island (EU-057)  417
08/05-16/05      F5JOT/p, F5TBF/p, F5LGQ/p: Brehat island (EU-074)      417
08/05-09/05      II2V * special A. Volta station                        407
08/05-10/05      JM1PXG/6: Koshiki Islands (AS-037)                     413
08/05-14/05      YM0S: Bozcaada Island (AS-099) * by  DLs               417
08/05-09/05      CQ M Contest                                           ***
08/05-09/05      Volta RTTY Contest                                     ***
10/05-13/05      F5SNY/p and F5PFT/p: Cezembre Island (EU-157)          417
12/05-15/05      PA/ON4BAM: Ameland Island (EU-038)                     411
15/05-late Oct   VK8PW/p: Arnhem Land                                   417
15/05            EU Sprint Spring CW Contest                            ***
17/05            AX3ITU: World Telecommunications Day                   417
18/05-02/06      HS0ZCW: Thailand * by K4VUD                            410
19/05-23/05      IA5/I4IOR,IK4GLV,IK4JPR,IK4RUX,IK4THF,IZ4CCO: EU-028   415
22/05-30/05      3C8XX: Corisco Isl (AF-???) * by TR8XX, TR8CA, TR8SA   417
22/05-23/05      WC6DX: Anacapa Island (NA-144)                         417
22/05-23/05      Baltic Contest                                         ***
22/05-23/05      ITU Contest                                            ***
23/05-03/06      OJ0/K7BV, OH0/K7BV & OH0Z: Market Reef and Aland Is    409
29/05-30/05      CQ WPX CW Contest                                      ***
May              3D2RK: Fiji (OC-016) * by A35RK                        417
May              GM0DEQ, GM0SEI, GM3WIL: Treshnish Isles (EU-108)       417
May              ZS8D: Marion Island (AF-021) * by ZS6DE                412