S DX@WW $425WW416A 425 DX News #416 [1/6] 24 April 1999 No 416 $425WW416A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = This issue was prepared well in advance as your editors left on Wednesday morning for the IOTA Convention in Alicante (Spain). = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = >>> NORTH KOREA <<<< Martti Laine, OH2BH started being active as P51BH from North Korea around 6 UTC on 21 April (first on CW later on SSB). The short operation ended just before 8 UTC and Martti expected to leave North Korea on Thursday morning (22 April). His aim was to show the amateur radio equipment and concept to the P5 authorities - it was not a DXpedition, but hopefully this may lead to one. 6W - 6W1PZ, 6W1EX, 6W1RD and 6W1QP will be active as 6V1A from Goree Island (AF-045) between 00.00Z on 1 May and 17.00 UTC on the 2nd. QSL via ARAS, P.O. Box 971, Dakar, Senegal. [TNX The Daily DX] 9K - Members of the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society will be active as 9K2F from Faylaka Island (AS-118) between 22 and 30 April. QSL via 9K2RA (Kuwait Amateur Radio Society, P.O. Box 5240, 13053 Safat, Kuwait). [TNX 9K2DR] F - Jean-Marc, F5SGI will be /P from Brehat Island (EU-074) between 25 and 1 May. He will operate mostly on CW with some SSB on 14260 kHz. [TNX F5SGI] F - ON6DP and ON7RN will operate from TP50CE (the special event station celebrating the fifty anniversary of the Council of Europe) between 30 April and 2 May. QSL via F6FQK. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] H40 - JK7TKE, who was active last week as H4400 from the Solomon Islands, is now active as H40OO from Temotu. The Daily DX reports "he is only able to get on the air during his evenings as there is no AC until then". QSL via JK7TKE. I - Amateurs from ARI Casalecchio di Reno will operate as IZ4CUK from Junior High School "Guglielmo Marconi" on 24-26 April. During the International Marconi Day they will also be active as IY4IMD as usual. [TNX IK4NYY] JA - Joe, JA4PXE plans to be active (on 10-40 metres SSB) as JA4PXE/6 from Kusagaki Island (AS-067) between 19 UTC on 29 April and 23 UTC on the 30th. QSL via JA4PXE (Syouji Kuwahara, 1-75 Midori-ku, Tokuyama, 745-0075 Japan). [TNX JI6KVR and JA9IFF/1] W - Bob, W2SF will be active (on all bands WARC included, CW, SSB and RTTY) from Lower Matecumbe Key in the Florida Keys (NA-062) between 23 April and 7 May. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] XU - Jani, YB0US will be active (on 6-80 metres) as XUAAP (no number) from Cambodia between 22 and 26 April. QSL via N2OO (Bob Schenck, P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087, USA). [TNX N2OO] YB - After a couple months of inactivity, Ovy, YC8VIP, is back on the air as YC8VIP/7. He does not operate from Ambon any longer, as he now resides in Banjarmasin, Kalimatan (OC-088). QSL via W6MD either direct or through the bureau (bureau cards are answered once a year): all direct cards for contacts until December 1998 have been answered, W6MD is waiting for the January logs. [TNX W6MD] YB - Joni, YC9WZJ is active from Sorong, Irian Jaya (OC-034). QSL via W6MD, either direct or through the bureau. [TNX W6MD] ZL - Ed, K8VIR/ZL4IR will be active from Stewart Island (OC-203) between 24 April and 1 May. QSL via W8WC. [TNX The Daily DX] INTERNATIONAL MARCONI DAY ---> The event is sponsored by the Cornish Radio Amateur Club and it will take place between 00.00 UTC and 23.59 UTC on 24 April. Please visit http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~straff/ for the list of Marconian stations which are expected to participate in the event. /EX S DX@WW $425WW416B 425 DX News #416 [2/6] 24 April 1999 No 416 $425WW416B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH QSL MANAGER NEEDED? ---> If you need a QSL manager, Mirko, I3MKH offers his services (direct and through the bureau) - please contact him via CBA or at i3mkh@pj2pz.ampr.org QSL 5R8FU ---> QSL manager John, SM0DJZ reports that Aka, 5R8FU is used to snail-mailing his logs every second month. John received the latest batch on 16 April and he expected to reply to direct requestes during last week. Aka has now made 7000 QSOs on all bands (10-160 metres) CW, SSB and RTTY. Logs are available at http://www.dx.qsl.net/logs QSL VK9XX & VK9YY ---> Charlie, W0YG asks not to use the ARRL Bureau system - if you want a bureau card, he says, "please use the WF5E QSL Service which is much easier on us for QSLing". Logs are available at http://www.dx.qsl.net/logs QSL NOT VIA W6MD ---> Stephan Busono, W6MD reports he is receiving cards for YB2UU and YB2PBX, but he is not the QSL manager for these stations. QSL VIA I4UFH ---> Fabio, I4UFH reports he has no direct/bureau backlog for his operations as 5H1FS (1997) and SV9/I4UFH (1998). QSL VIA K4MZU ---> Bob, K4MZU reports he is the QSL manager for the following Antarctic stations: KC4AAB, KC4AAC (from 1995), KC4AAD (from 1997), KC4AAF (from 1995), KC4AAG, KC4USB (from 1996), KC4USL/am (from 1996), KC4USV (op. Greg only), KC4USX (op. Henry only), KC4/KC7GJJ, KC4/KH6JNF, KC4/KJ3Z, KC4/KL7RL, KC4/VE7MKZ, KC4/VE0HSS, LU1ZC (1974-75), R1ANW (op. Henry only), VE0HSS/am, VP8CRE, VP8MS, VP8MX. QSL VIA KB5IPQ ---> Floyd, N5FG (Manager of the W5 QSL Bureau) reports that bureau cards will be returned to sender as KB5IPQ accepts direct cards only. He is the manager for CU3AV, J37LK, HL9JF, HH2/KB0QNS, N3SIY/HH2, HR2A, HR2KOS, HR2RDJ, N4GFO/KH2, KL7IYD, VY1JA, XE2UVB, YN4ZUJ, YN4/WK6O, YO2CDE (before 1999 only), YS1ZV. QSLs should be sent to William P. Vaughn, 374 Paul Rd, Boyce, LA 71409, USA. QSL VIA N6FF ---> Dick, N6FF (ex-KL7H) reports he has the cards and all of the logs for EX0V, NH6D/KH4, NH6D/KH2, LY4AA and RA0FF. QSL VIA PP1CZ ---> Leo is the QSL manager for PP4P, PP0F, PP0MAG, PR100CZ, PR100/PP1CZ, PU0F, PW1Z, PY0B, PY0MAG, PY0F/PP1CZ, ZQICZ, ZW1CZ, ZZ1AA, ZZ1CZ, ZZ0TA. Due to some problems at the PP1 Outgoing Bureau, he has been used to sending bureau cards *at his own expenses* since early 1997. While waiting for the problems to be sorted out, he will send direct to the various bureaux all around the world the 5000+ old cards he has found recently being kept at the PP1 Bureau. [TNX PP1CZ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <<< MOST NEEDED DXCC ENTITIES >>> <<< PART 2/2 >>> The following survey is taken from the newly published ARRL DXCC Yearbook 1998 and includes the other 50 of the top 100 entities needed by DXers who participate in the DXCC programme. Part 1/2 (positions from 1 to 50) was published in 425 DX News #414. [TNX The Daily DX] Rank Prefix Country Rank Prefix Country --------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 9U Burundi 76 CE0Z Juan Fernandez 52 3V Tunisia 77 TY Benin 53 KH5 Palmyra & Jarvis 78 KH4 Midway 54 VK9/X Christmas 79 YI Iraq 55 VK9/Y Cocos-Keeling 80 KH9 Wake 56 OM Slovak Republic 81 ST Sudan 57 FO/C Clipperton 82 JD1 Minami Torishima 58 ZD9 Tristan Da Cunha & Gough 83 CY0 Sable Island 59 5R8 Madagascar 84 A6 United Arab Emirates 60 TT8 Chad 85 D6 Comoros 61 3B9 Rodriguez 86 KH7K Kure 62 TI9 Cocos 87 5X Uganda 63 ZK3 Tokelau 88 8Q Maldive 64 S0 Western Sahara 89 T2 Tuvalu 65 VP8 South Orkneys 90 T8 Palau 66 XU Cambodia 91 JX Jan Mayen 67 3C Equatorial Guinea 92 VP8 South Shetlands 68 R1M Malyj-Vysotskij 93 CY9 St Paul Island 69 3D2R Rotuma 94 9N Nepal 70 T5 Somalia 95 ZC4 UK Bases on Cyprus 71 ZK1 North Cook 96 KP5 Desecheo Island 71 ET Ethiopia 97 FW Wallis & Futuna 73 YK Syria 98 3X Guinea 74 3W Vietnam 99 VK9L Lord Howe Island 75 KP1 Navassa 100 JD1 Ogasawara /EX S DX@WW $425WW416C 425 DX News #416 [3/6] 24 April 1999 No 416 $425WW416C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH BUREAU CARDS: A list of stations accepting bureau cards requests through e-mail is available at http://www.es-conseil.fr/f5cco/eqsl.html [TNX IK2UVR] LIGHTHOUSES: Jim Weidner, K2JXW reports a new Ham Radio Lighthouse Page can be found at http://www.waterw.com/~weidner/ld.htm (it is where to find information about the lighthouse events on 7-8 and 21-22 August). LOGS: Logs for Tony, IK1QBT's activities are now available at http//www.freeweb.org/freeweb/ik1qbt - they include 3A/IK1QBT (1993, 1996, 1997, 1998), 4U0ITU (13-14 and 20-21 May 1995, CW only), ID9/IK1QBT from IOTA EU-017 (1997), IP1/IK1QBT and IA1/IK1QBT from IOTA EU-083 (1996, 1997, 1998), TK/IK1QBT (1994). ZL9CI: The web site has been updated and there is also a link with information on the movie to be released at Dayton - visit http://www.qsl.net/zl9ci/video.html [TNX N1DG] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =========================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =========================================================================== 3A/HB9APJ HB9APJ 7Q7BW G0IAS BV/DJ3KR DH3MG 3B8/DL6UAA DL6UAA 7Q7BX G0IAS BV2B BV2WA 3B9R N7LVD 7Q7FM G0IAS BV5BG IK7JTF 3D2QB SM3CER 7Q7HB G0IAS BV9A BV2KI 3DA0BW G0IAS 7Q7JL G0IAS BY1DX OH2BH 3DA0BX G0IAS 7Q7JWL G0IAS BY1QH K9FD 3DA0CA W4DR 7Q7LA G0IAS C21SX G3SXW 3W5FM UA0FM 7Q7RL G0IAS C56EL ON4CEL 3W6AN DF8AN 7Q7RM G0IAS C56SW G3VMW 3W6BWH JA2BWH 8P2K KU9C C6AKQ N4BP 3W6KA K2WE 8P9IV VE2WYK C6AKW K3TEJ 3W6LI K2WE 8P9JM K2ZD C91RF DL6DQW 3W6WE K2WE 8Q7AM EA5MB C91RF/P DL6DQW 3W6WZ OE2CAL 8S3SAG SM3PZ C91W N1FHJ 4F7/SM3SGP SM3EVR 9A5ST/P 9A6KZK CE0AA CE3WDH 4K5CW 4J9RI 9G1BR G4XTA CE0ZAM CE3ESS 4K8F UA9AB 9G1MR IK3HHX CE3/NE4Z AJ4Y 4K9W DL6KVA 9G5DX JH8PHT CF1TX VO1TX 4L0CR IK7JTF 9G5HK DL1IAL CG3MM VA3MM 4L1UN IK7JTF 9G5SW G3VMW CI7A VE7SV 4L4AJ IK7JTF 9H1EL LA2TO CL8UB AD4Z 4L4MM ON4CFI 9H3KI G0IAS CL8VP AD4Z 4M4X W4SO 9H3XY G4ZVJ CM2CK (SK) AD4Z 4N0X YU7KMN 9J2A JA0JHA CM2JZ XE1CI 4S7BRG HB9BRM 9J2AM JA0JHA CM2VK AD4Z 4S7DA W3HNK 9J2PI KB0KVA CM6YI CO6LG 4X4JP WA1GZY 9K2AI IK7JTF CM8UB AD4Z 4X6HI KG2FH 9K2GS W6YJ CM8VP AD4Z 4X6TT N2AU 9K2MU WA4JTK CM8ZZ AD4Z 4Z0A 4Z5DW 9M2TO JA0DMV CN2UN ZP6CU 5A21PA K1WY 9M6QFT W4HQF CN8SN IK7JTF 5B4/G3VMW G3VMW 9M8QQ DF5UG CN8VK IK7JTF 5B4/RZ9UA RZ9UA 9M8RC 9M8MA CN8WW DL6FBL 5B4/UA9MA UA9MA 9N1FP RU6FP CO2HR AD4Z 5B4/UA9YAB UA9YAB 9N7SZ JA9LSZ CO2JD AD4Z 5K3W HK3SGP 9N7UD K4VUD CO2JX XE1CI 5N0/OK1JR OK1JR 9V1BG JL1MWI CO2MA AD4Z 5N3CPR SP5CPR 9Y4SF WA4JTK CO2OR XE1CI 5N6ZHM W5TUD A35LU K1LU CO2QQ XE1CI 5N99CEN IV3VBM A45XU W3HNK CO2VG AD4Z 5N99EAM IK7JTF A61AJ W3UR CO6AP W3HC 5N99MSV OK1JR A61AO N1DG CO8AR AD4Z 5N99RGP IK7JTF A61AP IK7JTF CO8DC VE3NXB 5N9EAM IK7JTF A61AQ N1DG CO8NA AD4Z 5N9RGP IK7JTF A61AS YO3FRI CO8ZZ AD4Z 5R8ET K1WY A71/9K2AI IK7JTF CP4BT DL9OT 5R8FU SM0DJZ AM1JJ EA1JJ CP6XE CP6VP 5R8PR F6BFH AN1DMQ EC1DMQ CQ2I CT1CJJ 5U7DG K4SE AP2KSD IK7JTF CQ7ERK CT1ERK 5V7FA F6FNU AP2MAM IK7JTF CT1DSC CT1CJJ 5V7SW G3VMW AX1TX K1WY CT1EGW N2AU 5X1P G3MRC AY0N LU2NI CT98EGW N2AU 5X1Z SM6CAS BA1CO W3HC CW8C CX8CP 5Z4GS WB2YQH BA1DU W3HC DU1/JA1HBC JA1NAQ 5Z4IC MW0AIE BA1HAM NE9Z E21CJN W3PP 5Z4RL G0IAS BA7QT W3HNK E30BA DJ9ZB /EX S DX@WW $425WW416D 425 DX News #416 [4/6] 24 April 1999 No 416 $425WW416D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== 6W2/ON4QM ON4QM BD4ED BY4BHP E41/OK1DTP OK1TD 6W4RK F5NPS BD7NQ W2AY E44/OZ5IPA OZ5AAH 7Q7AH G0IAS BQ9P KU9C EA8/DL7AU DL7VRO EA8AH OH1RY HL0Z/5 DS4CNB LX/DL4OCM DL4OCM EA9/EA7RU EA7RU HS0/JR3XMG JG3AVS LX/MU0BKA K4ZLE ED2IZA EA2URV HS0ZAR K3ZO LX8DL LX1DA ED2KRK EA2CBY HS0ZCW K4VUD LY4AA N6FF ED3REC EA3ESZ HS5AC W1ZS M4U G0RGH ED7MAA EA7URM HV4NAC IK0FVC M6A G3SDC ED7MCG EA7URM HZ1AB K8PYD M7A G3SDC ED7TZC EA7AIC HZ1CCA IK7JTF M8M K1DG EG1LO EA4URE IB2S I2JSB MD0BPI N6TQS EG2Z EA4URE II2E I2CZQ MJ0AWR K2WR EG4M EA4URE II2P I2CMA MM0BBP/P GM3VLB EG5CS EA4URE II3B IK3OII N1WLV/DU1 DY1LVA EG7CA EA4URE II7P IK7EZP N2NL/KH2 W2YC EG7MA EA4URE IQ1Z IK1NLZ NH6D/KH2 N6FF EK8YC IK2DUW IQ7A IK7XIV NH6D/KH4 N6FF EL2WW ON5NT IU8W IZ8CCW NH7A N2AU EM4E UR4EYT J28AG F6EJI NP3X W4DN EN5J KG6AR J28BS F6KPQ OD5PI IK7JTF EO1I UT1IA J28DB F4AAQ OH0M OH3LQK EP3HR I2MQP J3/K4LTA K4LTA OH0R OH2TA ER0N UT7ND J38A K4LTA OK8AUY LX1NO ET3BT K1WY J41YLS IK3ZAW OM3Z OM3VSZ EX0V N6FF J45KLN SM0CMH OM9A OM2DX EX8ML W3HNK J4Z SV2CWY ON4CAT K1WY EY6TM F6FNU JT1Y I0SNY ON9CAT K1WY EY8CQ DJ1SKO JW/SM7NAS SM7NAS OR0OST ON6HC EY8MM K1BV JW0L G8APB OT7L ON7YP EY9/RA3OO DJ1SKO JW4CJA LA4CJA OT9A ON7LR FG5FR F6FNU JX0LMJ LA7DFA OX3UB OZ1PIF FJ/K1YJK K1YJK JX7DFA LA7DFA P20X P29NB FK8GM WB2RAJ JY9NX JH7FQK P29CC K1WY FK8VHT F6AJA K1WY K1WY P29ND K3BYV FM5BH F6HEQ KC4CD/HR2 HR1JPT P29WK N3ART FM5NA F8AAN KG4BV N4OO P39P 5B4ES FO0PT DJ0FX KG4GC W4WX P3A W3HNK FO0SIL OH1MA KG4TO N4TO P40N KW8N FO5QG XE1L KG4VL N5VL P40W N2MM FR/5R8GF TK5PB KH0/JF2QNM JF2QNM P49M VE3MR FT5ZJ F2YT KH0/JR1LZK JR1LZK PA/DJ1YFK DJ1YFK GD0VKS DL3FCP KH2/JA3QGI JA3QGI PJ2MI W2CQ GD3LSF K1WY KH6T N2AU PT0F N5FA GD4VGN DL4FF KH6X N2AU PW1S PY1KS GH4WKS/P G0GNF KH6XT N2AU PY0FM JA1VOK GI0PCU K1WY KL1SLE WL7KY PZ/PB7RK PB7RK GI3MUS K1WY KL7Y N2AU PZ5DX K3BYV GI6YM K1WY KP3BH NP3GW PZ5JR K3BYV H22H 5B4MF KW1JY K1WY PZ5RA PB7RK H5AE G0IAS L2F LU9FDG R1FJL UA3AGS HB0CZS K1WY LD4KF LA4KF R3RRC/0 RW3GW HC8A WV7Y LD9SN LA9SN RA0AL W3HC HC8L N2AU LO1F LU4FM RA0FF N6FF HD2RG HC2RG LO7H LU7HN RA9LI/P DL6ZFG HI3K HI3JH LT0H LU3HY RF9C RK9CWW HI3LFE AD4Z LT1F LU1FKR RM6A W3HNK HI4M AD4Z LT1H LU1HLH RM6A W3HNK HI8LUZ AD4Z LT3C LU3CT RU0LAX W3HC HI9/N9SW N9SW LT7H LU1HLH RU1A KC1WY HK3/G0SHN F6AJA LX/DF6VI DF6VI RV3MA/0 RV3ACA HK3JJH/0M HK3JJH LX/DL3BRC DL3BRC RY9C UA9CGA RZ1AWT KC1WY UE9WAA RW9WA XX9TAR KU9C RZ9WZ N2AU UE9WAB RV9WB XX9TBH KU9C S01A EA2JG UN5J W3HNK XX9TEP K8EP S07UN CP6CU UN7FW IK2QPR XX9TJL KU9C S09A EA2JG UP5P UN5PR XX9TMC KU9C S21J K1WY US1I N5FG XX9TNX KU9C S79FAG DL7AFS UT5URW W3HC XX9TOT KU9C S79YL DL7AFS V21CW K2ACW XX9TRR N6XJ S79ZG DL7AFS V26B AB2E XX9TXD KU9C SM7CRW W3HNK V29TT N2AU YB0ARA/9 N2AU SO0AA DL9USA V31DX N2AU YB0AZ W7TSQ SP9W SP9HWN V31VJ W3HC YB0JWA N2AU SU1ER WA3HUP V51HK DL6OBS YC0LOW N2AU SU9ZZ OM3TZZ V63YT JE1SCJ YI1DKS IK2DUW SW2A SV2AEL V85QQ DF5UG YI1HK KK3S T32RT W6UC V8A JH7FQK YO3APJ N2AU T33RD OK1RD VF3EJ VE3EJ YS1JR DJ9ZB T42R CO2KG VF6JY VE6JY YS1RAY DJ9ZB T77V W3HNK VK1TX K1WY YZ7DM YT7TY T88AJ 7N3AWE VK4CAY G3ZAY Z30M NN6C T88CW JA2NQG VK4CAY/5 G3ZAY Z32AF NN6C T88HG JA1HGY VK6EWI VK6NE ZB2CN DJ9WH T88HY JA1HYF VK8NSB/P VK9NS ZD7SM W1ZT T88PL JK1OPL VK9XX W0YG ZD7VC K1WY T88WX JA1WSX VK9YY W0YG ZD88A K6NA T99KK PA1AW VO1AA VO1HE ZD8A K6NA /EX S DX@WW $425WW416E 425 DX News #416 [5/6] 24 April 1999 No 416 $425WW416E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== TA1TAH TA1A VO1BZM VO1HE ZD8PC K2CL TA4A W3HC VO1IMD VO1HE ZD8Z VE3HO TF7GX K1WY VO1SDX VO1HE ZD9BV W4FRU TF8GX K1WY VO500JC VO1HE ZF2DR K5RQ TI2WGO TI0RC VP2EKT AA1M ZF2JC/ZF8 NC8V TK/OK2SW OK2SW VP5/IK2SFZ IK2SAI ZF2LC W2SM TL8CG IK1CQD VP5/IK2SGC IK2SAI ZF2YB KI6Y TL8MS DL6NW VP5N IK2SAI ZF2YG K5YG TM1CW F5KBM VP5VER HI3JH ZF2ZZ SM7DZZ TM1MCI F8UFT VP9HK K1EFI ZK2GEO DL1EMH TM2A F5BJW VP9KK K1EFI ZL3KIM K1WY TM2HT F5THW VP9LR K1EFI ZL4IR W8WC TM5CF F5SIE VQ9CV ND1V ZP5XF N2AU TM5DX F5EJC VU2TS I1YRL ZS1ZSL ZS1WA TM9FFP F6KUC VU3TOM KR4ZY ZS23I ZS1FJ TN2FB F3FB VU3VLH OK1MM ZS8D ZS6EZ TR/F5VCR F5VCR VY0XYL VE7YL ZS8IR ZS6EZ TR8CA F6CBC W6XK/KP2 W6XK ZS8MI ZS6EZ TR8JH W3HC W6XR N2AU ZX0F PY5EG TT8AM IK7JTF WP2Z KU9C ZY8A PP8KB TU2XZ W3HC XE1/NP2AQ W3HNK ZZ7Z PR7AR TU5IJ I2AOX UA0QMU UA4RC XT2CI TU2CI TX8DX VK4FW UA0ZBK K1WY XT2DM F5RLE TZ6DX K4DX UA3SDK/0 RU3SD XT2GA F5SBP TZ6VV AA0GL UA9FGR N2AU XT2OW F5RLE UA0ACG K1WY XE1RGL N2AU XU7AAC HL2AQN UA0AOZ K1WY XE2MX K6VNX XV300S K2WE UA0AZ W3HNK XO7X VE7AHA XV6JP JA1IED UA0DC K1WY XR3Z AJ4Y XX9AS KU9C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3D2DI W.J. Smith, P.O. Box 184, Suva, Fiji 4F1EJD Emmanuel J. Diesta, #20 Sumulong St., Parang, Marikina City 1809, Philippines 4F1KBW Benjamin C. Delfin, Lot 15 Block 2, Masagana Homes Subdivision, Santa Rita, Guiguinto, Bulacan, Philippines 5Z4FM Jim Stewart, P.O. Box 63363, Mathaiga, Nairobi, Kenya 6Y5TM DeLeon A. Miller, 148 Mansfield Heights, Ocho Rios, Jamaica 7P8HH Horst, Box 1172, Maseru, Lesotho 9K2TO Mosad A. Mohsen, P. O. Box 915, Farwaniya 81020, Kuwait 9V1RH David H Rankin, P. O. Box 14, Pasir Panjang, Singapore 911121 A71MA Mohamed, Box 24545, Doha, Qatar A92GJ Ed Tenhulzen, Admin. Support Unit, PSC-451, Box 215, FPO AE 09834-2800, USA AJ4Y Paul Womble, P.O. Box 1207, Highland City, FL 33846-1207, USA BA7JK Box 1711, Guan Zhou, People's Republic of China BD4DW David Y. J. Zhou, P.O. Box 040-088, Shanghai, People's Republic of China BG4VBW Yang Zhong Bo, No. 288 Qingnian Road, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221003, People's Republic of China BY1PK P.O.Box 6106, Beijing 100061, People's Republic of China CE3ESS Miguel Gelerstein Rosler, Mirasol 2410, Las Condes, Chile CT1RM Adilio La-Salette, R. Sebastiao Couto, Vila Lusitano, 7000-738 Evora, Portugal DS4CNB D.R. Lee, Kwang San P.O Box 111, KwangJu 506-050, Korea DU1IMA Rey Dandy P Lachica, 2052-D Donada St, Pasay City 1300, Philippines DU1KBW Benjamin C. Delfin, 364 2nd St, 10th Ave., Grace Park, Caloocan City 1400, Philippines DX1E Eastern Amateur Radio Telecommunication Hobbyist, Inc., Olympia Bldg., #618 J. P. Rizal St., Concepcion, Marikina City 1800, Philippines DY1LVA Eduardo Victor J. Valdez, P.O. Box 169, U.P. Diliman Post Office, 1144 Quezon City, Philippines E31AA Jacky Calvo, P. O. Box 593, Pukekohe 1800, New Zealand EA2URV P.O.Box 323, E-48080 Bilbao, Spain ET3AA E.A.R.S., P.O. Box 60258, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ET3KV Karl-Heinz Vollkopf, P. O. Box 7633, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia EZ8AZ Alexander O. Redzhepkuliev, P.O. Box 6, Ashkhabad 744005, Turkmenistan F5SWB Dimitri Frison, El Biar, F-67530 Ottrot, France G0IAS Allan Hickman, The Conifers, High Street, Elkesley, Retford, DN22 8AJ Notts, England G3OCA Ken Frankcom, 1 Chesterton Road, Spondon, Derby DE21 7EN, England /EX S DX@WW $425WW416F 425 DX News #416 [6/6] 24 April 1999 No 416 $425WW416F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== G3ZAY Martin Atherton, 41 Enniskillen Road, Cambridge CB4 1SQ, England HA1AG Zoltan Pitman, Somogyi Bela ut 18, Gyor H-9024, Hungary HA5PP Zoltan Szoke, P.O. Box 1157, Budapest, H-1245, Hungary HI3CR Club Radioaficionados de Santiago, P.O. Box 449-3, Santiago, Dominican Republic HI3JH P.O. Box 122, Santiago, Dominican Republic HK3JJH Pedro J. Allina, Apartado Aereo 81119, Santafe de Bogota, D.C., Colombia HZ1RT Sam, P.O. Box 27021, CP 11417, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia IK7JTF Salvatore Borace, III Trav. Corso Roma N.C., 70010 Cellamare - BA, Italy IZ8CCW Antonio Cannataro, P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy J3/M0BJL Shaun Jarvis, P.O. Box 21, Hythe, Southampton, SO45 1UW, England J69AZ Ernest, P. O. Box 3056, Le Clery, St. Lucia JA9LSZ Yasuhiro Yahara, CPO Box 111, Fukui 910-8691, Japan JH1EVE Hiroshi Higashiyama, 1-12-5, Higashijujo, Kitaku, Tokyo 114-0001 Japan JK2PNY Motoi Kawattsu, 205 Mezon 3-17-15, Nishisugamo, Toshima-ku, 170-0001 Japan JT1BG Bator Sambu, P. O. Box 158, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia, via Japan JT1CC Oyuna Sambu, P. O. Box 158, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia, via Japan JT1CT Jargal Sambu, P. O. Box 158, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia, via Japan JT1DA B. Enkhbayar, P. O. Box 736, Ulan Bator 13, Mongolia, via Japan JT1M Sambu Family Club, P. O. Box 158, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia, via Japan K1WY The K1WY DX Association, P.O. Box 2644, Hartford, CT 06146-2644, USA K1WY The K1WY DX Association, P.O. Box 90, Eeklo 9900, Belgium LA7DFA Per-Einar Dahlen, Roeyskattveien 4, 7713 Sandvollen, Norway LU1HLH Daniel Lucca, Avenida San Martin 4753, 5111 Rio Ceballos, Cordoba, Argentina LU4AA Radio Club Argentino, P.O. Box 97, 1000 Buenos Aires, Argentina LU7EC "Luc" Mariano Elichagaray, Sarmiento S/N, C.P. 2703, Carabelas, Buenos Aires, Argentina LU7HN Rene Ernesto Giorda, P.O. Box 73, 2400 San Francisco, Cordoba, Argentina N5FG Floyd Gerald, 17 Green Hollow Road, Wiggins, MS 39577, USA N7LVD Joyce Johnson, 5627 West Hearn Road, Glendale, Arizona 85306, USA NP3P P.O. Box 161, Fajardo, PR 00738-0161, USA OD5NH P.O. Box 80903, Beirut, Lebanon OD5NH P.O. Box 80903, Beirut, Lebanon OH2BH Martti J. Laine, Nuottaniementie 3D20, 02230 Espoo, Finland OK1JR Stan Matejicek, Moskevska 1464, Praha 10, Czech Republic OK1MM Pavel Valach, Box 99, 37701 Jindrichuv Hradec, Czech Republic OK1TD Jiri Lunak, U Sporky 185, CZ-470 01 Ceska Lipa, Czech Republic ON4CEL Franky Beuselinck, Oostmolenstraat 95, 9880 Aalter, Belgium OZ5AAH Preben Jakobsen, 9 Knoldager, DK-2670 Greve, Denmark PR7AR Irapuan de Sousa, P.O. Box 60, 58200-970 Guarabira, Paraiba, Brazil PT2GTI Roberto Stuckert, P.O. Box 09647, 70001-970, Brasilia/DF, Brazil RK9CWW P.O. Box 17-A, Ekaterinburg 620002, Russia RU3SD P.O. Box 1, Ryazan 390000, Russia RV3ACA Elen Boychenko, P.O. Box 13 Moscow 127521 Russia RV3ZQ Igor Mikheev, P.O. Box 5, Stary Oskol, 309530 Russia RW3GW Valery Sushkov, P.O.Box 3, Lipetsk 398000, Russia RW9QA Vlad Kondratenko, P.O.Box 1, Kurgan-38, 640038, Russia SV2ASP/A Monk Apollo, Monastery Dochiariou, GR-63087 Mt. Athos, Greece SV8CKM Fotis Plessas, G. Doriza 3, GR-281 00 Argostoli, Greece SV8JE Chris Plessas, G. Doriza 3, GR-281 00 Argostoli, Greece TF3AO Arsaell Oskarsson, Laekjasmara 78, IS-200 Kopavogur, Iceland TZ6AK P.O. Box 933, Bamako, Mali UA9CGA Serge V.Stikhin, P.O.Box 1035, Ekaterinburg, 620063, Russia UN5PR Romeo Y. Loparev, P.O. Box 73, Temirtau, 472300 Republic of Kazakhstan UR4EYT P.O. Box 3363, Dnepropetrovsk-5, 320005, Ukraine UT7ND Gene Chumakov, P.O. Box 5235, Vinnitsa, 286018, Ukraine V85AA Bill Maddox, P.O. Box 1711, BS8673, Brunei VO1HE Paul J. Piercey, 40 Mt. Cashel Rd., St. John's, NF A1A 1X7, Canada VU3DFM Deshmukh Mohd. Arif, 27 Tenaments Municipal Building, 4th Floor, R. No. 25, P. T. Udyan, Sewree (W), Bombay 400 015, India XE1/NP2AQ Ron Maples, US Embassy Mexico City, Box 3087, Laredo, TX 78044, USA YC9WZJ Joni Salim, P.O. Box 127, Sorong-98401, Irian Jaya, Indonesia YS1RR Raymundo Rodriguez Diaz, P.O. Box 32, San Salvador, El Salvador ZA5AM Box 1701, Tirana, Albania ZS6EZ Chris R. Burger, Box 4485, Pretoria, 0001 South Africa ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX