DX425 bulletin issue nr. 415

S DX@WW $425WW415A
425 DX News #415 [1/6]
17 April 1999                      No 415                        $425WW415A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3B9    - Thanks to the help provided by the 3B9R Rodrigues Island DXpedition,
         Robert Felicite, 3B9FR is back on the  air. He has been off the  air
         for over five years for a  number of serious reasons, including  the
         loss  of  nearly  everything  he  owned  due  to  a  cyclone.   [TNX
3D2    - Yamato ARC  members JA1JQY,  JA1KJW, JA3MCA/1  and JA8VE/1  will  be
         active respectively  as  3D2SH, 3D2HI,  3D2TK  and 3D2KZ  from  Fiji
         between 30 April  and 1 May.  Look for them  on CW  (CW 1827,  3507,
         7007, 1007, 14007, 18077,  21007, 24897, 28007,  50107 kHz) and  SSB
         (3798, 7080, 14197, 21270,  24937, 28470, 50107  kHz). QSL via  home
         calls. [TNX JA1ELY]
3W     - Steve, K2WE will be active  from Saigon, Vietnam  between 23 and  27
         April. He plans to operate as  XV300S (he may also use his  personal
         call, 3W6WE). QSL via K2WE. [TNX The Daily DX]
4S     - Sigi, DJ4IJ is active again  as 4S7IJG from  Sri Lanka (AS-003)  for
         two weeks. QSL via bureau to DK8ZD. [TNX DX News Letter]
9A     - 9A2DM, 9A3LM, 9A3QE,  9A5SM and 9A6JNP  will be  active as  9A1CZZ/P
         from Brioni Islands (EU-110) between 15 and 18 April. QSL via 9A2DM.
         [TNX DX News Sheet]
9N     - Kazu, JA8MWU (ex 9N1WU) will be active as 9N7WU from nepal between 3
         and 12 May. Look for him on  14180, 21280 and 28480 kHz +/-QRM.  QSL
         via home call. [TNX JA1ELY]
A2     - John, G3HCT will be active on CW as A25/G3HCT from Botswana  between
         1 and 10 May. QSL via G3HCT. [TNX DX News Sheet]
A9     - Ed, WH6CXQ will  be active as  A92GJ from Bahrain  (AS-002) for  the
         next couple  of years.  QSL to  Ed Tenhulzen,  Admin. Support  Unit,
         PSC-451, Box 215, FPO AE 09834-2800 [TNX The Daily DX]
BY     - Look for BY1DX to be active  on the ususal  DX frequencies (RTTY  is
         promised) with  two stations  during the  weekend to  celebrate  the
         official opening of the Radio Club  at the Beijing Chayong  Activity
         Center [425DXN 412]. QSL via OH2BH (Martti J. Laine, Nuottaniementie
         3D20, 02230 Espoo, Finland). [TNX The Daily DX]
DU     - Bernhard, DL2GAC was  active as DU1/DL2GAC  from the Calamian  Group
         (OC-090) as  his first  attempts to  get  to Batan  Island  (OC-093)
         [425DXN 414] were unsuccessful. His plans were to remain at Calamian
         until 14 April, but earlier this week he did not know his  movements
         after that, except that he must be back in Singapore by 21 April  to
         catch his flight back to Germany. If he operates from Batan it  will
         be as DU2/DL2GAC. [TNX 9V1RH]
EA9    - Yuki, JI6KVR will be active as EA9/JI6KVR from Ceuta between 17  and
         22 April. QSL via EA5KB (JA stations via JJ6LXX). [TNX JI6KVR]
FG     - Tada, JA1WPX  will  be active  (on  10-40 metres,  SSB  and  CW)  as
         FG/JA1WPX/P from Guadeloupe (NA-102) between 25 April and 2 May. QSL
         via home call. [TNX JA1ELY]
FR/T   - Jacques, FR5ZU will be active (on 10-40 metres, SSB only) as FR5ZU/T
         in his spare time from Tromelin Island (AF-031) between 16 April and
         4 May. North America stations are suggested to look for him around 2
         UTC on 14.256  MHz with Zareh,  VE2NW. QSL via  VE2NW (except  JAs).
         [TNX VE2NW]
GM     - GM5VG/P will  be  active from  Islay  (EU-008) during  the  Scottish
         Activity Weekend  [425DXN 412]  on 17-18  April.   [TNX  DL8AAM  and
GM     - With the  coming  of the  New  Scottish  Parliament,  amateurs  from
         Scotland will be allowed to use  special prefixes between 6 May  and
         31 July. GM prefixes will be replaced by 2S, MM by 2A and 2M by  2T.
         [TNX GM4FDM]
GW     - Welsh stations are allowed to replace their current prefixes (GW, MW
         and 2W) with special prefixes (respectively 2C, 2X and 2W) between 6
         May  and  31  July  to  celebrate  the  opening  of  the  new  Welsh
         Parliament. [TNX DX News Sheet]
HR    -  The Radio Club de Honduras will  be active as HQ6RCH on 17-18  April
         from Little Cay Island (NO-REF) in the Islas de la Bahia  Department
         - if the island meets  the qualification criteria,  it is likely  to
         qualify for NA-057. [TNX DX News Sheet]
HR     - Rene, HR1RMG is reported to be  planning an operation as  HR1RMG/HR6
         from Santanilla/Swan Islands  (NA-035) in June  or July. [TNX  G0APV
         and Islands On The Web]
I      - Ugo, I0CUT and  others will be  active as IU0AIR  on 23-25 April  on
         7-10.30 UTC and 13-17 UTC. The special call is to celebrate the XVII
         A.I.R.  (Associazione   Italiana   Radioascolto)   DX   Meeting   at
         Monterotondo (Rome) and will be aired  with the co-operation of  ARI
         Rome. QSL via I0CUT (Ugo Cartia, Sezione ARI di Roma, P.O. Box  361,
         00100 Roma Centro - RM, Italy) [TNX IV3-15698]
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425 DX News #415 [2/6]
17 April 1999                      No 415                        $425WW415B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

I      - ARI Carpi members I4IOR (Claudio), IK4GLV (Franco), IK4JPR (Sergio),
         IK4RUX (Vanni), IK4THF (Glauco) and IZ4CCO  (Giuseppe) will be  IA5/
         from Capraia Island (EU-028, IIA LI-020) between 19 and 23 May. Look
         for them on CW and SSB. They also  plan to operate from a couple  of
         other IIA islands in the same  IOTA group. QSL via home calls.  [TNX
I      - IQ3X is the contest call of Mauro, IV3HAX  (http://www.qsl.net/iq3x,
         e-mail iq3x@qsl.net). He will participate in this year's main CW and
         SSB events. QSL  either via  bureau to  IV3SKB or  direct to  IV3HAX
         (Mauro Lizzi, P.O.Box 1, 33034 Fagagna - UD, Italy). [TNX IV3HAX]
JA     - Weather permitting, JH6QCQ, JM6NWR and JL6UBM will be active /6  (on
         6-80 metres SSB and CW) from  Tokara Archipelago (AS-049) between  2
         and 4 May. QSL via home calls. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA     - Eiji, JQ1SUO will be active (on 10-160 metres CW, with some SSB)  as
         JQ1SUO/1 from Mikurajima (AS-008) between 3 and 5 May. QSL via  home
         call (Eiji Shinoda, 3-3-17 Tomisato, Kashiwa, 277-0081 Japan).  [TNX
LU     - Fred, LU6KK (ex LU6KBX) is active again on 160 metres, usually on or
         around 1832 kHz  CW. QSL  via LU6KK  (Fred Sehringer,  Box 16,  4107
         Yerba Buena, Tucuman, Argentina). [TNX LU6KK]
PY     - Rony, PS7AB reports  that PR5B (SSB)  and PT5L (CW)  will be  active
         from Mel Island (SA-047, DIB 34)  between 21 and  28 April. QSL  via
         PP5LL. Fox, PY5BF  also reports an  activity is  being planned  from
         this island by the 59 DX Group (PY5ZT, PP5AVM, PP5AP, PY5BF,  PP5LL,
         PY5HSD and PY5AG):  the call  should be  PR59B and  the dates  21-25
         April.  QSL  via   PP5LL  (Jayme  Lira,   P.O.  Box  08,   88010-970
         Florianopolis - SC, Brazil). [TNX PS7AB and PY5BF]
S7    -  Gavin, GM0GAV will be active (on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres CW) as
         S79GT from the Seychelles (AF-024) between 22 April and 5 May  while
         on honeymoon. QSL via home call. [TNX DX News Sheet]
T8     - JH3FJG and JI3DLI will be active (on 6-80 metres SSB, CW and FM)  as
         T88JR and T88DX respectively from Palau  (OC-009), Belau between  20
         and  25  July.  QSL  T8JRG  via  JH3FJG  (Hiroshi  Hayakoshi,  118-4
         Angoduka, Yawata-city, 6148057 Japan). QSL  T88DX via JI3DLI  (Kenji
         Fujihara, 17-2  Higashiichikawa, Arashiyama,  Nishikyo,  Kyoto-city,
         6160002 Japan). [TNX JI3DLI]
T2     - Yamato ARC  members JA1JQY,  JA1KJW, JA3MCA/1  and JA8VE/1  will  be
         active respectively as  T22JY, T22KJ,  T22TK and  T22VE from  Tuvalu
         (OC-015) between 2 and 9 May.  Look for them on  CW (CW 1827,  3507,
         7007, 1007, 14007, 18077,  21007, 24897, 28007,  50107 kHz) and  SSB
         (3798, 7080, 14197, 21270,  24937, 28470, 50107  kHz). QSL via  home
         calls. [TNX JA1ELY]
T30    - Eight German amateurs from the Berlin DX Group - namely DJ6TF (Tom),
         DL2NWK (Wolf),  DL2RUM  (Tom), DL7BO  (Tom),  DL7DF  (Sigi),  DL7UFR
         (Frank), DL7VFR  (Rudi)  and DD6UYL  (Marianne)  - will  be  leaving
         Germany on 15 October for West Kiribati, where they expect to arrive
         on the 19th (morning T30 time).  The callsigns have not been  issued
         so far, but  they have applied  for a  call to  be used  on SSB  and
         another on CW and RTTY. They will have four complete stations  (with
         amplifers, beams, etc.) and plans are  to run three stations  around
         the clock on all bands until  the T33 group  leaves for Banaba  (see
         below). The group will depart Kiribati  on 11 November. For  further
         information please visit http://www.qsl.net/DL2RUM [TNX DL2RUM]
T33    - Four operators from the German team  (see T30 above) will go and  be
         active from Banaba (OC-018) between 28  October and 2 November  with
         three stations. [TNX DL2RUM]
UA     - The  International  North  Pole  Expedition   (Moscow-Murmansk-Franz
         Joseph Land (EU-019)-Sredniy Island (AS-42)-North Pole) started on 9
         April and will end on the  25th. Amateur radio activity takes  place
         with two calls:  RV3MA/0 (operator  Roman) and  the special  Russian
         Robinson Club  call R3RRC/0  (operated by  RV3MA). QSL  RV3MA/0  via
         RV3ACA (Elen  Boychenko,  P.O. Box  13  Moscow 127521  Russia).  QSL
         R3RRC/0 via  RW3GW  (Valery  Sushkov,  P.O.Box  3,  Lipetsk  398000,
         Russia).  The  web  site  of  the   Russian  Robinson  Club  is   at
         http://www.stinol.lipetsk.ru/~rrc [TNX RW3GW]
UA     - Yuri, UA0KCL  plans to  be active  as  UA0KCL/0 from  Rautan  Island
         (AS-038) for a couple of days "after 15 April". QSL via RA3DEJ. [TNX
W      - Joe, K2OLG expected to be active from NA-138 on 15 April and  NA-058
         on 16 April. QSL via K2OLG either direct or through the bureau. [TNX
         K2OLG and Islands On The Web]
W      - The West Jackson  County Amateur Radio  Club will be  active as  N5D
         between 22 UTC on 23 April and 22  UTC on the 25th to celebrate  the
         300th anniversary of  "D'Ibervill's landing in  Ocean Springs,  MS".
         QSL to West  Jackson County ARC,  P.O. Box 1822,  Ocean Springs,  MS
         59564, USA. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
XX9    - VR2SS is expected to be active as XX9TSS from Taipa Island (AS-075),
         Macau until 9  May. Main activity  will be on  6 metres (50.090  CW,
         50.140 and 50.100 Mhz FM), but some activity on HF bands is  planned
         as well.  QSL to  Motoi Kawattsu,  205 Mezon  3-17-15,  Nishisugamo,
         Toshima-ku, 170-0001 Japan. [TNX JI6KVR]
YI     - Alex, PA3DZN [425DXN 414] is now in Baghdad, Iraq and could not take
         any radio equipment with him: he will contact the locals in order to
         obtain permission to operate,  but he anticipates  it may take  some
         time to get a licence. [TNX The Daily DX]
ZB     - Martyn, G3RFX will be active (on  10-80 metres CW and SSB) as  ZB2FX
         from Gibraltar until 5 May.  QSL via G3RFX. [TNX DX News Sheet]
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425 DX News #415 [3/6]
17 April 1999                      No 415                        $425WW415C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

MACAU ---> There is no QSL bureau for Macau, however cards sent to the  local
Amateur Radio Association  (Associacao dos Radioamadores  de Macau, P.O.  Box
6018, Macau) will be forwarded to the appropriate person. [TNX The Daily DX]

QSL 8J3IKD ---> Please note that all  of the contacts made with this  special
station celebrating the 60th anniversary of  Ikeda City [425DXN 411] will  be
confirmed automatically through the JARL bureau. 8J3IKD will be active  until
30 April.

QSL ET3AA ---> Please note that the *only* ET3AA log Steve, G3VMW has is  for
his CW operation between 18 and 30 September 1998. He is NOT the QSL  manager
for normal ET3AA QSOs, which are usually SSB. The current QSL route is direct
to E.A.R.S., P.O. Box 60258, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. [TNX G3VMW]

QSL K4AU/WH1 ---> "I've been advised by  K4AU that all QSLs sent direct  have
been answered. Bureau cards are going out in bundles... as soon as he gets  a
certain amount he sends them out all at once." [TNX KA4IST]

QSL YI9CW ---> Tom SP5AUC (ex YI9CW)  has left Poland for his new  assignment
in Vietnam. The backlog of direct QSLs for his YI9CW operation is handled  by
Mirek, SP5APT. Zygi, SP5ELA is a back-up manager and has access to the  YI9CW
logs. If help is needed,  please send an  e-mail to: zygi@sp5pbe.waw.pl  [TNX

QSL YS1JR & YS1RAY ---> Franz, DJ9ZB is  the new QSL manager for John,  YS1JR
(ex YS1JRG) and Ray jr. (YS1RAY). He will have the logs for all contacts made
starting on 1  January 1999. These  are the  sons of  Raymundo, YS1RR,  whose
family also  includes  his brother  Salvador  (YS1SRD),  his  sister  Coralia
(YS1CD) and his wife Titi (YS1TT).  YS1JR was the call of Raymundo's  father,
Jose Rodriguez,  who died  in 1996  after being  active for  more than  fifty
years. [TNX YS1RR]

QSL ZL9CI ---> QSL manager Ken  Holdom, ZL2HU (Box 56099, Tawa, New  Zealand)
reports the cards were received from  the printer on  10 April. A  six-member
team has started replying to the  requests received through 31 March  (9,200+
envelopes) and they hope these cards  will be processed and mailed within  30
June. QSL cards received after 31  March will be processed immediately  after
the above 9,200 envelopes. QSL cards received via the bureau (or those  which
do not include the necessary postage, return envelopes etc) will be processed
when time permits. "If you have sent cards both directly and thru the  buro",
Ken says, "I would  appreciate your brief  NEW message to  this effect and  I
will endeavour  to eliminate  duplicate responses  when we  process the  BURO
cards." Ken's e-mail address is zl2hu@clear.net.nz [TNX ZL2HU]

QSL VIA G3VMW  ---> Steve, G3VMW  reports he has  despatched all direct  QSLs
received so far for his recent C56SW operation from The Gambia. Cards with no
return postage have been sent via  the RSGB bureau  together with all  bureau
and e-mail requests. Steve also has the  logs for his 1997 & 1998  operations
as 5B4/G3VMW, 5V7SW and 9G5SW and  would be happy to confirm any  outstanding
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425 DX News #415 [4/6]
17 April 1999                      No 415                        $425WW415D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

QSL VIA IK7JTF  ---> IK7JTF  (Salvatore Borace,  III Trav.  Corso Roma  N.C.,
70010 Cellamare -  BA) is the  QSL manager for  4L1UN, 4L4AJ, 4L0CR,  5N9EAM,
5N9RGP, 5N99EAM,  5N99RGP, 9K2AI,  A61AP, A71/9K2AI,  AP2KSD, AP2MAM,  BV5BG,

+ SILENT KEY + George Sweigert, N9LC died on 23 February at 79 years of  age.
First licensed as W8ZIS and a  World War II veteran, he  was the inventor  of
the cordless telephone back in 1969. [TNX W3HC]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

IOTA:         Listings, rules and more information on the RSGB IOTA Programme
              are available at http://www.logiciel.co.uk/iota/
LOGS:         The logs for the  recent 3D2TN, T30R  and T33RD operations  are
              now available at http://www.okdxc.cz/pacific99/
LOGS (C5):    Logs for  the  recent C56EL  operation  are  now  available  at
LOGS (S79):   Doug, N6RT  reports the  logs of  S79FAG, S79YL  and S79ZG  are
              updated daily at http://dx.qsl.net/logs  (it is worth  checking
              this site regularly as new logs  are added weekly - one of  the
              latest is the S79AG log for Erik, SM0AGD's March 1999 operation
              - in addition to a list of links to other logs on the net)

QSL received via direct:   3B8CF, 3D2DX, 3D2MA,  3D2QB, 3V8BB, 3W5FM,  3W6US,
4U1WB, 5A1A, 5H3RK, 5H3US, 5N0/OK1AUT, 5R8PR  (AF-057), 5U7DG, 7X2RO,  8Q7DV,
8Q7IQ, 9A7A, 9J2BO,  9M6AAC, 9M8YY,  9X0A, 9Y4/DL4MCF,  A41LZ, A45XR,  A71CD,
AP2TJ, BA1DU,  BD4DW,  BD7JG, BD7NQ,  BI7W  (AS-139), C21ZM,  C56SW,  DS4BHW,
E30BA, E30GA,  E31AA,  E44A, EP3HR,  ET3VSC,  EU7SA, EY8MM,  FO0KOL,  FO0SIL,
FW5XX,  HC8N,  HF0POL,  IH9/OL5Y  (AF-018),  JT1BG,  KC4AAA,  KH6FHX,   KL7J,
(EU-133), RU9VA, P29CC, S79KMB, SV2ASP/A, T22JJ,  T30ED, T88II, T88X,  TE45C,
TI1C, TT8FC,  UA0FF,  UA9FQF/9,  V63X,  V73UX,  VP2V/IK1EDC,  VP8CRB,  VR2LC,
VS96BG, XT2OW, XX9TRR, XX9TZ, XZ1N, YS1RR,  Z28D, ZA0B (EU-169), ZY6XC,  ZY8M

QSL cards received  via WF5E QSL  Service:  5Z4RL,  9H0A, 9H3DN,  AH4/WA6FGV,

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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425 DX News #415 [5/5]
17 April 1999                      No 415                        $425WW415E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  Jun        3DA0CA: Swaziland                                      411
till  06/05      4F7/SM3SGP: Cebu Island (OC-129)                       412
till  end Apr    5N99: special prefix (Nigeria)                         414
till  30/04      8J3IKD: celebrative call (Japan)                       411
till  18/04      9A1CZZ/P: Brioni Is (EU-110) * by 9As                  415
till  May        9G5HK: Ghana * by DL1IAL                               404
till  17/05      9N7UD: Nepal * by K4VUD                                413
till  2001       A92GJ: Bahrain (AS-002) * by WH6CXQ                    415
till  30/04      AT0DJQ: special contest prefix * by VU3DJQ             409
till  17/04      BV3/DJ3KR: Taiwan (AS-020)                             410
till  23/04      CE9R: South Shetlands (AN-010) * by CE3HDI             412
till  01/05      EG: URE 50th anniversary stations (Spain)              414
till  August     FK8VHU: New Caledonia                                  401
till  December   FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL                      401
till  December   FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island                                399
till  30/04      HS0ZAR: Thailand * by K3ZO                             413
till  30/04      J28BS: Djibouti * by F5PHW                             413
till  18/04      JA9XBW/JD1: Ogasawara (AS-031)                         413
till  19/04      KH0XX: Saipan (OC-086) * by JP1NWZ                     414
till  20/04      P49M: Aruba (SA-036) * by VE3MR                        397
till  25/04      RV3MA/0 and R3RRC/0: North Pole Expedition             415
till  02/05      S79YL, ZG, FAG: Seychelles * by DL7AFS, DJ7ZG, DL2FAG  413
till  20/04      TL8CG: Central Africa * by IZ1CQD                      412
till  09/05      TM1CW: special station (France)                        413
till  17/04      TM2A: Aix Island (EU-032) * by F5BJW                   413
till  end Apr    UA3SDK/0: Sredniy Island (AS-042)                      414
till  30/04      V47XC: Nevis Island (NA-104) * by G0IXC                414
till  18/04      VK8NSB/P: Groote Eylandt (OC-141)                      409
till  May        VQ9DX: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by AA5DX                403
till  Sep 2000   XE1/NP2AQ: Mexico                                      414
till  27/11      XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada)              401
till  25/04      XL3D: celebrative call (Canada)                        411
till  05/05      ZB2FX: Gibraltar * by G3RFX                            415
till  Apr        ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT                388
16/04-25/04      4U1ITU: ITU Geneva * by W3DQ                           414
16/04-04/05      FR5ZU/T: Tromelin Island (AF-031)                      415
17/04-18/04      BY1DX: China                                           415
17/04-22/04      EA9/JI6KVR: Ceuta                                      415
17/04-18/04      GM5VG/P: Islay (EU-008)                                415
17/04-18/04      HQ6RCH: Little Key Island (NO-REF)                     415
17/04-18/04      SVA (AthinaiRadio) * by Greek Telegraphy Club          413
17/04-18/04      EU Sprint Spring SSB Contest                           ***
17/04-18/04      Scottish Activity Weekend                              412
from mid-April   ZS8D: Marion Island (AF-021) * by ZS6DE                412
21/04-25/04      PR59B: Mel Island (SA-047, DIB 34)                     415
21/04-28/04      PR5B and PT5L: Mel Island (SA-047, DIB 34)             415
22/04            HV5PUL: Vatican City                                   411
22/04-25/04      II2V * special A. Volta station                        407
22/04-05/05      S79GT: Seychelles (AF-024) * by GM0GAV                 415
23/04-25/04      IU0AIR: special event station * by I0CUT and others    415
23/04-25/04      N5D: celebrative station * by West Jackson County ARC  415
23/04-27/04      XV300S (3W6WE): Vietnam * by K2WE                      415
23/04-25/04      IOTA Convention - Alicante (Spain)                     ***
24/04            IY0TC: Marconian station                               414
24/04-25/04      SVA (AthinaiRadio) * by Greek Telegraphy Club          413
24/04-25/04      Helvetia Contest                                       ***
24/04-25/04      SP DX RTTY Contest                                     ***
25/04-02/05      FG/JA1WPX/P: Guadeloupe (NA-102)                       415
28/04-04/05      JI3DST/6 (7N3UXO/6): Tokara Archipelago (AS-049)       413
29/04-03/05      BI5D: Zhejiang Province Group (AS-???) * by BYs        413
30/04-01/05      3D2SH, 3D2HI, 3D2TK and 3D2KZ: Fiji * by JAs           415
April            4S7IJG: Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by DJ4IJ                  415
April            9N7RN: Nepal * by IZ6BRN                               407
April            DU2/DL2GAC: Batan Island (OC-093)                  ??? 415
April            UA0KCL/0: Rautan Island (AS-038)                       415
April-09/05      XX9TSS: Taipa Island (AS-075) * by VR2SS               415
01/05-10/05      A25/G3HCT: Botswana                                    415
01/05            AGCW DL CW QRP Contest                                 ***
01/05-02/05      ARI Contest                                            ***
02/05-04/05      JH6QCQ/6, JM6NWR/6, JL6UBM/6: Tokara Arch. (AS-049)    415
02/05-09/05      T22JY, T22KJ, T22TK, T22VE: Tuvalu (OC-015) * by JAs   415
03/05-07/05      G0ANA/p: Isles of Scilly (EU-011) * by GW0ANA          409
03/05-05/05      JQ1SUO/1: Mikurajima (AS-008)                          415
03/05-12/05      9N7WU: Nepal * by JA8MWU                               415
06/05-31/07      2S, 2A and 2T: special prefixes from Scotland          415
06/05-31/07      2C, 2X and 2W: special prefixes from Wales             415
08/05-09/05      II2V * special A. Volta station                        407
08/05-10/05      JM1PXG/6: Koshiki Islands (AS-037)                     413
08/05-09/05      CQ M Contest                                           ***
08/05-09/05      Volta RTTY Contest                                     ***
12/05-15/05      PA/ON4BAM: Ameland Island (EU-038)                     411
15/05            EU Sprint Spring CW Contest                            ***
18/05-02/06      HS0ZCW: Thailand * by K4VUD                            410
19/05-23/05      IA5/I4IOR,IK4GLV,IK4JPR,IK4RUX,IK4THF,IZ4CCO: EU-028   415
22/05-23/05      Baltic Contest                                         ***
22/05-23/05      ITU Contest                                            ***
23/05-03/06      OJ0/K7BV, OH0/K7BV & OH0Z: Market Reef and Aland Is    409
29/05-30/05      CQ WPX CW Contest                                      ***