DX425 bulletin issue nr. 413

S DX@WW $425WW413A
425 DX News #413 [1/5]
  3 April 1999                    No 413                   BID: $425WW413A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3A     - Henry, HB9APJ will be active (on 10-30 metres CW) as 3A/HB9APJ  from
         Monaco between 7 and 19 April. QSL via HB9APJ. [TNX The Daily DX]
3B9    - The 3B9R DXpedition to Rodrigues Island [425DXN 411] has a web  site
         (http://www.dateline.ru/3b9/) where  to find  information about  the
         DXpedition, frequency  table, operating  plan and  more (but  please
         note that on-line logs will NOT  be available).  For the time  being
         suggested frequencies  are 1826.5,  3503, 7003/7023,  10103,  14003,
         18073, 21003, 24893,  28003, 50105 on  CW; 3795, 7065,  14195/14245,
         18145, 21295, 24945, 28495 on SSB; 7043, 14083, 21083 on RTTY.
         Please pass  along  your  comments  for  the  team  to  Andy,  UA3AB
         (ua3ab@dateline.ru);   Tom,   N4XP   (n4xp@juno.com);   Gary,   K7ZD
         (k7zd@inficad.com). QSL via  N7LVD (Joyce Johnson,  5627 West  Hearn 
         Road, Glendale, Arizona 85306, USA). [TNX K7ZD]
3W     - Sugi, JA2BWH will be active as 3W6BWH from Vietnam between 8 and  12
         April. SSTV enthusiasts will find him on 14240, 21346 and 28680 kHz.
         QSL via JA2BWH. [TNX DX News Sheet]
4X     - 4Z0A is the special call issued to 4X1VF for the next two months. It
         will be used  for the first  time during the  activity [425DXN  411]
         from Achziv Island (AS-100).  Sea conditions permitting,  operations
         are expected to  take place between  05.30 UTC and  14.00 UTC on  10
         April. Three stations will operate on  20, 15 and 10 metres SSB  and
         CW. QSL via 4Z5DW. [TNX 4X1VF and 4Z1GY]
7Q     - OOOPS! There was a typo in  last week's issue:  the QSL manager  for
         7Q7JL, 7Q7LA  and 7Q7HB  is Allan  Hickman, G0IAS  (not G0AIS!).  We
         apologize for any  inconvenience this may  have caused our  readers.
         See below "QSL VIA G0IAS" for the full list of the stations  managed
         by Allan.
8P     - Mario, K2ZD will be active (on HF bands and 6 metres) as 8P9JM  from
         Barbados (NA-021) between 6 and 13 April. QSL via K2ZD. [TNX K2ZD]
9N     - Charlie, K4VUD/9N1UD will be again in  Nepal between 7 April and  17
         May. During this time period  he will be  visiting Tibet, China  and
         Bhutan as well. [TNX The Daily DX]
BY     - The BI5D IOTA DXpedition to Dongtou Island in the Zhejiang  Province
         Group (AS-???) [425DXN 411]  is confirmed to  take place between  29
         April and 3  May. A team  of 26 operators  will be  active with  six
         stations, three yagis and three amplifiers  on all bands  70cm-160m.
         Look for them on  CW (1.826, 3.530,  7.025, 10.115, 14.038,  18.098,
         21.038, 24.918, 28.038), SSB (3.755, 7.055, 14.260, 18.128,  21.260,
         24.945, 28.465) and  RTTY (7.040, 10.140,  14.080, 21.080,  28.080).
         They will pay special attention to North America at 00.00-04.00  UTC
         (15, 17  and 20  metres CW),  11.00-15.00  UTC (40  metres  CW/SSB),
         11.00-13.00 UTC  (80 metres  CW), 22.00-00.00  UTC  (15, 20  and  40
         metres on SSB/CW). Europeans are invited to look for them between  7
         and 18  UTC. The  VH and  UH frequencies  will be  50.115  (SSB/CW),
         144.10 (SSB/CW) and  432.20 (SSB/CW).  QSL direct  to P.O.Box  1713,
         Guangzhou City 510600,  People's Republic of  China. Please  contact
         either Alan, BA1DU (ba1du@arrl.net) or Yang, BD7JA (bd7ja@amsat.org)
         for comments, suggestions etc. [TNX BA1DU]
CO     - Fabrizio, IN3ZNR and a group of Cuban and Canadian amateurs will  be
         active, possibly with a T47 call, from Cayo Coco (NA-086) during the
         last week of July. They will  participate in the IOTA Contest.  [TNX
CT     - A  group  of  operators  from  Northern  Portugal  DX   Group/Aveiro
         University (ARUA) plan to be active from Insua Island (EU-150) on  3
         and 4 April.  The main objectives  of the operation  are to train  a
         group of  young amateurs  and to  concentrate on  Asia and  Pacific,
         where EU-150 is still a rare one. [TNX CT1CJJ and CT1EEB]
ES     - Vello, ES1QD will be active (SSB  and CW) from Muhu Island  (EU-034)
         between 9 and 11 April. QSL via ES1QD either direct (Vello Priimann,
         Box 2259, 13502 Tallinn,  Estonia) or through  the bureau. [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
F      - Special station TM1CW will be active on all bands and modes  between
         10 April and 9 May to  celebrate the 100th anniversary of the  first
         wireles transmission over the Channel. QSL via F5KBM. [TNX F1PSH]
F      - Didier, F5BJW will  be active (on  all bands SSB)  as TM2A from  Aix
         island (EU-032)  between  10  and  17  April.  [TNX  F6AJA  and  Les
         Nouvelles DX]
HS     - Fred, K3ZO will be active as  HS0ZAR from Thailand between 3 and  30
         April. He plans to operate on  10, 15, 20 and  40 metres, mostly  on
         CW, and to concentrate  on 10 metres  between 13 and  15 UTC for  US
         stations. QSL via K3ZO. [TNX The Daily DX]
S DX@WW $425WW413B
425 DX News #413 [2/5]
  3 April 1999                    No 413                   BID: $425WW413B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

I      - Walter, IN3XUG  is active  as IC8/IN3XUG  from Ischia  (EU-031,  IIA
         NA-001) until 9 April. QSL via home call. [TNX IN3XUG]
J2    -  Phil, F5PHW is expected to be  active as J28BS  until 30 April  from
         the French Radio Club in Djibouti. He might operate on 6 metres  and
         RTTY as well. QSL via F6KPQ. [TNX I5FLN and VK2SG RTTY DX Notes]
JA     - Takeshi, JI3DST/7N3UXO will be active (on  17, 15, 12 and 10  metres
         SSB) as JI3DST/6 (7N3UXO/6) from Tokara Archipelago (AS-049) between
         00.00 UTC  on 28  April and  02.00  UTC on  4  May. QSL  via  JI3DST
         (Takeshi Funaki,  2-18-26  Hannan-Cho  Abeno-Ku,  Osaka-City,  Osaka
         545-0021, Japan). [TNX JI6KVR]
JA     - Toshi, JM1PXG will be /6 from Koshiki Islands (AS-037) between 7 UTC
         on 8 May and 00 UTC on the 10th.  Plans are to work on 10-40  metres
         CW with some SSB, with special  attention to Europe. QSL via  JM1PXG
         either direct  (his new  address  is: Toshiyuki  Saito,  3-10-3-204,
         Yoga, Setagaya, Tokyo  1580097, Japan) or  through the bureau.  [TNX
JD_oga - Yasu, JA9XBW will  be active (on  160-6 metres, CW,  SSB and FM)  as
         JA9XBW/JD1 from Ogasawara (AS-031) between 9  and 18 April. QSL  via
         JA9XBW. [TNX JI6KVR]
KL     - Mike, AL7KC expected  to be on  Semichi Island  (NA-037) between  30
         March and 2  April and to  operate from  the local  club station  as
         KL7FBI. QSL via KL7FBI. [TNX WA3MME and Islands On The Web]
KL     - Frank, KL7FH will be on St. Lawrence Island (NA-040) starting around
         5 April [425DXN  412] possibly  until the  9th. He  will operate  as
         KL1SLE       on       both       SSB       and       CW.       Check
         http://www.customcpu.com/personal/kl7fh [TNX  WL7KY and  Islands  On
         The Web]
OH0    - The Finnish  Radio Amateur  League's (SRAL)  station OH0M  has  been
         active from Aland  Islands (EU-002) since  1 April and  will go  QRT
         around 8 UTC on the  5th. The operators  (OH1KAG, OH3FM, OH3LQK  and
         OH3NLP) are active on all bands CW and SSB (RTTY activity will  take
         place during  the  EA RTTY  Contest).  QSL via  OH3LQK  through  the
         bureau. [TNX OH1KAG]
PY     - PY1NEZ (Lima), PY1NEW (Pete) and PY1LVF  (Jose) will be active  from
         three islands (namely Itacuruca, Martins and Jaguanum) in IOTA group
         SA-029 between  9  and 12  April.  They will  operate  as  PT1Z  (or
         PY1NEZ/P), PY1NEW/P and ZX1Z (or PY1LVF/P) on CW (1835, 3530,  7030,
         10115, 14040,  18098, 21040,  24920 and  28040 kHz)  and SSB  (1850,
         3755, 7055, 14260, 18128, 21260, 24950,  28360, 28460 kHz). QSL  via
         home calls either direct or through the PY1 bureau. [TNX PY1LVF  and
S7     - YL operator DL7AFS  (Babs), DJ7ZG (Lot)  and DL2FAG  (Karl) will  be
         active (on all bands, except 80 metres, CW, SSB and RTTY) as  S79YL,
         S79ZG and S79FAG respectively from Mahe (AF-024), Seychelles between
         11 April and 2 May. They might operate also from one or two other S7
         IOTA groups. QSL via DL7AFS for all of the three calls. [TNX DL2FAG]
SV     - IK3ZAW (Veronica), Kiki (SV1BRL) and possibly others will be  active
         as J41YLS from Euboea (EU-060) on  3 and 4 April.  Look for them  on
         SSB and CW (Veronica  is also likely  to try some  of the RS-13  and
         AO-27 orbits).  They  are  expected to  use  this  call  from  other
         locations in SV1 until 12 April. [TNX IK3ZAW and SV1BSX]
SV     - Greek Coast Station "AthinaiRadio" (SVA) will  be activated for  the
         very last time on CW by the Greek Telegraphy Club between 4 UTC  and
         21 UTC  on 3-4,  10-11, 17-18  and 24-25  April. Yorgos,  SV1NA  and
         others will be operating as SVA2  on 4239,4 kHz (QRV on 3525),  SVA3
         on 6344 kHz (QRV on 7025), SVA4 on 8704 kHz (QRV on 7025 and 10125),
         SVA5 on 13029 kHz (QRV on  14035), SVA6 on 16966  kHz (QRV on  14035
         and 18085), SVA7 on 22595,7 kHz (QRV on 21035, 24905 and 28035). QSL
         via the SV bureau. [TNX SV1NA]
SV     - Mike, HB9EBC will be active (mainly on CW) as SV/SM0TXM/P from Paros
         Island (EU-067) between 9 and 17 April. [TNX DX News Sheet]
T8     - JJ1DWB/T88MT (Misao),  JM1LJS/T88LJ (Hide)  and 7N1KAE/T88??  (Hiro)
         plan to be active from Palau (OC-009), Belau between 27 April and  7
         May. They will operate on 6-80 metres SSB and CW and T88LJ will  try
         SSTV. QSL  T88MT  via JJ1DWB  (Misao  Tanzawa,  3-15  Yakata,  Kofu,
         Yamanashi 400-0017,  Japan). QSL  T88LJ  via JM1LJS  (Hideyuki  Kai,
         4-22-15, Takata-higashi, Kohoku-Ku  Yokohama-City 223-0065,  Japan).
         QSL  T88??  via  7N1KAE   (Hiroyuki  Yamada,  2-9-209,   Chigusadai,
         Inage-Ku, Chiba-City 263-0013, Japan). [TNX JM1LJS]
T9     - T99KK  is  Alex,  PA3DZN   (ex  TL5A),  who   is  now  active   from
         Bosnia/Herzegovina. QSL via PA1AW (ex PA3DMH). [TNX The Daily DX]
UR     - Radio Club UR4EYT (aka UR4E) has  been issued the call EM4E for  use
         in contests  during 1999.  QSL via  UR4EYT either  direct (P.O.  Box
         3363, Dnepropetrovsk-5, 320005 Ukraine) or through the bureau.  [TNX
V8     - Hans, DF5UG is  now active as  V85QQ from Brunei  (OC-088). QSL  via
         home call.
VE     - The Society of Newfoundland Radio Amateurs  DX Group will be  active
         (on all bands CW and SSB) as VO1AA on 14 April (00.00-22.30 UTC)  to
         celebrate the 40th anniversary of the  Incorporation of SONRA.  Look
         for them on all  bands on SSB  and CW. There  will be a  certificate
         available to any eligible  contact upon receipt  of an SASE.  Please
         send your requests to either SONRA DX Group (Box 23099, St.  John's,
         NF A1B 4J9, Canada) or VO1HE  (Paul J. Piercey,  40 Mt. Cashel  Rd.,
         St.  John's,  NF  A1A  1X7,  Canada).  The  SONRA  web  site  is  at
         http://webhost.avint.net/sonra [TNX VO1HE]

S DX@WW $425WW413C
425 DX News #413 [3/5]
  3 April 1999                    No 413                   BID: $425WW413C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

VK     - Martin, G3ZAY became  active as  VK4CAY from  the Wellesley  Islands
         (Queensland State (Carpentaria  Gulf) South group,  OC-227/p) on  29
         March, sooner than anticipated.  He was forced  to change his  plans
         due to problems with transportation  and went QRT  on 30 March.  QSL
         via G3ZAY. [TNX WD8MGQ]
VK     - Things down  under are  happening very  fast, with  schedules  being
         changed at  the last  moment due  to weather  and/or  transportation
         availabilities. As he went QRT from the Wellesley Islands (OC-227/p)
         earlier than planned, Martin,  G3ZAY was able  to operate as  VK4CAY
         from Green Island  (OC-172) for a  few hours  on 31  March. QSL  via
         G3ZAY. [TNX WD8MGQ]
VK     - Martin, G3ZAY  is active  as VK4CAY  from Thursday  Island  (OC-138)
         [425DXN 409] until approximately 23 UTC  on 3 April. QSL via  G3ZAY.
         [TNX WD8MGQ]
VK     - Martin, G3ZAY and Robert, VK5AFZ will  now be active from the  South
         Australia State East group (OC-???) with two stations between 22 UTC
         on 4 April and 11 UTC on the 5th [425DXN 410]. [TNX DX News Sheet]
W      - John, AE5B is active from Mustang Island (NA-092) until 18 UTC on  5
         April. While in the area he will operate from several other  islands
         located in the same IOTA group. [TNX AE5B and Islands On The Web]
XX9    - Ed, K8EP will be in Macao between 8 and 12 April. He plans to get  a
         licence upon arrival and to  operate (SSB and  CW) on 10-40  metres.
         QSL via K8EP. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
ZS     - Do not expect Rudi, ZS6VER  to be active  from Seal Island  (AF-077)
         very soon [425DXN 412]. "Because of weather conditions over the next
         few months, it is winter over here, it  would not be a good idea  to
         go south so we will be spending some  time on the east coast to  get
         to know the yacht", he says.  "We hope to move  in the direction  of
         Knysna/Mosselbay in  September when  the worst  storms are  over.  I
         believe choosing the  right weather window  for the  visit would  be
         crutial but  that would  make predicting  the  actual dates  of  the
         operation very difficult". In the meanwhile he is working to get the
         necessary  landing   permission.  Rudi,   ZS6VER/V51VE  and   Katti,
         ZS6KVR/V51KV will be voyaging all around the world for at least 8-10
         years... [TNX G0UIH nd Islands On The Web]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

EA5/DL1BKK/P ---> Werner was active for a few hours on 30 March from  Tabarca
Island (EU-093). QSL via DL1BKK.

IIA TROPHY 1999  ---> It is  sponsored by the  Crazy DX Group  (P.O. Box  11,
04011 Aprilia - LT, Italy) and it is for contacting/listening/activating  the
largest number of different  referenced Italian islands.  It will take  place
between 1  June and  30 September.  For  further information  please  contact
crazy@grisnet.it     (http://www.grisnet.it/crazy)      or      crazy@qsl.net
(http://www.qsl.net/crazy). [TNX IK0QDB]

22 August and  several stations have  already confirmed their  participation.
For  further   information  please   contact   Mike  Dalrymple,   GM4SUC   at
gm4suc@compuserve.com [TNX K2JXW]

OZ7AEI/P ---> Jakob  was active on  30 March  from Jegindoe  (NJ-006 for  the
Danish Islands Award, it does not count for IOTA). For further information on
the Danish Islands  Award, please  check www.qsl.net/oz2zb  or contact  Knud,
OZ2ZB at oz2zb@qsl.net [TNX OZ2ZB]

QSL 8J1RL ---> Just  to remind that  cards for this  club station located  on
Ongul Island (AN-015) should be sent through the JARL bureau.

QSL 8Q7AM ---> Jose M. Sobrino, EA5MB is the new QSL manager for 8Q7AM.  [TNX

QSL C21SX ---> Roger, G3SXW reminds  that bureau cards for his 27  February-7
March operation as C21SX can be  requested by e-mail:  just send QSO  details
and your call-sign to G3SXW@compuserve.com (the first 200 cards have  already
gone to the bureau). Direct cards are being handled within 48 hours (there is
no backlog) and should be sent to Roger Western, 7 Field Close,  Chessington,
Surrey KT9 2QD, England. [TNX G3SXW]

QSL HC8L ---> Art, N2AU is  now the QSL manager for  HC8L (operated by  Dave,
W6NL). All cards for the past  ARRL SSB DX Contest  and future operations  go
via N2AU. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
S DX@WW $425WW413D
425 DX News #413 [4/5]
  3 April 1999                    No 413                   BID: $425WW413D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

QSL L4D ---> Please note that  Phil, G3SWH still has the  logs and cards  for
the SSB only operation (on 20 and 15 metres) by L4D from Isla Blanca (SA-065)
on 20-21 November  1993. Phil  will only  respond to  cards received,  either
direct (Phil Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons Grove, Congresbury, Bristol, BS49  5HQ
United Kingdom) or via the RSGB bureau. [TNX G3SWH]

QSL RF9C ---> This was the call used by RK9CWW Radio Club members during  the
CQ WW  WPX  SSB  Contest.  QSL  via RK9CWW  either  direct  (P.O.  Box  17-A,
Ekaterinburg 620002, Russia) or through the bureau. [TNX RA9CKQ]

QSL ZS8MI ---> There were three  operators using the call  ZS8MI, and it  was
always a problem to determine which  operator had been worked, and which  QSL
route should be  used. Now Chris  Burger, ZS6EZ  reports that  the NCDXF  has
funded the printing of QSL cards and that he has access to all the ZS8MI logs
- in other words, all ZS8MI operations can now be confirmed via ZS6EZ, either
direct (Chris R. Burger, Box  4485, Pretoria, 0001  South Africa) or  through
the bureau. He can confirm also contacts made with ZS8D and ZS8IR.

QSL VIA  G0IAS --->  Allan, G0IAS  (allan@g0ias.freeserve.co.uk) is  the  QSL
manager for the follwing stations: 7Q7RM, 7Q7LA, 7Q7JL, 7Q7HB, 7Q7BX,  7Q7BW,
7Q7FM, 7Q7JWL,  7Q7RL, 7Q7AH,  3DA0BX, 3DA0BW,  H5AE,  9H3KI and  5Z4RL.  QSL
direct only to Allan Hickman, The  Conifers, High Street, Elkesley,  Retford,
DN22 8AJ Notts, UK. Please note  that he is *not* the  QSL manager for  5Z4FM
(Jim Stewart, P.O. Box 63363, Mathaiga, Nairobi, Kenya) [TNX G0IAS]

QSL VIA IK3ZAW  ---> Veronica,  IK3ZAW reports  all the  direct requests  for
5A1IC were answered and mailed on 22 March. She is still waiting for both the
logs and the cards for 5A22PA. Plese note that cards for these two operations
can be requested through the bureau via IK3ZAW.

QSL VIA K3BYV ---> Bob, K3BYV reports he  is *no longer* the QSL manager  for
TG5ITS and KB0QMY/TI5. He is still  the manager for  PZ5JR, PZ5DX and  P29ND.
[TNX John K1XN and The Golist]

SP DX CONTEST ---> Zygi, SP5ELA (President of Warsaw University of Technology
ARC, SP5PBE) invites amateurs from all  over the world to participate in  the
1999 SP  DX  Contest (CW  and  SSB) on  3-4  April.  Further  information  is
available at http://www.sp5pbe.waw.pl/SPDXC/SPDXC_Rules.html

+ SILENT KEY + Antonio de  Armas, EA8AKN reports the passing  on 26 March  of
Alfonso Hernandez, EA8ZX, President of EA8URL  (URE radio club in Las  Palmas
de Gran Canaria). Alfonso played a  leading role in  making last year's  IOTA
Convention a success and, quoting Roger Balister, G3KMA (RSGB IOTA  Manager),
"we could  see from  the superb  club station  for which  he was  so  largely
responsible how devoted  he was to  making amateur  radio a  natural part  of
daily life for the EA8 stations of Las Palmas and their families".

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALLBOOK (CE): A    Chilean    callbook     program    is    available     at
               http://werken.ufro.cl/~ce2hi/ [TNX The Daily DX]
LOGS (HK0):    Logs for HK0F, HK0/AA3KX, HK0/K5OF  and HK0/W4DC (San  Andres,
               2-11    March)    are    now    available    on    line     at
               http://www.pwcweb.com/wwi/DXpedition/ [TNX The Daily DX]
LOGS:          The    following     logs     are     now     available     on
               http://dx.qsl.net/logs: PW1S (1999 WPX  SSB), PT1A (1999  ARRL
               SSB), PX1I  (1998 ARRL  10m),  FO0CI (1992  Clipperton  Island
               DXpedition), YC0LOW (through 20 March 1999). [TNX N6RT]
PA CALLS:      Old     and     new     PA     calls     are     listed     at
               http://ser1.molyvos.net/~cfn3001/pa0khs.html  [TNX  The  Daily

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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S DX@WW $425WW413E
425 DX News #413 [5/5]
  3 April 1999                    No 413                   BID: $425WW413E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  11/04      3B9R: Rodrigues Island (AF-017) * by MKDXF             413
till  Jun        3DA0CA: Swaziland                                      411
till  06/05      4F7/SM3SGP: Cebu Island (OC-129)                       412
till  30/04      8J3IKD: celebrative call (Japan)                       411
till  May        9G5HK: Ghana * by DL1IAL                               404
till  ??         A35LU: Tonga * by Ws                                   411
till  30/04      AT0DJQ: special contest prefix * by VU3DJQ             409
till  17/04      BV3/DJ3KR: Taiwan (AS-020)                             410
till  23/04      CE9R: South Shetlands (AN-010) * by CE3HDI             412
till  03/04      EA8/DL7AU: Canary Islands (AF-004)                     410
till  August     FK8VHU: New Caledonia                                  401
till  December   FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL                      401
till  December   FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island                                399
till  09/04      GD4VGN,GD0VKS: Isle of Man (EU-116) * by DL4FF,DL3FCP  411
till  05/04      HS0ZCW: Thailand * by K4VUD                            410
till  09/04      IC8/IN3XUG: Ischia (EU-031)                            413
till  05/04      J3/K4LTA and J3/K4UPS: Grenada (NA-024)                409
till  08/04      JW/SM7NAS: Svalbard (EU-026)                           409
till  16/04      JX7DFA: Jan Mayen (EU-022)                             412
till  05/04      OH0M: Aland Islands (EU-002) * by OHs                  413
till  20/04      P49M: Aruba (SA-036) * by VE3MR                        397
till  15/04      S09A: Western Sahara * by EA2JG                        412
till  20/05      UA3SDK/0: Sredniy Island (AS-042)                      407
till  03/04      V31GI: NA-180 (Belize) * by  PA3GIO                    408
till  ??         V85QQ: Brunei (OC-088) * DF5UG                         413
till  05/04      VP5/IK2SGC, VP5/IK2SFZ + VP5N or VP5R: Caicos (NA-002) 411
till  May        VQ9DX: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by AA5DX                403
till  10/04      UE9Wxx: special stations                               410
till  27/11      XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada)              401
till  25/04      XL3D: celebrative call (Canada)                        411
till  11/04      XT2DM & XT2CI: Burkina Faso * by F5RLE                 412
till  Apr        ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT                388
till  11/04      ZK2GEO: Niue (OC-040) * by DL2YAK and DL1EMH           411
till  05/04      ZF2YG: Cayman Islands (NA-016) * by K5YG               412
till  04/04      ZY8A: Anavilhanas Archipelago (DIB 74) * by PYs        409
01/04-06/04      5B4/F5SQM: Cyprus (AS-004)                             412
01/04-20/04      TL8CG: Central Africa * by IZ1CQD                      412
02/04-09/04      9M6: Sabah, East Malaysia * by W4HQF                   412
02-04/05/04      AE5B: Mustang Island (NA-092)                          413
02/04-05/04      JA6CM: Tsushima (AS-036)                               411
03/04-04/04      CT: Insua Island (EU-150) * by CTs                     413
03/04-04/04      J41YLS: Euboea (EU-060) * by IK3ZAW and SV1BRL         413
03/04-30/04      HS0ZAR: Thailand * by K3ZO                             413
03/04-06/04      PA/ON5JE: Schouwen-Duiveland (EU-146) * by ON4BB,ON5JE 412
03/04-18/04      VK8NSB/P: Groote Eylandt (OC-141)                      409
03/04-04/04      Italian YLRC Marconi                                   ***
03/04-04/04      SP DX Contest                                          ***
03/04-04/04      EA RTTY Contest                                        410
04/04-05/04      VK5: So. Austr. St. East (OC-???) * by VK5AFZ & G3ZAY  413
05/04-09/04      KL1SLE: St. Lawrence Island (NA-040) * by KL7FH        413
06/04-13/04      8P9JM: Barbados (NA-021) * via K2ZD                    413
06/04-15/04      JT1Y: Mongolia * by I0SNY, I1QOD, I1ZB, IT9GAI, IZ0CRN 411
07/04-09/04      3A/HB9APJ: Monaco                                      413
07/04-17/05      9N1UD: Nepal * by K4VUD                                413
08/04-12/04      3W6BWH: Vietnam * by JA2BWH                            413
08/04-12/04      XX9: Macao * by K8EP                                   413
09/04-11/04      ES1QD: Muhu Island (EU-034)                            413
09/04-18/04      JA9XBW/JD1: Ogasawara (AS-031)                         413
09/04-12/04      PT1Z, PY1NEZ/p, PY1NEW/p, ZX1Z, PY1LVF/p: IOTA SA-029  413
09/04-17/04      SV/SM0TXM/p: Paros Island (EU-067)                     413
09/04-11/04      Japan DX CW High Bands Contest                         ***
09/04-11/04      International DX Convention (Fresno, CA)               411
10/04            4Z0A: Akhziv Island (AS-100) * by 4X1VF and others     413
10/04-11/04      JX0LMJ: Jan Mayen (EU-022) * by JX7DFA                 412
10/04-17/04      TM2A: Aix Island (EU-032) * by F5BJW                   413
10/04-09/05      TM1CW: special station (France)                        413
10/04-11/04      King of Spain Contest                                  ***
11/04-02/05      S79YL, ZG, FAG: Seychelles * by DL7AFS, DJ7ZG, DL2FAG  413
11/04            RSGB Low Power CW Contest                              ***
11/04            UBA - CW Spring Contest                                ***
14/04            VO1AA: celebrative station (Newfoundland, Canada)      413
from  mid-April  ZS8D: Marion Island (AF-021) * by ZS6DE                412
17/04-18/04      EU Sprint Spring SSB Contest                           ***
17/04-18/04      Scottish Activity Weekend                              412
27/04-07/04      T88MT, T88LJ, T88??: Palau * by JJ1DWB, JM1LJS, 7N1KAE 413
28/04-04/05      JI3DST/6 (7N3UXO/6): Tokara Archipelago (AS-049)       413
22/04            HV5PUL: Vatican City                                   411
22/04-25/04      II2V * special A. Volta station                        407
23/04-25/04      IOTA Convention - Alicante (Spain)                     ***
24/04-25/04      Helvetia Contest                                       ***
24/04-25/04      SP DX RTTY Contest                                     ***
29/04-03/05      BI5D: Zhejiang Province Group (AS-???) * by BYs        413
April            J28BS: Djibouti * by F5PHW                             413
April            9N7RN: Nepal * by IZ6BRN                               407
April            SVA (AthinaiRadio) * by Greek Telegraphy Club          413
01/05-02/05      ARI Contest                                            ***