DX425 bulletin issue nr. 412

  27 March 1999                                                     No 412
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

5B4    - F5SQM will be active as 5B4/F5SQM from Cyprus (AS-004) between 1 and
         6 April. [[TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
7Q     - 7Q7RM (Ron) is again in Malawi and  he will be joined soon by  7Q7JL
         (John), 7Q7LA  (Les) and  7Q7HB (Harry).  The  latter will  stay  in
         Malawi for at least two months.  QSL all direct only to G0AIS.  [TNX
9M6    - Don, W4HQF plans to be active (on SSB) from Sabah, East Malaysia (no
         call given) between 2 and 9 April. QSL via W4HQF. [TNX The Daily DX]
9M8    - Weather and tidal conditions permitting, Hans, DF5UG is going to  be
         active (on 20,  15 and 10  metres SSB)  as 9M8QQ  from Pulau  Satang
         (OC-165). He has  received permission  from the  National Museum  of
         Sarawak for  a two  night stay  on  the island,  and  the use  of  a
         generator, which was not previously allowed.  He plans to leave  for
         the island at 06.30 UTC on  27 March and to  depart after 04.00  UTC
         the 29th. QSL via DF5UG. [TNX HS0/G3NOM]
BY     - The Beijing-Chaoyang-Nokia  Amateur  Radio station,  BY1DX,  is  the
         first ever foreign corporate sponsored amateur  radio club in  China
         and it commenced its activities this past week. It is located at the
         Beijing business district  in a high  building overseeing the  city.
         and it will be operated regularly by the foreign DX types as well as
         by the Chinese youth. The station master is Chen Jia Zhuang,  BG1CJZ
         and the QSL manager is Martti J. Laine, OH2BH (Nuottaniementie 3D20,
         02230 Espoo, Finland). [TNX N4GN]
CE_ssh - Ricardo, CE3HDI will be active  as CE9R from  King George Island  in
         the South  Shetlands (AN-010)  between 24  March  and 23  April.  He
         expects to operate on all bands CW, SSB, RTTY and SSTV from Teniente
         Rodolfo Marsh and possibly President Frei Montalva Chilean Antarctic
         bases. [TNX CE6NES]
CX     - If you are looking  for a QSO  with a YL  station from Uruguay,  you
         should try to  work Mariana, CX1JJ.  She is regularly  on 10 and  15
         metres CW only, and will be particularly active between 27 March and
         4 April. QSL  via CX1JJ either  direct (P.O. Box  164, 50000  Salto,
         Uruguay) or through the bureau. [TNX CX1JJ]
DU     - Gus, SM3SGP is active as 4F7/SM3SGP from Cebu Island (OC-129)  until
         6 May. He  plans to participate  in the CQ  WW WPX  SSB Contest  (10
         metres). QSL  via  SM3EVR  (Tord  E  Julander,  Box  547,  S-860  20
         Njurunda, Sweden). [TNX The Daily DX]
E4     - Peter, G3WQU  has been  operated as  4X/G3WQU from  Bethlehem  since
         1975. He has  now been issued  a licence by  the Deputy Minister  of
         Posts and  Telecommunications  in  Gaza,  Palestine,  with  callsign
         E4/G3WQU. He is active (especially during  the weekends) on CW  only
         on all bands (80-10 metres, 160 metres not available). Peter expects
         to be in Bethlehem at least  two years. QSL via G3WQU either  direct
         (Peter McKay,  UNIFIL,  P.O. Box  75,  Nahariyya 22100,  Israel)  or
         through the RSGB bureau. [TNX E4/G3WQU]
F      - Special station TM2LYC will  be active until  4 April from  Bethune.
         QSL via F5MWZ. [TNX F1PSH]
FT_ant - Philippe,  FT5YG  [425DXN  399]  is  now  active  from  Les  Petrels
         (AN-017). He was working Europe in the morning (around 8 UTC) on  20
         metres (+/- 14125 kHz) and his signal was coming from the north. QSL
         via F5LBL  (Gerard  Karpe, 629  route  de Montpellier,  30800  Saint
         Gilles, France).
G      - Glyn, GW0ANA confirms special event call  GB100SFL has been  granted
         to the Barry ARS and Dover  Radio Club for the 26-28 March  activity
         from South Foreland Lighthouse, Dover [425DXN 411]. QSL via GW0ANA.
GM     - Look for Jim, GM4CHX to be  active from the  Orkneys (EU-009) on  30
         March (Burray, IOSA OR-14), 31 March (Rousay, OR-9), 1 April  (Wyre,
         OR-22) and 2 April (Graemsay, OR-21). The IOSA (Islands Of  Scotland
         Award) List is  available from Les,  GM3ITN (CBA).  [TNX DL8AAM  and
JX     - JX7DFA has been active for ten  years (and Annar,  LA2KD has all  of
         his logs) from  Jan Mayen. He  will be going  QRT on  16 April,  but
         before leaving the island he will  operate as JX0LMJ on 10-11  April
         (QSL via LA7DFA). [TNX LA2KD]
KL7    - KL1SLE will be active from St.  Lawrence Island (NA-040)  on 5 or  6
         April.      For      further      information      please      visit
         http://www.customcpu.com/personal/kl7fh [TNX WL7KY]
LU     - LU1XQG, LU1XSI, LU3XQ,  LU6XQI, LU6XTA,  LU9XPF and  LU9XPV will  be
         active on all bands from  Los Alamos, Tierra  del Fuego (SA-008)  on
         26-28 March. [TNX LU1DZ and SM7AED]
PA     - PI9ESA (the club station operating from  the European Space  Agency)
         is active again, for the time  being on 40 and  80 metres only.  QSL
         via bureau. For further  information please e-mail  PI9ESA@amsat.org
         [TNX PA3FWP/I0WTD]
PA     - Luc, ON4BB  and Bill,  ON5JE will  be active  (on 10-40  metres)  as
         PA/ON5JE from Schouwen-Duiveland (EU-146) between 3 and 6 April. QSL
         via ON5JE. [TNX ON5JE]
S0     - Ross, CN2UN is now active from Western Sahara with his new call sign
         S07UN. QSL via ZP6CU. [TNX The Daily DX]
S0     - Arseli, EA2JG plans to be active  on all bands as S09A from  Western
         Sahara for two  weeks starting on  31 March. QSL  via EA2JG  (Arseli
         Etxeguren,  Barrena  6,  01480  Luyando  Alava,  Spain).  [TNX  OPDX
S2     - Reza, S21K plans to be active from Kutubdia Island (AS-127)  between
         28 and 30 March. Look for  him around 01.30 UTC  on 7060 kHz,  13.00
         UTC on 21230 kHz and 15.00  UTC on 14220 kHz.  QSL direct to  Rezaul
         Karim Chowdhury, Executive Director COAST, Charfassion, Bhola  8340,
         Bangladesh. [TNX DX News Sheet]
T33    - OK1RD, OK1RI and OK1TN were eventually  able to go and operate  from
         Banaba as T33RD. They started on 22 March and are expected to be  on
         the island until 1 April. They plan to participate in the CQ WW  WPX
         SSB Contest with one station, while  the second one will be  working
         CW moslty on WARC bands. QSL via OK1RD. [TNX OK1ADM and OM3JW]
T77    - While the main T77V station will  partecipate in the  CQ WW WPX  SSB
         Contest [425DXN 411], look for the second station to operate on WARC
         bands  (SSB  and  CW)  and  6  metres.  Please  note  that following
         arrangements  with Joe, QSL for  *all of the activities* are now via
TL8    - Gianni, IZ1CQD will be active (on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres SSB  with
         100 watts,  dipoles and  solar panel  power  supply) as  TL8CG  from
         Markounda, Central Africa between  1 and 20  April. Hi will  operate
         during his free time. QSL via IZ1CQD either direct (Gianni  Caretto,
         via Angioira 42, 10070 Coassolo - TO, Italy) or through the  bureau.
         [TNX IZ1CQD]
XF4    - The 17 March-2 April DXpedition to Revilla Gigedo by XF4BEF  [425DXN
         410] has been cancelled and no reason was given. [TNX The Daily DX]
XT     - Michel, F5RLE will be active  as XT2DM from  Burkina Faso between  1
         and 11 April. QSL via F5RLE. On 9-11 April he will operate as XT2CI.
         His home page is at http://perso.wanadoo.fr/f5rle (includes logs  on
         line for his 1995, 1996, 1998 and 1999 operations). [TNX F5RLE]
YB     - Wisnu, YB0AZS reports the  8A0J WPX SSB  operation [425DXN 411]  has
         been cancelled. He and other operators  from ORARI Lokal  Kramatjati
         Club  Station  will  now  participate  in  the  Contest  as   YB0ZCE
         (Multi-Single). QSL to ORARI Lokal Kramatjati,  P.O. Box 6193,  Jath
         Jakarta 13061, Indonesia).
ZC4    - George, 5B4AGC was not able to operate from ZC4 on 26 March  [425DXN
         411] as he had to return to the UK  due to the death of his  mother.
         [TNX W3JJ]
ZD8    - Glenn, K6NA and Jim, N6TJ are active from Ascension Island  (AF-003)
         as ZD8A  and  ZD8Z until  the  end of  March.  They  are  likely  to
         participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB  Contest (single band on 10 and  15
         metres). [TNX The Daily DX]
ZF     - Bill, K5YG  is active  as ZF2YG  from  the Cayman  Islands  (NA-016)
         through 5 April. QSL via K5YG. [TNX K2FF]
ZS     - Barry, ZS1FJ  was  unexpectedly active  as  ZS23I from  Seal  Island
         (AF-077) for a few hours on  25 March. This island was activated  by
         Barry for the first time in  October 1996. QSL  via ZS1FJ (Barry  P.
         Fletcher, 18 Valley Road, Kenilworth, 7700 Cape Town, South Africa.
ZS     - Rudi, ZS6VER will be leaving South Africa in early April for a  long
         voyage during which  he plans to  activate several  IOTA groups.  He
         will be starting in Durban and from there he will sail up the coast,
         heading towards  Madagascar/Comores/Maldives.  Rudi  says  that  "it
         looks like the AF-077 group would  fit right in  with our plans  for
         the initial shakedown trip to sort the yacht and our equipment out".
         Updates are expected in due time. [TNX G0UIH and Islands On The Web]
ZS8    - Deryck Yelverton,  ZS6DE  is  a  member  of  the  56th  weather  and
         biological research  crew  on Marion  Island  (AF-021). He  will  be
         leaving on 1 April and is not expected to be active before mid-April
         at  the  earliest,  as  the  base  handover  will  occupy  his  full
         attention. However, once he has all  the hardware ready, he  expects
         to be on regularly and to make lots of contacts on SSB, CW and RTTY.
         Deryck has been issued the call  ZS8D. QSL via  QSL to ZS6EZ  either
         direct (Chris R. Burger, Box 4485,  Pretoria, 0001 South Africa)  or
         through the bureau. [TNX ZS6EZ and The Daily DX]

CQ WW WPX SSB ---> The following are expected to participate in the Contest:
- Bavarian Contest Club as CN8WW. They will be active until 3 April. QSL  via
  DL6FBL. [TNX The Daily DX]
- Antonio, CT1ERK as CQ7ERK (10 metres). QSL via home call. [TNX CT1ERK]
- CT3BD, CT3CD, CT3DL, CT3HF, CT3HK, CT3IA and CT3KN as CQ9K  (Multi-Single).
  QSL via  CS3MAD  either direct  (P.O.Box  4694,  P-9058  Funchal,  Madeira,
  Portugal) or through the bureau. [TNX CT3HF]
- Antonio, EA8AKN and  others as  ED8GCC (Multi-Single)  from Canary  Islands
  (AF-004). QSL via bureau to EA8AKN. [TNX EA8AKN]
- George, 5B4AGC as H2G from Cyprus (AS-004). QSL via home call. [TNX DX News
- Rich, N6KT as HC8A from the Galapagos (SA-004). [TNX The Daily DX]
- IT9HLR as II9R. QSL direct only to home call. [TNX IT9HLR]
- A group  of operators  from ARI  Consenza as  IU8W (Multi-Multi).  QSL  via
  IZ8CCW either direct (P.O. Box 360,  87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy) or  through
  the bureau. [TNX IZ8CCW]
- The NP3X team (Multi-Multi) from  the KP3P contest  station on Puerto  Rico
  (NA-099). [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
- F5AMH as TM7T. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
- TX8DX (Multi-Multi) from New Caledonia. QSL via VK4FW. [TNX FK8GM]
- Ken, K6HNZ as VP5E. QSL via home call. [TNX DX News Sheet]
- Tom, ZP5AZL as ZP40Z on all bands. QSL via W3HNK. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
- N5FA, PY5CC,  PY5EG  and PY0FF  as  ZX0F (Multi-Single)  from  Fernando  de
  Noronha (SA-003). [TNX The Daily DX]


                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

BARL ---> The annual general  meeting of BARL  (the Bangladesh Amateur  Radio
League) was held on 21 March and the following committee members were elected
for the years  1999-2000: Iqbal,  S21C (President);  Rana, S21R  (Secretary);
Samudra, S21X (Treasurer). [TNX S21A]

CDI 99 ---> The Challenge Des  Iles 99 is the  French Islands Contest,  which
will take place between  1 June and  30 September. It  is sponsored by  AFRAH
(the French Association for Handicapped Radio Amateurs) and CDXC  (Clipperton
DX Club) and  is for  contacting/listening/activating the  largest number  of
different   French   islands.   For   further   information   please    visit
http://www.micronet.fr/~smorice/cdi99p.htm or e-mail Stephane Morice, F-10255
at smorice@micronet.fr [TNX F-10255]

C56SW --->  Steve, G3VMW  logged 12,285  QSOs (after  taking out  the  dupes)
during his C56SW operation between 5  and 18 March from Kololi, near  Banjul.
He operated on (band/QSOs) 160/4, 80/158, 40/1095, 30/1135, 20/2258, 17/1235,
15/1636, 12/2203 and 10/2559. Cards have  been ordered and while waiting  for
them   to   be   printed   you   can   give   a   look   to   the   logs   at
http://www.bramham.demon.co.uk QSL via G3VMW. [TNX G3VMW]

ERU ---> The general meeting of the Estonian Radioamateurs Union was held  on
13 March and the following  Borad of Directors  members were electedto  serve
for the next  three years: Tiit  Praks, ES7RE (President),  Tiit Ling,  ES1MW
(Vice-President), Juhan Poldvere, ES5QX (Member), Ako Pohako, ES8AY (Member),
Andrus Lilllevars, ES2NA (Member). [TNX ES2NA]

LOG SEARCH  ENGINE --->  Doug Brandon,  N6RT (dab@home.com)  announces a  new
powerful log  search engine  at http://dx.qsl.net/logs  - "Setting  up a  log
search is now easy!  Simply  send in your log and  we will do  the rest!   In
addition to providing a fast search engine, the search results page  displays
log statistics and can also display QSL information, an email address, a  web
page address, and a picture of  the QSL card".  Please visit www.qsl.net  for
details. [TNX N6RT]

LOGGING PROGRAMME (FREE) ---> Bob Furzer,  K4CY/9K2ZZ has written and is  now
distributing his Windows 95/98 logging software. Bob's program ("Logger")  is
available by e-mail  request from  Bob at  n6bfm@avana.net or  The Golist  at
golist@usa.net [TNX K1XN]

NOT AN ISLAND! ---> Island chasers please note that PU2XRP operates from Ilha
Solteira, which is not an  island but a  town on the  mainland, in Sao  Paulo
State, near the border with Paraguay. [TNX PP5SZ]

OOOPS! ---> The first batch of  1500 cards received from the printer  [425DXN
411] are *not* for FT5WH, but  for the FT5ZH DXpedition to Amsterdam  Island.
We apologize for any inconvenience this  may have caused  Gil, F5NOD and  our

SCOTTISH ACTIVITY  WEEKEND --->  The GMDX  Group introduces  the GM  Activity
Weekend to be  held from midnight  to midnight  on 17-18  April. Activity  is
encouraged and to be expected from Scottish Stations using prefixes like  GM,
GS (Club  Call), MM,  MS (Club  Call) 2M1  (VHF  Novice) 2M0  (restricted  HF
Novice), GB (special event station, but ensure they are located in Scotland).
Further information (rules, prizes, etc) are available from Tom Wylie, GM4FDM
at gm4fdm@scotsboy.sol.co.uk

QSL 3D2DI ---> VE6TK is *not* the QSL  manager for Bill, 3D2DI. The call  has
been re-allocated and the current owner of the call has been receiving  cards
meant for Bill. The correct QSL route for 3D2DI is: W.J. Smith, P.O. Box 184,
Suva, Fiji. [TNX VK5FV]

QSL VK9XX & VK9YY ---> QSL manager Charlie Summers, W0YG reports that all QSL
cards for both operations have been answered EXCEPT for those who either  did
not send any return postage or for those  who did not send a return  envelope
(SAE). These cards will be answered through the bureau. Also please note that
Charlie asks not to include VK9YY and  VK9XX cards in the same envelope.  All
bureau cards will be answered in  a year or two with  a generic bureau  card.

QSL NOT VIA CT1EEB ---> Jose, CT1EEB reports he is receiving bureau cards for
YT1BB, but he is *not* and has never been the QSL manager for this station.

QSL NOT VIA  K9PG ---> Paul,  K9PG is *not*  the QSL manager  for KH7R,  even
though he operated from there many times.

QSL VIA AD4Z ---> The up-to-date list of stations managed by Julio  Enriquez,
AD4Z include CL8UB,  CL8VP, CM2CK (SK),  CM2VK, CM8UB,  CM8VP, CM8ZZ,  CO2HR,
CO2JD, CO2MA, CO2VG, CO8AR, CO8NA, CO8ZZ,  HI3LFE, HI4M, HI8LUZ. Please  note
that Julio is not the QSL manager for CO8DM and CM8DM any longer, and is  not
and has never been the manager for CM2KC. [TNX AD4Z]

QSL VIA PY1LVF ---> Jose, PY1LVF (and not PY1NEZ) is the QSL manager for ZX0Z
(Frances Island, 7-11  February 1997), ZX1Z  (Frances Island, 21-24  February
1998), PY1LVF/p (Grande Island, 24-25  July 1998). His  address is Jose  Luiz
Vieira Fernandes, P.O.Box 18009, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 20722-970 Brazil.  [TNX


                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

JT1Y:         Piero, IZ0AEH has  set up a  web site for  the 6-15 April  JT1Y
              activity   [425DXN   411].    Check   http://stop.at/JT1Y    or
              http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Zone/4778 [TNX IZ0AEH]
LOGS (5H):    The logs for 5H3/IK2GZU's recent activity from Tanzania are now
              available on http://no4j.com/nfdxa/logs/logs.asp [TNX IK2GZU]
LOGS (SV9):   The  logs  for  SV9/I4UFH  1998  operation  are  available   at
              http://dx.qsl.net/logs [TNX I4UFH]


                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***** QSL INFO  [1/2] *****
                          Edited by IK1GPG & IK1QFM
                          TNX:  IK7AFM, The Daily DX

CALL       MANAGER       CALL       MANAGER       CALL       MANAGER       
3B8/DL6UAA DL6UAA        HK0/K5OF   W4DC          SW2A       SV2AEL        
3B8/F6CMH  F6CMH         HK0/N2PP   W4DC          T30R       OK1RD         
3B8/G3PJT  G3PJT         HK0/W4DC   W4DC          T5EC       DL0MAR        
3B9R       N7LVD         HK0/WB4ZNH W4DC          T77V       W3HNK         
3D2KE      K0KL          HK0/WN4FVU W4DC          T88AJ      7N3AWE        
3D2RK      W7TSQ         HK0F       W4DC          T88HG      JA1HGY        
3D2TN      OKDXF         HK0OEP     N0JT          T88HY      JA1HYF        
3DA0/K3AWY K3AWY         HK3/G0SHN  F6AJA         T88RK      JA1BRK        
3W6US      N2OO          HK3JJH/0   HK3JJH        TJ1PD      W5DRV         
3Z0PAF     SP9EIJ        HL5/JA6HW  JA1RST        TM0Y       ON4DST        
4F1OZ      DU1OZ         HL9XB      KE9XB         TM5CF      F5SIE         
4K8F       UA9AB         HR2/KC4CD  HR1JPT        TR0A/P     G3OCA         
4L0CR      IK7JTF        HS0ZCW     K4VUD         TT8DF      F5SWB         
4L8A       OZ1HPS        HS7UCQ/P   E21IZC        TX8DX      VK4FW         
4S7AL      JA7TAL        HU4A       YT1AD         UA0KCK     RW3RN         
4S7IJG     DJ4IJ         IQ1Z       IK1NLZ        UA3GH      RW3RN         
4X6HI      KG2FH         IQ7R       IK7XNF        UA3RB      RW3RN         
5A22PA     IK3ZAW        IR1A       IK1GPG        UA3RT      RW3RN         
5B4/DJ0FX  DJ0FX         IU8NA      IK8PXZ        UA9QA      RW9QA         
5H3PM      I1YRL (Direct)J3/K4LTA   K4LTA         UA9QGB     RW9QA         
5H3US      WA8JOC        J37VG      AA1IZ         UA9QGR     RW9QA         
5N7YZC     WA1ECA        J4Z        SV2CWY        UA9RH      RW9QA         
5N9EAM     IK7JTF        J8OC       G0REP         UA9RQ      RW9QA         
5T5U       JA1UT         JW/SM7NAS  SM7NAS        UA9WZ      RW3RN         
5U7DG      K4SE          JW5NM      LA5NM         UA9YLI     RW3RN         
5W1SA      JH7OHF        JW7QIA     LA7QIA        UE9WAA     W3HNK (USA)   
5X1T       ON5NT         JW9PJA     LA9PJA        UE9WAA     RW9WA         
5Z4GS      WB2YQH        JY9NX      JM1CAX        UE9WAB     W3HC (USA)    
5Z4LI      G3SWH         JY9QJ      DL5MBY        UE9WAB     RV9WB         
5Z4RL      G0IAS         KG4BV      N4OO          UE9WAC     W3HC (USA)    
6K0ZW      HL5FPL        KG4OX      W4OX          UE9WAC     RU9WB         
8A0J       YB0AI         KG4TO      N4TO          UE9WFJ     RX9WN         
8P2K       KU9C          KG4VL      N5VL          UE9WGM     RV9WZ         
8P6AZ      KU9C          KH8/K7ZZ   K7ZZ          UE9WYL     RW9WA         
8P9JM      K2ZD          KP2/VE5RA  VE5RA         UE9WZZ     N2AU (USA)    
9G1BJ      G4XTA         KP2/W6XK   W6XK          UE9WZZ     RW9ZZ         
9G1YR      G4XTA         LI3D       LA9CE         UK8OM      IK2QPR        
9H3XY      G4ZVJ         LO0D       F6FNU         UN0N       IK2QPR        
9J2AM      JA0JHA        LO7H       LU7HN         UN2O       IK2QPR        
9J2PI      KB0KVA        LR0H       LU9HS         UN4P       UN5PR         
9M6UZT     G4UZN         LT5V       LU8VCC        UN7JX      IK2QPR        
9V1ZT      JA3LU         LU0H       LU4HH         UN7TX      RW6HS         
9Y4SF      WA4JTK        LV2V       LU3VAL        UP5P       UN5PR         
A35LU      K1LU          LZ5W       LZ1MC         UT7EV      RW3RN         
A92FZ      W3HC          NH7/NE8Z   NE8Z          UT8IZ      W3HNK         
A92GF      EA7FR         OA4SS      KB6J          V31GI      PA3GIO        
AP2JZB     K2EWB         OD5/JY4NE  JY4NE         V31JP      KA9WON        
AP2WAP     IK4ZGY        OD5PN      LX1NO         V31JU      WA2NHA        
AT0DJQ     VU3DJO        OH0JJS     OH6LI         V31MX      K0BCN         
BD4ED      BY4BHP        OH0Z       OH1EH         V47KP      K2SB          
BI5D       BD7JA         OT9A       ON7LR         V51GP      WD8RXR        
BV3/DJ3KR  DH3MG         OY3QN      OZ1ACB        V63YT      JE1SCJ        
BY1DX      BY/OH2BH      OZ5HCA     OZ3FYN        V7/N4XP    N4XP          
BZ4DHI     I1YRL (Direct)P29VR      W7LFA         V73UB      K1ZUT         
C21SX      G3SXW         P3A        W3HNK         VI3GP      VK3ER         
C21ZM      G3ZEM         P40KD      N6KD          VK6EWI     VK6NE         
C56EL      ON4CEL        PA1AK      PA3FWX        VK8AV/3    VK4AAR        
C56SW      G3VMW         PA5ET      PA3ERC        VP2EHL     AA1M          
C6AMP      DL2NCY        PJ2MI      W2CQ          VP2EKT     AA1M          
C91CV      LA7FAA        PJ9/K2NG   WA2NHA        VP2ERN     W1USN         
C91RF/P    DL6DQW        PQ5Q       PP5LL         VP2V/W4CE  W4CE          
C98CX      ZS1AAZ        PT7BZ      KQ0B          VP2V/W4RM  W4RM          
CE0AA      CE3WDH        PW1S       PY1KS         VP5/IK2SFZ IK2SAI        
CE3/SM3SGP SM3EVR        PY0FA      PY4KL         VP5/IK2SGC IK2SAI        
CF1TX      VO1TX         PY0FF      JA1VOK (03/99)VP9/RA9CO  UA9DD         
CO6XN      HK6DOS        PY6/PT7BZ  PT7BZ         VP9LR      K1EFI         
CO8JY      KU9C          PY6/PT7FX  PT7WA         VU2TS      I1YRL (Direct)
CT3/DJ7RJ  DJ7RJ         PY6/PT7WA  PT7WA         XE1/NP2AQ  W3HNK         
CX1DDH     CX3LC (Direct)PY6/PY7ZY  PY7ZY         XE1L       WA3HUP        
CY9CWI     VE2CWI        R1ANL      UA6AH         XE3WAO     KD8IW         
DS5WKW     IK2DUW        RA3GAG     RW3RN         XF4BEZ     XE1BEZ        
E41/OK1DTP OK1TD         RA3GCC     RW3RN         XF4MX      XE1MX         
E44/G3WQU  G3WQU         RA3RCL     RW3RN         XL3D       VE3ODX        
E44/HA1AG  HA1AG         RA3RGQ     RW3RN         XU7AAC     HL2AQN        
E44/OZ5AAH OZ5AAH        RA4FP      RW3RN         XV300S     JH1EVE        
E44/OZ6ACD OZ1ACB        RA4FW      RW3RN         XW8KPL     DF8AN (03/99) 
E44A       JY4NE         RA9LI/9    DL6ZFG        XX9TRR     OH2PM         
E44DX      OH2BN         RA9QAT     RW9QA         YB0AZ      W7TSQ         
EA7ATK/P   EA7AJM        RK2FWA     DK4VW         YB0ECT     K5ZE          
EA8/DL7AU  DL7VRO        RM9RM      RW9QA         YN6HM      N5TGZ         
ED1XRG     EA1BLX        RM9RO      RW9QA         YZ7DM      YT7TY         
ED3REC     EA3ESZ        RM9RX      RW9QA         Z31FK      I1YRL (Direct)
ED4MAR     EA4SS         RM9RX/9    RW9QA         ZA5G       WA1ECA        
EJ7M       EI6HB         RM9RZ      RW9QA         ZC4RAF     5B4YX         
EK4JJ      EK4GK         RU6AR      RW3RN         ZD7DP      W1ZT          
EM3DXC     UT7IY         RU9YF      RW3RN         ZD7SM      W1ZT          
EP2MKO     UA6HAC        RV3GG      RW3RN         ZD9BV      W4FRU         
EP2P       EP2HMR        RV6LO      RW3RN         ZF1WD      G4RWD         
EP3HR      I2MQP         RV9WT      RW3RN         ZF2DR      K5RQ          
EX2M       W3HNK         RW3PZ      RW3RN         ZF2LC      W2SM          
EZ8CQ      I2JSB         RW6BQ      RW3RN         ZF2MO      OM2SA         
FG5FR      F6FNU         RW9QA      W3HNK (USA)   ZF2NT      N4YBF         
FM5/F2PI   F6BFH         RW9QA      RW9QA         ZF2YB      KI6Y          
FM5JV      F5LNV         RW9RN      RW9QA         ZF2ZX      SM7DZZ        
FM5NA      F8AAN         RX3RA      RW3RN         ZF2ZZ      SM7DZZ        
FR5ZG/T    FR5ZG         RX3RB      RW3RN         ZK1HCU     DL9HCU        
FT5ZJ      F2YT          RX3RC      RW3RN         ZK2GEO     DL1EMH        
FW5FN      HB9HFN        RY9C       UA9CGA        ZP40Z      W3HNK         
GD0VKS     DL3FCP        RZ3GF      RW3RN         ZP6T       ZP5MAL        
GD4VGN     DL4FF         S09A       EA2JG         ZV0SB      PT2GTI        
GJ2D       G3LZQ         S79AG      SM0AGD        ZV0SW      PT2GTI        
GU4YWY     G4YWY         S79XB      LA7XB         ZY6XC      PY7XC         
HK0/AA3KX  W4DC          SU9ZZ      OM3TZZ        ZZ4W       PY4KL         


3D2DI  W.J.Smith, P.O.Box 184, Suva, Fiji Islands
4KA9C  Boris Gorobec, P.O.Box 89, Baku 370000, Azerbaijan
5A1A   Abubaker Alzway, P.O.Box 74421, Tripoli, Libya
7P8AL  Mike Shutts, P.O.Box 1459, Maseru 100, Lesotho
9K2UB  MOhammad Almutairi, P.O.Box 7158, Fahaheel,64002, Kuwait
BV4ME  Chung Chao-Chung, P.O.Box 11-12, Miaoli 366, Taiwan, R.O.C
CX3LC  Ricardo Lema, P.O.Box 571, Montevideo 11000, Uruguay
DL5AWI Gerhard Kaiser, Boebergasse 59, D-99819 Grossenlupnitz, Germany
FP/N9PD Prairie DX Group, Mr.Greg Lapin, 206 Somerset Ave., Deerfield,
       IL-60015, U.S.A.
G3SXW  Roger K.Western, 7 Field Close, Chessington, Surrey, KT9 2QD, England
G3ZEM  Bob Henderson, Whitwell House, Whitwell-on-the-Hill, York, YO6 7JJ,
HC8L   Guayaquil Radio Club, P.O.Box 5757, Guayaquil, Ecuador
IK0FVC Francesco Valsecchi, Via Bitossi 21, I-00136 Roma (RM), Italy
J3/M0BJL Shaun Jarvis, P.O.Box 21, Hythe, Southampton, SO45 1UW, England
JA4PXE Shoji Kuwahara, Midori-cho 1-75, Tokuyama City, 745-0075 Japan
JA8RUZ Toshikazu Kawanishi, P.O.Box 166, Asahikawa, Hokkaido, 070-8571, Japan
JH1EVE Hiroshi Higashiyama, 1-12-5, Higashijujo, Kitaku, Tokyo 114-0001,Japan
JT1BH  S.Surenjav, P.O.Box 125, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia
LU7HN  Rene Ernesto Giorda, P.O.Box 73, 2400 S. Francisco, Cordoba, Argentina
LU8VCC Alex Rocca, P.O.Box 37, 8332 General Roca, Rio Negro, Argentina
N2OO   Robert W.Schenck, P.O.Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087-0345, U.S.A.
N6KD   Dennis A.King, 16500 King Road, Jackson, CA-95642, U.S.A.
N7LVD  Joyce A.Johnson, 5627 West Hearn Road, Glendale, AZ-85306, U.S.A.
OH1EH  Ari Korhonen, Kreetalank 9 As.1, FIN-29200, Harjavalta, Finland
OH2BN  Jarmo J.Jaakola, Kiilletie 5C30, FIN-00710, Helsinki, Finland
OH2PM  Pertti Simovaara, Asia-Pacific Building Apt. 1106, No. 8 Ya Bao Lu,
       Chaoyang District Beijing 100020, People's Republic of China
OK1RD  Jaroslav Semotam, Borova 155, CZ-25101, Ricany, Czech Republic
OM3TZZ Jaroslav Jamrich, Gejzu Dusika 43, Trnava 917 08, Slovak Republic
RW3RN  Alex Kuznetsov, P.O.Box 57, Tambov-23, 392023, Russia
RW9QA  Vlad Kondratenko, P.O.Box 1, Kurgan-38, 640038, Russia
RX3RZ  Serge Popov, 103-1, Magistralnaya st., Tambov, 392027, Russia
TF3AO  Arsaell "Seli" Oskarsson, Laekjasmara 78, IS-200 Kopavogur, Iceland
UA9CGA Serge V.Stikhin, P.O.Box 1035, Ekaterinburg, 620063, Russia
UN5PR  Romeo Y.Loparev, P.O.Box 73, Temirtau,472300, Repubic of Kazakhstan
V7/N4XP Samuel T.Harrell, 2011 New High Schoals Rd, Watkinsville,
       GA 30677-2396, U.S.A.
VE2CWI West Island ARC, P.O.Box 884, Dorval, Quebec, H9R 4Z6 Canada
VP6PAC Pitcairn Amateur Radio Club, P.O.Box 73, Pitcairn Island, New Zealand
YB0AI  Taufan Prioutomo, P.O.Box 7004, Jakarta 12070, Indonesia
Z31FK  Dimitar Jordanov ("Mike"), P.O.Box 45, 92300 Kocani, Macedonia

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