DX425 bulletin issue nr. 411

S DX@WW $425WW411A
425 DX News #411 [1/6]
  20 March 1999                   No 411                   BID: $425WW411A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3A     - Luc, I1YRL and Carlo, IK1SLP will be active on all bands as 3A/I1YRL
         (CW) and 3A/IK1SLP (SSB) on  27-28 March. QSL  via home calls.  [TNX
3B9    - The Midway-Kure DX Foundation to  Rodrigues Island (AF-017)  [425DXN
         407] is confirmed to take place between 1 and 11 April. Team members
         are Bruce Butler  (W6OSP), Kimo Chun  (KH7U), Jari Jussila  (OH2BU),
         Victor Keller (XE1VIC), Jacky Mandary (3B8CF), Garry Shapiro (NI6T),
         Ned Stearns  (AA7A), Yuuji  Yoshitani (JA3IG/K1NT)  and Frank  Smith
         (AH0W/OH2LVG, team leader). They will be active as 3B9R on all bands
         (160-6 metres) and all modes  with 9 HF  stations (one dedicated  to
         RTTY only). The  pilots for the  operation will  be Andy  Chesnokov,
         UA3AB (ua3ab@dateline.ru); Tom  Harrell, N4XP (n4xp@juno.com);  Gary
         McClellan, K7ZD (k7zd@inficad.com).  QSL via  N7LVD (Joyce  Johnson,
         5627 West Hearn Road, Glendale, Arizona 85306, USA). [TNX AH0W]
3D2_fij- Karl, K0KL will be active (mostly on  15 and 40 metres CW) as  3D2KE
         from Fiji between 20 and 27 March. QSL via K0KL. [TNX The Daily DX]
3DA0   - Jon, 3DA0CA will be going QRT on 14 July and his last day on the air
         should be in early July. QSL via W4DR.
3W     - Jani, YB0US/NM6US will be operating as 3W6US from Vietnam between 25
         and 29 March (QSL via N2OO: Bob Schenck, P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ
         08087-0345, USA). He will participate in  the CQ WW WPX SSB  Contest
         as XV300S (Xray Victor Three Zero  Zero Sierra) with QSL via  JH1EVE
         (Hiroshi Higashiyama, 1-12-5, Higashijujo,  Kitaku, Tokyo   114-0001
         Japan). [TNX N2OO]
4X     - Jan, 4X1VF plans to  operate from Akhziv  Island (AS-100) between  6
         and 14 UTC  on 10 April.  Look for  him around  14260-265 MHz.  [TNX
9H     - Steve, G4JVG will be active (10-80 metres SSB and possibly RTTY)  as
         9H3XY  from  Malta  (EU-023)  between  24  and  29  March.  He  will
         participate in  the CQ  WW WPX  SSB Contest  on 10  metres. QSL  via
         G4ZVJ. [TNX DX News Sheet]
9M6    - Tony, G4UZN is now active until 23 March [425DXN 409] as 9M6UZT (not
         TUZ as previously notified) from the Hillview Gardens Resort,  Sabah
         (OC-088). QSL via G4UZN.
A3     - K1LU, N1YHL, N1ZNY, W1CCE and W1HIV  will be active  (on SSB and  CW
         with four rigs) as A35LU from  Tonga starting on  20 March. QSL  via
         K1LU. [TNX The Daily DX]
BV     - Chung, BV4ME expects  to be  active as  either BP9A  or BV9AYA  from
         P'eng-hu Island  (AS-103) between  26 and  29 March.  QSL via  BV4ME
         (Chung Chao-Chung, P.O. Box 11-12, Miaoli 366, Taiwan, R.O.C).  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
BY     - Alan (BA1DU), Tong (BA1AA) Yang (BD7JA) and others will be active as
         BI5D from Dongtou  Island in  the Zhejiang  Province Group  (AS-???)
         between 29 April  and 3  May. They  plan to  have six  transceivers,
         three yagis and three amplifiers and  to operate on all bands  6-160
         metres. [TNX K6DT and Islands On The Web]
C9     - Reinhard, DL6DQW will be active (on all bands CW and SSB) as C91RF/P
         from Benguerua Island (AF-072), Mozambique between 26 and 29  March.
         QSL via DL6DQW. [TNX The Daily DX]
CY9    - West Island ARC members Helen (VE2YAK, YL operator), Fred  (VE2SEI),
         Al (VO1NO/VE1), Reg (VE2AYU), Bill (VE1MR), Dragan (VE2ZIV),  Lowell
         (VY2OX) and Jeff  (VE2TBH) will be  active as CY9CWI  from St.  Paul
         Island (NA-094) between  21 and 28  July. They will  operate on  all
         bands (SSB and CW) and pay special attention to Asia on 10-15 metres
         and Europe on  80-160 metres. CY9CWI  will also  participate in  the
         IOTA Contest (24-25 July). Look for them on or around 1.830,  3.505,
         3.780, 3.860, 7.005, 7.065, 7.230,  10.105, 14.010, 14.265,  18.080,
         18.125, 21.010, 21.305, 24.935, 28.010, 28.395  and 50.130 MHz.  QSL
         via VE2CWI  (West  Island ARC,  Box  884, Dorval,  Quebec,  H9R  4Z6
         Canada). Direct comments,  questions etc  should be  sent to  VE2SEI
         (Fred Archibald, 130 Embleton Crescent, Pointe  Claire, QC, H9R  3N2
         Canada; e-mail archibal@pubnix.net). [TNX VE2SEI]
S DX@WW $425WW411B
425 DX News #411 [2/6]
  20 March 1999                   No 411                   BID: $425WW411B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

G      - Glyn, GW0ANA and others will  recreate Marconi's first  transmission
         across the English Channel (from Dover to France, on 27 March 1899).
         They will operate as either GB100SFL or GX4BRS from the original QTH
         (South Foreland Lighthouse, Dover) between 25 and 29 March. QSL  via
         GW0ANA. [TNX GW0ANA]
GD     - Vasek, GD4VGN and Harry, GD0VKS will be active from the Isle of  Man
         (EU-116) between 28 March and 9  April. Plans are to operate  mostly
         on all bands CW, but they  will be active during the  CQ WW WPX  SSB
         Contest as well.  QSL GD4VGN via  DL4FF, QSL GD0VKS  via DL3FCP  (in
         both cses either direct or through the DARC bureau). [TNX DL4FF]
H44    - Bernard, H44MS (DL2GAC)  is now active  from Rennel Island  (OC-127)
         until 22 March. Bernard works with  a battery and a solar panel  and
         island chasers are requested to avoid multiband contacts and not  to
         call if they do not need  this group. He will  then move to  Honiara
         (OC-047). QSL via DL2GAC (preferably through the bureau). [TNX F6CYV
         and H44MS]
HS     - HS7UCQ, HS7VMI and  E21IZC will  participate in  the CQ  WW WPX  SSB
         Contest as HS7UCQ/p. QSL via E21IZC. [TNX E21EIC]
HS     - Thailand  Group  1996  (http//www.qsl.net/tg1996)  members   HS1CKC,
         HS1BZY, HS0GBI,  HS0VGC,  HS6MYW, HS6NDK,  E21ENF  and  E21EIC  will
         participate in the  CQ WW  WPX SSB  Contest from  RAST club  station
         HS0AC. They have been allowed to operate  on 10, 15, 20, 40, 80  and
         160 metres. QSL via HS0/G3NOM. [TNX E21EIC]
HV     - Vatican station HV5PUL will be active  again on 22 April. Plans  are
         to be active  on HF (RTTY  included), 6  and 2  metres. For  further
         information check http://www.pul.it [TNX IW0DJB]
JA     - Weather  permitting,  Yuki,  JI6KVR  will  be  active  from  Amakusa
         Archipelago (AS-012) between 07:00 UTC on 20 March and 10:00 UTC  on
         the 21st. QSL via EA5KB (JA stations via JJ6LXX). [TNX JI6KVR]
JA     - JA3CMY, JA4DND,  JE4CIL,  JH0IEV and  JI3DST  will be  /4  from  Oki
         Archipelago (AS-041) between 20 and 22  March 20-22. [TNX ON5NT  and
         Islands On The Web]
JA     - Weather permitting,  JA4PXE will  be active  from Danjo  Archipelago
         (AS-056) between 17 UTC on 26 March and 24 UTC on the 27th. He plans
         to operate  on 6-40  metres SSB.  QSL  via JA4PXE  (Shoji  Kuwahara,
         Midori-cho 1-75, Tokuyama City, 745-0075 Japan). [TNX JA9IFF/1]
JA     - The Radio Club of Ikeda has  been issued the special call 8J3IKD  to
         celebrate the  60th anniversary  of Ikeda  city.  It will  be  aired
         between 1 and 30 April on all bands and modes. [TNX JR3TVH]
JA     - Weather permitting,  Taka,  JA6CM will  be  active as  JA6CM/6  from
         Tsushima (AS-036) between 2 (around 10  UTC) and 5 April (around  00
         UTC). Look for him on or around 14.260, 21.260, 14.040, 21.040  MHz.
         He will pay special attention to Europe. QSL via JA6CM either direct
         or through the bureau. [TNX JA6CM and JA9IFF/1]
JT     - Alberto Frattini,  I1QOD  has  joined  the  team  (including  I0SNY,
         IT9GAI, I1ZB and  IZ0CRN) who  will be  active as  JT1Y from  JT1KAA
         Radio Club  between 6  and  15 April  [425DXN  409]. QSL  via  I0SNY
         (i0sny@stud.unipg.it) [TNX I0SNY]
KL     - John, AL7RB  (ex-KL0DB) has  been forced to  cancel his 25-20  March
         trip [425DXN 409]to  Near Island (NA-064).  He hopes to  be able  to
         reschedule mid May to early June. [TNX AL7RB and Islands On The Web]
KP2    - Chet, W6XK plans to participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest  (27-28
         March) from the US Virgin Islands  (NA-106) at the famous WP2Z  (QSL
         via KU9C)  station. He  might operate  as  KP2/W6XK (QSL  via  W6XK)
         before and after the contest. [TNX The Daily DX]
LU     - Rene, LU7HN will participate in the  CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as  LO7H.
         QSL via LU7HN (Rene Ernesto Giorda, P.O.Box 73, 2400 San  Francisco,
         Cordoba, Argentina). [TNX LU7HN]
LU     - Javier, LU9HS  reports he  will participate  in the  CQ WW  WPX  SSB
         Contest (27-28 March) as LR0H on 20 metres. QSL via LU9HS.
LU     - Julio, LU3HU will participate in the  CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as  LU0H
         (SOAB). QSL direct to LU4HH. [TNX LU9HS]
LU     - The Radio Club General Roca (LU3VAL)  will be active as LV2V  during
         the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest.  This special call will  be used for  the
         next five years. QSL via LU3VAL. [TNX LU6VG]
OZ     - Special event station OZ5HCA will be active from Odense,  Fyn Island
         (EU-029) on  2 April  to  celebrate the  birth  of  Hans   Christian
         Andersen (2 April 1805). QSL via OZ3FYN. [TNX OZ5MJ]
S DX@WW $425WW411C
425 DX News #411 [3/6]
  20 March 1999                   No 411                   BID: $425WW411C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

PA     - Maurice, ON4BAM  will be  active as  PA/ON4BAM from  Ameland  Island
         (EU-038) between 12 and 15 May. He plans to concentrate on 12 and 17 
         metres, but if the propagation does  not co-operate he will  operate
         on 20 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX ON4BAM]
PY     - Alex, PY1KS will participate in the  CQ WW WPX  SSB Contest as  PW1S
         (All Bands Low Power). QSL via  PY1KS either direct (P.O.Box  18123,
         Rio de Janeiro-RJ,  20722-970 Brazil)  or through  the bureau.  [TNX
PY0_fer- Peter, PY5CC  will  be active  as  PY0FF from  Fernando  de  Noronha
         (SA-003) betwee 21 and 29 March. QSL via JA1VOK. [TNX DX News Sheet]
SU     - Jaroslav, OM3TZZ has been living in Egypt for two years. He has  now
         got his SU  licence and is  active as SU9ZZ.  QSL via OM3TZZ  either
         direct (Jaroslav Jamrich,  Gejzu Dusika  43, Trnava  917 08,  Slovak
         Republic) or through the bureau. [TNX SU9ZZ]
SV     - Chris, SV2CWY will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as  J4Z.
         QSL direct  to  P.O. Box  40130,  Thessaloniki 56000,  Greece.  [TNX
SV     - Savas, SV2AEL will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as SW2A.
         QSL direct  to  P.O. Box  22013,  Thessaloniki 55310,  Greece.  [TNX
SV     - Olda, OK1YM reports that SV1DKR  will participate in  the CQ WW  WPX
         SSB Contest as Multi-Multi. 
T7     - I1JQJ (Mauro),  I8NHJ (Max), IV3ARJ  (Umberto),  IV3FSG (Simonetta),
         IV3NVN (Simone), IV3TMV (Flavio) and IV3UHL (Paolo) will participate
         in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest (Multi-Single) as T77V from San Marino.
         They will be active with a 5-element for 10, 15  and 20, a 2-element
         for 40, a vertical and inverted vee for  80 and an inverted vee  for
         160 metres. QSL via IS0QDV. 
UN     - Romeo, UN5PR will participate in the  CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as  UP5P
         (SOAB). QSL  direct  to  UN5PR  (Romeo  Y.  Loparev,  P.O.  Box  73,
         Temirtau,472300, Repubic of Kazakhstan). [TNX UN5PR]
VE     - Industry Canada has issued the callsign  XL3D in celebration of  the
         25th Anniversary  of  the Ontario  DX  Association  for  the  period
         starting at 00.00  UTC on 25  March to 23.59  UTC on  25 April.  QSL
         either direct (to Ontario DX Association,  P.O. Box 161, Station  A,
         Willowdale, Ontario, M2N 5S8 Canada) or through the bureau to VE3ODX
         or VE3SRE.  The  web site  for  the Ontario  DX  Association  is  at
         http://www.durhamradio.ca/odxa [TNX VE3SRE]
VK     - Stuart, VK8NSB  will be  active as  VK8NSB/P while  on holiday  from
         Groote Eylandt (OC-141) between 3 and 18 April. He plans to  operate
         on 10,  15 and  80 metres  (SSB and  CW) with  special attention  to
         Europe. QSL via VK9NS. [TNX VK8NSB]
VP5    - Matt, IK2SGC and  Conrad, IK2SFZ will  be active  as VP5/IK2SGC  and
         VP5/IK2SFZ from Whitby North Caicos (NA-002) between 24 March and  5
         April. They will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as  either
         VP5N or VP5R (Multi-Single). Before and after the contest they  will
         concentrate on the low and WARC bands. QSL via IK2SAI either  direct
         (IMCO, P.O. Box 99, 20101 Milan  - MI, Italy) or through the  bureau
         (please   note   that   bureau   cards    can   be   requested    at
         ik2sai@amsat.org). [TNX IK2SGC]
W      - The Knightlites (a QRP group from  North Carolina) will be going  on
         their third annual QRPedition to the  North Carolina Outer Banks  on
         25-28 March. They will be using  the call WQ4RP/NA67 on this  SSB/CW
         operation. They will have several low power beacons operating on  15
         metres (21963  kHz at  19.00-22.00 UTC  on 26  March; 21063  kHz  at
         20.00-22.30 UTC on the  27th), 10 metres  (28685 kHz at  15.00-19.00
         UTC on the 27th and at 14.00-16.00  UTC on the 28th) and 160  metres
         (1812 kHz at 00:00-0100 UTC and 05:00-13:00 UTC on the 27th and  the
         28th). QSL via AB4PP. [TNX AE4EC]
W      - Wolf, DL2SCQ and Ann, DL1SCQ will be visiting New Orleans between 27
         March and 10  April and plan  to operate from  Grand Isle  (NA-168),
         Padre Island (NA-092) and maybe Marsh Island (NA-120) as well.  [TNX
XW     - Michael, DF8AN is active as XW8KPL/DF8AN  from Laos until 20  March.
         His next stops will be Vietnam  until 1 April  and Singapore on  the
         4th. QSL via DF8AN. [TNX The Daily DX]
YB     - Wisnu, YB0AZS and other operators from ORARI Daerah DKI Jakarta will
         participate in the CQ WW WPX  SSB Contest as 8A0J (Eight Alpha  Zero
         Juliet) in the Multi-Single category. QSL via YB0AI (P.O. Box  7004,
         Jakarta 12070, Indonesia). [TNX YB0AZ]
ZC4    - George, 5B4AGC expects  to visit one  of the UK  Sovereign Bases  on
         Cyprus (AS-004)  on  26  March.  He hopes  to  be  allowed  to  stay
         overnight and operate  as ZC4RAF  on the  low bands  (CW). [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
ZK2    - Uwe, DL2YAK and Hape, DL1EMH will  be active (on  all bands CW,  SSB
         and RTTY)  as ZK2GEO  from Niue  (OC-040) between  22 March  and  11
         April. They plan to participate in  the CQ WPX SSB Contest. QSL  via
         DL1EMH. [TNX The Daily DX]
S DX@WW $425WW411D
425 DX News #411 [4/6]
  20 March 1999                   No 411                   BID: $425WW411D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

IARU ---> The new President and  Vice-President of the International  Amateur
Radio  Union  are  Larry  E.  Price,  W4RA  and  David  A.  Wardlaw,   VK3ADW
respectively. Price succeeds Richard L. Baldwin, W1RU (President since  1982)
and Wardlaw succeeds Michael J. Owen, VK3KI (Vice-President since 1989). They
will take up their positions on 9 May. [TNX ARRL]

INTERNATIONAL DX CONVENTION ---> The 50th  annual convention is organized  by
the Northern  California DX  Club and  will  be held  on  9-11 April  at  the
Radisson Hotel  and  Conference Center  in  Fresno, California.  For  further
information please visit http://www.amateur-radio.org/ncdxc.htm

NORTHWEST DX CONVENTION  ---> The  Willamette Valley  DX Club  is pleased  to
announce the annual Pacific Northwest DX  Convention will be held between  30
July and 1  August 1999  at the  Monarch Hotel  in Portland,  OR. For  futher
information please  visit the  club  website at  http://www.qsl.net/wvdxc  or
contact Al Rovner, K7AR (Convention Chairman) at k7ar@qsl.net [TNX K7AR]

C21SX & C21ZM  ---> Roger, C21SX  (G3SXW) and  Bob, C21ZM  (G3ZEM) made  over
20,000 CW contacts from Nauru between February 27th and March 7th as  follows
(band/QSOs): 160/220, 80/421,  40/2222, 30/2216,  20/2452, 17/2895,  15/4352,
12/2777, 10/3109. The LF path to  Europe was very  difficult: no contacts  on
160 and only eight on 80 metres. On HF the  path to JA and North America  was
excellent whilst  West Europe  struggled on  short-path through  the  Russian
wall. QSL C21SX via G3SXW (Roger Western, 7 Field Close, Chessington,  Surrey
KT9 2QD,  England);  QSL C21ZM  via  G3ZEM (Bob  Henderson,  Whitwell  House,
Whitwell-on-the-Hill, York YO6 7JJ, England). Bureau  cards can be  requested
at g3sxw@compuserve.com  (for C21SX)  and g3zem@btinternet.com  (for  C21ZM).

LOGGING PROGRAMME (FREE) ---> The latest release (2.1d) of "LOGvrr",  written
by  Roberto   (IN3VRR),  will   be  soon   available   free  of   charge   at
http://www.alpcom.it/actis/hamradio/software/logvrr/  For further information
please contact Roberto at in3vrr@eclipse-net.it [TNX IN3VRR]

QSL 3V8BB ---> Please note that Giovanni, I5JHW can confirm only the contacts
made on the  following dates: 26  April - 4  May 1997 (3V8BB  and TS8ZA  used
during the ARI Contest), 25-31 March 1998 (3V8BB and TS5I during the WPX  SSB
Contest), 1-4 May  1998 (3V8BB, ARI  Contest included),  11-14 December  1998
(3V8BB, ARRL 10 Meters Contest included), 4-8 March 1999 (3V8BB, ARRL DX  SBB
Contest included). [TNX I5JHW]

QSL IQ1L ---> Marco, IZ1BZS reports all of the cards for this station (it was
active during the Lighthouse and Lightship  Activity Weekend on 22-23  August
1998, 425DXN 379) have been sent.

QSL NOT VIA WA1ECA ---> Frank, WA1ECA reports he is *not* the QSL manager for
ZA5G. He also reports he  will not accept  cards for 5X1F  (SK) and 5X1C  (no
logs since October 1995) any longer. [TNX WA1ECA]

QSL VIA  AI5P --->  Rick, AI5P  has been  notified by  the printer  that  the
shipment has been lost in the post. Cards have been reprinted, please do  not
send  duplicates.  The  calls   Rick  used  during   his  European  trip   in
October-November 1998  are  HB9/ON8DX,  OK8PDX,  OM9AIP,  HA/AI5P,  DL/ON8DX,
ON8DX, and M/AI5P. [TNX AI5P]

THE DAILY DX ---> The Daily DX Search page has been updated and now  includes
issues from the beginning to 29 January 1999 (Vol. 3 No. 20). This week marks
the  2  year  anniversary  (17  March)   of  The  Daily  DX  -  our   warmest
congratulations  to  the   editor,  Bernie  McClenny   (W3UR).  For   further
information  on  this  excellent  source  of  DX  information,  please  visit
http://www.dailydx.com or send an e-mail to the editor at bernie@dailydx.com

VK6LC/P ---> Mal,  VK6LC reports  he made  over 750  QSOs with  a very  basic
equipment in less than 12 hours during his recent operation [425DXN 407] from
Malus Island (OC-199). His brief stop  over was co-ordinated with the  Rowley
Shoals DXpedition  (VK9-99) logistics  meeting in  Karratha. Conditions  were
good to most continents, but unfortunately that evening they were struck by a
tropical storm. QSL direct only to VK6LC.

WLH DX CLUB ---> The first convention of the World LightHouse DX Club will be
held on June 12, 1999 near  Strasbourg, France. The purpose  of the club  and
this meeting is to urge radio  amateurs to develop  ham radio expeditions  to
lighthouses and encourage hams to make radio contact with lighthouses  around
the world.  Philippe, F5OGG  and Bruno,  F5SKJ  have created  two  lighthouse
awards: the  World Lighthouse  Award (WLH),  is  international in  scope  and
includes offshore or  island lighthouses  from around  the globe(today,  more
than 820 lighthouses  have been recognized  as valid for  the award) and  the
French Sea Coast Lighthouse Award (DPLF) which has been created to  stimulate
national interest and includes all French lighthouses, both offshore as  well
as those  situated  on the  mainland.  Further information  is  available  at
http://www.infini.fr/~tquere [TNX W9DC]

+ SILENT KEY +  It was with the greatest  sadness that we have learnt of  the
sudden passing  of  Ajarn  Chamlong Chuathai, HS1AAM,  Vice President of  the 
Radio Society of  Thailand (RAST),  on 16  March. Chamlong  was an  energetic
leader  who  organised  many  amateur  radio  events  in  Thailand,  such  as
conventions (SEANET), amateur radio special events, nets and IOTA DXpeditions
to the Thai Islands.  He was a  much respected teacher  who helped many  Thai
amateurs to obtain their licenses. [TNX HS0/G3NOM]
S DX@WW $425WW411E
425 DX News #411 [5/6]
  20 March 1999                   No 411                   BID: $425WW411E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

BARTG:       The rules  for  the  British  Amateur  Radio  Teleprinter  Group
             (BARTG)     WW     RTTY     Contest     are     available     at
             http://www.demon.co.uk/Contest/99rules.htm  (the  contest  takes
             place between 02.20 UTC on 20 March and 02.00 UTC on the 22nd)
CALLBOOK:    Larry, EW2EO reports he has added a callbook for EU-EW  stations
             to his web pages (http://www.qsl.net/ew2eo).
CALLBOOK:    A   callbook   for    Italian   stations    is   available    at
             http://www.qsl.net/iz8ajq [TNX IZ8AJQ]
DXTELNET:    One of the URLs where to  download the latest version (4.51)  of
             DXTelnet    [425DXN     409]     has    been     replaced     by
             http://www.qsl.net/wd4ngb/telnet.htm  For further details please
             contact Fabrizio Sartoni, IK4VYX at rac2610@racine.ra.it
LOGS:        Goran, SM4DHF has added the links to 225 log searches to his web
             pages. Give a  look to  http://home.swipnet.se/sm4dhf/search.htm
             [TNX SM4DHF]
LOGS (FT5):  The log  search for  FT5WH now  includes contacts  made  through
             12.55     UTC      on      13      March.      Please      check
             http://perso.easynet.fr/~f5nod/ft5whlog.html The first batch  of
             1500 cards has been received and  requests are being  processed.
             [TNX F5NOD]
N9PD:        The  Prairie   DX   Group   N9PD   web   page's   new   URL   is
             http://www.n9pd.com [TNX KF9YL]

QSL received via direct: 4J3M, 6W6JX, 9M2TD, 9V8ZB, 9Y4/DL4MCF, A35ZL, A61AQ,
AH8LG, BI7W (AS-139),  BQ9P, BT2HC, C56NY, C91RF, CO8LY, E30GA, E31AA, EP3HR,
EX8W, FW5XX,  HC8N, KH6FHX,  JL1KFR/JD1,  TR8CA,  TZ6JA,  V31TP, V63AO, V63X, 

QSL received via WF5E - DX QSL Service:   5W0HP,  A45XR,  CE1LDS/P  (SA-085),
CE1LDS/2 (SA-086),  FG/DJ6SI,  FK8VHN,  HR6XX  (NA-057),  HK3JJH/0P (NA-049),

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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S DX@WW $425WW411F
425 DX News #411 [6/6]
  20 March 1999                   No 411                   BID: $425WW411F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  20/03      3B8/G3PJT: Mauritius Island (AF-049)                   409
till  Jun        3DA0CA: Swaziland                                      411
till  31/03      4N800, YT800, YU800, YZ800: special event stations     397
till  ??         5A22PA: Libya * by 5A1A                                408
till  ??         9G1AA: Ghana * by 9G1OO, PA3ERA and PA3FUE             405
till  May        9G5HK: Ghana * by DL1IAL                               404
till  23/03      9M6UZT: Sabah, East Malaysia (OC-088) * by G4UZN       411
till  30/04      AT0DJQ: special contest prefix * by VU3DJQ             409
till  25/03      C56EL: The Gambia * by ON4CEL                          410
till  03/04      EA8/DL7AU: Canary Islands (AF-004)                     410
till  August     FK8VHU: New Caledonia                                  401
till  December   FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL                      401
till  December   FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island                                399
till  22/03      H44MS: Rennel Island (OC-127) * by DL2GAC              411
till  05/04      HS0ZCW: Thailand * by K4VUD                            410
till  05/04      J3/K4LTA and J3/K4UPS: Grenada (NA-024)                409
till  11/04      K2ZR/4: Key West (NA-062)                              406
till  25/03      KG4GC, KG4VL, KG4WB: Guantanamo * by W4WX, N5VL, N2WB  410
till  22/03      KG4TO & KG4BV: Guantanamo (NA-015) * by N4TO & N4OO    409
till  20/04      P49M: Aruba (SA-036) * by VE3MR                        397
till  21/03      T88RK,T88HG,T88HY,T88AJ,T88??: Belau (OC-009) * by JAs 410
till  20/05      UA3SDK/0: Sredniy Island (AS-042)                      407
till  19/03      V31GI: NA-180 (Belize) * by  PA3GIO                    408
till  21/03      VI6EWI: Woody Island (OC-170) * by VK6s                409
till  May        VQ9DX: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by AA5DX                403
till  March      VQ9QM: Diego Garcia Island (AF-006)                    401
till  10/04      UE9Wxx: special stations                               410
till  27/11      XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada)              401
till  20/03      XW8KPL/DF8AN: Laos                                     411
till  Apr        ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT                388
till  22/03      ZV0SB & ZV0SW: St.Peter & St.Paul Arch. * by PYs       410
till  22/03      ZY6XC, PT7BZ/6, PY7ZY/6, PT7WA/6: Tinhare Isl (SA-080) 410
14/03-28/03      GU4YWY/M: Guernsey (EU-114) * by G4YWY                 410
17/03-26/03      3B8/F6CMH: Mauritius (AF-049)                          410
17/03-02/04      XF4BEF: Revilla Gigedo (NA-030)                        410
19/03-23/03      BV3/DJ3KR: Taiwan (AS-020)                             410
20/03-27/03      3D2KE: Fiji * by K0KL                                  411
from  20/03      A35LU: Tonga * by Ws                                   411
20/03-21/03      II2V * special A. Volta station                        407
20/03-22/03      JA3CMY,JA4DND,JE4CIL,JH0IEV,JI3DST: Oki Arch (AS-041)  411
20/03-21/03      JI6KVR: Amakusa Archipelago (AS-012)                   411
20/03-22/03      BART Spring RTTY Contest                               ***
20/03-21/03      Russian DX Contest                                     ***
21/03-29/03      PY0FF: Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) * by PY5CC         411
22/03-11/04      ZK2GEO: Niue (OC-040) * by DL2YAK and DL1EMH           411
24/03-29/03      9H3XY: Malta (EU-023) * by G4JVG                       411
24/03-05/04      VP5/IK2SGC, VP5/IK2SFZ + VP5N or VP5R: Caicos (NA-002) 411
25/03-29/03      3W6US and XV300S: Vietnam * by YB0US                   411
25/03-29/03      GB100SFL or GX4BRS: Marconian activity by GW0ANA       411
25/03-25/04      XL3D: celebrative call (Canada)                        411
25/03-28/03      WQ4RP/NA67: QRP operation by The Knightlites           411
26/03-29/03      BP9A or BV9AYA: P'eng-hu Island (AS-103) * by BV4ME    411
26/03-17/04      BV3/DJ3KR: Taiwan (AS-020)                             410
26/03-29/03      C91RF/P: Benguerua Island (AF-072) * by DL6DQW         411
26/03            II2V * special A. Volta station                        407
26/03-27/03      JA4PXE: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056)                     411
26/03            ZC4RAF: Cyprus UK Sovereign Base (AS-004) * by 5B4AGC  411
26/03-31/03      WP4U: Mona Island (NA-099)                             406
27/03-28/03      3A/I1YRL and 3A/IK1SLP: Monaco                         411
27/03-28/03      8A0J (WPX SSB) * by ORARI Daerah DKI Jakarta           411
27/03-28/03      HS0AC (WPX SSB) * by Thailand Group 1996               411
27/03-28/03      HS7UCQ/p (WPX SSB)                                     411
27/03-28/03      J4Z (WPX SSB) * by SV2CWY                              411
27/03-28/03      LO7H (WPX SSB) * by LU7HN                              411
27/03-28/03      LR0H (WPX SSB) * by LU9HS                              411
27/03-28/03      LU0H (WPX SSB) * by LU3HU                              411
27/03-28/03      LV2V (WPX SSB) * by LU3VAL                             411
27/03-28/03      PW1S (WPX SSB) * by PY1KS                              411
27/03-28/03      SV1DKR (WPX SSB)                                       411
27/03-28/03      SW2A (WPX SSB) * by SV2AEL                             411
27/03-28/03      T77V: San Marino * Italian team                        411
27/03-28/03      TX8DX: New Caledonia (WPX SSB) * by FK8s               410
27/03-28/03      UP5P (WPX SSB) * by UN5PR                              411
27/03-28/03      WP2Z (WPX SSB): US Virgin Is (NA-106) * by W6XK        411
27/03-28/03      CQWW WPX SSB Contest                                   ***
28/03-09/04      GD4VGN,GD0VKS: Isle of Man (EU-116) * by DL4FF,DL3FCP  411
28/03-03/04      V31GI: NA-180 (Belize) * by  PA3GIO                    408
30/03-31/03      VK4: Wellesley Islands (OC-???) * by G3ZAY             409
Mar-Apr          9N7RN: Nepal * by IZ6BRN                               407
from March       FT5XN: Kerguelen * by F6IHY                            399
01/04-11/04      3B9R: Rodrigues Island (AF-017) * by MKDXF             411
01/04-30/04      8J3IKD: celebrative call (Japan)                       411
01/04-04/04      ZY8A: Anavilhanas Archipelago (DIB 74) * by PYs        409
02/04-08/04      JW/SM7NAS: Svalbard (EU-026)                           409
02/04            OZ5HCA: special event station                          411
02/04-05/04      JA6CM: Tsushima (AS-036)                               411
02/04-03/04      VK4: Thursday Island (OC-138) * by G3ZAY               409
03/04-18/04      VK8NSB/P: Groote Eylandt (OC-141)                      409
03/04-04/04      Italian YLRC Marconi                                   ***
03/04-04/04      SP DX Contest                                          ***
03/04-04/04      EA RTTY Contest                                        410
05/04            VK5: So. Austr. St. East (OC-???) * by VK5AFZ & G3ZAY  410
06/04-15/04      JT1Y: Mongolia * by I0SNY, I1QOD, I1ZB, IT9GAI, IZ0CRN 411
23/04-25/04      IOTA Convention - Alicante (Spain)                     ***