DX425 bulletin issue nr. 410

S DX@WW $425WW410A
425 DX News #410 [1/4]
  13 March 1999                    No 410                   BID: $425WW410A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3B8    - Patrick, F6CMH  will be  active (SSB)  as 3B8/F6CMH  from  Mauritius
         (AF-049) between 17 and 26 March. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
8P     - 8P2K has been issued to  Dean, 8P6SH for  use during contests  until
         the end of  the year  2000. It  was activated  for the  ARRL DX  SSB
         Contest and will be QRV for the CQ WW WPX Contest later this  month.
         QSL via KU9C or direct to 8P6SH. [TNX 8P6SH]
BV     - Juergen, DJ3KR will be active (mainly  on LF and  WARC bands CW)  as
         BV3/DJ3KR from Taiwan (AS-020) on 19-23 March and 26 March-17 April.
         QSL via DH3MG. [TNX DX News Sheet]
C5     - Frank, ON4CEL will be active (10-80 metres mainly CW, with some SSB)
         from The  Gambia between  17 and  25 March.  QSL via  ON4CEL  either
         direct (Franky Beuselinck, Oostmolenstraat 95, 9880 Aalter, Belgium)
         or   through    the   bureau.    Logs   will    be   available    at
         http://user.online.be/~frankyb/index.html after the operation.  [TNX
         OPDX Builletin]
E4     - David, E41/OK1DTP [425DXN 409] has been the first to receive an  E41
         prefix. He has been  regularly licenced since  24 February and  will
         remain active from  the West Bank  (Palestine) for the  rest of  the
         year. He and his father (OK1TD)  plan to operate in  the CQ WPX  SSB
         Contest (27-28 March). QSL via OK1TD (Jiri Lunak, U Sporky 185,  470
         01 Ceska Lipa, Czech Republic). [TNX The Daily DX]
EA8    - DL7AU is  active  (mostly on  RTTY)  as EA8/DL7AU  from  the  Canary
         Islands (AF-004) until 3 April. He plans to participate in the  CQWW
         WPX SSB Contest (10 metres). QSL via DL7VRO. [TNX DX News Sheet]
FK     - FK8FI, FK8VHN, FK8HC and FK8GM will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB
         Contest as TX8DX (Multi-Multi). QSL via VK4FW (Bill Horner, P.O. Box
         929, Gympie, Queensland 4570, Australia). [TNX FK8GM]
GU     - Bill, G4YWY  will  be active  as  GU4YWY/M  from  Guernsey  (EU-114)
         between 14 and 28 March. QSL via home call. [TNX DX News Sheet]
HS     - Charlie, K4VUD will  be active as  HS0ZCW from  Thailand between  13
         March and 5  April and  again between  18 May  and 2  June. QSL  via
         K4VUD. [TNX The Daily DX]
KG4    - Vance, N5VL (KG4VL) will  be joining W4WX  (KG4GC) and N2WB  (KG4WB)
         for the 18-25 March operation from  Guantanamo Bay (NA-015)  [425DXN
         409]. They will participate in the BARTG RTTY Contest (20-21  March)
         as KG4WB. QSL via home calls. [TNX N5VL]
PY     - Jim, PY7XC has been joined by PT7BZ,  PY7ZY and PT7WA on his way  to
         Tinhare Island (SA-080) [425DXN 409]. After  a brief operation  from
         Itaparica Island (SA-023),  they moved  to Tinhare,  where they  now
         plan to remain active with two  stations until around  18 UTC on  22
         March. [TNX The Daily DX]
PY0_spp- The ABRA DXpedition to St. Peter  and St. Paul Archipelago  (SA-014)
         [425DXN 409] is confirmed to be due to start on 15 or 16 March.  The
         operators, who left Natal on 11 March, will be signing ZV0SB on  SSB
         and ZV0SW on CW (no activity  on RTTY). QSL  via PT2GTI. [TNX  PS7AB
         and PT2GTI]
T3     - In a message  received early this  week Steve,  OM3JW reported  that
         T30R will remain active  from Tarawa, West  Kiribati (OC-017) for  a
         few days longer than planned [425DXN 403]. After that the group will
         NOT go and  operate from either  Banaba (T33) or  Canton (T31),  but
         will return  home.  QSL via  OK1RD  (Jaroslav Semotam,  Borova  155,
         CZ-251 01 Ricany, Czech Republic). [TNX OM3JW]
T8     - JA1BRK (T88RK), JA1HGY (T88HG), JA1HYF  (T88HY), 7N3AWE (T88AJ)  and
         JK1OPL (T88??) will be active from Koror (OC-009), Belau between  19
         and 21 March. They will operate  on 6-160 metres (SSB, CW and  RTTY)
         with two stations; special attention will be paid to the WARC bands.
         QSL via home calls. [TNX JA1HGY]
UA     - Seven special stations will  be active until  10 April to  celebrate
         the 80th  anniversary  of the  Rebublic  of  Bashkortostan  (Asiatic
         Russia): UE9WAA operated by RW9WA (P.O. Box 7056, Ufa 450075, Russia
         - or via W3HNK, NAs only);  UE9WAB operated by RV9WB (P.O.Box  7016,
         Ufa 450075, Russia  - or  via W3HC,  NAs only);  UE9WAC operated  by
         RU9WB (P.O. Box 158, Ufa 450096,  Russia - or  via W3HC, NAs  only);
         UE9WFJ operated by RX9WN (P.O.Box 139,  Ufa 450038, Russia);  UE9WGM
         operated by RV9WZ (P.O.Box 179, Ufa 450065, Russia); UE9WYL operated
         by RZ9WM (via RW9WA); UE9WZZ operated by RZ9WZ (via N2AU). If you do
         not need a  fast reply, please  note that all  of the  QSOs will  be
         confirmed through the bureau. [TNX RW9WA]
VK     - Robert Hancock, VK5AFZ has been planning an expedition to an  island
         in the  un-numbered VK5  group South  Australia State  East and  has
         invited Martin,  G3ZAY to  join him  for a  one-day operation  on  5
         April. They plan to be QRV  with two stations from around  0800-2100
         local time. QSL information will be announced nearer the time.  [TNX
XF4    - This week's  ARRL DX  Bulletin reports  that XF4BEF  will be  active
         (6-160 metres,  CW,  SSB and  RTTY)  from Socorro  Island  (NA-030),
         Revilla Gigedo between 17 March and 2 April. QSL via XE1BEF.
S DX@WW $425WW410B
425 DX News #410 [2/4]
  13 March 1999                    No 410                   BID: $425WW410B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

E44/HA1AG ---> The 4-member Hungarian team  made 40430 QSOs (9971 SSB,  29715
CW, 744 RTTY)  in less than  nine days. The  band breakdowns are  (band/QSOs)
160/1579,   80/2817, 40/4956,  30/3557, 20/7876,  17/4084, 15/5926,  12/4480,
10/5155. The stations who were able to work them on all of the nine bands are
262. The log search (http://www.okdxc.cz/e44) now covers all 40430  contacts.

EA RTTY  CONTEST --->  It  is sponsored  by  URE (Union  de  Radioaficionados
Espanoles) and will take place (10, 15, 20,  40 nd 80 metres) between 16  UTC
on 3 April and 16 UTC  on the 4th. The rules are  available from the  Contest
Manager (Antonio Alcolado, EA1MV) at alcolado@redestb.es 

QSL 1A0KM & HV4NAC ---> QSL manager Francesco Valsecchi, IK0FVC reports  that
he is used to processing (and mailing) these cards in batches once a week. He
can rely  on his  friends from  the Roman  DX Club  for help  and this  modus
operandi has proved effective. If you  do not receive  your card(s) within  a
reasonable time, it is because  Francesco has not  received your request.  He
asks DXers to refrain from e-mailing  reminders to him, as this cannot  speed
up the process.

QSL 3V8BB  ---> The  address of  the station  is P.O.  Box 2055,  Bir-El-Bey,
Tunisia, but the actual QSL route for 3V8BB  depends on the date and time  of
the QSO, as  guest operators have  their own QSL  routes. Cards for  contacts
made during the 1999 ARRL DX SSB Contest should be sent via I5JHW.

QSL 5R8PR &  5R8OP ---> Cards  have been received  from the  printer and  QSL
managers (respectively  F6BFH  and F6AOI)  have  started replying  to  direct
requests received so far. Please note  that they will pay return postage  out
of their pockets,  as green  stamps and  IRCs will  be used  to buy  clothes,
school books and medicines for the  children living in  a small village  near
Antananarivo. [TNX F6BFH and Island On The Web]

QSL H44AL,  VK4AFL, VK4BKM  ---> Laurie  Pritchard, VK4BLE  (WIAQ QSL  Bureau
Manager) has been advised by VK4AFL and VK4BKM that they do not wish to  have
their QSL cards sent via the  VK4 bureau. They will  accept only direct  QSLs
(cards for H44AL are to be sent to VK4AFL). If there are any questions please
contact the VK4 QSL Bureau via e-mail (wiaqqsl@powerup.com.au). [TNX VK4BLE]

QSL MANAGERS REFLECTOR ---> It is devoted specifically to active QSL Managers
and it NOT intended to be another list for listing QSL routes and queries for
QSL information.  "This  should  be  a comfortable  place  for  us  to  share
information, resources,  tips, experiences,  problems and  solutions",  Larry
Wilson, KE1HZ (lwilson@cyberportal.net) states. To join this new e-mail  list
send a blank message to join-QSL-Managers@XC.org [TNX KE1HZ]

QSL (NOT) VIA NE8Z ---> As  of 9 March Rick Dorsch, NE8Z  is *no longer*  the
QSL manager for  HC6CR, HD6CR, HC6FG  and HD6FG. "Mail  theft in Ecuador  has
made the passing of logs impossible and they are not able to send me logs via
e-mail", Rick reports. All past, present and future QSOs can be confirmed via
their direct address: Roberto Camacho (HC6CR/HD6CR)  and Maricela de  Camacho
(HC6FG/HD6FG), Casilla  614,  Ambato, Ecuador.  Please  note that  NE8Z  will
continue to act as QSL manager for  HC1HC, as Alfredo is able to  communicate
with Rick via e-mail with logs and/or other information. [TNX NE8Z]

QSL VIA WA5KBH ---> George Carr, WA5KBH reports the mail forwarding from  the
United Kingdom for QSL cards to his UK calls has expired. Cards for G0WEW and
G0/WA5KBH now go to his stateside address. George was in the UK between  1990
and 1996. [TNX WA5KBH]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***   
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

LOGS (E4):    The  logs   for  David,   E41/OK1DTP  are   now  available   at
LOGS (FW):    The  final  logs  (7554  QSOs)  for  Cedric's  (HB9HFN)  recent
              operation as  FW5FN from  Wallis Island  are now  available  at
              http://www.qsl.net/hb9hfn/log/fw_search.html [TNX HB9HFN]
LOGS (KG4):   The logs for the recent KG4DZ,  KG4SD and KG4ZK operation  from
              Guantanamo      Bay       are      now       available       at
              http://www.pilot.infi.net/~charding/gitmo99.htm [TNX The  Daily
XF4MX:        The web  page  for the  current  [425DXN  407]  operation  from
              Socorro  Island  (NA-030),  Revilla  Gigedo  can  be  found  at
S DX@WW $425WW410C
425 DX News #410 [3/4]
  13 March 1999                    No 410                   BID: $425WW410C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***** QSL INFO  [1/2] *****
                          Edited by IK1GPG & IK1QFM
        TNX:  4N1DX, IK7AFM, LU5FC, OA4SS, UA0ZY, The Daily DX
CALL       MANAGER          CALL       CALL             CALL       CALL   
3B8/DL6UAA DL6UUA           FW5FN      HB9HFN           S79AG      SM0AGD 
3B8/F6CMH  F6CMH            G0ANA/P    GW0ANA           S79XB      LA7XB  
3B8/G3PJT  G3PJT            G5M        G3WNI            SU1ER/3    WA3HUP 
3D2TN      OKDXF            GB0SM      G3WNI            T30R       OKDXF  
3D2WC      OKDXF            GJ2D       G3LZQ            T31RD      OKDXF  
3DA0/K3AWY K3AWY            GP0STH     G4DIY            T32RT      W6UC   
3E1CW      KD6WW            HB0CZS     ON4CAT           T33RD      OKDXF  
3V8BB      DK4VW  99CQWW160 HI7/N2EFW  N2EFW            T94RAC     VE3ESE 
3V8BB      I5JHW  ARRL99SSB HK0/AA3KX  W4DC             TG9/IK2NCJ I2MQP  
4L0CR      IK7JTF           HK0/K5OF   W4DC             TM0Y       ON4DST 
4N1DX      YU1AVQ           HK0/W4DC   W4DC             TR0A       G3OCA  
4N1EA      YU1EFG           HK0/WN4FVU W4DC             UA0ZY/P    UA0ZY  
4N1YL      YU1HFG           HK0OEP     N0JT             UA3SDK/0   RU3SD  
4N1Z       YU1AVQ           HK3/G0SHN  F6AJA            UA9QA      RW9QA  
4N800H     YU0SRJ           HK3JJH/0   HK3JJH           UA9QGB     RW9QA  
4S7AL      JA7TAL           HR6/W5WW   W5WW             UA9QGR     RW9QA  
4S7IJG     DJ4IJ            HS0ZBG     K8GT             UA9RH      RW9QA  
4S7SW      ON6TZ            HU4A       YT1AD            UA9RQ      RW9QA  
4U1WB      KK4HD            II2K       I2KHM            UE0ZZZ     UA0ZY  
5A22PA     IK3ZAW           IQ1A       I1JQJ            UX6F       UX3FW  
5B4/DJ0FX  DJ0FX            IQ1Z       IK1NLZ           V26O       N5NJ   
5N7YZC     WA1ECA           J3/K4LTA   K4LTA            V26RA      K3RA   
5R8FU      SM0DJZ           J3/K4UPS   K4UPS            V31DX      N2AU   
5T5U       JA1UT            J37VG      AA1IZ            V31GI      PA3GIO 
5U7DG      K4SE             J45RDS     SV5AZP           V31JP      KA9WON 
5W1SA      JH7OHF           JW/LB4OE   LB4OE            V31JU      WA2NHA 
5Z4GS      WB2YQH           JW/LC3SAT  LC3SAT           V31MX      K0BCN  
5Z4LI      G3SWH            JW/SM7NAS  SM7NAS           V44KAI     K2SB   
6K0ZS      IK2DUW           JW7QIA     LA7QIA           V47KP      K2SB   
8P2K       KU9C             JW9PJA     LA9PJA           V51HK      DL6OBS 
8Q7UK      G0SAH            JY9QJ      DL5MBY           V7/N4XP    N4XP   
9G1BJ      G4XTA            KG4DZ      W4SD             VI3GP      VK3ER  
9G1YR      G4XTA            KG4GC      W4WX             VK8AV/3    VK4AAR 
9G5HK      DL1IAL           KG4NW      NW3K             VK9NM      JQ3DUE 
9H3AAW     DK1EAW           KG4OO      N4OO             VK9NQ      JM1KNQ 
9H3ZV      G4ZVJ            KG4OX      W4OX             VP2EHL     AA1M   
9J2AM      JA0JHA           KG4SD      W4SD             VP2EKT     AA1M   
9K2GS/NLD  W6YJ             KG4TO      N4TO             VP2ERN     W1USN  
9M6TUZ     G4UZN            KG4WB      N2WB             VP2EY      HB9SL  
A35RK      W7TSQ            KG4ZK      W4ZYT            VP2V/W4CE  W4CE   
A92GD      K1SE             KH0/JJ2NYT JJ2NYT           VP2V/W4RM  W4RM   
A92GF      WC6DX  (USA)     KH4/IV3NVN IV3TMV           VP5J       KK9A   
A92GF      EA7FR  (WW)      KP2/VE5RA  VE5RA            VP9/N2KJM  N2KJM  
AP2AHQ     G4JFN            L50V       LU5VC            VU2RBI     VU2DBP 
AT0DJQ     VU3DJQ           LR0H       LU9HS            VU3MCV     ON7LX  
BA1HAM     NE9Z             LT1F       LU1KFR           VU3RSB     VK4AAR 
BD7NQ      W2AY             LZ5W       LZ1MC            VU3TOM     KR4ZY  
BI4CM      BY4HAM           NH7/NE8Z   NE8Z             VU3ULH     OK1MM  
C21SX      G3SXW            NP2/N2TK   N2TK             W4/AH6JN   K4AMI  
C21ZM      G3ZEM            OA4SS      KB6J             XE1L       WA3HUP 
C31SD      CT1AMK           OA8ADM     KC7HRT           XF4MX      XE1MX  
C56SW      G3VMW            OD5/JY4NE  JY4NE            XJ1HA      VE1HA  
C91CV      LA7FAA           OH0/K7BV   KU9C             XO6JO      VE6JO  
C98CX      ZS1AAZ           OH0Z       OH1EH            XU7AAC     HL2AQN 
CE0AA      CE3WDH           OJ0/K7BV   KU9C             XV6JP      JA1IED 
CE3/SM3SGP SM3EVR           OR5EU      IV3TIQ           YB0ECT     K5ZE   
CF1TX      VO1TX            OY3QN      OZ1ACB           YC5XIP     I1WFF  
CO3ET      WD4OIN           P29VR      W7LFA            YI1ALW     WB3CQN 
CO6DW      EA8DO            P40KD      N6KD             YN6HM      N5TGZ  
CO6XN      HK6DOS           PJ2/K2NG   WA2NHA           YT800FG    YU0SRJ 
CO8JY      KU9C             PJ8/ND5S   ND5S             YT800MO    YU0SRJ 
CO8LY      EA7ADH           PJ8/PA3GIO PA3GIO           YU21SRJ    YU1ASB 
CT3/DJ7RJ  DJ7RJ            PJ8/W3EH   W3EH  (Ex K2KTT) YU800R     YU0SRJ 
CV1F       CX6FP            PJ9/K2NG   WA2NHA           YZ800R     YU0SRJ 
CW2CP      CX2FP            PQ5Q       PP5LL            YZ9A       YU1BFG 
DS5WKW     IK2DUW           PT7BZ      KQ0B             ZA5G       WA1ECA 
DU6/K9AW   WF5T             PY0FA      PY4KL            ZD7DP      W1ZT   
E41/OK1DTP OK1TD            PY6/PT7FX  PT7WA            ZD7SM      W1ZT   
E44/HA1AG  HA1AG            R0MIR      N6CO             ZD9BV      W4FRU  
E44/OZ5AAH OZ5AAH           RA9LI/9    DL6ZFG           ZF1WD      G4RWD  
E44/OZ6ACD OZ1ACB           RK2FWA     DK4VW            ZF2DR      K5RQ   
EA8/DL7AU  DL7VRO           RK9KWB     DL8KAC           ZF2MO      OM2SA  
ED1XRG     EA1BLX           RM9RM      RW9QA            ZF2NT      N2AU   
ED4MAR     EA4SS            RM9RO      RW9QA            ZF2YB      KI6Y   
EJ7M       EI6HB            RM9RX      RW9QA            ZP40Z      ZP5AZL 
EM3DXC     UT7IY            RM9RX/9    RW9QA            ZS6IR      DL4EBA 
EN5J       KG6AR            RM9RZ      RW9QA            ZV0SB      PT2GTI 
EZ8CQ      I2JSB            RW9QA      RW9QA            ZV0SW      PT2GTI 
FR5ZG/T    FR5ZG            RW9QA      W3HNK            ZV0SY      PT2GTI 
FS/PA3GIO  PA3GIO           RW9RN      RW9QA            ZY6XC      PY7XC  
FT5ZJ      F2YT             RZ0ZWA/P   UA0ZY            ZY8A       PP8KB  
S DX@WW $425WW410D
425 DX News #410 [4/4]
  13 March 1999                    No 410                   BID: $425WW410D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***** QSL INFO  [2/2] *****

4N1DX   Zrinko Zibert, 99 Palih Boraca 7, 11277 Ugrinovci, Yugoslavia
4N1EA   Miodrag Jakovljevic, Vladimira Rolovica 9/27, 34110 Kragujevac,
CX6FP   Miguel A.Slamovits, Gral Artigas 1515, Nueva Palmira, 70101 Colonia,
DL8WAA  Frank Steinke, Bruchweg 32, D-56242 Selters, Germany
HB9HFN  Cedric Baechler, Mettetlet 26, CH-1763, Granges-Paccot, Switzerland
HK3JJH  Pedro J.Allina, P.O.Box 81119, Bogota, Colombia
HL2AQN  Hyoung Seop Song, Boowon House 9-101, Wonjong-dong, Ojong-gu, Puchon,
        Kyounggi-do, 421-200, South Korea
HR2JGG  Jorge Giacoman, P.O.Box 351, El Progreso, Yoro 23201, Honduras
HS1NRU  Noppachart Limpaphayom, 567 Nakornchaisri Road, Dusit, Bangkok 10300,
HS9CA   Somchai Limphanudom, 275 Thamanoonvithi, Haadyai, Songkhla 90110,
IV3KAS  Luigi Popovic, Via Sistiana 24/a, I-34019, Sistiana (TS), Italy
JA1UT   Yoshio O.Hayashi, 4-20-2-401 Nishigotanda, Shinagawa, Tokyo, 141-0031
JA8RUZ  Toshikazu Kawanishi, P.O Box 166, Asahikawa, Hokkaido, 070-8571,
JE4CIL  Fumio Suzuki, P.O.Box 3, Hamamura, Ketaka-Cho, Ketaka-Gun, Tottori
        689-0331, Japan
JM1KNQ  Hitoshi Abe, 4-53-3-203, Taidera 4-chome, Akashi-city, Hyogo,673-0845
JQ3DUE  Masa Ikeda, 6-19-9 Tsukigaoka Nishi-ku, Kobe-city Hyogo, 651-2217,
KG6AR   Chris Williams, 1117 S.Del Mar Ave., San Gabriel, CA 91776-3034, USA
LU9HS   Javier Omar Santillan, P.O. Box 6, 5022 Cordoba, Argentina
N6CO    David G.Larsen, P.O.Box 311, Pine Grove, CA-95665, U.S.A.
PP8KB   Teofilo Jose de Azevedo Tiuba, P.O.Box 691, 69011-970, Manaus, AM,
PY7XC   Jemesson Faria, Rua Dhalia 228, Apt 401, 51020-290 Recife, PE, Brazil
SM7NAS  Kjell Adolfsson, Svensbackevagen 6D, SE-59096  Overum, Sweden
SP5JTF  Adam Perz, Ul.Sucharskiego 7 M.20, 01-390 Warszawa, Poland
TF3AO   Arsaell Oskarsson, Gnodarvogi 20, IS-104 Reykjavik, Iceland
UA0FDX  Victor N.Komzuk, P.O.Box 55, Uglegorsk, Sakhalin Is., 694900 Russia
UA0WW   Alexandr V.Rjazanov, P.O.Box 50, Sayanogorsk, Rep. Khakassia, 662793
VE3ESE  Donovan Guy Fisher, 48 Lucerne Drive, Kitchener, Ontario N2E 1B3,
VK2CE   Kevin Mulcahy, P.O.Box 300, Merrimbula 2548, Australia
VK4AAR  Alan Roocroft, P.O.Box 421, Gatton 4343, Australia
VK8AV   Alan Viegas, P.O.Box 3718, Alice Springs, NT 0871, Australia
VR2KF   Kazuhiko Fujta, GPO Box 4724, Hong Kong
VU3GFF  Santosh C.G., #230/1, Omkarnagar, Arekere Gate, Bannerghatta Road,
        Bangalore 560076, India
YC1YCF  Yoyon Suryana, Perum Margahayu C 88, Bekasi 17113, Indonesia
YB1YMN  Mohd.Natsir, P.O.Box 214, Bekasi 17001, Indonesia
YU0SRJ  S.R.J., P.O.Box 48, 11001 Belgrado, Yugoslavia
YU1AVQ  Zemun PPS RC, P.O.Box 73, 11080 Zemun, Yugoslavia
YU7AX   Dusan Milosavljevic, Nemanijma 6, YU-23300, Kikinda, Yugoslavia
YS1EJ   Juan Manuel Miolina, 3 Calle Poniente #3685, Colonia Escalon,
        San Salvador, El Salvador

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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          If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and
            replace  subscribe 425eng  or  subscribe 425ita  with
          unsubscribe 425eng  or  unsubscribe 425ita  respectively