DX425 bulletin issue nr. 408

S DX@WW $425WW408A
425 DX News #408 [1/5]
  27 February 1999                  No 408                   BID: $425WW408A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3V8    - Vlad, UA2FF and others will participate  in the CQ WW 160 Meter  SSB
         Contest (27-28 February) from the 3V8BB  club station station.  [TNX
5A     - Starting on 1 March 5A1A will  be active as  5A22PA. QSL via  IK3ZAW
         either direct (Veronica Della Dora, Piazza  Fiume 14, 30126 Lido  di
         Venezia - VE, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IK3ZAW]
C5     - Steve, G3VMW  has  been  issued with  the  callsign  C56SW  for  his
         forthcoming trip  to The  Gambia [425DXN  405].  He will  be  active
         (mainly on CW) on all bands  160-10 metres between  4 and 18  March.
         QSL via G3VMW. [TNX G3VMW]
E4     - The IARV  (International   Amateur Radio  Volunteers) team  in  Gaza
         [425DXN  407]  was  active  as  JA1UT/E4  until  Yoshi,  JA1UT  left
         Palestine on 24 February. QSL via JA1UT (Yoshio Hayashi,  4-20-2-401
         Nishigotanda, Shinagawa, Tokyo 141-0031, Japan). Toshi, JA8RUZ,  and
         Hiro, JP1TRJ  will  continue  to  operate  as  E44/JA8RUZ  until  28
         February. QSL via JA8RUZ.
E4     - HA1AG (Zoli), HA1TJ (Gyula), HA3OV (Anti) and HA3NU (Laci) have been
         active as  E44/HA1AG since  23 February  from Gaza,  Palestine.  The
         operation will last until around 13 UTC on 3 March. Two stations are
         active simultaneously 24 hours a day  on CW, SSB  and RTTY and  logs
         will be available on line  (http://www.okdxc.cz/e44). QSL via  HA1AG
         (Zoli Pitman, Somogyi Bela ut 18, Gyor H-9024, Hungary). [TNX PA1AW]
EA     - EA4ENK/P will be active  from Turunuelo Island  (DIEI BA-047) on  28
         February. [TNX IK1GPG]
EL     - Mark, ON4WW/EL2WW plans to be QRV on 160 metres (1827.5 kHz, QSX  up
         1 to 2) every day at 6.30 UTC and 22.30 UTC (for the U.S.) and at 21
         UTC for  Japan  and  Europe.  Look for  him  on  80  metres  (around
         3503-3513 kHz)  before 6.30  UTC and  in the  evenings and  on  RTTY
         (14089 kHz) in the night after he goes QRT on 160 metres and in  the
         mornings between 07.15 and 07.45 UTC. QSL via ON5NT. [TNX EL2WW  and
FS     - Transport and weather permitting, Bert, PA3GIO will be active  (with
         100 Watts  and dipoles,  SSB only)  as FS/PA3GIO/p  from  Tintamarre
         Island (NA-199) between 6 and 11 March. On 6-7 March he will operate
         on WARC bands only (look for him on 18128 kHz between 15.30 UTC  and
         20.30  UTC).  If  on  St.  Martin   (NA-105)  he  will  be   signing
         FS/PA3GIO/m. QSL via PA3GIO, preferably through the bureau. His  web
         site is at http://www.xs4all.nl/~pa3gio/ca/ [TNX PA3GIO]
FW     - Cedric, FW5FN has  been active from  Wallis Island (OC-054)  [425DXN
         401] for a few days, but  he lost the amplifier  after 300 QSOs.  He
         will not be active on 160  metres (no amplifier and no trees  around
         the hotel),  but will  pay more  attention to  80 metres.  FW5FN  is
         active until 8 March. QSL via HB9HFN (Cedric Baechler, Mettetlet 26,
         CH-1763 Granges-Paccot,  Switzerland)  or through  the  bureau.  The
         first logs are available on line (at  http://www.qsl.net/hb9hfn/log/
         where a bureau card form is also available). [TNX FW5FN]
GJ     - G3SVL, G3SJJ, G3UEG, G7TAJ, GJ4CBQ and GJ0NYG, who will  participate
         in the CQ  WW 160  Meter SSB  Contest from  Jersey (EU-013)  [425DXN
         407], have been issued the call GJ2D. QSL via G3LZQ. Their web  site
         is at http://listen.to/gj2d [TNX DX News Sheet]
HK     - Pedro, HK3JJH plans to operate from  Cacagual Island (SA-084) for  a
         couple of days  starting on  2 March.  QSL direct  to HK3JJH  (Pedro
         Allina, P.O. Box 81119, Bogota, Colombia). [TNX HK3JJH]
HK0_mal- Pedro, HK3JJH plans  to operate as  HK3JJH/0M from Malpelo  (SA-007)
         for a few days starting on  6 March. Look for him on  10, 15 and  20
         metres SSB.  QSL direct  to HK3JJH  (Pedro Allina,  P.O. Box  81119,
         Bogota, Colombia). [TNX HK3JJH]
I      - Monferrato Contest Team members Paolo, IK1NLZ and Livio, IK1RLI will
         participate in the ARRL DX SSB and other major contests s IQ1Z.  QSL
         via IK1NLZ either direct or through the bureau. [TNX IK1NLZ]
JT     - Gaetano, IT9GAI will  join Nicola, I0SNY  in the  JT1Y operation  on
         6-21 April [425DXN  406]. CW  operaators are  needed, if  interested
         please contact I0SNY at 00390-75-5288539 (from 19 UTC). [TNX I0SNY]
S DX@WW $425WW408B
425 DX News #408 [2/5]
  27 February 1999                  No 408                   BID: $425WW408B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

S7     - Erik, SM0AGD and Thor, LA7XB will be active as S79AG and S79XB  from
         Seychelles between 1  and 14 March.  QSL via home  calls. [TNX  OPDX
TL     - Alex, TL5A (TL0R) will  be leaving the  Central African Republic  in
         the next weeks. The antennas for  6-40 metres will be taken down  on
         27 February, while operations on 80 and 160 metres may continue  for
         a few more  days. He reports  he will  be QRT  "sometime next  week"
         after 75,000+ QSOs. QSL via PA1AW. [TNX PA1AW]
V3     - Bert, PA3GIO will be active (with  100 Watts and dipoles, SSB  only)
         as V31GI from Belize as follows: on 14-19 March from Southwest  Caye
         (NA-180), on  21-26  March from  Turneffe  Islands (NA-123),  on  28
         March-3 April from Little Water Caye (NA-180). Look for him on 10-20
         metres, WARC  bands included,  and possibly  on 40  metres. QSL  via
         PA3GIO,  preferably  through  the  bureau.  His   web  site  is   at
         http://www.xs4all.nl/~pa3gio/ca/ [TNX PA3GIO]
VK     - Alan, VK8AV will be active (mainly on CW, SSB on request) as VK8AV/3
         from Phillip Island (OC-136) between  1 and 15  March. QSL via  home
         call  (Alan  Viegas,  P.  O.  Box  3718,  Alice  Springs,  NT  0871,
         Australia). [TNX DX News Sheet]
VK     - Several Eastern and  Mountain District  Radio Club  members will  be
         active (on 10-160 metres, SSB and CW) as VI3GP between 00.00 UTC  on
         4 March and 23.59 UTC on  the 7th to  celebrate the 1999  Australian
         Formula One Grand Prix. QSL  via VK3ER either  direct (P.O. Box  87,
         Mitcham, Victoria 3132, Australia) or through the bureau. [TNX  OPDX
VP2V   - W4NF (Jack),  W4RM (Bill),  W4CE (Cliff)  and W4DAV  (Dave) will  be
         active from  the British  Virgin Islands  (NA-023) between  2 and  8
         March. They will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (6-7  March)
         as VP2V/W4RM (certificates will be awarded  to all who work them  on
         all 6 bands during the contest).  Look for them to  be active on  CW
         and SSB on all bands, WARC  included, before and after the  contest.
         QSLs via W4RM.
VP2V   - John, K3MD, and his son Mike, N3PUR will be active as VP2V/K3MD from
         the British Virgin Islands (NA-023) between 3 and 9 March. They will
         participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest. QSL via K3MD (all QSOs  will
         be confirmed automatically through the bureau). [TNX DX News Sheet]
VP5    - John, KK9A will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest as VP5J. Look
         for VP5/KK9A before the contest. QSL via KK9A. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
W      - Chris, W5CTV will be active from  Grand Isle (NA-168) on 6-7  March,
         possibly on the evening of the 5th.  Look for him on 10 metres  only
         (on or  around  28460  kHz). QSL  via  W5CTV  either  direct  (Chris
         Vincent, 2620 Long Branch Dr., Marrero,  LA, 70072, USA) or  through
         the bureau. [TNX W5CTV]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

BURUNDI ---> According to Bill Moore, NC1L (bmoore@arrl.org), the list of the
9U calls that will be affected by the purging process from the DXCC  database
[425DXN 407]  "includes the  callsigns listed  below and  may or  may not  be
limited to  these:  9U/F5FHI, 9U/EA1FH,  9U5W,  9U5DX,  9U5T,  9U5CW,  9U5DX.
Remember, only the contacts dated January 1, 1994 or after do not count. Some
have credits before this and these would be OK. 4U9U is OK."

E44DX ---> The E44DX team (OH1RY,  OH2BH, OH2TA and W3UR) reached the  30,000
QSOs mark around 16 UTC on  21 February. They  went QRT around  5 UTC on  the
23rd, after one last push on 40 metres during the E4 night between Monday and
Tuesday. QSL via OH2BN. [TNX N4GN]

QSL CE0AA ---> The QSL manager  for the 27  February-20 March operation  from
Easter Island  [425DXN  407] is  CE3WDH  either direct  (Sergio  Del  Gaudio,
P.O.Box 240-3, Santiago, Chile) or through the bureau. [TNX CE3CDV and K7BV]

QSL VIA N4XY ---> Ed Tanton, N4XY  says: "Bill, WA4VDE recently died. I  have
assumed duties for all of his old QSL  manager jobs. I will know exactly  who
it is when I have sorted everything out. There should be 15 or more stations.
I have all of his old  logs. Most of these are very  old (70's and 80's)  and
probably none for  the 1990's. I  will continue to  QSL all the  DXpeditions,
etc. The logs will be kept indefinitely." [TNX QRZ-DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***   
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

K1WY-DXA:   The K1WY DX Association has moved  its web site to a new  server.
            The new URL is http://pws.prserv.net/k1wydxa [TNX K1WY]
LOGS:       Hamad, 9K2HN (9k2hn@kubbar.com) has added  his log (79,959  QSOs)
            to his web site at http://www.gate.net/~morpheus/hamad/9k2hn.html
MARCONI:    A web site entirely devoted to Guglielmo Marconi can be found  at
S DX@WW $425WW408C
425 DX News #408 [3/5]
  27 February 1999                  No 408                   BID: $425WW408C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***** QSL INFO  [1/3] *****
                          Edited by IK1GPG & IK1QFM

CALL        MANAGER           CALL        MANAGER        CALL        MANAGER
3A/K8PYD    K8PYD             HI3LFE      AD4Z           UA9BA/50    UA9AB  
3A/N9NC     OM2SA             HI4M        AD4Z           UA9QGB      RW9QA  
3B8/DJ7MI   DJ7MI             HI8/AH6OM   DL2SEK         UA9UST      UA9AB  
3C1GS       EA5BYP            HI8LUZ      AD4Z           UD6DFF      UA9AB  
3D2KE       K0KL              HK3/G0SHN   F6AJA          UD6DFT      UA9AB  
3D2TN       OK1TN             HL3IUA      JA5AQC         UD8F        UA9AB  
3DA0/SM7DZZ SM7DZZ            HP2/F5PAC   F5PAC          UE3LAB      RV3LZ  
3E1CW       KD4WW             HS0ZBG      K8GT           UE9AWA      UA9AB  
3V8BB       DL1RNO 22-24/2/99 II2V        I2ARN          UE9AZA      UA9AB  
3V8BB       UA2FB 26/02/99    IL3/DJ1EH   DJ1EH          UG/UV3ZZ    UA9AB  
4K6DFT      UA9AB             IQ1Z        IK1NLZ         UI8/UA9AN   UA9AB  
4K6FT       UA9AB             IQ7J        IK7JWX         UJ8RA       UA9AB  
4K8F        UA9AB             IU7X        I7PXV          UJ9A        UA9AB  
4L1UN       IK7JTF            IV3SKQ      IZ3BQS         UK7R        UA9AB  
4N1EA       YU1EFG            J37VG       AA1IZ          UK8AX       UA9AB  
4N1YL       YU1HFG            J79WW       KK4WW          UK8GK       RW6HS  
4N800H      YU0SRJ            J80C        G0REP          UK8OM       IK2QPR 
4S7SW       ON6TZ             JW/LB4OE    LB4OE          UK9AAN      UA9AB  
4U1WB       KK4HD             JW/LC3SAT   LC3SAT         UK9ADT      UA9AB  
5H3/IK2GZU  IK2GZU            JW0LGS      LA5NM          UL7VV       UA9AB  
5H3SK       DL1DA             JW9PJA      LA9PJA         UN2L        UA9AB  
5N0/OK1AUT  OK1AUT            JY9NE       N3FNE          UN4L        UA9AB  
5N3CPR      SP5CPR            KB5GL/P     AC7DX          UN7EG       DL8KAC 
5N9CEN      IV3VBM            KC4AAA      K1IED          UN7LT       UA9AB  
5P1ER       LX1NO >SAC1998    KG4NW       NW3K           UN7VV       UA9AB  
5R8FL       F5TBA             KG4SD       W4SD           UP50V       UA9AB  
5R8FU       SM0DJZ            KG4ZK       W4ZYT          UR4NWW/P    UR4NWW 
5T5U        JA1UT             KH0/AF4LX   JA6VQA         UR5NX       UR4NWW 
5V7FA       F6FNU             KH0/JJ1QXG  JJ1QXG         UR5U        UX1KA  
5X1P        G3MRC             KH2/N2NL    W2YC           US9AWA      UA9AB  
5Z4LI       G3SWH             KH4/IV3NVN  IV3TMV         UT5NR       UR4NWW 
6K0TX/5     HL5BUV            KH6/K5NA    N5NA           UT7QF       UA9AB  
8P6OL       VE3ODC            KH6LEM      WA9UJM         UT9NA       UR4NWW 
8P9EM       G3VBL             KH6X        N2AU           UW8V/UA0UBG UA9AB  
8P9JA       K4MA              KL7Y        N2AU           UW9AR       UA9AB  
8P9JB       AA4NC             KP4/KE3Q    KE3Q           UX6F        UX3FW  
8P9NX       W0SA              LR0H        LU9HE          UZ9AXB      UA9AB  
8Q7AC       DJ4KW             LU8YBC      LU6YBF         UZ9AYA      UA9AB  
S DX@WW $425WW408D
425 DX News #408 [4/5]
  27 February 1999                  No 408                   BID: $425WW408D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***** QSL INFO  [2/3] *****

9A/EW6MR    RU3SD             LX2MR       IZ3BQS         V26MM       K3MM   
9G5VJ       G4ZVJ             LY2WR       LY2BIL         V26O        N5NJ   
9J2PI       KB0KVA            LY3BF       LY2BIL         V26RA       K3RA   
9N1FP       RU6FP             LZ0A        LZ1KDP         V31JP       KA9WON 
9N7RN       IK4ZGY            LZ5DB       LZ1YE          V31RC       WG9L   
A35RK       W7TSQ             MJ0AWR      K2WR           V44KJ       WB2TSL 
A41KJ       N5FTR             NH7/NE8Z    NE8Z           V47KP       K2SB   
A61AN       KA5TQF            NH7A        N2AU           V51HZ       DL6OBS 
AH0/KH2K    JA1RJU            NP4A        W3HNK          V73LN       W7LN   
AP2WAP      IK4ZGY            OY1CT       OY1CT          V73UX       V73AX  
BA1DU       W3HC              P29CC       ON4CAT         VI3GP       VK3ER  
BA1HAM      NE9Z              P4/K2LE     K2LE           VK8AN       VK4AAR 
BA4RF       BY4RSA            PA6V        PI4KGL         VK8AN/5     VK4AAR 
BI4CM       BY4HZM            PB7CW       PA3ERL         VK9EEH      W8WC   
C6AKP       N4RP              PJ8/W8EB    W8EB           VK9XX       W0YG   
C98CX       ZS1AAZ            PQ5L        PP5LL          VP2EY       HB9SL  
CE0AA       CE3WDH            PQ5Q        PP5LL          VP5GA       N2GA   
CM6YI       CO6LG             PZ5JR       K3BYV          VP8CSA      DL1SDN 
CN2UN       ZP6CU             R1ANF       RK1PWA         VQ9DX       AA5DX  
CO2WF       VE2EH             R1ASP       RA1AD          VQ9KV       N1TO   
CO6XN       HK6DOS            R1FJL       UA3AGS         VQ9QM       W4QM   
CO8DC       VE3NXB            R3AFG/0     RA0WA          VQ9VK       N1TO   
CO8JY       KU9C              RA9AZA      UA9AB          VU2JPS      VK9NS  
CO9BCC      VE2EH             RK9AWT      UA9AB          VU3RSB      VK4AAR 
DA0EUR      DL4AKW            RK9AYY      UA9AB          VU3VLH      OK1MM  
DU1ODX      NH0E              RM9RX       RW9QA          W6XR        N2AU   
DU3NXE      W3HNK             RM9RX/9     RW9QA          WP3A        W4DN   
E21CJN      W3PP              RM9RZ       RW9QA          XE1/NP2AQ   W3HNK  
E30MA       IK2WXZ            RW3SR       RU3SD          XE1IDJ      XE1J   
E44A        JY4NE             RW9QA       W3HNK          XE1NVX      EA5XX  
E44MPT      JA1UT             RW9USA      UA9AB          XF4MX       XE1MX  
EA9AU       EA9IB             RW9UZZ      UA9AB          XJ1HA       VE1HA  
ED3VGC      EA3NI             RZ9A        UA9AB          XJ1YX       VE1YX  
ED9CEC      EA9AO             RZ9ATZ      UA9AB          XO6JO       VE6JO  
EL2WW       ON5NT             RZ9AZA      UA9AB          XO6RH       VE6XK  
EM1KGG      UX1KA             RZ9WZ       N2AU           XO6VK       VE6VK  
EM5DXC      UT7IY             S79MX       HB9MX          XT2DM       F5RLE  
EM5E        UR5EC             SU3AM       DL1FCM         XT2OW       F5RLE  
EM5U/P      UT2UB             SV8/SV1CIB  SV1CIB         XX9TAR      KU9C   
EN6Q        UA9AB             T32RT       W6UC           XX9TNC      KU9C   
EO50N       UR4NWW            T33VU       DL2MDZ         XX9TOT      KU9C   
EO50NN      UR4NWW            T88SY       JA5IU          XX9TXD      KU9C   
EO5NV       UR4NWW            T88TM       JA5AUC         XX9X        KU9C   
EO6F        UX0FF             T9/RW3SR    RU3SD          YC0LOW      N2AU   
ER0F        UX0FF             T95A        K2PF           YN9HAU      HR1RMG 
ER5/UX3FW   UX3FW             TF3CW       LX1NO >1994    YT800FG     YU0SRJ 
EY4AA       UA9AB             TL5A        PA1AW          YT800S      YU0SRJ 
FG5MDC      EA5KW             TM0KCA      F5HKL          YU800G      YU0SRJ 
FK8VHT      F6AJA             TN7OT       AL7OT          YZ800MO     YU0SRJ 
FM5GU       WA4JTK            TR8CA       F6CBC          YZ800R      YU0SRJ 
FO0AWI      DL5AWI            TR8SA       6W1QV          Z32AF       NN6C   
FO0GRA      K6ZA              TU5GY       IK1GPG         ZD7WRG      WA2JUN 
FO0XUU      DL5AWI            TZ6VV       AA0GL          ZD8Z        VE3HO  
GU0IFM/P    G0IFM             UA0AOZ      K1WY           ZF2AB       WA3EOP 
GU4YWY/P    G4YWY             UA0CW       W3HNK          ZF2NE       W5ASP  
H40FN       HA8FW             UA0KCL      RA3DEJ         ZF2NT       N2AU   
H44FN       HA8FW             UA0MF       W3HNK          ZK1RRR      W6RV   
HB0CZS      ON4CAT            UA0OMU      UA4RC          ZL1HY       ZL1BIL 
HC8/DL6FBK  DL6FBK            UA3SDK/0    RU3SD          ZL4IR/P     W8WC   
HC8N        AA5BT             UA8V/US0UBG UA9AB          ZL7/OH2NNE  OH2NNE 
HG4I        HA5LN             UA9AJ       UA9AB          ZP5XF       N2AU   
HH2LQ       VE2EH             UA9BA       UA9AB          ZP6CW       ZP6CU  
S DX@WW $425WW408E
425 DX News #408 [5/5]
  27 February 1999                  No 408                   BID: $425WW408E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***** QSL INFO  [3/3] *****

4F9EAQ  Eric Jose S.Rudinas, Blk.31 Lot 30, Xavier Heights, Upper Balulang,
        9000 Cagayan de Oro, Philippines
4U1ITU  International Amateur Radio Club, P.O.Box 6, CH-1211, Geneva 20,
4U1VIC  Vienna International Centre, P.O.Box 200, A-1400 Vienna, Austria
6Y5WW   William Reynolds, 4 Swallowfield Way, Gordon Pen P.A.,Spanish Town,
        St.Catherine, Jamaica
A92GE   David Smith, P.O.Box 1976, Manama, Bahrain
AB6BH   John A.Fenoglio, 1045 Cornish Drive, San Diego, CA-92107, U.S.A.
BD4RE   Yee Zhao, P.O.Box 10, 38 Guangdong Road, Nanjing 210003, China
BY1/OH2BH Martti J.Laine, Unit No.21H North Lodge, China World Trade Center,
          No.1 Jianguomen Wai Avenue, Beijing 100004, People's Republic of
BV3FQ   Jay Chuang, P.O.Box 19-58, Chungli 320, Taiwan
CE3WDD  Alfredo Moya Castro, P.O.Box 240-3, Santiago, Chile
CE3WDH  Sergio Del Gaudio, P.O.Box 240-3, Santiago, Chile
CM7NV   Norma Valdes, P.O.Box 20, Moron 67210, Cuba
E44A    JY4NE, Ali Yashrati, P.O.Box 9392, Amman 11191, Jordan
E44B    Sami S.Tarazi, P.O.Box 1008, Gaza, Palestine
EP3PTT  Mohammed, P.O.Box 4415, Tehran 15875, Iran
FM5JV   Vincent, Stir Pointe Des Sables, B.P.619, F-97261, Fort de Grande
        Marine Cedex, Martinique island
HA1AG   Zoli Pitman, Somogyi Bela ut 18, Gyor, H-9024, Hungary
HI3ROX  Alfredo Acosta, Duarte 88, Moca, Dominican Republic
K1DW    Dallas M.Ward, P.O.Box 1111, Folsom, LA 70437-1111, U.S.A.
K8GT    Gerry A.Treas, P.O.Box 50, Southfield, MI 48037-0050, U.S.A.
LA6WEA  Kaare Olufsen, Offersoy, N-8800, Sandnessjoen, Norway
LA9PJA  Carlos Ferreira, Johan Bjerknes Vei 5B, N-3039, Drammen, Norway
LC3SAT  Ivar Juris Haanes, Oppsals Vei 6, N-1380 Heggedal, Norway
LB4OE   Per Nielsen, Ridderkleiva 110, N-1370, Asker, Norway
LU4DA/D W.B.A.DX Group, P.O.Box 19, 6640 Bragado, Buenos Aires, Argentina
LX1EA   Edmond Mertz, 85 Route de Reisdorf, L-6311 Beauford, Luxemburg
LX1EK   Germaine Knabe-Oestges, 25 Rue Basse, L-4415 Soleuvre, Luxemburg
N4RP    Richardson Phelps Jr., 2805 Casita Way Apt 11-J, Delray Beach,
        FL 33445-4574, U.S.A.
OH0JJS  Jukka-Pekka Klemola, Aarontie 5, FIN-31400, Somero, Finland
OM2SA   Juraj Sipos, 930 13 Trhova Hradska 550, okr.Dunajska Streda,
        Republic of Slovakia
PA3AXU  G.A.M.C. Dijkers, Dokter P.A. Cornethof 3, NL-6669AZ Dodewaard,
        The Netherlands
PY7ZY   Cicero Xavier da Silva, P.O.Box 501, 58001-970 Joao Pessoa, PB,Brasil
RU3SD   Vasiliy Bardin, PO.Box 1, Ryazan, 390000, Russia
RW9QA   Vlad Kondratenko, P.O.Box 1, Kurgan-38, 640038, Russia
SP5JTF  Adam Perz, Ul.Sucharskiego 7 M.20, 01-390 Warszawa, Poland
TK5NJ   Alexandre Pellegrinetti, B.P.223, F-20179, Ajaccio, Corsica, France
TJ1LD   Douglas W.Lewis, P.O.Box 9, Kumbo, NW Province, Cameroon
TM8FL   ALR 69, 23 bis rue Roger Radisson, F-69005, Lyon, France
UA0FDX  Victor Komzuk, P.O.Box 55, Uglegorsk, Sakhalin island, 694900,Russia
UA0MF   Mike Filippov, P.O.Box 20, Vladivostok, 690021, Russia
UA3AGS  Sergej Chikutov, P.O.Box 1, 109387, Moscow, Russia
UA3TAE  Alex N.Polozov, P.O.Box 66, Dzerjinsk-15, 606015, Russia
UA3TFS  Alex B.Chaika, pr.Tsiolkovskogo 33-41, Dzerzhinsk 29, 606029, Russia
UA3TJW  Dimitri V.Panteleev, P.O.Box 5, Dzerzhinsk 7, 606007, Russia
UA9AB   Gennady T.Shcumat, P.O.Box 17, Troitsk, 457100, Chelyabinskoy,Russia
UR4NWW  Radio Club Station, P.O.Box 8100, Vinnytsya, 286050, Ukraine
UT2UB   P.O.Box 99, Kiev, 252010 Ukraine
UX0FF   Nikolay Lavreka, P.O.Box 3, Izmail Centre, 272630, Ukraine
UX1KA   Roman Bratchik, P.O.Box 88, Kiev, 252191, Ukraine
UX3FW   Yurij Kucherenko, P.O.Box 60, Izmail Centre, 272630, Ukraine 
VK2CE   Kevin J.Mulcahy, P.O.Box 300, Merrimbula 2548, Australia
VK6HD   Michael E.Bazley, P.O.Box 5594, Albany, WA 6332, Australia
VO2YR   Dan Murray, P.O.Box 478, Station A, Goose Bay, Newfoundland,A0P 1S0,
WP3C    Alfredo Velez Ramos, HC-02 Box 7455, Utuado, 00641 Puerto Rico
YC2LRM  Bima Sekti, Jl.Kaliwiru V/5, Semarang 50235, Indonesia
YC6HDF  Wellem A.Kroma, Box 25, Pangkalan Brandan 20857, Indonesia
YO2LDE  Daniel M.Vuescu, Zadei F3-1-7, RO-1700 Resita, Romania

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