S DX@WW $425WW407A 425 DX News #407 [1/6] 20 February 1999 No 407 BID: $425WW407A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3B9 - The Midway-Kure DX Foundation expedition to Rodrigues Island (AF-017) [425DXN 405] will take place between 1 and 10 April. Nine operators will be active on all from 160 through 6 meters. Plans are for up to nine fully equipped HF stations to operate from a number of locations throughout the island. One station will be dedicated to RTTY only. The DXpeditioners are Frank Smith (AH0W/OH2LVG, team leader), Bruce Butler (W6OSP), Kimo Chun (KH7U), Jari Jussila (OH2BU), Victor Keller (XE1VIC), Jacky Mandary (3B8CF), Garry Shapiro (NI6T), Yuuji Yoshitani (JA3IG/K1NT) and Ned Stearns (AA7A) Chief pilot stations will be Andy Chesnokov, UA3AB and Gary McClellan, K7ZD. QSL via N7LVD. Callsign to be announced later. For inquiries, send e-mail to mkdxf@aztec.asu.edu [TNX AH0W] 5T - Tada, JA1CPS and other five operators from the International Amateur Radio Volunteers (IARV) will be active from Mauritania between 11 and 17 March. They will operate in their spare time on 80-10 metres, WARC bands included, on CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via JA1UT. [TNX JA8RUZ] 9N - Sergio Curina, IZ6BRN is currently active as AP2WAP from Pakistan. From time to time he will go to Mirmi, near Pakhara (omee 100 kilometres west of Kathmandu), Nepal and has already received his licence. His next trip to Nepal is scheduled on late March-early April and he should be active as 9N7RN for a couple of weeks. QSL via IK4ZGY. [TNX IZ6BRN/AP2WAP] BY - BA4AA and other operators from Shanghai will be active (on all bands SSB, CW and some SSTV) as BI4CM from Chongming Island (AS-136) between 19 and 22 February. QSL via BY4HAM. [TNX BD4DW] CE0_eas- The Radio Club of Chile will be active (on all bands CW and SSB) as CE0AA from Easter Island (SA-001) between 27 February and 20 March. [TNX CE6NES] CO - CO2WF, CM5KL and others will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (6-7 March) as CO9BCC from Boca Ciega beach, Cuba. QSL via VE2EH (http://www.qsl.net/ve2eh/co9bcc.htm). [TNX VE2EH] E4 - Sami, ZC6B and Ali, JY4NE/ZC6A have been active as E44B and E44A since 13 February. QSL E44A via JY4NE (P.O. Box 9392, Amman 1191, Jordan), QSL E44B to P.O. Box 1008, Gaza, Palestine. E4 - Martti (OH2BH), Pekka (OH1RY), Pekka (OH2TA) and Bernie (W3UR) have been active as E44DX from Gaza, Palestine since around 12 UTC on 16 February and will go QRT on the 23rd. A web site and a log search are expected to be available after the operation. QSL via OH2BN. They have been concentrating on 21295, 14195, 7005 and 3795 kHz, but once the pileups show signs of thinning out on these frequencies, they will begin to operate more on other bands/modes. E44DX will NOT participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest. Instead, during openings to North America, they will focus on SSB on the traditional bands (particularly on 14 and 21 MHz) and CW on 10, 18 and 24 MHz. Plans were to hit the bands on the 15th [425DXN 406], the delay was due to the need of working out some logistical issues. The call sign has been assigned to the newly formed Palestinian Amateur Wireless Society by the Palestinian Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPT) and the DXpedition is being carried out in cooperation with Ali, E44A and Sami, E44B. There are two stations running at the Palestine Hotel, power has been limited to 400 W or less, due to interference with the hotel's telephone system. Arrangements are being made to leave behind equipment for the new society's club station, assuring continued amateur radio activity from Palestine. [TNX N4GN] E4 - Seven members of IARV (International Amateur Radio Volunteers) led by JA1UT are returning to Palestine to complete their aid project for a hospital telecommunications facility. In their spare time, mainly in the local evenings, they plan to be active as E44MPT (Ministry of Post and Telecommunications) on 80-10 metres (WARC included) using CW and SSB, but Toshi, JA8RUZ and Hiro, JP1TRJ will try to operate for longer periods. They expect to be QRV by this weekend (20-21 February) and to be active until the end of the month. QSL via JA1UT. [TNX JA8RUZ] /EX S DX@WW $425WW407B 425 DX News #407 [2/6] 20 February 1999 No 407 BID: $425WW407B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH EA - The following DIE/DIEI (the Spanish Islands awards) operations are planned for 21 Febraury: ED7CIW from Islotes del Salon (DIE S-268; the call is in memory of Rafa, EA7CIW); EA4ENK/P from Charco del Ciervo (DIEI BA-045); EA5AEN/P from Mata d'Entorre (DIEI V-032). [TNX IK1GPG] GJ - Chris, G3SVL plans to participate in the CQ WW 160 Meter SSB DX Contest (26-28 February) from Jersey, possibly with a special GJ8 one letter suffix call. [TNX The Daily DX] HP - Joel, F5PAC [425DXN 403] was active as HP3/F5PAC from NA-071 and expects to be on NA-088 until 20 February. After that he plans to move to NA-202 and operate from there for a couple of days starting on the 23rd. QSL via F5PAC. [TNX ON5NT and Islands On The Net] HS - Don Craft, HS0ZBG/KB8MVS and his wife are returning to Thailand for four years. Don says that it may take him 4 to 6 months to get back on the air due to finding a new house and getting his missionary work set up again. He will be better equipped this time and plans are to work CW as well as SSB. QSL via K8GT. [TNX Jerry Treas] I - Special station II2V will be active on several occasions during the year to celebrate Alessandro Volta. Operations will take place from various locations, mainly in Como. The first activities are scheduled on 18 February, 20-21 and 26 March. QSL via I2ARN. [TNX I2ARN] J8 - Tony, G0REP will be active (SSB with some CW) as J8OC from Mustique Island (NA-025) between 1 and 14 March. QSL via G0REP. [TNX G0WAZ] JW - Ivar (LC3SAT), Per (LB4OE) and Carlos (LA9PJA) will be active respectively as JW/LC3SAT (on RS-12/13 and 6 metres), JW/LB4OE and JW9PJA from Svalbard (EU-026) between 15 UTC on 25 February and 10 UTC on the 28th. Carlos plans to concentrate on SSTV and RTTY, but will operate CW (mainly on 160 metres, propagation permitting) and SSB as well. Further information is available at http://www.qsl.net/la9pja/ (or e-mail Carlos at la9pja@qsl.net). QSL JW/LC3SAT via LC3SAT bureau/direct (Ivar Haanes, Oppsals Vei 6, 1380 Heggedal, Norway); QSL JW/LB4OE via LB4OE bureau/direct (Per Nielsen, Ridde 110, 1370 Asker, Norway); QSL JW9PJA via LA9PJA bureau/direct (Carlos Ferreira, Johan Bjerknes Vei 5B, 3039 Drammen, Norway). [TNX LA9PJA and ON4VT] JW - Juergen, DJ3KR will be active (mainly on LF and WARC bands CW) as JW/DJ3KR from Svalbard (EU-026) between 26 February and 5 March. QSL via DH3MG. [TNX DX News Sheet] KG4 - Doug, W4OX will be active as KG4OX from Guantanamo (NA-015) between 3 and 10 March. He will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (SOAB). Before and after the contest he be active on all bands and modes, including RS-12 and perhaps some RTTY. QSL via W4OX either direct (Douglas A. McDuff, 10380 S.W. 112th Street, Miami, FL 33176, USA) or through the bureau. Any comments, requests or questions may be sent to w4ox@qsl.net [TNX W4OX] KH6 - Rick, NE8Z will be active as NE8Z/NH7 from Maui, Hawaii (OC-019) between 27 February and 6 March. He will concentrate on the WARC bands CW. QSL via K8LJG or NE8Z. [TNX NE8Z] PJ8 - ND5S, KF5LK (YL), W8EB and W8DVC (YL) will be active (on 10-160 metres, with special attention to 80 and 160 metres) between 21 February and 14 March. They will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest as PJ8A (QSL via W9NIP). [TNX DX News Sheet] TR - Derek, F5VCR and Ken, G3OCA have arranged to go to Banie Island (AF-043) [425DXN 403] on 13 March and to leave on either the 15th or the 16th. They plan to operate two stations, mainly on 15, 20 and 10 metres with 100 watts a vertical and a beam. [TNX F5VCR and Islands On The Web] UA - Mike, UA3SDK/0 will be active in his spare time from Sredniy Island (AS-042) between 20 February and 20 May. QSL via RU3SD (Vasiliy Bardin, P.O. Box 1, Ryazan, 390000 Russia). [TNX Andrei Blinushov] VE - VE6 amateurs in Calgary, Alberta can use the special prefix XO6 until 28 February to celebrate the Provincial Special Olimpics which will be held in Calgary on 26-28 February. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] VK - VK6LC, VK6DLB and VK6BHY plan to be active (15 and 20 metres) as VK6ISL from Malus Island (OC-199) between approximately 6 UTC on 19 February and 2 UTC on the 20th (exact dates/times may depend on the weather). [TNX VK6LC] VK9_lh - Ed, K8VIR will be active again from Lord Howe (OC-004) as VK9EHH between 6 and 18 March. QSL via W8WC. [TNX The Daily DX] XF4 - Marcos (XE1MX), Fabian (XE1FRF) and Daniel (XE1FSK) will be active as XF4MX from Socorro Island (NA-030), Revilla Gigedo between 1 and 16 March. They plan to operate CW, SSB and RTTY on all bands, WARC included, and to participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest. QSL via XE1MX. [TNX XE1FSK] ZS - The Boland Amateur Radio Club will be running a special event station between 27 February and 1 March to celebrate the 150th birthday of the L'Agulhas Lighthouse, the second oldest lighthouse and the southernmost lighthouse in Africa. The special callsign ZS150LL will be used on all the popular HF bands and all contacts will be confirmed with a very special QSL card. [TNX ZS4BS] /EX S DX@WW $425WW407C 425 DX News #407 [3/6] 20 February 1999 No 407 BID: $425WW407C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH >>> DXCC STATUS OF 9U BURUNDI CONTACTS <<< The following DXCC News Release, dated 18 February, comes from Bill Moore, NC1L (bmoore@arrl.org): "Over the years since 1994, the DXCC Desk has received several pieces of documentation for operations from 9U, Burundi. This documentation was accompanied by license copies, complete with stamps and signatures. However, the DXCC Desk had heard rumors that these documents were in fact forgeries, and not authentic documents. Due to the fact that the operators were still inside the country, and that we did not want to take action that could possibly cause them physical harm, and we knew we would be able to purge these contacts from DXCC records if this was found to be true, cards were accepted until we had the opportunity to investigate after the operators left the country. This situation came to a head earlier than we expected. The Director General of ONATEL, the communications authorities in Burundi, contacted us by fax inquiring as to whether we had seen licenses from Burundi. After several faxes back and forth, they informed us that the licenses were forgeries. The signature on the documents was that of an official who had not been in that position for some time. The operators were saved from any real punishment other than being expelled from the country, and the entire incident is under investigation by their employer. Since that time, the DXCC Desk has been rejecting cards for those operations concerned. As soon as it is possible for the DXCC computer program to do so, all contacts from those operations will be purged from the DXCC database. We expect that will happen before March, 1999. This affects all operations since 1994 using a 9U prefix. The submission of forged documentation is a clear violation of DXCC Section 1, Basic Rule 7, and also Rule 12 (a)." MOST WANTED ---> According to the Most Wanted List compiled by the Northern Portugal DX Group, the top ten DXCC entities most sought for by Portuguese DXers are North Korea, Bouvet Island, Central Kiribati, MacQuarie Island, Buthan, Johnston Island, Kingman Reef, Andaman & Nicobar, Tokelau and Annobon. The full list can be provided by Jose, CT1EEB (ct1eeb@mail.telepac.pt). QSL E30GA ---> The cards have just arrived from the printer and QSL manager K4JDJ will start sending them out by this weekend. "The printer did make a mistake on the cards and printed them backwards", Bruce (WD4NGB, E30GA team leader) says, "but due to the time already spent, decided to go with these." QSL EJ7NET ---> All the contacts made by the WestNet and Saltee Dogs DX Groups during their 1998 trip to EU-103 have been confirmed by Tony, EI2GX either direct or through the bureau. [TNX EI6FR] QSL TU5IJ ---> Marco, IK2CHZ and Aldo, I2AOX logged 4662 QSOs on 10-160 metres SS, CW and RTTY during their 12-23 January activity as TU5IJ from Ivory Coast. They operated from the QTH of Father Martino Bonazzetti (TU5IJ). QSL direct only to I2AOX. [TNX IK2CHZ] QSL ZS6IR ---> "I apologize to everybody who sent a direct QSL request to my manager DL4EBA between 1 July 1998 and 28 August 1998", Uli, ZS6IR says. "To give my manager some relief I wanted to answer the direct QSLs myself. So I asked him to send the QSLs to my homeaddress. Unfortunately this package disappeared on the postal way, to everybody's distress. I would happily respond to all QSL requests if I could get hold of another QSL card from these stations which are still waiting. Please accept my regrets and send your cards." [TNX K1XN and The Golist] QSL VIA IK2DUW ---> Antonello, IK2DUW reports he has received the logs for 6K0ZS (Pohang CW Club) and Jang, DS5WKW. QSL to Antonello Passarella, P.O. Box 22, 20051 Limbiate - MI, Italy (http://www.qsl.net/ik2duw) QSL VIA PA3AXU ---> Direct cards for A35XU and 5W0GD should be sent to the following address: G.A.M.C. Dijkers, Dokter P.A. Cornethof 3, 6669AZ Dodewaard, The Netherlands. [TNX PA3AXU] + SILENT KEY + Adrian Sinitaru, YO3APJ reports the sudden passing, on 7 February at 58 years of age, of Andrei George "Andy" Giurgea, YO3AC. Andy was and active DXer on both SSB and CW and a member of the board of the YO national society. /EX S DX@WW $425WW407D 425 DX News #407 [4/6] 20 February 1999 No 407 BID: $425WW407D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: Paulo, CT1ETE reports that logs for CS6S (CQ WW 1997) and CT7O (CQ WPX 1998) will be available soon on his webpage at http://www.qsl.net/ct1ete/logs.htm (QSL via CT1ERK; bureau cards may be requested at ct1ete@qsl.net). OKDXF: The web page for the OK DX Foundation 1999 DXpedition to the Pacific [425DXN 403] is at http://www.okdxc.cz/pacific99 W3HC: Mac, W3HC has updated his web page, where around 200 photos of DX stations and photos of all of the QSLs he handles are now available. Give a look to http://www.qsl.net/w3hc ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 3B8FQ, 3D2DX, 3DA0CA, 3V8BB, 3W6DXI, 3XY0A, 3XY0A/p (AF-051), 4U1ITU, 5N3CPR, 5X1Z, 8Q7IO, 8Q7IQ, 9J2A, 9J2AM, 9K2MU, 9K2ZZ, 9M2AX, 9V1ZB, A61AJ, AP2JZB, AP2NK, BD4DW, BD4ED, BD6BF, BI4C (AS-136), BI4Q (AS-135), BI5P (AS-138), BI5Z (AS-137), BO0K, BV2KI, BV7FC, CE1LDS/2 (SA-086), D44BC, D68WU, EI8EM, EX9A, FG5BG, FK8GM, K4ERO/HC1, HF0POL, HH2LQ, HK0ER, IK5YZV/IA5 (EU-028), II7A (IIA LE-004), IL7/IK7JWX (IIA BA-003, BR-010), KH2D, JD1BIA, J69AZ, LY63BA, OY1CT, PZ5JR, RA0FA, S21K (AS-140), S92YN, SV2ASP/A, T32KV, T77C, TU2KC, TX8A, TY8A, VK9CR, VK9LX, VP2V/K9JF, VP5/WA2YVN, VP8CRB, WH0V, XX9TR, XX9X, YB0ECT, YB5QZ, YE1ZI, YK1AO, ZP5MAL, QSL received via WF5E DX QSL Service: 3B8CF, 3W5RS, 4J80ADR, 5B4ADA, 5R8EY, 7X2RO, 9K2ZZ, 9V1ZB, 9V8WW, 9V8ZB, A2/ZS5UZ, A35RK, BA1DU, BI3H (AS-134), BI4C (AS-136), BI5P (AS-138), BI5Z (AS-137), BO0K, BV7FC, BV88ARL, BV9AYA (AS-103), C6AFV, CT3FT, CT98BOH, EI4VVF/P, EK6CC, EK6GC, FH/DJ1RL, FP/N9PD, FR5DX, GT6YB, HB0/HB9LEY, HF0POL, HH2PK, HZ1HZ, J49IL, N2OO/KH9, LY98ZZ, OJ0VR, R1ANF, R1ANZ, R9KM (AS-083), RA0FF, RL0P, RW9QA, T95A, TF3IRA, TL5A, TT8JE, UP0F, UP6F, VE8C (NA-173), XM3PBX, YI9SK, YW5LB. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW407E 425 DX News #407 [5/6] 20 February 1999 No 407 BID: $425WW407E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 20/02 3B8/DJ7MI: Mauritius (AF-049) 405 till 31/03 4N800, YT800, YU800, YZ800: special event stations 397 till 08/02 5H: Tanzania * by IK2GZU 403 till 26/02 5H3SK: Tanzania * by DL1DA 406 till 24/02 5Z4LI: Lamu Isl (AF-040) * by G3RTE,G3SWH,G3WGV,5Z4RL 401 till 22/02 8P9JA & 8P9JB: Barbados (NA-021) * by K4MA & AA4NC 406 till ?? 9G1AA: Ghana * by 9G1OO, PA3ERA and PA3FUE 405 till May 9G5HK: Ghana * by DL1IAL 404 till 24/02 C6AKP: Bimini (NA-048) * by N4RP 406 till 23/02 K3TEJ/C6A, WA3WSJ/C6A, C6AKW: Abaco (NA-080), Bahamas 403 till 20/02 CT3/F5LMJ: Madeira (AF-014) 405 till 24/02 DU3/G4ZVJ 403 till 23/02 E44DX: Palestine * by OH2BH, OH1RY, OH2TA, W3UR 407 till 24/02 ED4MRF: Molino de Bajo (CC-003) 403 till August FK8VHU: New Caledonia 401 till 03/03 FR5ZQ/T: Tromelin (AF-031) 403 till December FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL 401 till December FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island 399 till Apr H40MS: Pigeon Island (OC-065), Temotu * by DL2GAC 404 till 25/02 AH6YL/HI8, AH6OM/HI8: Dominican Rep. (NA-096) * by DLs 406 till 25/02 HPx/F5PAC: NA-071, NA-088, NA-202, NA-203 403 till 20/02 HP/F5PAC: NA-088 407 till 26/02 K7DBV/HR3: Honduras 403 till 21/02 J47XCF: special station * by Radio DX Group of Thrace 403 till 22/02 J79VA, WW, UGF, GMV, EKH: Dominica (NA-101) * by Ws 405 till 28/02 JW0LGS: Svalbard (EU-026) * by JW5NM and JW6MY 406 till 11/04 K2ZR/4: Key West (NA-062) 406 till 22/02 KG4ZK, KG4SD, KG4NW, KG4DZ: Guantanamo (NA-015)*by Ws 406 till 27/02 KH6: Hawaii (OC-019) * by K5NA 406 till Feb LZ0A: South Shetlands (AN-010) * by LZ2UU 397 till 31/12 LZ100PV: special station 401 till 20/04 P49M: Aruba (SA-036) * by VE3MR 397 till 27/02 S79MX: Seychelles (AF-024) * by HB9MX 404 till ?? TL5A: Central African Republic * by PA3ZDN 405 till 22/02 V26MM, V26RA, V26O (ARRL CW): Antigua (NA-100) * by Ws 406 till 09/03 V31JP: Belize * by K8JP 405 till 20/02 VK9YY: Cocos Island (OC-003) * by by W8UVZ and W0YG 405 till 08/03 VP2V: British Virgin Islands (NA-023) * by K1DW 406 till 23/02 VP5/N4TO and VP5M: Caicos Islands (NA-002) 405 till May VQ9DX: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by AA5DX 403 till March VQ9QM: Diego Garcia Island (AF-006) 401 till 27/11 XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada) 401 till 28/02 XO6: special prefix (Calgary) 407 till 01/03 XT2DM and XT2OW: Burkina Faso * by F5RLE and F5AOW 405 till Apr ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT 388 15/02-25/02 ZA/YO2LDE (Albania) and T9/YO2LDE (Bosnia) 405 16/02-20/02 KH6/IV3NVN: Hawaii (OC-019) 403 18/02-02/03 3A/K8PYD and 3A/N9NC: Monaco 405 18/02-21/02 KE3Q/KP4 and WP3R (ARRL CW): Puerto Rico (NA-099) 406 19/02-22/02 BI4CM: Chongming Island (AS-136) * by BYs 407 19/02-20/02 VK6ISL: Malus Island (OC-199) * by VK6LC and others 407 19/02-21/02 KB5GL/P: Grand Isle (NA-168) 406 20/02-28/02 E44MPT: Palestine * by JA1UT and IARV 407 20/02-26/02 F5SGI/P: Noirmoutier Island (EU-064) 405 20/02-21/02 HC8N (ARRL CW): Galapgos (SA-004) * by N5KO,K6AW,W4ZV 405 20/02-20/05 UA3SDK/0: Sredniy Island (AS-042) 407 20/02-21/02 ARRL International DX CW Contest *** 21/02 EA4ENK/P: Charco del Ciervo (DIEI BA-045) 407 21/02 EA5AEN/P: Mata d'Entorre (DIEI V-032) 407 21/02 ED7CIW: Islotes del Salon (DIE S-268) 407 21/02-03/03 KH4/IV3NVN: Midway Island (OC-030) 403 21/02-14/03 PJ8/ND5S, KF5LK, W8EB, W8DVC; PJ8A (ARRL SSB) 407 23/02-25/02 HP/F5PAC: NA-202 407 /EX S DX@WW $425WW407F 425 DX News #407 [6/6] 20 February 1999 No 407 BID: $425WW407F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== 25/02-28/02 3D2TN: Fiji * by OK1RD, OK1RI, OK1TN 403 25/02-28/02 JW/LC3SAT, JW/LB4OE, JW9PJA: Svalbard (EU-026) 407 26/02-28/02 GJ8x (CQWW 160 SSB): Jersey * by G3SVL 407 26/02-05/03 JW/DJ3KR: Svalbard (EU-026) 407 26/02-27/02 UBA - CW Contest *** 26/02-28/02 CQ WWDX 160 Meter SSB Contest *** 26/02-27/02 REF - French SSB Contest *** 27/02-07/03 C21ZM and C21SX: Nauru (OC-031) * by G3ZEM and G3SXW 403 27/02-20/03 CE0AA: Easter Island (SA-001) * by Radio Club of Chile 407 27/02-06/03 NE8Z/NH7: Maui, Hawaii (OC-019) 407 27/02-08/03 N4XP/V7: Marshall Islands 405 27/02-01/03 ZS150LL: special event station * by Boland ARC 407 27/02-28/02 RSGB 7 MHz CW Contest *** 27/02-28/02 YL OM CW Contest *** 28/02-08/03 FW5FN: Uvea (OC-054), Wallis & Futuna * by HB9HFN 401 February FT5YG: Adelie Land, Antarctica 399 February KL1SLE: St. Lawrence Island (NA-040) * by KL7FH 402 Feb-Mar T30, T32, T33 * by HA9RE and HA8IC 400 Feb-May ZL4IR/SI: Stewart Island (OC-203) * by K8VIR 406 01/03-14/03 J8OC: Mustique Island (NA-025) * by G0REP 407 01/03-09/03 T30RD: West Kiribati (OC-017) * by OK1RD, OK1RI, OK1TN 403 01/03-08/03 VP2E: Anguilla (NA-022) * by W1USN, AA1M, W1HL 405 01/03-16/03 XF4MX: Socorro Isl (NA-030), Revilla Gigedo * by XE1s 407 02/03-09/03 HK0: San Andres Island (NA-033) * by W4DC and others 401 03/03-10/03 KG4OX: Guantanamo (NA-015) * by W4OX 407 04/03-18/03 C56/G3VMW or C56SW: Gambia 405 06/03-07/03 CO9BCC (ARRL SSB) * by COs 407 06/03-18/03 VK9EHH: Lord Howe (OC-004) * by K8VIR 407 06/03-07/03 ARRL DX SSB Contest *** 06/03-07/03 Ukraine RTTY Championship 406 10/03-28/03 T31RD *or* T33RD * by OK1RD, OK1RI, OK1TN 403 11/03-12/03 5T: Mauritania * by JA1CPS and others 407 13/03-15/03 TR: Banie Island (AF-043) * by F5VCR and G3OCA 407 14/03 UBA Spring SSB Contest *** 15/03-22/03 PY0: St.Peter & St.Paul's Arch. (SA-014) * by ABRA-DX 405 20/03-21/03 II2V * special A. Volta station 407 20/03-21/03 JA3CMY, JE4CIL and JI3DST: Oki Archipelago (AS-041) 405 20/03-22/03 BART Spring RTTY Contest *** 20/03-21/03 Russian DX Contest *** 26/03 II2V * special A. Volta station 407 26/03-31/03 WP4U: Mona Island (NA-099) 406 27/03-28/03 CQWW WPX SSB Contest *** Mar-Apr 9N7RN: Nepal * by IZ6BRN 407 from March FT5XN: Kerguelen * by F6IHY 399 01/04-10/04 3B9: Rodrigues Island (AF-017) * by MKDXF 407 03/04-04/04 Italian YLRC Marconi *** 03/04-04/04 SP DX SSB Contest *** 03/04-04/04 EA RTTY Contest *** 06/04-21/04 JT1Y: Mongolia * by I0SNY 406 09/04-11/04 Japan DX CW High Bands Contest *** 10/04-11/04 King of Spain Contest *** 11/04 RSGB Low Power CW Contest *** 11/04 UBA - CW Spring Contest *** 17/04-18/04 EU Sprint Spring SSB Contest *** 22/04-25/04 II2V * special A. Volta station 407 24/04-25/04 Helvetia Contest *** 24/04-25/04 SP DX RTTY Contest *** 01/05 AGCW DL CW QRP Contest *** 01/05-02/05 ARI Contest *** 08/05-09/05 II2V * special A. Volta station 407 08/05-09/05 CQ M Contest *** 08/05-09/05 Volta RTTY Contest *** 15/05 EU Sprint Spring CW Contest *** 22/05-23/05 Baltic Contest *** 22/05-23/05 ITU Contest *** 29/05-30/05 CQ WPX CW Contest *** 04/06-07/06 KL7AK: Nunivak Island (NA-074) 405 05/06-06/06 Fielday IARU Region 1 CW *** 12/06-13/06 II2V * special A. Volta station 407 12/06-13/06 ANARTS RTTY Contest *** 12/06 Portugal Day SSB *** 12/06-13/06 WW South America CW Contest *** 13/06 V DIE Contest *** 19/06-20/06 All Asian CW Contest *** 19/06-20/06 RSGB 1.8 MHz CW Contest *** 26/06-27/06 ARRL Fielday *** 26/06-27/06 Marconi Memorial CW Contest *** 26/06-27/06 SP CW QRP Contest *** /EX