S DX@WW $425WW406A 425 DX News #406 [1/4] 12 February 1999 No 406 BID: $425WW406A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ >>> KING HUSSEIN OF JORDAN, JY1, SK <<< The late King Hussein's role in the Middle East is well known all over the world. However, amateur radio enthusiasts, even those who had the honour of working JY1, may ignore that His Majesty's support "was invaluable to us in obtaining new amateur bands [namely 12, 17 and 30 metres] at the 1979 World Administrative Radio Conference: Jordan's support of the Amateur Service was much in evidence at the conference that fall, and was a crucial element in our success." (David Sumner, K1ZZ, ARRL Executive Vice President). While the world mourns the death of the ruler, we mourn the loss of a friend who believed in Amateur Radio. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> PALESTINE (E4) ON THE AIR <<< A team of operators from Europe and the U.S. will join forces with their local Palestinian counterparts to unveil the new E4 prefix for the first time on the air. The operation, which is being conducted with the full support of the Palestinian National Authority's Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPT), is scheduled to start on 15 February from The Palestine Hotel, Gaza City. [TNX N4GN] 5H - Conny, DL1DA he will be active as 5H3SK from Zanzibar Island (AF-032) between 10 and 26 February. Plans are to operate mainly CW with some RTTY. QSL via DL1DA. [TNX The Daily DX] 8P - K4MA and AA4NC will be active as 8P9JA and 8P9JB from Barbados (NA-021) between 17 and 22 February. They will participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest as 8P9JA. QSL via home calls. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] C6 - Dick, N4RP expects to be active as C6AKP from South Bimini (NA-048), Bahamas between 12 and 24 February. Plans are to operate mostly CW on all bands, with an emphasis on WARC. QSL via N4RP (R. Phelps, 2805 Casita Way Apt 115, Delray Beach, FL 33445-4574, USA). [TNX The Daily DX] CT - Club station CS0RCL (http://www.qsl.net/cs0rcl) will be active on 13-14 February during the Carnival of Loule Contest. HI - Moni, DL1SEN and Mike, DL2SEK are active (SSB and RTTY) as AH6YL/HI8 and AH6OM/HI8 from the Dominican Republic (NA-096) until 25 February. QSL via DL2SEK. [TNX The Daily DX] JA - JA6LCJ and JQ6QUM will be /6 from Amakusa Archipelago (AS-012) on 13 and 14 February. The will be active on CW and SSB on the usual IOTA frequencies. QSL via JA6LCJ. Log search will be available at http://www.nttl-net.ne.jp/ja6lcj/ [TNX JA6LCJ] JT - Nicola, I0SNY will be active again as JT1Y from JT1KAA Radio Club in Ulan-Baatar, Mongolia between 6 and 21 April. Those who are interested in joining him are invited to get in touch with him at 00390-75-5288539 (from 19 UTC). [TNX I0SNY] JW - Coast radio station Svalbard Radio, LGS is active as JW0LGS (operators JW5NM and JW6MY) until 28 February to commemorate the end of the international listening watch on 500 kHz [425DXN 404]. QSL via LA5NM. [TNX DX News Sheet] KG4 - W4ZYT (KG4ZK), W4SD (KG4SD) and NW3K (KG4NW) will be active (mainly on CW) from Guantanamo Bay (NA-015) between 16 and 22 February. They will participate in the ARRL CW DX Contest as KG4DZ. Logs will be available at http://www.pilot.infi.net/~charding/gitmo.htm [TNX The Daily DX] KH6 - Richard, K5NA will be active as KH6X from Maui, Hawaii (OC-019) between 16 and 27 February. He will participate in the ARRL CW DX Contest (20-21 February). [TNX The Daily DX] KP4 - Carlos, WP4U expects to be active from Caja de Muertos (Coffin Island) between 12 and 15 February. If he gets the permission from the Department of Wildlife and Natural Resources, he will also be active from Mona Island on 26-31 March. Both these islands are valid for WPRI (Worked Puerto Rico's Islands award) and count for IOTA group NA-099. [TNX The Daily DX] KP4 - Rich, KE3Q will participate in the ARRL CW DX Contest from WP3R (QSL via W3HNK) in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Look for him to be active (CW and SSB) as KE3Q/KP4 (QSL via KE3Q) on 18-19 February. [TNX The Daily DX] P4 - Andy, K2LE is active as P4/K2LE from Aruba (SA-036) until 14 February. QSL via K2LE. [TNX The South West DX Bulletin] PY - Jay, PP5LL will be active (SSB) as PQ5L from Anhatomirim Island (SA-026, DIB 22) on 13 and 14 February. QSL direct to PP5LL. [TNX PP5SZ] /EX S DX@WW $425WW406B 425 DX News #406 [2/4] 12 February 1999 No 406 BID: $425WW406B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== V2 - N5NJ, K3MM/V26MM and possibly K3RA/V26RA plan to participate in the ARRL CW DX Contest (20-21 February) as V26O from Antigua (NA-100). Look for them before and after the contest, between 18 and 22 February, on CW, SSB and RTTY. [TNX The Daily DX] VP2V - K1DW will be active (on 10-160 metres, SSB, CW and RTTY) from the British Virgin Islands (NA-023) for three weeks starting on 16 February. He plans to participate in the ARRL DX CW, ARRL DX SSB and CQ WW SSB Contests. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] W - Special Event Station K4L will once again commemorate Abraham Lincoln's birthday with operation from the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace in Hodgenville, Kentucky between 13 and 21 UTC on 12-13 February. [TNX N4CBR] W - Silvano, KB5GL will be active as KB5GL/P from Grand Isle (NA-168) between 19 and 21 February. Look for him on 14260, 18128, 21260, 24950 and 28460 kHz. QSL direct to AC7DX (Ron Lago, P.O.Box 25426, Eugene, OR 97402, USA). [TNX KB5GL] W - Dick, K2ZR/4 plans to be active (SSB and CW) from Key West (NA-062) until 11 April. [TNX K2ZR/4 and Islands On The Web] XW - Yoh, 7L1MFS will be active from Laos between 22 UTC on 19 February and 11 UTC on the 21st. Plans are to concentrate in 10, 12 and 15 metres SSB and RTTY. QSL via JH1EVE. [TNX The Daily DX] ZF - Al, KZ3AB will be active as ZF2AB from the Cayman Islands (NA-016) until 17 February. QSL via WA3EOP (Page Pyne, 230 N. Potomac St. #3, Hagerstown, MD 21740, USA). [TNX The Daily DX] ZL - Ed, K8VIR expects to be active several times as ZL4IR/SI from Stewart Island (OC-203) between 15 February and May. QSL via W8WC.[TNX The Daily DX] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH BOUVET ---> Reidar Bo, LA4BN (President of LA-DX-GROUP) reports that the Norwegian Polar Institute has just issued a discussion document concerning a proposed new legislation on the island making it more difficult or maybe impossible to mount future DXpeditions. The new legislation would prohibit any amateur radio activity from Nyroeysa (i.e. the only Bouvet area suitable for DXpeditions) between 1 November and 15 March (i.e. the time frame suitable for DXpeditions) and restrict helicopter use between 15 March and 1 May. The LA-DX-GROUP and the Norwegian Radio League (NRRL) have been invited to voice their opinion: "We need as many responses as possible before February 15, Reidar says. "Please help us with all positive arguments for allowing amateur radio activity on the island in the future." Reidar's fax number and e-mail address are +47 22 27 56 20 and rboe@c2i.net OPEN UKRAINE RTTY CHAMPIONSHIP ---> It will take place between 22 UTC on 6 March and 01.59 UTC on the 7th (4 hours), on 1.838-1.848 and 3.580-3.620 MHz. For further information on the rules, please contact George Ignatov, UT1HT at krs@fobos.poltava.ua (the results of the 1998 edition are available at http://www.fobos.poltava.ua/krs/). [TNX UT1HT] QSL 3D2DX ---> Roberto, EA4DX reports that all cards received direct with postage, have been processed, labeled and mailed. If you do not receive your card within a couple of weeks, please contact Roberto (rdiazg@nexo.es). Do not send bureau cards, as QSLs for contacts not confirmed direct will be mailed automatically to the various national bureaus (lease note that this process will not start before July). Logs are available at http://www.qsl.net/ea4dx/3D2DXlog1.htm [TNX EA4DX] QSL 4U1 ---> Masahiro Miura, AJ3M operated from 4U1VIC in Vienna on 28 January and from 4U1ITU in Geneva on 5-7 February. Cards for 4U1VIC and 4U1ITU can be sent through the bureau; however the addresses for direct requests are Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 200, A-1400 Vienna, Austria (4U1VIC) and International Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 6, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland (4U1ITU). [TNX AJ3M] QSL TF3CW ---> QSL manager Norbert Oberweis, LX1NO (lx1no@bigfoot.com) has started getting the logs from Siggi, TF3CW. So far he has received the logs for contacts made up to 1994 and the log for the 5P1ER activity activity during the 1998 SAC Contest. Please note that Norbert says he will not be able to confirm QSOs before early April. [TNX LX1NO] QSL VIA KU9C ---> Steve Wheatley, KU9C reports that QSL cards for the various XX9 operations in October 1998 (XX9X, XX9TAR, XX9TMC, XX9TNC, XX9TOT, XX9TXD) are beginning to hit the mail. If you sent your QSL with others, this will slow their return to you. Cards for BQ9P, B1A, BT2HC are expected next week, and Steve has freed up his calendar over the next few weeks to devote to processing the direct requests for these cards. [TNX KU9C] ZONE 19 ON 160 METRES ---> Mike, UA0MF is regularly active around 1830.5 kHz during his mornings (20-22 UTC) and evenings (12-14 UTC) with a full size Inverted V. Mike accepts skeds via e-mail (ua0mf@mail.primorye.ru). QSL via either W3HNK or UA0MF (Mike Filippov, P.O. Box 20, Vladivostok, 690021 Russia). [TNX UA0MF] /EX S DX@WW $425WW406C 425 DX News #406 [3/4] 12 February 1999 No 406 BID: $425WW406C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ***** QSL INFO [1/2] ***** =========================== Edited by IK1GPG & IK1QFM TNX: IK7AFM, The Daily DX ============================================================================= CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER ============================================================================= 3A/K8PYD K8PYD F8AB F2VX SN0BNM SQ2BNM 3A/N9MC N9MC FG5FC F6DZU SN0EFU SP2EFU 3B8/DJ7MI DJ7MI FG5FR F6FNU SN0PI SP2PI 3DA0CA W4DR FK8GJ F6CXJ SN0PMK SP2PI 3W5FM UA0FM FK8GM WB2RAJ SN0SWT SP2SWT 3W6DXI DL4DBR FK8HC VK4FW SN0UKB SP2UKB 3W6LI K2WE FK8VHT F6CYV SO5AH IZ3AHY 4J4K 4J9RI FM/F8AAN F8AAN SU1ER WA3HUP 4K5CW 4J9RI FO/DJ4VW DJ4VW SV9/MU0BKA K4ZLE 4K8F UA9AB FO0AWI DL5AWI T20HC DL9HCU 4L0CR IK7JTF FO0XUU DL5AWI T32KV N0KV 4L8A OZ1HPS FP5EJ K2RW T32MP K0MP 4N4MX DJ2MX Ex DL1FDVFT5WH F6KDF T32NCC HA1AG 4N800H YU0SRJ FT5ZJ F2YT T32PL W0NF 4S7YSG JA2BDR G6D G3LZQ T32PS K0MP 4X/OK1DTP OK1DTP GB0SM G3WNI T33VU DL2MDZ 5B4/G4LJF G4LJF GB5WW G3LZQ T88SY JA5IU 5H3MG IN3GNV H40FN HA8FW T88TM JA5AUC 5H3US WA8JOC H40MS DL2GAC T9/YO2LDE YO2LDE (Dir) 5N7YZC WA1ECA H44FN HA8FW T94DO DJ2MX Ex DL1FDV 5N9CEN IV3VBM HC6CR NE8Z T94DX DJ2MX Ex DL1FDV 5R8FL F5TBA HC8N AA5BT TA1ZL RW9WA 5W0GD PA3AXU HH2LQ VE2EH TG9NX N4FKZ 5Z4LI G3SWH HH2NH KU9C TL0R PA1AW Ex PA3DMH 5Z4RL G0IAS HI8/AH6OM DL2SEK TL5A PA1AW Ex PA3DMH 6D2X K5TSQ HK3/G0SHN F6AJA TR8BAR F5BAR 6W1RN DL4VS HP8ADU W2BDR TR8CA F6CBC 6W4RK F5NPS HR2/KC4CD HR1JPT TT8FC EA4AHK 7J1ATX OH1TX HS0/DL2VK DL2VK TU5IJ I2AOX 8Q7AC DJ4KW HS0ZCY WB4FNH TZ6DX K4DX 8Q7UK G0SAH HS1NIV W1ZS UA0AZ W3HNK 9G1AA PA3ERA HS5AC W1ZS UA0CW W3HNK 9G1MR IK3HHX HS98AG HS1CKC UA0QMU UA4RC 9G1YR G4XTA HV4NAC IK0FVC UA2FB DJ9ZB 9G5DX JH8PHT HZ1AB K8PYD UA2FJ W3HNK 9G5HK DL1IAL IU4F IK4ZHH UA2FP DL4LH 9H1EL LA2TO IY4FGM IK4QJH UE3RCG RW3RQ 9H1ZE IZ3AHY IZ3BQS IV3SKQ UE3ROM RW3RQ 9K2QQ KB2MS J28AG ZL3CW UE3WKB RA3WA 9L2PI KB0KVA J28DB F4AAQ UK8GK RW6HS 9M6AAC N2OO J3/K4LTA K4LTA UK8OAF OZ1KYM 9M6AAT UA9CI J68DD N6JRL UN3F OK8ZM 9N1HA N5VL J79EKH KE4EKH UN7EG DL8KAC 9Q5TE SM0BFJ J79GMV KK4WWW UX0ZZ N3IRZ 9X0A DL5WM J79UGF KE4UGF UX6F UX3FW A35XU PA3AXU JU60MTZ JT1CJ V29QQ G6QQ A41KJ N5FTR JW0LGS LA5NM V31JP KA9WON A61AH KA5TQF JW5NM LA5NM V31JZ NN7A A92GD K1SE JW9XGA LA9XGA V31RL NG7S AH0/KH2K JA1RJU JX7DFA LA7DFA V47KP K2SB AT0U VU2UR JY9QJ DL5MBY V51HK DL6OBS AX4AO VK4AO KC4AAA K1IED V51KG SM7DZZ AX4EJ VK4EJ KG4DZ W4SD V63KU JA6NL AX4EMS VK4EMS KG4NW NW3K V7/N4XP N4XP AX4SJ VK4SJ KG4SD W4SD VK4SK DJ2MX Ex DL1FDV AX5CRS VK5CRS KG4ZK W4ZYT VK8KAY YC1VX AX6LC VK6LC KH0/AF4LX JA6VQA VK9XI DK7YY BA1DU W3HC KH0/JA6PBO JA6VQA VK9XX W0YG BD7NQ W2AY KH0AC K7ZA VK9YY W0YG BT1WW BY1/OH2BH KH0AS WB4UBD VP5/JA1MZL JA1MZL C4A 9A2AJ KL7PI K4MF VP5/N4TO N4TO C56A DL5NAM LT1F LU1FKR VP5/WA2WYA WA2WYA C56NY DJ3NY LT4A LU1BCE VP8CSA DL1SDN C56T DL5NAM LU/CT4IK LU5OM (91-97) VP9/N1KS JA1FUI C56TTY G0OIL LU5OM LU5OM VP9/N1RCT N1RCT (Bureau) CE3AA CE3WDH LU6T LU5OM (79-84) VP9/N1RCT W6/G0AZT (Dir) CM6YI CO6LG LU6TEA LU5OM (79-84) VQ9DX AA5DX CO0XE XE1CI LX2MR IV3SKQ VQ9QM W4QM CO6DW EA8DO LX9DIG DL2JRM VQ9VK N1TO CO8JY KU9C LZ0A LZ1KDP VU2JPS VK9NS CO8LY EA7ADH M0ARC G3LZQ VU2RBQ DJ9RB CO8TW W3HNK OD5/SP7LSE SP7EJS VU2ZAP W3HNK CO9BCC VE2EH OH0R OH2TA VU3VLH OK1MM CO9NAA CO8RCB OX3LX OZ1DJJ W1AA/CC W1AA CT3/F5LMJ F5LMJ OZ1OXB OZ6TL XE1NVX EA5XX CT4IK LU5OM (1977) OZ1OXZ OZ8AE XE1XG W3HNK D2GG CT1GG P29CC K1WY XE2NJ F6FNU D68BW DJ2BW P29VR W7LFA XJ1HA VE1HA DA0EUR DL4AKW P4/K2LE K2LE XX9AS KU9C DU3NXE W3HNK P40E W3HNK XX9TRR OH2PM DU6/K9AW WF5T P43P P43ARC YI1AK AD5W E21CJN W3PP PJ9I ON4CFD YI1ALW WB3CQN E30LA I2YDX PT5T PP5LL YI1FLY KK3S E30MA IK2WXZ PT7BZ KQ0B YJ0AOY KF8OY EA9AU EA9IB PZ5JR K3BYV YJ8UU ZL2HE ED3TTY EA3GIP R1ASP RA1AD YN2EJG K5LBU ED4MRF EA4ENK R1FJL UA3AGS YN6HM N5TGZ ED5SMA EA5URR R3AL/MM RN3FZ YV5/DL2GG DJ7AO ED7TCS EA7URS RA2FBC DF4BV YZ800R YU0SRJ EG0MDC EA5KW RA9LI/9 DL6ZFG Z2/VK3DXI 9V1XE EK6GC W3HNK RM6A W3HNK ZA/YO2LDE YO2LDE (Dir) EL2WW ON5NT RX9FM W3HNK ZC4RAF 5B4YX EM1LV/P UR8LV S21YD SM6CPY ZD8A K6NA EM5U/P UT2UB S79MX HB9MX ZD9BV W4FRU EO6F UX0FF S79OY KF8OY ZF2CM K0BJ ET3IV IZ3AHY S92AT NJ2D ZF2DR K5RQ EW3LB W3HNK SM/DL5RFF DL5RFF ZF2DS W3WKP EW8AM EA3FQA SM7CRW W3HNK ZK1OOY KF8OY EY6TM F6FNU SN0BBD SP2BBD ZK1RRR W6RV EY8CQ DJ1SKO SN0BMX SP2BMX ZW7SC PR7RT /EX S DX@WW $425WW406D 425 DX News #406 [4/4] 12 February 1999 No 406 BID: $425WW406D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ***** QSL INFO [2/2] ***** =========================== 3D2TC Craig Thompson, 50 Beach Road, Suva Point, Suva, Fiji Islands 5B4CW Michel E.Kreitem, P.O.Box 1267, Limassol, Cyprus 5H3RK Ralph Karhammar, P.O.Box 9274, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 6K5RJB Kyong Joo Park, P.O.Box 97, Kyongjoo city, Kyongsanbookto 780-600, South Korea 9K2HS Hamed Al-Shuwaie, P.O.Box 27, 72461 Khaldiya, Kuwait 9V1XE Mirek Rozbicki, 7 Seletar Terrace, Singapore 806908, Singapore BA9GA J.J.Jiang, P.O.Box 12, Lanzhou, Gansu 730020, China BV/JH3GCN Kiyohiro Yuge, P.O.Box 73, Taipei, Taiwan BY1/OH2BY Martti J.Laine, Unit No.21H North Lodge, China World Trade Center, No.1 Jianguomen Wai Avenue, Beijing 100004, People's Republic of China CO9NAA P.O.Box 5, Santiago de Cuba 90100, Cuba CU3T Uniao de Radioamadores Dos Acores, P.O.Box 140, P-9702 Angra do Heroismo, Terceira Island, Acores, Portugal DJ2MX Mario Lovric, Am Oelberg 11, D-61231, Bad Nauheim, Germany DJ7AO Stefan Reyers, Luebecker Strasse 4, D-22964, Steinburg, Germany DS0PK Jungin College ARS, #San 9-28, Shigi dong, Jungup city, Chollabookto 580-060, South Korea DS1FJI Jean Shick John, #244-126, Mook 2 dong, Joongrang koo, Seoul 131-142, South Korea DS2KAG Jung Bae Lee, 202-1006 Sungwon apt., #551-34, Poong dong, Ilsan koo, Koyang city, Kyongkido 411-330, South Korea DU1ODX P.O.Box SM 284, Manila 1016, Philippines DU3BS Bong C.So, 248 Casmor Ph. 1, Mabiga, Mabalacat, Pampanga 2010, Philippines EP3PTT Mohammed, P.O.Box 4415, Tehran 15875, Islamic Republic of Iran EP4GM P.O.Box 21, Kugesi 429500, Russia F5BAR Bouchet Jean-Luc, Chemin De L'Artaude, 14 Verger De Beauvoir, F-83220 Le Pradet, FRANCE G0OIL Dave A.White, Rainbow Cottage, Laneham St, Rampton, Notts DN22 OJX, England H44NC Norried F.Chaisson Jr., P.O.Box 168, Munda, Western Province, Solomon Islands HC6FG Maricela de Camacho, P.O.Box 614, Ambato, Ecuador HK5LJ Bernardo Villegas, P.O.Box 20738, Cali, Colombia HL5BBW Jong Oil Eom, 34-81, Haedodong, Pohang 680-000, South Korea HL5PVN Kyung Chang Kang, P.O.Box 12, Tong-Nae, Pusan 607-600, South Korea HR2/KC4CD Lane Tarleton, P.O.Box 2754, San Pedro Sula, Honduras J69EB John C.Joseph, P.O.Box CH24C, Choiseul, St.Lucia Island JA3CMY Yuki Iwata, 3-13-3 Kaneda-Cho, Moriguchi-City,Osaka 570-0011,Japan JH8PHT Kazuo Takasaki, Higashi 3-20-40-202 Shinohara, Yokohama 222-0022, Japan LU5OM Manuel C.da Silva Wilches, Las Tipas 71, 4400, Salta, Argentina KA9WON Lonnie W.Miller, 12031 Blue Spruce Drive, Roscoe, IL-61073, U.S.A. OH2TA Pekka Holstila, Linnaistentie 7, FIN-01640 Vantaa, Finland OZ1KYM Henning Hansen, Stubben 4, 5631 Ebberup, Denmark PA3ERA Arie Barendrecht, Taankade 10, NL-3311 TN Dordrecht, Netherlands PJ9/KF8OY Roger W.Macdonald, 12977 Sue Dee Lane, South Lyon, MI-48178, USA PY7ZY Cicero Xavier da Silva, P.O.Box 501,58001-970 Joao Pessoa,PB,Brazil RU0AB Toly, P.O.Box 59, Moscow, Russia RW3RQ Andy B.Yatskiv, P.O.Box 30, Michurinsk 393740, Russia SM6CPY Carl Jonsson, Bottnatorpet, Alboga, S-524 96 Ljung, Sweden SV1APF Kostas Fatoypos, Andreadou 2, GR-111 45 Athens, Greece SV5CJN Drosos Skotis, 5, Kosma Etolou str., GR-851 00 Rhodos, Greece UA0SJ Yuri A.Maltsev, P.O.Box 2304, Bratsk-city, 665700, Russia UA0ZC Valery A.Makarovm P.O.Box 6, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky,683038,Russia UX0FF Nikolay Lavreka, P.O.Box 3, Izmayil, 272630 Ukraine V51GP Graham, P.O.Box 3330, Swakopmund, Namibia VK2CE Kevin Mulcahy, P.O.Box 300, Merrimbula 2548, Australia VP9/N1RCT Eddie Schneider, W6/G0AZT, P.O.Box 5194 Richmond, CA-94805, U.S.A. VU2JHM Lion Ajoy, "Kshitija", opp. Geetanjali Theatre, 5-Cross, Malleswaram, Bangalore 560 003, India VU2NFS Nafisa Shikari, 52A Asraf Apartments, Gangabaudi Road, Mazgaon, Mumbai (Bombay) 400 010, India VU2SE S.R.Subramanyam, 137, III Main Road, Ganganagar Layout, Bangalore 560 032, India YC1YCF Yoyon Suryana, Perum Margahayu C 88, Bekasi 17113, Indonesia YC3JPS Sumarno, P.O.Box 4025, Surabaya 60401, Indonesia YI1OM Omar Ali Lateif Al Saaiedi, P.O.Box 27104, Baghdad 12603, Iraq ZA1FD Fatos Demeti, P.O.Box 1439, Tirana, Albania ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX