S DX@WW $425WW405A 425 DX News #405 [1/6] 6 February 1999 No 405 BID: $425WW405A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ >>> E4, PALESTINE - NEW DXCC ENTITY ADDED <<< The following DXCC News Release, dated 3 February, comes from the American Radio Relay League: "The International Telecommunication Union, in its Operational Bulletin No. 685 of February 1, 1999, has allocated the callsign prefix E4 for use by Palestine. This is in accordance with the Resolution PLEN/3 of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the ITU held in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1998. Under the current DXCC List Criteria, Section 1, this callsign allocation meets the requirement of paragraph b. Palestine will be added to the DXCC List effective October 1, 1999. Contacts made with E4 stations after February 1, 1999, will count for this new entity. Under the DXCC rules, contacts with the deleted entity of Palestine made prior to June 30, 1968 do not count for this entity. There is no commonality of territory or administration." [TNX NC1L] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> 425 DX NEWS MOST WANTED SURVEY (1998) <<< Thanks to all of you (more than 500) who participated in the survey. The first 50 most wanted DXCC entities are the following: PFX ENTITY % PFX ENTITY % ============================================================================= P5 North Korea 100.00 KH5 Palmyra & Jarvis 26.09 A5 Bhutan 56.70 VP8 South Georgia 25.04 VU4 Andaman & Nicobar 55.65 PY0S St.Peter & St.Paul 24.70 BS7 Scarborough Reef 49.91 KP1 Navassa 24.35 3Y Bouvet 47.13 FO0 Marquesas 24.00 VU7 Laccadive 42.78 BV9P Pratas 23.48 7O Yemen 42.26 YA Afghanistan 23.30 3C0 Pagalu 38.96 ZK3 Tokelau 23.13 VK0 Macquarie 38.61 ZS8 Marion 22.61 KH5K Kingman Reef 36.17 KH1 Baker & Howland 22.26 VP8 South Sandwich 34.61 FO0 Austral 22.09 ZL9 Auckland & Campbell 34.26 YV0 Aves 22.09 FR_T Tromelin 33.39 XF4 Revilla Gigedo 21.74 FR_J Juan de Nova & Europa 33.04 SY Mount Athos 21.39 FR_G Glorioso 32.87 FT_W Crozet 20.87 3Y Peter I 31.30 XW Laos 20.70 T33 Banaba 31.13 FT_X Kerguelen 20.35 HK0 Malpelo 30.96 JD1 Minami Torishima 19.48 CE0 S.Felix & S.Ambrosio 28.70 VK9C Cocos-Keeling 19.48 VK9M Mellish Reef 28.70 ZL8 Kermadec 19.30 FO0 Clipperton 28.00 KH7K Kure 18.26 KP5 Desecheo 27.65 T2 Tuvalu 18.26 3B9 Rodrigues 27.13 PY0T Trindade 17.74 3D2C Conway Reef 27.13 T5 Somalia 17.57 T31 Central Kiribati 26.43 ZD9 Tristan da Cunha 17.57 The full results are available at http://www.425dxn.org/survey/mostwntd.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IZ1CRR ---> This newly licenced DX oriented amateur is no one else but Maurizio, I1-21771, our web master. Congratulations from the 425 DX News staff! /EX S DX@WW $425WW405B 425 DX News #405 [2/6] 6 February 1999 No 405 BID: $425WW405B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== 3A - Leo, K8PYD will be active (mainly on RTTY with some CW) as 3A/K8PYD from Monaco between 18 February and 2 March. He will be joined by Tom, N9NC (3A/N9NC) on 19 February for a week. Tom, who will be free only at evening time after work, plans to work 40, 80 and 160 CW. Either or both of them may participate in the ARRL CW DX Contest (20-21 February). [TNX K8PYD] 3B8 - Hans, DJ7MI is active as 3B8/DJ7MI from Mauritius (AF-049) till 20 February. Plans are to operate mainly on the low bands CW. QSL via bureau to DJ7MI. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] 3B9 - Six metres enthusiasts will be glad to learn that Ned Stearns, AA7A has joined the multi-national DXpedition group that is heading out to Rodrigues Island [425DXN 399]. The plan is to be QRV on 1 April and be on the air for as much as 10 days. Ned, who is the responsible for the 6 metres station, believes that time of year and this part of the solar cycle look promising for potential six meter propagation to Europe and Japan and possibly the US over the long path. He invites amateurs in EU, JA and the US to help him in order to plan operating schedules on 6 metres for this once-in-a-lifetime DXpedition. Ned's e-mail address is stearns@goodnet.com [TNX SM7AED] 5H - Maurizio, IK2GZU now will be active as 5H3/IK2GZU from Tanzania [425DXN 403] starting on 10 February. QSL via IK2GZU either direct (Maurizio Buffoli, Via degli Angeli 9, 25033 Cologne - BS, Italy) or through the bureau (bureau cards can be requested at ik2gzu@spidernet.it). [TNX IK2GZU] 5X - 5X1T is now active on 6 metres SSB. QSL via ON5NT. [TNX IW1DIM] 5Z - 5Z4LI is the call that G3RTE (Jim), G3SWH (Phil), G3WGV (John) and 5Z4RL (Rob) will use during their 17-24 February operation from Lamu Island (AF-040) [425DXN 402]. They will be active with two (and possibly three) stations on 160-10 metres, with the exception of 30 metres, which is not permitted in Kenya. Subject to good propagation, they plan to have at least one station on the air for 24 hours a day. Look for them on the ususal IOTA SSB frequencies, on CW (1830, 3503, 7005, 14025, 18073, 21025, 24895, 28025 KHz) and RTTY (RTTY: 14080, 21080, 28080 KHz). They will be QRV during the ARRL CW DX Contest (20-21 February), but will *NOT* work USA stations to the exclusion of the rest of the world. QSL via G3SWH either direct (Phil Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons Grove, Congresbury, Bristol, BS49 5HQ, United Kingdom) or through the bureau. [TNX G3SWH] 9G - 9G1OO, PA3ERA and PA3FUE are reported to be planning to operate (20, 15 and 40 metres CW) from the club station 9G1AA in February (dates not given). QSL via PA3ERA (Arie Barendrecht, Taankade 10, NL-3311 TN Dordrecht, The Netherlands). [TNX OPDX Bulletin] C5 - Steve, G3VMW will be active as C56/G3VMW or possibly C56SW from Banjul, Gambia between 4 and 18 March. He will operate on 10-160 metres CW only and in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest (13-14 March). The log will be available at http://www.bramham.demon.co.uk immediately after the operation. QSL via G3VMW. [TNX G3VMW] CO - Jose, CO8JY will be QRV, especially for Europe, on 160 metres on 13 and 14 February starting around 3 UTC. Look for him on 1830-1835 Khz. QSL via KU9C. [TNX CO8JY] CT3 - Alain, F5LMJ will be active (30, 20 and 17 metres CW) as CT3/F5LMJ from Madeira (AF-014) between 13 and 20 February. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] E4 - Ali, JY4NE (who was active as ZC6A in the past) reports it may take several days before the licensing authorities start issuing E4 licenses. However Ali is planning a three day operation (starting on 13, 20 or 27 February) from the QTH of Sami, ZC6B/KF2GJ in Gaza. Plans are to work SSB and some CW. [TNX The Daily DX] EA - Fidel, EA3GIP will be operating as ED3TTY in contests, the first time on 13-14 February when he will participate in the CQ WPX RTTY. QSL via EA3GIP either direct (Fidel Leon Martin, Siete Partidas, 50-52 1.2., 08304 Mataro, Spain) or through the bureau. [TNX EA3GIP] F - Jean-Marc, F5SGI will be active (mostly on CW) as F5SGI/P from Noirmoutier Island (EU-064) between 20 and 26 February. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] G - Tom, G0PSE and Steve, G4EDG will be active (10-160 metres, SSB and CW) as GB0SM from St Mary's Island, Isles of Scilly (EU-011) between 22 and 29 July. They will participate in the IOTA Contest (24-25 July) as G5M. QSL via G3WNI either direct (Bill Lindsay-Smith, Way Close, Madford, Hemyock, Cullompton, Devon EX15 3QY, England, UK) or through the bureau. [TNX G0PSE] HC8 - N5KO (Trey), K6AW (Steve) and W4ZV (Bill) will participate in the ARRL CW DX Contest (20-21 February) as HC8N (Multi-Single) from the Galapgos (SA-004). QSL via AA5BT. [TNX The Daily DX] /EX S DX@WW $425WW405C 425 DX News #405 [3/6] 6 February 1999 No 405 BID: $425WW405C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== J7 - Five operators with FAIRS (Foundation for Amateur International Radio Services) will be active from Dominica (NA-101) between 12 and 22 February. Larry, N4VA (J79VA expected) will concentrate on CW and SSB on IOTA frequencies and on WARC bands. David, KK4WW (J79WW); Don, KE4UGF (J79UGF) and YL operators Gaynell, KK4WWW (J79GMV) and Kay, KE4EKH (J79EKH) will be active on 6, 10, 15, 17, 20 and 40 metres, mostly SSB. [TNX N4VA] JA - JA3CMY, JE4CIL and JI3DST will be active (on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 MHz, SSB/CW/SSTV) from Oki Archipelago (AS-041) between 7 UTC on 20 March and 23 UTC on the 21st. QSL via home call: JA3CMY (Yuki Iwata, 3-13-3 Kaneda-Cho, Moriguchi-City, Osaka 570-0011, Japan), JE4CIL (Fumio Suzuki, P.O. Box 3, Hamamura Ketaka-Cho, Ketaka-Gun, Tottori 689-0331, Japan) and JI3DST (Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-Cho, Abeno-Ku, Osaka-City, Osaka 545-0021, Japan). [TNX I4-2032 and JI3DST] KH0 - Oita DX Club members JA6BTO, AF4LX, JA6PBO and AF4KH will be active (160-6 metres, CW, SSB and SSTV) from Saipan Island, Northern Mariana (OC-086) between 11 and 14 February. Call(s) not mentioned, but QSL via JA6VQA either direct (Akio Tagami, 6-kumi Tomioka, Oita 870-0947, Japan). [TNX OPDX Bulletin] KL - Richard Kaplan, KL7AK (ex N6IV) and others will be active from rare Nunivak Island (NA-074) between 4 and 7 June. They will operate two stations on SSB (mainly on 14.260 MHz) and RTTY/CW. QSL via KL7AK either direct or through the bureau. [TNX KL7AK] P4 - Andy, K2LE is active as P4/K2LE from Aruba (SA-036) until 14 February. QSL via K2LE. [TNX DX News Sheet] PY0_spp- ABRA-DX operators PT2HF (Lunkes), PT2GTI (Stuckert) and PT2NP (Paul) are planning a DXpedition to St. Peter and St. Paul's Archipelago (SA-014) which should take place between 15/16 and 21/22 March. Further information is expected in due course. QSL via PT2GTI. [TNX PT2NP] T8 - JA5AUC and JA5IU will be active (on 160-6 metres, SSB and CW) as T88TM and T88SY respectively from Palau (OC-009) between 11 and 14 February. QSL via home calls. [TNX JM1LJS] T9/ZA - Daniel, YO2LDE is the editor of the weekly South-West DX Bulletin, which can be found on his web site (see below) with other useful information (including a list of e-mail addresses for YO amateurs). Daniel plans to be active (RTTY, CW and SSB) as ZA/YO2LDE from Albania and from Bosnia possibly as T9/YO2LDE between 15 and 25 February. North America stations should QSL via Daniel's *new* QSL manager, N1NJ (Tony Naglieri, 22 Sherwin Street, Ware, MA 01082-1020, USA), other stations QSL via YO2LDE (Daniel M. Vuescu, Zadei F3-1-7, RO-1700, Resita, Romania). Further information at http://www.qsl.net/yo2lde/dxpedition.html; the logs for Daniel's expeditions are available at http://www.qsl.net/yo2lde/search.html [TNX YO2LDE] TL - Alex, PA3ZDN is active again as TL5A from Central African Republic with improved signals on 160 metres. He plans to operate on 6 metres as well. QSL via PA1AW (ex PA3DMH). Logs will be available at http://www.qsl.net/tl5a [TNX IW1DIM and PA1AW] UR - Special calls EO6F (on 15 metres) and UX6F (on 20 metres) will be in use during the CQWW WPX RTTY Contest (13-14 February). QSL EO6F via UX0FF (Nikolay Lavreka, P.O. Box 3, Izmail, 272630 Ukraine); QSL UX6F via UX3FW. [TNX DJ3IW and VK2SG RTTY DX Notes] V3 - Joe, K8JP expects to be active again as V31JP from Belize between 11 February and 9 March. He plans to participate in the ARRL DX CW & SSB contests (Single Operator High Power All Bands) and in the CQ WW 160 SSB contest (Single Operator High Power). Outside the contests, he will be operating mostly on 160, 80 and 40 metres CW with some SSB. QSL via his new QSL manager, KA9WON (Lonnie W. Miller, 12031 Blue Spruce Dr, Roscoe, IL 61073, USA). [TNX K8JP] V7 - Tom, N4XP will operate from the Marshall Islands starting on 27 February for about ten days. Callsign is unknown at this time, may be N4XP/V7. Priority for Europe on low bands and 30 metres (TX 120-125 and RX 105-110). QSL via N4XP (Samuel T. Harrel, 2011 New High Shoals Road, Watknisville, GA 30677, USA). [TNX N4XP] VK9_ck - Jerry, WB9Z will join W8UVZ and W0YG for both the operations [425DXN 391] from Christmas (OC-002) as VK9XX (6-13 February) and from Cocos-Keeling (OC-003) as VK9YY (13-20 February). QSL via W0YG. [TNX DX News Sheet] VP2E - W1USN (Mike), AA1M (Bob) and W1HL (Jim) will be active from Anguilla (NA-022) between 1 and 8 March. They will operate SSB and CW, calls have not been assigned as of yet. QSL via home calls. [TNX AA1M] VP5 - Vic, N4TO will be active as VP5/N4TO from Caicos Islands (NA-002) between 16 and 23 February. He will participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest as VP5M. QSL for both calls via N4TO (Victor Dubois, 1400 Jacquelyn Avenue, Sebring, FL 33872, USA). [TNX N4TO] /EX S DX@WW $425WW405D 425 DX News #405 [4/6] 6 February 1999 No 405 BID: $425WW405D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== XT - Michel, F5RLE, and Joel, F5AOW will be active as XT2DM (on CW) and XT2OW (on SSB) from Burkina Faso between 7 February and 1 March. They plan to put an emphasis on 12, 17 and 30 metres. QSL via F5RLE. [TNX The Daily DX] ZD9 - Andy, ZD9BV is back on the air from Tristan da Cunha (AF-029) after a long holiday. QSL via W4FRU. [TNX IK2IQD] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <<< RSGB IOTA CONTEST (24-25 JULY) >>> The following stations are expected to participate in this year's event [see also 425DXN 401]: EU-038 - Marcel, ON4ASW and other operators from Belgium from Texel Island. They have applied for the call PA6TEX. [TNX ON4ASW] EU-065 - Harvey, ON5SY and other Belgian operators from UBA Section Gulden Spoor Kortrijk KTK with a special TM call (to be announced) from Ouessant Island. Plans are to be active also before and after the contest. [TNX ON9CGB] NA-169 - The Western Washington DX Club and the Island County ARC (WA) from Tatoosh Island (NA-169). For further information please contact Hillar, N6HR at hraamat@whidbey.net [TNX OPDX Bulletin] SA-046 - PY7XC, PY7ZZ, PY7ZY, PR7FB and probably PR7PO as ZX7XX (CW and SSB) from Itamaraca Island. [TNX PY7ZY] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH BT1WW ---> The People's Republic of China indeed appeared on 160 metres in this past weekend's contest [425DXN 404]. The U.S. pileups were huge but unfortunately so was the noise level in Beijing and only 24 U.S. stations made it through (they are N7RT, N6RO, W6UB, W7TVF, N6FF, W6YA, K6VX, W2VJN, K6SE, W6UE, N6ED, W6AJJ, N2KK, WU6T, KF6T, N7UA, K6UR, KG6I, W6PBI, W7IUV, KC7V, W7XR, N7DD and AB6LF). QSL via OH2BH/BY1 (Martti J. Laine, Unit No. 21H North Lodge, China World Trade Center, No. 1 Jianguomen Wai Avenue, Beijing 100004, People's Republic of China). [TNX OH2BH/BY1 and N4GN] PALESTINE ---> The new DXCC entity is divided up into two parts, namely the Gaza Strip (31.30N - 34.28E) and the West Bank (31.47N-35.13E). It is WAZ 20 and ITU 39. [TNX The Daily DX] QSL OH0 ---> Cards for OH0Z and OH0AW have been printed and Ari, OH1EH will start sending out direct QSLs in a few days' time. [TNX OH1EH] QSL REFLECTOR ---> Dx-QSL is a mailing list (reflector) devoted to the discussion of DXing and QSLing. To subscribe, e-mail to majordomo@qth.net (leave the subject blank and type subscribe dx-qsl in the body of the message). The mailing list is sponsored by Al Waller (K3TKJ). Please address any questions to w3sj@qsl.net [TNX AD1C] RUSSIA BUREAU ---> Igor Booklan, RA3AUU (SRR Vice President/Contest Committee) reports that the *only* incoming IARU affiliated bureau for Russia [425DXN 403] is P.O. Box 59, Moscow, 105122, Russia. [TNX RA3AUU] /EX S DX@WW $425WW405E 425 DX News #405 [5/6] 6 February 1999 No 405 BID: $425WW405E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH A.R.I.: The new web site of ARI Pozzuoli (Napoli) is at http://www.creativenet.it/ari [TNX IK8UHA] DELTA MIKE: The new web site of the Delta Mike Club (Milan) is at http://www.deltamike.com [TNX IK2IKT] DX-QSL: The QSL Reflector's (see above) archives are on line at http://www.qth.net/dx-qsl-digest.archive IH9P: The web page for IH9P (Multi-Multi in CQWW SSB 1998) is at http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/eudora/126/ih9p.html [TNX IT9BLB] LOGS: The logs of FT5WH (including contacts made up to 30 January) are available at http://perso.easynet.fr/~f5nod/ft5whlog.html [TNX F5NOD] MOST WANTED: The results of The DX Magazine's 1998 Most Wanted Survey are available at http://www.dxpub.com/dx_news.html SCDXC: The web site for the Southern California DX Club is at http://www.scdxc.org ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 3D2DX, 3DA0CA, 3W6DXI, 4U1UN, 5B4/RV0AR, 5B4/UA9YAB, 5N3CPR, 5V7FA, 5W0GD, 5W0RF, 6D2X, 6W1QV, 7X4AN, 8Q7BB, 8Q7CC, 8Q7JD, 8Q7LI, 9G5VJ, 9H1NB, 9H3TI, 9J2FR, 9K2MU, 9M6CT, 9M6JU, 9N1UD, 9X0A, A35RK, A35ZL, A45XR, A61AJ, A71CX (AS-088), AP2JZB, AP2NK, BI4C (AS-136), BI4Q (AS-135), BI5P (AS-138), BI5Z (AS-137), BO0K, BV2KI, BV4ME, C21NJ, C31LJ, C56/DL5MM, C56A, C56CW, C56HP, C56T, C91CO, C91RF, CT1AHU/p, CO6XN, E21CJN, E30HA, EK6GC, EX8QB, FO0FI, FR5CC, FR/G3SWH,FR5ZQ/T, FS5HI, FW5XX, N5KO/HC8, HF0POL, HS1RU, HU1X, HV5PUL, IC8/IK2GPQ (IIA NA-049), IC8/IK2PZG (IIA NA-022, 026, 035, 037, 041, 045, 046, 047, 048, 050), IC8/IK8UHA (IIA NA-026, 028, 029, 045, 046, 047, 050), IC8/IZ8CGS (IIA NA-048, 049), ID8/IK2WXW (IIA CS-007), ID8/IK8UHA (IIA CS-007), IL3/IK2PZG (IIA PD-002; VE-003, 043, 046, 060, 061, 065), IL7/IZ7ATN (IIA BA-004), IL8/I8KCI (IIA SA-002, 003, 004), IL8/IK2PZG (IIA SA-003, 004, ???), IL8/IK8UHA (IIA SA-002, 003, 004, ???), IM0/IS0GYV (IIA OR-009), J28AG, J45T, J79MV, J8/DF2SS, JW1BJA, JY8YB, OD5/9K2MU, P40E, PJ8N, PV5V, PY5CC, S07WW, S21K (AS-140), S21YG, S92AT, T24JA, T32KV, T32MP, T77M, TI5RLI, TI9CF, UA0SJ, UK8IZ, UN7JX, V51SG, V8A, VK9CTL, VK9XTL, VP6YL, VU2PAI, VU2WAP, WA4ZZ/P (NA-031), XU2A, YC0LBK, YJ0AAU, YN1RLI, ZA0B (EU-169), ZA1MH, ZK2FT, ZY6XC (SA-080). QSL received via WF5E DX QSL Service: 3B8CF, 3W5RS, 5B4ADA, 5R8EY, 7X2RO, A2/ZS5UZ, A35RK, BA1DU, BI3H (AS-134), BI4C (AS-136), BI5P (AS-138), BI5Z (AS-137), BO0K, BV7FC, BV9AYA (AS-103), CT3FT, FH/DJ1RL, FP/N9PD, FR5DX, HB0/HB9LEY, HH2PK, J49IL, N2OO/KH9, OJ0VR, R1ANF, R9KM (AS-083), RA0FF, RL0P, RW9QA, T95A, TF3IRA, TL5A, TT8JE, UP0F, UP6F, VE8C (NA-173), YI9SK, YW5LB. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW405F 425 DX News #405 [6/6] 6 February 1999 No 405 BID: $425WW405F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 20/02 3B8/DJ7MI: Mauritius (AF-049) 405 till 31/03 4N800, YT800, YU800, YZ800: special event stations 397 till 06/02 8P9DX: Barbados (NA-021) * by VA3DX 404 till 08/02 KH2K/AH0: Saipan (OC-086) * by JA1RJU 404 till 24/02 DU3/G4ZVJ 403 till 24/02 ED4MRF: Molino de Bajo (CC-003) 403 till August FK8VHU: New Caledonia 401 till 10/02 FO0AWI, FO0XUU: OC-050, Austral Is * by DL1AWI & DL5XU 404 till December FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL 401 till December FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island 399 till 10/02 H40FN: Pigeon Island (OC-065), Temotu * by DK9FN 404 till Apr H40MS: Pigeon Island (OC-065), Temotu * by DL2GAC 404 till 15/02 JL1KFR/JD1: Minami Trishima (OC-073) 404 till Feb LZ0A: South Shetlands (AN-010) * by LZ2UU 397 till 31/12 LZ100PV: special station 401 till 14/02 P4/K2LE: Aruba (SA-036) 405 till 20/04 P49M: Aruba (SA-036) * by VE3MR 397 till 27/02 S79MX: Seychelles (AF-024) * by HB9MX 404 till ?? T33VU * by DL1VU 399 till ?? TL5A: Central African Republic * by PA3ZDN 405 till 06/02 V31JZ & V31RL: Turneffe Is (NA-123) * by NN7A & NG7S 401 till May VQ9DX: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by AA5DX 403 till March VQ9QM: Diego Garcia Island (AF-006) 401 till 27/11 XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada) 401 till 14/02 Z2/VK3DXI: Zimbabwe 404 till 10/02 ZD8Z and ZD8A: Ascension (AF-003) * by N6TJ and K6NA 404 till Apr ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT 388 01/02-20/02 FO/DJ4VW: Raiatea (OC-067), French Polynesia 404 03/02-03/03 FR5ZQ/T: Tromelin (AF-031) 403 04/02-09/02 HC8/DL6FBK: Galapagos (SA-004) 404 05/02-25/02 HPx/F5PAC: NA-071, NA-088, NA-202, NA-203 403 06/02-17/02 PY7ZY/7: Itamaraca Island (SA-046) 403 06/02-13/02 VK9XX: Christmas Island (OC-002) * by W8UVZ and W0YG 405 06/02-07/02 RSGB 7 MHz SSB Contest *** 06/02-08/02 E30LA and E30MA: AF-??? * by I2YDX and IK2WXZ 404 07/02-01/03 XT2DM and XT2OW: Burkina Faso * by F5RLE and F5AOW 405 08/02-21/02 J47XCF: special station * by Radio DX Group of Thrace 403 08/02-28/02 5H: Tanzania * by IK2GZU 403 10/02-26/02 HR3/K7DBV: Honduras 403 11/02-14/02 KH0: Saipan (OC-086) * by JA6BTO, AF4LX, JA6PBO, AF4KH 405 11/02-14/02 T88TM & T88SY: Palau (OC-009) * by JA5AUC & JA5IU 405 11/02-09/03 V31JP: Belize * by K8JP 405 12/02-22/02 J79VA, WW, UGF, GMV, EKH: Dominica (NA-101) * by Ws 405 13/02-14/02 CO8JY on 160 metres 405 13/02-20/02 CT3/F5LMJ: Madeira (AF-014) 405 13/02-14/02 ED3TTY (CQ WPX RTTY) * by EA3GIP 405 13/02-14/02 EO6F & UX6F: Ukraine (CQ WPX RTTY) 405 13/02-20/02 VK9YY: Cocos Island (OC-003) * by by W8UVZ and W0YG 405 13/02-14/02 PACC Contest *** 13/02-14/02 RSGB 1.8 MHz SSB Contest *** 13/02-14/02 WW RTTY WPX Contest *** 13/02-15/02 YL OM SSB Contest *** 14/02 EA5AEN/P: Mata d'Entorre (DIEI V-032) 403 15/02-25/02 ZA/YO2LDE (Albania) and T9/YO2LDE (Bosnia) 405 16/02-23/02 K3TEJ/C6A, WA3WSJ/C6A, C6AKW: Abaco (NA-080), Bahamas 403 16/02-20/02 KH6/IV3NVN: Hawaii (OC-019) 403 16/02-23/02 VP5/N4TO and VP5M: Caicos Islands (NA-002) 405 17/02-24/02 5Z4LI: Lamu Isl (AF-040) * by G3RTE,G3SWH,G3WGV,5Z4RL 401 18/02-02/03 3A/K8PYD and 3A/N9NC: Monaco 405 20/02-21/02 HC8N (ARRL CW): Galapgos (SA-004) * by N5KO,K6AW,W4ZV 405 20/02-26/02 F5SGI/P: Noirmoutier Island (EU-064) 405 20/02-21/02 ARRL International DX CW Contest *** 21/02-03/03 KH4/IV3NVN: Midway Island (OC-030) 403 25/02-28/02 3D2TN: Fiji * by OK1RD, OK1RI, OK1TN 403 26/02-27/02 UBA - CW Contest *** 26/02-27/02 Ukraine RTTY Championship *** 26/02-28/02 CQ WWDX 160 Meter SSB Contest *** 26/02-27/02 REF - French SSB Contest *** 27/02-07/03 C21ZM and C21SX: Nauru (OC-031) * by G3ZEM and G3SXW 403 27/02-08/03 N4XP/V7: Marshall Islands 405 27/02-28/02 RSGB 7 MHz CW Contest *** 27/02-28/02 YL OM CW Contest *** 28/02-08/03 FW5FN: Uvea (OC-054), Wallis & Futuna * by HB9HFN 401 February 9G1AA: Ghana * by 9G1OO, PA3ERA and PA3FUE 405 Feb-May 9G5HK: Ghana * by DL1IAL 404 February (?) E4: Palestine * by JY4NE 405 February FT5YG: Adelie Land, Antarctica 399 February KL1SLE: St. Lawrence Island (NA-040) * by KL7FH 402 Feb-Mar T30, T32, T33 * by HA9RE and HA8IC 400 01/03-09/03 T30RD: West Kiribati (OC-017) * by OK1RD, OK1RI, OK1TN 403 01/03-08/03 VP2E: Anguilla (NA-022) * by W1USN, AA1M, W1HL 405 02/03-09/03 HK0: San Andres Island (NA-033) * by W4DC and others 401 04/03-18/03 C56/G3VMW or C56SW: Gambia 405 06/03-07/03 ARRL DX SSB Contest *** /EX