S DX@WW $425WW404A 425 DX News #404 [1/6] 30 January 1999 No 404 BID: $425WW404A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 8P - Glenn, VA3DX will be active as 8P9DX from Barbados (NA-021) until 6 February. He will participate in the CQ WW 160 Meter CW DX Contest. QSL via VE3ICR. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] 9G - Hardy, DL1IAL will be active as 9G5HKfrom Ghana beginning in February for three months. QSL via DL1IAL. [TNX ARRL DX Bulletin] BY - The Chinese Radio Sports Association (CRSA) will air a special event experimental station for 48 hours to participate in the CQ WW 160 Meter CW DX Contest from Beijing. Look for BT1WW (operated by BA1AB, BA1OK, OH2BH and others). The antenna is some 300 feet above the ground, but the location is rather noisy. [TNX N4GN] CO - Juan Carlos, CO8TW will participate in the CQ WW 160 Meter CW DX Contest. Logs available at http://db-sales.com/nfdxa/logs/logs.html QSL via W3HNK. [TNX CO8TW] E3 - Joe, I2YDX and Bob, IK2WXZ are now active respectively as E30LA and E30MA from Eritrea [425DXN 403]. Their operations from E3 islands are planned as follows: Dahlak Archipelago (AF-038) on 30 January-1 February; Sheikh Said Island (Read Sea Coast North group, AF-???) on 2-4 February; an island in the Read Sea Coast South group (AF-???) on 6-8 February. QSL via home calls. [TNX I2YDX] FO_aus - Mat, FO0XUU and Wulf, FO0AWI expect to go QRT from Marquesas [425DXN 403] on 29 January. Plans are to start operations from Austral Islands on 31 January. QSL via DL5AWI. [TNX The Daily DX] FO - Helmut, DJ4VW will be active (mainly on 20 metres SSB) as FO/DJ4VW from Raiatea (OC-067), French Polynesia between 1 and 20 February. QSL via DJ4VW either direct or through the bureau. [TNX DF6PW] H40 - Sigi, DK9FN and Bernhard, DL2GAC are now active respectively as H40FN (QSL via HA8FW: Mihaly Bela Szeged, Csongradi sgt. 122/A. 4/9. H-6724 Hungary) and H40MS (QSL via DL2GAC) from Temotu [425DXN 401]. HC - A group of operators from Ecuador will be active (on 40, 20, 17, 15 and 10 metres) as HD1DX between 15 UTC on 30 January and 15 UTC on the 31st. They will be operating from a volcanic lagoon called Mojanda Grande at 3800 metres above sea level. QSL via HC6DC. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] HC8 - Paul, DL6FBK has been in Ecuador since 18 January and plans to operate as HC8/DL6FBK/p from HC8KU's shack on the Galapagos (SA-004) between 4 and 9 February. He expects to be active on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres CW and SSB. [TNX DJ5AV and DX News Letter] JD_min - Ryo, JL1KFR will be /JD1 from Minami Trishima (OC-073) between 28 January and 15 February. He plans to concentrate on Europe and North America on RTTY and CW. [TNX JA7DHJ/1] KH0 - Kazu, JA1RJU will be active as KH2K/AH0 from Saipan (OC-086) between 5 and 8 February. QSL via JA1RJU. [TNX The Daily DX] LU - LU1FAM, LU3FP and LU4FPZ will participate in the CQ WW 160 Meter CW DX Contest as LU4FM. [TNX LU1FAM] S7 - Kurt, HB9MX will be active again as S79MX from Mahe (AF-024), Seychelles between 1 and 27 February. He will operate on all bands except 80 metres. QSL via HB9MX (Kurt Bindschedler, Strahleggweg 28, 8400 Winterthur, Switzerland). [TNX HB9MX] SV5 - The Radio Club of Rhodes (EU-001) will participate in the CQ WW 160 Meter CW DX Contest as J45T. QSL via SV5TH. [TNX DX News Sheet] W - John, AE5B will be active from NA-092 on 29-31 January. Look for him on 14.260/21.260 MHz. [TNX AE5B and Islands On The Web] Z2 - Mirek, VK3DXI will be active as Z2/VK3DXI in his spare time from Zimbabwe between 28 January and 14 February. QSL via 9V1XE (Mirek Rozbicki, 7 Seletar Terrace, Singapore 806908, Republic of Singapore). [TNX VK3DXI] ZD8 - Jim, N6TJ and Glenn, K6NA plan to be active as ZD8Z (QSL via VE3HO) and ZD8A (QSL via K6NA) from Ascension Island (AF-003) between 2 and 10 February. [TNX The Daily DX] ZL9 - The ZL9CI DXpedition to Campbell Island went QRT at 22.12 UTC on January 24 after breaking the record 80,673 QSOs set by the VK0IR Heard Island expedition in 1997. The logs containing 96,004 QSOs have been uploaded to the log server and are now complete. /EX S DX@WW $425WW404B 425 DX News #404 [2/6] 30 January 1999 No 404 BID: $425WW404B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH <<< IOTA CONVENTION 1999 >>> This year's event is organized by URE (Union Radioaficionados Espanoles), URA (Union Radioaficionados Alicante) and Tabarca DX Club. It will take place in Alicante on 23-25 April and will include the activation of Tabarca Island (EU-093) with the call EG5URA. For full information please visit http://www.ure.es/iota99/ or contact either URE (ure@ure.es) or URA (ea5ura@jet.es) [TNX EA5OL] AWARD ---> SV2AEL (Savas Pavlidis, P.O. Box 22013, Thessaloniki 55310, Greece) is the manager for the Alexander the Great Award (http://www.qsl.net/sv2ael). [TNX SV2AEL] PALESTINE ---> The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has recently reserved an International Dialing code to Palestine. In October 1998 ITU voted to give Palestine a block of call signs as well, but it appears that the office that assigns the telephone codes is different from the one that does Radio call block assignments. "Once there is an official ITU press release and the assignment is known", John Kanode, N4MM (ARRL DXCC Liaison) says, "Palestine can then be added the ARRL DXCC List". Look for the latest ITU allocations at http://www.itu.int/radioclub/rr/aps42.htm [TNX The Daily DX] PIRATE! ---> The station signing 3C1GS on 23 January around 23 UTC on 40 metres CW was a pirate, as the genuine Ramon, 3C1GS works SSB only. [TNX EA5BYP] THE END OF AN ERA ---> With the full implementation of the Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS) on 1 February, the international listening watch on 500 kHz will be ended. To celebrate the end of an era operators from Qaqortoq Radio (OX3OXF), Nuuk Radio (OX3OXI), Aasiaat Radio (OX3OYR), Reykjavik Radio (TF3TFA), Torshavn Radio (OY3OXJ), Lyngby Radio (OZ1OXZ, operated by OZ8AE; OZ5OXZ, operated by OZ5D; OZ1OXB, operated by OZ6TL) will be QRV between 1 and 28 February and again during the speciel event weekend on 10-11 April on 1830, 3535, 7025, 10125, 14035, 18075, 21035, 24905 and 28035 Khz. QSL via bureau. [TNX OZ6TL] QSL S21YD ---> This was Carl, SM6CPY who operated between 31 December 1998 and 5 January 1999. QSL via SM6CPY (Carl Jonsson, Bottnatorpet, Alboga, S-524 96 Ljung, Sweden). [TNX SM6CPY] QSL VIA I2JSB ---> Giorgio, I2JSB is still waiting for the logs from Alex, EZ8CQ - please be patient and do not send duplicates. Please note that Giorgio will close the following logs at the end of the year: 5H3CR, T50DX, T51SB, T53DR, T53RC, T53SG. QSL to Giorgio, P.O. Box 55, 20089 Rozzano - MI, Italy. [TNX I2JSB] XQ0Y ---> This station has been active giving Juan Fernandez as QTH and "LU1DFB, Angel Simonetti, 555 Simon Bolivar, 1888 - Fcio. Varela, BS AS, Argentina" as QSL manager. Ricardo, LU4FDV contacted the LU licencing authority and was informed there is no LU1DFB, while XQ3IDY, operating the Radio Club of Chile station CE3AA, said he did not know anything about XQ0Y. [TNX W9SZ, The Daily DX and DX News Sheet] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH DXCC: The DXCC web site is at http://www.arrl.org/awards/dxcc/ (includes all the current rules, fees, current and deleted entities list, prefix information, Incoming and Outgoing QSL bureau information, list of DXAC Representatives, the list of DXCC field representatives and the most current DXCC application form). [TNX NC1L] LOGS: The logs for FG/F5SSM and FG/F5NZO are available at http://www.i-france.com/design/index.htm [TNX F5NZO] LOGS: The very first log from FT5WH (3-17 January) is now available at http://perso.easynet.fr/~f5nod/ft5whlog.html QSL via F6KDF (Radio club de la Gendarmerie, 292 route de Genas, 69677 Bron Cedex, France). [TNX F5NOD] LOGS: Logs of R1ANF and LU/UX1KA, as well as full information on the WAE Award, are available at http://www.qsl.net/dl5mx [TNX DL5MX] /EX S DX@WW $425WW404C 425 DX News #404 [3/6] 30 January 1999 No 404 BID: $425WW404C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ***** QSL INFO [1/4] ***** =========================== Edited by IK1GPG & IK1QFM TNX: ER1LW, IK7AFM, LZ3HM, OH1BOI, PP5SZ, SM6CPY, WO6R, YB0AZ, The Daily DX ============================================================================ ! CALL MANAGER ! CALL MANAGER ! CALL MANAGER ! ============================================================================ ! 3C1GS EA5BYP ! EK8YC IK2DUW ! SP4Z SP4EEZ ! ! 3W5FM UA0FM ! EL2WW ON5NT ! SU1ER WA3HUP ! ! 3W6LI K2WE ! EN5J KG6AR ! SU3NQ OD5NQ ! ! 3XY7A VE3WFN ! EP2MKO UA6HCW ! SU8LXR WA3HUP ! ! 3Z0AU SP6CZ ! EP3HR I2MQP ! SV7/UY0MF UY0MF ! ! 4K9W DL6KVA ! ET3BN DL1JRC ! SX2THE SV2TSL ! ! 4L1DX OZ1HPS ! EU6MM IK2QPR ! T20FW DK7YY ! ! 4L4MM ON4CFI ! EX2M W3HNK ! T20HC DL9HCU ! ! 4S7YSG JA2BDR ! EX8ML W3HNK ! T30ED 3D2SJ ! ! 4U1ITU DL3NEO 08/94 ! EY6TM F6FNU ! T32NCC HA1AG ! ! 4U1UN W6TER ! EY8CQ DJ1SKO ! T32RT W6UC Direct! ! 4U1VIC DL3NEO 11/98 ! EZ8CQ W0FS ! T33VU DL2MDZ ! ! 4X/K4YT K4YT ! FG5EY F6EYB ! T88AQ JH6WDG ! ! 4Z1GY NF4W ! FK8GJ F6CXJ ! T88FB JH6TNH ! ! 5B4/G4LJF G4LJF ! FM/F8AAN F8AAN ! T88SM JA6EGL ! ! 5N0/OK1AUT OK1AUT ! FO0AWI DL5AWI ! T88VO JM6VOV ! ! 5N1SYT IK0PHY ! FO0KOL OH1RY ! T91ENS DJ0JV ! ! 5N3BHF OE6LAG ! FO0SIL OH1MA ! T94KU YO3JW ! ! 5N4B I0YO ! FO0XUU DL5AWI ! T97M K2PF ! ! 5N9CEN IV3VBM ! FO5QG XE1L ! T98IPA DF9ED ! ! 5N9EAM IK7JTF ! FR5ZQ/T FR5ZQ ! T9DX T93Y ! ! 5N9RGP IK7JTF ! FT5WH F6KDF ! TI1C TI2CF ! ! 5R8FK NY3N ! FT5ZJ F2YT ! TI2DLL TI0RC ! ! 5R8FU SM0DJZ ! GC4LZP GW3SB ! TI4/N6TJ VE3HO ! ! 5V7FA F6FNU ! GM6V GM4DMZ ! TJ2RSF EA4URE ! ! 5W0VD OK1VD ! GM7R GM0WDF ! TK5XN F2YT ! ! 5W1CW ZL1AMO ! GU6D G3LZQ ! TL5A PA3DMH ! ! 5Z4GC WB2YQH ! H40FN HA8FW ! TM7TLT F6KWP ! ! 5Z4LI G3SWH ! H40MS DL2GAC ! TN7OT AL7OT ! ! 5Z4RL G0IAS ! H44FN HA8FW ! TO8B EA3BT ! ! 6W4RK F5NPS ! HB2CA HB9DLE ! TP50CE F6FQK ! ! 7Q7AH G0IAS ! HD1DX HC6DC ! TR8CA F6CBC ! ! 7S2TP SM2KAL ! HH2HN KU9C ! TT8FC EA4AHK ! ! 7X4AN DJ2BW ! HH2LQ VE2EH ! TU2OJ F5IPW ! ! 8J6SIV JA6CPC ! HK0OEP N0JT ! TU2XZ W3HC ! ! 8P6EU KU9C ! HK3/G0SHN F6AJA ! TU5FL ON5FL ! ! 8P9BX VE3WFS ! HK3RSA IK4RSR ! TU5GY IK1GPG ! ! 8Q7LE G0ULN ! HR6/AH6PN W7TSQ ! TU5IJ I2AOX ! ! 9A7P W3HC ! HS0/JA6GIJ JA6LCJ ! TZ6DX K4DX ! ! 9G1BJ G4XTA ! HS1NIV W1ZS ! TZ6JA JA3EMU ! ! 9G1MR IK3HHX ! HS1RU JG3AVS ! UA0LEC W3HNK ! ! 9G1YR G4XTA ! HS5AC W1ZS ! UA1PBP/9 RK1PWA ! ! 9G5DX JH8PHT ! HV4NAC IK0FVC ! UE9TRN RA9ST ! ! 9H1EL LA2TO ! HZ1AB K8PYD ! UN0N IK2QPR ! ! 9H3TI DL2AAZ ! HZ1RT IK7JTF ! UR4WWT WR3L ! ! 9H3YQ DJ7PR ! II3R IV3TMV ! UR7R UX1RX ! ! 9J2BO W6ORD ! IO4I IK4QIB ! US0HZ W3HNK ! ! 9J2PI KB0KVA ! J3/VE3EBN VE3EBN ! UU2JZ KG6AR ! ! 9K2/SQ5DAK SP5KQS ! J41AG SV1CIB ! V26K AA3B ! ! 9K2QQ KB2MS ! J42Z SV2CWY ! V29TU HB9TU ! ! 9M2TD JR4PDP ! J45T SV5TH ! V31WV KD6WW ! ! 9M2TO JA0DMV ! JT1FKX JG1PJJ ! V44KAI K2SB ! ! 9N7AR JR8FEK ! JW4CJA LA4CJA ! V51E K8EFS ! ! 9Q5TE SM0BFJ ! JX7DFA LA7DFA ! V51HK DL6OBS ! ! 9Y4SF WA4JTK ! JY5SK W9XY ! V63PD VK4AAR ! ! A22EW KB2MS ! JY8CR DL4VCR ! V7/N4XP N4XP ! ! A22X W2PJL ! JY9QJ DL5MBY ! VI0ANARE VK4AAR ! ! A35SO DJ4SO ! K2MRZ/5 IK2MRZ ! VI6EWT VK6NE ! ! A35ZL DJ7RJ ! K6MB JH3DPB ! VK8AN VK4AAR ! ! A41KJ N5FTR ! KC7IVA AB7FM ! VK8KAY YC1VX ! ! A45ZN G4KLF ! KH0/AF4KH JA6VQA ! VK8MI VK4AAR ! ! A61AH KA5TQF ! KH0/JA6PBO JA6VQA ! VK9CA JA1CMD ! ! A61AP IK7JTF ! KH0/KH2K JA1RJU ! VK9CQR HB9QR ! ! A92GD K1SE ! KH0A JF1MIA ! VK9CTL HB9QR ! ! AH2R JI3ERV ! KH4/IV3NVN IV3TMV ! VK9XQR HB9QR ! ! AP2JZB K2EWB ! KH6FHX WA9VJM ! VK9XTL HB9QR ! ! AT0U VU2UR ! LZ0A LZ1KDP ! VO2RAC VO2YR ! ! AX1TX K1WY ! LZ5Z LZ1KDP ! VP2EJ W5SJ ! ! AX4EJ VK4EJ ! LZ7M LZ1KBB ! VP2EY HB9SL ! ! AX4EMS VK4EMS ! LZ8A LZ1KDP ! VP5/JA1MZL JA1MZL ! ! AX6LC VK6LC ! LZ9A LZ2HM ! VP5/WQ7X WQ7X ! ! AZ9W LU5WW ! NP4A W3HNK ! VP6YL K6RPF ! /EX S DX@WW $425WW404D 425 DX News #404 [4/6] 30 January 1999 No 404 BID: $425WW404D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ***** QSL INFO [2/4] ***** =========================== ! BA1DU W3HC ! OD5PI IK7JTF ! VP8CRB K4QD ! ! BI4C W3HC ! OD5RZ YO3FRI ! VQ9QM W4QM ! ! BI5Z W3HC ! OE9S OE2GEN ! VU2RBQ DJ9RB ! ! C21SX G3SXW ! OH0TA OH2TA ! VU3MCV ON7LX ! ! C21ZM G3ZEM ! OH0W OH2IW ! VU3RSB VK4AAR ! ! C56HP JA1OEM ! OL4S OK2ZU ! VU3VLH OK1MM ! ! C56NY DJ3NY ! OX3LG OZ2ELA ! W4/AH6JN K4AMI ! ! C6A/KN4UG KN4UG ! OY3QN OZ1ACB ! W9CXX JH3DPB ! ! C6AGN W1DIG ! P29VR W7LFA ! XN8DXA VY2RU ! ! C6AKW K3TEJ ! P3A W3HNK ! XO1CWI VE2CWI ! ! C91CV LA7FAA ! P43P P43ARC ! XQ0/HK5AJF HK5AJF ! ! C91RF DL6DQW ! P49M VE3MR ! XT2OW F5RLE ! ! CE3WYI JA6BDB ! PA3ERC PA5ET ! XU7AAK JA1OEM ! ! CM6YI CO6LG ! PJ9B K2SB ! XV300S JH1EVE ! ! CN2AJ DL2EAD ! PR7ZAJ HB9CV ! XX9TRR OH2PM ! ! CN2UN ZP6CU ! PX1I PY1KS ! YB0AZ W7TSQ ! ! CO6XN HK6DOS ! PY1/IV3NVN IV3TMV ! YJ8AA VK4AAR ! ! CO8LY EA7ADH ! R1ASP RA1AD ! YN6HM K5YU ! ! CO8ZZ HI3K ! R1FJL UA3AGS ! YN9HAU HR1RMG ! ! CP4BT DL9OT ! R3AL/MM RN3FZ ! YO2LDE N1NJ ! ! CS1SL CT4SL ! RA2FBC DF4BV ! YT800FG YU0SRJ ! ! CS6S CT1ERK ! RA9LI/9 DL6ZFG ! YT800S YU1OJ ! ! CU2V DL3KDV ! RK9AC W3HNK ! YZ800R YU0SRJ ! ! CX1CCC CX4AX ! RN3QO N2UCK ! ZB2FX G3RFX ! ! CX9AU KA5TUF ! RP4H RW4HB ! ZC4RAF 5B4YF ! ! D2GG CT1GG ! RV9C UA9CAW ! ZD7VC ON4CAT ! ! D3SAF I3LLH ! RW6HS UK8IWW ! ZD8T AC4IV ! ! DL3NEO/BY7KF DL3NEO ! S21XX DL3NEO ! ZF2DR K5RQ ! ! DL3NEO/BY7KH DL3NEO ! S21YD SM6CPY ! ZF2JL WB2DGL ! ! DU3/AH8F G4ZVJ ! S21YG DL3NEO ! ZK1TNN OK1TN ! ! DU3NXE W3HNK ! S79NEO DL3NEO ! ZK2JJ VK4AAR ! ! E30LA I2YDX ! SN0BBD SP2BBD ! ZK2PJ VK4AAR ! ! E30MA IK2WXZ ! SN0BMX SP2BMX ! ZL4IR W8WC ! ! E31AA ZL3CW ! SN0BNM SQ2BNM ! ZL6A ZL2AGY ! ! EA8/ON8RI ON4VRB ! SN0EFU SP2EFU ! ZL9CI ZL2HU ! ! EA9BW EA9AZ ! SN0PI SP2PI ! ZS6FOC G3MXJ ! ! ED3TTY EA3GIP ! SN0PMK SP2PI ! ZV8A PR8AA ! ! ED4MRF EA4ENK ! SN0SWT SP2SWT ! ZW2Z PY2ZI ! ! ED7TCS EA7URS ! SN0UKB SP2UKB ! ZW7CC PR7RT ! ! ED9XAD EA9CE ! SN6U SP6YFU ! ZY7FO PR7RT ! ! EK6GC W3HNK ! SP0DIG DJ0MAQ ! ZZ7Z PR7AR ! ============================================================================ 1X1AU P.O.Box 1, 364052, Grozny, Chechnya, Russia 3D2SJ Steve Dives MSC, P.O.Box 1354, Suva, Fiji Islands 3D2TC Craig Thompson, 50 Beach Road, Suva Point, Suva, Fiji Islands 4N1EA Miodrag Jakovljevic, Vladimira Rolovica 9/27, 34000 Klragujevac, Yugoslavia 4S7OF Oshan Fernando, 45 Lady Evelyn de Soysa Road, Idama, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka 5H3RK Ralph, P.O.Box 9274, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania 9A2AJ Tomislav Polak, P.O.Box 7, HR-34551, Lipik, Croatia 9K2SQ Abdullah Al Salem, P.O.Box 38899, Kuwait, Kuwait 9N1FP Vladimir Zakharov, Kulakova 27/2-116, Stavropol 355044, Russia BV3FQ Jay Chuang, P.O.Box 19-58, Chungli 320, Taiwan CE3WDD Alfredo Moya, C.C.240-3, Santiago, Chile CE4RPM Cristian Vicencio Cousino, Casilla 516, Linares, Chile CI6CI Peace Country ARC, 9836-83rd Avenue, Grande Pairie, Alberta,T8V 3T5, Canada CM7HF Hector Fernandez, P.O.Box 20, Moron 67210, Cuba CM7NV Norma Valdes, P.O.Box 20, Moron 67210, Cuba DF5UG Hans Heindrich Ehlers, P.o.Box DF5UG, D-88671, Markdorf, Germany DJ9IN Karl-Heinz Harms, Deichstrasse 7, D-26548, Norderney, Germany DK3FW Dieter Romberg, Mittelstr.1A, D-30982, Pattensen, Germany DL3NEO Hannes Schmidt, Komotauer Str.28 B, D-91207, Lauf, Germany /EX S DX@WW $425WW404E 425 DX News #404 [5/6] 30 January 1999 No 404 BID: $425WW404E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ***** QSL INFO [3/4] ***** =========================== DS0EZ Sarang Nanugi Net, P.O.Box 54, Dongjak, Seoul 156-600, South Korea DS1BHE Seong-Joo Lee, P.O.Box 12, Tobong, Seoul 132-023, South Korea DS1DAL Sae Hwa Bang, 26/6, Shinsai-dong 266-31, Eunpyung-gu, Seoul 122-081, South Korea DS1DVJ Ok Kyung Kim, 26/6, Shinsai-dong 266-31, Eunpyung-gu, Seoul 122-081, South Korea DS1DVK Jin Ah Bang, 26/6, Shinsai-dong 266-31, Eunpyung-gu, Seoul 122-081, South Korea DS1DVL Myung Ah Bang, 26/6, Shinsai-dong 266-31, Eunpyung-gu, Seoul 122-081, South Korea DS1DHP Seung Kuk Lee, P.O.Box 12, Sihung, Kyunggi-Do 429-010, South Korea DS1FNQ Kim Eun Soo, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Room K420, Hong-Ik University, 72-1, Dangsu-dong, Mapo-ku, Seoul 121-791, South Korea DS2HIQ Kwak Namsoon, P.O.Box 66, Dong-Suwon 442-600, South Korea DS3EXX Tae-Soo Song, P.O.Box 114, Cheong Ju, 360-600, South Korea DS3FGN Yeong-Ja Lee, P.O.Box 114, Cheong Ju, 360-600, South Korea DS5ALT Kim Mansoo, 1135, Gaya-Ri, Gaya-Eup, Haman-Kun, Kyungnam 637-800, South Korea DS5FWC Oh Chang-Hun, Hyundai Tower 1409, 285 Banku 1-Dong, Jung-Ku, Ulsan 681-261, South Korea DS5JCJ Park Myung-Ok, Hyundai Tower 1409, 285 Banku 1-Dong, Jung-Ku, Ulsan 681-261,South Korea DS5JCK Oh Hyun-Soo, Hyundai Tower 1409, 285 Banku 1-Dong, Jung-Ku, Ulsan 681-261, South Korea DS5RDA Sang Un Lee, P.O.Box 23, Taegu 700-600, South Korea DS5SME Shin Sang-Jae, P.O.Box 21, Dalseogu 704-600, South Korea DU1/K7DTS John Gibson, Barrio Salong, Calaca, Batangas, Philippines or c/o Doris Wimer, 4295 Palm Avenue #11, La Mesa, CA-91941, U.S.A. DU1LKY Joselito C. Fernandez, Coloong 1, Valenzuela, MM 1445, Philippines DU1SXW Fr.Dan F.Manuel,Mt.Carmel Seminary, Sariaya, Quezon 4322, Philippines EA3GIP Fidel Leon Martin, Siete Partidas, 50-52 1.2., 08304 Mataro, Spain ER1LW Lysy Wiacheslav, P.O.Box 112, Chisinau, MD-2012, Moldova, C.I.S. EU5R Igor, P.O.Box 57, Minsk 22036, Byelorussia F5SJB Dominique Meige, 360 rue Gustave Courbet, F-39130 Hautecour, France FG5AK Pierre Le Gonvoisier, Ecole mixte 2 Grandcamp, F-97139 Abymes, France FO5QB Michel Huin, P.O.Box 527, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia FR5HA Joseph, 173 Evariste de Parny, F-97421 La Riviere, Reunion Island FR5ZQ Henri Namtameco, Rampe de Saint-Francois, 5052 Tour de la Chaumiere, F-97400 Saint-Denis, Reunion Island, Via France FY5DG Christian Albrieux, P.O.Box 450, F-97310 Kourou, France GW3KDB P.A.Miles, Y.Gorlan, Cross Inn, Llandysul, Ceredigion SA44 6NP, Wales HB9LF Radio-Amateur-Club Roche, Grenzacherstrasse 124, CH-4070 Basel, Switzerland HC6FG Mary, P.O.Box 614, Ambato, Ecuador HK6DOS Oscar A.Gaviria, P.O.Box 3055, Pereira, Colombia HI3ROX Alfredo Acosta, Duarte 88, Moca, Dominican Republic HL0B Kwangwoon University Amateur Radio Club, 447-1 Weolgye-Dong, Nowon-Gu Seoul 139-701, South Korea HL1IEG Lee Hee-Mun, HwaRang APT 2-701, 40-4 Yoido Dong, Seoul 150-010, South Korea HL1KIS Yanghyon Yi, 2-801, Hyundai Apt, #4-2, Tangsan dong 5 ka, Youngdungpo ku, Seoul 150-045, South Korea HL1OYF Kim Dug Nam, P.O.Box 54, Dongjak, Seoul 156-600, South Korea HL1SRJ Kwon Young Ouk, P.O.Box 54, Dongjak, Seoul 156-600, South Korea HL1SYB Kim Yoo Sung, P.O.Box 54, Dongjak, Seoul 156-600, South Korea HL2LLV Park Jaewoo, P.O.Box 66, Dong-Suwon 442-600, South Korea HL2SS Park Namsoon, P.O.Box 66, Dong-Suwon 442-600, South Korea HL2WA Dong Kyu Lee, 1007-104, Jukong APT, Eunhang-2 Dong, Jungwon-ku, Seongnam-si, Kyeonggi-Do, South Korea HL3EEI Mun-Gu Hwang, P.O.Box 63, Cheong Ju 360-600, South Korea HL3ENE Hyun Kyun Shin, Donga APT 3-1303, Kyohyun-Dong, Chungju, Chungbuk 380-060, South Korea HL5BBW Jong Oil Eom, 34-81, Haedodong, Pohang 680-000, South Korea HL5BUV Inyoung Kim, P.O.Box 12, Pusan 600-600, South Korea HL5NXK Hoeng Ryong Lee, P.O.Box 16, Dalseo, Taegu, South Korea HL5XF Seo Ho Jin, P.O.Box 73, Nam Ulsan 680-600, Korea HR2/KC4CD P.O.Box 2754, San Pedro, Honduras HS0ACT Sithi Chinsukeporn, 2121 M 7 Teparuk Road, Muang Samutprakarn 10270, Thailand HS1GUW Ong-Art Khaocharee, P.O.Box 8, Tungbenchar, Thamai, Chantaburi 22170, Thailand HS2OUJ Vanlop Homrean, P.O.Box 1, Thungbencha, Chantaburi 22170, Thailand HS7AS P.O.Box 7, Sripachan, Suphanburi 72140, Thailand HS7CMJ Miss Saijai Charoenkitkan, P.O.Box 9, Thamaka, Kanchanaburi 71120, Thailand IZ3AHY Mario Sala, P.O.Box 10, I-32010 Polpet di Ponte n.A. - BL, Italy /EX S DX@WW $425WW404F 425 DX News #404 [6/6] 30 January 1999 No 404 BID: $425WW404F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ***** QSL INFO [4/4] ***** =========================== JA6VQA Akio Tagami, 6-Kumi Tomioka, Oita 870-0947, Japan JD1/7K4QFS Toshiko Ueno, 2-14-16, Nishisugamo, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170, Japan JD1/JI1FLB Seiichi Tanaka, 2-12-20 Nishimizumoto, Katsushika-Ku, Tokyo 125-0031, Japan JD1AMA Akihiko Miyazaki, P.O.Box 602, Chichijima, Ogasawara 100-2101, Japan JT1BH S.Surenjav, P.O.Box 125, Ulaanbaatar-13, Mongolia JT1CO Chadraawal, P.O.Box 905, Ulaanbaatar 23, Mongolia JY4NE Ali Yashrati, Ph.D., P.O.Box 9392, Amman 11191, Jordan LX1EA Edmond Mertz, 85 route de Reisdorf, L-6311 Beauford, Luxembourg LX1EK Germaine Knabe, 25 rue Basse, L-4415 Soleuvre, Luxembourg LX2AK Alfred Knabe, 25 rue Basse, L-4415 Soleuvre, Luxembourg KH2/WH6ASW Ray Fabre', 37 Turner Rd, Nimitz Hill, Asan, Guam 96922, U.S.A. JY4NE Ali Yashrati, Ph.D., P.O.Box 9392, Amman 11191, Jordan N4XJ Miyamori, 8 Amalajack Blvd. Suite 362, Newnan, GA-30265, U.S.A. OH0JJS Jukka Klemola, Aarontie 5, FIN-31400 Somero, Finland P29HG James Mollenhauer, P.O.Box 1307, Goroka, EHP, Papua New Guinea PR7AR Irapuan de Sousa, P.O.Box 60, CEP 58200-970, Guarabira-Paraiba,Brazil RV1AC Alex Pastchenko, P.O.Box 104, St.Petersburg, 192241 Russia RW6HS Vasilij M Kasyanenko, P.O.Box 0, Stavropolskij Kraj, G.Novopavlovsk, 357830, Russia S21YP Robert E.Parkes, Granger Systems, P.O.Box 11061, Uttara, Dhaka 1230, Bangladesh SO5AH Mario Sala, Ul. Krak. Przedmiescie 13, Pl-01/925 Warsavia, Poland SP9CLQ Andrzel Klaja, ul. Aleksandry 9/25, 30-837 Krakow, Poland SV1CQN Kostas Karakostas, Anapafseos 4, GR-301 00 Agrinion, Greece SV1CQR Giannis Rizos, P.O.Box 121, GR-301 00 Agrinio, Greece SV1CRZ Dimitris Benakis, Ikonioy 63, GR-171 23 Nea Smyrni, Greece SV1MF Markos, 28 Evagelistrias str., GR-185 32 Piraeus, Greece SV1QN George Pilalis, Aiglis 8, GR-154 51 Psihiko, Athens, Greece SV2AEL Pavlidis Savvas, P.O.Box 22013, GR-553 10 Thessaloniki, Greece SV2BXY Antonis Kambakis, 3, Omirou Str., GR-566 26 Thessaloniki, Greece SV2DFA Papadopoulos Giannis, Eteokleous 40, GR-542 50 Thessaloniki, Greece SV5DZG George Periferakis, P.O.Box 282, GR-851 00 Rodos, Greece SV7CLI Akis Kaltsaras, 93 I.Kaviri St., GR-681 00 Alexandroupolis, Greece TJ1LD Douglas W.Lewis, P.O.Box 9, Kumbo, NW Province, Cameroon TK5NJ Alexandre Pellegrinetti, B.P.223, F-20179 Ajaccio, France TM8FL ALR 69, 23 bis rue Roger Radisson, F-69005 Lyon, France UA0CW Vlad Bondar, Krasnorechenskaya 179-16, Khabarovsk, 680023, Russia UA0IAS Vladimir Kolodkin, P.O.Box 11, Palatka 686110, Russia UA3TAE Alex N.Polozov, P.O.Box 66, Dzerjinsk-15, 606015, Russia UA3TFS Alex B.Chaika, pr.Tsiolkovskogo 33-41, Dzerzhinsk-29, 606029, Russia UA3TJW Dimitri V.Panteleev, P.O.Box 5, Dzerzhinsk-7, 606007, Russia UA6HCW Igor Kovalyov, P.O.Box 59 Pyatigorsk 357500, Russia V73UB Ben Leon, P.O.Box 525, Rindge, NH-03461, U.S.A. VO2YR Dan Murray, P.O.Box 478, Station A, Goose Bay, Newfoundland, A0P 1S0 Canada VR2KF Kazu Fujita, GPO Box 4724, Hong Kong, China VU2GSB G.Shankar,12-2-398/2, Tallagadda, Markandaya Nagar, Hyderabad 500067 India VU2NDJ N.Abi Ram, 25-8-239, Main Road, Visakhapatnam 530 001, India VU2TMP V.M. Thampi, Veliyathumalil, P.O.Pulpally, Kerala 673 579, India VU2UR B.L.Manohar, House MIG-6, 80 feet Road, Kingeri Upnagara, Bangalore 560060, India VU2VSD V.Sundaralingam, Venes Electronics, 46-D, Thalayari St., Pattukkottai 614601, India VU3GFF Santosh C.G., #230/1, Omkarnagar, Arekere Gate, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore 560076, India XR3Z Steve Sexton, Av.Larrain 7618, La Reina, Santiago, Chile XU6BND Ichinose Izumi, 1-3-4-1403, Shinkitano, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka 532-0025, Japan YC6HDF Wellem A. Kroma, P.O.Box 25, Pangkalan Brandan 20857, Indonesia YC7JEK Hatirudin, P.O.Box 3, Banjarmasin 70001, Indonesia YC8TXW Ronny, P.O.Box 166, Tahuna 95800, Indonesia YO3JW Fenyo Stefan, P.O.Box 19-43, RO-74400 Bucuresti, Romania ZL3CW Jacky Calvo, P.O.Box 593, Pukekohe 1800, New Zealand ZP7BIA Tito Codas, P.O.Box 20, 3300 Coronel Oviedo, Paraguay ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX