DX425 bulletin issue nr. 403

S DX@WW $425WW403A
425 DX News #403 [1/4]
 23 January 1999                  No 403                   BID: $425WW403A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3D2    - While on their  way to Tarawa  (see T3 below)  OK1RD (Jarda),  OK1RI
         (Jiri) and OK1TN (Slavek) will stop for for days at Nadi, Fiji. Look
         for them to be active as 3D2TN starting on 25 February. QSL via  the
         OK DX Foundation (P.O.Box 73, 29306  Mlada Boleslav, Bradlec,  Czech
         Republic). [TNX OK1RD]
4S7    - The DX News  Letter reports that  Bob, ZL1RS has  been in Sri  Lanka
         since 13 January. He will be there  for nine months and hopes to  be
         able to import his own rig and get a licence. [TNX DJ5AV]
5H     - Maurizio, IK2GZU will be working at a mission in Tanzania between  8
         and 28  February. He  plans to  operate in  his  spare time  with  a
         tribander and  dipoles (call  not issued  so  far). QSL  via  IK2GZU
         eithewr direct (Maurizio Buffoli, Via degli Angeli 9, 25033  Cologne
         - BS, Italy) or through the bureau (bureau cards can be requested at
         ik2gzu@spidernet). [TNX IK2GZU]
5Z     - Graham, G0VNW  is expected  to be  active (on  all bands  SSB)  from
         Kenia, possibly as  5Z4GC, until October.  QSL via  WB2YQH. [TNX  DX
         News Sheet]
9M6    - Ed, K8EP  will operate  (SSB and  CW) as  9M6AAC from  the  Hillview
         Gardens Resort between 29  January and 1  February. He will  operate
         during the CQ WW 160 Meter CW Contest. QSL via N2OO. [TNX The  Daily
C2     - Bob, G3ZEM and Roger, G3SXW will be active (CW only) respectively as
         C21ZM and C21SX from Nauru (OC-031) between 27 February and 7 March.
         Priority will be given to  Europe and to  WARC bands. The  operation
         will be with beams and linear  amplifiers. Check frequencies  ending
         in '3', listening up 1-3 KHz. QSL via home call. [TNX G3SXW]
C6     - John, K3TEJ and Edward, WA3WSJ will be /C6A from Treasure Cay, Abaco
         (NA-080), Bahamas between 16 and 23  February. Look for them on  all
         bands, CW and SSB. QSL via  home calls either direct or through  the
         bureau. They will  participate in the  ARRL CW DX  Contest as  C6AKW
         (QSL via K3TEJ). [TNX K3TEJ]
DU     - Andy, G4ZVJ  will be  active as  DU3/AH8F (all  bands CW)  from  the
         Philippines sometime between  24 January  and 24  February. QSL  via
         G4ZVJ. [TNX DX News Sheet]
E3     - Joe, I2YDX and Bob,  IK2WXZ are planning  to activate some  Eritrean
         islands between 30 January and 7  February. They will use 100  watts
         into a vertical antenna and will operate CW (40 kHz from band  edge)
         and SSB (usual IOTA frequencies). Calls  to be issued upon  arrival.
         QSL via home calls. [TNX I2YDX]
EA     - A couple of activities  expected from Spain:  ED4MRF from Molino  de
         Bajo (CC-003) on 23-24  January (QSL via  EA4ENK) and EA5AEN/P  from
         the island of Mata d'Entorre (DIEI  V-032, not IOTA) on 14  February
         (QSL via EA5AEN). [TNX IK1GPG]
FO_aus - Wulf, DL1AWI and  Mat, DL5XU  will be  active as  FO0AWI and  FO0XUU
         [425DXN 402] from Rurutu (OC-050), Austral Islands between 2 and  10
         February. [TNX DL3APO and ON4VT]
FO_mar - Wulf, DL1AWI and Mat, DL5XU are active as FO0AWI and FO0XUU  [425DXN
         402] from Nuku  Hiva, Marquesas Islands  (OC-027) until 30  January.
         They are expected to be active mostly on CW, with an emphasis on the
         low bands, with some RTTY and  possibly SSTV as  well. QSL via  home
         calls. [TNX DL3APO and ON4VT]
S DX@WW $425WW403B
425 DX News #403 [2/4]
 23 January 1999                  No 403                   BID: $425WW403B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

FR/T   - Henri, FR5ZQ plans to be active (on 10, 15, 20 and 40 meters CW  and
         SSB) as FR5ZQ/T from Tromelin (AF-031)  sometime between 3  February
         and  3   March.   QSL  via   FR5ZQ   (Henri  Namtameco,   Rampe   de
         Saint-Francois,  5052  tour  de  la  Chaumiere,  97400  Saint-Denis,
         France). [TNX The Daily DX]
HP     - Joel, F5PAC will be active as  HPx/F5PAC (where "x" shall depend  on
         the call areas he will be operating from) from Panama between 5  and
         25 February.  He  plans to  operate  from  several  islands:  Cebaco
         (NA-071), Colon  (NA-088), Grande  (NA-202)  and maybe  also  Iguana
         (NA-203). QSL to F5PAC via the bureau. [TNX F6AJA and Les  Nouvelles
HR     - Gene, K7DBV  will be  involved with  a medical  mission to  Honduras
         between 10 and  26 February. During  his off times  he will  operate
         from La Cieba as HR3/K7DBV. [TNX K7DBV]
KH4    - Simone, IV3NVN  will  be active  as  KH4/IV3NVN from  Midway  Island
         (OC-030) between 21 February and 3 March. Plans are to operate  (SSB
         and CW) on all bands from 10 to 80 metres, maybe on 160 and 6 metres
         as well. During his trip to Midway he will stop in Honolulu,  Hawaii
         (OC-019) from  where he  might be  active, probably  as  KH6/IV3NVN,
         between 16 and 20 February. QSL via IV3TMV. [TNX IV3NVN]
PY     - Simone, IV3NVN/DL8GCS might operate as  PY1/DL8GCS from Ilha  Grande
         (SA-029) on 30-31 January and from Nova Friburgo on the mainland  on
         1-5 February. QSL via IV3TMV. [TNX IV3NVN]
PY     - PY7ZY will be active (SSB and CW with  an emphasis on 10, 15 and  17
         metres) as PY7ZY/7 from Itamaraca Island  (SA-046) between 6 and  17
         February. QSL  via PY7ZY  (Cicero Xavier  da  Silva, P.O.  Box  501,
         58001-970 Joao Pessoa - PB, Brazil). [TNX PY7ZY]
TR     - Derek, F5VCR  and Ken,  G3OCA will  be in  Gabon between  11 and  19
         March. They hope to operate from Banie Island (AF-043) [425DXN  401]
         during that  weekend,  hopefully on  12-14  March.  [TNX  F5VCR  and
         Islands On The Web]
VK     - Amateurs from Australia are allowed to replace their prefix with  AX
         on Australia Day (26 January).
VP2    - Bill, W5SJ will be active (on  all bands CW and  SSB) as VP2EJ  from
         Anguilla (NA-022) between  20 January and  1 February.  He plans  to
         participate in the CQ WW CW 160 Meter Contest (30-31 January).  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
VQ9    - Ron, AA5DX will be back to  Diego Garcia (AF-006) on 24 January  for
         four months. He  expects to be  active as VQ9DX  by the  end of  the
         month. QSL via AA5DX. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
SV     - Members of  Radio DX  Group of  Thrace plan  to activate  again  the
         special event station J47XCF between 8 and 21 February to  celebrate
         the Xanthi Carnival Festival. The web page of the Radio DX Group  of
         Thrace is  at http://members.xoom.com/georgexanthi/dxgroup.htm  [TNX
T3     - OK1RD (Jarda), OK1RI (Jiri) and OK1TN (Slavek) will leave Fiji on 28
         February. Starting on 1 March and for about a week look for T30RD to
         be active  from  Tarawa, West  Kiribati  (OC-017). Around  10  March
         (exact date depends on the  availability of the  boat) they plan  to
         start operations from  either Kanton, Central  Kiribati (OC-043)  as
         T31RD *or* Banaba (OC-018) as  T33RD. They will  be active until  28
         March; in early April they will be  back to Tarawa and, on 8  April,
         to Fiji and finally to Europe. They will operate on all bands 10-160
         metres, with  two HF  stations and  amplifiers. QSL  via the  OK  DX
         Foundation  (P.O.Box  73,  29306  Mlada  Boleslav,  Bradlec,   Czech
         Republic). [TNX OK1RD]
ZL9    - Bands have been  very slow in  ZL9 mornings  (15.30-23.00 UTC),  but
         extremely big in the evenings (05.00-10.00 UTC). The limited time at
         their sunset caused  them to make  choices: basically, their  policy
         was to work down the main  needs first, and  then tackle the  fringe
         stuff (RTTY, 160,  80, etc)  with more  focus after  that. From  now
         until they go QRT Europeans should  look for them  on 160 metres  at
         16.30 UTC. On 40 and 80 SSB they plan to operate 08.00-09.00 UTC for
         Europe, 09.00-10.00 UTC  for North America  and 10.00-11.00 UTC  for
         Japan. SLIM REPORT: please note that  they were not on 40 metres  CW
         between 11 and 17.15 UTC on  17 January. QSL via ZL2HU (Ken  Holdom,
         P.O. Box 56099, Tawa, New Zealand). [TNX N1DG]
S DX@WW $425WW403C
425 DX News #403 [3/4]
 23 January 1999                  No 403                   BID: $425WW403C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

DXCC ---> The  ARRL has announced  that Wayne Mills,  N7NG will  be the  DXAC
Chairman and that John Kanode, N4MM will  be the ARRL Board DXCC Liaison  for
1999. [TNX The Daily DX]

LONE STAR DXA ---> The new officers of the Lone Star DX Association are Jerry
Smith, W5TFV  (Chief Director),  Tom Anderson,  WW5L (Information  Director),
Joel Rubenstein,  N5JR (Activities  Director)  and Martin  "Sandy"  Sandberg,
N5NBW (Membership Director). For additional information on the LSDXA,  please
visit www.dxer.org/lsdxa/ [TNX WW5L]

PIRATE! --->  Eric, VK4XN  has NOT  been  on the  radio  for years.  He  does
maintain his license, but he states he only listens. If you have worked VK4XN
on any band, it was a pirate. [TNX K1XN and The Golist]

QSL 5N4B ---> It was I0YO who operated with this special callsign from  Bonny
Island (AF-076) on 11 and 24  April 1998. QSL via  I0YO (Bruno Avancini,  Via
Anfiteatro 2, 06031 Bevagna - PG, Italy). [TNX I0YO]

QSL 7S2TP ---> Michael, SM2KAL reports  that all QSL cards for Laponia  Radio
DXpedition 1998 have been sent via the bureau. For further information  visit

QSL CO6XN ---> From now  on direct cards  for Abel, CO6XN  should be sent  to
HK6DOS (Oscar A. Gaviria. P.O. Box 3055, Pereira, Colombia. [TNX HK6DOS]

QSL E31AA ---> Jackie, ZL3CW (Jacky  Calvo, P.O. Box 593, Pukekohe 1800,  New
Zealand) is  back  in New  Zealand  and awaiting  the  cards  for  his  E31AA
operation (September-October 1998) to be  printed. He hopes  to have them  in
hand by the end of this month. He has received some 10,000 envelopes so far -
please be patient, no second requests needed. [TNX W7TSQ]

QSL WH6ASW/KH2 --->  Ray, WH6ASW/KH2 has  dropped VK4FW as  his QSL  manager.
Cards should be sent either direct  (Ray Fabre', 37  Turner Rd, Nimitz  Hill,
Asan, Guam 96922, USA) or through the bureau. [TNX WH6ASW/KH2]

QSL UA9 ---> Cards for UA9-UE9, RA9-RZ9 and R9 stations be can be obtained by
Eugene Bugrimov, RN9XA (the  Incoming QSL Bureau  manager for Russian  region
9). Send your requests to P.O.Box  1229, Syktyvkar 167001, Russia. [TNX  OPDX

QSL VIA  DL3NEO --->  He is  the QSL  manager for  the following  operations:
4U1ITU (21-26  Aug 94),  4U1VIC (20-21  Nov 98),  DL3NEO/BY7KH (31  Oct  98),
DL3NEO/BY7KF (31 Oct - 1 Nov 98), S21XX (2-18 Feb 97), S21YG (1 Nov 1997 - 17
Oct 98), S79NEO  (22 Aug -  10 Sep 95).  QSL either  direct (Hannes  Schmidt,
Komotauer Str. 28 B, D-91207 Lauf, Germany) or through the DARC bureau.  [TNX

QSL VIA RV1AC ---> Alex, RV1AC reports that he has replied to all direct  and
bureau requests received so far for RV1AC/1 and RU1AS/1 (EU-066, June  1996),
and RK1B/1 (EU-147 and EU-162, July 1997).  If you still need a card,  please
send your  request to  Alex Pastchenko,  P.O.Box 104,  St.Petersburg,  192241
Russia. [TNX RV1CC]

VP8CRB/VP8TTY ---> The final logs for Jan's (K4QD) recent operation from  the
Falklands are now on line (http://no4j.com/nfdxa/logs/vp8crb.htm and for RTTY
http://no4j.com/nfdxa/logs/vp8tty.htm). Jan has 140  Topband contacts in  his
log. If you have a question  about your QSO  on 160, you  can contact Jan  at
k4qd@juno.com, as he has kept a hard copy of his log and notes for that band.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***   
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

DAYTON 1999   : This year's  Hamvention  will be  held  on 14-16  May.  Visit
                http://www.hamvention.org/ for further information.
FRESNO 1999   : This year the International DX  Convention, organized by  the
                NCDXC, will be  held at  the Holiday  Inn in  Fresno on  9-11
                April.    Further     information     is     available     at

QSL received via direct: 3D2DX, 3DA0CA, 3W6DXI, 5A1A, 5B4/RV0AR, 5V7A, 5V7FA,
6W1QV, 6W6JX, 8Q7BB, 8Q7CC, 8Q7LI, 9H1NB,  9H3TI, 9J2FR, 9N1UD, A35ZL,  A71CX
(AS-088), AP2JZB, AP2NK, BD4ED, BI4Q (AS-135)  BI5P (AS-138), BI5Z  (AS-137),
BO0K, BV4HB, BV/JH3GCN, C21NJ, C31LJ, C56/DL5MM, C56CW, C56HP, C91CO,  C91RF,
IC8/IK2PZG (IIA NA-022, 026, 035, 037,  041, 045, 046, 047, 050),  IC8/IK8UHA
(IIA NA-028,  046,  047),  IC8/IZ8CGS  (IIA  NA-048,  049),  ID8/IK8UHA  (IIA
CS-007), IL3/IK2PZG  (IIA PD-002),  IL7/IZ7ATN (IIA  BA-004), IL8/I8KCI  (IIA
SA-002, 003,  004),  IL8/IK2PZG  (IIA  SA-003,  004,  ???),  IL8/IK8UHA  (IIA
SA-???), IM0/IS0GYV (IIA OR-009), J79MV, J8/DF2SS, JL1KFR/JD1, JW5NM, JX7DFA,
JY8YB, NH0E, OD5NJ, OX/OZ8AE, OY1CT, P40E, PV5V, S07WW, S21K (AS-140), S92AT,
ZA0B (EU-169), ZD7BG, ZK2FT.

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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S DX@WW $425WW403D
425 DX News #403 [4/4]
 23 January 1999                  No 403                   BID: $425WW403D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  31/03      4N800, YT800, YU800, YZ800: special event stations     397
till  Jan        9G5MG: Ghana * by WK6O                                 397
till  25/01      9A4DU/p, 9A6DX/p, 9A4NC/p: Mljet Island (EU-016)       402
till  01/02      A35VR: Lifuka (OC-169), Tonga * by 3D2VA               397
till  Jan        FO5QE: Tahiti (OC-046) * by F5GSK                      369
till  August     FK8VHU: New Caledonia                                  401
till  30/01      FO0AWI, FO0XUU: Marquesas (OC-027) * by DL1AWI & DL5XU 403
till  December   FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL                      401
till  01/02      KC4AAD: Siple Dome Antarctic base                      397
till  Feb        LZ0A: South Shetlands (AN-010) * by LZ2UU              397
till  31/12      LZ100PV: special station                               401
till  31/01      OA464QV * special prefix                               400
till  20/04      P49M: Aruba (SA-036) * by VE3MR                        397
till  31/01      S21YP: Bangladesh * by G3REP                           398
till  24/01      TU5IJ: Ivory Coast * by I2AOX and IK2CHZ               401
till  March      VQ9QM: Diego Garcia Island (AF-006)                    401
till  23/01      VU2RBQ: India * by DJ9RB                               402
till  27/11      XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada)              401
till  Apr        ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT                388
till  25/01      ZL9CI: Campbell Island (OC-037) * by KDXA              403
till  ??         ZS7B: Antarctica * by ZS1B                             399
20/02-01/02      VP2EJ: Anguilla (NA-022) * by W5SJ                     403
22/01-31/01      PT5T: Maria Francisca Island (SA-026) * by PYs         401
22/01-24/01      ZW7CC: Fort of Santa Caterina (DFH PB-001) * by PYs    401
23/01-24/02      ED4MRF: Molino de Bajo (CC-003)                        403
23/01-Apr        H44MS: Pigeon Island (OC-065), Temotu * by DL2GAC      399
24/01-24/02      DU3/AH8F * by G4ZVJ                                    403
24/01            ED5OL: Chirat Island (DIEI V-042) * by EA5OL           401
24/01-10/02      H44FN (Solomons) & H40?? (Temotu) * by DK9FN           401
24/01-May        VQ9DX: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by AA5DX                403
26/01            AX: special prefix for Australia Day                   403
28/01-03/02      C5: The Gambia * by G0OIL                              397
29/01-01/02      9M6AAC: East Malaysia * by K8EP                        403
29/01-31/01      CQ WWDX 160 Meter CW Contest                           ***
29/01-31/01      REF - French CW Contest                                ***
29/01-31/01      UBA Contest - SSB                                      ***
30/01-07/02      E3 (Eritrea) islands * by I2YDX and IK2WXZ             403
30/01-31/01      PY1/DL8GCS: Ilha Grande (SA-029)                       403
30/01-04/02      VP9/N1RCT: Bermuda (NA-005)                            401
31/01-06/02      V31JZ & V31RL: Turneffe Is (NA-123) * by NN7A & NG7S   401
Jan-Mar          AT0U: special call (India) * by VU2UR                  402
from January     FT5YG: Adelie Land, Antarctica                         399
from January     FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island                                399
Jan-Feb          KL1SLE: St. Lawrence Island (NA-040) * by KL7FH        402
Jan-Mar          T30, T32, T33 * by HA9RE and HA8IC                     400
02/02-10/02      FO0AWI, FO0XUU: OC-050, Austral Is * by DL1AWI & DL5XU 403
03/02-03/03      FR5ZQ/T: Tromelin (AF-031)                             403
05/02-25/02      HPx/F5PAC: NA-071, NA-088, NA-202, NA-203              403
06/02-17/02      PY7ZY/7: Itamaraca Island (SA-046)                     403
06/02-13/02      VK9XX: Christmas Island (OC-002) * by W8UVZ and W0YG   391
06/02-07/02      RSGB 7 MHz SSB Contest                                 ***
08/02-21/02      J47XCF: special station * by Radio DX Group of Thrace  403
08/02-28/02      5H: Tanzania * by IK2GZU                               403
10/02-26/02      HR3/K7DBV: Honduras                                    403
13/02-20/02      VK9YY: Cocos Island (OC-003) * by by W8UVZ and W0YG    391
13/02-14/02      PACC Contest                                           ***
13/02-14/02      RSGB 1.8 MHz SSB Contest                               ***
13/02-14/02      WW RTTY WPX Contest                                    ***
13/02-15/02      YL OM SSB Contest                                      ***
14/02            EA5AEN/P: Mata d'Entorre (DIEI V-032)                  403
16/02-23/02      K3TEJ/C6A, WA3WSJ/C6A, C6AKW: Abaco (NA-080), Bahamas  403
16/02-20/02      KH6/IV3NVN: Hawaii (OC-019)                            403
17/02-24/02      5Z: Lamu Island (AF-040) * by G3RTE,G3SWH,G3WGV,5Z4RL  401
20/02-21/02      ARRL International DX CW Contest                       ***
21/02-03/03      KH4/IV3NVN: Midway Island (OC-030)                     403
25/02-28/02      3D2TN: Fiji * by OK1RD, OK1RI, OK1TN                   403
26/02-27/02      UBA - CW Contest                                       ***
26/02-27/02      Ukraine RTTY Championship                              ***
26/02-28/02      CQ WWDX 160 Meter SSB Contest                          ***
26/02-27/02      REF - French SSB Contest                               ***
27/02-07/03      C21ZM and C21SX: Nauru (OC-031) * by G3ZEM and G3SXW   403
27/02-28/02      RSGB 7 MHz CW Contest                                  ***
27/02-28/02      YL OM CW Contest                                       ***
28/02-08/03      FW5FN: Uvea (OC-054), Wallis & Futuna * by HB9HFN      401
01/03-09/03      T30RD: West Kiribati (OC-017) * by OK1RD, OK1RI, OK1TN 403
02/03-09/03      HK0: San Andres Island (NA-033) * by W4DC and others   401
06/03-07/03      ARRL DX SSB Contest                                    ***
10/03-28/03      T31RD *or* T33RD * by OK1RD, OK1RI, OK1TN              403
12/03-14/03      TR: Banie Island (AF-043) * by F5VCR G3OCA             403
14/03            UBA Spring SSB Contest                                 ***
20/03-21/03      Russian DX Contest                                     ***
20/03-22/03      BART Spring RTTY Contest                               ***
27/03-28/03      CQWW WPX SSB Contest                                   ***
from March       FT5XN: Kerguelen * by F6IHY                            399