DX425 bulletin issue nr. 401

S DX@WW $425WW401A
425 DX News #401 [1/5]
  9 January 1999                  No 401                   BID: $425WW401A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !
5Z     - G3RTE (Jim),  G3SWH (Phil),  G3WGV (John)  and 5Z4RL  (Rob) will  be
         active from Lamu Island  (AF-040) between 17  and 24 February.  They
         will be active with two stations  on CW, SSB and  RTTY on all  bands
         from 160 to 10 metres, with the exception of 30 metres, which is not
         permitted in Kenya and hope for a special callsign, to be  announced
         in due  time.  QSL via  G3SWH  either direct  (Phil  Whitchurch,  21
         Dickensons Grove, Congresbury,  Bristol, BS49 5HQ,  England, UK)  or
         through the bureau. Donations towards the cost of the expedition are
         invited and may be sent to G3SWH. [TNX G3SWH]
EA     - Operators  from  URE Albufera will be active from the island of Mata
         de Baix (DIEI V-028, not IOTA) on 10 January. [TNX IK1GPG]
EA     - Look  for  ED5OL  to  be  active from Chirat Island (DIEI V-042, not
         IOTA)  on  24 January. QSL via EA5OL  (who  is  the  new DIE Manager
         effective 1 January). [TNX IK1GPG]
EL     - Mark, ON4WW/EL2WW will be back [425DXN 398] to Monrovia, Liberia  on
         11 January. He plans to concentrate on the low bands. QSL via ON5NT.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
F      - Club station TP2CE  will be  active (10-80  metres, CW  and SSB)  as
         TP50CE between 15 and 17 January  to celebrate the 50th  anniversary
         of the  Council  of  Europe.  QSL via  F6FQK.  [TNX  F6AJA  and  Les
         Nouvelles DX]
FK     - Philippe, ex TU2FH, is now active as FK8VHU from New Caledonia until
         August 1999. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
FY     - Christian, F6BEN is  now active on  20 and 40  metres as FY5DG  from
         French Guyana. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
FT5W   - Gilles, F5AGL is now  active as FT5WH  from Crozet (AF-008)  [425DXN
         398] with a ground plane antenna on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres. He  is
         looking for the amplifier, which is hidden somewhere on the  island.
         Gilles is expected to operate RTTY as  well and to be on Crozet  for
         one year.  QSL  via F6KDF (see  QSL FT5WH &  FT5ZH below). [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
FW     - The call FW5FN has been issued to Cedric, HB9HFN for his 28 February
         - 8 March  DXpedition to Uvea  (OC-054), Wallis  and Futuna  [425DXN
         387]. He plans to operate on  160-10 metres mostly on CW, with  some
         SSB and RTTY. QSL  via HB9HFN (Cedric  Baechler, Mettetlet 26,  1763
         Granges-Paccot, Switzerland). The  website for the  expdition is  at
         http://www.qsl.net/hb9hfn/ [TNX HB9HFN]
H4     - Sigi, DK9FN  [425DXN  399] will  be  active as  H44FN  from  Solomon
         Islands between 24  and 27 January.   He will  then move to  Temotu,
         from where he  will be active   on CW  (while Bernhard, DL2GAC  will
         operate SSB) as H40?? until 10 February. QSL via HA8FW (Mihaly  Bela
         Szeged, Csongradi sgt. 122/A. 4/9. H-6724 Hungary). [TNX HA8FW]
HK0_and- The Woodbridge Wireless (WWI) from  Woodbridge, Virginia is  pleased
         to announce its  4th DXpedition.  AA3KX, K5OF,  N2PP, W4DC,  WB4ZNH,
         WN4FVU (YL) and WZ8P will be active from San Andres Island  (NA-033)
         between 2 and 9 March, call not issued so far (it may turn out to be
         HK0/W4DC). They will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest with two
         stations. Before and after the contest  they plan to concentrate  on
         RTTY, CW, and WARC bands. QSL via W4DC (please note that all contest
         QSOs will be confirmed automatically through the bureau).  Questions
         and comments before and after the  Dxpedition should be directed  to
         Denis,  W4DC  (catalanode@navsea.navy.mil);  during  the  operation,
         please contact Mike, KA4RRU (ka4rru@erols.com). The web page for the
         DXpedition is at http://www.pwcweb.com/wwi/DXpedition [TNX W4DC]
HK     - Boris, IK4RSR was active as HK3RSA from Colombia. QSL via home call.
         [TNX IK4DCS]
HZ     - HZ1RT (ex HZ1CCA) is again active (mostly on SSB) from Saudi Arabia.
         QSL via IK7JTF. [TNX IK7JFT]
I      - IK6CAC (Carlo), IK7XIV (Roberto), IK7VJX  (Piero) and IK7IMO  (Enzo)
         will be IJ7/home  call from San  Pietro Island (IIA  TA-001) in  the
         Cheradis (EU-073) on 16 and 17  January. Look for them on all  bands
         CW and SSB. QSL via home call. [TNX IK6CAC]
JA     - JH6RTO will  be /1  from  Jogashima (AS-117)  between  22 UTC  on  8
         January and 9 UTC on the 9th. Plans are to operate CW and SSB on 40,
         20, 15 10 and metres. QSL via home call. [TNX JA9IFF/1]
JA     - JH3QFL will be /6 from Hateruma, Yaeyama Islands (AS-024) between 15
         and 18 January. Look for him on 20 amd 15 metres SSB and CW. QSL via
         JH3QFL. [TNX JI6KVR]
KH4    - Ted, NH4/NH6YK is now reported to be active from Midway [425DXN 397]
         until 10 January.  QSL via  NH6YK. A  web site  has been  set up  at [TNX The Daily DX]
LZ     - Special  station  LZ100PV  will  be  active  until  31  December  to
         celebrate  the  100th  aniversary   of  Bulgarian  composer   Pancho
         Vladigerov. QSL via bureau (P.O.Box 830, Sofia-1000, Bulgaria). [TNX
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425 DX News #401 [2/5]
  9 January 1999                  No 401                   BID: $425WW401B
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

PY0-spp- Karl, PS7KM  reports  that the  Natal  DX  Group  ZY0SP/ZY0SZ  March
         DXpedition to St.  Peter and St.  Paul Rocks [425DXN  393] has  been
         cancelled due to lack of funds.  All donations received so far  will
         be returned as soon as possible. [TNX PS7KM]
PY     - ZY7FO will be active (on  10-80 metres, CW  and SSB) from  Itamaraca
         Island (SA-046, DIB-018) between  15 and 17  January. QSL via  PR7RT
         (Guelfo Jorge  Poltronieri,  P.O.Box 8,  58001-970  Joao  Pessoa-PB,
         Brazil). [TNX PP5ZS and PS7AB]
PY     - PU5EPL/PR8, PU8MPX,  PS8NF,  PR8RLS, PR8PM  and  PR8BNP plan  to  be
         active (6-80 metres,  CW and SSB)  as ZY8CW and  ZV8A from Sao  Luis
         Island (SA-016, DIB-007) between 16 and  18 January. QSL via  PR8AA.
         [TNX PP5SZ and PY2ZX]
PY     - ZW7CC will be activated on all  bands CW and SSB  by Scout Group  of
         Parayba from Fort of Santa Caterina  (DFH PB-001) between 22 and  24
         January. QSL via PR7RT. [TNX PP5SZ]
PY     - Look for PT5T to  be active (CW  and SSB, on  all bands) from  Maria
         Francisca Island (SA-026, DIB  067) between 22  and 31 January.  QSL
         via PP5LL. [TNX PP5SZ]
T2     - The 3D2DK German operators (DK1BT, DK7YY, DL2OAP, DL3DXX and DL8OBQ)
         who were  expected to  operate from  Tuvalu  starting on  2  January
         [425DXN 398] were forced to remain  at Fiji longer than planned  due
         to a problem to the aircraft. They eventually made it to Tuvalu  and
         now are active with two stations  as T20FW. Plans are to operate  on
         all bands CW and RTTY with some SSB, with two complete stations  and
         an emphasis on the low bands. QSL via DK7YY. 
T33    - Karl, DL1VU is now active (no RTTY operation expected) as T33VU from
         Banaba (OC-018). "Karl says he does not know how long he will be  on
         the island", The  Daily DX reports.  "It all depends  when the  next
         boat comes". QSL via DL2MDZ.
TR     - Derek, F5VCR and  Ken, G3OCA are  planning to be  active from  Banie
         Island (AF-043) during  a weekend in  March. Further information  is
         expected in due time. [TNX F5VCR and Islands On The Web]
TU     - Due to flight problems, now  Aldo, I2AOX and  Marco, IK2CHZ will  be
         active from TU5IJ's QTH [425DXN 399] between 13 and 24 January.  QSL
         direct to I2AOX. [TNX IK2CHZ]
UA     - Nick, RA1QQ  (Nick  A.  Smerdov,  P.O.Box  24,  Cherepovets  162627,
         Russia) is now planning his summer 1999 DXpedition, which will  take
         place from EU-102 (Pechorskoye  Sea Coast Centre),  one of the  most
         wanted IOTA groups. Operators wishing to join Nick are requested  to
         get in touch with Albert (RA1QHJ) at albert@metacom.ru [TNX RA1QHJ]
V3     - Art, NN7A and Mike, NG7S  will be active  respectively as V31JZ  and
         V31RL from Turneffe Islands (NA-123), Belize between 31 January  and
         6 February. They plan to use  two barefoot stations with a  vertical
         and wire antennas  and to operate  mainly on  CW, with  some SSB  as
         conditions allow. QSL V31JZ  via NN7A (Art  Phillips, P.O. Box  201,
         Flagstaff, AZ 86002, USA); QSL V31RL via NG7S (Mike Sharp, P.O.  Box
         3773, Flagstaff, AZ 86003, USA). [TNX NN7A]
VE     - Nova Scotia amateurs  are allowed  to use  the XJ1  prefix until  27
         November to  celebrate the  150th anniversary  of the  Pony  Express
         between Halifax and Victoria Beach. [TNX DX News Sheet]
VE     - The new VY0  prefix, which has  been allocated to  the new  Canadian
         Territory of Nunavut [425DXN 400], will become effective on 1 April.
         The prefix VE8  will remain for  the use of  the western North  West
         Territories. [TNX K2YOF]
VP8_fal- Jan, K4QD (VP8CRB & VP8TTY) [425DXN 397] operates from an  abandoned
         Loran station on the top of  a hill overlooking Port Stanley.  There
         are two 150 foot towers which are 250 feet apart and the three  wire
         antennas are suspended between  them. He reports  he is meeting  his
         goals (to make over 10,000 contacts  during his three week stay,  to
         operate CW, which is rare in the Falklands, activate the WARC  bands
         and reach difficult  areas like Asia),  although 80  and 160  metres
         have been disappointing. He is building a 160 meter loop which  will
         be vertically polarized  and installed for  a concentrated Top  Band
         effort all  Friday night  and Saturday  night. QSL  via K4QD  either
         direct (Jan Heise, 8595 Sheridan Rd, West Melbourne, FL 32904,  USA)
         or through the bureau. [TNX W3UR]
VP9    - Dick, N1RCT will be active (on RTTY only) as VP9/N1RCT from  Bermuda
         (NA-005) between 30 January and 4  February. He expects to be on  20
         metres split hopes to operate for at least 40 hours total. Dick will
         be using 100 Watts and a multiband dipole; a special Japan-only hour
         will be daily  from 22 to  2300 UTC. QSL  direct to W6/G0AZT  (Eddie
         Schneider, P.O. Box 5194, Richmond, CA 94805, USA) or via the bureau
         to     N1RCT.      A     web      page     is      available      at
         http://www.megalink.net/~n1rct/dxcc/vp9.html [TNX N1RCT]
VQ9    - Dale, VQ9QM will be active from  Diego Garcia Island (AF-006)  until
         March. He plans to operate on  160 metres soon.  QSL via W4QM.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
Z3     - Zoki, Z31GB (QSL via NN6C)  is active on  digital modes and  accepts
         schedules at z31gb@freemail.org.mk [TNX Z31GB]
ZK3    - Ron, ZL1AMO is expected to be  active as ZK3RW from Tokelau  [425DXN
         398] until around 10-11 January. QSL via ZL1AMO. [TNX The Daily DX]
ZL9    - The ZL9CI  team left  Wellington,  New Zealand  at  00.20 UTC  on  1
         January and arrived at Campbell Island after a 90-hour voyage.  They
         started unloading the 5  tonnes of equipment  and begin to  assemble
         the antenna  system at  4 a.m.  on 5  January in  order to  commence
         operations on or around 23 UTC on  6 January. In the first 23  hours
         they made 10,724 QSOs (more than half on CW), operating six stations
         on most bands. Ron, ZL2TT was scheduled to be the SSTV operator, but
         as he is not making the trip and as the other operators do not  have
         the expertise to run SSTV, it will  no longer be a featured mode  on
         the expedition. Their  permit restrictions  still are  in place  and
         they cannot be  operational from 1100  UTC to 16.30  UTC.   However,
         rough seas prevented  the team from  leaving the  island safely  and
         that is why they were active during the ZL9 night on 7 January.  QSL
         via ZL2HU  (Ken Holdom,  P.O. Box  56099, Tawa,  New Zealand).  [TNX
S DX@WW $425WW401C
425 DX News #401 [3/5]
  9 January 1999                  No 401                   BID: $425WW401C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

DXCC MOST WANTED ---> This year the 425  DX News annual survey is open to our
readers worldwide. Visit our web site at  http://www.425dxn.org  and mark the
DXCC Entities  you have never worked!

IOTA CONTEST 1999 ---> This year's event is scheduled on 24-25 July and a few
amateurs have already started planning their participation in it:
- Jean-Pierre, ON4BBA and other operators  from UBA Diest  will be active  on
  all bands  (CW, SSB  and RTTY)  between  18 and  25  July from  Yeu  Island
  (EU-064) and  plans are  to enter  the contest  with a  special call.  [TNX
- LX2LX, LX1NO,  TF8GX  and  maybe  TF8SM will  be  active  from  Westman  Is
  (EU-071), call to be announced. They  plan to work on  RTTY and WARC  bands
  shortly before and after the contest. [TNX LX1NO]

DX STATION  WANTED --->  Kenny  Sanchez, KG2FH  offers  his services  as  QSL
manager for a DX station. Those interested  are invited to get in touch  with
him at kg2fh@intergrafix.net

EP3PTT ---> During his latest business  trip to Iran (October-December  1998)
Mirek, VK3DXI was able to operate at  the EP3PTT club station located in  the
building of the Ministry of the Telecommunication in Tehran. EP3PTT is active
every day except Fridays, between 17-19 local time, using 10 watts and dipole
antennas for  20 and  15 metres.  Guest operators  are welcome.  For  further
information please contact Mirek at mirelec@singnet.com.sg [TNX VK3DXI]

FT5ZH ---> The recent DXpedition to Amsterdam Island logged 32065 QSOs (27063
on SSB, 4444 on CW and 558 on RTTY) with 14005 different stations. 14739 QSOs
were with Europe, 10448 with North Amerca, 279 with South America, 5592  with
Asia, 765  with Oceania  and 202  with  Africa. The  band/mode  (SSB/CW/RTTY)
breakdown is as follows: 27 QSOs  on 160 metres (0/27/0),  1387 on 80  metres
(1298/89/0), 2823 on 40  metres (2037/786/0), 1048  on 30 metres  (0/1048/0),
10940 on 20 metres (9376/1119/445), 2459 on 17 metres (2360/99/0), 4870 on 15
metres (4550/207/113),  2541 on  12 metres  (2251/290/0), 5970  on 10  metres
(5191/779/0). [TNX F5NOD]

NAVASSA --->  "The Director  of the  Office of  Insular Affairs  advises  all
persons interested in visiting Navassa Island that, having made a preliminary
review of the  island's ecology,  he has  decided indefinitely  not to  allow
visits to  the island  and its  surrounding waters  until he  has received  a
further assessment of the island's environment and conservation status".  The
announcement comes from  the Internet Web  page of the  US Dept of  Interior.
[TNX DX News Sheet]

NEW ORLEANS  CONVENTION --->  The 8th  annual  New Orleans  International  DX
Convention will be held on August 27-28, 1999, at the Royal Sonesta Hotel  on
Bourbon Street in the New Orleans French Quarter. For the latest  information
on convention  developments,  check  the  Delta  DX  Association  website  at
http://www.gnofn.org/~w5ru/ [TNX W5FKX]

NEWS FROM POLAND ---> Irek, SP3SUX reports that effective 1 January Poland is
divided into 16 new bigger regions (previusly 49). The administrative  change
will affect  SPDX Contest  exchanges and  SP-awards,  but not  amateur  radio
callsigns (by the way, "vanity" car plates with, for instance, amateur  radio
callsigns will be soon allowed in Poland).

POSTAL RATES  (CANADA) --->  Postage rates  in Canada  have changed  since  4
January: the new  rate from Canada  to the  US is  now 55  cents, while  from
Canada to all other countries is is now 95 cents. [TNX The Daily DX]

POSTAL RATES (USA) ---> The postage rate from the  US to the US  will  change
from 32 cents to  33 cents on  10 January 1999.  This does not  apply  to  DX
stations: rates are likely to change  sooner or later,  but till that  moment
air mail remains at 60 cents.

PP5 OUTGOING BUREAU ---> Ooops! It  is the PP5 (Santa Catarina State),  *not*
the PY5  (Parana State)  Outgoing QSL  Bureau that  currently does  not  work
[425DXN 400]. It is confirmed that PP5ASN  and PP5AS handle cards for DL  and
ES respectively, but for the  time being amateurs  in other countries  cannot
receive any card through the PP5  bureau. We apologize for any  inconvenience
the typo may have caused our readers.

QSL ROUTES ---> Michael, DJ5AV is the editor of the German DX News Letter and
says that "Paul,  ON6DP is an  important source for  my QSL  routes. His  new
QSLMGR.EXE    with     49058    QSL     routes     can    be     found     at
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425 DX News #401 [4/5]
  9 January 1999                  No 401                   BID: $425WW401D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

QSL AH6PN/HR6 ---> Effective 1 January 1999 Bob, W7TSQ is the QSL manager for
AH6PN/HR6. Cards can be sent either direct or through the bureau. Please note
that Bob does  not expect  to get  the first  logs until  mid February.  [TNX
I1-21171 and W7TSQ]

QSL BD4DW --->  BD4DW (David Y.J.  Zhou, P.O. Box  040-088, Shanghai,  China)
reports to be used to replying to direct cards within 48 hours from  receipt.
If you do not get your  card within reasonable time, you may  wish to get  in
touch with David at bd4dw@qsl.net

QSL EU-039 ---> Maxime, ON4LCW reports  he is having  some problems with  the
printer and the  cards for  his F/ON4LCW/P  July 1998  operation from  EU-039
(Chausey Islands) are not ready. Please be patient. Fred, ON6QR reports  that
the cards for TM5T (1998 IOTA Contest) have been printed and will be sent out
by the QSL manager (ON4GO) as soon as possible.

QSL FT5WH & FT5ZH ---> DXers  are requested not to send  cards for FT5WH  and
FT5ZH in the same envelope. In fact, while the QSL route is the same for both
stations (F6KDF: Radio Club de la Gendarmerie, 292 route de Genas, 69677 Bron
Cedex, France), the  cards are actually  handled by two  different groups  of
managers at  the  Radio  Club.  Moreover  the  logs  for  FT5ZH  are  already
available, but it is not known when FT5WH is able to send his. [TNX F5NOD]

QSL KC4AAA ---> Bob, NC6J has been the  QSL manager for this station for  ten
years and has now decided to turn the job over to K1IED. Effective 1  January
1999 K1IED will  handle all prior  and future QSL  cards. [TNX  K1XN and  The

QSL MU0ASP &  MJ0ASP --->  Jacky, F5OIU  reports he  is *no  longer* the  QSL
manager for MU0ASP & MJ0ASP (that is Mathieu, F5SHQ, who has been active from
Jersey and Guernsey since July 1998). Jacky suggests to get in touch with the
operator (Mathieu Roche, Longueville Manor Hotel, St Saviour, Jersey JE2 7WF)

QSL UP5P --->  This the special  call used by  Romeo, UN5PR  in contest.  QSL
direct to  Romeo Y.  Loparev, P.O.Box  73, Temirtau,  472300 Kazakhstan  [TNX

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***   
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

LOGS:         The  A61AJ  logs   are  now  available   on  the  Internet   at
              http://www.dailydx.com/a61aj_search.html [TNX W3UR]
LOGS:         The Amsterdam Island FT5ZH DXpedition logs are now available at
              http://perso.easynet.fr/~f5nod/ft5zhlog.html [TNX F5NOD]
ZL9CI:        The  web  site  for  the  Campbell  Island  DXpedition  is   at
              http://www.qsl.net/zl9ci (plans are to upload logs daily to the
              web, please note that all logs will have a 24-36 hour delay  in
              transmission) [TNX N1DG].

QSL received via direct:  1A0KM, 3D2CB, 3D2WC/R,  4F3CV, 5H3HG, 5R8EE,  5X1Z,
6Y6A, 8R1J, 9J2BO, 9Q5/DL6RDR, A61AJ, AH2R,  BD4ED, C56/DL5MM, C91RF,  CN8KD,
(NA-211), XX9TZ, YC8VIP, Z31FK, Z38/NO6X.

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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S DX@WW $425WW401E
425 DX News #401 [5/5]
  9 January 1999                  No 401                   BID: $425WW401E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  31/03      4N800, YT800, YU800, YZ800: special event stations     397
till  12/01      8Q7LE: Maldives (AS-013) * by G0ULN                    397
till  08/01      6Y: Jamaica (NA-097) * by DL7VOG                       399
till  Jan        9G5MG: Ghana * by WK6O                                 397
till  16/01      9M6CT: East Malaaysia * by HS0/G4JMB                   396
till  01/02      A35VR: Lifuka (OC-169), Tonga * by 3D2VA               397
till  08/01      A45ZN: Oman                                            399
till  08/01      C91CO/P: Mozambique * by 3DA0CA                        399
till  13/01      FO0KOL & FO0SIL: Marquesas (OC-027) * by OH1RY & OH1MA 400
till  Jan        FO5QE: Tahiti (OC-046) * by F5GSK                      369
till  August     FK8VHU: New Caledonia                                  401
till  December   FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL                      401
till  ??         FY5DG: French Guyana * by F6BEN                        401
till  ??         FY/DJ0PJ: French Guiana                                395
till  01/02      KC4AAD: Siple Dome Antarctic base                      397
till  Feb        LZ0A: South Shetlands (AN-010) * by LZ2UU              397
till  31/12      LZ100PV: special station                               401
till  10/01      NH4/NH6YK: Midway (OC-030)                             401
till  31/01      OA464QV * special prefix                               400
till  20/04      P49M: Aruba (SA-036) * by VE3MR                        397
till  31/01      S21YP: Bangladesh * by G3REP                           398
till  14/01      T20FW: Tuvalu (OC-015) * by DLs                        401
till  15/01      SM1TDE/7S1BL: Gotland Island (EU-020)                  393
till  ??         T33VU: Banaba (OC-018) * by DL1VU                      401
till  08/01      VP2MHJ: Montserrat (NA-103) * by DF2SS                 399
till  09/01      VP5/W8GEX: Turks and Caicos * by W8GEX                 400
till  16/01      VP8CRB & VP8TTY: Falkland Is (SA-002) * by K4QD        401
till  March      VQ9QM: Diego Garcia Island (AF-006)                    401
till  13/01      VU2BMS: India * by DL2GAC                              399
till  ??         WP2: US Virgin Islands (NA-106) * by WB9Z              398
till  27/11      XJ1: special prefix (Nova Scotia, Canada)              401
till  Apr 99     ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT                388
till  11/01      ZK3: Tokelau (OC-048) * by ZL1AMO                      401
till  25/01      ZL9CI: Campbell Island (OC-037) * by KDXA              401
till  ??         ZS7B: Antarctica * by ZS1B                             399
05/01-24/01      CE: Patagonia * by GM4DMA                              400
08/01-10/01      Japan DX CW Low Bands (40, 80, 160) Contest            ***
09/01            YL OM midwinter CW Contest                             ***
10/01            EA: Mata de Baix Island (DIEI V-028) * by URE          401
10/01            YL OM midwinter SSB Contest                            ***
11/01-??         EL2WW: Libera * by ON4WW                               401
12/01-19/01      YC8TXW/p and YC8YZ/p: Obi Islands (OC-222)             399
13/01-15/04      K2ZR/4: Key West (NA-062)                              399
13/01-24/01      TU5IJ: Ivory Coast * by I2AOX and IK2CHZ               401
15/01-18/01      JH3QFL/6: Yaeyama Islands (AS-024)                     401
15/01-17/01      TP50CE: Council of Europe                              401
15/01-17/01      ZY7FO: Itamaraca Island (SA-046)                       401
16/01-17/01      IJ7/IK6CAC,IK7XIV,IK7VJX,IK7IMO: S.Pietro Isl (EU-073) 401
16/01-18/01      ZY8CW and ZV8A: Sao Luis Island (SA-016) * by PY8s     401
17/01            HA DX CW Contest                                       ***
22/01-31/01      PT5T: Maria Francisca Island (SA-026) * by PYs         401
22/01-24/01      ZW7CC: Fort of Santa Caterina (DFH PB-001) * by PYs    401
23/01-Apr        H44MS: Pigeon Island (OC-065), Temotu * by DL2GAC      399
24/01            ED5OL: Chirat Island (DIEI V-042) * by EA5OL           401
24/01-10/02      H44FN (Solomons) & H40?? (Temotu) * by DK9FN           401
28/01-03/02      C5: The Gambia * by G0OIL                              397
29/01-31/01      CQ WWDX 160 Meter CW Contest                           ***
29/01-31/01      REF - French CW Contest                                ***
29/01-31/01      UBA Contest - SSB                                      ***
30/01-04/02      VP9/N1RCT: Bermuda (NA-005)                            401
31/01-06/02      V31JZ & V31RL: Turneffe Is (NA-123) * by NN7A & NG7S   401
from January     FT5YG: Adelie Land, Antarctica                         399
from January     FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island                                399
Jan-Mar          T30, T32, T33 * by HA9RE and HA8IC                     400
06/02-13/02      VK9XX: Christmas Island (OC-002) * by W8UVZ and W0YG   391
06/02-07/02      RSGB 7 MHz SSB Contest                                 ***
13/02-20/02      VK9YY: Cocos Island (OC-003) * by by W8UVZ and W0YG    391
13/02-14/02      EA RTTY Contest                                        ***
13/02-14/02      PACC Contest                                           ***
13/02-14/02      RSGB 1.8 MHz SSB Contest                               ***
13/02-14/02      WW RTTY WPX Contest                                    ***
13/02-15/02      YL OM SSB Contest                                      ***
17/02-24/02      5Z: Lamu Island (AF-040) * by G3RTE,G3SWH,G3WGV,5Z4RL  401
20/02-21/02      ARRL International DX CW Contest                       ***
26/02-28/02      CQ WWDX 160 Meter SSB Contest                          ***
26/02-27/02      REF - French SSB Contest                               ***
27/02-28/02      RSGB 7 MHz CW Contest                                  ***
26/02-27/02      UBA - CW Contest                                       ***
26/02-27/02      Ukraine RTTY Championship                              ***
27/02-28/02      YL OM CW Contest                                       ***
28/02-08/03      FW5FN: Uvea (OC-054), Wallis & Futuna * by HB9HFN      401