DX425 bulletin issue nr. 399

S DX@WW $425WW399A
425 DX News #399 [1/5]
 26 December 1998                  No 399                   BID: $425WW399A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

                    *        TO ALL OUR READERS        *
                    * WARMEST THOUGHTS AND BEST WISHES *
                    *     FOR A WONDERFUL  HOLIDAY     *
                    *    AND A  VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR    *

3B9    - Frank Smith,  AH0W  says the  Midway  Kure DX  Foundation    (MKDXF)
         multi-national DXpedition to Rodriguez Island (AF-017) [425DXN  393]
         has been postponed to April. [TNX The Daily DX]
3D2    - Pekka, OH1RY and Jaakko, OH1MA will be active respectively as  3D2RY
         and 3D2MA from Fiji between 30 December and 6 January. [TNX ON5NT]
3DA    - V51VE (Rudi), ZS6AL  (Vidi), ZS6EZ  (Chris) and  YL operators  V51KV
         (Katrin) and ZS6ESU (Hester) will be active as 3DA6Z from  Swaziland
         between 26 December  and 3  January. Look  for them  on CW  (1827.5,
         3504, 7024, 10104,  18074, 24894,  50110 kHZ),  RTTY (14084,  21084,
         28084 kHz) and SSB (7044, 18144,  24944, 50110 kHz). [TNX The  Daily
5A     - Martino, IK3RIY and Veronica, IK3ZAW will  be active (mostly on  CW)
         from 5A1A  between 29  December and  4 January.  They expect  to  be
         issued a "guest callsign" with a 2 letter suffix. Veronica plans  to
         operate via RS-13 as well (mode K, uplink 21, downlink 29 MHz). [TNX
6Y     - Gerd, DL7VOG will be active (10-80 metres, CW and RTTY) from Jamaica
         (NA-097) between 27 December and 8 January. [TNX DX News Letter]
A4     - Tony, A45ZN has been active from  Oman for three  years and will  go
         QRT Oman on 8  January. QSL via  bureau to G4KLF  or direct to  Tony
         Selmes, C/O 16, St James Rd,  Bexhill on Sea, East Sussex TN40  2DF,
         England. [TNX The Daily DX]
C9     - Jon, 3DA0CA will  be vacationing in  Mozambique between 27  December
         and 8  January. He  plans to  be active  (on CW  with some  SSB)  as
         C91CO/P on 10-40 metres. Look for  him from around 18 UTC and  again
         between 02.30 UTC and 04.30 UTC.  QSL via via  W4DR. [TNX The  Daily
CO     - Mac, W3HC has  been informed that  all Radio Club  stations in  Cuba
         have changed their calls to a  CO9 prefix with three letters in  the
         suffix. The first letter of the suffix indicates the province  where
         the station is located. [TNX W3HC]
FO_mar - Pekka, OH1RY and Jaakko, OH1MA will be active respectively as FO0KOL
         and FO0SIL from  the Marquesas (OC-027)  between 7  and 13  January.
         [TNX ON5NT]
FT5X   - Helios, F6IHY is expected to be active again as FT5XN from Kerguelen
         starting in March. [TNX F5PXT]
FT5Y   - Philippe, FT5YG will be active from Adelie Land [425DXN 396] for one
         year starting in January. QSL via F5LBL (Gerard Karpe, 629 route  de
         Montpellier, 30800 Saint Gilles, France). [TNX F5LBL]
FT5Z   - Michael, FT5ZJ is stationed on Amsterdam  Island for a year. He  was
         just licensed three  weeks ago and  is not  expected to  be on  very
         much, certainly not for pileups. [TNX WA6KBL]
S DX@WW $425WW399B
425 DX News #399 [2/5]
 26 December 1998                  No 399                   BID: $425WW399B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

FT5Z   - A serious storm approaching Amsterdam Island forced Mehdi, F5PFP and
         Eric, F5SIH to go QRT  as FT5ZH earlier  than planned, around  18.10
         UTC on 21  December. They have  made a real  effort to  work on  160
         metres, but the noise  level there has  been over S-9  and as of  19
         December less  than  25  stations  had  been  logged  on  Top  Band.
         Propagation on 10 metres did not  co-operate at all, but at the  end
         of the day the DXpedition was beyond expectations, as they made more
         than 32,000 QSOs with just two  operators and no backup for  shifts.
         QSL via F6KDF. [TNX F5NOD and WA6KBL]
H40    - Bernhard, DL2GAC now plans to be active as H44MS from Pigeon  Island
         (OC-065), Temotu [425DXN 397] between 23 January and April. He  will
         be joined  by DK9FN  (CW operator)  until  early February.  QSL  via
         DL2GAC. [TNX DX News Letter]
HK     - Gerard, F2JD has had his licence renewed [425DXN 386] as  HK3/G0SHN.
         He will stay in Colombia for one  or two years. QSL via F6AJA.  [TNX
         F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
JA     - Masa, JE1DXC expects to be  active (mainly on  CW) as JE1DXC/6  from
         Tsushima Is (AS-036) sometime  between 24 and  30 December. QSL  via
         home call. [TNX DX News Sheet].
JD1_oga- Den, JI1FLB plans to be active as JI1FLB/JD1 from Ogasawara (AS-031)
         between 30 December and 2 January.  QSL via JI1FLB (Seiichi  Tanaka,
         2-12-20 Nishimizumoto  Katsushika-ku, Tokyo  125-0031, Japan).  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
KL     - AL7R (Brent), AL7O (Gary, QSL via AL7BL) and KL7XX (Bill) are active
         from Prudhoe Bay,  where it is  permanent darkness  in December  and
         January. They  are  QRV  for  Europe  around  1823  kHz  at  between
         05.00-07.30 UTC and 16.00-22.30 UTC. [TNX DX News Sheet]
PY     - Ben, PY1QN will be active (probably on CW only) as PT9/PY1QN between
         31 December and 7 January from  Bodoquena, Dourados and Amanmbai  in
         the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. QSL via PY1QN. [TNX PY1KS]
T3     - Karl, DL1VU is active as T30CT  from Tarawa, West Kiribati  (OC-017)
         [425DXN 398] until  27 December.  He will  then move  to Banaba  and
         operate as T33VU throughout  January. QSL via  DL2MDZ. [TNX DX  News
TU     - Aldo, I2AOX and  Marco, IK2CHZ will  be active from  TU5IJ's QTH  at
         Nassian, Ivory Coast between 12 and 25 January. They plan to operate
         on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres  SSB and CW, possibly on 160  metres
         and WARC bands as well. QSL direct to I2AOX. [TNX IK2CHZ]
VP2M   - DF2SS is  active  (CW,  SSB and  RTTY)  as  VP2MHJ  from  Montserrat
         (NA-103) until 8  January. He uses  a 100 watt  rig with  a 50  foot
         vertical for 10-160 metres. QSL  via DL2MDZ. The  web page for  this
         operation is at http://www.wimo.com/vp2m.htm [TNX DJ5AV and DX  News
VP9    - N1KS will be  active as N1KS/VP9  from Bermuda  (NA-005) between  27
         December and 1 January. QSL via JA1FUI. [TNX DX News Letter]
VU     - Bernhard, DL2GAC  will  be active  as  VU2BMS from  India  until  13
         January. QSL via bureau to DL2GAC. [TNX DX News Letter]
W      - Ed, W4YO, will operate as W4YO/p from Harbor Island, South  Carolina
         (NA-110) between 26 December and 3  January. Look for him on 10,  15
         and 20 metres.  QSL via W4YO  either direct or  through the  bureau.
         [TNX W4YO]
W      - Dick, K2ZR expects to be active again (mostly on CW) as K2ZR/4  from
         Key West, Florida Keys (NA-062) between 13 January and 15 April. QSL
         via home call. [TNX DX News Sheet]
YB     - Ronny, YC8TXW and Benny, YC8YZ  now will be  active as YC8TXW/P  and
         YC8YZ/P from Obi  Islands (OC-222) [425DXN  391] between  12 and  19
         January. QSL via home calls. [TNX K7SO and Islands On The Web]
YB     - Ronny, YC8TXW and Benny, YC8YZ are  also planning an operation  from
         Sula Islands  (OC-076),  probably in  March.  Plans for  the  future
         include the  activation of  two new  ones,  namely Mapia  (YB8)  and
         Lucipara (YB9) Islands. Meanwhile YC8VIP is reported to be trying to
         get a local amateur QRV from Banda Islands (YB8, OC-157). [TNX  K7SO
         and Islands On The Web]
ZL9    - The New Zealand Department of Conservation  has granted a permit  to
         the Kermadec DX Association ZL9CI team [425DXN 396] which  restricts
         the operators to "daytime" visits only, of around 18 hours. There is
         a provision in the permit that allows them to remain on Campbell  if
         the weather  is deemed  too rough  to return  to the  ship, but  the
         decision to go  or stay will  be made on  a daily basis  by the  DoC
         officer with the team. However the permit allows operation for about
         2 hours  after  sunset  and before  sunrise,  which  should  give  a
         potential of  70  hours  operation  on  the  low  bands  during  the
         DXpediton. On  a day  to day  basis, ZL9CI  will have  at least  six
         stations on the air between 16 UTC and 10.30 UTC. [TNX EI6FR]
ZS_ant - Bud, ZS1B is currently  active from Antarctica  using the call  sign
         ZS7B. In  a  recent QSO  with  Lanny, W5BOS  he  stated he  has  not
         processed any  QSL  cards for  his  September  ZD9  operations  from
         Tristan da Cunha (AF-029) and Gough  Island (AF-030) and DXers  will
         have to wait until he returns from this trip. [TNX W5BOS and Islands
         On The Web]
                          >>> DXCC MOST WANTED <<<

This year the 425  DX News annual  survey is open  to our readers  worldwide.
Visit our web site at  http://www.425dxn.org and mark  the DXCC Entities  you
have never worked!
S DX@WW $425WW399C
425 DX News #399 [3/5]
 26 December 1998                  No 399                   BID: $425WW399C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

DX STATION WANTED ---> Tony Naglieri, N1NJ offers his services as QSL manager
for a DX station. "I was the W1 assistant manager and like it very much",  he
says and invites those interested to get in touch with him at n1nj@samnet.net

PIRATE ---> Tony, G4UZN is receiving QSLs from USA and Canada for recent QSOs
with ZA1RSB. Please note this was a pirate. [TNX G4UZN]

QSL MANAGERS ---> Manfred Meier, DF6EX  reports he has just uploaded the  new
freeware version of Windows-QSL-Manager  (5000 QSL routes).  The file can  be
downloaded at http://www.qrz.com/df6ex/files/FREE.ZIP

QSL NA-150 &  NA-210 ---> QSL  manager N6AWD (Fred  K. Stenger, 6000  Hesketh
Dr., Bakersfield,  CA  93309-1429,  USA)  reports  that  all  QSL  cards  for
KL7/W6IXP (Little  Diomede  Island,  NA-150)  and  KL7/K6ST  (Sledge  Island,
NA-210) will be in the mail within  the next few days. Island chasers  should
note that N6AWD he has NO  logs and NO QSLs for  KL7/W6IXP from Kayak  Island
(NA-157) in July  1997. Cards for  this operations should  be sent direct  to
W6IXP. [TNX K6DT and Islands On The Web]

QSL XX9CH ---> Christian Hohenwallner, OE2CHN operated as XX9CH in *1989* and
those logs are still open. Apparently  this call has been reissued, as  Chris
is receiving a lot of cards  for recent contacts he is  NOT able to  confirm.

QSL *NOT* VIA WA4VEK ---> John,  WA4VEK is receiving cards for the  following
stations: 4L6YL, EX2FP, EX9DZ, RF6FP and UF6DZ. He is NOT and NEVER has  been
QSL manager for any of these stations. The only station he has ever been  QSL
manager for was YN9BCH for a short period back in 1978. 

QSL VIA N4XP --->  Please note that  requests for QSLs  from all Dateline  DX
Association operations (1998 KH9, 1997 ZK1XXP, 1996 AL7EL/KH9) should now  be
sent to  N4XP  either  direct  (Tom  Harrell,  2011  New  High  Shoals  Road,
Watkinsville, Georgia 30677, USA) or thriugh the bureau. The WA4YBV route  is
no longer being used, however all cards sent earlier are being forwarded. Any
inquiries are to be directed to n4xp@juno.com [TNX N4XP]
TOPLIST  --->  As from January 1999 the Toplist will change. The current
Toplist will become the TOPBAND  and will be based on the  number of 
confirmed DXCC Entities on each band.
             10    15    17    20    24    30     40    80    160
IZ1XXX      156   201   235   300   149    98    102    76     52
There will a be the TOPMODE, which will  be based on the number of  confirmed
DXCC Entities on each mode.
                CW      SSB      RTTY
IZ1XXX         278      311       102
The new TOPLIST will be based on the  sum of confirmed DXCC Entities on  each
band + the sum of confirmed DXCC Entities on each mode.
              TOPBAND    TOPMODE    TOTAL
IZ1XXX           1369        721     2090
You may choose to participate in the the list(s) you prefer. Please send your
scores, as well as any request for further information, to Erminio Pandocchi,
I2EOW at i2eow@bigfoot.com

S DX@WW $425WW399D
425 DX News #399 [4/5]
 26 December 1998                  No 399                   BID: $425WW399D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

XZ1N ---> The Central Arizona DX Association's DXpedition to Yangon,  Myanmar
endend after some 38,400 contacts in  just over three weeks of operating.  In
all fourteen operators (five YLs) showed up in Yangon and as with many  other
CADXA DXpeditions it was a mix of experienced operators as well as those  who
were on their very first trip. The  two real workhorse bands were 20  meteres
(4,300 CW and 5,800 SSB QSOs) and 10 metres (1,500 CW and 4,800 SSB QSOs). On
Top Band the log shows 92 contacts  with North America, 672 with Europe,  215
with Asia, 6  with Africa and  28 with Oceania.  QSL via  W1XT either  direct
(Robert M. Myers, 37875 N. 10th  Street, Phoenix, AZ  85027, USA) or  through
the bureau. The web site for  the DXpedition is at  http://ng7m.qrq.com/~xz1n

QSL received via direct:  1A0KM, 3DA5A, 4U1UN,  4U1VIC, 5R8GC, 5R8FU,  5W0BF,
5X1Z, 7X4LX,  8R1K, 9G5VJ,  9Q5MRC, A25/W0YG,  A35RK, A35SO,  A61AJ,  BY5QFB,
N2PQE/KH0, KH2D, KH4/W4ZYV, KL7AC, NO7F/KL7 (NA-059), N6VV/p (NA-184), P29CC,
P29BW, PJ5JR,  PJ8/W8EB,PS1A (SA-02),  PS2S (SA-024),  PU0F,   PZ5JR,  R1ANF,
VP2VF, VU2JPS, W4T (NA-079), W5BOS/7 (NA-211), YC8VIP, Z31FK, Z38/NO6X.

QSL received via WF5E DX QSL Service:   3W5RS, 4J80ADR,  9K2ZZ, 9V1ZB, 9V8WW,
EK6GC, GT6YB,  HF0POL, HZ1HZ,  LY98ZZ,  R1ANZ,  R9KM (AS-083),  RA0FF,  RL0P,
RW9QA, T95A, TL5A, UP0F, UP6F, VE8C (NA-173), XM3PBX, Z32XX.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***   
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

E30GA:       The web pages (http://qsl.net/eritrea and http://pagus.it/E31DX)
             have been  updated  with details  of  the  DXpedition  and  many
             pictures. Bruce,  WD4NGB  will add  a  section about  getting  a
             license in Eritrea. The  QSL cards are  about being printed  and
             requests should be sent  to INDEXA (c/o  K4JDJ, James L.  Young,
             556 Babbtown Road, Suffolk, VA 23434, USA) or via the bureau  to
             K4JDJ. [TNX WD4NGB]
LOGS:        Logs for the recent 8Q7DV Russian  DXpedition from the  Maldives
             are available at http://www.ampr.spb.ru/logs/8Q7DV/
LOGS:        Logs for Eugene, RA0FF  (who has been  active in major  contests
             since 1995;  QSL via  either N6FF  or  RA0FF) are  available  at
             http://www.qsl.net/ra0ff/ [TNX RA0FF]

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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S DX@WW $425WW399E
425 DX News #399 [5/5]
 26 December 1998                  No 399                   BID: $425WW399E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  01/01      3D2DK: Fiji (OC-016) * by DLs                          398
till  31/03      4N800, YT800, YU800, YZ800: special event stations     397
till  December   4S7BRG: Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by HB9BRM                 385
till  12/01      8Q7LE: Maldives (AS-013) * by G0ULN                    397
till  January    9G5MG: Ghana * by WK6O                                 397
till  16/01      9M6CT: East Malaaysia * by HS0/G4JMB                   396
till  01/02      A35VR: Lifuka (OC-169), Tonga * by 3D2VA               397
till  08/01      A45ZN: Oman                                            399
till  31/12      AT: special prefixes from India                        394
till  31/12      CG#, CF#, CJ#, CK#: special prefixes from Canada       395
till  31/12      EF1IAT: A Toxa Island (NO-REF)                         397
till  31/12      EU200A, EV200M & EW200M: special event stations        378
till  ??         EZ0AB: Turkmenistan                                    394
till  01/01      FG: Guadeloupe (NA-102) * by F5NZO and F5SSM           397
till  30/12      FM/W8MV: Martinique (NA-107)                           398
till  30/12      FO0EEN: Tubuai (OC-152), Austral Is * by LA1EE         398
till  Jan 99     FO5QE: Tahiti (OC-046) * by F5GSK                      369
till  27/12      GB100SFL: South Foreland Lighthouse * by Barry ARS     397
till  31/12      HS98AG: special event call                             389
till  30/12      JE1DXC/6: Tsushima Is (AS-036)                         399
till  07/01      JL1KFR/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)                  397
till  01/02      KC4AAD: Siple Dome Antarctic base                      397
till  late Feb   LZ0A: South Shetlands (AN-010) * by LZ2UU              397
till  02/01      NH4/NH6YK: Midway (OC-030)                             397
till  20/04      P49M: Aruba (SA-036) * by VE3MR                        397
till  28/12      PJ9/PA0VDV: Curacao (SA-006)                           395
till  28/12      PY0FT: Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) * by PY8IT         398
till  31/01      S21YP: Bangladesh * by G3REP                           398
till  15/01      SM1TDE/7S1BL: Gotland Island (EU-020)                  393
till  27/12      T30CT: West Kiribati * by DL1VU                        399
till  December   TL5A: Central African Republic * by PA3DZN             373
till  31/12      VA1S: special event station                            396
till  08/01      VP2MHJ: Montserrat (NA-103) * by DF2SS                 399
till  13/01      VU2BMS: India * by DL2GAC                              399
till  ??         WP2: US Virgin Islands (NA-106) * by WB9Z              398
till  Apr 99     ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT                388
till  ??         ZS7B: Antarctica * by ZS1B                             399
26/12-03/01      3DA6Z: Swaziland * by V51s and ZS6s                    399
26/12-02/01      VK9CL: Cocos-Keeling * by JM1LJS                       391
26/12-16/01      VP8CRB & VP8TTY: Falkland Is (SA-002) * by K4QD        397
26/12-06/01      XR3J: special event scout station (Chile)              397
26/12-03/01      W4YO/p: Harbor Island (NA-110)                         399
27/12-01/01      N1KS/VP9: Bermuda (NA-005)                             399
27/12-08/01      6Y: Jamaica (NA-097) * by DL7VOG                       399
27/12-08/01      C91CO/P: Mozambique * by 3DA0CA                        399
27/12            Canada Winter Contest                                  ***
29/12-04/01      5A: Libya * by IK3RIY and IK3ZAW                       399
30/12-02/01      JI1FLB/JD1: Ogasawara (AS-031)                         399
30/12-06/01      3D2RY and 3D2MA: Fiji * by OH1RY and OH1MA             399
31/12-07/01      PT9/PY1QN: Mato Grosso do Sul                          399
Dec-Jan          FT5WH: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5AGL                      398
Dec-Jan          FY/DJ0PJ: French Guiana                                395
December         ZK3: Tokelau (OC-048) * by ZL1AMO                      398
01/01            Happy New Year Contest                                 ***
01/01            SARTG New Year RTTY Contest                            ***
02/01-14/01      T2: Tuvalu (OC-015) * by DLs                           398
02/01-03/01      AGCW DL QRP Winter CW Contest                          ***
02/01-03/01      ARRL RTTY Roundup                                      ***
06/01-25/01      ZL9CI: Campbell Island (OC-037) * by KDXA              399
07/01-13/01      FO0KOL & FO0SIL: Marquesas (OC-027) * by OH1RY & OH1MA 399
08/01-10/01      Japan DX CW Low Bands (40, 80, 160) Contest            ***
09/01            YL OM midwinter CW Contest                             ***
10/01            YL OM midwinter SSB Contest                            ***
12/01-25/01      TU5IJ: Ivory Coast * by I2AOX and IK2CHZ               399
12/01-19/01      YC8TXW/p and YC8YZ/p: Obi Islands (OC-222)             399
13/01-15/04      K2ZR/4: Key West (NA-062)                              399
17/01            HA DX CW Contest                                       ***
23/01-Apr        H44MS: Pigeon Island (OC-065), Temotu * by DL2GAC      399
28/01-03/02      C5: The Gambia * by G0OIL                              397
29/01-31/01      CQ WWDX 160 Meter CW Contest                           ***
29/01-31/01      REF - French CW Contest                                ***
29/01-31/01      UBA Contest - SSB                                      ***
January          T33VU: Banaba * by DL1VU                               399
from January     FT5YG: Adelie Land, Antarctica                         399
from January     FT5ZJ: Amsterdam Island                                399